Friday, August 31, 2007

Credit Musubi

The hottie "bookseller" was sure looking mighty fine last night while on duty at Barnes & Noble®. I meandered around the store aimlessly as usual. Even though I am fatigued, I am finding that I can barely tolerate any length of time in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). Refer to the June 28th edition of the "blog" for actual pictures from Quagmire Prison (read: hotel). No surprise given that it is a detestable little hellhole. I managed to peruse the book, "Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden," again. I was actually quite captivated by the book. I also perused a book by Patrick Cockburn titled, "The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq." All I can say is, "Wow!" The real truth of the Iraq occupation laid bare. Cockburn provides an eye-witness account of what's really been happening outside the walls of the "Green Zone."

I should mention that I had purchased a carton of watered-down Guava Nectar and a Spam® Musubi from the overpriced Food Pantry before returning to my prison cell in the afternoon. The $1.49 musubi was extremely pathetic. Prior to my visit to the employer of the hottie "bookseller," I stopped by Foodland. The Spam® Musubi there was only 89 cents and it was huge. I purchased two of them along with a few other items. When I later returned to Quagmire Prison, I warmed up the musubi in my tiny microwave oven. Then, I rushed down to the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) with my book. I ate my musubi snacks and continued to read "Empire of Debt." From what I have read, I believe that the authors, Bonner and Wiggin, are Libertarians. Obviously, some of their opinions will clash with my own thoughts, given the fact that I am more inclined to be a Socialist.

I opted for another day of homeless guy emulation. I did not attend the get-together with the former Asylum group knowing that Bug and Roach would be there. Instead, I spent most of my time at the downtown library. I have only two more chapters before I complete the reading of the book, "After the Empire," by Emmanuel Todd. Todd presented an accurate prediction of current affairs. Mind you, the book was published over five years ago. A most interesting chapter was Todd's analysis of the resurrection of Russia as a world power and the possibility that the latter may end up balancing out the sole "rogue" superpower.

Todd postulated that the US is losing relevance in world affairs, and that is the reason why it has embarked on imperial ambitions. The make its presence known, the US seeks our wars with weaker vassal states. The Middle East, comprised mostly of Arabs, is the "sacrificial lamb." The implication, of course, is that the targets of war are racially motivated.

That brings us to the puzzling nature of the empire's current financial quagmire. Speeches by Shrub and Bernanke, albeit mostly hot air, sent the stock market soaring again. Neither matter what either fool sadi, all the audience of the greedy brethren could hear was, "rate cuts." The bottom line is simple: the small-time losers are history. That's the "little guy," the middle class buffoon soon to become one of the impoverished. There's no help waiting for them. However,

Thus, the Fed will inject more cash and offer discounted loans to banks in order to maintain liquidity. What that amounts to is more money available for more loans. It is plainly clear that the only way to keep the US economy going is to continually increase debt. As a matter of fact, the only way to keep consumer spending going is to offer more credit options to consumers. Without any cash, how else are they going to purchase anything? Remember, the Saturnalia shopping season commences in two months.

The Fed must also insure that the leveraged buy-outs (LBOs) can be funded. Essentially, that is the backbone of our economy right now. Production (and inflation) have been outsourced or shipped overseas (to China or India). All that remains is "acquisitions and mergers," all done with massive debt. The debt, like home mortgages, is packaged and sold and resold ad infinitum. We can call that "revolving credit" gone berserk. Nothing is actually produced in such an economy, as is fairly obvious. We have become a rentier society.

Even a dulled mind can determine that the credit Ponzi scheme cannot go on forever. Sooner, or later, consumers will no longer be able to obtain more credit. Then, they won't be able to make payments. However, the new bankruptcy laws won't release them from those obligations. Rather, the debts will be restructured over a lifetime of enslavement. Sooner or later, those consumers will become victims of the LBO game. As companies are acquired or merged by the private equity firms, they are stripped of assets and the labor pool is viciously downsized. The ranks of the impoverished with no health insurance will increase disproportionately. Obviously, there's a dead end up ahead.

What we are witnessing is greed out of control across the whole economic spectrum. There can be no sympathy for the lower classes. They want it all, and they want it now, whether they can really afford it or not. My analogy remains the same. Over 60 percent of the US population is overweight, and 30 percent just plain obese. Stuffing down enough junk food to add that much excess poundage is hedonism, along with a weak mind and a weak will. Excess consumer spending using credit instruments falls along the same line. When it spirals out of control, it cannot be stopped. There is absolutely no way that the US will return to "normal" economics. What must be done is the invocation of fiscal policy that will provoke a harsh and immediate recession. We call that a "correction," not a "soft landing." There will be extreme pain and suffering, but both have been overdue for some time now. What should be apparent is, if left to its own devices, the economy is going to tank anyway. If we continue to accumulate debt as we are now for several more years until the "system" crashes on its own, then the pain and suffering will be much worse. If we use the example of the typical fat slob, then we can already predict the future.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Economic Sham

Another evening at Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Yes! I perused the book, "Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden." At first, the book may read like a parody, what with Osama's glee over the retribution cast upon the "Crusaders" mixed with praises to God. It was almost humorous in a dark way. Yet, as I continued to read a few passages, I became much more acquainted with the real bin Laden. As you may recall, I have questioned whether bin Laden was actually a legitimate character to begin with.

I had also read the brief account of Robert Fisk's interviews with bin Laden in the book, "The Great War for Civilization." I am now convinced that he is genuine (i.e., not a lackey for the Shrub administration). Interestingly, there is no admission on bin Laden's part concerning his alleged direct complicity in the "September 11th" event. Thus, I am not convinced that he is the "mastermind." I may have purchase the book, but I will have to do so with cash. Credit card transactions are now most likely monitored.

Incidentally, there is also a book titled, "Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah," which is a compilation of interviews with the leader of Hezbollah. What may surprise a few satanic gargoyles is that Nasrallah and bin Laden are both quite articulate and educated. Since much of the general populace have already tried and sentenced both the latter and former, it may be wise to at least read their testimonies.

Later, I spent another hour in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) reading the book, "Empire of Debt," by Bonner and Wiggin. Although penned about two years ago, the book is definitely applicable today, if not more so.

Another tanning hike up Koko Head was on the agenda again, right after my morning coffee fun at Barnes & Noble® in Kahala Mall. Moms made hot dogs for lunch. I was able to chat with moms briefly. The rest of the day followed the same itinerary as last week. Isn't that great?

The stock market dropped back again, no doubt because the Fed did not inject any money into the "system" in over a day. Yet, the screams for lower short-term interest rates are increasing. I am afraid that Bernanke will simply give in. As Richard Cook commented in an article titled, "On Market Predictions In The Current Chaotic Environment," that appeared on the Counter Currents site:
Rather the problem, as with the Great Depression, is that purchasing power at the consumer level is lacking. In the U.S., purchasing power, as measured by M1, is already in a recession-level decline. The causes are the high level of consumer debt, high cumulative levels of taxation on the dwindling middle class, and the tragic erosion of wages and salaries from job outsourcing.

In the absence of purchasing power, the Federal Reserve has chosen the strategy of trying to outrun collapse by creating inflation. This is the meaning of the bail-outs that are going on. It's an attempt to devalue debt at the macro level. It’s a hidden tax on everyone but the super-rich. Everyone else is poorer today than they were yesterday.
By the way, I have observed that the banks have little interest in attracting savings accounts. Interest rates offered were below four percent per annum on most accounts.

I have made no contingency plans in the likely event that interest rates will plunge to near-zero percent again. I can only hope that the so-called "real estate bubble" will inflate again, and I am able to sell the "condotel" unit to an investor. My ability to refinance my mortgage at a lower interest rate is non-existent. I have no earned income. In addition, refinancing is a much costlier option. I could pay off the mortgage in cash, but that would be a last resort tactic. Once I sell the "conodtel" unit, I plan to purchase and take possession of about $40,000 in gold. I will also secure a passport. The final exodus awaits.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Niagra Falls

Alas, another night at Barnes & Noble®. No hottie "bookseller." Boohoo. By the way, I was quite groggy because of the free alcoholic beverages that I consumed during Happy Hour in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby). The latter activity needs to be mummified. I cannot return to such a despicable habit. Later, I spent an hour in the prison compound reading "Empire of Debt" by Bonner and Wiggin.

I forfeited another benign day in my endless quest to emulate a homeless guy. The only activity that was out of the ordinary was the restoration of my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. I have been quite impressed by the students at the institute. They are very dedicated and appear to be filled with a passion for their work. I barely even observed half the enthusiasm in the students at the Diploma Mill. The rest of the day was the same ol' shit.

There has also been increased coverage of the potential incursion into Iran. My primary personal research has been on the state of fascism and decline of empire. From all indications, it would appear that the US is an empire in decline. It is following the pattern of a waning empire in many ways. I have, of course, provided a suitable bibliography of recommended reading in the "blog." Of concern right now is the health of the economy. To make a long story short, it is in the nature of dying empires to seek war as a means to rally the populace, artificially "goose" the economy, and to provide a distraction from the malignant state-of-affairs. Yes, but are we not already at war in two other nations? The wars are not going well, and the general populace is gradually growing weary of them. In order to regain the old vigor, a new war must be engaged. Niagra Falls! Slowly, I turn ... Step by step ... Inch by inch ...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

No Más

I ended up at Barnes & Noble® again last night. The hottie "bookseller" was looking mighty fine. I perused a couple of books about Mexico and Costa Rica as a mater of curiosity in the even that I would need t expatriate myself in the future. The books were recent releases, so the information was current. Sadly, from what I've read, the two nations have been infested by "Americans" looking for a cheaper place to live and opportunities to exploit. Is there no escape from those fools?

I spent another late night hour in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) reading. The book, "Empire of Debt," by William Bonner and Addison Wiggin has been most entertaining and insightful. I will need time to digest the information before the discussion begins.

