Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jury Slave

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday has been ... well, not exactly. I attempted to follow my usual Sunday itinerary. However, I had a big surprise waiting for me at the Post Office. I received the Ubuntu Linux v8.04 CD for one thing. And, I received a State jury duty questionnaire, the precursor to the detestable jury summons. I was livid. My whole day was ruined from that point forward.

I did my usual workout at the gym. No hottie gym trainer. Boohoo. I moved at a leisurely pace, more so because of the pending jury duty summons. After a nice lukewarm shower, I made my way to the bus stop. I tried to make sense of the jury duty questionnaire. I was certain that my name was gleaned from the income tax return database. I pondered my plight. I recalled that Debbie, my realtor, had told me to just throw out the crap. If questioned, just deny ever receiving anything, she said.

I rode the Kahala Mall bus to Kaimuki. I had to wait about 15 minutes for the bus that was heading to Hawai'i Kai, the only bus that I can ride back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I alighted the bus in Aina Haina. I purchased a bag of Doritos® chips and a bottle of Foxbrook® Chardonnay (read: fake "Hammer") at Foodland. I munched on the Doritos® while I waited for the next bus.

When I finally returned to Slob Manor at 4:30pm, I popped the cork on the bottle of Foxbrook® Chardonnay. I polished off the bottle by 7:30pm. I was not hammered, but I can safely say that I was feeling no pain (or anger). I pondered the threat of jury duty again. I decided to put off my decision about whether to mail the jury duty questionnaire in or not for a few days. However, if I find myself in the jury box, I will have no mercy for the hapless fools who have committed petty crimes. I am sick and tired of all of the punks that I see running around playing "gangsta." If anyone has any reason to play "gangsta," that would be the ol' lavahead. Ah, you thought that you had me there, didn't you? I know that the "system" is attempting to pit "brotha against brotha." More deliberation is necessary.

Tonight, I am listening to Vincent Kwok's House Music mix on Pure House Music titled, "Deep to Tech to Uh ..." All I can say is, "Wow!" When I listen to House Music, my troubles (e.g., jury duty, etc.) are long forgotten. I am indebted to Ollie Brooke for his awesome site. I am also listening to some of my other favorites as well. One-man House Party.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Lost Soul

I departed for Kahala Mall at 8:45am this morning. I ended up at the Barnes & Noble® Café as to be expected. I ordered a cup of decaffeinated coffee. It is $1.20 less per cup than the equivalent hot chocolate. Technically, with very little caffeine, I cannot really call it coffee. The bookstore was already fairly crowded when I arrived, which was surprising since it opened at 9am. As the place became more crowded, the idiotic shoppers became more troglodyte-like. I finally left at 11:40am.

I rode the bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). However, once I alighted the bus, I could not resist the temptation to spend a little time at Kawaikui Beach Park. A short walk brought me to the shoreline. I looked out at the ocean. I felt much more relaxed. Back at Slob Manor, I packed my gym bag. I was off to Hawai'i Kai at 12:40pm in my Nissan® Frontier truck. I made a detour to Koko Head Park. I ended up spending over an hour there.

I drove to Koko Marina at 2pm. I was able to find shaded parking. I walked to the gym and went through my usual workout in a leisurely fashion. After a nice hot shower, I dropped my gym bag off in my truck. For some reason, I was compelled to go to Taco Bell®. I was able to enjoy two larger-than-usual Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos. There were only a few other customers in the dining area, so I was able to eat my burritos in peace. My final stop was at Foodland. I was completely full, so I did not purchase much in the way of groceries. I was tempted to purchase a bottle of vino, but thought better of the idea. I just cannot afford such luxuries anymore. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor by 5:30pm.

I can truly say that I enjoyed the day. My time at the beach and the park was priceless. What a contrast to the crowds at the shopping mall, all looking for shiny objects to spend money on. The "ownership society," the capitalist regime, the "pay 'n' go" life-style are all sick manifestations of humanity gone awry. I do not know how much longer I can tolerate that crap.

Incidentally, I believe that John McCain made an extraordinary calculated gamble in picking Sarah Palin to be his running mate. And, I believe that he's clinched the presidential (s)election without resorting to Diebold® chicanery. I have read numerous commentaries by so-called "progressives" about the Palin pick. Most are condescending with much gloating about McCain's feeble attempt to lure Hillary Clinton supporters. Obviously, Palin is nothing close to Clinton politically. She will not lure many "liberal" or "progressive" chicks. So, why did McCain pick her? Palin, a virtual unknown, comprises the same fulfillment of the same elusive "American (Political) Dream" as attained by Barack Obama a junior senator who is now the Democratic nominee for the Oval Office. Since the unknown "dark skin" slot was already taken, that left the unknown modern babe slot. The decision facing voters in November boils down to this: Who of the two underclass (i.e., "dark skins" and babes) best fulfills the fantasy of achieving the unattainable? In other words, who will break the proverbial "glass ceiling" first?

There's been a lot of talk about Palin's inexperience. She is the governor of the State of Alaska. Yet, weren't Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Shrub all state governors before seeking the highest elected office in the empire? And, what about Hillary Clinton? Wasn't she the wife of a sitting president before becoming a senator? Of course, there will be other idiotic issues such as gay rights, gun control, abortion, and religiosity at play in yet another "What's the Matter with Kansas?" moment. The real issues such as the economy, the two illegal wars, the corrupt financial "system," will all remain "below the radar." Are you getting tired of the games already? Then, either boycott the vote, or vote for third-party candidates.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Poverty Now!

Moms and I made the rounds around Hawai'i Kai including Longs® in Kuapa Kai and Foodland in Koko Marina. Moms and I ate our Loco Moco plate lunches outside on one of the tables facing the nondescript parking lot. Later, moms served up Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert. I chatted with moms until 1pm.

I paid a wonderful visit to Koko Head Park. I pretty much had the whole park to myself. I watched the clouds roll by and enjoyed the beauty of Koko Crater. Time seemed to stand still. There is something quite rejuvenating about the park with its natural surroundings. After all, I experienced another sleep-deprived night courtesy the Chinaman yapping on his cell phone at 4:30am and my crazy dreams. I finally drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to Koko Marina. I was able to find shaded parking. I walked to the gym and performed my usual workout.

I made a final stop at Foodland to shop for groceries. Whoa! Food prices have gone up again. Frankly, I don't even know how I am going to cut corners any further. I could, of course, re-enter the world of wage slavery by becoming a minimum wage slave. Let's do the math. If I work full time at minimum wage, I will earn about $1,000 per month before taxes. However, there are few full-time minimum wage peon jobs. No employer desires to provide health insurance benefits to low-level scum. Thus, I would only work half-time with absolutely no benefits. My income would be $500 per month before taxes. Is that a big joke, or what?

I fully understand the plight of the poor and the homeless because I am in the same poverty class. Thus, I have washed my hands of the joke that is the empire's political process. Playing into the charade only makes us complicit in the heinous crimes committed by the ruling elite (i.e., moneychangers and powers-that-be). Thus, after determining that I cannot worship at the temple of the sinister kahuna, I opted for the exodus.

I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4:30pm. I was left with no choice but to follow the same pathetic afternoon and evening ritual. Yes, not a year has gone by and I am already disgruntled about my lodging at Slob Manor. I was not meant to reside in any one place for an extended period of time. I truly am an urban nomad. In fact, I must once again entertain the idea that I may have been meant to be one of the homeless.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Universal Law

Did you read the article by the anonymous political analyst that I cited yesterday? Scary, isn't it? As both of the corrupt political parties converge on all issues, there is little "wiggle room." The "good cop, bad cop" ploy will no longer work. Hence, the spectacle of the circus-like conventions. All glitter, no substance. I am skeptical of the Democratic candidate. As far as I can tell, he is being ushered in by the ruling elite (i.e., moneychangers and powers-that-be) to showcase how "progressive" the empire has become since embracing its first "dark skin" presidential candidate. Yet, where did that candidate come from? And, how did he rise from obscurity to the pinnacle of the political "system" amidst rampant corruption? The answer is simple. He was chosen to provide a diversion to the masses. Yes, you can have a "dark skin" leader but, no, nothing else will change. Of course, with all of the "smoke and mirrors," very few citizens will notice.

There is something horribly wrong with the entire "system." Only upon removing the goggles of ignorance can we see what's really happening. The financial "system" is collapsing, but to the advantage of the moneychangers. More banks and investment houses will go under, but only the unsavvy investors will lose everything. The process is a precursor to a global banking consolidation at the expense of you and I. The Fed will eventually lower short-term interest rates permanently to zero percent. It is stalling now, letting inflation run its course in order to hammer down any possibility of wage increases. Once that is accomplished, down go short-term rates. We are past the "point of no return" concerning debt. The "system" can only function with an abundance of cheap and easy money.

The Resource Wars are here. In addition to militarily securing natural resources, the ruling elite are prepared to militarily intervene to bring the remaining "rogue" nations under the umbrella of empire. What that means for those nations is that the empire plans "regime change" of existing "hostile" governments, the "privatization" of all state assets, the opening of cheap labor and consumer markets, or essentially the modern day version of "rape and pillage." Why has it come to this?

The detestable human condition is rooted in the struggle between Universal Law and the "seven sins." The disproportionate synergistic strength of the "seven sins" suggest a power behind the latter that transcends human limitations. The fact that the nefarious force is building to a crescendo is unprecedented. Humans have dismissed the "good versus evil" premise as religious superstition and have rationalized human frailty as an "evolutionary" issue. Humans are basically egotistical and stupid. Meticulously and deviously looking for ways to skirt responsibility, the crafty human constructs theoretical hyperbole to explain away the unknown. To soothe the uncomforted soul, humans put faith in their empty beliefs and rhetoric.

