Monday, March 31, 2008

Lethal Bus Pass

I decided to drive to Foodland in the Aina Haina Shopping Center specifically to purchase a bus pass at 9pm last night. The clown who manned the service counter was on break. So, I picked up a few grocery items to make the trip worthwhile. I was then told that bus passes were not sold after 8pm. Say what? Cheap booze is available for purchase until the 11:50pm cutoff. Is a bus pass that much more lethal? Or, is stupidity just running more rampant these days? Heck, I was ready to purchase a bottle of cheap booze, but I refrained.

I was off to Hawai'i Kai this morning at 8:20am in my trusty Nissan® Frontier truck. My first stop as Safeway® in Kuapa Kai to procure my morning cup of coffee. Moms was home when I arrived. Moms had to finish a few chores before we departed for Longs® in Kuapa Kai and Foodland in Koko Marina. Moms shopped for the usual items. Later, moms served up leftovers for lunch along with fresh vegetables, ahi poke, Zippy's chili, and potato salad. For dessert, moms served Foremost® coffee ice cream.

After lunch, I walked to the gym in Koko Marina. I did my cardio workout only. Then, I returned to say good-bye to moms. I met Lori at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® next to Foodland in Koko Marina at 3:45pm. We chatted and sipped our beverages until 6pm. After purchasing a loaf of bread at Foodland, I was on my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Back in my squalid room, I denied myself any "rations" (read: beans and bread) for dinner, choosing instead to "fast" like a monk. Naturally, I was famished within an hour. Nonetheless, no "rations" were consumed. I was forced to engage in the same ol' shit in a hungered state.

Earlier in a quiet moment, I pondered what would happen if I saw my bro gunned down by an occupying military force. Or, I debated the scenario had an occupying military force ramrodded its way into the house, then roughed up, zipcuffed, and hauled away my bro and I. What kind of ordeal would moms go through? Each and every day, that kind of crap is happening in Iraq. Yet, we barely give a fleeting thought to the débâcle. I cannot really imagine the pain and suffering involved. Yet, the latter is something to think about. The empire is the occupying military force. And, we are the empire.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Squalid Sunday

"I hadn't been in Iraq more than 24 hours and already I was having strange feelings. First, I was vulnerable, and I didn't like it. Even with all these soldiers and all this equipment, I knew that anywhere, at any time, any Iraqi with a gun, a wall to hide behind, and one decent eye could pick me off faster than a hawk nabs a mouse. Second, with hardly one foot into the war, I was also uneasy about what we were doing there. Something was amiss. We hadn't found anything in this girl's house, but we had busted it up pretty well in 30 minutes and had taken away her brothers. Inside, another squad was still ransacking the house. I didn't enjoy being stuck guarding this girl under the carport, in the cool April air before dawn in Ramadi. Her questions haunted me, and I didn't like not being able to answer them -- even to myself." -- Joshua Key, from "The Deserter's Tale."
Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day commenced with an extremely crowded bus ride to town. I sat in the mausoleum-like catacombs of Kukui Plaza and choked down my Safeway® brunch. The sight of huge walls of concrete and the sound of traffic served as unpleasant reminders of city life. I attempted to sit outside on the only available bench in the artificial park adjacent to the Beretania Street Apartments. A few minutes later a derelict couple squeezed into the available space on the same bench. The game was brinkmanship, and I easily conceded. There was no point in sitting there if the experience was going to be nauseous.

I decided to invoke my usual contingency plan, which is to sit on one of the benches on Fort Street near the Bank of Hawai'i and directly across the street from the gym. I had a beautiful view of the concrete jungle known as the Financial District. Alas, it was much more enjoyable than the park because I had the bench all to myself.

To my surprise, I saw the hottie gym trainer working with a gym member in the weight room when I arrived at the gym. Baby was looking hot. Apparently, baby did not resign her position. Where has baby been? I did my usual workout. On the way out, I noticed that baby's picture was now on the wall with the other gym trainers' pictures. I was able to board the bus heading to Hawai'i Kai (i.e., no need to transfer) immediately upon arrival at the bus stop. I had to deal with the usual rude ghetto passengers on yet another crowded bus.

I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3pm. No one else was around, so I partook of my dinner "rations" (read: beans and bread) earlier than usual. The evening? Same ol' shit.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Infernal Server Error

The Safeway® store in town is the exact counterpart of the one in Hawai'i Kai. Dirty and dungy, its clientèle reflects the immediate area of destitute Chinatown. The homeless and the halfway-house derelicts unwittingly mingle with the economically disenfranchised from the projects and the ghettos in Kalihi, Palama, and Liliha. Throw in a large number of senior citizens suffering from incontinence for good measure ... and that's my preferred Safeway® store!

The Pure T 'n A Web server went down around 10pm last night as it does on many nights. A "500 Internal Server Error" message was all that could be retrieved. The Pure T 'n A "torrent" tracker might have been operational, but who is to say? I am amazed at the amount of traffic such a site experiences. Whassup wi' dat?

Another pricing snafu at Safeway® started the morning off on the wrong foot. That after riding an extremely crowded bus to town. I really don't know what's worse ... rich, arrogant asswipes or poor, ghetto dickheads. I sat outside by the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial. The air-filled energy bars were extremely dry. I had to use a soft drink lid on my coffee cup since the regular coffee cup lids were out again. The gale force wind was blowing everything around. A friendly derelict sat on the adjacent bench. However, it was a matter of time before I saw him rolling a crude cigarette from a pouch of "tobaccy." At that point, I had to cut short my precious time with nature.

I read Joshua Key's riveting book, "The Deserter's Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq," at the library in one sitting. All I can say is, "Wow!" Key's account fully support much of the IVAW Winter Soldier conference. In case you haven't watched the Winter Soldier testimony, I strongly urge you to do so as more and more video clips are being added to the archive. In addition, Joshua Key's book is a must read. Citizens of the empire need to realize that it is their duty to learn about what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan as the situation is becoming increasingly worsened and the threat of an incursion into Iran becomes increasingly likely. Yes, all armchair "patriots" need to do some real soul searching. War crimes are being committed, if not pure genocide, and we the citizens of empire are complicit.

I did my usual workout at the gym, although I was quite despondent because of Joshua Key's book. In all honesty, I almost broke down and wept after I had completed the book. I rode an extremely crowded bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I ate my pathetic "rations" (read: beans and bread) for dinner. However, I took comfort in knowing that I was not "living high on the hog" at some other world citizen's expense. For the evening, I plan to watch more of the Winter Soldier testimony. The empire is beginning its sixth damned year of occupation in Iraq (seventh year in Afghanistan under the guise of NATO). Isn't anyone outraged? Or, is there an "infernal server error"?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Gabacho Debauchery

"Although I'm not loyal to any country or government, like most of you I am loyal to certain principles, like political and social justice, economic democracy, human rights.

The moral of my message to you is this: If your heart and mind tell you clearly that the bombing of impoverished, hungry, innocent peasants is a terrible thing to do and will not make the American people any more secure, you should protest it in any way you can and don't be worried about being called unpatriotic."

-- William Blum from his speech, "Anti-Terror, or Empire Building?"
Details appeared to be coming in from conventional "mainstream" media as well alternative news sources about the latest developments in Iraq. US puppet Nouri al-Maliki was coerced to mobilize the empire-backed Iraqi security forces to put down various Shi'ite uprisings mainly in Basra and Sadr City in East Baghdad. Essentially, the offensive is aimed at purging Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. However, there is a good chance that the situation will spiral out of control.

In my small world, however, a major inconvenience has resulted because of the filming of the ridiculous film, "The Last Princess," allegedly about the life of Princess Ka'iulani. The I'olani Palace and grounds in the Capitol district have been fenced off as the area is being used as one of the "sets" for the filming. Naturally, the script was written by gabachos1 for gabachos and apologists of the illegal overthrow of the Hawai'ian monarchy.

I was on my way to Hawai'i Kai promptly at 8:15am this morning. I stopped at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai to purchase a large cup of coffee. I have been extremely groggy in last week or so. I have had numerous odd dreams which have awakened me at two- to three-hour increments. Naturally, the dreams affect my continence. Thus, I must "drain the lizard" every time I am jarred awake. Moms was outside in the front yard when I arrived. Moms was doing some gardening. I briefly helped moms discard some of the "green" waste into the appropriate recycling bin. I made a brief walk to Koko Head Park to check on the status of the resident chickens. Two of the roosters were strutting around and crowing. My nephew was home playing video games, so moms and I decided to eat lunch at Zippy's in Koko Marina. Moms shopped for a few groceries at Foodland first.