Another homeless guy kind-of-a-day. I found myself at the library again. There are an incredible number of homeless in the library. Where else can they go? At least they spend their time reading, although I suspect that the latter activity primarily keeps them from going insane. I am now piecemeal reading a book titled, "After the Empire," written by Emmanuel Todd (translated from the original French). When I finally returned to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel), I partook of the free happy hour session. Three drinks today, due to my exhausting homeless guy itinerary. Although I only mention the gym when the hottie gym trainer is there, make no mistake that I continue my daily workout regimen religiously.

I have observed that the erratic nature of the stock market coincides with the injection of money by the Fed into the "system." The latter is cause for great concern because the implication is that the stock market can only stay afloat as long as the Fed doles out more money. Note that we are all expecting a major correction later this year. October is always the down cycle of the stock market. However, the mortgage and credit crisis is also expected to implode around that time as well. I suspect that the ensuing débâcle will permeate all financial institutions including banks, investment houses, pension funds, and so forth. Anyone with any kind of money invested anywhere may be in for a big surprise.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Chicken Little

Last night, I sought refuge at Barnes & Noble®, my safe haven. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Baby was looking really hot. Whew! I decided to purchase "Empire of Debt," the book written by William Bonner and Addison Wiggin.

When I returned to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel), I spent an hour or so in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) reading that and Robert Fisk's book, "The Great War for Civilization." Incidentally, the second read of Fisk's book was a prudent idea. I have been surprised at the number of facts that I had forgotten. I am not fixated on the Middle east, mind you. My sole purpose is to understand the history of the region in order to derive our complicity in destroying it.

Ever since Shrub gave an audience a history lecture about the Vietnam War, there have been many articles appearing in the alternative media to set the historical record straight. One "gray area" has been the effects of "Tricky Dick" Nixon's secret bombing of Cambodia, much of which I did not know. Heck, I was under the false impression that I knew a lot about the Vietnam era since the draft was about to suck me into the vortex. The bottom line is simple: What exactly do we know? And, why are we not trying harder to find out?

This morning found me in the Barnes & Noble® Café in Kahala Mall. The other hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Baby was looking mighty fine. I met moms at the usual time, but we did not each lunch there. Instead, I drove moms back to Hawai'i Kai. Later, we ended up at Koko Marina. Moms did some shopping at Foodland. Then, we picked up a couple of plate lunches from Loco Moco. After lunch, moms served up coffee ice cream for dessert. I chatted with moms for a bit. The rest of the day was the same ol' shit. Gym time, ride the prison transport (read: bus) with the rank-and-file, and so forth.

My patience was at an all-time low when I finally set foot in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). I glanced through the alternative news sites. Same ol' shit. The big news is that Attorney General Alberto "Gonzo" Gonzales has resigned. Does it really matter at this point in time? The damage has already been done. There's still a lot of "sky is falling" (read: "Chicken Little" stuff) reverberating about here and there. Does anyone really care? Money and economics, by the way, are understood by only a small minority these days, namely the moneychangers themselves and the powers-that-be. The rest of us have been left out in the cold. Most of us, in fact, are still using a very antiquated knowledge base. We believe that the money "system" and the economy function the way it did over 30 years ago. Even idiotic college textbooks have not changed content. That fact of the matter is that the money and banking "system" has changed significantly. It cannot even be recognized using the old "textbook" references.

The doomsayers are actually quite correct in their prognostications, that is, if the old rules were in play. Changes began when Nixon threw the Bretton Woods agreement out the door. Most of the noteworthy changes came about after the "savings and loan" collapse in the eighties. Most of us have no idea about the kind of banking and securities deregulation that subsequently went into effect. The whole state of banking and finance change while the general populace was essentially in a coma. The new rules apparently favor the banks, corporations, and the elite.

The whole "system" is now based upon speculation, with the majority of any losses being absorbed the lower classes. Let's face it. If the elite class lost half their wealth, they would still have a lot left. If the poor lost half of what they had, they would still be poor. If the middle class lost half of its net worth, it would move down to the bottom of the food chain with the rest of the poor. It is now my understanding that the "system" will most likely remain intact, but the "collateral damage" is likely to be high. The question remains: how do we protect our assets?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wrong is Right (Yet Again)

I thought I would take a leisurely jaunt to CompUSA® last night. Was I ever wrong! I spent possibly 15 minutes looking around because the store was closing at 9pm, unbeknownst to me. However, the overall time that I spent, mostly waiting for and riding the prison transport (read: bus), was about two hours total. Upon my return to Waikiki, I thought that I could make up for my disappointment by hanging out at the beach. When I alighted the prison transport, I observed that there was a Sunset on the Beach event scheduled. Lots of eggheads were running around and acting stupid. I threw my hands in the air and walked back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel). Oh well.

I did happen to observe that all of the satanic gargoyles were out having a grand ol' time. Many were drunk off their asses, partying I suppose. Well, after all, this is a tourist town. It's where fools come to forget their problems and live it up like Big Money Grip. Sadly, I can only agree to a point. What I am seeing is a hedonistic society barreling out of control. They have not a care in the world, or so it seems. That's when it dawned upon me that something is really wrong. More than half of the world's population is subsisting in abject poverty so that these fools can live it up. Oh, too bad. They were just born in the wrong place at the wrong time, the privileged ones say. Maybe the latter will shed a few crocodile tears before going about the bigger business of hedonism.

The real Big Money Grips are screaming and begging the Fed to drop short-term interest rates immediately. It's for the sake of the country, they cry. Think of the poor people losing their homes. What a crock of shit! The interest rates will have to go back down to near-zero percent to save any of the rank-and-file. Aside from worrying about making a killing in the stock market "bubble," the real Big Money Grips are worried about consumer spending. Oh, if that goes, the economy will tank fast. So, the plan is to drop interest rates (i.e., inject more money into the "system") so the impoverished peons will be able to secure more loans and increase their credit card limits in order to keep spending. Since injecting more money will devalue the dollar and increase inflation, we can expect the national savings rate to plummet deeper into negative territory. The big test will be at Saturnalia shopping season.

The crisis in our lives is that we have exported our own pain and suffering to other nations much like how we exported inflation (for the time being). As I have mentioned ad infinitum, all natural systems will attempt to establish equilibrium. Thus, we will experience extreme "blowback" when the equalizing forces ebb back to us. The longer that we postpone the inevitable, the worse it will be.

I repeated my itinerary of last Sunday again. The highlight of the day was when I saw the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Baby is so hot! I had to cut short my late afternoon walking tour in town because there are no public restrooms anywhere. Although the government offices were closed, I noticed signs at the entrances indicating that the restrooms were locked. Only visitors with "official government business" would be allowed access. Obviously, the lack of restroom facilities is targeted specifically at the homeless. Well, let's see what happens when the table are turned, eh? The homeless population is growing. Any decline in the tourist industry or construction industry will bring about a whole wave of homeless. That's the efficacy of "trickle down" economics.

As is plainly obvious, the "blog" has degenerated to a primal form of gibberish. I am simply waiting for my final exodus, the shit to hit the fan, or both. Homeland Security czar, Michael Chertoff, was a lousy soothsayer. His predictions of Summer "terror" did not occur. No incursion into Iran either. Pretty much anything that could have brought the empire down has not happened. It's the same ol' shit.

I can see why the vast majority of mindless zombies tune out that crap. It's all noise, and nothing ever happens. So keep spending, my friends. Debts are harmless. Debt equal wealth. Each junk food and get fat. Fat is healthy. Watch the tube as endlessly as possible. Stop thinking. Get drunk and party. Don't worry, be happy. The good times are here, and it's just going to get better and better. Live it up!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bread 'n Butter

Once I returned to my prison cell (read: little shoebox), I did not want to go anywhere. To put it simply, I was fatigued. My hectic new life-style as a quasi-homeless guy is exhausting, to say the least. Attempting to find something to do all day that costs nothing is a burdensome venture. As to be expected, I spent most of the piddling around with my beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer while in lockdown. With the last set of modifications that I performed last night, I am confident that my computer is very secure.

I felt a little stir crazy at 11pm, so I descended into the pits of the dungy prison compound (read: hotel lobby). I continued my second read of Robert Fisk's book, "The Great War for Civilization." I am reading the chapter about Iran, just after the fall of the Shah, How very timely, eh? At midnight, Lance, the watch commander (read: front desk person), and one of the prison guards (read: security guards) called out to me to join them for a snack. It turns out that one of the inmates (read: hotel guests) had donated a couple of platters of food. Sushi and croissant sandwiches. What a combination!

Lance also mentioned that my sociopathic buddy had stopped by a 7am last Saturday. Kind of early, don't you think? Sociopaths don't care. Lance asked, "Should I call the cops the next time he shows up?" I left the decision in his hands. Ralph, a dean at HCC also contacted me last week about a couple of positions available. I am not he sure if he took me seriously when I said that I was done with higher education. He also mentioned that the socipathic buddy was acting very odd when he last visited. I concurred.

I followed the usual homeless guy itinerary again today. As I walking to the library, a downpour ensued. I sought shelter in the foyer of the nearest building. A few minutes later, a young haole guy walked by with a flattened cardboard box. He was cussing angrily about something. I was certain that he was homeless. I waited until the rain subsided and continued my walk to the library. Since I am in no hurry to be anywhere, I did not have to walk in the pouring rain. there are benefits to the quasi-homeless life-style. I completed my furlough with my usual cardio workout at the gym. When I returned to Quagmire prison (read: hotel), I had to do the dreaded laundry chores. Fortunately, the latter task went smoothly. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit!

