Monday, September 30, 2013

Junk Food Remedy

Yesterday, I engorged myself with junk food from both the fast food joint in town and in Kahala. After an extended perusal of the buxom hottie gym trainer at the gym, I was besieged by intrusive thoughts of doin' da wild thing with baby. How else to purge such ridiculous thoughts than greasy fast food?

Typical Able-Bodied Hottie

My homeless buddy has informed me that the Next Step homeless shelter has a significant number of vacancies. Apparently, there were numerous evictions. So, where are they now? Out on the streets, of course. Lots of homeless everywhere. Even Pete, the pipe-smoking homeless guy, is back. He's camping out somewhere in Aina Haina. My homeless buddy also mentioned that he had observed two undercover police patrolling the public library on Saturday. The entire library is a homeless depot during the daylight hours with illicit drugs, booze, and petty crime now commonplace.

My homeless buddy also boasted about the amount of money that he has been stashing in his safe deposit box. He only keeps about $200 in his checking account, which assures that his disability entitlement checks keep coming as well as subsidized food vouchers.

I've already discussed the disability hoax. Statistically, the number of citizens of empire on disability compensation has more than doubled since 1990 (currently over six percent of the population). The States are quietly moving people off of welfare (six-year limit) and unto the Federal disability rolls. Disability entitlements are for the life of the recipient (read: paid retirement) and average about $1,000 per month. And, it's very easy to find a quack ... err, I mean doctor ... who will submit bogus paperwork. And, of course, a large number of the homeless draw monthly disability checks as well as subsidized food vouchers.

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms suffered from another bout of the "dizzy head" yesterday. Moms spent most of the day in bed. Moms seemed fine today. Otherwise, nothing to report.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Death is all that's left for me. I know that sounds morbid, but it's true. Sometimes, in my less lucid moments, I imagine that I can recover from my losses, return to wage slavery as a willing sycophant, embrace the "ownership society," find a babe, and so forth. That's called denial, or what Ernest Becker labels the "vital lie." Fortunately, my subconscious has been operating on "automatic pilot" for the past six years in facilitating my exit from society. I am way past the point of no return.

Typical Communicative Hottie

As I mentioned previously, my only form of communication is the "blog." I can no longer carry even a brief conversation. Thus, I have long ago alienated myself from friends and family, leaving me with arbitrary acquaintances. Yes, even when I visit with my immediate family, including moms, I don't converse. My discussions, if any, are extremely terse. I don't share personal information with anyone either. Even readers of the "blog", whomever are left, know more about my life than the people around me. Heck, none of my acquaintances even know my name.

Devoid of any communication and interpersonal skills, I could never return to the "mainstream." Sounds odd, considering that I was once a pseudo-professor. I can easily speak (i.e., lecture) to large groups of people at length. So, fear is not the issue. My subconscious is no longer willing to allow me to interact with others except in the capacity of a passive bystander.

The only person that actually cares whether I am alive is moms. My bro could care less. And, that's the way it should be. The less sentimental connections, the better. The same applies to all connections, be it family, friends, material possessions, property, relationships. The more value we place on external entities, the more likely we must rely upon the "vital lie" to function. And, the harder it is to face the reality of death.

What then is important? How can we live in the moment and experience joy without the externalities? Well, we must become "comfortable in our own skin." We don't need to share our lives with anyone else. Our consciousness is our own unique experience. No one will understand anyone else's consciousness, which tends to override the presiding "theory of mind." And, to be honest, no one else really cares, no matter how convincing the feign of authenticity is. Let's face it, we only care about ourselves. Our interactions with others are only thinly-veiled co-dependencies.

My subconscious is also working toward its own goals in other ways. The near-psychotic divestiture of my material possessions is being accomplished by "automatic pilot" as well. My conscious self is weak and inundated with weak desires (read: fake needs). If my subconscious did not keep me in check, I'd be all over the place. My suspicion is that my subconscious will lead me to homelessness, but not out of reckless vanity. It knows what's best. If pushing my wretched self back down to the survival level is necessary for me to flourish, then that's what must be done. After all, what other purpose do I have?

Although, collectively, our purpose as humans is to survive and propagate our genes through reproduction, we can seek out personalized forms of purpose that could yield a sense of temporal meaning. There's nothing wrong with that as long as we realize its transient nature (i.e., nullification by death).

As for me ... well, my only purpose, other than survival, is to maximize my leisure time and minimize contact with other humans. I don't want to develop any hobbies or interests. I want to avoid any religious, political, or civic affiliations. I seek to own next to nothing. I don't want to join any communities. My sole activity is working out at the gym. Otherwise, I will spend my spare time curating the transient hurdy-gurdy video collection on the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Sheesh!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is That All There Is?