When we returned, my nephew was still playing video games. I chatted with moms briefly before walking down to the gym in Koko Marina. I did my usual workout. Then, I walked back to say good-bye to moms. My nephew had one of his buddies over. They were both playing video games. Moms was still asleep. I gently woke moms up and said good-bye. I made my final stop at Safeway® before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

Let me add that the Safeway® store in Kuapa Kai is designed for and by gabachos. The clientèle is predominantly (i.e., 99 percent) Caucasian, an unusual demographic for Hawai'i, although we are talking about the affluent Hawai'i Kai area. Only the gabachos have big money. I am treated like scum in the store that is staffed mostly with locals. My guess is that those peons have been brainwashed to cater only to the rich gabachos. Every time I set foot in the store, I must watch my ethnic brothers and sisters treat me like shit while they fawn over all the rich gabachos, waiting on them hand and foot. I would have long ago stopped patronizing the dump if not for the entertainment value of seeing the latter amoebic-brained peons sell themselves short.

1Gabacho, a White Supremacist satanic gargoyle.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Beans & Greed

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... same ol' shit. While I sat outside on one of the benches next to the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial, I battled with the gale force winds in an attempt to enjoy my cup of coffee and brunch items from Safeway®. The brunch was hardly enjoyable since I had to substitute a box of Kellogg's® Nutri-Grain® bars for the usual air-filled energy bars. The purchase had turned into an ordeal because the sale price (an unbelievable $3.49 for a small box) was not properly coded into the point-of-sale system. As I departed for the library, I noticed an empty can of Van Camp's® Pork and Beans sitting on top of the nearest waste receptacle, most likely left by one of the homeless. Obviously, I am on the right track insofar as the homeless guy emulation is concerned. Sadly, I should mention that the latest batch of Van Camp's® Pork and Beans consisted mostly of the bland tomato sauce. The volume of beans has been significantly reduced, a nice trick since the cans are filled based on weight.

I completed reading the first volume of the printed version of Riverbend's "blog," Baghdad Burning. I will be honest - one cannot come away from Riverbend's "blog" without being affected in some way. My life is meaningless as it is, but I really came to understand why I despise the superficial existence we share in the empire. My comfort is being subsidized by the myriad people suffering around the planet, usually at the hands of the empire. As I have mentioned ad infinitum, there is never any evidence of gratitude in the empire. All I see is the all-encompassing entitlement attitude, rampant cynicism, and a sickening arrogance. It was difficult to sit and enjoy the few hours that I spent in the inner courtyard of the library. Instead, I was far off in another land, an invisible houseguest with Riverbend and her family. A military jet flew overhead and jolted my senses, the same deafening sound that Riverbend and her friends and family in Iraq heard on a continual basis along with explosions and gunfire.

I did my usual workout at the gym. I'll be honest again - I am not certain about how much longer I will keep up the charade of working out. Health reasons aside, I cannot see the point. Perhaps, the inability to make the final exodus is getting to me. Stuck in limbo, I have become listless and irritable. The bus ride back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was non-descript. I was sequestered in my squalid room by 5pm. Opening another can of Van Camp's® Pork and Beans confirmed my earlier findings: more sauce, less beans. Once again, capitalist greed is wielding its ugly head. Well, we all know the agenda for the evening already. That's right, same ol' shit.

I am making it a point every night to listen to House Music, specifically DI.FM Deep House channel on Net radio. I have long ago given up on any form of "mainstream" music. All of it is crap, but crap with a nefarious edge. Music is a powerful medium, and the crap described has many latent satanic influences embedded within. The same could be said of the tube. In my long-term consumption, I have verified that House Music is devoid of satanic influences. There are no mind-altering lyrics, no deep-rooted and subliminal messages to consume, and no covert programming to subdue the masses. Give House Music a listen. It's the official music of the exodus.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Manchurian (S)election

I departed for Hawai'i Kai at 8am this morning, making the obligatory stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai to purchase a cup of coffee. Moms wanted to shop for clothes at Sears® in Ala Moana Center. So, off we went. Sadly, moms was not able to find what she wanted. Moms bought a few things at Longs®. We then ate bento lunch at Shirokiya. I should mention that I foolishly drove over a row of collapsible reflector stands in the parking lot. I caused two large scratches on the right side of my Nissan® Frontier truck. My driving days are definitely numbered.

After returning to Hawai'i Kai at 11:20am, moms served up coffee ice cream for dessert. I was able to chat with moms until 12:50pm. Moms has been telling me a lot more stories about the old days in Hilo. Ever since attending the last two funerals, moms has been waxing nostalgic. Moms has also indicated that she will be volunteering more time to the church next month. So, my visits will be limited to once per week. I don't mind. I just hope that moms doesn't overdo it. Lately, moms has been complaining of being tired all the time.

I walked down to the gym in Koko Marina. I attempted to do my usual weight workout, but I was hindered by a few meatheads hogging the weight machines. I did the best that I could. After m cardio workout and shower, I walked back to say good-bye to moms. One last stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai, and I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) in a flash.

The "condotel" unit made $1,295 in income (i.e., my distribution) for February after the three percent upgrade fee but before the GET deduction. February was a short month, but it brought in more revenue than expenses. I also received the $509 residual from last year. As long as the "condotel" unit can pay for itself, I will not be overly concerned about my inability to sell the place.

I am absolutely certain that the latest histrionics by the Democratic party candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, while providing some degree of comic relief, will fragment the party before the general election. I am now even more convinced that the ruling elite have invoked a contingency plan. With McCain as the clear and undisputed frontrunner for the Republican party, there has been some afterthought about his viability to continue Bush and Cheney policies with possibly less stupidity. The change in political course required that Clinton be discredited to move her as far away from the Democratic nomination as possible. Clinton (sadly) would be the only candidate to seriously counter McCain's bid for the presidency.

Race is clearly an issue that will not go away. There is no way that a group of old White Supremacist satanic gargoyles are going allow Obama to lead the nation unless he is reduced to a sock puppet (i.e., Manchurian candidate1). Overall, the Manchurian (s)election is a circus, a kind of second-rate reality show to distract the masses from the real issues. Let me make myself perfectly clear - none of the candidates represent any change from the detestable status quo. It's more of the same. The ruling elite are only looking for a figurehead who can better schmooze the masses and "grease the squeaky wheel."

1Manchurian candidate, one who has been brainwashed into performing actions (such as assassination) upon receiving a special code word or phrase. The candidate acts and behaves normally before receiving the trigger, with no knowledge of what he will do, or what he has done while under the influence of mind control (from Urban Dictionary site).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Roda de Vida

Last night, in a state of sheer confusion, I decided to embark on a timid journey to Kahala Mall. My destination? Barnes & Noble®, of course! I spent about two hours there. I scoured the bookshelves to find something interesting. My real purpose was to be anywhere except my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The sad part is that I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to the mall, something that I had previously been adamantly opposed to doing. What has gotten into me?

I suppose that it's all part of "throwing in the towel." Earlier, I discovered that the paint on the upper right portion of the truck's cab was scraped by some kind of large abrasive object. I had also discovered similar abrasions on the rear fender well. Then, I made the inadvertent discovery that another "condotel" unit has sold at the Aloha Surf. Every unit is selling except for mine. My gut was wrenching and reeling. Then, the obvious became evident. The damned sinister kahuna is back, and it is once again toying with the oversized cranium. We knew the evil kahuna would be back. That's the nature of the beast. Why, oh why, must it always toy with the oversized cranium?

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... Safeway®, Korean and Vietnam War memorial, inner courtyard of the library, and the gym. We all know the drill. I engaged in more social interaction than I would have cared for. I ran into Evan, a former Asylum student, just as I was walking out of Kamali'i Park. Even has been doing good. He and his wife own a building maintenance business. Thus, he did not have to rely upon the Asylum for his future. We joked around about the Asylum's demise. "So much for lifetime job placement," he said. We both laughed real hard. I ran into Steve, also a former Asylum student and currently a Diploma Mill (read: urinal) student, at the library. We chatted for a few minutes. Then, Anne happened to be in the library. She ended up chatting with me for about 30 minutes.