I can safely say that living in a "shopping mall" society has taken a toll on the oversized cranium. The ol' lavahead's psyche is deteriorating rapidly. We no longer have any viable public spaces. Neither do have an interactive community. All we have are shopping malls or parks and beaches filled with the homeless. Recreation in the evening consists of very expensive entertainment options or sitting in the ol' mausoleum (read: tomb) with the tube. Aside from lockdown in my prison cell, my only other evening adventures are hanging out at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble® or the riskier Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park). Our society has degenerated into a vast, desolate landscape of mummified zombies.

Another sickening aspect of our culture (term used loosely) is how and what we eat. Since I must shop for food every day, I have become keenly aware of our food foraging choices and patterns. Speaking for myself, I can safely say that I am most likely malnourished. I am not starving, mind you, although I am often feeling pangs of hunger. I pretty much maintain the same diet that was detailed in the last chapter of the journal. I consume very little food, most of which is healthier and costlier than junk food. However, the choices are limited. Most of us feel hunger several times a day, which is an anomaly. Our hunger has roots in boredom and a lack of discipline. Thus, the tendency is to feed the hunger with a delicious snack of some kind. Enter junk food. It's cheaper than good food. It tastes good because that is how it was engineered. And, it has very little nutritional value. Overall, I am malnourished, but I am probably less malnourished than the typical satanic gargoyles who consume twice as much food as I do.

What I am really getting to is how much I have grown to despise humanity. As I look around at what is left of nature, the few trees and birds that are visible, I observe a kind of harmony that is distinctly missing from the human turned satanic gargoyle agenda. Nature (i.e., the Creator) provides abundant food and resources for its wildlife. There is balance. Equilibrium. The former human race was overcome by the epidemic of the "seven sins" only to perpetrate the evil machinations that has destroyed a good portion of the planet. In this day and age, our lifespan spans a mere 75 years or so. Why are wasting so much time engaged in evil deeds? All we have to look forward to is a hideous tomb to rot in. Nothing in the physical world will accompany us in the end. Our souls vanish into thin air. Yet, the cesspool that we have created lives on. Why does it have to be that way?

Aside from the mentally ill religious dispensationalists, there are a few of us who are apocalyptic in thinking. Often, we must hear fools label us as "pessimists" and "mentally ill" as well. Truth be known, the small minority of realists has been able to discern the extent of the damage inflicted by humans turned satanic gargoyles. The delicate balance of life itself has been destroyed. And now, the only hope for the planet is the removal of the offensive organism. By and large, it is plainly clear that humanity is hellbent on destroying itself anyway. To me, it would have been much more workable to exorcise the demons from the satanic gargoyles and restore humanity to its proper place. Sad to say, there is no evidence that such an event could actually happen.

For all of the claims of "evolution" and how humans have transcended the era of the "savage beast," the opposite seems to be true. The human species has "devolved" mentally, psychologically, morally, ethically, and spiritually. Perhaps "degenerated" is a better term. We are seeing signs that we have passed the "point of no return," that we are stampeding to the "time of reckoning." So drunk with power, wealth, and hedonism, no one seems to even care. I am simply astounded as I witness this massive train wreck that is soon to happen. Could it not have been avoided? Do we humans not have the capacity to have avoided our demise? Apparently not.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Last night, I ended up at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®, as expected. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Yep, baby was looking mighty fine again. I meandered about with no objective in mind. I was simply passing time, keeping myself away from my horrid prison cell (read: little shoebox) as long as possible. Upon my return to the dump, I went into lockdown. I installed Apple® Quicktime player on my beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I attempted to listen to DI.FM Deep House using Windows® Media Player, but all I got was an error message stating that the computer was out of memory. Quicktime works fine. I had to mask out the slammin' soirée in progress in the adjacent prison cell. Why do these fools come all the way to Hawai'i to play with the cheesy furniture all night? I also installed Sphynx Free Vista Firewall Control.

Today found me engaged in more of the same homeless guy emulation. In other words, same ol' shit. I received word from Joann, one of the old Asylum crew, that Judith will be moving to Las Vegas next month. There is to be one final get-together next Friday. I as able to chat with Judith on the phone this morning. She has purchased a place for $35,000 in a mobile home park. Judith has not sold the house that she and her sister inherited from their mother. She plans to take an extended vacation and look for work next year. Sounds familiar, eh? Unfortunately, Roach and Bug were invited. So, I am not certain if I will attend the event. I called Rob, the former IT guy at the Asylum, to inform him of the get-together. He has been working part-time and drawing on savings. He is also planning a vacation in Europe within a few weeks. When he returns to Hawai'i, he plans to look for a better job.

Every day becomes worse and worse for me as I anxiously await my final emancipation from the enslavement of modern life. I just want a humble unfurnished dump to rent for housing. I will only own a sleeping bag and a cardboard box to serve as a table for my notebook computer. I want to make coffee in a French Press again. I want to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as cook healthier meals. I want to be as far away as possible from the myriad satanic gargoyle tourists. I just want piece and quiet until the shit really hits the fan (i.e., secular Apocalypse). Sheesh!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Apocalypse Now!

Last night, I ended up at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty and looking mighty fine. I waited over an hour total at various prison transport stops (read: bus stop) because my usual prison transport (read: bus) did not show up. I am on a leisurely schedule, but the débâcle was entirely ridiculous.

Today, I repeated my itinerary of last Thursday right down to my late afternoon trip to the Waikiki library. I enjoyed a nice cup of coffee at Barnes & Noble® before embarking on my tanning hike up Koko Head. Moms and I ate plate lunches from Loco Moco in Koko Marina. All in all, a nice day.

Incidentally, I ceased reading Joseph Wilson's book, "Politics of Truth," because I began to see a very myopic, gabacho1 viewpoint emerging. I was in the chapter detailing his time in Iraq just after Saddam had invaded Kuwait. Truth be known, the problems in the Middle East have stemmed from the idiotic meddling of French, British, and US empires after the fall of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The arbitrary partitions that were set up as nation-states had little do with anything beyond containing the dark-skinned "savages" and looting their resources. In more recent times, that is how the tiny nation-state of Kuwait materialized. It was once part of Iraq, formerly Mesopotamia. While I understand that Wilson is a patriot and an employee of the US government, he should have provided a better operational description of Middle Eastern affairs. To his credit, he did attempt to stop the Shrub invasion into Iran. The US has always known that Saddam was a shady guy. Yet, by whose meddling did Saddam come to power? Wilson, as with many other critics of the Saddam regime, always bring up the gassing of the Kurds. Who provided the biological weapons in the first place? That's right, the US sold such weaponry to Saddam during Iran-Iraq War. Journalist Robert Fisk was at the front lines of that particular war, of which he detailed in his book, "The Great War for Civilization."

Is Iran in the crosshairs again? Sure looks that way. The whole issue of Iran's nuclear bomb threat is pure rubbish. Had the US not been involved in the coup that replaced the democratically elected government of Mohammed Mossadegh and replaced the latter with the evil Shah, the whole WMD issue would not even exist today. The constant meddling, partitioning, ethnic cleansing, and the theft of oil resources by the various colonial powers has invoked this region-wide "blowback." The sad part is that these mealy-mouthed politicians cannot come out and confess to the crime.

The Fed injected another $3.75 billion into the money on Tuesday bringing the total amount from August 9th to a whopping $101.25 billion! The dollar dropped slightly against other major currencies. The Japanese yen is dropping even faster.

Well, Peak Oil is here, the resource wars are in the germination stage, global climate change is wreaking havoc on the planet, over 40,000 satanic gargoyles were laid off from US mortgage firms since the "sub-prime" crisis began, and greater war in the Middle East is soon to escalate out of control. Sure looks like the secular Apocalypse, eh?

1Gabacho, a White Supremacist satanic gargoyle.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Social Insecurity

Yesterday, I was zonked out after downing two free drinks, courtesy Quagmire prison (read: hotel). I was too groggy to do much. So, I remained in lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). I was feeling claustrophobic by 10:45pm. So, I decided to make a quick jaunt to the Waikiki Banyan parking structure to retrieve at least one of the shopping bags of canned beans in my truck. While I was waiting at the prison transport stop (read: bus stop), one of my former students, Ashley, was walking by. She stopped to chat with me for a few minutes. I enjoyed out little chat even though I was still groggy from the cheap booze.

Once cannot really help but notice how sleazy Waikiki has become. Well, actually, it's been pretty sleazy for a number of years. Aside from the myriad aging hotels, the whole place is reminiscent of a third-rate shopping mall. The whole area looks run down and dirty. The smell of piss (read: urine) is everywhere. All of which is the underlying reason that I despise the place. At first, I did not notice. After the spell of stupidity wore off, I could easily detect the scumminess of the dump. Although there are a lot of hot chicks running amuck, there are far too many fat slobs to offset them.

The whole island is scummy, mainly because of the ill-planned strategy to push the homeless and the halfway house derelicts out of the public eye. The smell of piss is omnipresent because there are no public restrooms. The streets are dungy and "ghetto" because all of the benches and seating areas were removed. Yet, the homeless are omnipresent as well. Most of the prison transport stop shelters around town are home to the homeless just as they occupy most of the pavilion structures along Waikiki Beach at night. Deep down inside, I am glad that the homeless have made their presence known. No matter how hard all of the satanic gargoyles try, they cannot make the homeless disappear. It is a sad fact of reality, but the number of homeless are increasing daily. Perhaps the satanic gargoyles do not want to be reminded of their own fate if they cross their god of money.

In the course of my day, I see countless homeless wherever I end up. At the library downtown, I recognize quite a few of them, some from downtown, some from among the Ala Moana Center prison transport stop homesteaders. I have seriously thought about joining an organization which assists the homeless. However, how can we assist the homeless? Do we train them to become wage slaves and join the debt-ridden consumerist society? Is that really going to help them? Perhaps the homeless could help me. They can teach me how to survive on a few dollars a day.