I've been reading the book, "The Happy Atheist," by PZ Myers at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala during my evening outing. Yes, I'm going against my own rules about reading books that I haven't purchased. The book is easy reading, but it does deliver a metaphorical punch in the face when necessary.

Typical Happy Hottie

Earlier, I espied Reggie, homeless derelict and master mentor, at the fast food joint in Kahala. He actually purchased a large quantity of food (term used loosely) for once. I sat in the dining area for the longest time, all the while sipping on a $2 smoothie (which was surprisingly delicious).

I observe and interact with people like Reggie on a daily basis. They are losers, for lack of a better descriptor. What will they be doing five or ten years from now? More of the same, I suppose. Their entire lives are probably lost causes. Do they ask themselves, "Is that all there is?"

I am asking myself the same question, although I already know the answer. I've been discussing the topic in the "blog" in an obtuse fashion for the longest time. And, being a member of the Church of Quantum Physics should also provide a clue.

So, is that all there is to life? Unfortunately, death is the great equalizer. Our sole purpose in the meantime is to survive. Replication is a possibility, too, but not for everyone. Living in the moment is about all that we can do. Forget about religion and spirituality, disregard the failed "civilization" paradigm, transcend the traps that afflict most of humanity. Live free! And, might I suggest the reading of Myers' book for more insights.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Post No. 2,707

Why do chimpo sapiens act so stupid? Is it because they truly are stupid? Makes one want to believe in evolution, what with the "missing link" and all. Oh yeah, evolution is pretty much a fact of nature already.

Typical "Fact of Nature" Hottie

Yesterday, I neglected to mention that lots of guys have been able to effectively circumvent the need for babes by using hurdy-gurdy videos as a proxy. All the (virtual) action without all the melodrama. As for the ol' lavahead, he can probably get by with his modest hurdy-gurdy video collection until his testosterone is depleted and the Vienna Sausage ceases to function (probably in another year or so).

I'm still divesting useless junk. I found a new bath towel. Well, I purchased it years ago, but I haven't used it. Out it goes! My sole small luggage is nearly empty now. Soon, I won't need it either. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

On Strike

At the public library, I perused the book, "Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters," by Helen Smith. Interesting book, which also reminded me that many guys have often advised me to avoid "American," "Americanized," and "Westernized" babes. Not that it matters. I possess inferior genes anyway. I am "on strike" by default.

Typical Strike-Breaking Hottie

Incidentally, an informal (i.e., unscientific) survey has found that 20 percent of all guys circulate among 75 percent of all available babes. The remaining 80 percent of guys (i.e., non-alpha, low testosterone, inferior genes) must compete for about 25 percent of all available babes. Human mating habit are surprisingly parallel to that of many other animals. We only gloss over the facts with "Great Chain of Being" mumbo-jumbo.

Well, I don't really need to be too concerned about babes. I am a senior citizen now. My testosterone is depleting rapidly, and my genes are inferior. I should only be concerned with how I can gracefully decline into decrepitude. Rather than checking out babes, I should be astutely observing my fellow decrepit senior citizens (read: "old farts") and specifically note what I can do to avoid ending up like them. Sheesh!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


From all indications, the "chef" of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame has reconciled with his "squeeze." His babe probably came to her senses and realized that the "chef" is a "good catch." Let's just hope that the romance escalates quickly and that the culinary fool moves out of the dump very soon to be with his beloved.

Of course, the "chef" had to make it known to everyone that he arrived back at the dump at 6am this morning after spending the night with his "squeeze." He was piddling around in the kitchen for the longest time. Then, for some odd reason, he had to arm his vehicle alarm multiple times, which was signaled each time by the vehicle's horn. Guys with high testosterone and superior genes enjoy advertising that they got "laid." A truly sophomoric stunt.

Incidentally, I neglected to mention that my homeless buddy had told me that there's a lot of "hook up" activity within the homeless ranks. No surprise there. When there's an entire pool of inferior genes, the opportunities for a "hook up" increases. Like attracts like. Under those conditions, even the ol' lavahead probably could get "lucky," if you know what I mean. Sheesh!

Alina Li

Another unexciting day ... teeth cleaning and restoration of the extreme monk haircut were the only two deviations from the mundane. Aside from that, I only spend my time curating the extremely small hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) that resides on the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Say, there's another new hurdy-gurdy hottie, Alina Li, making her debut as we speak. Hubba hubba!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Great Chain of Being

Last night, I spent a lot of time loitering in the main part of the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I was observing the myriad chimpo sapiens. There's an enormous cognitive dissonance in accepting the ancestral connection between the chimpo sapiens and actual chimpanzees. The recognition of the latter connection destroys the "Great Chain of Being," the human-centric state of nature. Heck, the whole of the failed "civilization" paradigm was based on that faulty notion.

