Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Day of Samhain 2006

A very disappointing evening was had by all who attended the gala evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater. Only the semi-lucid homeless guy and the amputee with the wheelchair were there. The amputee with the wheelchair was passed out. The semi-lucid homeless guy sat in silence until he departed toward Central Waikiki with his baby stroller at 9:15pm. Very few satanic gargoyles ventured into the theater complex (read: pavilion structure). I sat on the same bench as the last few nights. I observed a number of new homeless cast members. A few of them were in their twenties. No one walks around Waikiki at night with a stuffed backpack and is not homeless. As I predicted, the homeless situation is going to get much worse here.

The night air was much cooler than usual. I suspect that we are going to experience a cool and wet Winter. I have also been surprised at the amount of rain Waikiki has received in the last month or so. This is one of the driest spots on the island.

I decided to leave at 10pm. I felt like getting hammered, but I resisted the temptation. Instead, I promptly returned to my little shoebox to engage in the nightly shoebox rituals. I wanted to turn the crank on my new generator flashlight, but I changed my mind. The flashlight was made in China and molded with a medium quality plastic. If I trivially play with it, I may render it inoperable.

Instead, I composed the "blog" on my beloved Palm® TX. The Palm® TX has essentially been rendered useless after the power failure caused by the earthquake. The only reliable wireless network access point has never been restored. Fortunately, I can marginally connect to some other hotel's wireless network just long enough to send off the "blog" as e-mail. Yes, in the wink of an eye, my Palm® TX became a $300 doorstop.

The marginal wireless network connection has been unreliable in the evenings as of late. I found that I could connect to the access point early in the morning, which means that a whole mess of satanic gargoyles are sitting in all of the hotels with their computers. What a sad story! Here they are on vacation in Hawai'i, and they are playing with their computers. Well, I should know better. Hawai'i is the fat slob's Paradise. One can travel in seated air-conditioned comfort anywhere on the island. There's never a need to even stand up or break a sweat. Actually, there's nothing left on the island to see. All of the natural beauty has been cannibalized and replaced with fake Hawai'ian decor. It's totally sickening. Aside from that, eating and shopping are the prime tickets. Fat slob's Paradise.

I was not in a good way at all yesterday. I sporadically felt like breaking down and sobbing. I am not suffering from melancholia. Rather, I am deeply perturbed about my mortality. It is a hard feeling to describe. When we can literally count the number of days that we have left on the planet, we can become quite prolific in our assessment of our earlier lives. When all is said and done, what is left to say?

The Countdown to the Meltdown will move me further toward my mortality. How far will I be pushed before I am finally denied my dignity? These are the foolish thoughts passing through the desperate mind. I am in much more control of my destiny than I have ever been before. I have chosen this path. Will it all be in vain when the moneychangers and the powers-that-be invoke the secular Apocalypse? Will our struggles have been for nothing?

This morning, I rode the bus to the Waikiki Banyan Hotel to pay yet another $100 for monthly parking. The truck was filthy. There was two months of salt residue all over the windows and the exterior. I drove my truck out of the parking structure and headed off to Kahala Mall. I arrived there at 9am. I dropped off a whole mess of stuff in the Goodwill drop box, including my Perry Ellis® travel bag and my Koss® DVD player. C'est la vie.

I walked to Barnes & Noble® to purchase a cup of coffee in the café. I walked around the store and began feeling dizzy. I thought that I was suffering from caffeine overdose since I did not eat anything for breakfast. I discovered that my dizziness had to do with my exposure to the displays of books and merchandise set up to entice me to purchase something. I have only been food shopping lately, and I do not spend any time looking around. I am in and out in a flash. Clearly, I was suffering from some kind of post-consumerist stress disorder.

I sat outside by the entrance to the mall and waited for moms. We ate lunch at Panda Express®. Lunch was delicious. Then, I drove moms back to Hawai'i Kai. Heavy rain was really coming down. Moms dished out a bowl of coffee ice cream for us to partake while I rinsed off my truck and loaded the recycling. I chatted with moms for a little while. Then, I was on my way. I felt bad because I have to squeeze in as many errands as possible during blocks of time that are mutually convenient for all involved. And, I was also sad because I will not see moms for another week. Incidentally, moms gave me all kinds of goodies to take home as well.