The entire Pure T 'n A site went down (most likely overloaded) about 7pm. The "torrent" tracker appears to still be operational, but most likely it is not updating any statistics (vital for the "ratio"). Yes, there are that many fools downloading hurdy-gurdy "torrents." Not to mention that there are thousands of sites like Pure T 'n A as well as the legitimate vendors. In addition, there are thousands of forums similar to Adult DVD Talk where posters spend essentially a lifetime discussing hurdy-gurdies. As the world devolves into financial and political anarchy, there are millions of losers who could care less. They are too "busy," if you know what I mean.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Back in Time

I neglected to mention that I received a mailing yesterday from one Al Frowiss. It was a form letter that queried whether I was related to pops. He went on to describe that the purpose of the mailing was to locate former employees of Holmes & Narver (H&N) during the time of active atomic bomb testing (circa 1940 to late 1950s) in either Nevada or the Pacific Islands (i.e., Marshall Islands). Pops had indeed worked for H&N for about four years after I was born. He was located in Kwajalein from what I remember. Frowiss mentioned that his father was an H&N employee at the atomic weapons test site in Eniwetok and Bikini Atoll circa 1956. Subsequently, his father succumbed to lung cancer. According to Frowiss, he had collected $275,000 in survivor benefits for his mother by filing a claim. Pops had also succumbed to cancer. And, curiously, he had suffered from several types of cancer. The punchline is that he (Frowiss) will do the same for pops' surviving family members (us) for a two percent contingency fee. I performed a minor Web search on Frowiss and discovered that he appears to be legitimate.

I read the chronology of the Marshall Islands and became sickened by the facts presented. I have made references to the fact that there are a lot of Marshall Islanders and Micronesians living in Hawai'i as part of the empire's amends for subjecting them to nuclear radiation. Oftentimes, my remarks bordered on the derogatory because I must often ride the bus with them. Yet, after fully reading the chronology, I am in deep remorse. The immediate question: what about Frowiss' offer?

Another visitation day with moms has come and gone. Our only excursion was to Foodland in Koko Marina. Moms did some grocery shopping. For lunch, we chowed down on lamp-baked chicken courtesy Foodland. Moms served up fresh vegetables and rice. For dessert, coffee ice cream was on the menu. I chatted with moms until 1pm. Then, I walked to the gym in Koko Marina. I did my usual cardio workout. I walked back to say good-bye to moms. On the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I made the obligatory stop at Safeway®, my second such visit there today. No, I have not given up on my mandatory morning cup of coffee. I had nothing else left on the agenda except the dreaded laundry chores. Same ol' shit.

I had asked moms whether she received a similar mailing as I did. Moms did not, but my bro apparently received something in the mail. However, my bro did not discuss anything with moms. "Don't bother with it," moms said. "That happened a long time ago." I'll leave it at that for now. Moms also told me that I need to find a purpose in life. I suppose that loosely translates to finding another wage slave position and entrenching myself back into the "system." Frankly, I already have a purpose - I am attempting to exit society. In the interim, I am a homeless guy emulator. Sadly, I truly have no purpose.

The landlord of Slob Manor has moved out of the house and into one of the two studio units at the back of the house. The other studio unit is rented out to a chick named Melinda. The two now-vacant rooms in the house will be rented out commencing next month. So, Slob Manor will be completely filled again.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Go ahead ... click on the Next Blog>> link at the top of the page. Man, there are some shitty "blogs" out there. Yet, even the most dreadful "blog" has more features, more visual content, and more sinfully vain excitement than the ol' lavahead's "blog." What does that tell you? Well, as I mentioned yesterday, the days of the "blog" are numbered.

Sadly, the homeless guy emulation is here to stay. I can think of no other programme to occupy my time. The moniker "homeless guy emulation" is in no way intended to be condescending to the homeless. Unfortunately, when one is broke (i.e., net worth less than $1 million) and unemployed (i.e., emancipated from wage slavery), there is no alternative life-style. I follow the path of urban survival that is very coincident with the economically disenfranchised and impoverished classes. Heck, I even religiously read The Homeless Guy's "blog." And, as you've learned through my anecdotal chronicles that I am often mistaken for a homeless derelict. Is that something to be proud of? For anyone waiting to make the final exodus from society, the answer is an unequivocal, "Yes!" So, let's get on with it now, shall we?

Take last Sunday's "blog" and read the itinerary again. That's it. That is the homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day in a nutshell. When I sat on one of the two benches at the bus stop near the Chinatown Gateway Plaza after my workout at the gym, I was solicited for "spare change" by an old guy sitting on the next bench. He was polite and made small talk with me even though I had no money to give him. I observed that he was nearly toothless. Most of the people ignored the old guy's pleas, with a few who snarled at him. That's "humanity" in action.

Birds and trees ... occasionally a few chickens when I see them ... that's about all I seem to care about these days. That's really my only real exposure to nature and the Creation, as it were, since everything else is paved over. I attempt to piece together the intricacies and interdependence of all lifeforms. Then, I can confirm the evidence of intelligent design. What else could proffer a viable explanation? There is just no way that all life somehow "spontaneously generated" and "evolved" from some amino acid muck. Just the coordination and synchronization of the life-cycle processes amongst all species of living organisms disproves such myths. I am not a religious zealot by any means. Religions (read: cults) are human fabrications. However, there is a Creator, an omnipotent being, who has instituted a variety of physical, spiritual, and moral laws. We humans like to label some of those laws as "religion." However, with only one Creator, there can be only one religion. So, "religion" is not the proper term. "Universal Law" is a more proper description. Hence, we can dispense with human fabricated "pomp and circumstance" that engulfs the various (apostate) religious communities.

Is the Creator also the God known as YHWH (i.e., the tetragrammaton often translated to Yahweh, Yehovah, Jehovah)? Yes, I believe so. We all have names, so why would the Creator not have a name instead of a title? And, what of Christianity? The general religious sect called "Christianity" derived its name from Jesus Christ, the son of God. Sadly, there are probably many misguided sheep who believe that "Christ" is Jesus' last name, whereas "Christ" refers synonymously to Messiah. Indeed, the name "Jesus" may also not be accurate as it may have been Yeshua or Yehoshua.

I have stated the importance of the latter knowledge in both the "blog" and the journal with respect to the coming days. I, for one, am waiting for the commencement of the secular Apocalypse, a truly human fiasco. However, astute students of Universal Law understand that the epidemic of the "seven sins" is the catalyst for the secular Apocalypse. However, an even greater force, a force of evil, is the principal sponsor. So, yes, the secular Apocalypse can only invoke the prophetic end times known as Armageddon. In other words, human law guarantees the arrival of the secular Apocalypse. Therefore, Universal Law cannot preclude Armageddon.

No doubt, most of you glossed over the last few paragraphs. Humans have an uncanny conceit given their limited knowledge. We base our understanding of life on the physical constraints that are imposed upon us. There is no possible way that we could hypothesize, no less comprehend, any concepts that breech our empirical dimensions of finite quantities and time. We attempt to use science and pseudo-science to explain the universe to ourselves. We do the latter out of the fear that we are insignificant. Science has been great for observation and mathematical reduction, but we tend to forget that no human created what we observe. Take the atom, for example. What can science say about its origin? Nothing. We have no idea why atoms exits or how they came about. Yet, we have a whole science called Quantum Physics to define atomic behavior. The construct of the atom is quite simple. There are electrons, protons, and neutrons. Yet, how does the structure hold itself together? Why does it maintain that structure indefinitely? Where does it derive its energy? Yet, the same atoms that exist on Earth also exist everywhere in the universe (i.e., everywhere that matter exists). How can we explain that phenomenon? How can we explain anything?

The real conundrum, of course, is the high probability that the universe itself is infinite. In other words, it is boundless. There is no way for us to comprehend infinity. Real objects (e.g., planets, stars, etc.) swarming about in an endless realm of nothingness. Mind-boggling.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Last night was a complete wash. I popped the cork of the bottle of wine at 9pm after tolerating the endless rapidly shifting gale force winds blowing through the "wind tunnel." A huge fly somehow ended up buzzing around my squalid room all night as well. Then, I discovered that the Pure T 'n A tracker had crashed yet again. Oh, man!

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... just like last Saturday? Yep, exactly the same. Then, why write about it? Exactly. The days of the "blog" are numbered. I became even more cognizant of that fact while I continued to read Riverbend's "blog," Baghdad Burning, in book form at the library. A "blog" should serve some kind of purpose or function as a literary medium at the least. While I have certainly lived up to the expectations as the self-appointed Keeper of Lost Lives, I cannot simply continue repeating myself ad nauseum.

I pretty much went through the day in a daze. Even my walking pace was that of a senior citizen. I suspect that the half-a-bottle of wine consumed last night was the main reason for my general malaise. I tried out one of the new Precor® AMT® 100i elliptical trainers. It's definitely much more difficult to use than the older elliptical trainers that were replaced. I will have to alternate between the latter and the more conventional Precor® EFX546i elliptical trainer. Really, though, the whole concept of working out at the gym seems ridiculous, doesn't it? All that energy wasted, all that sweating, and nothing productive is actually accomplished.