Some people claim to understand and accept our chimp origins, but they just don't "get it." To accept a chimp origin is to accept a finite mortality. Chimpanzees are not offered an afterlife or a resurrection. After all, they are just smelly ol' chimps. Sadly, we are smelly ol' chimps, too.

Typical Voluptuous Hottie

Of course, all of the young hotties cruising around the mall may deceive the mind into believing in the "Great Chain of Being." After all, how can such voluptuous hotties be equated to a smelly ol' chimp? There's not even a remote resemblance, or so we think.

In coming around to understanding and accepting that I am merely another animal, I had to strip myself of any kind of "dominion" thinking and delusional beliefs that even hint at human superiority. Obviously, lots of disillusionment is expected.

By the way, I happened to see the same type of baggy jeans (as was divested) stocked at the Macy's® store. The $58 jeans are labeled as "relaxed fit" and occupied quite a few shelves. Apparently, the jeans are not outdated as previously thought. Oh well.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Purgatory of Mediocrity

Last night, I dropped off the one pair of outdated baggy jeans at the charity kiosk at the beginning of my evening outing. No loss. Those were my funeral pants. Yeah, I only wore the jeans when attending the funerals of several aunts and uncles. Thus, there's absolutely no sentimental value. Perhaps I should have kept the baggy jeans. I could have adorned myself with the outdated garb at my own funeral. Sheesh!

Typical Scantily-Clad Hottie

As you may have noticed, the only worthwhile content in the "blog" lately is ... pictures of scantily-clad young hotties! What's the point of featuring young hotties? Who knows? Who cares? Seriously, the featured young hotties are totally unavailable to guys with inferior genes like the ol' lavahead.

There aren't too many topics left to discuss. I've covered nearly everything. I have also provided a reading list of books of enlightenment. We're all "in the same boat." We need to make life decisions that are worthwhile and not based on foolish beliefs, myths, or legends. Thus, freedom is of vital importance. Freedom from stupidity and ignorance, that is.

My only concern now is whether to go homeless or not. Should I take the final step out of the "system"? Should I become a true pariah? Or, will I live out my years in the purgatory of mediocrity? Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

High Definition

Last night during my evening outing, I espied an old guy sitting on one of the wooden benches in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. He looked tired, dejected, and out of place. I sat on an adjacent bench to observe, just like a good protégé. A few minutes later, he received a phone call on his cell phone. He was up and running. Then, I realized that I was the only true loser in the entire mall. Sheesh!

My homeless buddy has been chatting with me whenever I am in town, usually during the daily morning coffee session. Mostly, he does all the talking. At this point, I really don't mind. The subject matter is either homeless stories or something related to computers and technology. The homeless stories, though, have provided me with a lot of information about how to "game the system." Whether I will actually apply that knowledge remains to be seen.

Typical HD Hottie

Well, in case anyone wants to view hurdy-gurdy video clips without downloading the files, there is a good option. Check out the Spankbang site. Unlike other streaming "tube" sites, the aforementioned site features unedited (i.e., full) clips in HD (high definition). The selection is modest, but it will keep most guys (with inferior genes) occupied for a long time. Who needs babes?

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Last night, I spent the longest time sitting around in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I was observing my fellow chimpo sapiens. I noticed that there were a lot of goofball guys with gorgeous babes. I also espied a lot of old guys wearing out-of-style baggy jeans.

Hey, wait a minute! I have a pair of out-of-style baggy jeans. Time for another donation to charity! Although, there were a couple of goofballs (with hotties) who wearing out-of-style baggy jeans. Oh well. I rewarded my efforts with a delicious smoothie in the café at the the bookstore.

A while back, I used to read Kevin Barbieux's "blog," which is simply called, The Homeless Guy, and was originally set in Tennessee. I may have referred to it a couple of times. Long story short, he changed the hosting service of his "blog" twice. Then, he actually found subsidized housing. I honestly lost interest after that. Recently, he was evicted from his apartment. Homeless again, he made the trek to San Diego in Cali.

The transition back to homelessness seems to have changed his outlook for the better. His writing reflects a new adventure, a journey of discovery. Homelessness has pushed him down Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to the survival zone. It has given him purpose and, perhaps, meaning. I'm not being facetious or condescending. He seems more alive than when he was living in the subsidized shoebox-sized apartment.

Typical Priceless Hottie

Well, I have to now admit that the Nexus 7 tablet computer is the only material possession that is worth anything to me. No, not because of the "blog." Yeah, you guessed correct ... the priceless hurdy-gurdy video clips collection. Sheesh!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Healthy, Very Healthy

The Hawai'i Heath Connector has been established to administrate ObamaScare in the islands. Accordingly, a preview of the heath insurance premiums, tax credits, and subsidies appears to be well beyond the means of the majority of rank-and-file peons. The highest premiums, of course, are bestowed upon the senior citizens. What a crock of shit!