I dropped off the recycling at Kaiser High School. I had changed my mind about donating my Rockport® shoes when I was at Kahala Mall. However, the moment of truth had arrived. The Rockport® power shoes symbolized all the evils of wage slavery. Divesting the Rockport® shoes would be about my freedom above all else. I put the shoes in a plastic bag and deposited it in the Goodwill drop box next to the recycling bins. I then drove out toward Kalama Valley to visit Lori. I brought the bodyboard to return to her. We were able to chat for about an hour, which put me a little behind schedule. Lori wants to go surfing again soon. Weren't we supposed to start up surfing a month ago? Now that the Countdown to the Meltdown is in full swing, I am not sure if I can fit any activities into my schedule anymore. Lori also invited me to the Thanksgiving dinner that will be held at Debbie's place. She also wants to get together for lunch on Ol' Lavahead Day. My mind became overloaded because of these suggestions. I am no longer able to comprehend any kind of social context. I do not even remember the babbling that I offered as a response. I left Lori's place at 2pm.

After I dropped the truck off in the Waikiki Banyan parking structure, I rode the bus to town. When I arrived at 3pm, I immediately went to the gym. The hottie gym trainer was busy with another gym member. Baby was looking hot as usual. After my workout at the gym, I ended up at the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. There, I composed the "blog" and wasted time doing nothing important. At 7pm, I will depart for Waikiki on the bus. By the way, this is the "Day of Samhain," a tribute to Samhain, the former owner of the Asylum. Samhain is a loyal disciple of the sinister kahuna. He's a senior satanic gargoyle. He sold his soul for a few coins. I'll see him in Hades. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Eat, Drink Cheap Booze, Sleep, Repeat

Lou's Kabuki Theater was canceled last night. I was just leaving the hotel when I felt a drizzle. I decided not to chance it, although I wish that I had. Sitting in my little shoebox watching the "House MD" marathon all evening only seemed to exacerbate my anxiety. I felt like a prisoner in lockdown. Then, I realized that I am a prisoner.

I perused my new $10.99 flashlight (not Fleshlight®). I discovered that it actually contains a NiMH battery. I had assumed that it used a storage capacitor. Thus, it is no better than a regular flashlight. Why must I always put up with cheap crap?

I ate warmed-up ravioli with a few slices of bread for dinner. At 10pm, I opened a can of tuna for a snack. I ate the tuna with more bread slices. I was hungry for no particular reason. I suspected that my body craved the additional calories that the cervezas provided the night before. Coupled with the "existential vacuum," there was a strong impulse to sashay over to the ABC Store to find a "beverage" to remedy the symptoms. I played intermittently with my new flashlight, winding the little crank to charge its little NiMH battery. By the end of the evening, I welcomed my little flashlight to my small family. I was happy. The flashlight will allegedly last a minimum of ten years without maintenance.

In 30 days, I will turn fifty-two years of age. I can't even write the numbers. I had to spell out the digits. Reality is often difficult to face. In two months, I will be unemployed. That's what we call the "one-two punch." Double jeopardy. My "mainstream" options have whittled down to nothing. I should be at the end of my rope. Instead, I have visions that my freedom is around the corner. My vision is clouded because I am shackled to the "mainstream" through my non-divested interests. If I were younger, I would have some margin of error no matter what strategy is chosen. I no longer have that margin. I am playing for keeps. I cannot make any more mistakes. Therefore, if I decide to exit society now, I will have no option to return. It is quite scary to strip oneself clean of the filthy garments of the "mainstream." Standing alone against the tide of satanic gargoyles is not an act of courage. It is an act of pure survival.

I have already stated my case in the "blog." In fact, that is the whole purpose of the "blog." For now, the Countdown to the Meltdown is 60 days. I am hoping for a temporary reprieve. A time extension. The lesson learned is that every aspect of modern life can disappear almost instantly. Change will happen just as rapidly and will most likely be aversive. Be prepared.

I was not in the mood to return to wage slavery today, even though I am actually a slave for only three hours. The rest of the time, I spend in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. During my wage slave break, I purchased a new bus pass. I also stopped by Longs® to purchase a loaf of bread, a couple of cans of Coral® tuna, and a pre-packaged $1.39 sandwich for lunch. The lines at the check-out counters were busy, which is an everyday phenomenon at Longs®. The satanic gargoyles were purchasing all kinds of crap in quantity. I was just amazed to see how much spending money these "knobs" have. Most of these clowns are Longs® "junkies." They shop there twice per week, coincident with the bi-weekly sales fliers. They buy stuff in mass quantity, much like Costco® shoppers. The satanic gargoyle in line before me purchased five of the same flashlights that I purchased yesterday.

Prices in Hawai'i are rising. I've been monitoring certain items. For example, the sale price of Coral® tuna at Longs® about a month ago was 59 cents. Now, it's 63 cents. Spam® was $1.49 on sale a month ago. It is $1.59 now. That's almost seven percent higher. I reported about the last spike in food prices in the journal. I assume that many other products are also increasing proportionately. It is imperative that I maintain focus insofar as spending is concerned.