The evening will be more of the same with the added enhancement of the remaining wine. Perhaps I will download a few more hurdy-gurdy "torrent" (if the Pure T 'n A tracker is operational). Or, I could continue to archive all of my hurdy-gurdy video files onto CD-ROM. Oh, the horror! The sheer vanity! The illusion! Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!

Friday, March 21, 2008


I drove to Kahala Mall this morning at 8:30am. Naturally, I ended up at the Barnes & Noble® Café to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee and to peruse a few computer magazines. I then drove to Koko Head park to spend a few hours vegetating in a quiet environment. The day was overcast, but enjoyable nonetheless. The park was a little more crowded than usual because of the holiday.

I have really come to value my limited interaction with nature. I cannot begin to articulate how much I enjoy sitting under the trees and watching the birds. The resident chickens were carousing as well. I noticed that one of the hens had two chicks in tow. The roosters were strutting around and crowing. A group of senior citizens arrived by van at noon. Their chaperones assisted them to one of the picnic tables. They all sat and enjoyed their lunch together.

At 12:30pm, I packed it in and drove to the Unocal® service station in Koko Marina. Yes, I had to go in for the annual "safety check." I've mentioned the farcical $15 "safety check" in the journal. Nothing has changed. I hesitated to go that particular service station because the idiots were hardcore about the "safety check" in my past experience. Today, I discovered that the personnel have discovered that a few simple checks are all that are necessary. My Nissan® Frontier truck has less than 9,500 miles on it, so there was little chance that anything was wrong. I have always kept up the scheduled maintenance.

After parting with the $15 for the "safety check," I parked the truck adjacent to the library and walked to the gym. I did my usual workout. On my way back to Slob Manor, I stopped off at Safeway® to purchase a few grocery items including a bottle of Barefoot® Chardonnay. Once back in my squalid room, I began the arduous task of archiving my hurdy-gurdy "torrent" downloads onto CD-ROM media. What a joke! Could I not think of something more productive to engage in? Not really. I am a homeless guy emulator. Sheesh!

I have been trying to make sense of the crazy gyrations in the markets, as well as the unexpected gain in the dollar even after the Fed lowered short-term interest rates. Then, commodities prices took a dive. It's a real jungle out there.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How the West was Lost

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... need I say more? The only noteworthy observation was that the gym in town is also replacing its old cardio equipment. Otherwise, there was absolutely nothing to distinguish today from any other homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day.

I have commenced reading, Baghdad Burning, the "blog" chronicled by Riverbend in its book version at the library. I am comparing some of the anecdotal data with the actual facts as they come to light. I will eventually revert to reading the remainder of Riverbend's "blog" on its archived site. Meanwhile, a flurry of irrelevant media tidbits are appearing in celebration of the fifth year of the Iraq occupation. Sure, there is still a lot of written opposition to both the Iraq and Afghanistan débâcles. However, nothing seems to change. Frankly, I see no one who is overly concerned. "Americans" are still too busy enjoying their superfluous lives, mostly funded on debt. We'll go on until the loans abruptly stop or the oil ceases to flow. It is the latter fact that makes me sick to my stomach and makes me realize how truly alienated I am from society-at-large.

As we all know, the presidential (s)election is of no big concern to the ol' lavahead mainly because of its farcical nature. Yes, there is high probability that the ruling elite are now somewhat divided because of the catastrophic policies of the Shrub regime.

However, there is another likely scenario, one that may suggest that an "evolution" is in progress. With John McCain the apparent Republican party nominee, there may be the likelihood that the ruling elite has changed its strategy. It is my guess that Hillary Clinton (sadly) would be the Democratic party candidate to face-off McCain in equal footing.

The tremendous amount of backing for novice candidate Barack Obama may be a strategy by the ruling elite to split the democratic party along superficial lines either to have Obama edge out Clinton for the party nomination or to eventually weaken Clinton support against McCain in the case that she does secure the nomination. One should keep this dynamic in mind because rarely are the Executive, Congress, and the Senate dominated concurrently by the same party. I am beginning to see the possibility of a McCain victory. For a more interesting perspective, please read the critique, "Hope, Change, and Pissing in the Wind," by Patrice Geanville and Jason Miller on the Cyrano's Journal "blog." An excerpt:
Those who bank on stopping the slide to fascism through a liberal president are deluding themselves, because the American president is powerful ONLY when he’s playing with the consent of most of the ruling class and the institutions it controls. Such personal power deflates rapidly when playing against the values and consensus of the US power elite, at which point a "rogue president" would likely suffer a wave of opposition that would literally bring them down–via impeachment or through a coup orchestrated during a state of tumult created by capital strikes, agents provocateurs, and the media. Not to mention even a military takeover.

Further, we must recall that the slide to fascism is both a witting and unwitting choice by the bourgeoisie in power. The very essence of capitalism is anarchy: anarchy in production, anarchy in distribution and so on. Military precision may rule the day within each business entity, but from the larger societal perspective there is little coordination, only the selfish pursuits of the companies in play. Hence the horrific duplication and waste we see.
Yes, in any case, the bottom line is the same - maintenance of the status quo for the ruling elite.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Slobs of Reckoning

Last night, while I sat around in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) literally going broke as we speak, I wondered what the moneychangers and the powers-that-be are up to. Something just isn't right. Inflation is moving toward hyperinflation. The dollar is dropping like a rock against other currencies. The trade deficit is growing instead of shrinking. I am now drawing on my savings to survive, which has been essentially rendered worthless by inflated dollars. There has been no effort to stave off the crisis of the collapsing real estate "bubble." In fact, the moneychangers are apparently going to ignore the collapse. The Fed is buying up the useless mortgage-backed securities of bankrupt investment banks while feigning a trade of collateral (as though the crap was actually worth something). More and more inflated dollars are being injected into the "system." All hell is breaking loose.

Another visitation day with moms ... unfortunately, my nephew was home. I was still able to give moms a ride to Kuapa Kai to shop at Longs®. Later, moms served hot dogs for lunch, along with fresh vegetables and coffee ice cream for dessert. I departed at noon after spending considerable time chatting with moms. I drove to Koko Head Park and attempted to enjoy the view. However, the gale force winds negated the experience. I did my usual workout at the gym in Koko Marina. Almost all of the cardio machines have been replaced with new equipment. I was impressed. A quick stop at Safeway® and I was on my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

"One in five people in Hawai'i is considered obese." Not overweight; obese is the term used. That's from the State Health Department's "Hawaii Physical Activity and Nutrition Surveillance Report." Remember when Hawai'i was rated one of the healthiest states in the nation? What a crock of shit! I have reported on numerous occasions about the proliferation of fat slobs here in the islands. Mind you, this is a really serious problem in the islands. Now, if only someone would conduct a realistic study of the cigarette smoking epidemic here.

My Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer is apparently not a viable candidate for the Windows® Vista Service Pack 1 upgrade. The reason? From what I can tell in the "knowledgebase," there is an incompatible Conexant® sound driver. At this time, there is no upgrade for the sound driver. As you may recall, the same sound driver problem prevented me from making the transition to Ubuntu Linux. Very frustrating to say the least.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blood from a Turnip

I spent the latter part of last night viewing video clips of the "Winter Soldier II" testimony that is available on the IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War) site. Not likely to make the so-called "mainstream media," the panel of veterans provided disturbing testimony that all smug "Americans" need to hear and digest.

While I viewed the testimony, dust and dirt were blown about by the gale force winds that were rapidly changing directions. The "wind tunnel" has coated my Toshiba® notebook computer with a thick film of crap. The floor is even worse, now completely covered with bugs and filth.

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day has been squandered. As I stood in line in Safeway® with my air-filled energy bars and cup of coffee, a stupid Chinaman was in front of me. He was looking closely at the two bottles of salsa sitting on the conveyor belt. He noticed that the contents of one bottle was slightly less than the other. He grabbed the bottle. "I need to replace this," he said. Then, the skinny Chink bumped into me and attempted to push me aside. I calmly said to him, "Watch it! Dumb asshole!" He scurried off into the bowels of the store. The rest of the day was routine. I sat outside near the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial. The gale force winds did nothing to make the experience enjoyable. I spent several hours in the inner courtyard of the library. I completed the reading of the book, "America's Oil Wars," by Stephen Pelletière. The book is a "must read," by the way. Then, I was off the the gym before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

The Fed changed its mind at the last minute and only cut short-term interest rates by 0.75 percent. Naturally, the stock market had a huge rally. In about two days, disappointment will set in and the stock market will "correct" again. We are only a quarter of a percentage point away from the "war level," that is, the optimum level to finance a full-scale war.