Another day of the homeless guy routine has left me wondering how long I will be able to maintain my sanity. I have seen too many of the homeless talking to themselves or some imaginary friend. The solitary life at the lowest level of the food chain can have debilitating effects on the mind. Yet, I cannot entertain the idea of returning to the low-end "mainstream" life-style of the past.

Incidentally, I received my annual Social Security statement. Since my earned income dropped by half last year, I will now only qualify for $628 per month when I officially retire at age sixty-two. My income for the current year is even lower, so I assume that my benefits will continue to drop. The only way out is for me to return to wage slavery.

Moms has been urging me to seek employment. Frankly, I have no idea what I would do. I have no desire to return to the joke that is higher education. The truth be known, most university graduates will be facing a dismal employment situation. In the next few years, only low-paying "service industry" jobs (read: minimum wage slavery) will be available. What advantage would a bachelor's degree provide? Thanks to technology, we have outsourced or exported almost all of the good jobs. We have replaced manufacturing and engineering with the now-crumbling financial industry. There have been thousands of layoffs because of the so-called "credit crunch."

That brings me back to Social Security. Will it still be around when I retire? Perhaps, but it will be close to shutting down. The "baby boomers" are set to begin a huge retirement wave in in two years. There is no "lockbox" (i.e., trust fund) for Social Security funds. it's long gone, all spent on the foolish incursion into Iraq. What's left a promissory notes. Basically, Social Security is now a "pay-and-go" operation. To remain solvent, it needs a large workforce paying into its coffers as it pays out benefits to retirees. What happens when there is a diminished workforce earning low pay? That's been the plan all along. Social Security is a very popular New Deal program. The Shrub administration wanted to "privatize" it, but there was intense opposition. So, the contingency plan is to use forced attrition. In other words, Social Security will become insolvent and disappear.

Oh, and don't get me started on Medicare. Let's face it. Medicare will probably be completely broke before Social Security fizzles out. The whole healthcare industry is a mess, as I have stated many times over. The fact that it is a private, for profit industry is the main problem. What fuels "American" business theses days? Greed and profit, of course! That's why my 24 Hour Fitness® gym membership is my health plan. About one-sixth of the nation's population (including the ol' lavahead) do not have health insurance. That percentage will continue to rise.

A simple observation will yield some eye-opening revelations. The sheer number of fat slobs, well over 60 percent of the population, will eventually bring the rank-and-file healthcare system down. Most diseases associated with being overweight are classified as chronic and long-term. In addition, stress and hedonism will increase the number of chronic and psychological illnesses. It was hard to get an appointment with a physician within three months' time. What is it going to be like in a few years when the chronic illness proliferate?

I mention all of this as a review of topics that we have discussed previously here in the "blog." We have a crisis situation developing in the world that can be summed up as the allocation of increasingly scarce resources. Technology via petroleum has been the key factor in producing a population that is well beyond self-sustaining levels. The moneychangers and the powers-that-be are keenly aware of that fact, especially since we are on the dreaded plateau of Peak Oil. The resource wars are here. Why else would the US continue to escalate a failed war in Iraq? It does not take a genius to see where we are heading. Nor is a high IQ required to determine how expendable the rank-and-file truly is.

An open society will fail if its citizens are not able to think responsibly and face reality. The center of our culture is rampant consumerism at all costs, which is debt that has been stretched well beyond practical limits to attain a material, albeit fleeting, form of wealth. The latter statement is proof positive that the two criteria for an open society have been severely compromised or are totally absent from the culture in question. In the "blog" of yesterday, I presented the alarming statistic that about 89 percent of the population are lacking the two requisite qualifications. For all intents and purposes, I believe that the moneychangers and powers-that-be can only look upon that 89 percent of the population as "useless eaters." Thus, we return to the more nefarious side of the secular Apocalypse.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bubblicious Redux

Another day of emulating a homeless guy has come and gone. Oh, the horror! Fortunately, free drinks were flowing like water again in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby). Sheesh!

I wonder how George Soros feels about the financial débâcle that is unfolding in an unpredictable manner. In his book, "The Age of Fallibility," Soros himself stated that that 2007 would see the slowdown of the economy in the aftermath of the burstng of the so-called "real estate bubble." He saw fiscal responsibility on the horizon. Consumers would curb spending and personal debt in order to return to the virtue of saving. Fat chance! We are pumping up yet another debt bubble to continue the legacy of Alan "Bubbles" Greenspan.

Last night, I perused the book, "Empire of Debt," written by Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin, again. I may have to purchase the book. In fact, read Bonner's commentary on The Daily Reckoning site. An excerpt:
Yes, we're all believers in the Theology of Capitalism now. That is, we don't think we have to look too deeply into the Holy Mysteries that surround modern markets. The place is full of miracles; that is all we have to know.

But when it comes to real, free-market capitalism, we are all agnostic. People think that central banks can collude to manipulate the markets…and thereby avoid a much-needed correction forever. Our guess is that investors will pay dearly for the delusion.
The delusion, of course, is that debt can go on forever. It can continue to increase to infinity. Yes, we are going to ride the debt train right off the cliff because the Fed just increased the throttle. Perhaps the Fed will only make one 0.5 percent cut in interest rates, fools may wonder. Come on back down to reality. The pigs at the the trough have an insatiable hunger. The first rate cut is only an appetizer. The eight-course meal follows with a lavish dessert at the end.

Alas, we have a negative savings rate in this nation. In 2004, about 37 percent of the nation's populace had no retirement savings at all. Nada. Zilch. Of those who did have retirement savings in some form, the average was about $44,000, but the telltale median figure of $27,000 reveals all. And, only 11 percent of the population have retirement accounts valued at $250,000 and above. Thus, mostly everyone's net worth is tied to their homes, if they own one. Yet, the home is a tricky piece of accounting as its value is not realized until it is sold. Hence, antsy satanic gargoyles, who were seething with greed, opted to extract equity using those 125-percent equity line mortgages. Thus, their homes may be worth nothing.

The sickness of consumerism (i.e., the epidemic of the "seven sins") is something that I can no longer tolerate. Why should it bother me? Well, if it isn't obvious by now, the herd mentality is going to bring us all down whether we are deeply infected by greed or are ascetics. It does not matter. The vortex generated by the "system" is too strong.

Clearly, from the outdated figures that I cited, most "Americans" (i.e., 89 percent) are at or near bankruptcy. If we assume that many of them are carrying mortgages, then their net worth is negative. The aggregate household debt is over $10.8 trillion and growing. That's consumer debt alone, by the way. We are looking at hedonistic, irresponsible, and infantile behavior that is the rule, not the exception.

Even with all the money injected into the "system" by the Fed, the stock market fell today. Must the Fed inject more and more money daily to keep this pathetic charade going? Well, that's what it amounts to, doesn't it? The "serial bubble" economy will bring us all down in the end. The peons will be hit the hardest.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Soirée of Fools

I ended up at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®, after a three-day hiatus. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Baby was looking mighty fine. When I returned to my prison cell (read: little shoebox), I went into lockdown with my beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer.

I discovered that IE 7.0 has the ability to be reset completely to first install conditions. Had I known, I would have attempted the latter procedure before reinstalling the whole Windows® Vista operating system. I have ascertained that the network and wireless device drivers were operational during the puzzling ordeal.

The method used to lock out a computer from the network is similar to the secure connections to protected wireless "hotspots." The actual port does not close. The host is able to ascertain a computer's identification through its MAC address. And, thus, it is able to allow or restrict access by essentially firewalling the computer by means of the MAC address. Hence, some kind of stupidity occurred after the "Terms of Service" page loaded. I do not believe that Socket services were corrupted.

I followed my usual Monday routine, which is to drive to Kahala Mall with my Nissan® Frontier truck. Coffee at the Barnes & Noble® Café. Lunch with moms at the Panda Express®. I decided to go to the gym in town. When I finally returned to my prison cell at 5pm, I quickly powered up my Toshiba® notebook computer. I discovered that Blogger® was down. Then, the prison network went down. I had to call Oceanic Cable again. I had no idea when the network would be up and running, so I departed for Ala Moana Center at 8pm. I left earlier than usual because the morons in the adjacent prison cell were drinking cheap booze and engaged in a slammin' soirée with the cheap furniture. I ended up at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Well, the rest of the evening was the same ol' shit (i.e., lockdown).

I have read very little criticism about the latest indiscretion by the Fed. There are nothing but accolades for the interest rate cute. When the new series of rapid rates cuts occur commencing September 18th, there will essentially be a flooding of dollars everywhere. We can expect a stock market boom (read: bubble) that will collapse but inflate the so-called "housing bubble" again. Hyperinflation will likely result with increases in prices of consumer goods. Oil, like all other imports, will cost more. Fortunately, the idiotic consumer will have access to credit. Personal loans and credit cards will proliferate. There may be some "equity extraction" from refinance mortgages, but that's mostly tapped out. Consumer spending will eventually contract.

Anyone who saves is in trouble. Most investment instruments have been infiltrated with toxic "paper." Pension finds and retirement funds are also slated to absorb huge losses. There is a distinct possibility that bank deposits (e.g., Certificates of Deposits) may also be tainted with toxic "paper." That really only leaves the purchase and possession of gold as the last and possibly final option. Yet, not many of us are in the position to allocate funds for gold purchases.

The Fed will not be able to stop with one rate cut, by the way. Once the credit "bubble" inflates again, there's no stopping it until it bursts. In addition, the bulk of the mortgage crisis is yet to unfold. A few fools may believe that another mortgage fiasco is unlikely, what with all of the new lending requirements and all. The only "new" requirement will be the need to produce verifiable income. Aside from that, all of the creative financing vehicles will still be available. The whole situation is a total joke.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Oasis (Reprise)

I had to reinstall all of the same applications that I installed on my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer just a few days ago. At 11pm, I was fatigued. I rode the prison transport (read: bus) to Waikiki Beach. I sat on one of the benches near the now-defunct Lou's Kabuki Theater at Pavilion One. Frankly, it was all rather boring. I walked back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel). I stopped by the Food Pantry with the full intent of purchasing a big-ass can of cheap booze. Unfortunately, booze sales are not allowed after 11:45pm. I ended up with a carton of non-fat milk. Wheee!