When we remove the goggles of ignorance, we can begin to seek the truth. If we remove the prejudice of apostate religion from the equation, then we can see Universal Law, the Creator, free will, and humanity for what they are. We can see that evil and "sin" are options to free will. However, evil and "sin" go against Universal Law. Both are wrong choices. We cannot have free will unless we have correct and wrong choices concurrently. Universal Law itself is not a random construct. Nor is it "evolutionary." Universal Law could only be legislated by a superior being, a Creator. Crafty humans crafted false religion to compartmentalize and isolate Universal Law. By doing so, evil and "sin" only exist in church. The everyday secular world became more "rational" (i.e., permissive). Yet, in the process, humans discarded the notion that evil is a power in and of itself.

Whether we choose to recognize the existence of evil (or not) is irrelevant if it exists as a power. Denial will not make it go away. Embracing the wrong choice (i.e., evil) will only cause its power to grow exponentially, which is what we have witnessed in these troubled times. Like the atomic fission process, the reactions will continue to cascade and increase until it explodes. The secular Apocalypse is the first sign of the chain reaction. However, inevitably, there must be a finale. Under Universal Law, the final conflict is preceded by entropy and anarchy. In religion, the latter is often referred to as Armageddon. An evil force, synergistically armed and capable, must eventually meet its opposite. We can find secular adaptations of the same concept in the Laws of Physics and the Laws of Thermodynamics. Unfortunately, the force of evil does not strive for equilibrium. Rather, it aims for dominance.

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day has been neutralized. I departed for town at 9:15am on the Route 1L bus. I spent 2.5 hours in the inner courtyard of the library, both reading and lapsing in and out of a coma. Reluctantly, I departed at 12:30pm. On the agenda was the restoration of my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. I did my usual workout at the gym. I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) before 5pm. I decided to perform the dreaded laundry chores a day early. I was able to enjoy a peaceful dinner consisting of the usual veggie "rations."

Regretfully, I did not sleep well again last night. I experienced another series of bizarre dreams. The one dream that I explicitly recall found me in some kind of boxing ring facing an opponent, with both of us using cast iron frying pans as weapons to smash each other's cranium. Perhaps that is why I had a headache all day. To mummify the dream sequence, I woke up and "drained the lizard." Then, I was privy to listen to the Chinaman talking on his cell phone at the top of his lungs. He could be the future recipient of a blow to the side of the head with a cast iron frying pan. Shades of "Eating Raoul"! Well, that's Universal Law at work.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Goggles of Ignorance

I was severely bamboozled by my own self this morning as I debated the ridiculous quandary of whether I should go to town to complete my usual urban nomad itinerary or not. I finally decided to follow my alternative urban nomad itinerary. I rode the bus to Aina Haina and ended up at the library for a couple of hours. I spent the time readings newspapers, periodicals, and journals. I was made nauseous by what passes as legitimate news. Incidentally, the bus was fairly crowded, so I assured myself that I made the right decision to avoid the trip to town. I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at noon. I piddled around until 1:30pm.

I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to Koko Marina. I was able to find shaded parking. I walked to the gym. I did my usual workout. I must make one observation that has been on-going. I have often felt that my own workouts have been reduced to a mild joke. I am not the gym rat that I used to be. However, a good majority of the gym members have far more leisurely workouts than mine. They seem to pamper themselves and avoid exceeding their comfort level. Let's face it. What exactly does one set of low weight repetitions accomplish?

I was off to Taco Bell® after the gym. The dining area was filled with a number of high school punks who were raucously carrying on. They were making a lot of noise. Two of them were attempting to play their ukuleles. Others were running from table to table for no apparent reason except to disrupt the peace. The Taco Bell® crew were giving the punks the “stink eye.” However, not much else was done to control the punks. I was, however, able to enjoy my two Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos. I made one last stop at Foodland to restock my usual grocery items.

Back at Slob Manor, I've realized how sick and tired I am of the Raj regime enabled by the Indian guy. The completely filled fridge (with rotting food), the garbage laying around everywhere (with roaches and ants feasting away), the filthy bathroom, the constant slamming of doors, and so forth. He is apparently from an affluent family, his father being some high-ranking officer in the military. Alas, perhaps I am just antsy because I cannot invoke the exodus yet. Perhaps I am seeing the reality of life that is too far out of our control. Perhaps I am seeing too many fools who are so self-absorbed in hedonism and conceit. The sheer vanity and senselessness of our existence, the ludicrous non-existent pillars of our crumbling societal infrastructure, and the blatant audacity of stupidity has brought me closer to genocidal ramapage. Yet, that's exactly why the moneychangers and the powers-that-be are so elated. If you have followed the journal and the "blog," you know exactly what I mean.

Once we remove the goggles of ignorance, we can clearly see how far gone and how hopeless the situation really is. We have passed the proverbial "point of no return" in many respects.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Temple of Doom

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day has withstood the test of time. The day was hot and humid. I lapsed in and out of a coma in the inner courtyard of the library as the heat was almost too much to bear. Much as I did not want to, I departed for the gym at 1:45pm. I did my usual workout as to be expected. Then, I rode an extremely crowded bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), a place that I am gradually coming to despise. I was able to enjoy a peaceful veggie "rations" dinner. The evening? Whoa! Same ol' shit.

I will mention that I am devoting about two hours each evening to watch the special editions of Democracy Now! with coverage of both heavily commercialized political conventions. The focus is not on the usual mainstream crap. Most notable is the disturbing police-state suppression in Denver of the relatively peaceful demonstrations. Needless to say, the video clips of the blowhards speaking at the convention was sickening at best, each of them lying through their teeth. Collectively, they spoke with the voice of El Diablo, urging one and all to prostrate themselves at the Temple of Doom.

Spit in the face of El Diablo (i.e., sinister kahuna), I say, and get out of Babylon now. We are wasting far too much time collecting useless trinkets and worshipping at the Temple of Doom. These cardboard candidates raised by the empire's ruling elite (i.e., moneychangers and powers-that-be) are a disgrace to the world. We are not looking at agents of change. Rather, they are agents of destruction.

My Palm® TX has been revamped into a full-fledged Net appliance, as I mentioned earlier. I am now streamlining my operation to utilize on-line portals extensively. In fact, I no longer use any of the installed Palm® software. Of course, I need a free Wi-Fi® connection which is not often available. I am, however, resisting any temptation to resort to extreme "cloud computing." The Palm® TX hardware appears to be fully functional. The digitizer problem is minimal and may have beeen exacerbated by the worn out screen protector. There is no digitizer drift. If I can afford to do so, I will replace the screen protector. And, I will avoid excessive screen input with the stylus.

I was disillusioned with my Palm® TX because it is, frankly, outdated. The iPhone® has really made it out to look like a piece of junk. The Palm® OS is ridiculously antiquated. Yet, after further thought, I realized that simplicity and backwardness were the features that endeared me to Palm® products. Even cheap cell phones have better rendering engines than the Blazer browser. The one-and-only font is prehistoric. Even mobile and WAP Web sites look bad. I am reminded of the days when I used Lynx. Sheesh!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Babylon Nights

Like a true senile fool, I neglected to "publish" the "blog" entry of yesterday. So, it sat in "drafts" all that time. Not much important was discussed anyway. Moms and I made the usual rounds this morning in Hawai'i Kai ... Longs® in Kuapa Kai and Foodland in Koko Marina. We ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served up Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert. I chatted with moms until 1pm.

I found shaded parking in the Koko Marina parking structure. I walked to the gym to do my usual cardio workout. Afterward, I shopped at Foodland before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I performed the dreaded laundry chores to round out the day. The gale force winds are extremely gusty, so we can imagine the kind of shitty evening that I will have to endure.

The "condotel" unit did not break even last month. As a matter of fact, I am $450 in the hole. Last month was projected to be a good month. August, on the other hand, is slated to be a really bad month. How much worse can it get? Having to dole out $450 is almost equivalent to paying rent for another ghetto dump. I cannot afford to subsidize the "condotel" unit. I have no health insurance, minimal automobile insurance, and I live like a true ascetic just to survive. I can barely afford food as it is. And, I absolutely refuse to engage in a wage slave job just to subsidize the crummy "condotel" unit.

Am I that bad off? Damned straight! Am I worse off than others? Frankly, I do not know. As far as I can tell, only the homeless and I are truly suffering. Everyone else seems to have lots of money. I have not seen so much mindless consumption in my entire life. Each passing day produces ever greater consumption records. Yet, in the so-called "mainstream news," I am privy to read about millions of foreclosures, increasing bankruptcies, businesses closing or downsizing, and so forth. Joe Bageant summed it up quite nicely:
America is already a second world nation, but the aforementioned shiny commercial skin and charming digital gizmos leads the citizenry to believe otherwise. No health care, no guarantee of anything really, except competitive struggle with one another for work and money. Americans are presently comfortable because we have always been very materialistic from the beginning. And so comfort and goods have always trumped thought and morality. But now that natural resources are being heavily stressed globally, we are left without enough concern for the common good to save ourselves as a unified entity. The problem with American style democracy is that it is all well and good to say, "I owe no man anything. And no man owes me. I am free unto myself." And, unfortunately, alone. No grasp of the common weal. And so we are left to depend entirely upon the state to do everything man does collectively, while we are each left to seek out the latest personal comfort or amusement.
I have always known that I live a surreal existence, a detached sense of being from society-at-large. I have never been an imperialist stooge. I did not want to see the empire's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I never wanted to see the myriad clandestine meddling by the empire in other nations' affairs. I do not understand why all the fake money that is being "printed" by the Fed is being used to fund those grotesque activities or to bail out financial crooks. Why are we not investing in our own citizenry? Where the hell is the outrage?