Which brings me to an interesting article by Mike Whitney titled, "The Dollar's Full-System Meltdown," on the Information Clearinghouse site. Whitney cites an analysis by Richard Daughty titled, "How Chow Do Pan Ho Wan?" A copy of the analysis appears on the FMNN site. An excerpt:
Daughty's scenario may be a bit too apocalyptic for many. But if we accept the premise that the tax cuts, the expansion of the federal government, the doubling of the money supply, and the $10 trillion that was sluiced into the housing bubble were not merely "honest mistakes" made by "supply side" enthusiasts; then we must assume that this is all part of a loony plan to demolish the economic foundation-blocks of the current system and remake society from the ground up.

Domestically, that plan appears to involve the activation of the police state.
The prognosis is a grand-scale recession. Now, here's the catch:
What really matters is that the dollar retains its position as the world's reserve currency. That allows the Federal Reserve to continue to print the money, set the interest rates, and control the global economic system. The dollar presently accounts for 66 percent of foreign currency reserves in central banks across the globe, an increase of nearly 10 percent in one decade alone. The dollar has become the international currency, a de-facto monopoly. This is the goal of the globalists and the American ruling elite who dream of one system, the dollar-system; with us running it.
That brings us right back to oil, doesn't it? Are we about ready to accept the coming of the secular Apocalypse?

Another day of wage slavery ended at 7pm. My trek home to Waikiki in the evening on the bus is just another scratched day on the calendar. The Countdown to the Meltdown is here.

The Routine. Deprecated feature. The routine was always the same anyway. Well, hey! It's the Countdown to the Meltdown!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Mouse that Roared

Last night, I experienced a state of "disconnect" as I've never felt before. Nothing seemed to matter. I felt a quiet uneasiness overtake my senses. There were moments that I felt extremely lost. Vulnerable. I wanted to flee. I saw myself metaphorically shackled to my possessions and my little shoebox. I cried out in pain, but my shrieks echoed and attenuated into the infinite realm of the universe. The mouse that roared. Not a soul would hear me.

I have been pondering about my ultimate destination once I exit society. I keep asking myself, where would I go? Costa Rica? Belize? I don't really even know where to begin. Frankly, I would rather not go anywhere. I am too fatigued. I've thought about finding a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific Rim. Fat chance. How would I survive? What I really want is peace and quiet, which does not necessarily mean being in a place devoid of people. However, I do not want to be in close proximity to the satanic gargoyles. I have had my fill of fat arrogant slobs, all of whom are infected with the "seven sins" epidemic.

Peace and quiet. Do you know of such a place? I have become cognizant of the high levels of ambient noise. It is literally deafening. The noise grates on my nerves and is gradually gnawing away at my sanity. The calming sounds of nature are no longer audible. The human mind was not designed to function under such aural stress.

After my pathetic dinner, I spent some time composing the "blog" on my beloved Palm® TX. I could hear the low steady pitch of the street traffic. The thumping bass from some asswipe's subwoofer in his "riceboy" was blasting from the Food Pantry parking lot. I could hear conversations originating across the way in the Walina Apartments. The tourists in the room next to my little shoebox in the hotel were having a slammmin' soirée with the shitty hotel-issue dresser. On and on it goes. We tend to mask out the noise by ignoring it. Yet, the impact is far greater than the noise itself. The disturbances to the psyche cause aberrations in the physiological and immunological systems of the body. Aside from the possibility of erupting in a homicidal rampage, the victim is likely to develop long-term chronic illnesses. The mind has tremendous control over the body. If the mind breaks down, the body is soon to follow suit.

I was very fatigued, so I laid down on the hotel-issue bed until 8:50pm, when I departed for Waikiki Beach on the bus. There was no evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater, although the semi-lucid homeless guy and the amputee in the wheelchair were already present and accounted for. They were apparently fatigued, too. Both of them were passed out. I sat on the same bench as the past few nights. At 9:30pm, the homeless guy who usually smells like cheap brewskis and piss (read: urine) staggered in from the direction of Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park). He sat on the stone wall next to the pavilion structure. He smoked the "chronic" (read: pakalolo) and sang a few tunes off key. At about 10pm, he staggered off toward the park. The semi-lucid homeless guy stealthily departed about the same time with his baby stroller. Earlier, he had hit me up for a smoke again.