Back in my prison cell (read: little shoebox), I was able to connect to the Net via the LAN. However, I was not able to connect via the wireless network. What is going on? I have been trying to figure out what happened yesterday. There is a "Terms of Service" page that is loaded in the browser automatically each day. After agreeing to the terms, the browser is redirected twice until it ends up on the Google® site. The browser returns the MAC address of the network card to the service provider. A cookie may be set as well. Unless the latter procedure is followed, the browser and anything else cannot access the Net. Thus, the problem may may stem from a lock-up in the browser.

My day was an exact repeat of last Sunday, including the prison transport (read: bus) ride back to Waikiki via Makiki. Incidentally, the hottie gym trainer was on duty at the gym. Baby was looking hot. El Diablo hot! I also sent e-mail to Debbie, my realtor, to inquire if I should lower the price of the "condotel" unit again. So far, the equivalent units are now going for $139,000 which will mean a loss of $15,000 including closing costs. Well, that's about how much I would have had to pay in rent anyway.

Of course, with the Fed hellbent on lowering short-term interest rates to near-zero percent again, the so-called "housing bubble" will inflate again. Heck, I may be able to make a small profit again if I wait. Sheesh!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Technology Meltdown

I really wanted to get out for a breath of fresh air last night. Unfortunately, I was nestled with my beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer in my prison cell (read: little shoebox) instead. Sometime around 6:30pm, my LAN connection to the Net disappeared. The connection restored itself, but I was not able to connect to anything on the Net. I did a "ping" from the command line interface to a few known sites. It was like a black hole. Oddly, I was able to go through a variety of Windows® Vista tools to determine that nothing was wrong with my computer or its built-in network card. I asked the watch commander in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) whether there any reported problems. I was given the number to call Oceanic Cable, the service provider.

I called the number given to me and spoke with a technician. Together we ran through various dialog boxes in Windows® Vista to see if the configuration was correct. The modem also resolved my local IP address. Why wouldn't it be? He also reset the modem remotely. Nada. Thus, he scheduled another technician to come by sometime within the next 48 hours. Yet, how is the clown going to contact me? I have no cell phone. After the call, I quickly configured my built-in Wi-Fi®. I was able to connect perfectly. So, I am back in business. Later, I will do a hard reset of the cable modem myself, once I find its power cord.

I was quite elated that I could connect to the prison wireless network in my prison cell. The wireless zone is essentially in the prison compound. I have no intention of lugging my notebook computer to the prison compound. What f I were to drop it? At 10:30pm, I found the power adapter jack for the cable modem and pulled out the cord. Then, I plugged it back in. The problem was still unresolved.

Incidentally, a realtor came by with her clients at 6pm for a viewing. The place was a mess. I had just returned from town and unpacked my gym bag. And, I was in the middle of eating my pathetic prison food (read: beans and bread). I had to hurriedly stash as much junk out of sight. Debbie, my realtor, apparently neglected to give me any advanced warning. I doubt that a good impression was made. Another possible sale lost.

Another day emulating a homeless guy has come and gone. I spent my idle time in the Hawai'i State Library in town. I have been reading Joe Wilson's book, "Politics of Truth," in a piecemeal fashion. I did my usual cardio workout at the gym. Then, I was back in Waikiki by 4pm. The Oceanic Cable technician had called and left a message. I was not able to contact him again. Because I do not own a cell phone, I will continue to play phone tag with the idiots. Essentially, I will never be able to facilitate the repair. I am already fatigued with the need for technology and instant communication. I don't want to live that way anymore, but that is the "norm." Heck, even some of the homeless have cellphones and notebook computers.

I also obtained a passport application from the library. Given the upcoming conversion to RealID, I am thinking of obtaining a passport to use as my sole form of identification. I did notice that new passports will include an RFID chip, which may thwart my plans anyway. I will need a passport if I plan to expatriate myself sometime down the line.

I finally was contacted by the Oceanic Cable technician. He came by to check the cable modem. Everything was working fine. He also checked the connection with his notebook computer. After he left, I tried to connect to the LAN using my notebook computer. Nada. Then, I tried to connect via the wireless network. I could not connect at all, which meant that the trouble was local to my computer. I reinstalled the device drivers. Nada. My final option was to reinstall Windows® Vista. I started the process at 7pm. I was back in operation by 10pm. My whole evening was wasted. I suspect that the Windows® Sockets was corrupted. How? The only way to solve the problem is to reinstall the whole operating system.

Well, I am simply waiting for the ax to fall. The Fed will probably begin an accelerated interest rate decrease of 0.5 percent every six weeks. Interest rates will dip below one percent by mid 2008 to sustain a false "recovery" just before the election. If the incursion into Iran commences before then, all bets are off. Interest rates will drop even quicker. The majority of rank-and-file fools will cheer along with the elite class. Sadly, most of those fools have no idea that they will be raked through the hot coals. Everything will be moot anyway.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I did not want to spend the evening in lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox), but I was quite fatigued from a full day. Piddling around with my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer seemed more appealing. Incidentally, my computer seems to running much faster since uninstalled McAfee® Internet Security Suite. I do not plan to replace Windows® Defender or Windows® Firewall with any third-party equivalents.

With little else to do, I managed to peruse the holdings of my various investment fund family. Sure enough, there were various commercial paper and bonds from the now infamous perpetrators of fraud including C-BASS, Bear Sterns, Morgan Stanley and the rest of their ilk. I was sickened to the point of almost "delivering street pizza.

I spent about 30 minutes in the prison compound doing a little more reading before calling it a night. I did not sleep well because I knew something "fishy" would be happening in the financial markets. Sure enough, the Fed conceded and lowered the fund rate. Next, the short-term interest rates will go down. As I have said before, just follow the money. It's all about greed. The stock market ballooned again, just like a heroin addict is ecstatic after another "fix." This won't be the end. There will be many more "fixes" until the "bubble" is even more inflated than before. A drug addict or an alcoholic needs more and more drugs or booze to maintain the same level of intoxication. Greed is the same way. It is now imperative that I sell the "condotel" unit.

I followed the same homeless guy itinerary culminating in the highlight of my day: my workout at the gym. I've been sitting in Kukui Plaza in order to eat my paltry meal that I purchase at Safeway®. One of the shop owners chatted with me for about 20 minutes. She owns the Nature's Sunshine® store. The ride back to Waikiki on the prison transport (read: bus) took over an hour. That's pretty bad. As for the evening, I guarantee that it will be the same ol' shit.

I have not put much time or effort into the "blog" as I did before my total expulsion from the urinal ... err ... Diploma Mill. Part of my feigned apathy is because I have said it all already. I am simply waiting for the "time of reckoning." I have also come to understand that I am completely alienated from society. I just don't belong here anymore. Critics can easily claim that I was once a willing dupe of the "system," which is true. I've had my fun, and now I have graduated. So, why isn't everyone else allowed to have fun? The sad part is that, upon closer scrutiny, there was no fun. I was foolish and gullible. I fell into the trap of the "feel good" society, as George Soros aptly described this debased culture in his book, "The Bubble of American Supremacy." In the latter book as well as his latest, "The Age of Fallibility," he discussed the concept of "open society1." In fact, Soros is an advocate of "open societies."

Of concern, Soros asserted, is the responsibility of the populace of "open societies" to think responsibly and face reality. In a nutshell, Soros believes that the US is an "open society," but it is rapidly closing because the mindless populace is locked in a spiraling hedonistic cycle. I do not personally advocate Soros' entire philosophical platform, but he is correct about the preceding point. Here in the "blog," we discuss satanic gargoyles and their infection by the epidemic of the "seven sins."

Why am I waiting, even anticipating, the end of the "system," the secular Apocalypse? Am I a closet dispensationalist? A responsible thinker and a realist would come to a similar belief. Until we understand our own complicity in the mess that has been created, we can never achieve Maslow's "self-actualization" or attain true freedom.

We need to understand the direct effect of our actions, primarily the hedonistic spending and waste that is occurring. Many lives around the planet are being sacrificed just so a few will be able to live high on the hog materialistically. Worst of all, the "system" is now poised to turn against its most loyal disciples, that is, once it first uses and abuses them.

Then again, the dispensationalists may be on to something as well. The prophesies of the Good Book are plain and clear. From the second letter to Timothy:
But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power, and from these turn away.
In the Book of Matthew, it is written:
And in answer Jesus said to them: "Look out that nobody misleads you; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many. You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

"For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of the pangs of distress.

"Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off."
To understand the complicity of apostate Christendom2, please refer to the section on radicalized religion in Kevin Phillips' book, "American Theocracy." The "end of days" is nearing whether it be by means of the secular Apocalyse or the hand of the Almighty. Scientifically, we are looking at entropy3, a very massive implementation to say the least.

1Open society, drawn from philosopher Karl Popper's work, "The Open Society and Its Enemies."
2Christendom, the empire of apostate religions professing to be "Christian."
3Entropy, essentially moving from an ordered state to a disordered one.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Subprimal Scream

I spent the evening at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty, thank goodness. Who else would I comment about? The rest of the evening was the same ol' shit. Fortunately, the tsunami alert was called off. There was a bit of tension here as the reports of the 7.9 Richter earthquake in Peru made the news.

This morning, I went on a tanning hike up Koko Head again, after first stopping by Barnes & Noble® in Kahala Mall. I visited with moms for about an hour after that. Moms made hot dogs for lunch. I returned to Waikiki and immediately went to the gym after parking my truck. After the gym, I ran into an ILWU Local 142 hotel worker as I walked to the prison transport stop (read: bus stop). He and several other union members were passing out leaflets outside the Pacific Beach Hotel, incidentally where 24 Hour Fitness® rents its space. Apparently, the hotel has terminated its entire staff in an attempt to break the union. If the action is successful, then many other hotels will follow suit.