It is my guess that the Fed intends to drop short-term interest rates down to zero percent (i.e., flood the "system" with inflated dollars) within the next two months. As I have hypothesized before, the interest rate window is narrowing. Any future interest rate hikes can never approach five percent ever again. Nor can the duration of the rate hike exceed much longer than three months. When the rate approaches zero percent, it will be kept at that level for at least two years. In fact, I would not be surprised if the rate remains at zero percent for five to ten years (possible germination period for a new yet-to-be-determined "bubble"). What I didn't realize before is that the money is created out of thin air. Therefore, it does not matter what the prevailing interest rate is. The bottom line is that only the rank-and-file peons will suffer the consequences.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Talk to the "Invisible Hand"

Well, the upcoming collapse of the empire's financial infrastructure may be close at hand. The Fed is set to lower short-term interest rates by 0.75 percent this week. I am certain it will be one full percentage point. However, events are moving rapidly as we move to the opening bell on the empire's main stock exchange today.

We are already seeing the beginning of hyperinflation. Petrol prices are rising sharply. And, energy prices will affect all other consumer prices in an upward spiraling fashion. The Fed's action have only been directed at salvaging the corrupt banking and financial sector including the stock market. Little is being done to alleviate the mortgage crisis. In fact, mortgage interest rates continue to rise. Thus, the mortgage defaults and foreclosures will continue unabated. We are already in a full-blown recession. And, short-term interest rates will soon converge at the "war level" of two percent.

Moms and I ended up at Kahala Mall this morning. We made the usual rounds at Longs®. Lunch was courtesy Pearl's Korean Barbeque. Our last stop was at Foodland in Koko Marina. Moms served up coffee ice cream for dessert. Moms was extremely fatigued by 12:30pm, so I departed. I spent about an hour at Koko Head Park. Then, I was off to the gym. Only a cardio workout was required today. One last stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai was requisite before my arrival back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

The day came and went without incident, at least in terms of the empire's impending financial collapse. In real terms, there's nothing that I can do about the situation. Heck, I am going down with the rest of the slimeballs when the "invisible hand" pulls the plunger (i.e., when the shit hits the fan). There will be no discriminating between the ol' lavahead and some fat slob stuffing his face with Ding Dongs® in front of the tube. I had better burn my downloaded hurdy-gurdy videos onto CDs right away. They will have to last a long time. In the meantime, let's get on with the evening now, shall we? Same ol' shit.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mental Tribunal

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-Sunday has ...

These "homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day" days are getting repetitive, aren't they? We're all tired of the same ol' drivel. Yet, it is difficult to simply write, "Same ol' shit," as an entire "blog" entry. Should we just dispense with the "blog" entirely? Not a bad idea, I must admit. However, what would the ol' lavahead do with the additional free time in the evening ? Well, as a compromise, the ol' lavahead will only continue to detail minor deviations from the homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day. The remainder of the "blog" will be filled with gems of wisdom from the Keeper of Lost Lives himself. Really? No, not really. I'll be commenting on some of the same ol' idiotic topics while we wait for the secular Apocalypse to arrive. I will also be discussing future plans and contingencies since the time for the full exodus is rapidly approaching. There may be a few token pictures of hotties included to lure the amoebic-brained idiots searching for babe images on the Net.

Oh, yes, the homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... pretty much a repeat of last week. The bus ride to town was a nightmare. The bus was 20 minutes late. Thus, the bus was extremely crowded. At one bus stop, the rear exit doors wouldn't open. It had already taken us 45 minutes to get nowhere near town, and the latter incident nearly caused a riot on the bus. Fortunately, one of the passengers near the doors knew the drill. He yanked on the doors while the bus driver restarted the bus. The bus ride back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was not better. There were ten 200-plus-pounders sitting in the back of the bus, five of them being Pacific Islanders with multiple gold teeth. To make matters worse, I had to transfer to another bus in Kaimuki with the wait being over 20 minutes. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor by 3:45pm.

While in town, I sat in the catacombs of Kukui Plaza and enjoyed my Safeway® brunch (i.e., air-filled energy bars and a cup of coffee). I had a pleasant, yet unpleasant, surprise when I checked my mailbox at the Post Office. Aside from the usual junk mail, Bank of Hawai'i (the mortgage holder of the "condotel" unit) sent me a refund check of $1818 and some change to reduce my property tax escrow account. Yet, the property tax used in the calculation did not make sense. In addition, my monthly mortgage payment has been reduced by $120 or so. I will probably be in for a big surprise later this year. After that, I ended up at the gym. I did my usual Monday workout again, which means that it is now my usual Sunday workout. No hottie gym trainer. No surprise.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wind Tunnel

Gale force trade winds ruined yet another would-be perfect evening. The winds shift rapidly from the East to the West and vice versa. Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is effectively a wind tunnel in design. The already strong external winds are amplified in the "wind tunnel" causing extremely strong eddy currents in all of the rooms. Crap and dust was flying about in my squalid room even with the louvered windows almost closed completely. The air has been much cooler lately, and the "wind tunnel" only tends to increase the wind chill factor.

For the past week, I have also been plagued by ridiculous dreams which violently stir me from a sound sleep. Subsequently, I must get up and drain the lizard. Last night was no exception. What exactly is the cause? I do not know. Perhaps it is the evil machinations of the Fed. That's enough to make anyone lose a lot of sleep. Sheesh!

I made another attempt to clone the perfect homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day. Did it work? Well, yeah. Read yesterday's itinerary for details. The only observation worthy of detailing was that a homeless guy was using two of the benches near the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial to sort out his worldly possessions. I sat on the remaining vacant bench. The homeless guy parked a small black-colored bicycle next to the memorial. There were three backpacks, three gym bags, and a satchel all precariously stacked on the small bicycle. All were black. He had one additional gym bag which was the one he was sorting out, also black. He wore black shorts and a black t-shirt with black shoes. After completing my Safeway® brunch (i.e., air-filled energy bars and a cup of coffee), I stood up to walk to the library. I saw a middle-aged couple walking about 30 feet away. The clown pulled his babe (term used loosely) close to him when he saw me stand up. What a maroon! He obviously thought that I was a psychotic homeless guy.

After completing my usual workout at the gym, I was on my way back to Slob Manor on the bus. I arrived safely before 5pm. I piddled around as usual. At 8pm, I actually left the "wind tunnel" (read: my squalid room) and drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to Kuapa Kai. Yes, I had to shop at Longs® and Safeway®. My excuse was that I had to purchase a carton of milk, which was true. Twelve dollars later, I had the milk and then some. I was tempted to purchase some vino, but thought better of it. The way my life has been going, I would have polished off the bottle in no time flat. I returned to Slob Manor sans vino to engage in the same ol' shit in the "wind tunnel" for the rest of the evening. Booyah!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Foolishness

"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize — very publicly and very sincerely — to all the widows and the orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would then announce that America’s global interventions — including the awful bombings — have come to an end. And I would inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but — oddly enough — a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90 percent and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many American bombings and invasions. There would be more than enough money. Do you know what one year of the U.S. military budget is equal to? One year. It’s equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born.

That’s what I’d do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I’d be assassinated."
-- William Blum
I was not able to visit with moms today. Both my sister-in-law and her son were home for the day. I was in foul mood for the rest of the day ... a homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day, that is. I attempted to clone the itinerary of yesterday, but the ambiance was not the same. As I sat on a bench near the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial, sipping my coffee and eating my bagels (my favorite air-filled energy bars were sold out at Safeway®), I suddenly got a whiff of cigarette smoke. One of the State workers was taking a smoke break just a few feet away. I had to move to another bench.

At the library, I was privy to several loud conversations, foot tapping, and assorted cell phone conversations for the first hour that I spent in the inner courtyard. I almost went on a homicidal rampage. I was not really in the mood to go to the gym either. However, that is the only real reason that I end up in town. Fortunately, I was able to accomplish my usual workout without being privy to any stupidity. Later, I rode a crowded bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and arrived a little after 5pm. The afternoon? Same ol' shit. The evening? The dreaded laundry chores, and the same ol' shit.

Heck, I am no longer certain about the purpose of the "blog." A quick perusal of the Sitemeter statistics reveals that there are three or less readers. All of the other "hits" are morons searching for pictures of hot babes. Thus, I am planning to finally implement the "downsizing" of my Net presence. The less exposure that he has, the better it is for the ol' lavahead.