I am willing to be flushed down the proverbial toilet as long as I go down with the myriad other turds. For the sake of the planet and the upkeep of Universal Law, an apocalyptic climax to the sickening debauchery cannot come soon enough.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Babylon Days

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday has eclipsed all semblance of reality. Really? No, not really. Reality remains real, and real is the sublime. At least that is the case in the ol' lavahead's extremely small world. I did my usual workout at the gym. The hottie gym trainer made one of her sporadic appearances. I must say that baby is a fine specimen of hottie. Baby was working with a senior citizen gym member. I am surprised that the old codger didn't have a cardio event when baby was adjusting his position during a set. After espying the hottie gym trainer, I could only run through the rest of the day in a robotic fashion. At least I was spared any deep thoughts about the impending doom known as the secular Apocalypse. I rode a crowded bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) without incident. I was even able to eat my veggie "rations" dinner in peace.

Well, the evening will find me stationed in front of my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I will most likely be piddling around with my Palm® TX later. Is that what my life has been reduced to? Well, I have discovered that I can use my Palm® TX as a music player for files downloaded from the Pure House Music site. Yet, I have not been inclined to do so. I can also use the device as an eBook reader. In fact, the Documents To Go® application will convert eBook files. Yet, that does not interest me either. I would rather read a real book in the library. Heck, I even located a legacy AIM application for the Palm® on the AOL® UK site. It's easy to see why I am simply "chasing my tail." My core values and beliefs are diametrically opposed to the "mainstream" culture. I can always acquire more shiny objects, but I have no purpose for them. Even the mobile portals that I bookmarked in the spartan Blazer browser have left a lot to be desired.

What I really find surprising is that "mobile" now almost exclusively means cell phones and "smartphones." The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is obsolete. The applications and mobile portals are very phone-oriented. Dependence on cell phones and "smartphones" is out of control as are the costs of the various service plans to accommodate all of the features. I am not sure if the populace is even aware of the sham. I plan to move in the opposite direction. I am looking forward to even less reliance on electronic gadgets. To celebrate, I have turned off my cell phone indefinitely. I will still maintain the "pay 'n go" account at $10 per year.

I have discovered an interesting aspect of human nature which is somehow related to religiosity and spirituality. As we approach either the secular Apocalypse or Armageddon, we have observed the ramped up activities of the religious dispensationalist. We have also observed the surge of secular dispensationalists. The latter are "survivalists" who are planning for a time after the fall of the "system." In either sect, we can clearly see a pattern that is clearly based on the Armageddon model. Universal Law is dictating an end to the human morass, naturally of our own doing. As I have argued prior, the existence of a Creator is beyond religious question. It is Universal Law. Religion is a human fabrication to understand Universal Law. However, religion was usurped by human frailty and hubris. We cannot change Universal Law. It is the ultimate destiny. Deep down inside, most of us know that something is deeply wrong. We know that we are approaching the denouement, the "end of days."

The "fight or flight" option is before us, with most of the satanic gargoyles joining the decadent party, the steamy cauldron of debauchery, by worshipping at the temple of the sinister kahuna and willingly being infected by the epidemic of the "seven sins." Losing ourselves in decadence and distractions will not immunize us. Nor will it prolong the coming of the end.

In my own feeble way, I am also attempting to prepare for the "end of days." That is why I have been feverishly divesting my useless material possessions. The exodus is secular dispensationalist tactic. Get out of Babylon, we've been warned. Yet, even I know that I cannot escape the ramifications of breaking Universal Law. You can run, but you can't hide.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day has been ... mummified! Can you guess what the itinerary was? Well, I could go on and on about the usual nonsense. Why bother? There are only two legitimate readers. Everyone else is only searching for pictures of hotties. Anyway, what exactly can be redeeming about an urban nomad kind-of-a-day? I see the same human tragedy every single day. There is nothing that can save humanity except its destruction. That's right. The paradox is the solution. The medium is the massage. The choke is da chicken.

The one aspect of being an urban nomad (read: unemployed loser) that I can fully exploit is the ability to ponder, to ruminate, and to analyze life whether it be my own or all of humanity. Every issue can be scrutinized for I have an abundance of time. And, there are only two possible outcomes from such an endeavor: disillusionment or insanity. I have found the I can endure high levels of disillusionment. The result has brought me to seek the apex of isolationism. The masses of society are all moving in concert toward mutually assured destruction of one kind or another, albeit in a totally oblivious fashion. I am led to believe that most of the participants in society are already insane. Nothing else can explain the blind allegiance to mutually assured destruction (MAD). And, I am not speaking of the "Dr. Strangelove" variety of MAD, although the latter is becoming a viable threat. However, we, as individual humans, have become quite adept at dismantling social order in our own naïve anarchic way. It would be laughable were it not so tragic.

The empire's presidential (s)election is turning into a real farce, eh? I am certainly grateful that I am not one of those so-called "progressives" who were banking on that rhetorical "change" crap. What a big "bait-n-switch" campaign that was! There are going to be a lot of satanic gargoyles on major antidepressants by the end of the year. I won't be one of them, because I already knew the game plan.

Well, I have not found any useful applications for my Palm® TX aside from the ubiquitous ToiletSolver v1. That's as good as it gets. Incidentally, I discovered that the glass digitizer is available from PDAParts. The other supplier that I referenced yesterday only offers the same plastic digitizer. Or, I could sell the unit for $53 at Consumer Electronics Recycling. Sheesh!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Moms and I made the rounds at Koko Marina this morning ... Pricebusters and Foodland. We ate spaghetti plate lunches at Zippy's. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert. I chatted with moms until 1pm. Then, I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck back to Koko Marina. I was able to find shaded parking. Thank goodness, for moms had given me a whole bunch of fresh fruit. I did not want the fruit to cook in the truck. I walked to the gym. I did my usual workout, although I was extremely fatigued. I shopped at Foodland afterward. I also treated myself to a cold Icee® beverage. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4pm, just in time to perform the dreaded laundry chores. I ate my usual veggie "rations" for dinner. The evening will be more of the same, that is, same ol' shit.

I have still been plagued by unusual dreams every night. I am averaging about five hours of unsound sleep. Thus, sleep deprivation has taken its toll on the oversized cranium. I have extremely fatigued and very irritable. The slightest provocation brings me close to unloading homicidal rage. The seems to be no end is sight insofar as the crazy dreams are concerned.

Moms complained about experiencing another "zap in the head" episode yesterday. Although infrequent, the episodes suggest some kind of problem. Yet, moms has not exhibited any symptoms related to a mini-stroke or aneurysm. Sometimes I wonder if my excessive compulsion to divest my worldly possessions and my proclivity to flee are in someway related. Perhaps my recent and unending bout of intrusive dreams is also involved. Perhaps my subconscious is cognizant of something that I have yet to understand.

The Palm® TX dilemma remains unresolved, although I am now more inclined to not divest it. I found that I could replace the plastic digitizer with a glass one available from the Used PDA Parts site. The site also features replacement Lithium-Ion batteries and the tools required to open up the Palm® TX for servicing. I have also been searching for useful free Palm® applications. However, nothing has piqued my interest. So, what's in store for the Palm® TX? I am contemplating its utilization as a full Internet appliance, whatever that means.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Palm® Remorse

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day offered a countermeasure to the day before. Incidentally, heavy rains last night once again nullified the cleaning of my Nissan® Frontier truck. Was I upset? Of course, but I knew that was going to happen. Will it rain again tonight? I doubt it. Sheesh! I spent three hours in the inner courtyard of the library. I have been really enjoying the book, "Neither East Nor West," by Christiane Bird. Then, I did my usual workout at the gym. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm.

I was finally able to perform a "hard reset" on my Palm® TX after locating the proper instructions at the Palm® site. Last night, I had attempted to perform the "hard reset" using bogus procedures, but to no avail. My Palm® TX is now completely clean. In other words, it has been restored to the out-of-box state. In fact, it is running much faster, although the other problems are not easily remedied. Perhaps, I should rethink its divestiture, eh?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I rode the bus to Aina Haina this morning. I spent two hours in the freezing cold library, thanks to the overworked air conditioner. Even the staff is dressed like it is Winter on the mainland. Sheesh! I rode the bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at noon. I gave my Nissan® Frontier truck a sponge bath. After I washed it a week ago, my hard work was soiled by heavy rain on the very same evening. I also finally cleaned the floor mats. I piddled around until 1:30pm.

Then, I drove to Koko Marina. Traffic was extremely heavy. Surprisingly, I could not find any shaded parking. The parking structure was completely full. I had to park by Taco Bell®. Since petrol has been down about four cents per gallon, everyone has returned to driving around like crazy. As Shrub stated, the "American" life-style is not negotiable. I walked the roundabout way to the gym since the concrete spalling work on the parking structure had blocked the one-and-only staircase. I did my usual workout. Since I was already parked by Taco Bell®, I made an easy selection for the day's treat: two Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos sans Montezuma's Revenge. The dining area was also completely crowded with slobs. However, I was able to find a small table. I enjoyed my snack immensely despite the crowd.