I feel quite comfortable sitting out with the homeless. I have one thing in common with them. I am a loner. The homeless are mostly loners and outcasts. If anything, I am somewhat like the semi-lucid homeless guy. He is a true loner. He keeps to himself more so than the other homeless, with the exception of the homeless babe (term used loosely). If there is anything else that I can learn from the homeless, that would be how to become an effective loner.

Incidentally, I have recently engaged in an interesting semi-controlled social experiment. I have revealed to the various so-called "friends" and acquaintances whom I know here that I am soon to be unemployed. Aside from a microsecond of feigned concern or sympathy, I observed patterns of disinterest, uneasiness, smugness, and thinly-veiled glee. Because I am not a true friend to any of these people, the condition would serve to question the validity of my experiment. However, let it be known that I have done many favors, primarily computer-related, for them. I saved them a lot of time and money. They took it for granted, as I expected. As far as these haughty ones are concerned, it is I who should be grateful to have the honor to serve them. Asswipes! The bottom line is that I can trust no one. They are all satanic gargoyles sporting the grotesque "two-face" kabuki mask. I let them believe that they have "one-up" on me. If and when they move into position for the kill, then ... Booyah! Shut 'em down!

These are troubled times, my friends. These are the prophesied "last days." In my on-going analysis of these times, I have been brought to the conclusion that the secular Apocalypse will trigger Divine intervention through Armageddon, just as its apostate religious planners have anticipated. The surprise element, of course, is that the planners themselves will not be saved. They are evildoers, satanic gargoyles, aligned with the sinister kahuna. Woe unto them!

Well, enough of that "fire & brimstone" crap. I sat on the bench until 10:30pm. I walked to Fudgepacker Park to use the restroom. Then, I made the short trek to the bus stop on Kuhio Avenue. I could have easily walked back to the hotel from there. However, why ruin a nice evening? No doubt, I would have encountered numerous fat slobs who won't yield to anyone else on the sidewalk. After I got off the bus, I stopped off at the ABC Store again. I purchased a rip-off $2.79 green salad and a big-ass can of Tecate® cerveza. You know the drill. The rest of the evening could be summarized by the phrase, "existential vacuum."

I did not sleep well last night. I still have the persistent pain in my gut. My liver is probably giving out. I woke up early this morning and spent an hour in the hotel lobby drinking a couple of cups of the free "freeze-dried" concoction substituting for coffee and reading the Sunday paper. A new smoking law is going into effect in Hawai'i on November 16th which will severely limit areas allowed for public cigarette smoking. Thank goodness! I also noticed that the real estate section was a lot slimmer than usual. Some home prices are going down. Noteworthy is the observation that none of the "condotel" units in the Aloha Surf Hotel were listed anymore. I wondered if the units were sold. That would be promising news, since all the units were priced much higher than my little shoebox.

After piddling around in my little shoebox, I departed for town on the bus sometime after 11am. I spent most of the afternoon in the student computer lab at the Diploma Mill, except for a brief gym break to do my usual workout. I stopped by Longs® to purchase a box of Nature Valley® granola bars because I was famished. I also purchased four cans of Coral® tuna, some Hanes® underwear, and a unique magneto flashlight (no batteries required) made in China. The homeless guy who usually smells like cheap brewskis and piss (read: urine) was in the same checkout line with the ol' lavahead. I believe that he recognized me. I piddled around in the student computer lab until 5pm, when I must sadly make the return journey to Waikiki. The ritual will be the same for tonight.

I have been reading the long account about the original "October Surprise" by Robert Parry on the Consortium News site. If you have the time, it might be of great interest, especially if you are prone to dismiss anything unusual to "conspiracy theories." The original "October Surprise" took place during the last year of the Carter administration, specifically during the infamous Iranian hostage crisis. The "October Surprise" refers to the secret negotiations that were specifically aimed to unseat Carter. In reading the account, I was amazed at the intricate level of deception and secrecy even though countless numbers of people and large amounts of money were involved. Parry's chronology of the events is very credible. How could such a large-scale plot remain a secret? Well, it did, and what happened changed the course of an election as well the course of history.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Pau Hana Time (Reprise)

When I arrived at Lou's Kabuki Theater at 9pm last night, I was surprised to see the opening act in progress. The amputee in the wheelchair was serenading the local homeless babe (term used loosely) in song. The local homeless babe was laughing hysterically. I have to admit that it was quite a humorous spectacle. The semi-lucid homeless guy was there as well. He was reading a book. A few minutes after I sat on the same bench as the night before, the semi-lucid homeless guy asked me if I smoked cigarettes. I assumed that he wanted to bum off a smoke.