Typical Healthy Hottie

My plan is to avoid enrolling in the substandard program. I have no income, so I will not incur the tax penalty. Since the zero interest rate policy of the Fed is likely to go on forever, I will never have any income. So, beyond this tax year, I will not have to file a tax return. The sale of the "condotel" unit is the only reason that I must file a tax return for this year. As far my health is concerned, I am better off visiting the health clinic and paying for each visit. More details later.

By the way, did you notice how healthy baby (above) is? Very healthy. Very nice. Just the way the ol' lavahead likes 'em. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Another day, another dollar ... short. Ben "Hand job" Bernanke of the Fed announced yesterday that there will be no end to either its zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) or QE (i.e., "quantitative easing"). No surprise here. I predicted months ago that the Fed is past the point of no return. There's no turning back until the fundamentals finally overrides the foolishness. Expect more ridiculous "austerity" pogroms in the interim. Then, when ObamaScare kicks in ... game over!

Typical Austerity Hottie

At Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the slumlord ... errr, landlord ... has moved new tenants into the two-bedroom unit in the rear of the house. Aside from more noise, there will be a parking problem if the new tenants own more than one vehicle. The Next Step homeless shelter is beginning look much more attractive as a housing option, eh?

Well, maybe not. My homeless buddy mentioned that the cubicles in the shelter are barely large enough to fit him. Some of the obese residents are sleeping in the walkways between the cubicles because they are just too huge. Residents are only allowed two small plastic storage boxes for all of their worldly possessions. That's fine, since theft is totally out of hand. So, a rented storage unit is a necessity. And, there's the matter of ethnic strife. The shelter population has divided itself up into enclaves of haole, Micronesian, and locals. Same ol' stupid "race" shit.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

All Natural

Yesterday, I neglected to mention that I chatted with my homeless buddy during my morning coffee session at the fast food joint in town. For some reason, he brought up the subject of purchasing a spouse from abroad. He said that he knew of several guys who purchased young wives from Mexico, Vietnam, and Thailand. Can we also mention the Philippines, India, and Russia, too? Yes, for as low as $500 or so! Why, that's probably cheaper than an evening with an "escort."

My homeless buddy is still willing to acquire the homeless certification for me through credible sources. Good to know. He also made his first anniversary in the Next Step shelter yesterday. He then gave me the sordid rundown of the nonsense that transpires in there daily. Basically, animals in a zoo.

Typical All Natural Hottie

Back on the topic of babes ... well, they are not exactly wild about da wild thing. A good percentage of babes do not experience orgasmic pleasure, so they "fake it" for the benefit of the guy and his Vienna Sausage. And, there is only a small minority of babes who really crave da wild thing. One theory is that the high libido babes possess a higher than normal level of testosterone, but obviously not the equivalent of their male counterparts.

During my daily observations, I have noticed that babes rarely check out guys, especially those of which they do not know personally. Contrast that to guys, who are constantly checking out any and all babes. The finding is consistent with the fact that babes choose guys who have "assets," as one of the guys at the gym once told me. He was not referring to a big "dick."

Hence, the selection process, which is entirely in the hands of the babes, is fraught with game-playing mixed with their wily ways. That only leaves the local "escort" service, especially for guys with inferior genes. The big question: are there any all natural babes available?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Modern Chimpanzee

Last night, when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) after my evening outing, I observed the arrogant fool, the "chef" , preparing his dinner. All kinds of noise ensued. If anyone else was making that kind of noise at 10pm, the fucktard would have immediately call the landlord to report the incident.

I have also observed that neither the "chef" or Alan seem to enjoy their meals. They look much like the zombies that I have seen at all of the fast food joints. As for me, I have made it a point to enjoy my meals even though I dine alone. I don't guzzle the food as fast as possible. Nor do I stare out into space as though I am in a coma while chewing with my mouth open. That's why I choose to eat in the public dining space of the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala.

By the way, I overheard the "chef" telling Tom, who was inebriated on cheap booze, that he's looking for a new job. I surmise that the clown was terminated from the posh private school in Kapolei. He probably incorporated some of his favorite "conspiracy" theories into the curriculum again. He was able to slide into that teaching position with the help of one of his former Diploma Mill professors. He has "burned his bridges." So, he's now trying to secure a tenured position in the public school system without "paying his dues" (i.e., starting off at one of the more troubled campuses). Arrogance is usually rewarded with failure. That's why he's eating alone in the filthy Slob Manor dining area instead of with his (former) "squeeze."

Typical Companionship Hotties

In a moment of clarity, while sitting in the den of consumerism last night, I realized that the only way that I will be able to enjoy da wild thing ever again is if I were pay for an "escort." I am an impoverished old codger, so there's no way that I could attract any babes on my own. Pay for da wild thing, though ... how depressing! Sadly, I am better off with my right hand and the transient hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Sheesh!