I made my final stop at Foodland. I shopped for the usual groceries. In the end, I purchased a small piece of pudding cake for yet another snack. Why am I wasting so much dough on crap? I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor by 5pm. The evening? Same ol' shit.

Sadly, I've been preparing my Palm® TX for divestiture after a hastily made decision late last night. I reviewed the state of the device. I observed that the digitizer is indeed wearing out. Rather than using glass, the digitizer is simply a contact-sensitive plastic matrix layered over the display screen. Thus, the entire digitizer has an uneven response to the pressure applied by the writing stylus. I suspect that, in normal use, it would last slightly longer than the warranty (one year). The internal Lithium-Ion battery is still functioning, but most likely will fail soon. Most Lithium-Ion batteries degrade significantly within two years. I am pretty much finished with electronic gadgets. Incidentally, take a good look at the new iPhone® 3G piece of junk. Looks great, doesn't it? Step back and imagine yourself with such a device. At first glance, it sure looks like it can bring about "freedom." Yet, aside from being financially enslaved to AT&T®, imagine the enslavement to its myriad connectivity and services.

I test fired my Nova® Spirit electronic restraining device (ERD). Surprisingly, the Lithium-Ion battery pack is still functioning. The device itself is in excellent condition. As the "system" begins to collapse, the ERD may come in handy. No divestiture of the device is planned.

I hope to accelerate the divestiture of my useless possessions as doing my part to dismantle the empire. Every act that I engage in must now be a countermeasure to empire. I detest the so-called "mainstream," the mindless zombie state that has enabled the moneychangers and the powers-that-be to enslave the masses. I will also be concentrating more of my efforts to absorb what I can from the fringes of the "system," a lesson that I learned through homeless guy emulation.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gale Force Winds

The weather continues to be an oddity. The days have been fairly nice and warm. However, there have been intermittent showers, mostly at night. The gale force winds are still blowing. I must close the louvers in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) in the evening. However, the dirt and dust swirls into my squalid room nonetheless. I must constantly blow the thin layer of dirt particles off of my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. Naturally, since I am a senior citizen, I end up spewing spittle all over my computer. Old age has not been kind to the ol' lavahead.

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day was painstakingly executed in rare precision form. You know the drill. I nursed my frayed nerves in the inner courtyard of the library. Then, I did my usual workout at the gym. I was back at Slob Manor by 5pm. I was able to enjoy a peaceful veggie "rations" dinner. I will spend the evening battling the gale force winds again.

I have decided to resurrect my Palm® TX after rediscovering it a week or so ago. I discovered that OPIE Linux can be installed on the device. After further investigation, though, I decided against replacing the Palm® operating system (OS). Yes, the latter is a single-tasking OS, and it's not very elegant. However, it does the job. The most important task is that it can render my financial spreadsheets properly. I will be investigating other practical uses for it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ten to Nine

To calm my nerves last night, I listened to a series of House Music mixes by Lady Liquid on the Pure House Music site. Nothing can soothe the frayed nerves like House Music except, maybe, cheap booze. However, the urban nomad no longer partakes of cheap booze. He has had little inclination to get hammered, even though his daily adventures often push him to the edge of sanity.

Moms and I made the usual rounds in Hawai'i Kai this morning including Longs® in Kuapa Kai and Foodland in Koko Marina. Moms and I ate lunch at Yummy's Korean Barbeque. Later, moms served up Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert. As usual, I kept moms company until 1pm.

I spent just a little time at Koko Head Park and enjoyed the scenery. Then, I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck back to Koko Marina. I found shaded parking in the parking structure. I did my usual cardio workout at the gym. Afterward, I did my personal grocery shopping at Foodland. I also indulged myself with a cold Icee® beverage. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4pm, just in time to perform the dreaded laundry chores. Obviously, I was "on a roll" to fulfill the mundanity of the same ol' shit. And, that's exactly where the day will find its conclusion.

I did not sleep well at all last night, which is now becoming part of my routine. I am even more fatigued than yesterday. Thus, my ability to think beyond the mundane has been severely hampered. I will seek out more House Music mixes on the Net to divert me from the usual diatribe. I need a short breather from the empire and its foolishness.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Useless Possessions

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday ... gone forever. Did anything out of the ordinary occur? Nah, same ol' shit. Of course, with every Sunday, the only important item on the agenda was my workout at the gym. Everything else was simply a waste of time. However, time is something that I have an abundance of, most ironic given the little actual time that I have left on the planet. I was back at Slob Manor by 3:15pm.

I piddled around in my squalid room for the rest of the afternoon. I surveyed the sheer number of small useless possessions that I have acquired over the years. I rummaged through the other gym bag that I use for luggage. Once again, there was a proliferation of crap that I did not need. The really sad part is that I somehow spent good money to procure the crap. The problem, I believe, stems from my inability to focus on one kind of transient life-style. Am I going to be a homeless guy emulator? Or, will I be an urban nomad? What if I change my mind and become a reclusive monk? Hard as it may be to believe, each of the aforementioned life-styles requires different types of basic survival paraphernalia.

Some of my major possessions require more possessions to upkeep the latter. Take my Nissan® Frontier truck. I must keep my small toolbox full of tools, even though I never use them. I also have paraphernalia to wash and wax the truck. My "condotel" unit generates a whole mess of paperwork, which I must keep until the unit is sold. Thus, I have a large file container to store all of the "condotel" paperwork along with my own personal documents. Since I recycled the shipping crate for my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer, I will eventually have to purchase a protective case for it. That's how consumption becomes endless.

I enjoyed a peaceful dinner comprised of veggie "rations." Although I ate a lot, the total caloric count was probably not much. I doubt that I consume more than 1,500 calories per day, which is why I continue to lose weight. Yet, what am I going to eat? Most of the food choices are crappy, poisonous, or both. Perhaps that is why I am always fatigued as well. The crazy nightly dreams are not helping either. Last night, I found myself reincarnated as a university student living in some kind of dormitory situation. There were a lot of young hotties running amok, by the way. The dream, though, was actually a nightmare. I was caught up in an environment that I detest. I was losing my mind. Then, I woke up to "drain the lizard."

My DeLonghi® "retro" contact grill and panini press is still in its box, still sitting in the exact same spot that I left it when I brought it back to Slob Manor. I really have no intention of unboxing it. I should returned it for a refund. The conundrum that keeps the DeLonghi® appliance sealed in its box is that I have found nothing to cook that is not poisonous. Thus, the contact grill feature is now useless. And, what kind of panini could I devise that is actually healthy? I cannot simply grill the bread alone.

And, on and on it goes. Every useless possession of mine has the same morbid twist to its ownership. Why do I own anything at all? That is the big question, isn't it? I have observed a few of the homeless with an enormous amount of stuff packed in rolling luggage, shopping carts, plastic bags, and backpacks. I have seen individuals with houses, condos, apartments, and cars stuffed to the brim with crap. That's the "ownership society" in action. What we need is a "disownership society," that is, a communal culture that shares resources rather than replicate them in absurd redundancy.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Greater World War

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day ... same old, same old. I spent three hours in the inner courtyard of the library, lapsing in and out of a coma. Then, I did my usual workout at the gym. I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) before 5pm. At first, I did not want to make the trek to town. However, I realized the therapeutic nature of the inner courtyard of the library. It is really the only place to unwind and preserve my sanity.

The Iolani Palace grounds were closed to the public all day. Apparently, the Kingdom of Hawai'i Nation sovereignty group took a bold step last night that resulted in 22 arrests. The group's king, Akahi Nui, attempted to literally seat himself on the throne in the palace. I am not certain about the number of sovereignty groups that exist in the islands, but each seems to be thwarting the efforts of the others. Frankly, the only way that Hawai'ian sovereignty will be accomplished is through consolidation and militarization. The empire appears to only know one language: war. Can you imagine a breakaway war here in the islands? Perhaps I should pen a novel with that very plot, eh?

I have commenced reading the book, "Neither East Nor West: One Woman's Journey Through the Islamic Republic of Iran," by Christiane Bird. Yes, I thought that I had completed my research on Iran. Not so. In looking at the map of the Middle East, I came to realize that Iran still rmeains the most direst route from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf. Obviously, there are similar, albeit more circuitous, routes through Turkey, Iraq, and Kuwait or through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, transiting oil and natural gas through either alternative route is extremely risky given the empire's unending wars to "secure" those region. As for Iran, the empire has two goals. First, it intends to procure Iran's oil reserves, by force if necessary. Second, it plans to open strategic access for yet another pipeline to bypass any competing Eastbound Sino-Russian pipeline.

Now, here's where the analysis becomes radical. We've been hearing about the empire's plans for the ridiculous "missile shield" as well as the stationing of radar listening stations, both in former Soviet bloc nations. We've also been watching as the empire steadily attempts to recruit those same nations into NATO. We already know of the plans to keep a number of military bases in the empire's newest colonies, Iraq and Afghanistan. If we peruse the "big map," we may be able to understand the logistics. What if the empire's Neoconmen are planning to militarily sweep the Russian Federation and possibly China? The offensive would commence with nuclear first-strike missiles. The "missile shield" will be in place for the counterstrike by the Russian Federation, theoretically reducing the efficacy of the latter. The second part of the offensive would include air and ground tactical forces initially composed of the NATO nations ringing the Russian Federation as well as the Middle Eastern colony states. This would be the same kind of Nazi drive that Adolph Hitler attempted during the last days of World War II, heading straight for Moscow.