At 9:30pm, Club Night at Lou's Kabuki Theater commenced, with the awesome club mix courtesy of Lulu's across the street. The semi-lucid homeless guy was laid out on his bench. I was really enjoying the tunes. Later, the semi-lucid homeless guy resumed his reading. He burst out in laughter a number of times. I walked to Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park) at 10:50pm to use the restroom. Then, I walked to the bus stop. A friendly derelict boarded the bus with me. He chatted with me part of the way back to Waikiki.

I stopped off at the ABC Store on the way back to the hotel. I bought a Granny's Gourmet Muffin, a couple of bananas, and a big-ass can of Tecate® cerveza. The second that I shut the door to my little shoebox, I popped open the can and dropped back its contents. What a night!

Earlier, I had pondered whether I was missing out on a better life. I watched all the satanic gargoyles out on the town having a good time while I sat with the homeless. A lot of hotties were out with clownish-looking guys. I contemplated whether my disposition would be much better if I was hooked up with a babe. After all, according to the actuarial data, happily hooked up guys outlive single guys. I came to the conclusion that I am in the best possible situation for someone like myself.

Clearly, remaining in the "mainstream" is causing a severe dichotomy in my psyche. Since I am not financially independent of the "system," I will still be inundated with the values of the latter. I will feel the pressure to conform in order to be accepted. Severing my ties with friends and associates was a triage solution to relieve the pressure of conformity. However, I still physically exist in society. My eyes still see what the weaker part of my mind desires. The prospect of becoming fully unemployed in two months creates extreme anxiety, which is a product of the pull of conformity to societal values. What am I without my job? I am still me, just poorer.

I have managed to survive through a series of employment nightmares. In each case, I escaped unscathed. I've lost a lot of the "mainstream" perks such as my health benefits. I have been made to feel "naked" and vulnerable without them, even though I have only had health benefits for six years in my entire life. I have managed to maintain financial parity through it all. Thus, unemployment for me is mostly a nuisance. I must shuffle my life and finances to accommodate a lower income life-style. What I really fear, I suppose, is that I may not be so fortunate to survive future débâcles unscathed. I may be stripped bare of everything and reduced to dereliction. This is the fear that enslaves the satanic gargoyles to the "mainstream." I must find a way to transcend such unfounded fears. There is no "support group" for this conundrum, which is why I have almost completely severed my social ties. My ideas and opinions will be met with skepticism, ridicule, or suggestions of psychotherapy.

I must live out a singular existence because I cannot share my ideas and opinions with anyone entrenched in the "mainstream." Nothing constructive results from such encounters. I am only made out be an eccentric and a laughingstock. Always being a loner, I often question my sanity. However, questioning one's sanity is yet another "mainstream" enforcement tool. Psychotherapy and psychotropic drugs are used to bring the stray sheep back into the fold. The singular existence requires extreme amounts of confidence (not to be confused with "self-esteem").

As I looked around from my vantage point on the bench, all I could see were satanic gargoyles and concrete. The only other varmints that seem to proliferate in the human malaise are roaches and rats. There is something tragically unnatural about all of that. I was deeply saddened by my observation. What kind of pathetic world do we live in?

I spent the rest of the evening with my beloved Palm® TX. Sadly, I only have a sporadic Net connection. However, I am able to compose portions of the "blog" and send it off by e-mail. There are also small intervals of time that I can access the free hurdy-gurdy sites. This is what I meant when I said that things are changing too rapidly. No matter how much I prepare for any eventuality, I am thwarted at every turn. I can't keep up. This is no accident, and it's not entirely because of the sinister kahuna.

This morning, I departed for town on the bus at 8:30am. I ended up in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. I spent most of the day on the computer, responding to personal e-mail and composing the "blog." I also had a nice chat with Pseudo-professor Francis. I took brief breaks to go to Longs® and to do my workout at the gym. I will remain in town until 5pm. Then, it's pau hana time!

Friday, October 27, 2006

A Very Inconvenient Truth

As fatigued as I was, I was still determined to attend the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater. I left for Waikiki Beach at 8:20pm on the bus. When I arrived at the pavilion structure, it was completely deserted. It was as if someone had dropped the secular Apocalypse on the place. I sat on one of the benches facing the beach and Fudgepacker Park (formerly Kapi'olani Park). At 9:15pm, the amputee with the wheelchair made his appearance. He sang a medley of songs at the top of his lungs to an audience of one. At 9:30pm, the semi-lucid homeless guy arrived with his baby stroller. At the same time, my homeless buddy walked by with his rolling pack. The semi-lucid homeless guy asked me if I had a lighter. Since I didn't, he went on a short excursion around the block. When he returned, he was smoking a cigarette. A couple of "faith-based" babes stopped by to chat with the amputee with the wheelchair. A chubby guy came by and ended up chatting with the semi-lucid homeless guy. I have seen him before. He usually chats with the local homeless babe (term used loosely). I departed at 9:50pm. I was tempted to purchase some cheap booze, but thought better of it.