Well, reading is an activity that I have enjoyed immensely over the past five years. I was rewarded with a great deal of knowledge. Delving into the subject areas of quantum physics and human genetics, however, has caused me quite a bit of distress and, ultimately, disillusionment. Of course, realizing the truth that I am just a modern chimpanzee has shattered my concept of "self." At this point in time, I am not too certain about the direction of my future reading. I don't really know if I want to learn any more startling truths. There's quite a bit of truth in the old adage that ignorance is bliss.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Post No. 2,696

The Nexus 7 tablet computer still fills all of my computing needs, not that there are many needs to begin with. E-mail is a joke. I receive 150 junk e-mail daily on average with maybe one legitimate e-mail per month. I have no use for social networking or video calling. And, I rarely need to access any on-line accounts. So, the main purpose of the Nexus 7 is to serve as a repository for the transient hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Well, there's also the "blog."

Typical Nexus Hotties

I no longer receive much in the way of regular mail either. All on-line accounts are using electronic documents and billing. So, my rented mailbox only serves as a physical address for mail that is no longer sent to me. Unfortunately, I must keep the rented mailbox. It shields my true resident address at the dump known a as Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

Obviously, there isn't much to report other than the usual Hawai'i Kai visit. If I bore readers of the "blog" with nonsense, then the readership will dwindle to nothing. I could, at that point, exercise one of several contingencies for the "blog" even earlier than planned.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Yesyerday, I neglected to mention that I completed reading the book, "The Authenticity Hoax: How We Get Lost Finding Ourselves," by Andrew Potter. Interesting book, but the author seems to lose his way after the first chapter. A better topic would be the reality hoax.

While pondering the purpose of humanity (i.e., survival and replication), I realized that all of my friends and acquaintances over time are married, have children, or are divorced. Only two were single, Big John and Rob, now both dead well before their time. What are we to make of that?

Typical Mesmerized Hottie

My workout at the gym was going rather slow until I caught a brief glimpse of the hottie gym trainer. A sudden burst of testosterone carried me through what would have been a mundane workout. I was quite mesmerized by baby. Is it time to seek out "chemical castration"?

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" may have split up with his "squeeze." Last Monday night, he had abruptly returned to the dump at 10pm and immediately whipped up one of his "tastes like shit" juice concoctions. Whereas he had been spending every night at her place for several weeks, the activity has now been mummified. Did he "fuck up"? Alas, the hope of the "chef" moving out of the dump has been dashed. A sad story indeed.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Survival Zone

Have you read the recommended books about genetics and the human legacy? Fascinating stuff, but very spooky. We're looking back over thousands of years of anatomically-modern humans. Our purpose, as with all other animals, was to survive and replicate.

What happened to the prehistoric guys who suffered from inferior genes? Their genetic line died off with them. In later times, guys with inferior genes were probably exterminated or relegated to a short life of brutal slavery.

That brings me to my own dilemma ... an old codger with low testosterone and inferior genes. What should I do about my predicament. First, the only feasible way to lower my testosterone level to nil is by "chemical castration," essentially an estrogen infusion. That would mummify all primal biological urges and eliminate the need for hurdy-gurdy videos. The sight of hotties would produce no reaction. The downside is the side effect of developing conspicuous female physical attributes (e.g., breasts). The only other alternative would be to shoot off the Vienna Sausage with a 9mm pistol, not exactly appealing since I have not committed any heinous crime.

Typical Survival Zone Hottie

Second, I need to reconsider homelessness. Money is no longer an issue. Homelessness will push me down Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to the basic survival zone. I will then place myself partially within the parameters of human purpose. And, with purpose comes meaning. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Speaking of homelessness, there is a homeless guy who loiters at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala every night just like the ol' lavahead. I've seen him around Hawai'i Kai as well, but he never ventures to town. He rides the bus, always alighting at the same bus stop after our respective evening outings. I suspect that he's camping out at Kawaikui Beach Park or somewhere in Niu Valley. He's significantly overweight, seems to have money to eat fairly well, and he reeks of a distinct moldy smell (not the usual obnoxious year-old body odor of the chronic homeless). He doesn't talk to anyone. Perhaps, he's an omen of my own future.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Science & Nihilism

Contrary to my own rules, I have been sporadically reading the book, "The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry," by Bryan Sykes at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. For some reason, the only copy at the public library is in "transit." I should be finished with the book in a couple of days no matter what. Fascinating material.

I keep mentioning the failed "civilization" paradigm with little beyond sociological evidence. Science, specifically genetics, has now provided empirical evidence that we humans have animal origins. The whole purpose of "civilization" is to bury our connection to the animal world with the subterfuge of civility. We wanted nothing to do with smelly ol' chimps.