I dropped of my stuff in my prison cell. Then, I spent an hour or so at the Waikiki library. I read a few computer magazines. Why am I wasting my time reading that garbage? Oh, I forgot. I am a Windows® Vista user now. I walked back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel) along Ala Wai Boulevard. Overall, I had a nice day. The evening? Same ol' shit. What else?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Crossing the Rubicon

I spent most of the evening in lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). I piddled around with my notebook computer as to be expected. I uninstalled McAfee® Internet Security Suite and installed AVG Free Anti-Virus. I also installed Eusing Free Registry Cleaner. Thus, my notebook computer is now fairly safe from intrusions with no additional cost. Later, I spent 30 minutes in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) reading Robert Fisk's book, "The Great War for Civilization."

As to be expected, I spent all day following the usual homeless itinerary. Same ol' shit, different day. Details are not necessary. The weather was beautiful, by the way. Looks as though the hurricane fizzled out.

My main concern is the new crisis developing in the money markets. According to an article in the NY Times, the so-called "sub-prime mortgage" fiasco has spread and infected money market funds as well. The biggest problem will occur if redemptions are blocked because of the alleged lack of liquidity. Obviously, any kind of panic would start an immediate run on redemptions which would trigger the collapse of myriad investment firms. The Fed injected more money into the "system" today. The stock market fell even further. Oddly, the value of the dollar rose against other currencies. There is a genuine crisis brewing and the so-called "mainstream" media has been conspicuously silent. Perhaps, that is best in this case since a panic will bring a quick collapse of the economy. As for me, I have no idea what to do. If my money market accounts are frozen, I will have absolutely no money. I will subsequently default on my mortgage and become homeless.

As for selling the "condotel" unit, I am probably up shit creek without a paddle. If there's a "liquidity" problem, then there's no money for loans. I've been listening to the punditry calling out to the Fed to lower interest rates to "save" the sub-prime mortgage market. What a crock of shit! The reason that the "sub-prime market" existed to begin with was because many buyers could not qualify for conventional mortgages. Lowering the interest rate will not save them. The only reason, then, to lower the interest rate is to provide cheap money for the same crooks who got us into this mess. As a bonus, a lower interest rate may attract the last of the mortgage refinance hold-outs. The bottom line is to keep consumer spending up.

I would think that many of the satanic gargoyles would have grown weary of the con games and greed by now. Rather, they want more. Greed is insatiable. It is a sickness that is further exacerbated by our hedonistic culture. The only way to save the economy is to force the populace to save money, obviously not a popular option. Interest rates must rise. Otherwise, the "serial bubble" economy will continue on with the bubbles becoming ever larger. The longer we wait, the harder the crash. Frankly, I believe we are at the precipice now. The bombing of Iran, as a sick distraction, seems very plausible.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Of Hurricanes and Greed

Once again, I found myself at Barnes & Noble® last night. That's twice in one day. Sheesh! The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Need I say that baby was looking mighty fine? I perused a few books, but none worthy of purchase. Then, I returned to my prison cell (read: little shoebox) for lockdown. I spent the rest of the evening with my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer.

Sadly, the "trial" license for the bundled McAfee® anti-Virus software is expiring in 12 days. Thus, I will need to replace it with one of the free anti-virus programs. I have activated all of the Windows® Vista security options and terminated the equivalent McAfee® options. Why not just pay for the McAfee® license? Do I look like I am Big Money Grip?

I have not slept well in days, and last night was no exception. I have been wearing my foam earplugs religiously. I have grown accustomed to them, so that is not the problem. My guess is that I am subconsciously bothered by the slow progress of my exodus from society. I left for town at 10:15am. My itinerary was the same ol' shit. I was back in Waikiki by 5:15pm.

Quagmire Prison (read: hotel) hosts a small party every Tuesday in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby). Free drinks (read: cheap booze) and entertainment. This was the first day that I attended. I was able to procure a couple of free drinks for my personal enjoyment. Well, i guess that breaks my sobriety track record, eh? Sheesh!

The stock market plunged again, but the Fed refused to inject more liquidity into the money supply. Thank goodness! It is quite obvious that, left to its own devices, the prevailing interest rate wants to settle at six percent or higher. Yet, the rabid financial pundits and economists are screaming for lower interest rates. Those demon-possessed fools need to be exorcised. I am continually sickened by the level of greed that has permeated our so-called "society."

We have been experiencing extremely gusty winds with occasional showers in anticipation of Hurricane Flossie. The hurricane is due to hit the Big Island sometime tonight. The island of O'ahu will most likely feel its effects by late Wednesday or early Thursday.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Black Swan

Last night, I ended up at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Baby was looking mighty fine. I meandered around simply to waste time. When I returned to my prison cell (read: little shoebox), I went into lockdown. What else could I do?

This morning, I left for Kahala Mall so that I would have time for a cup of coffee in the Barnes & Noble® Café. I met moms at the usual time. We ate lunch at Pearl's Korean Barbeque. Then, I drove moms back to Hawai'i Kai, making one quick stop at Foodland. Moms was fatigued, so I left at 12:45pm. Rather than make the trip to town, I stayed in Waikiki. I did my usual gym workout and reluctantly found myself back at Quagmire Prison by 3pm. I had to do my laundry chores as well. As for the evening, I will most likely find myself at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®.

As I am to understand, the Fed injected all that dough into the system on Friday to curb a "liquidity crisis." In other words, there was an apparent shortage of liquidity, and therefore credit was tightened as the Federal fund rate was closer to six percent. The injection of money allegedly brought the interest rates back down to the Fed short-term interest rate. The injection was in the form of short-term loans which are due today. I derive no sense of relief from knowing any of the latter, by the way.

The rest of the year could prove interesting as the mortgage fiasco rolls along at an increasing rate. I have read suggestions by readers of the alternative media. Many of them are advocating investments outside the country. Most of the ideas seem far-fetched. Where, I asked myself, would I put my paltry savings? And, what would I do to survive since I rely on its income? Obviously, I made the rude discovery that I remain entrapped and enslaved by the "system." Yet, what would happen if the "system" were to collapse?

According to the Advertiser, the Wai'anae homeless shelters have available space. Evidently, many of the homeless do not want to live by the shelter's rules. However, the shelter may become my only option in the near future. Rules or not, the shelter may be the only road to freedom.

Sadly, I have grown accustomed to Windows® Vista. Thus, I have decided to maintain the status quo, at least for my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. My computer is never in the public eye, so no one ever need know what operating system I am using.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I had good intentions of making the trek to CompUSA® last night, but the weather was not agreeable with my plans. Rain was coming down intermittently. I did not want to end up stranded somewhere because of a sudden downpour. There is a Category-3 hurricane heading toward Hawai'i as we speak. It is due to hit early next week.

So, I spent most of the evening in lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). Obviously, my only activity for the evening involved my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I suppose that the latter was a good investment after all. The pumice stone also had its nightly workout. I was feeling a little stir crazy by 11pm, so I spent an hour or so in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) with Robert Fisk's book, "The Great War for Civilization." Alas, another pathetic evening has come and gone.

I departed for town at 10:30am. Same ol' shit. The only difference is that I had to spend time in the lanai area of the Beretania Street Apartments because the library was closed. I did my cardio workout at the gym. The hottie gym trainer was on duty. Baby was looking mighty fine. I rode the prison transport (read: bus) back to Waikiki. I rinsed off my gym clothes and hung them up to dry. Then, I left for town again.

I sat in the large inner courtyard of the State Capitol for about 30 minutes. A cool breeze was flowing through. I was completely alone. I was able to completely clear my mind. I also walked through the I'olani Palace grounds. Just a small handful of tourists were milling about. A few of the homeless were camped out there as well. I rode the prison transport back to Waikiki via Makiki. The 'hood is reminiscent of a ghetto. Makiki is the most populated area in Hawai'i. There was absolutely no planning involved. Extremely dilapidated homes sit next to huge high-rise condominiums. A large number of slummy. cinder block "walk-up" apartments are interspersed all over the place. The whole area makes Waikiki look like an oasis. Sheesh!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Houseboy Chores

I went into lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox) immediately upon arrival in Waikiki. I wanted to take advantage of my furlough time, but I became extremely fatigued when I pondered the options. I did not want to hang out at Ala Moana Center. Friday night is a madhouse there. I also did not want to loiter around Waikiki Beach or Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park). So, I spent the evening with my beloved Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. Am I livin' large, or what?

I left for town this morning at 10:30am. I stopped by Safeway® to purchase a cup of coffee and some edibles for brunch. I spent a couple of hours at the library. My last stop was the gym for my cardio workout. Then, back to Waikiki. Ho boy! I decided to do my "houseboy chores." I finally cleaned the filthy glass louvers in my prison cell. The louvers were caked with crap from the concrete spalling repair job of a few months ago. I also moved some of the furniture and did a thorough cleaning with my humble dustpan and brush. I will move the other remaining furniture and clean at a later date. Eventually, I will need to repair the grout for the shower floor tiles. I've got make the dump look presentable so someone will take it off my hands. As for the evening, who knows?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Slippery Slope

I ended up at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®, again last night. The hottie "bookseller" was looking hot again. When I returned to Waikiki, I immediately went into lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). Incidentally, I neglected to mention that I had stopped off at Barnes & Noble® in Kahala Mall before I went on my tanning hike. There's a new hottie "bookseller" working there. I purchased a cup of coffee in the café and perused a few computer magazines.

