Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Year's Day 2014

The new year ... what can I say? Well, we're done with the hottie pictures. Too many hotties, too little time. Of course, extremely hot hotties may require an exception. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Just kidding!

Long story short, the time has finally arrived. The "blog" will no longer be updated daily. I have commented on pretty much everything. And, I reverted to the old standby tactic of describing the painfully rote itinerary. Obviously, I am relying upon redundant filler material too much. Most readers have already "left the building" anyway. Only a handful of readers remain, no doubt waiting for this very announcement.

A new "blog" is in order. Tentatively, there will be sporadic updates. No change in itinerary is anticipated, so inclusion of the latter is unlikely. The eventual mummification of the "blog" will be preceded by a notification and followed with a summation. In with the new, out with the old.

Typical New Year's Hottie

With that said, I have created the new "blog." Click on the link below to access it:

Silence, Little Lambs!

The new "blog" will have moderated commenting. Posted comments, however, may not appear for weeks. Ridiculous comments will never appear. Visitor tracking may or may not be included. In any case, the new "blog" is necessary for proper format transitioning, it you know what I mean. So, we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of ...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve 2013

The year 2013? It was shitty, to put it mildly. What more can be said? The rich are getting richer, the poor ... well, the poor are all broke and homeless. And, the situation is getting worse. Fortunately, everyone except the ol' lavahead has a "smartphone" to keep themselves placated (read: lobotomized) during the ordeal.

I haven't commented much about the general malaise. There's just too much to consider. Just know that misery has mostly been a human construct, the result of so many failed paradigms. Of course, one failed paradigm stands out ... "civilization." The human experiment to self-domesticate, to suppress the "inner animal," to force dominion upon the whole planet, and to build a foundation based on immortality ... fail!

Typical New Year's Eve Hottie

No evening outing in Kahala last night. I just wasn't in the mood. With that said, I nixed my last opportunity to loiter at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall). As for the allergy medicine, the results were mixed. The real test will be at midnight when the soot from all of the fireworks pollutes the air.

Usual Sunday itinerary on Tuesday. Same ol' shit. I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 3pm. My evening outing will go no further than Aina Haina. I will procure dinner for tonight and tomorrow evening. Then, I'll be sequestered in my squalid room. Sequestered ... that's pretty much the entire year in a nutshell.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Phenylephrine Farce

My evening outing in Kahala last night ... one hour including transit time on the bus. I ate dinner at the sandwich shop. Then, I purchased a box of nasal decongestant pills at the drug store in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall). Yeah, the cold and flu elixir was ineffective.

The bookstore is its final days. I only stopped in to use the restroom facilities. I espied the overweight homeless guy loitering in his usual spot. The café is only offering a limited menu of treats. Very dismal.

Later in the evening, I discovered that the nasal decongestant pills were also ineffective. The problem is the alleged active ingredient, Phenylephrine HCL, which is basically an expensive and useless placebo. There is no way to obtain Pseudoephedrine-based decongestants "over the counter" (OTC) in Hawai'i. Why? The proliferation of "Ice" manufacturing labs in the islands. Pseudoephedrine is a primary ingredient.

I was still wide awake at 3am this morning with extreme nasal congestion. Absolutely no air could pass through my nostrils. The placebo, Phenylephrine HCL, is not harmless after all. It causes even more mucous congestion, which further inflames and narrows the nasal passages. In other words, a runny nose becomes even runnier. Bogus!

Typical Wellness Hottie

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms experienced difficulty swallowing since Wednesday. Moms' regular physician was on vacation. So, we made a quick jaunt to the Minute Clinic® at Long®. Along the way, moms mentioned a few other symptoms. I told moms that she was probably experiencing an allergic reaction to something. Turns out, the nurse practitioner made the same diagnosis. We were able to procure an OTC allergy remedy. I, too, purchased an OTC generic allergy medication to use as a substitute for the bogus nasal decongestant. Otherwise, nothing to report.

On a side note, I had to reinstall the third-party file manager on the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I have discovered that, depending on what I am doing, the Android® operating system and its "apps" will create assorted files and folders. After a while, that garbage adds up. Sheesh!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Post No. 2,800

Last night, my evening outing to Kahala amounted to one hour including travel time by bus. The whole purpose of the jaunt was to procure dinner at the Subway® sandwich shop on Kilau'ea Avenue. Toshi, the franchise owner, and his staff always treat me very well. If you are in that neighborhood, stop by for a great sandwich.

The den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) was extremely crowded, as if the clock had been turned back before Saturnalia. "Satanic gargoyles" were in a shopping frenzy. I stopped off at the bookstore only to use the restroom facilities before departing. The store looks empty and dismal, although there were quite a few "satanic gargoyles" lurking about.