With each new move by the Fed (i.e., adding more "liquidity"), I find that my e-mail inbox is being proportionately filled with credit, loan, debt reduction, and every other kind of scumbag query. There is something very wrong with the financial "system." Gold prices are soaring, and there's a gold "bubble" forming. Believe me, it's too late and too dangerous to invest in gold now. When the so-called "mainstream" media began to cover the new "gold rush," I became extremely wary. What I find more interesting is that the rank-and-file peons either could care less or have no idea about what is going down. Is the population that controlled?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Completely "Hosed"

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day has ... aww crap, who cares? Same ol' shit anyway. The day was a gene-spliced clone of yesterdat with the exception that I took some time to restore my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. An Asian guy cut my hair this afternoon. He was very exacting and meticulous. An untrained eye would have suspected that the novice haircutter was unsure of himself. Rather, he carefully crafted a superb monk haircut that did not require any correction by an instructor.

I sat outside by the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial again. I ate the air-filled energy bars and sipped the cup of coffee that I had procured earlier at Safeway®. I attempted to interface with nature, even though the concrete mausoleums of downtown were clearly visible in the near horizon and the annoying sound of the air circulation system for the State Capitol building was ever-present. There is simply no escape from the mess that humanity has created. Little wonder that we have little respect or time for the world of nature. One hour of time perusing the wonders of nature is enough to remind me that life on the planet was not a fluke statistical anomaly. All life forms depend on each other. And, we humans needs those life forms more than they need us. Humans have an uncanny ability to elevate themselves above the rest of creation. However, our foolishness will be the cause of our demise.

Each morning when I wait for the bus, I am privy to observe the endless traffic comprised of myriad 4000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles). The unsustainability and idiocy of the "commute" had me wondering. What would I have done if I had been caught in that trap? That is, the trap of the so-called "American Dream." In addition, we've paved over the planet and made superficial ornaments of the wonders of nature.

I had to deal with an abnormal number of rude satanic gargoyles in the course of the day. My thesis on the origins of nouveau rudeness is that the latter is a derivative of driving styles. Yes, the 4000-pound motorized chair is the culprit. The rude satanic gargoyles walk around and act as though they were little 4000-pound motorized chairs themselves. That's also why they act up in public. It's the "road rage" mentality. Why I bother contemplating the ills of those mental midgets is beyond me.

I did my usual workout at the gym before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on an extremely crowded bus. Same ol' shit. That's right. I need not say anymore about the remainder of the day. The only sad detail to mention is that the Pure T 'n A tracker is down again. This time, it's completed "hosed."

Desperation has hit some of the owners of "condotel" units at the Aloha Surf. Two units are now listed $5,000 below the asking price for my unit, and I am already pricing in a $8,000 loss. Sheesh! The two other units are on the same floor as my unit, which means that those units pretty much break even. I suppose that the owners desire to salvage some portion of their down payments, which is coincidentally my goal.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ides of March (Reprise)

What kind of day was it? A homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day, of course! I had purchased enough air-filled energy bars at Safeway® last night to avert a trip to latter this morning. However, during the us ride to town, I reflected on the implications of toying with my "regularity." Thus, I made a special trip to Safeway® just to purchase a cup of coffee. I sipped my coffee as I walked in the direction of the Capitol district.Once there, I sat on one of the benches under a large shade tree adjacent to the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial. Two homeless guys were sleeping under a couple of trees nearby. I have become addicted to being in natural surroundings. There is nothing more satisfying or relaxing.

I ended up in the inner courtyard of the library. Where else can the homeless or the homeless guy emulators go? I perused a few books. Hard as it may be to believe, I spent 3.5 hours there. Then, I was off to the gym. Obviously, the rest of the day was an exact clone of every homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day. I found myself back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm. Well, we already know that the evening will consist of the same ol' shit. What more can I say?

The dollar continues to plummet against other currencies. We can count on inflation to spiral upwards.

Of course, the Fed is planning another huge short-term interest rate cut. We're getting close to two percent (i.e., the war level). Coincidentally, there has been much more coverage (even in the mainstream press) about the increasing likelihood of an incursion into Iran. Admiral Fallon's alleged "resignation" has fueled the suspicion. Beware the Ides of March!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Liliha Blues

I was on my way to Hawai'i Kai at 8am this morning, with my obligatory coffee stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai. Moms had an appointment with the opthamologist at 9:30am in Liliha. The ride was fairly quick. I dropped moms off by the entrance to the building. Then, I had to drive around the destitute streets of Liliha until I could find street parking.

Sitting in the waiting room with all the senior citizens drove home the point about mortality. Almost every doctor's office that moms and I have visited has been full of senior citizens. That's what the retirement life-style consists of. I looked out the one and only pane glass window. I could see parts of the Liliha district. The Liliha 'hood is old and slummy. The streets are extremely narrow and have had to accommodate several generations of population growth. However, Liliha is a large senior citizen community, just like many of the other other older decrepit 'hoods.

About an hour later, moms and I were on our way back to Hawai'i Kai. We stopped off at Koko Marina. Moms did more food shopping at Foodland. We ate plate lunches at Loco Moco Drive-In. My sister-in-law had returned home early from work. So, I simply dropped moms off. The time was about noon, too early to go to the gym. I did not want to ride the bus to town. So, I opted to spend time at Koko Head Park. What a great decision!

The park was nearly empty when I arrived. Only a handful of cars were in the lower parking lot. There were a few tennis players on the courts. About ten guys were playing football on one of the vacant softball fields. I was able to partially park my Nissan® Frontier truck under the shade of a large tree. I sat on one of the picnic tables close by. I was afforded a beautiful view of both Koko Head and Koko Crater. I looked at the wonderful trees. I watched myriad birds feeding and flying around. I took deep breaths of the fresh air. Over an hour passed, and I just didn't want to leave.

I finally drove my truck to Koko Marina. I was able to find shaded parking in the small parking structure. I walked to the gym and did my usual workout. I enjoyed a nice shower. Yesterday, there was no hot water. I dropped my gym bag off in my truck. I walked around Foodland for no apparent reason. I ended up purchasing a small container of Minute Maid® orange juice. I sat outside on one of the benches and took the time to savor every gulp. I made one last stop in Kuapa Kai. I purchased more cans of beans from Longs®. Then, I shopped at Safeway®. We already know the drill.

Well, I was back in squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4pm. For the most part, I really enjoyed the day.

Monday, March 10, 2008

So Little to Say

Another day of visiting with moms commenced at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai where I purchased the obligatory morning cup of coffee. Moms was home when I arrived. We made the usual rounds ... Longs®, Panda Express®, and Foodland. When we returned from our trip, moms served up coffee ice cream for dessert. Moms was beside herself because my sister-in-law has been illin' for a week. Moms has been cleaning the house, cooking dinner, and doing the laundry for my bro's family. My bro's wife is apparently too fatigued after returning home from work.

I walked to the gym in Koko Marina at 1pm. I did a quick cardio workout. I walked back to say good-bye to moms. Then, I made another stop at Safeway®. We all know the drill. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3:45pm. I washed a small load of laundry. And, that was the end of the day. The evening? Same ol' shit.

I have no idea about anything anymore. The days turn into weeks. The weeks turn into months. And, here I am now approaching one year of emancipation from wage slavery and the homeless guy emulation. I am so detached from the so-called "mainstream." Even the "blog" becomes meaningless. I am finding little to comment on ... well, except for my own upcoming demise. There is so little to say.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Attitude Adjustment

The "blog" has proven to be the Homeless Guy Emulation Manifesto. There is a treasure trove of information for potential homeless guy emulators. Take today, for example, another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day. I quickly consumed my air-filled energy bars and cup of coffee (courtesy Safeway®) while sitting in the catacombs of Kukui Plaza. Then, I made my way to the park adjacent to the Beretania Street Apartments. For an "artificial" park, it is quite nice. There's a parking complex right underneath the park. The homeless and the halfway house derelicts were in the majority as usual. I was fortunate to be able to secure one of the six available benches that line the periphery of the park. The only trees that shade the park follow along the peripheral boundary adjacent to Smith Street.

I enjoyed my time in the park. A few of the homeless greeted me when they walked by. I watched as one of the homeless guys played basketball with a couple of the kids from the 'hood. Another homeless guy showered the sidewalk with a generous amount of bread pieces. Over a hundred birds swarmed down and feasted upon the gift. Several other homeless or halfway house derelicts arrived and joined the crowd. They sat, talked, laughed, and smoked cigarettes. A small glimmer of humanity beckoned from the harsh reality of destitution. Yet, even in the world of dereliction, I am an outsider looking in. My gym bag is all that gives me credibility in the latter context. No one knows for sure if I am one of the homeless or not. That's the beauty of it all.