I have spoken of the moneychangers and the powers-that-be with little focus on their respective identities. In fact, at one time, I had already thought that the pyramidal structure of power was already in place. Recent events prove that not to be true. The moneychangers and the powers-that-be are the "Western" financial institutions and the "Western" (and pro-"Western") government-corporations (i.e., "corporatocracies"), respectively. The moneychangers and powers-that-be attempted to destroy both Russia and China through Chicago School "shock doctrine" economics, but that failed miserably. The two "rogue" nations now stand at odds with the "West."

In the empire, the preceding issue is a bipartisan one, in case anyone believes that there is such a thing as a "progressive" party. No candidate from either mainstream party or for any particular office is against a planned offensive aimed at Russia and China. For now, the greater issues appear to be oil and strategic access. That's only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. The empire's immense military buildup after the so-called "Cold War" ended has only one possible scenario. The empire is also doling out a lot of money (that it doesn't really have) to prop up nations and regimes subservient to empire. Planning a "go for broke" finale is nothing new in the history of declining empires. The NeoConmen have the plan as well as the full backing of all the financial and political institutions of the empire. The Resource Wars are the just the beginning of what will be known as the Greater World War.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Resource Wars Redux

A State holiday forced me to modify my urban nomad itinerary. I found myself in the Barnes & Noble® Café early this morning with a $3 rip-off cup of hot chocolate in hand. I spent about an hour there. Once the crowds of shoppers begin to gather, I must leave immediately to preserve my sanity. A few minutes after I walked to the bus stop, I was joined by Ann. We chatted while we waited for the bus. At one point, Ann went off on a tirade about the myriad inconsiderate clowns who also ride the bus. She really worked herself into a tizzy about the same kinds of nonsense that infuriates the oversized cranium. At one point, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I don't think that Ann understood what I found to be so funny. We continued our conversation on the bus. Ann lamented that she does not own a 4000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile), which would allow her to escape the idiocy of riding the bus. Well, that may be so, but 4000-pound motorized chair ownership and driving itself are another story.

I alighted the bus near Slob Manor (read: rental housing) as to be expected. Washing my Nissan® Frontier truck was next on the agenda. I spent about 1.5 hours laboring at the task. When I was done, the truck looked much better. However, there is always an internal struggle about my need to maintain my useless possessions.

I drove to Hawai'i Kai at 1:15pm. I was able to find shaded parking in the Koko Marina parking structure. I walked to the gym and performed my usual workout. I was quite fatigued because I did not sleep well last night. I had an odd dream which revolved around the use of the Nova® Spirit electronic restraining device (ERD). After a nice long shower, I felt better.

I decided to risk another bout of Montezuma's Revenge by eating at Taco Bell® again. I ordered two Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos. You knew that already, though. After the enjoyable snack, I shopped at Foodland to replenish my food supply for the next three days. I was back at Slob Manor by 4pm. The urban nomad's day was not done yet. He had to perform the dreaded laundry chores. Finally, he was able to settle into the routine of the same ol' shit at 6pm.

Sadly, even a few so-called "progressive" Web sites have bought into the "Russian aggression" propaganda that was stirred up in the so-called "mainstream media." I will discontinue viewing any of those sites and will not link to any of them either. Not surprisingly, many of the offending sites are fully backing the dysfunctional cardboard candidate, Barack Obama, who was vacationing in Hawai'i. As for the urban nomad, he could care less about the "system" sycophant.

As I mentioned previously, the oil pipeline running through several former states of the Soviet Union including Georgia, is at the heart of the matter. The Resource Wars have already commenced. Mind you, the Federation of Russia already has a pipeline in place running parallel from the Caspian Sea just a few hundred miles north in its own territory. The matter of oil is also at the heart of the Kosovo affair as well, even though no pipeline runs through it. The Trans-Balkan oil pipeline (which is coming up for approval) will transport Caspian Sea oil from the Black Sea port of Burgas to the Adriatic, passing through Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania (also former Soviet states). The implication is that Albania's consent would only occur if Kosovo was made independent of Serbia, hence NATO (read: empire proxy) intervention.

As for "punishing" Russia, there are very few European nations willing to do so. Little wonder why. A large percentage of atural gas is supplied to Europe by Russia. And, Russia has taken up the slack in trade that has afflicted the EU because of the global recession. The empire has been actively engaged in recruiting the former Soviet nations into NATO in order to establish the ridiculous "missile shield" ring around Russia. However, the more nefarious reason is in the NATO charter itself. Any war involving a NATO member will require the military assistance of all NATO members. Had Georgia already been a NATO member, there would essentially have been an instantaneous world war. Something to ponder while playing with your iPhone®.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Worldly Arrogance

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day? You bet! I spent three hours in the inner courtyard of the library, lapsing in and out of a coma. I did my usual workout at the gym. I partook of the various energy bars samples that were on a table near the staircase to the main floor of the gym. Within minutes, I observed that I was feeling quite perky. I was energized. I suspected that some of the samples were coffee flavored with trace levels of caffeine.

During the workout, my mind was working out feverishly in the background. I contemplated the sheer vanity of the "American" life-style, the sheer arrogance of the "American Dream," and the sheer audacity of it all in combination. I thought of my own complicity in these matter, how I had sought to mold myself in the likeness of the debauchery. In fact, I had given in to the weaknesses of pleasure and comfort. The physical being craves both pleasure and comfort. And, we have free will to pursue the latter and former as vigorously as possible. What we, as humans, have never understood is the implicit contractual obligations of free will, one being the mandate to exercise discipline on the "self." Without such discipline, we easily fall prey to the epidemic of the "seven sins," engorging ourselves like gluttons on a smorgasbord of hedonistic delights.

The only means to attain absolution from a narcissistic nightmare is to yank the latter out by its roots, so to speak. Self-discipline requires more than a mental flogging. Indeed, a person must clearly remove all tangible temptations, which means some degree of isolation from the environment. Also necessary is a divestiture of as many worldly possessions as possible. Then, finally, a media disconnect is required. I, myself, had become lax in my approach to self-discipline. Reaping what I sowed, I experienced high levels of anxiety and lethargy in lieu of vigilance. I came to despise the homeless guy emulation and the urban nomad life-style. In other words,I was losing my humility. I was regaining worldly arrogance.

What exactly causes world leaders to allow arrogance to feed into megalomania? Why, in their short lifespans, must they inflict generations of pain upon others? Why do they become autocratic Fascists? Really, the price of power is arrogance and hubris. Arrogance has its origins at the same crossroads that I have faced. Without self-discipline, it grows unchecked until the perpetrator finds himself a satanic gargoyle prostrated before the temple of El Diablo. The shameful actions, deceit, and sin that we are privy to witness on a grand scale is beyond human capability. There must be a sinister force, an evil machination, as the power source. Nothing else can explain the phenomena.

As I've stated before in the journal, there is only one solution to the pervasive debauchery aside from Armageddon itself. The synergistic power of evil is more than the sum of its individual human collective. Humans must disengage from the source in order to power it down until it can be destroyed. If we must commit to one act of "individualism," then let it be the disconnection from evil.

After a nice refreshing shower, I was on my way to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus. Once again, I was privy to ride the bus with the same two young hotties, the Paris Hilton wannabes, fully absorbed with themselves. Clutching their expensive cell phones, they talked loudly and in comic animation about guys, parties, and the usual university co-ed nonsense. I had flashbacks about my own university tenure. The higher education "system" is a big joke. There's nothing educational about it. Rather it is part of the bigger "system," the one clearly managed by the sinister kahuna.

Back at Slob Manor, it's always the same ol' shit. The Chinaman has possibly been laid off now for about three weeks. Most likely, the construction industry in Hawai'i is beginning to feel the pangs of attrition. Fortunately, he can file an unemployment claim. There's a new housemate, a guy named Wesley. He's a PhD candidate at the UH, the same campus attended by the two young hotties on the bus. The upstairs refrigerator is still filled with crap. There are three huge boxes of kid's cereal in there for some reason. I did not know that cereal had to be refrigerated. Also, a gallon of milk and a half-gallon of organic milk have been in there for a month untouched, along with a huge bag of now-stale baked goods. There is also a package of green salad mix which has composted into a thick green slime. The former food, now garbage, belongs to the Indian guy. He has taken to the habit of purchasing several days worth of fast food and stuffing the latter in the fridge as well. Fortunately, he tends to eat that stuff within the appropriate period of time. The bathroom sink is clogged once again. That's Slob Manor in a nutshell. I'm the urban nomad, and I approve this "blog" entry.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Longing for Longs®

Moms should have been back at the house by 10am this morning. My sister-in-law is taking the day off and will be driving moms back. As you may have guessed, moms is very old-fashioned. Unlike peers in her age group, moms does not use a cell phone. Moms has no idea how to operate one. Moms also does not have a driver's license. Moms does not eat junk food or watch the tube. Much of what moms does is reminiscent of practices in rural Pahoa on the Big Island at the turn of the century. Perhaps that is what endears me to moms. There is something more human about the old-fashioned life-style than the monocular quest for shiny objects.