Our human legacy also goes back in time far longer than antiquated religious myths have asserted. Thus, religious beliefs and doctrines have been nullified by "one fell swoop." Where does that leave us? Once the subterfuge is destroyed, only nihilism remains. Should we celebrate?

Typical Celebratory Hottie

I have been attempting to come to grips with the whole new "reality" that has been presented by quantum physics and human genetics. That's why there has been so much confusion. Of course, the issue of mortality remains at the forefront. Will it ever go away?

I certainly cannot tell other people about what they should do. However, I would urge people to review their religious and philosophical beliefs, their attitudes about "race" and ethnicity, their customs and traditions, as well as their morals and ethics. A thorough review of "civilization" and its components of government, the business sector, and the role of the individual is also necessary. In other words, this is the only life we have. Can we escape at least some of the bonds that hold us prisoner to a failed paradigm? Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

On Borrowed Time (Reprise)

Yesterday, I stated that we are all living on borrowed time thanks to the failed "civilization" paradigm. A case in point is Alan of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame. As we all know, Alan purchased a "McMansion" in Arizona about three years ago. He is 60 years old with 27 years left on the thirty-year mortgage. He visits his palatial manor for about one month out of the year. In the interim, he has several binders of photographs of every detail of the property, which he can enjoy perusing in the comfort of his squalid room in Slob Manor.

The infamous "chef" of Slob Manor may be living on borrowed time as well. With $50,000 in outstanding student loans, he appears to have irrationally decided to reduce his wage slave status to part-time. There has been no change in his taste for expensive organic food either. And, what about his "squeeze"? Babes are not inexpensive.

Even more puzzling is the comparability issue between the "chef" and his "squeeze." The "chef" only eats organic food. He doesn't consume booze or smoke any substances. He doesn't watch the tube. He has no other hobbies, sports, or interests aside from surfing. He's a "control freak," arrogant, self-centered, and obsessed with his "quality of life." He is not religious, although he believes in reincarnation. I cannot imagine that any babe, especially a hottie, would tolerate such a restrictive life-style. Perhaps, his babe is just a "fuck buddy" (i.e., "friends with benefits"). Frankly, even I would prefer a "fuck buddy" over a "relationship" because babes are very difficult to deal with, what with their wily ways and all. But, I digress.

Typical Friendly Hottie

So, how about the ol' lavahead? Is he living on borrowed time? Yes, but time is rapidly running out for the old fool. Yet, what can he do? He's crippled by inferior genes. Sheesh!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Eternal Obscurity

Dinner for one every night at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I'm used to eating alone, but I don't hide in the corner. I'm right out in the open in the mall's dining area. I am, however, one of a small minority. Most losers eat dinner alone at home in front of the tube.

Typical Buffet Hottie

Why am I always by myself? Well, I have no friends. I don't particularly care to share personal time with acquaintances. In essence, I have jettisoned nearly all my ties to the material world. There is nothing of sentimental or emotional value that I could risk losing. They're already gone.

I am devoid of affect, emotions, and feeling (except for the occasional rage over rampant stupidity). I am not numb. Rather, I am a walking cadaver. A zombie. I am not ready to face death, but I am obviously much more prepared than most people. My "estate" can be liquidated instantly while I am relegated to eternal obscurity as a nameless corpse in a morgue somewhere.

By the way, I am not lapsing into psychosis or melancholia. The plain truth is that our lives are terminal, no different than other animals. The failed "civilization" paradigm has constructed an elaborate ruse which has been indoctrinated in all of us. Thus, we falsely believe that we possess special endowments which will circumvent our terminal fate. We become fixated with property, wealth, power, and legacy as if they are eternal. If that is so, then we become immortal. So much of our lives is wasted on false beliefs. Little wonder why our lives are over-leveraged to time itself.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Long Forgotten

At the public library, I completed reading the book, "The Belief Instinct: The Psychology of Souls, Destiny, and the Meaning of Life," by Jesse Bering. There's not much more to be said about meaning and purpose as either applies to humanity. Our only individual purpose (aside from survival and replication) is to live ... live in the moment, that is.

Typical Instinctual Hottie

Otherwise, our lives are meaningless. Death trumps meaning. Unfortunately, every aspect of society, the failed "civilization" paradigm, has most of us living on borrowed time. We are in debt and enslaved to "the man" (whomever that is). Thus, we can only do the best that we can to circumvent the efforts of the latter.

Well, I have definitely exceeded my expectations for pariah status. No cell phone, no computer. No friends, few acquaintances. No hobbies, sports, interests. No religion, even though I am a member of the Church of Quantum Physics. No wage slave job. Soon, maybe no housing.