Friday was just another day of emulating a homeless guy for the ol' lavahead. Before departing for town, I transferred $700 from my money market fund to my local bank in order to cover the purchase of my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I also noted that money market interest rates are dropping. I engaged in nomadic wanderings around town until 2:15pm, my usual time allotted for my gym workout. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.

By the way, as I look all around me, I see myriad satanic gargoyles with not a care in the world. In fact, I cannot believe the sheer number of fat slobs waddling around and toting five to eight large shopping bags each. I seriously doubt that they are part of the elite class. So, where are they getting all that money? Did they pull their investments out of hedge funds before the trouble started? Or, are they blindly piling on credit card debt? Not to worry, the Fed will be pressured to make an "emergency" interest rate drop, probably fairly sharp, within days. The timing is just about right for the long-awaited incursion into Iran.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Simple Day Redux

I ended up at Barnes & Noble® last night. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Baby was looking mighty fine. I spent my time perusing a variety of books. I have yet to find one that is worthy of purchase. I also spent a little bit of time in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby). I can't say that I missed the lockdown time in my prison cell (read: little shoebox).

Another tanning hike up Koko Head was on the agenda today. I must admit that I really enjoy the hike. Moms was home all morning because of a repair appointment for the water heater. I drove to Koko Marina to purchase a couple of steak plate lunches at Foodland. Nada. So, moms warmed up some rice. I ate canned salmon with the rice for lunch. For dessert, moms served coffee ice cream. I drove back to Waikiki after lunch. I decided to go to the gym in Waikiki. I ran into one of the guys who normally goes to the downtown gym. We chatted for a few minutes. Then, I found myself back in my prison cell for quasi-lockdown. Woe is me!

I have been trying to figure out exactly what I am going to do if I actually end up selling the "condotel" unit. Where am I going to sleep? I am really in no mood to deal with the idiotic rental situation. Obviously, my only other option would be homelessness. Crazy as it may seem, I have been giving the homeless option a lot of thought lately. Specifically, can I get myself into one of the homeless shelters? Ideally, of course, is the case that I find a clean and quiet, unfurnished rental unit on the cheap. My only amenities will be a sleeping bag and a cardboard box to use as a desk for my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. What more do I need?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Nomadic Roaming

I went into lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox) the minute that I set foot in the dump yesterday afternoon. I spent hours piddling with my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. At midnight, I took a short break in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) and did a little more reading.

Another day of nomadic roaming found me at the library in town. I spent about two hours there on the second floor balcony overlooking the courtyard. I recognized quite a few of the homeless. Alas, it looks as though I am seriously destined to become a homeless nomad. Many of the homeless also ride the prison transport (read: bus). It's quite easy to identify the homeless because, as I mentioned previously, they are usually carrying way too much stuff. Another telltale sign, as I observed yesterday, is that the homeless will immediately fish through the nearest trash can after alighting the prison transport, usually to find discarded food to eat or beverages to drink. I have not reached that point yet, by the way. I walked to the gym at 2:15pm. After my usual workout and shower, I was on my way back to Waikiki. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.

I have not heard from the sociopathic buddy. I seriously doubt that he has done anything to further his lawsuit against the Diploma Mill. When he dropped by Quagmire Prison (read: hotel) a couple of weeks ago at one o' clock in the morning, he confided that he was tired of being a "loser." He wants to hit the big-time, which I assumed to mean becoming wealthy. Well launch the damned lawsuit against the "fat fucks" over at the Diploma Mill already! Sheesh!

After my brief with discussion with moms about our relatives on Monday, I have decided that I will no longer attend any family functions. Sadly, any family function from this point forward would most likely be a funeral. I've often asked moms if she wanted to visit any of the relatives. I would have gladly given moms a ride. Now, I understand why moms has never taken me up on the offer. I have really had my fill with humanity. Sure, my singular existence can be extremely lonely. However, what can I gain from companionship? Do I really want to discuss what's been on the tube? Do I want to be part of "show and tell" with all their new "shiny objects" (made in China)? I would be better off fruitlessly attempting to enable the sound drivers in Ubuntu Linux. Sheesh!

I have been pondering the fate of my Palm® TX. Should I sell it? I have no reason to keep it around anymore. From what I understand, the PDA market is a done deal. The so-called "smartphones" have taken over. I don't expect Palm® to retain a PDA product line much longer. The introduction of the Apple® iPhone was the final nail in the coffin.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Falling Dominoes

Yesterday was not a great day by any means. The day started off foolishly as I attempted to board the prison transport (read: bus) at 8:45am to ride to the Waikiki Banyan parking structure. A group of idiotic Japanese tourists were standing by the fare box. They were apparently trying to figure out how to insert the dollar bills. I was standing and waiting on the sidewalk with my gym bag in hand. The moronic driver shut the doors with my gym bag stuck in it. He then began to drive off. I was running along side, all the while tugging at my gym bag. Finally, I was able to pull it free. No doubt, all of the gabachos1 who were waiting at the prison transport stop (read: bus stop) had a good laugh.

I spent a couple of hours with the Ubuntu Linux project. I ran the "Live CD" again and attempted to tweak the sound problem (i.e., no audio) by means of the command line. Nada. After doing some research, I discovered that the sound problem was common to the Toshiba® notebook computers. Obviously, I made a bad choice. The operating system recognized the Conexant® sound card, but the generic driver does not support the latter. I have not attempted the fix for the screen resolution, but I believe that it can be done by tweaking the X-server configuration file through the command line. However, without a solution to the sound problem, I have no incentive to pursue the project any further.

For relaxation, I spent an hour or so at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Baby was looking hot. When I returned to Waikiki, I spent about 30 minutes in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby). I am casually reading Robert Fisk's book, "The Great War for Civilization," for the second time. Then, I spent the last of my waking hours piddling with my Toshiba® notebook computer. Alas, I have resigned to the fact that I will have to continue using Windows® Vista. Sheesh!

Reading has become a priority for me lately. I just cannot seem to read enough. Oddly, a few years ago, I rarely read anything. Which is why I am reading Fisk's book again. I have found nothing to replace it. What is even more important is that Fisk's treatise serves to remind me of the tragic history of the Middle East and other Third World nations that are hapless victims of the resource wars and "globalization." I cannot read the book and fail to be humbled. To understand all that has transpired (read: orchestrated by evildoers) brings forth the knowledge that the time of reckoning is coming. Justice must prevail for the millions of lives that have been sacrificed in vain.

Another day of aimless nomadic wandering has come and gone. I sat out in the park adjacent to the Beretania Street Apartments for a few minutes. A couple of police officers on bicycles made a surprise run through the park to check if any of the homeless were guzzling cheap booze in public. They scrutinized me as well since I looked like one of the homeless, what with my stuffed gym bag and all. I stored my gym bag at the gym at 12:45pm and walked to the Institute of Hair Design to restore my monk haircut. Then, I did my usual workout. After that, I rode the prison transport back to Waikiki. The rest of the day was the same ol' shit, only I must spend the time in my prison cell.

Well, the collapsing hedge funds are all going to file bankruptcy in the Cayman Islands. Thus, the funds will not have to return any dough to investors. Oh, those crafty moneychangers! What's even more funny is that the evildoers attempted to peddle the worthless paper to China first.

Interesting, isn't it? The US has been exporting inflation (read: jobs) to China, while concurrently importing everything under the sun. However, greed spiraled out of control with the moneychangers. China's foreign exchange reserves and its trade surplus ballooned. Now, the moneychangers want to yank the leash on China but nothing is there. All the bad press about Chinese imports, the toxic pet food, the crummy toys, won't do much. The greedy satanic gargoyles in this nation are too busy. They are engaged in a rabid form of materialism so they can be Big Money Grip in da 'hood. Of course, the true patriots will say, "China needs us more than we need China." Really?

1Gabacho, a White Supremacist satanic gargoyle.

Monday, August 06, 2007


I met moms at Kahala Mall as I always do on Monday. As always, I arrived there earlier to procure a cup of coffee at the Barnes & Noble® Café. Incidentally, I spent an hour at Barnes & Noble® last night. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. Moms and I ate at the Panda Express® for lunch. The fortune in my Panda Express® fortune cookie read, "Your mentality is practical and alert." I drove moms back to Hawai'i Kai. Moms served up some coffee ice cream for dessert.

Moms and I chatted for about an hour. Moms revealed some interesting family history, one being that at least two of my uncles probably had different fathers. "There weren't too many women around in those days," moms said. Moms is, of course, speaking of the days back in the sugar cane plantations on the Big Island. Moms was unsure of airing out the "dirty linen." I was perfectly fine with all that I heard. My grandparents were all poor immigrants. Life was not easy. Moms also discussed the quirkiness of the relatives, and also about my bro and his family.

I ended up at the gym in town to do my workout. Then, I arrived back in Waikiki at 4:30pm. That's essentially my day in a nutshell. I will most likely end up at Barnes & Noble®, my safe have, again tonight. I have been perusing a few Ubuntu Linux books. I am also perusing the support forums on the Ubuntu site as well. I am still set on the idea of eventually converting my notebook computer to Linux. Aside from that, I really have no inclination to discuss anything today in the "blog." I just wish that I was at the threshold of the exodus.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Throw in the Towel

I went into lockdown immediately upon returning to my prison cell (read: little shoebox) after my foray to the library yesterday. I felt stir crazy again at 10:30pm, so I made a quick jaunt out to Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park) and sat on one of the benches until the sprinklers started up. I walked back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel). Along the way, I observed all of the homeless who were occupying most of the pavilion structures. Later, I spent over an hour in the prison compound. I read portions of Robert Fisk's book, "The Great War for Civilization." I also perused the Sunday paper until 2am.

I departed for town this morning at 10:30am. My itinerary was the same ol' shit. As usual, I went to the gym. The hottie gym trainer was on duty. Baby was looking hot. I had a difficult time concentrating on my cardio workout. After my shower, I had one last glimpse of baby before I left the gym.