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day found the urban nomad in his usual locations, the inner courtyard of the library where he lapsed in and out of a coma for three hours, and at the gym for his usual workout. The ride back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus was marred by the presence of several young punks and Paris Hilton wannabes who seemed to have forgotten to take their dosage of Ritalin. Can they not sit still without bumping into anyone else for no other reason than to play with their cell phones? Can they keep from carrying on as loudly as possible only to call attention to themselves as self-made celebrities? I don't want their autographs. I just want them to shut up and sit still. I was quickly reminded of the reason why I do not care to return to the excruciating occupation of pseudo-professor. I had to deal with numerous spoiled brats who have never been disciplined in their entire short lifespan. Well, they may have been verbally disciplined, for whatever that's worth. However, such actions (or inaction) only makes fools of the parents. The breakdown of society begins with a breakdown in the ranks of the progeny.

The evening will find the urban nomad engaged in the same ol' shit. Details are not necessary. Incidentally, the Longs® chain has been sold to CVS®. The stores on the mainland will be absorbed into CVS®, taking on the namesake. The stores in Hawai'i will continue to operate under the Longs® name. Longs® is a very important part of local culture, believe it or not. Yet, I have to wonder when Longs® as we know it will cease to exist.

By late evening (circa 10pm), I was feeling quite disengaged from myself. The sleepless nights, the constant intrusive memory recollections, and my broad-based view of the "end of days" have taken a toll on the oversized cranium. I almost "pulled the plug" on the "blog." These are desperate times. I watched a fascinating interview by Amy Goodman with investigative reporter Ron Suskind on Democracy Now! Yet, in the end, I was sickened as much as I was enlightened. Fortunately, on-line House Music saved the day.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Out of Style

I departed for Hawai'i Kai at 8:15am this morning. Moms was home when I arrived. I loaded moms stuff into my Nissan® Frontier truck. Then, we departed for Ala Moana Center at 9am. My bro is having the house "tented" for termite fumigation. Thus, my bro, his family, and moms have to vacate the house for a day.

Moms and I made the rounds at Longs® and Sears®. Moms purchased a few necessities and a windup clock at Longs®. Both moms and I went on a clothes shopping spree at Sears®. I purchased another cheap tanktop and a fairly cheap hooded pullover sweatshirt (total $30). For lunch, moms and I procured bento lunches at Shirokiya. Afterwards, we looked around at all of the interesting Japanese products. We then walked to Macy's®. Moms did a little more shopping. Moms also wanted to spend a little time by the Koi Pond. So, we strolled casually amongst the crowd to our destination. We sat for a while and watched the koi swimming around.

We departed Ala Moana a little before two o' clock. I found street parking across from the Pagoda Hotel. I helped moms carry all of her packages into the hotel. I offered to keep the packages in the truck until my next visit. However, moms declined. After checking in, I carried the stuff up to moms' room on the ninth floor. Moms had packed towels, soap, and other personal effects. Moms had purchased the windup clock to use in the hotel. I pointed out to moms that the hotel room already had everything she needed. I also had to demonstrate the use of the keycard to moms. Having lived in the "condotel" unit for over a year, I know much about hotel operations. Sadly, the room had the smell of cigarette smoke.

Moms and I sat in the lobby for a few minutes. However, the time was well past moms' nap time. So, I left shortly afterward. I drove back to Hawai'i Kai. I easily found shaded parking in the Koko Marina parking structure. I walked to the gym to do my cardio workout. Then, I made a final stop at Foodland. For a treat, I purchased a pint of Dove® Chocolate and Brownie Affair ice cream. I sat outside and ate my delicious treat. The crappy plastic spoon, however, was giving me grief. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm.

I followed the usual urban nomad evening recital, with the exception that I performed the dreaded laundry chores (again) on a smaller scale. Specifically, I wanted to wash my new hooded pullover sweatshirt. I am making preparations for the upcoming Winter. Yet, the weather in the last three weeks have actually not been any different from the Winter season. O'ahu has been plagued with gale force winds and heavy rain, which is very unusual for this time of year.

I was burdened by a forceful disconnect all day. Although the Russia-Georgia War has abated, there are other disturbing trends. For one thing, the empire's so-called "mainstream media" deliberately dissembled facts and twisted the truth to implicate the Federation of Russia as the sole aggressor in the war. We have already seen how the same kind of dissembling of facts was presented by the same media prior to the empire's incursion into Afghanistan and Iraq. Thus, how much do we really know about the "September 11th" event? What untruths are we being told about the ongoing financial collapse of the empire? The list is now endless. By default, I now place much more faith in the alternative news sources. I am also much more confident that "conspiracy theory" actually rings true. We, as a nation, are going to "reap what we sow." There's no question in my mind about that.

The only redemption that I seem to find is when I spend time with moms. I feel as though I have something worthwhile is achieved, albeit somewhat ethereal. I finally resized and cropped the photo that Lori had taken of the oversized cranium a few weeks back at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® in Koko Marina. My monk haircut had grown out. I was unshaven and unkempt in true homeless guy emulator fashion. I still wear those crappy shades from over 15 years ago. Mind you, I have a pair of $300 Oakley® prescription shades and a $300 pair of stylin' regular "vision compensators" (read: spectacles). Why don't I wear them? I should wear them at least once before the secular Apocalypse commences. Well, my rationale is simple. I am a senior citizen. I don't need to worry about making a fashion statement. Senior citizens always wear styles from at least one decade ago. Why should I buck the trend?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Resource Wars

I was on my way to Hawai'i Kai at 8:40am this morning in my Nissan® Frontier truck. Moms was home when I arrived. While moms completed a few chores, I used my trusty pumice stone to continue grinding down the callouses on the soles of my feet. Moms and I stopped by Panda Express® in Kuapa Kai to procure our plate lunches. We sat outside by the waterfront and enjoyed our meal. We made no other rounds. Once we returned, moms served up Foremost® vanilla ice cream for dessert. I sat and chatted with moms until 1pm.

I was fortunate to find shaded parking in the Koko Marina parking structure. I walked directly to the gym. I did my usual workout. Then, I shopped for a few grocery items at Foodland. I also treated myself to an Icee® beverage. I was back in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4pm, just in time to perform the dreaded laundry chores.

The evening will find me logged on to my beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I will be researching and following the tragic and curious events in Georgia. The empire's so-called "mainstream media" has been dissembling information by carefully constructing reports to imply that the Russian Federation launched the initial offensive. By and large, I am now convinced that there is no way to trust the mainstream media. I must rely heavily upon alternative aggregation services such as the Global Research site.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Reckoning

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday has drifted off into deep space. I followed the urban nomad itinerary down to the precise minute. I did my usual workout at the gym. A former Diploma Mill student from five years ago, Israel, happened to be in the gym. He apparently recognized me. We chatted for a few minutes. I was also able to catch a glance of the hottie gym trainer. Baby was looking mighty fine. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3:45pm. The remainder of the day? We all know the drill. Sheesh!

The very quick and rapidly deteriorating set of events in Georgia and South Ossetia had me scurrying for more information. Georgia had apparently launched an attack on separatist South Ossetia just a few days ago. The Federation of Russia has now intervened and is pushing the Georgian military out of South Ossetia. South Ossetia is, in reality, very distinctly dissimilar to Georgia. Its people are distant offshoots of the Persians. Their language is very close to Farsi. However, there is a lot more to the crisis than meets the eye here. Georgia has been wooed by the empire to join NATO, which is a thorn in Russia's side. Then, there is the issue of oil, specifically the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline which is routed through Georgia. The question remains: why did Georgia launch an offensive against South Ossetia and Abkhazia in the first place?

What's becoming clearer is that the world is heading toward the Big One, a major confrontation pitting the "West" (through its surrogate, the US empire) against Russia and China. The proxy wars that we are witnessing in the Middle East, Africa, and the Caucasus are simply "window dressing" to cover for the real war, the upcoming resource wars. In other words, the Peak Oil Wars.

By the way, I am very impressed by Cindy Sheehan's tenacity in finally putting herself on the ballot in Cali. The event will probably mark the most interesting aspect of the entire November (s)election.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day has flowed like water under a bridge. The urban nomad itinerary was executed like clockwork. I spent three hours in the inner courtyard of the library. Then, I walked to the gym to perform my usual workout. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm. The highlight of the day was when I heard the following announcement broadcast on the public address system at the library: "Will the owner of the green shopping cart parked at the entrance please move it." Says it all, doesn't it?

Another evening of the same ol' shit lies ahead. I will enjoy another less-than-hearty veggie "rations" meal. Then, I will spend the rest of the evening with my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. Interspersed between computer time will be odd jobs such as cleaning my squalid room with my humble dustpan and brush. A whole week of gale force winds has made the latter task a nightmare. There are no other options for the urban nomad. I could make the jaunt to Kahala Mall, but "window shopping" is such a depressing activity. The urban nomad's mind cannot be entertained by perusing useless junk. And, since my discovery of the library, I rarely find the need to visit Barnes & Noble®.

I could return to the malignant days of watching the tube or renting DVDs. Yet, how much more benign can an activity be? Entertainment is really just a series of repetitive themes all offered through expensive venues. Just as with the presidential (s)election, we are left choosing between the variety of lesser evils. Nothing is satisfying, much in the way fast food barely fulfills an appetite. I have no idea why the masses tolerate such mediocrity. Sadly, our whole social infrastructure is based on interconnected mediocrity. To fully function in society, an individual must be fully engaged and versed in all forms of mediocrity. We have established mediocre means of communication, which has finally displaced the higher level cognitive communications once utilized by humanity. To not debase communications to the primal level means ostracism and alienation (i.e., the ultimate pariah state).