Boredom is taking a toll on me. I am not talking about the "garden variety" boredom. Rather, I am referring to the chronic "existential vacuum" malaise. I have absolutely no interest in participating in the benign activities that are considered fun by the satanic gargoyles. Neither am I amused by the typical distractions enjoyed by the common "knob." I despise the tube. I abhor shopping. I don't want to attend any social events. I do not want to dress up and go out on the town. I do not want to go out to dinner or for drinks. And, I certainly do not want to go out on dates with chicks. There is now nothing that I enjoy about modern life. Hence, I have nothing to do. A while back, I tried to engage in those types of activities. I kept telling myself that I was having a great time. I tried to feel as though I was part of the real action. However, I knew that the whole illusion was a charade and a waste of time. What a maroon!

Right now, I live a meaningless and "homeless" life. I miss the days when I sat in the "warehouse" in moms' former house with my beloved Apple® iBook® all night long. That's when I really had a "home," although I took it for granted.

I did a little more research about depopulation. There isn't much documented beyond the post-WWII "eugenics" movement, which consisted primarily of former Nazi scientists. The latter are the type of cheap fucks who pioneer that kind of dubious thought. "Eugenics" eventually gave way to "population control," which mainly focused on birth control and abortion. What I found interesting is that the opponents of "population control" advocate the falsehood that the planet can easily sustain populations much greater than what we have now. This "Utopian" thinking is based upon the idealistic view of human nature. In other words, left to their own devices, humans will develop communities which are based upon total cooperation and selflessness. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa! Is that what we see today? I don't know about you, but all I see are a bunch of greedy and gluttonous fat slobs with satanic gargoyle heads and grotesque kabuki-mask faces. Their ecological "footprint" is many times more than their already huge physical girth.

There are several methods that can accomplish depopulation and serve as the backdrop for the secular Apocalypse. Natural and man-made disasters can devastate population centers and cause refugee migration of the survivors. The number of fatalities can be increased by deliberately delaying or botching up rescue services, medical care, and the distribution of food and supplies (e.g., Hurricane Katrina, the faulty levees, and the victims of New Orleans). A large number of fatalities can be incurred by the migrant refugee groups as a result of the hazards of the migration itself.

The world economic system also insures "natural" attrition of regional populations, mostly the impoverished and economically disenfranchised. Severe shortages of food and medical supplies will insure steady high fatalities as a result of starvation and disease. Most of these shortages can be artificially stimulated by rerouting a nation's resources outside of its boundaries under the guise of "free trade."

Wars are another means of devastating large population centers and creating the migratory refugee scenario similar to natural disasters. However, conventional warfare takes a huge toll on the infrastructure of those population centers, which may be too costly to replace. Wars must then be implemented foremost with the protection of any valuable resource or system of infrastructure (e.g., protection of Iraqi oil fields). Ultimately, wars are only implemented to secure control of valuable resources in the first place. "Collateral damage" is simply a fringe benefit.

The most effective depopulation method would involve biological weaponry. The moneychangers and the powers-that-be already know that. The problem with biological warfare is that it can become uncontrollable. We are, of course, talking about diseases and epidemics such as influenza, mad cow, anthrax, avian flu, Ebola, SARS, and AIDS. Most of these pandemic diseases are easily transmitted from human to human. The avian flu and SARS experiments proved that a pandemic was possible, but the efficacy of the diseases increased uncontrollably with respect to human migration and travel patterns. Obviously, with modern travel, the toxins could traverse the planet in a matter of a few hours. The disease theoretically could end up infecting the families of the moneychangers and powers-that be. I have referred to the transmission of these toxins as "experiments" because I find the circumstances and locations of origin of the pandemics to be suspect.