Typical Uncommon Hottie

Typical Sunday itinerary. The common cold is still hanging on and causing me much grief. At the gym, I was able to enjoy an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer. Baby was looking mighty fine. What a way to end the year! Unfortunately, baby has not come around. Will baby ever come around? No.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I'll Be Illin' Again

Illin' again! The common cold hit me pretty hard, thanks to the sleepless night afforded me by the gooks at the Chinaman house next door to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I was fortunate to have an emergency supply of cold and flu elixir.

And, I really didn't miss the canceled jaunt to Kahala last night. I would have had to deal with myriad Post-Saturnalia shoppers, an unimpressive group of dolts. Unfortunately, all I had to entertain myself was the Net on the tablet computer. Sad, but true.

There's not much else that I can do with the tablet computer anymore. There are no third-party "apps." Essentially, it's much like one of those limited Chromebook® computers. And, really, that's where we're all heading ... an extremely passive computer experience.

Typical Active Hottie

I have essentially been following the Sunday itinerary every day that I am in town. So, I return to Slob Manor much earlier than usual. The latest bout of the common cold provided me with a good reason, too. I have had to shorten my workouts at the gym as well. I'll spend the rest of the day in passive computer mode. Sheesh!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Surreptitious Surveillance

I have reason to believe that the "blog" is being monitored by Google®. I know, that's laughable considering that there only three readers remaining. However, I have observed that two particular entities, one in Mountain View in Cali (home of Google®) and another somewhere in Texas (possibly Austin) instantaneously view the "blog" right after posting. Will I be losing my Google® account? Will I no longer be able to use the Nexus 7 tablet computer (account required)? If so, then I'm migrating over to the fruit-based tablet computer.

I was too fatigued to appreciate the evening outing last night, so I returned early to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Not much to do except piddle around on the Net and wait for the gooks at the Chinaman house next door to act up. Feeling that a bout of the common cold may be coming on, I dropped back a dosage of the cold and flu elixir.

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. I was still illin' from the common cold. The evening outing for tonight has been canceled. I need to recuperate.

Typical Surreptitious Hottie

Well, I decided to uninstall the third-party file manager from the tablet computer. It's now very similar to the fruit-based tablet computer. Without access to the file system, I will be less likely to indulge in foolish time-wasting activities (e.g., downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips) on the Net. Sheesh!

Incidentally, I finally figured out why the "chef" chose message therapy as a new career. Have you noticed the proliferation of hurdy-gurdy video clips featuring a massage scenario? Yeah, the "chef" has probably self-massaged to several of them. And, he probably figures that, as a masseuse, he'll get "lucky" more often than not. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Prisoner's Dilemma

A prisoner often has only a small, albeit barred, window to view the outside world. Or, the prisoner may stand outside near an electrified fence and observe the outside world on the other side. Both the latter and former are simply portals. The prisoner must still rely on imagination to taste freedom.

Yesterday, I referenced the prison created by the "ownership society." We are all incarcerated to some degree. That explains the obsessive reliance on technology (e.g., computers, "smartphones," tube) to provide portals to an imagined freedom. The actual world around us is a structural prison. Hence, we can no longer escape. There is no real freedom. We can only escape through the virtual venues of entertainment to achieve a virtual freedom. The irony, of course, is that there is always a price of admission for those particular venues.

The Net has also been a major purveyor of virtual freedom. Little wonder why the "smartphone" has become a literal umbilical cord. We're talking about a perpetual connection to the Net. Hour after hour, day and night. I've been caught up in its web, too. Now, I have been gradually weaning myself off of the Net.

Honestly, though, what will I do when I approach complete separation from the Net? What alternatives are there? I have already mummified all other forms of virtual freedom. There will be nothing left but to stare at the blank walls of my prison cell, my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), or elsewhere.

Typical Dangerous Hottie

No evening outing last night. I was too fatigued because of the earlier laborious loitering at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Instead, I was continuously on the Net from 2:30pm on deep into the night.

I really did not have much choice. The gooks at the Chinaman house next door were having a party in their parking area about a stone's throw from the window of my squalid room. The party was already in session when I returned in the afternoon. Shitty rap music was blaring from a cheap stereo in one of the vehicles. Other vehicles were constantly coming and going. All the while, the drunkard gooks were screaming and hollering at the top of their lungs. I attempted to go to sleep at 10:30pm, but the party shifted into overdrive right at that moment. The music and screaming grew even louder ... 11:30pm ... midnight ... 12:30am ... 1am ... 1:30am ... 2am ... 2:30am ... over twelve fucking hours and still going ... 3am in the fucking morning, finally the dickheads put an end to their stupidity.

Well, at least I made some progress at diminishing my minimal Net presence even more. I deleted my Google+ account and profile. Extreme elation overcame me during the process. I spent the rest of the time on another project to be unveiled later.