I have also become sickened by the fact that every single one of our daily decisions is purchase-oriented. All day long, I logged my various decisions, only to discover that all of my vital decisions are based upon product choices and ability to pay. Our lives are all about total money transactions. Nothing more, nothing less. And, there we have it ... our everyday existence is based upon trivia and money transactions. Where is the meaning? Little wonder why humanity has become so debauched and so detached from the harsh reality that awaits us.

In order for consumerism and materialism to prevail, the human thinking process had to be sequestered into the unconscious. Analytical and critical thinking had to be displaced by Pavlovian responses (induced by Pavlovian training). When we hear the bell ... Ka-Ching!1 ... then we snap into action. Well, my friends, here is tonight's reading assignment: "Twenty Nine Reasons People Need To Pull Their Heads Out Of The Sand," by Wanda Marie Woodward (on the CounterCurrents site).

Ka-Ching!1, an imitation of the sound made by a cash register (definition courtesy Urban Dictionary site).

Friday, August 08, 2008

Pariah Redux

I was on my way to Hawai'i Kai at 8:30am. Moms was home when I arrived. Moms was outside in the yard doing some gardening. So, I spent a little time grinding down the callouses on the soles of my feet with my trusty pumice stone. Moms and I made a quick jaunt to Foodland in Koko Marina. For lunch, moms broiled a salmon steak. We also ate half of a lamp-baked chicken, fresh vegetables, and rice. For dessert, moms served Foremost® vanilla ice cream. I chatted with moms until 1pm.

I was not able to find shaded parking for my Nissan® Frontier truck in the Koko Marina parking structure. I parked on the upper level near Taco Bell®. I was immediately reminded of my latest bout of Montezuma's Revenge. I walked to the gym. I did my usual workout. Then, I made a final stop at Foodland to restock my food supply. I did not splurge on any treats. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4pm, just in time to perform the dreaded laundry chores.

I was struck by a high level of despair all day, possibly due to another sleepless night. Or, maybe I have come to the realization that I am at the end of the line, so to speak. Or, perhaps at the "end of my rope." I have not been able to reconcile the meaninglessness of my existence, an issue that I have been pondering for several weeks. Naturally, I have been too psychologically dispossessed to chronicle the affair in the "blog." There is no cure for my malady. I am at odds with a society that possesses values diametrically opposed to my own. I mean, what exactly defines society-at-large except consumerism and materialism? There is just nothing left that is not commercialized in one way or another. Even human interaction has been "commodified." I am essentially living a "pay 'n go" life-style just like the myriad satanic gargoyles around me. There is no escape. When I refuse to "pay 'n go," then I become a non-entity. The latter is the true definition of the common phrase, "I have no life."

In the "Golden Years," the concept of a "pay 'n go" life-style becomes ludicrous. "Pay 'n go" is an infantile concept because its basis is perpetual youth, or should I say, perpetual adolescence. Yet, when the skin wrinkles, the posture hunches, and the walk is stunted, there is no youth. The flashy life-style, the "pay 'n go" kiosks of culture, sport, religion, politics, academia, and entertainment clash with the shriveled hands of time. The "fountain of youth" is not flowing with Botox® or gym memberships.

What then is the answer? Is the exodus the way out? I, for one, do not know for sure. However, anything that sidesteps this cheapened form of life that humans have come to value would be an improvement. When I made a decent wage as a wage slave, I was blinded. I earned enough money to transact myself in and around the "pay 'n go" system. I could purchase a home, which I did twice. I could purchase a 4000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile), which I did. I could engage in a variety of social activities, which I did. I had to plunk down the dinero, however. No dinero, no nothing. No tickey, no laundry.

Once the dineros stopped flowing, my whole personal infrastructure collapsed. Not surprising, to say the least. The "pay 'n go" system has made us all whores. We sell ourselves. We also buy slaves of various kinds. Money buys the accoutrements that determines class. Once I was stripped of my financial net worth, I was left with only one class option. I was invited to the same class as the homeless and the destitute. The bottom of the barrel, as it were. I may appear to be jaded by the unfortunate circumstances, but I am not. I can only say that I have had many moments of difficulty in dealing with the isolation, alienation, ostracism, and dichotomy that I have experienced as a result. I am a man without a nation, without a society, and without an identity. I am a non-entity.

Am I saying that I made a big mistake? No, absolutely not. I am simply stating that the path leading to the exodus is a singular one. There is no camaraderie because no one else is choosing to "opt out" of the "pay 'n go" debauchery. There are moments of tremendous angst and self-doubt. There are no reassurances from anyone. In the end, one becomes a pariah, an urban nomad.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Nomadic Mundanity

Another homeless guy emulation ... errr, I mean ... urban nomad kind-of-a-day has sashayed off-stage. The same routine, the same urban nomad itinerary, was followed. I spent only two hours at the library. I departed an hour earlier to accommodate the restoration of my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. Leo, one of the instructors, told me that the institute is relocating to Nu'uanu Avenue next month. I completed my town experience with my usual workout at the gym. Then, I magically reappeared at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm. Well, not exactly. I had to endure another excruciating bus ride with a number of troglodytes. The evening? Same ol' shit.

Aside from the homeless, the library is patronized by quite a few senior citizens of varying decrepitude. For me, observing the latter is not for the purpose of entertainment. I see my immediate future. So many of them are incapacitated by old age maladies. They have shrunk in size, or are bloated with blubber. They walk with a hobbling gait or need some sort of prosthetics to get by. They no longer stand upright. Their skeletal structures have long ago given in to gravity. It is hard for me to not think about senior citizen issues. Life is too short.

I have continued my research about Iran. Currently, I am reading the book, Persian Mirrors," by Elaine Sciolino. I might add that Sciolino completely ignores the time period that Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was President of Iran. When Sciolino adheres to chronology, rather than delve into why Iran cannot be more "Americanized," her testimony coincides roughly with Bani-Sadr. My focus as of late has been the curious dichotomy between the empire (and its proxy, Zionist Israel) and Iran. At one time, the notorious Shah had forged an alliance with Israel, which makes sense because both nations are the only non-Arabic ones in the Middle East. Obviously, that alliance fell through once the Islamic Republic was established and the Shah exiled.

Curiously, though, Ayatollah Rohollah Khomeini had struck several deals with the Reagan administration during the eight-year Iran-Iraq War. One deal involved the delayed release of the American Embassy hostages in order to secure Carter's defeat. According to Bani-Sadr, Khomeini was essentially a Reagan supporter. The most notorious deal, of course, led to the Iran-Contra scandal.

The punchline is that arm shipments to Iran were facilitated through Israel. The war itself, according to Bani-Sadr, was drawn out for so long because Khomeini wanted to consolidate his power. Khomeini was succeeded by the much more moderate and less charismatic Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamanei. Yet, so far, I have not made any determination about why Iran came into the crosshairs of the NeoConmen. It's about as big a mystery as why Iraq was also a target, that is, unless we accept oil and strategic access as the true reasons.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Montezuma's Revenge (Reprise)

"If people can't see how this nation is teetering on the precipice of financial ruin and dragging the rest of this planet down with us as we destroy our ecology, too ... and if people don't realize how desperate our situation is, then I must say, that's horseshit!" -- Cindy Sheehan, from the article titled, "This is Horseshit," on Counterpunch
Cindy Sheehan is angry, and so am I, for that matter. Read her article and see why. Although, can any of us expect any change? Don't count on it.

Yesterday, the Fed kept short-term interest rates at two percent. The stock market came out to party. "The bad times are over," the satanic gargoyles are shouting. The Fed really wants to lower short-term rates to zero percent. Debt is what is maintaining the so-called "American Dream." Lots and lots of debt is required to grease the squeaky wheel. The Fed cannot raise interest rates for another reason. As long as the possibility of an incursion into Iran exists, the rate ceiling (i.e., "war level") will remain at two percent. There are also rumors that some currency jiggling is occurring to temporarily strengthen the dollar. Hence, oil prices have been dropping as a result. The reason? The presidential (s)election is coming up.

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day began with a trek to the Aina Haina library. After I alighted the bus, I walked through the parking lot of the Aina Haina Shopping Center. A dumbass chick in a "soccer mom" minivan, gabbing away on her cell phone, failed to yield the right-of-way to the pedestrian urban nomad. He then punched the rear panel of the "soccer mom" minivan as it cut right in front of him. The library, unfortunately, maintains the air conditioning ambient temperature at 65o F. Thus, it is impossible to remain inside the library for longer than 1.5 hours.

I rode the bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Actually, I boarded the wrong bus. I had to alight before the bus chugged deep into Upper Aina Haina. Fortunately, I was able to walk back to the main street to board the proper bus. I was back in my squalid room by noon. With so much time on my hands, I decided to begin another installment of the "Great Purge." I gathered some minor crap and threw it in the rubbish can. I finally flattened the cardboard shipping box for my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. Why was I keeping that crap? I will throw it into the recycler later.

I drove to Koko Marina in Hawai'i Kai at 1pm. I was able to find shaded parking for my Nissan® Frontier truck in the parking structure. I walked to the gym. Once again, I leisurely went through my usual workout. I enjoyed a long hot shower. For a treat, I stopped by Taco Bell® and ordered two Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos. I was able to sit in the quiet dining room and savor every bite.

After my snack, I sat on one of the tables overlooking the Koko Marina parking lot. I was enjoying the benign activity until three raucous high school punks sat at the next table. The young chick in the group was smoking a cigarette, of which the carcinogenic smoke blew in my direction. They found an empty shopping cart to ride around in, which immediately attracted the security guards.