I could hears the bells of one of the nearby churches which signaled that the time was noon. I walked to the gym and reflected inwardly on the wonderful morning. I did my usual Monday workout at the gym. This has become a weekly event now. Unbelievable as it may seem, the hottie gym trainer was there. I only got a glimpse of baby when she walked to the women's locker room and back. Then, she was gone. I casually completed my workout, read parts of a newspaper that was left around, performed my cardio workout, and took a shower. I meandered out to the bus stop, certainly not in any hurry. Just like yesterday, the bus arrived within minutes. I was on my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

I was back in my squalid room by 3:30pm. I piddled away the rest of the afternoon. I will most likely piddle away the evening as well. Same ol' shit. What exactly makes my life different from the homeless? Aside from the fact that I have a "legitimate" place to sleep, there are relatively few differences. I have had time for introspection as of late, and I have come to the realization that I often maintain what appears to be a condescending attitude toward the rank-and-file poor and the destitute. Sadly, I am from the same "class" as them. The affluent class have a similar condescending attitude. However, my attitude differs with respect to the belief that the rank-and-file poor and the destitute need not qualify themselves with troglodyte behavior. We, the underprivileged, can surely carry ourselves with some semblance of dignity and honor. Alas, that may be too much to ask. Nonetheless, my own attitude needs adjustment.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Fool's Manifesto

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... there's not much more to be said. After I alighted the bus in town this morning at 9:45am, I walked through Kamali'i Park as usual. The park is a dismal place. There are no benches anywhere, most likely to deter the homeless. Yet, a homeless couple wrapped in several soiled blankets was fast asleep on the sidewalk next to one of the dividing walls. The park has barely any grass within its triangular boundaries. What little grass there is only makes the place look more sullen. Of course, it is a very small park situated across Kukui Plaza. I purchased my usual brunch (i.e., a cup of coffee and three air-filled energy bars) from Safeway®.

I spent several hours in the inner courtyard of the library. I have been doing some assorted reading, nothing worthy of mention at this point in time. I have noticed that most of the books that I have perused about the empire's foreign policy and the empire's foray into imperialism are extremely prejudiced to any other culture but the empire's own. The criticism of other societies in from the self-righteous vantage point of the empire. The empire can do no wrong. The empire is a pillar of morality. And so forth. I quickly become sickened by the propaganda and immediately return the book to the bookshelf.

I did my usual workout at the gym. Then, I was on my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus. I was back in my squalid room by 5pm. Nothing on the agenda for the evening. Same ol' shit. Well, I could make the jaunt to Ala Moana Center for the grand opening of the new Nordstrom® store. Apparently, the place was packed with satanic gargoyle shoppers yesterday. Is that all we can look forward to in life? No, thanks. I'm better off downloading hurdy-gurdy "torrents" from the Pure T 'n A site in my squalid room. Sheesh!

A couple of days ago, I briefly included a few words about crappy food in the "blog." Since then, I have come across an interesting interview by Amy Goodman on the Democracy Now! site with Micheal Pollan, author of the book, "In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto."
The Western diseases, which — they were named that about a hundred years ago by a medical doctor named Denis Burkitt, an Englishman, who noted that there — after the Western diet comes to these countries where he had spent a lot of time in Africa and Asia, a series of Western diseases followed, very predictably: obesity, diabetes, heart disease and a specific set of cancers. And he said, well, they must have this common origin, because we keep seeing this pattern.

And we've known this for a hundred years, that if you eat this Western diet, which is defined basically as — I mean, we all know what the Western diet is, but to reiterate it, it's lots of processed food, lots of refined grain and pure sugar, lots of red meat and processed meats, very little whole grains, very little fresh fruits and vegetables. That's the Western diet — it's the fast-food diet — that we know it leads to those diseases. About 80 percent of heart disease, at least as much Type II diabetes, 33 to 40 percent cancers all come out of eating that way, and we know this. And the odd thing is that it doesn't seem to discomfort us that much.
It's a must read/listen interview.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Collision Course

Apparently, the crappy Pure T 'n A tracker went down sometime yesterday afternoon. I wasted two hours and added that much more wear-and-tear to my hard drive in my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer by leaving the µTorrent client in "seeding" mode. What a joke! Oh, well, I cannot complain. Look at all of the great hurdy-gurdy video clips that I have collected. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!

My first stop this morning was Safeway® in Kuapa Kai. I purchased a cup of Seattle's Finest® coffee. After the first few sips, I felt "whole" again. Moms was home when I arrived at 9pm. With nothing else to do, I commenced what I thought would be a quick project. Yes, I washed my Nissan® Frontier truck. However, the project ended up taking well over two hours after I decided to clean the tires. I discovered that there was a thick film of grime, actually layer upon layer of the No Touch!® tire care product. Yes, touted as a "spray on, walk away" tire cleaner, the product actually builds up a thick gooey mess over time. A heavy concentration of dish-washing detergent could barely break up the substance. I finally ended up rubbing off the accumulated mess with several rags.

Fortunately, moms saved the day with a delicious lunch consisting of leftover Curry Stew, tofu, fresh vegetables, leftover Chow Mein, and rice. For dessert, moms served up coffee ice cream. I chatted with moms until 1:30pm. Then, I was on my way. I parked my truck near the Hawai'i Kai library and walked across the street to Koko Marina. I did my usual workout at the gym. On my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I stopped at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai. We already know the drill. I was back in my squalid room by 4pm, just in time to perform the dreaded laundry chores. With nowhere to go, I will be spending the remainder of the day and evening in my squalid room. Same ol' shit.

Well, the stock market plunged again, putting the Dow below 12,000 finally. The dollar, naturally, made a slight recovery. It's fairly easy to see where the markets wants to go (i.e., down like a rock). The markets are being artificially inflated by the Fed. That's the only remaining "bubble." The economy is in bad shape. And, we may be close to a major banking collapse. Yet, I am dumbfounded that there is absolutely no coverage in the so-called "mainstream media."

There are days that I feel guilty about my forced emancipation from wage slavery. Most people in my position are usually scurrying around to find a job ... any job. However, the bottom line is that there may not be any jobs. For me, though, the time that I spend with moms is much more important. If I were to return to wage slavery, I would probably not be able to visit with moms at all. After attending two funerals in the last month, I've become keenly aware of the concept of mortality. Moms is 86 years old. In the past year, I have seen moms slow down considerably. I had to make a choice. And, I believe that my decision was sound.

Of course, Ben Bernanke and his ilk at the Fed chose a great time to screw up the economy, a superb encore to the stellar performance of Alan Greenspan. I, along with many other fools, am being robbed blind by the moneychangers. It's easy to see why the helpless victims around the planet view the empire as the "Great Satan." That's what we are. We are infected by the epidemic of the "seven sins." For the more religious-inclined, review Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation in the so-called “Bible.” The secular Apocalypse is coming, and it now seems to be on a collision course with Armageddon. Woe is the empire!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Same Ol' Shit Redux

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... well, the day was an exact clone of Tuesday and it sucked big-time. Let's face it, I cannot eliminate my "mission critical" cup of coffee in the morning. Aside from the grogginess, I experienced a low-level headache for most of the day. What worries me most is the "regularity" problem. The body must purge the toxic substances that it filters from the toxic crap that we eat. My guess is that the national cancer epidemic is linked directly to the latter. Caffeine will less likely do me in than a malignant tumor. I was even sluggish when I was performing my workout at the gym. The only advantage was that I was too fatigued to become excessively irritated when I rode back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus this afternoon with a high proportion of idiots, fat slobs, and psychos.

In summary, I am revoking my decision to reduce my coffee consumption. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages. The only sad part, of course, is that I can no longer afford the luxury. I cannot be alone. Oil is now at $104 per barrel. Gold is at $988 per ounce. The Euro has long passed the $1.50 exchange threshold (now approaching $1.54). We are seeing the effects of inflation rapidly ramping upward. Increasing oil prices at this time are not a reflection of Peak Oil1. Rather, they are the direct result of the Fed's lunatic policy of injecting huge amounts of worthless dollars into the "system." And, guess what? The Fed is planning to drop short-term interest rates again by 0.75 percent this month. I'm guessing more like one percent (to yield the "war level' of two percent). We are ready to go to war, my friends. In fact, I do not see any other option. No new "bubble" is being created to boost the economy. Only a grand-scale war will suffice.

From what I observe on a daily basis, I believe that the vast majority of satanic gargoyles will not give up either their 4000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles) or their cell phones. If anything, the morbidly ignorant human race (at least the strain calling themselves "Americans") will cut their food budget first. One look at supermarket shelves reveal exactly what will happen in the coming hyperinflationary times. Quality food will be replaced dollar-for-dollar with cheaper, bulkier junk food. Well, hey! If it fills the stomach, it's got to be food! For example, instead of healthy whole wheat bread, a large container of lard-filled cookies can be substituted. Potato chips can became a dinner staple. And so on, and so on. You get the picture. We will see an epidemic of fat slobs like never seen before. And, subsequently, we will experience a severe healthcare crisis. For more real analysis of the economy, please read the article titled, "The Grim Reality of Economic Truths," written by Pablo Ouziel that appeared on the Global Research site.