The ideal biological weapon is one that can have a large dispersal pattern, but is not uncontrollable as, say, an airborne toxin. Enter AIDS. Although HIV/AIDS has been classified as a disease occurring in nature and originally transmitted from lower primates to humans, the classification is suspect. Conspiracy theories about AIDS have been dismissed with the claim that there was no technology available to produce such a toxin at the time it first infected humans. The explanation is suspect because there is evidence that Nazi biological warfare experimental results were "stolen" and continued well after the fall of Germany. The premise that SIV in primates was somehow transmitted to humans is also questionable. There appears to be no sound evidence to prove that such inter-species transmission did occur. As with a few other pandemics, HIV/AIDS appeared in primitive or impoverished locations populated by non-Caucasian ethnicities. A common dolt would easily accept as fact that diseases allegedly tend to incubate and spread in filthy and impoverished environments and end the discussion there. However, HIV/AIDS is now decimating a large portion of the African and some Asian populations, which are non-Caucasian. The only aberration was the importation of the disease into the male gay community in the US. In the White Supremacist circles, the former and latter are desirable results. Obviously, all of this could be considered conjecture. There is no documentation to prove the existence of a heinous depopulation plan. Yet, one does not have to be a genius to figure out that genocidal plans are not something that would be made public knowledge.

One final note on HIV/AIDS. It is a sexually transmitted disease. It also affects all future generations of those who are infected. If HIV/AIDS was a "designer" toxin, it was almost perfect. Introduced into an undesirable population, it has the capability to decimate the whole population within a couple of generations. If the disease can be localized to regional populations with limited migration patterns, then there is little chance for any kind of "blowback" to haunt the perpetrators. In the case of the toxin initially affecting the US male gay population, it is undetermined whether it was imported by an infected traveler, or whether the toxin was somehow introduced into the gay community itself. All I can do is to try to "connect the dots."

Why am I discussing depopulation policy at length? I am certain that the secular Apocalypse will be invoked within the next 15 years. I tried to imagine myself in the shoes of the moneychangers and the powers-that-be. My thoughts were almost exactly the same as expressed by George Bernard Shaw in the quote included in the "blog" yesterday. Frankly, I would rather see Armageddon occur. At least, in the case of Divine intervention, the meek and the worthy will inherit the earth.

Another day of wage slavery was uneventful at best. I had to tolerate another crowded bus ride to town, with fat satanic gargoyles stepping on my feet and crushing me as they passed through an aisle designed for non-obese people. I ended up in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill as usual. I called Geico® to make changes to the insurance policy for my truck. I removed the comprehensive coverage, so only the minimum required coverage is all that's left. I had reservations about changing the coverage since the truck is still less than two years old. However, I cut the premium down to $208 for six months. As I am expecting to be unemployed in January, I must reduce all of my expenses.

I was surprised to hear from John in San Jose. He had been working at AMD® for a number of years. The memory division apparently split off into a new firm called Spansion®. John now works for Spansion®. He also gave me a brief rundown of what's been going on in his life for the last couple of years. I was very surprised to hear from him.

I did my usual workout at the gym. I was famished, so I stopped off at Taco Bell® to purchase two Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos. Then, I spent the rest of the afternoon in the faculty computer room. I piddled around on the computer for most of the time. The hottie pseudo-professor was there. She was busy grading papers and trying to get her cell phone service to restore her voicemail. I overheard her mention her birth date as part of the security measures. Baby is 37 years old. She's also going out partying tonight. I will depart for Waikiki at 7pm to begin my evening ritual.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Food for Thought

Last night, after a delicious meal of canned ravioli and few slices of bread, I made the trek to Waikiki Beach. Sad to say, the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater was canceled. A beautiful evening, and no one was there. Only the homeless babe (term used loosely) and a few satanic gargoyles were on hand for the festivities. Out of frustration, the homeless babe (term used loosely) recited a few verses in native Japanese. I sat on one of the benches facing the beach and hotels. Amidst my disappointment, I was still able to relax and enjoy the beach. I departed at 10pm. The rest of the evening was uneventful.

Incidentally, I have been able to heat up the canned ravioli in my microwave oven using one of the disposable containers that Pseudo-professor Mike had put food in to give to me. The containers were originally from some kind of frozen dinner. My "dinner china" is also a plastic disposable frozen dinner tray. This is how pathetic my living situation really is.

Yesterday, in my discussion about world economics, I stopped short of bringing up "globalization." The common conception of "globalization" is the exportation of jobs and working capital, and the exploitation of cheap labor and resources abroad. While that is entirely true, it does not fully describe "globalization." From what I can tell, the whole economic system based upon the US sphere of influence is "globalization." Everything else is a consequence. The driving force for "globalizing" the domestic economy is greed, plain and simple. The epidemic of the "seven sins" fits perfectly in the picture. At this juncture, all actions taken by the moneychangers and the powers-that-be (via their proxy military powers) will strategically target the acquisition and control of key resources. Resource wars will also serve to redistribute the affected populations, most of whom will be economically disenfranchised. It is certain that these refugees will relocate to cloistered and overcrowded refugee centers.