I decided that the time was right for me to complete my mission. I walked to Foodland to procure a small container of Kim Chee Imitation Crab Poke, a carton of milk, and a banana. I drove back to Slob Manor. Within a few minutes, I suffered from Montezuma's Revenge courtesy Taco Bell®. What a sad way to end my fairly decent day of urban nomad fun. Well, we already know the drill for the evening, eh? Same ol' shit. Incidentally, I had to transfer only $150 from my investment accounts to my local bank yesterday. Thank goodness.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Third World Home

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day dragged on and on toward its conclusion. I did not sleep well last night. Once again, I was plagued with various bizarre dreams which woke me up about every hour or so. Naturally, I had to "drain the lizard" with each occurrence. The continuation of the nightly débâcles has taken a toll on the oversized cranium, both physically and mentally. I yearn for a solution, but no reprieve is forthcoming.

I spent three hours in the inner courtyard of the library. I lapsed in and out of a coma between sporadic readings of the book, "Persian Mirrors," by Elaine Sciolino. A homeless guy sat at the next table. He slept the whole time that I was there. Then, I did my usual workout at the gym. After my workout and shower, I walked to the bus stop deeper in Chinatown. In fact, I have been frequenting that particular bus stop on the weekdays for several weeks now. There was an elderly Chinese lady in a wheelchair situated right at the corner of Hotel Street and Nu'uanu Avenue, right next to the bus stop. There was a peculiar odor that smelled like raw sewage and rotting flesh. Hundreds of flies were buzzing about. The people at the bus stop were making comments and looking around. Finally, when I sat on the bench a few feet away, the smell was no longer discernible. A Pacific Islander chick, who was sitting on the same bench with her daughter, turned to me and said that the smell was originating from the senior citizen in the wheelchair. "She made doo-doo all over herself."

Our respective buses arrived shortly afterward, and we all departed. On the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I realized that I did nothing about the situation. Of course, I don't carry my cell phone with me. If I did, I could have called 9-1-1. In any case, I suspect elder abuse, possibly a caretaking relative abandoned the disabled senior citizen after she soiled herself. I was back in Slob Manor by 5pm. The urban nomad's routine for the evening will be the same ol' shit.

Do you feel as though you just do not fit into the screenplay of life that you have been cast in? The urban nomad knows that he does not fit in at all. Whenever he looks around himself, he only sees an artificial "standard of living" that is unsustainable at best. There is no logic or reason to the excesses of the masses. The maximization of comfort and pleasure appear to be the only underlying theme. Observing the squalor of Chinatown, however, exposed the urban nomad to the other side of the equation. That's the Third World right here at home.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Electronic Mumbo-Jumbo

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai found moms and I facilitating the usual rounds to Longs® in Kuapa Kai and Foodland in Koko Marina. Beef Curry plate lunches were procured at Loco Moco. Foremost® coffee ice cream was served up for dessert. As always, I chatted with moms after lunch.

I was able to find shaded parking for my Nissan® Frontier truck in the Koko Marina parking structure. I walked to the gym to do my usual cardio workout. Afterward, I made my final stop at Foodland to purchase Ahi Poke, Kamaboko Poke, and a banana. My special treat was a cold Icee® beverage. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3:30pm. With little else to do, I performed the dreaded laundry chores. The rest of the day and the evening will follow the usual urban nomad script (i.e., same ol' shit).

I inadvertently rediscovered my Palm® TX last night. I had stuffed it into my storage gym bag a while back. Alas, my Palm® TX has seen better days. I connected to the wireless base station. Using the Blazer Web browser, I made the shocking realization that the latter can no longer render most of the sites on the Net. Essentially, my Palm® TX has become a $299 paperweight. I could also use it as a doorstop. The only advantage that the TX has over a few other comparable devices is its ability to create, view, and edit Microsoft® Office documents. Of course, all of the Windows Mobile® devices can do that and more. What can I say?

Well, at least my Palm® TX is small enough to meet the urban nomad's mendicant specifications. Another useless item is my Nokia® cell phone. After receiving two nondescript text messages yesterday, I went through the phone's configuration profile and screwed up as many of the settings as possible. I only want the phone function to be operational. I need no other features. Lord knows, I can hardly wait for the day that I am not at all dependent on those useless electronic gadgets. Sheesh!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Nomadic Monotony

Another evening of computer fun for the urban nomad has passed. He listened to several House Music mixes by Lady Liquid on the Pure House Music site. How can a monk have so much fun without ever leaving his squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing)? Well, the urban nomad explained all of that yesterday.

And, yet another urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday has drifted into the sandstorm of life. Not surprisingly, I followed the former homeless guy itinerary to the most minute detail. Of course, I did my usual workout at the gym. The highlight of the whole day was when I saw the hottie gym trainer. Baby was working with a gym member just a few feet away for over 20 minutes. To say that baby is a hottie would be an understatement. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor by 3:45pm to follow the usual urban nomad agenda (read: same ol' shit) that goes on into the night.

I continue to eat my veggie "rations" for dinner every night. Of course, the dinner is not entirely vegetarian since I also include side dishes of Ahi Poke, Kamaboko Poke, and Imitation Crab Poke. Last week, I almost gave in to temptation and purchased a bag of greasy potato or tortilla chips. Fortunately, I refrained. Such foods contain the carcinogen, acrylamide. It's fun to learn that we have more food to add to the poison list, eh?

Well, so far, I have been able to keep my finances in check. My liquid assets, as reported on the 1st of every month, have remained stable even amidst the various financial crises that I have endured. Expenses, as reported on the 3rd of every month, are slightly down. My net worth, at least on paper, has been increasing slightly. I cannot be certain how long any of that will last. I am just thankful that I have been able to avert financial calamity for over a year now.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Once again, the urban nomad (read: ol' lavahead) spent the entire evening at his computer. He listened to the new "Summer Daze" mix by Velvety (also Home with House) on the Pure House Music site. He also monitored the "blog" activity using the Feedjit® Live Feed instead of that dreadful Sitemeter. What's really sad is that the whole world is coming apart at the seams while clowns like the ol' lavahead are fretting about Sitemeter. Sheesh!

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day commenced with the obligatory bus ride. Did I plan to go to Hawai'i Kai or downtown? That was the big question, which was only resolved when I decided not to alight in Aina Haina. I spent three hours in the inner courtyard of the library. Then, I did my usual workout at the gym. Heck, the routine is basically the same as the homeless guy emulation. I was back in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 5pm. The evening? Same ol' shit.

I hope that there is no misconception that perhaps I am living a miserable life. Yes, the urban nomad life-style is quite boring at times. However, I have a lot more piece of mind than ever before. I could use a little more financial security, though. I have briefly mentioned that intrusive memories have come back to haunt the oversized cranium. I did not provide much in the way of detail. I continue to look back at my life, but I find nothing that has been really worthy of much consideration. When I was younger, I sought my "independence" and my "freedom." I put myself through a lot of crap just to accomplish those lofty goals. And, in the end, even those memories are worthless.

I have finally come to discover that I did not miss out on anything. My life experiences are on the same plane of reality as reading a book. And, what exactly will I take with me into old age? Fading memories? What is that worth? It may seem as though I am forsaking the rest of my limited lifetime. I have nothing more that I want to accomplish. I am not seeking new friendships or any relationship with babes. That's all water under the bridge. All I really desire is to remove myself from the so-called "mainstream." I do not want to be dependent on anyone or anything, and vice versa.

Essentially, I have no faith in humanity. Humans are too consumed by worship at the temple of the sinister kahuna. They have become satanic gargoyles, infected with the epidemic of the "seven sins." And, frankly, humanity is running out of wiggle room for its mistakes. From this point forward, I want to live an unobtrusive life-style, one that borders on regained innocence. I certainly do not look forward to experiencing the secular Apocalypse, no less Armageddon. Yet, humanity is careening toward extinction with no remorse. For the sake of my own sanity, I have to get off that merry-go-round. It's moving so fast that it is going fly off of its spindle very soon.

By the way, Sitemeter was operational again. However, I decided to submit a cancellation request to terminate the service. I will not restore the tracking code. Most of the visitors to the "blog" are searching for pictures of hot chicks. Thus, keeping track of such useless visits is moot.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Panic on the Web

The urban nomad (read: ol' lavahead) spent the evening in his qualid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) listening to House Music on his beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. Is there anything else that gives meaning to his life? Really? No, not really.

I departed for Hawai'i Kai at 8:15am this morning. Moms was home when I arrived, but I had to spend more time on the neighbor's computer. At 10am, moms and I made a visit to Foodland in Koko Marina. That was our only stop. For lunch, moms served up map-baked chicken courtesy Foodland. For dessert, moms and I enjoyed Foremost® coffee ice cream. I chatted with moms until 1pm.

Then, I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck back to Koko Marina. I was fortunate to find shaded parking in the parking structure. I walked to the gym. I completed my usual workout. Then, I shopped for my own groceries at Foodland. By now, we all know what I purchased. I was back in my squalid room at Slob Manor by 4:30pm.

Incidentally, the Sitemeter Javascript tracking code is apparently wreaking havoc on quite a few Web sites including the Blogger® community. The currently dysfunctional code prevents Web pages from loading in Internet Explorer. Thus, I have temporarily disabled (i.e., "commented out") the offending scripting code that renders in the column at the right. There is apparently a major panic ensuing as of this posting. Readers may wish to inform the Web community of the problem and the solution. Because of the congestion on Blogger®, I will abridge this post.