The rest of the afternoon was also a clone of Tuesday afternoon. And, the evening will pretty much be a clone of every evening. Same ol' shit. Thank goodness for the Pure T 'n A hurdy-gurdy "torrent" download site. Sheesh!

1A timely article worthy of perusal titled, "Peak Oil - True or False," penned by Stephen Lendman also appeared on the Global Research site.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Mortuary Solaces (Reprise)

I procured a cup of Seattle's Finest® coffee at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai this morning at 8:15am. Yes, I gave in to my addiction. However, I have a new "addiction reduction" plan. Details to follow. Moms was home when I arrived at 8:30am. We made a quick jaunt to Foodland in Koko Marina so that moms could purchase a few grocery items. Upon our return, we had a few minutes before we had to depart again.

The drive to the Nu'uanu Cemetery and Funeral Home took about 20 minutes. I was able to avoid the downtown street traffic by taking the Pali Highway route after exiting the H1 Freeway. The memorial service for Aunty Margaret had already commenced although moms and I arrived well before 11am. The service covered about one hour. I stood in the back of the completely packed room. Moms sat with a few family members in the last row of seats. The service was nice, I suppose, as funerals go. However, I would have preferred to not be there. After the memorial service, moms and I offered condolences to the immediate family, my cousins Greg, Donna, and Christine. Uncle T was conspicuously absent, but that was no surprise.

As always, the memorial service is followed by lunch. The food was catered by Ige's Restaurant and Catering. As a matter of fact, pretty much every funeral is serviced by Ige's. I chowed down. We pretty much stayed with a small group of family members which included moms, Uncle Take, Aunty Jane, Aunty Maria, Aunty Emily, and my cousins Lei, Anna, and Dianne. Moms and I departed at 1pm. When we arrived back in Hawai'i Kai, moms served up coffee ice cream for dessert even though we were both full from lunch.

I chatted with moms briefly before my final departure. I parked my truck adjacent to the Hawai'i Kai branch of the library and walked to the gym at Koko Marina. I did my usual workout. Then, I made one more stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai. I purchased four air-filled energy bars and two lard-filled Tina's® burritos. I actually wanted to purchase more air-filled energy bars to eat for dinner, but the supply was limited. Hence, I was left with no option but the lard-filled burritos. Sheesh!

I drove back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and parked my Nissan® Frontier truck along the side street. I was back in my squalid room by 4pm. The rest of the afternoon consisted of intense piddling around. The evening? Same ol' shit. Whoa!

Well, my new "addiction reduction" plan calls for the steady tapering of my coffee consumption. I will initially attempt to limit my coffee consumption to every other day. Then, I would like to set the limit to two cups of coffee per week. At this time, I do not feel that it is imperative to completely cut out coffee consumption. There is still something quite satisfying about sipping a nice hot cup of coffee.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Foggy Bottom

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day has ... well, not quite. I attempted to make a major change in the homeless guy emulation. I set off this morning with good intentions. However, the 8:45am Route 1L bus did not show up. Bad omen. I rode the Route 23 bus to Kahala Mall. Of course, as I walking to the bus stop to transfer to any Route 1 bus, I observed the very late Route 1L pass by. Oh well. I finally arrived in town. I carried the air-filled energy bars that I had purchased at Safeway® yesterday. So, I sat in the inner courtyard of the State Capitol and ate my brunch sans my usual cup of coffee.

Little did I realize how much one small cup of coffee made a difference. I spent several hours in the inner courtyard of the library. However, without an infusion of caffeine, I was quite fatigued. I lapsed in and out of a coma, although I was no more rested in the end. My attention span was very limited. In addition, I also noted that my "regularity" was altered. What was most disturbing was my indifference toward anything and everything. I can only describe the whole experience as zombie-like.

I really did even want to go to the gym. Nonetheless, I did my usual workout. I felt much better after the cardio phase of my workout. However, I was still not "whole." I was feeling drowsy once I was on the bus. I really could not concentrate on anything during the ride. I found myself back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 5pm. Still somewhat comatose, I followed my usual routine automatically. I cannot even remember consuming my bland dinner (i.e., beans and bread). Fortunately, I transferred $1,400 from my investment accounts to my local bank yesterday. No telling what I would have done today given my mental fog. The evening will run along the lines of the "same ol' shit." Who would have known?

Monday, March 03, 2008

Breakin' Even ... Almost

I was sitting in the Barnes & Noble® Café in Kahala Mall by 9:15am after sitting in traffic for nearly 30 minutes. A nice hot cup of coffee soothed my nerves. I perused a few magazines, nothing really worthy of mention. I met moms at the entrance to Longs® at 10:30am. Moms shopped amongst the myriad senior citizens wandering about the store. The whole place was reminiscent of a senior citizen recreation center. Moms and I ate lunch at Pearl's Korean Barbeque. After a filling meal, we were off to Hawai'i Kai.

Moms served up coffee ice cream for dessert. I sat and chatted with moms until 1pm. I then walked to the gym in Koko Marina. I only did my cardio workout. After a shower, I walked back to say good-bye to moms. I ended up chatting with moms for another 30 minutes.

On the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I stopped off in Kuapa Kai to do my own shopping at Longs® and Safeway®. I purchased a loaf of bread at Longs®. At Safeway®, I procured two Tina's® burritos (for dinner) and four air-filled energy bars. I was back in my squalid room by 3:45pm. I performed the dreaded laundry chores. Then, I began the benign activity described as "same ol' shit."

The "condotel" unit broke even for the month of January before deducting the GET and renovation fund. Nonetheless, I was a only little over $140 short. Not bad. Expenses for the month appeared to be under control. I expect the same for this month. The month of April, however, will be another story.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Conspicuous Absence

As I stood and waited for the bus this morning, I observed a large white bird flying to the west, flapping its wings energetically. A few seconds later, another white bird followed the same flight plan. Where were they going? That's the miracle of nature. The smaller birds usually hop from tree to tree or to a streetlight pole. Seldom have I noticed any bird on a long distance flight. Then again, I have been oblivious to the beauty of nature for a while.

I followed the usual homeless guy itinerary. No need for details. Know that I ended up at the gym, my final destination in town. The hottie gym trainer was conspicuously absent. I suspect that baby has resigned. Justin, a new gym trainer and former Diploma Mill student, had mentioned that one of the gym trainers was leaving. Could he have been referring to baby?

I was able to ride the bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) without incident, even though I had to make one transfer. I was back in my squalid room by 3:30pm. There will, of course, be nothing on the agenda for the rest of the day. And, the evening? Same ol' shit.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

For Whom the Bell Tolls (Reprise)

Another homeless guy emulation kind-of-a-day ... oh brother! We all know the drill. When I transferred to a connecting bus in town this morning, I was surprised to see Tom driving the bus. I have not seen him since last October. I was only able to chat with him briefly because I rode the bus for only two blocks. As usual, I purchased my brunch (i.e., air-filled energy bars and a cup of Seattle's Best® coffee) at Safeway®. Then, I sat in the catacombs of Kukui Plaza.

I always take a leisurely stroll through the grove of banyan trees in the Capitol district on my way to the library. I was feeling a little groggy today thanks to my cheap boozin' session last night. Mind you, I only drank two small glasses of vino. I did some reading in the library, although I spent most of my time lapsing in and out of a coma or looking at the scenery in the inner courtyard. Incidentally, I have finally located the books about the Balkans (i.e., former Yugoslavia).

My leisurely stroll to the gym took me through the South side of the Capitol district. The park-like surroundings are a pleasure to the eye. I did my usual workout at the gym. I was able to board a bus almost immediately after exiting the gym. The ride was actually pleasant for once. I was back in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm. The rest of the day and the evening will be the same ol' shit.

Well, the dollar has dropped to an all-time low against most other currencies. Yet, Ben Bernanke has promised that the Fed will drop short-term interest rates aggressively in the months to come. Expect a 0.75 percent rate cut this month. We are getting very close to the "war level." Is that why Shrub has dispatched a fleet of warships to the coast of Lebanon? Here at my end, I am barely squeaking by. My investment accounts are bringing in only a fraction of the dividends of six months ago. The Fed will drop interest rates to zero percent before the end of the year, much lower than Alan Greenspan dared go. Inflation is already wielding its ugly head. However, expect Bernanke to maintain zero percent interest rates for well over a year. That's a last ditch attempt to inflate another debt "bubble."