I ended up back in Waikiki at 3:15pm. I did not want to sit around in my prison cell, so I rode the prison transport back to town. I stopped off at Longs® on Hotel Street. As I walked down the aisles, I noticed the hottie gym trainer. Baby was also doing some shopping. She has an uncanny resemblance to Kate Beckinsale. What a hottie! My mind was ready to snap. Although I had already found what I wanted, I meandered around the store. Seeing the hottie gym trainer there was too distracting, so I exited the store. I spent an hour on a walking tour of the historic part of town. I really enjoyed the tour. Too bad the hottie gym trainer did not come along, eh? Well, I finally returned to my prison cell at 6pm. After seeing the hottie gym trainer, I am ready to throw in the towel. Will I go into lockdown again tonight? Who knows?

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Clean Sweep

Sadly, I went into lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox) when I returned from town yesterday afternoon. I just did not feel like hanging out all evening at Ala Moana Center, essentially a huge shopping mall. Make no mistake, I enjoy spending time at my safe haven, Barnes & Noble®. However, it is a store in a shopping mall. Is that the epitome of modern life? Well, for the ol' lavahead, it sure is. Thank goodness for my new Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer, eh? With the high-speed Net connection in my prison cell, I can keep myself occupied for hours.

I was feeling a tinge of stir craziness by 11:30pm, so I spent about 30 minutes in the prison compound (read: hotel lobby) and reviewed Morris Berman's book, "Dark Ages America." I was running the defragmentation utility on my computer anyway. I now the computer completely streamlined and optimized.

I am looking forward to the day when I divest the detestable "condotel" unit. I want to find a cheesy, unfurnished rental unit. I will not furnish the dump. In fact, all I want is a sleeping bag. My guess is that I will have to concede to subscribing with a high-speed Net service provider. Just me and my computer. Just like the old days. Sheesh! Incidentally, I may have to put my beloved Palm® TX up for sale on eBay®. I cannot exceed the limit of owning only one gadget made in China. A quick perusal, though, of the eBay® listings made me realize that I would take a huge loss. Why didn't I just purchase a notebook computer in the first place?

I departed for town at 10:30am, once again in search of nothing. I stopped off at both Longs® and Safeway® at the Pali location. Then, I sat around in the usual locations. Oddly, most of the familiar locations are also popular with the homeless crowd. I don't discuss the homeless much anymore, but I am very cognizant of their existence. I see them everywhere. They are not invisible to me.

I did my token cardio workout at the gym. After a quick shower, I was on my way back to Waikiki. Debbie, my realtor, had called and left a message. Another realtor was coming by with a client to show the unit at 4:30pm. Thus, I immediately vacated my prison cell after first sprucing it up a bit.

My first stop was the Waikiki branch of the public library. It is a small pathetic operation with very few books. I only learned of the existence of the library through Pseudo-professor Glenn. When I walked inside, I observed an old guy arguing with one of the librarians about his expired computer time. I looked around at the dismal selection of books and finally opted to read a computer magazine.

After I completed the perusal of the magazine, I walked around Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park). It is a fairly large park, by the way. I eventually ended up sitting on one of the benches near the same gazebo-like pavilion structure (read: bandstand) that I discovered a week or so ago. The same derelicts were sitting there as well. I only sat there for about 15 minutes. Then, I rode the prison transport (read: bus) back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel). One would think that this benign routine would be getting to me by now, but that is not the case. I am training for the secular Apocalypse, a time when most of us will be reduced to the lowest form of poverty. There will be immense pain and suffering. Gone will be the days of endless shopping sprees.

I look forward to the secular Apocalypse, but Divine intervention (i.e., Armageddon) would be preferred. The secular Apocalypse will only bring pain and suffering to the rank-and-file satanic gargoyles and even more pain and suffering to those who are already suffering in pain. The moneychangers and powers-that-be along with the upper echelon of the elite class will be spared any agony. What we really need to see is a clean sweep of the abominable malignant tumor that is the present state of humanity.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Talk to the Hand

The Linux rebellion was short-lived. I attempted to install Ubuntu Linux on my new Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer at 3:15pm. The installation went well, but I should have suspected that I would run into a lot of trouble. After completing the install, I could not set the video resolution to 1,440 by 900 pixels. Then, there was no audio. I surmised that Ubuntu Linux did not have the appropriate video and audio device drivers, which did not make sense.

Well, to make a long story short, I finally restored Windows® Vista by 8:30pm. Essentially, I threw in the towel, so to speak. I spent another two hours installing programs and updates again. Who would have known that I am no longer a true computer nerd? Obviously, I spent most of the evening in lockdown in my prison cell (read: little shoebox). I was going stir crazy by 11pm, so I spent 45 minutes in the prison compound feigning the reading of a book. Frankly, I was just too fatigued, and I wanted to sit and relax.

Well, I suppose that I can live with Windows® Vista. I was not willing to shell out $1,995 for an Apple® MacBook Pro notebook computer. I don't have that kind of dough. Incidentally, I transferred $1,900 to my local bank from my money market fund. I will have to transfer another $700 in a week or so to cover the cost of the computer.

This morning, I left for town at 10:30am with no idea of what I was going to do except for my gym workout. I stopped off at Safeway® to purchase the usual food items. I also broke down and purchased a small cup of coffee. I checked my post office box for mail. The sole letter was from the Linda, "fat-fuck" in the Human Resources office, at the Diploma Mill. I drew two lines through the address and wrote, "Not at this address," on the envelope. Then, I threw it in the mailbox. Later, I sat outside in the park adjacent to the Beretania Street Apartments. I was enjoying myself immensely.

A few minutes later, the sociopathic buddy came strolling through the park with a glass of iced tea. He sat next to me on the bench and made a few foolish comments. He allegedly plans to launch a multiple discrimination lawsuit against the Diploma Mill. Secretly, I hope that he goes through with it and wins. Maybe the sociopathic buddy will kick a few thousand dollars over to me as "compensation." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

I did my usual workout at the gym. I was back in my prison cell by 5:15pm. As always, I immediately powered up my notebook computer. I have been steering clear of current affairs and economics issues in the "blog" because I have already discussed them ad nauseum. I am simply waiting for the time of the end, the day of reckoning. Yes, I am waiting for the predicted "terrorist" attack this Summer that will immediately provide the pretext to start the bombing of Iran or Syria. Martial law will be invoked, but no one will notice since all the shopping malls will remain open. I am also waiting to see what happens in the economy.

The stock market made another major "correction," the dollar is falling again, and the real estate débâcle continues to unfold. Yet, no one is affected. The hotels here are all full. The satanic gargoyle tourists are spending money like crazy. On average, they are toting around double the number of shopping bags as compared to a few months ago. It is as if they all struck it rich recently.

I will mention that I have observed that a lot of satanic gargoyles are now using credit cards in the supermarket checkout lines. Although anecdotal, the increase is very noticeable. I seriously doubt that many of the fools are paying off their balance every month as the ol' lavahead does. I also believe that the current Visa® credit card advertisements have been extremely effective at increasing the observed phenomenon. The ads that I am referring to always show a line of satanic gargoyles going through a payment line like automatons. The line stops abruptly when a clown attempts to pay with cash or a check. It's a disturbing trend.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Linux Rebellion

I was compelled to spend part of the evening at Barnes & Noble®. The hottie "bookseller" was on duty. So far, I have not found any new books worthy of purchase. I cannot squeeze a book purchase in my budget anyway. My emergency "Just-in-time" appropriation of my new Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer has depleted any surplus funds for the next two years.

Upon return to my prison cell (read: little shoebox), I went into lockdown and piddled with my new notebook computer. The broadband connection in my prison cell has been a lifesaver. I have been able to keep abreast of the alternative news. I have also been able to listen to DI.FM Deep House on Net radio. I have been using my Philips® ear bud headphones, the one that I purchased to use with the long-gone Brookstone® Tranquil Moments® "sound therapy placebo." Incidentally, I will continue to use the Windows® Vista operating system until the first sign of trouble. I have all the security options enabled. However, if anything crashes the system, then I will install Ubuntu Linux.

This morning, I departed for Kahala Mall at 8:45am. I dropped off a package in the Goodwill drop box containing my pink rubber piggy bank replica and the Tick action figure. Then, I purchased a few more cans of Van Camp's® Pork and Beans from Longs®. I ended up at the Barnes & Noble® Café, where I enjoyed a nice cup of coffee. I perused a Linux magazine and read an article that was quite disturbing. Apparently, Microsoft® is working overtime to put the squeeze on the Linux and open source community. I became quite perturbed.

I drove to Hawai'i Kai at 10:15am to engage in my favorite activity, my tanning hike up Koko Head. The hike took about an hour. The view, as usual, was breathtaking. That's exactly the reason why I enjoy the hike. I visited with moms afterward. Moms served up leftovers for lunch and coffee ice cream for dessert. I was able to chat with moms briefly before departing for Waikiki. Moms also gave me a package of goodies.

I decided to stay in Waikiki, so I walked to the gym right after I parked my truck. I only did my weight workout this afternoon. The hike sufficed as my cardio workout. I was still perturbed about the Microsoft® article. In fact, I became disillusioned when I visualized the "big picture." Even Apple® has become largely predatory in its business practices. It's all about money and market share. The latest version of the Apple® operating system has also become bloated and full of "shiny objects" which do little to enhance its functionality. The more I thought about it, the more perturbed I became.

Obviously, there are even more pressing matters to be perturbed about than my notebook computer's pathetic operating system. However, I only seem to have dominion over my small empire which has few loyal, albeit inanimate, subjects. The sad part is that I have already paid for the license for Windows® Vista. Thus, the imperative for the remainder of the day was focused on whether I should install Ubuntu Linux or not. Well, if the "blog" has not been updated in a few days, then I may have destroyed my new computer. Decisions, decisions ...