I am down to two contacts, none of which appear in the contacts "app" on the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I have not communicated with either party in a long time, so both may be discarded as well. I have absolutely no social life aside from visiting moms. As you can imagine, I don't attend any kind of social events. Why bother?

Becoming an obscure, invisible loser has always been my goal. Blame it on inferior genes. Sometimes, I doubt my decision. However, I cannot turn back. That's the reason why I don't set up any social networking nonsense on the Net. No one is looking to find me. If anyone knew me prior, then I am now long forgotten.

Life is Cheap

What is reality? We've asked that question previously and have failed to formulate a solution. We've learned that atoms are nearly empty, most its "volume" being free space. We are often drawn into a comfort zone, though, when we envision atoms having a spherical, albeit hollow, shell.

The atom emulates a solid ball that magically bonds to other atoms. However, that's not exactly true. There is no spherical shape or shell. The imagined shell is, in actuality, the electron probability space. If we were able to observe the subatomic "particles," they would seem to be arbitrarily floating around entirely in free space. Only the weak and strong atomic forces hold them together. All matter is comprised of "particles" floating around in lots of free space.

Since all lifeforms are composed of matter, those lifeforms are made up of "particles" floating around in free space, too. How could life have come about when its constituents do not really exist? Puzzling questions, no answers.

Life, at least for chimpo sapiens, is cheap. We easily procreate progeny by doin' da wild thing. By the same token, we can easily kill one or many more of our species without much thought or remorse. The only life of some value is our own, and we can't expect anyone else to respect that opinion. And, so it goes. Life is cheap. We're just a bunch of floating "particles."

Typical Hindsight Hottie

Of course, in hindsight, everything makes logical sense. Right? We humans need more foresight, though. Then, we may be able to save ourselves, at least before it's too late. Aside from a looming world war, there seems to be the issue of an uncontrollable meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. Those tiny floating subatomic "particles" are wreaking havoc. In a few months, perhaps 40 million people may be forcibly displaced. They could to move to the numerous "ghost cities" in China, eh? Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

First Aid

I made no detailed comments about the books that I mentioned in the "blog" yesterday. For people like myself who have not kept up with the advances in genetics, the books are an excellent primer. I was simply amazed by the biological legacy of humans that is recorded in the female mitochondrial DNA and the male Y-chromosome. While there is some speculation and mild conjecture, the account of the dispersion of modern humans out of Africa is most likely accurate. What a story!

I've been pretty much in a daze lately, locked in thinking and rehashing the ultimate journey over time by our ancestral chimpo sapiens. Sadly, there is no way to recreate the legacy of the archaic humans (e.g., Neanderthals, Homo Erectus) since none of the other species exists today. Knowing our entire human and proto-human past could fundamentally change our entire belief system.

Oddly, with what we do know about the chimpo sapien lineage, people are still clinging to antiquated beliefs, religions, legends, and myths. Unfounded ideas about "race" and ethnicity persist in a violent sphere. Ignorance continues to run rampant. What do we make of that?

Typical First Aid Hottie

I was privy to an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer this morning. Baby was looking mighty fine. I suffered a testosterone overload, almost requiring immediate medical attention (i.e., First Aid). Oh brother.

Saturday, September 07, 2013


Last night during my evening outing, I purchased a tank top made of synthetic fabric at Macy's® for $25 on clearance sale. Still pricey, but it's exactly what I wanted. Yeah, my homeless wardrobe is slowly coming together.

I ran into my buddy, the guy who has three jobs and wants to move to Israel, on the bus after my evening outing. He was on his way to work, hoping to take a short nap before his shift commenced. Alas, the bus was 40 minutes late. He's working three jobs, as it turns out, because he has to pay child support for a son that he never sees. Although he has visitation rights, his ex-wife apparently has no desire to abide by the rules.

My buddy was on the bus this morning, heading back to Waipahu for a short nap before going to his next job. Then, my homeless buddy stopped by during my coffee time at the fast food joint in town. We chatted for a bit.

At the public library, I completed reading two books: "Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors" by Nicholas Wade and "Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins" by Steve Olson. Astonishing material.

At Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" has been making himself scarce. Unfortunately, when he is around the dump, the fool's presence is irritatingly noticeable. His romance with his "squeeze" appears to be in full swing. I assume that the relationship is now in the transitional phase. He stays at her place most of the time, but he can't bring her to Slob Manor for obvious reasons, thank Molech. My guess is that he will be moving in with his babe by the end of the year at the latest.

Typical Replicant Hottie

There was a little bit of rain this morning, but not enough to deter myriad young hotties from displaying their wares. What is more important for a guy other than hot babes? After all, our only purpose (after survival) as humans is to replicate.