A fatiguing day at best. I returned to Slob Manor at 2:30pm, much earlier than usual. I was hoping to take a short nap, but the sun was shining directly in my squalid room unto my squalid bed. Can you believe it? There's really just no end to the stupidity that I must endure.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Saturnalia 2013

Last night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan commenced barbequing in the kitchen at 9pm. That's right, he has purchased some kind of contraption that smokes food in a conventional oven. Unfortunately, all the smoke generated by the "Rube Goldberg" appliance ended up wafting into my squalid room. Everything, my clothes, the bedding, and myself ended up reeking of the stale smokey stench. The "chef" is visiting his parents on another island for a week. So, Alan believes that he is free to do as he pleases. Stupidity at the dump is never-ending.

I spent six hours loitering at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. We already know the drill. The routine has been the same for the past few years. As usual, more and more people keep coming by the minute. So, by 10am, the stupidity was at a fever pitch. Nothing ever changes.

Only two stores and the coffee shop were open in the mall. The theaters opened at 11am. The "ownership society" has created an immense prison wherein few places are not "private property." Thus, the rank-and-file peons are restricted to a handful of venues. Sad, really.

Typical Saturnalia Hottie

Saturnalia is about as good a time as any to express my deep disappointment with humanity. Here we are in the 21st century and we're locked into ignorance and stupidity. The fact the centuries are referenced to the birth of Jesus is a case in point. Nearly all of our woes have been brought upon ourselves. Frankly, the majority of the problems are centered on the conflict of the "inner animal." Let's call it denial of animal (or our true animal selves).

Sublimating the "inner animal," domination of self through self-domestication, or instituting a failed "civilization" paradigm only causes the root problems to fester until they manifest themselves in unpredictable and destructive ways. The "inner animal" can only be controlled by force and through coercion of freedom. All animals desire to be free. Take away their freedom and the trouble starts.

We could have been the greatest of animals, but we're the laughingstock of the animal world. Each day, we bring ourselves closer to self-destruction over the most trivial matters. Yet, in five billion years, the planet will be engulfed by the sun as it expands into a red star. Stupidity really knows no bounds. And, we humans are collectively the pinnacle of stupidity. Happy Saturnalia!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Eve of Saturnalia 2013

My evening outing last night was brief. I really did not want to go, but sitting on my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was totally unacceptable. Sure enough, the smug Saturnalia shoppers did not disappoint. Rude, obnoxious, stupid, and clearly intoxicated with spending money. Of course, I should be more tolerant. After all, we are dealing with animals, smelly ol' chimps to be precise. I only expect more from the chimpo sapiens because they believe themselves to be above the animals. Expectations are rarely met.

Eve of Saturnalia. I avoided the foolishness, naturally. The Sunday itinerary on Tuesday. So, I was back at Slob Manor by 3pm. Oh, I neglected to mention the elation that I felt when I divested my small tool set yesterday. Most people are excited with new material acquisitions. I, on the other hand, feel ecstatic when I get rid of useless crap.

Typical Eve of Saturnalia Hottie

The Eve of Saturnalia evening outing? Uneventful. First stop, the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. All of the stores, except the coffee shop, had just closed. Yet, the place was packed with what I used to describe as "satanic gargoyles." I was there for about ten minutes.

My adventure then took me to the Aina Haina Shopping Center next. I ate a quick snack at the fast food joint which, by the way, offered better quality "value menu" items than its counterpart in Kahala. Then, I purchased a few discounted plate lunches at the supermarket. The adventure was way too much more me. When, I returned to Slob Manor, I was done for the evening.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Escape from Google®

Last night, I enjoyed an uneventful evening outing in Kahala. Aside from eating dinner at the fast food joint staffed by myriad Micronesians, I loitered at various locations in an attempt to achieve clarity. A pathetic charade at best.

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. I divested my small tool set and toolbox. My bro has inherited them, although he doesn't know it yet. I just placed the toolbox with all of his other tools. Moms and I had to maneuver around rabid Saturnalia shoppers all morning. Otherwise, nothing to report.

Typical Tempting Hottie

I mentioned yesterday that the new Nexus 7 tablet computer will soon be replaced by a fruit-based tablet computer, reason being that the former is a cheap plastic device. Without adequate protection, which I am not providing, it will most likely be damaged beyond repair fairly soon. I have also referred to the new Nexus 7 as a "transitional" device. Yes, the platform is quite open, and I have ample storage. So, will I give in to temptation and go back to old ways (e.g., hurdy-gurdy video downloading and so forth)? Or, will I realize that time has run out?

There are also other considerations. I am preparing to migrate the two important documents off of the Google® "cloud." Heck, I am actually ready to leave the Google® ecosystem entirely. And, I am currently contemplating the fate of the "blog." Actually, the "blog" is not of much concern. The readership has steadily declined just as I had expected. Are we in the final stage of the exodus?