Friday, September 06, 2013


I neglected to mention that I ran into Pseudo-professor Francis at the fast food joint in town yesterday morning. Lots of changes at the Diploma Mill, although I am not concerned. Most notable was that a few of the fossils in the administration and faculty were forced into early retirement by the new president. A few names invoked laughter from me. Francis, by the way, has always been a good man.

Typical Conversational Hottie

My chat with Francis is the only conversation that I have had in weeks. Talk is so cheap. I've discovered that most people simply want to deliver a monologue to anyone who will listen. The topics are extremely benign and tortuous. I can't carry a conversation anymore. I have lost my social skills. I am a mute. Now, it's beginning to affect the "blog." Otherwise, the heatwave continues. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

More Young Hotties

Lots of nonsense in the news. Ariel Castro, sexual predator ... dead. "Uncle Jim" DiMaggio, sexual predator ... dead. The empire, after more ridiculous Fascist theatrics, will commence an incursion into Syria. Most of the citizens of empire are too busy playing with their "smartphones" to care.

Lots of stupidity in the islands. Lots of stupidity at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), too. I'm pretty much done with reporting the stupidity at the dump. Usually, it's the same ol' redundant shit. If anything crosses the line into complete absurdity, then I'll write about it.

Lots of religious talk everywhere. God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam), Jesus, and assorted quotes from the Unholy Scriptures taken totally out of context. The upcoming Syrian incursion has brought on an onslaught of interpreters of prophesy, too.

Typical "Blog" Hottie

Lots of young hotties in the "blog" as of late. Would you rather read about the morons of Slob Manor, or would you rather peruse the fine aesthetics of young hotties? I thought so.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Hot, Just Too Hot

Unbelievable as it may seem, I am down to only two significant material possessions: my Nissan® Frontier truck and the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Everything else is worthless and disposable. Actually, the Nexus 7 is outdated and worthless, too. However, I have no debt except for a 30-day credit card balance. In other words, I am nearly a non-entity.

Typical Heatwave Hottie

Did I mention that there's been a heatwave here in the islands for over a month? Not just hot, but damned hot. Humid and unbearable. Naturally, people act extremely stupid in the heat. Alas, at least I was able to restore my extreme monk haircut. The oversized cranium is now well ventilated.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Post No. 2,683

An uneventful day. I neglected to mention that there was another party at the Chinaman house at 3am again early Sunday morning. I was so fatigued that I slept through it. Feral cats woke me up at 3am this morning with lots of annoying howling. I may have to put out a bowl of delicious antifreeze solution for them.

Keisha Grey

With nothing to report, I can only say that I am looking forward to the debut of new hurdy-gurdy hottie Keisha Grey. That's about the only excitement for an old codger. Sheesh!

Monday, September 02, 2013

Slave Labor Day 2013

No time for holidays. I finally washed my filthy Nissan® Frontier truck, not a task that I look forward to these days. Maintaining my possessions has become a very sore point. Since I wash the truck once or twice per year, I am contemplating just taking it to an automated car wash. And, I have officially terminated the benzoyl peroxide treatment for skin problems. Exfoliation will continue, though. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Typical Holiday Hottie

Every day is a holiday for the ol' lavahead, by the way. And, holidays bring out lots of hotties. None for the old codgers, though. Oh well.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Willful Fool

Another sleepless night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I was preoccupied with thoughts about my inferior genes, keeping my feeble mind too active to sleep. Just as I was finally dozing off at 3am this morning, the party at the Chinaman house commenced. Lots of Chinkspeak with the annoying nasal, high-pitched cacophony. The noise worsened as more cheap booze was consumed.

At 5am, the "chef" arrived back at the dump and departed 15 minutes later. The Chinaman party was in full swing by then. I had no choice but to get up and piddle around with the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Fortunately, I was able to complete a few benign tasks. I heard a couple of the gooks loudly "delivering street pizza" about 30 minutes later, which abruptly ended the party. Yeah, inferior genes.

Well, I was wrong about the "chef". The romance with his babe is still going strong, possibly stronger than before. Rather than capitulate to her every whim, the "chef" had to show her who was boss. He didn't run to her with airline tickets in hand and his "tail between his legs." He made her suffer for four days without his presence. Only an alpha male would know the protocol. Low testosterone guys, like myself, would have only revealed a fatal weakness ... inferior genes.

I was extremely fatigued this morning, even with an extra dose of coffee at the fast food joint in town. However, when I espied the hottie gym trainer at the gym, I was completely energized by a boost of testosterone. I would not have even come close to completing my workout if it wasn't for baby.

Typical Willful Hottie

That brings me to the topic of "free will" again. When I espied the hottie gym trainer, I experienced a uncontrollable surge of testosterone. I could not "will" the cessation of thebiological urge. Why not? If I truly had "free will," then I could exercise complete control over my "self." We are really more animal-like than we believe.