In the meantime, the effects of "globalization" will serve to segregate the populations of First-World nations into one of two classes. There will be a significant migratory pattern of the poverty class to areas quite similar to refugee camps in Second-World and Third-World nations. The beauty of the migration is that the least desirable elements of the population will be concentrated in heavy pockets. If famine and disease do not eradicate them, they will be "sitting ducks" for more nefarious and apocalyptic methods of extermination. Once resource allocation is completed, then the series of depopulation events (read: secular Apocalypse) can begin. It is my guess that, given the current global warming phenomena, Peak Oil, food supply depletion, irreversible ecological trends, economic disparity trends, and landfill overload, we will see the secular Apocalypse invoked within 15 years. It must happen, or we will all perish together on this planet within that same period of time.

Frankly, I am not coming up with this crap because I am a psychotic conspiracy advocate. The secular Apocalypse will be a twisted version of Noah's Ark because the "chosen" are decided by the moneychangers and the powers-that-be. No matter how schizophrenic they may appear to be, these clowns will have the only viable plan to save the planet and a small remnant of humans. Sad to say, the many satanic gargoyles who have already sold their soul to the sinister kahuna have already been betrayed. Just as Adolph Hitler preselected his "Aryan" race, so shall the "chosen" be preselected on the most warped of criteria.

The problem with the satanic gargoyles is that their arrogance has blinded them. They are simply tools to implement the "globalization" of the world economy. Through their greed and gluttony, the satanic gargoyles have managed to enslave most of the world's poorest people to produce the crap they don't need and the excess food they stuff into their engorged kabuki-mask faces. The disciples of the sinister kahuna are now finding themselves to be in the same quandary as the people they have indirectly oppressed. They are being segregated as well. When they really see what's going on, all hell will break loose. Fortunately, a number of internment camps are being constructed to temporarily house any rabble-rousers, courtesy of DHS and the Military Commissions Act of 2006. By the way, those kinds of camps are perfect for extermination programs as proven by history. Will it really happen? Heck, you be the judge.

Incidentally, here's a tidbit from George Bernard Shaw, written back in 1889:
The introduction of the capitalistic system is a sign that the exploitation of the laborer toiling for a bare subsistence wage has become one of the chief arts of life among the holders of tenant rights. It also produces a delusive promise of endless employment which blinds the proletariat to those disastrous consequences of rapid multiplication which are obvious to the small cultivator and peasant proprietor. But indeed the more you degrade the workers, robbing them of all artistic enjoyment, and all chance of respect and admiration from their fellows, the more you throw them back, reckless, on the one pleasure and the one human tie left to them - the gratification of their instinct for producing fresh supplies of men. You will applaud this instinct as divine until at last the excessive supply becomes a nuisance: there comes a plague of men; and you suddenly discover that the instinct is diabolic, and set up a cry of "overpopulation." But your slaves are beyond caring for your cries: they breed like rabbits; and their poverty breeds filth, ugliness, dishonesty, disease, obscenity, drunkenness, and murder. In the midst of the riches which their labour piles up for you, their misery rises up too and stifles you. You withdraw in disgust to the other end of the town from them; you appoint special carriages on your railways and special seats in your churches and theaters for them; you set your life apart from theirs by every class barrier you can devise; and yet they swarm about you still; your face gets stamped with your habitual loathing and suspicion of them: your ears get so filled with the language of the vilest of them that you break into it when you lose your self-control; they poison your life as remorselessly as you have sacrificed theirs heartlessly. You begin to believe intensely in the devil. Then comes the terror of their revolting; the drilling and arming of bodies of them to keep down the rest; the prison, the hospital, paroxysms of frantic coercion, followed by paroxysms of frantic charity. And in the meantime, the population continues to increase!
Hey, that was written well over 100 years ago, my friends. Sounds familiar, eh? That's some food for thought.

This morning, I waited at the bus stop with an unusually large crowd of satanic gargoyles. I watched at least four moderately full buses load passengers and leave while I stood and waited for a bus that was less crowded. Normally, this strategy works well for me. I am usually on the second or third bus. Finally, I was able to board a bus that allowed me to sit on a seat during the ride to town. Total time for the commute? One hour and 20 minutes. Here again, Hawai'i serves as the model for overpopulation and its effects.

Professor Lisa stopped by the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill briefly. We were able to chat for a few minutes. She has moved back in with her friends in Ahuimanu (near Kane'ohe). Her job has been an administrative nightmare, and she now feels some regret about moving to Hawai'i. We are supposed to get together sometime. Robert, the former IT guy at the Asylum, sent e-mail. We are postponing Indigo Happy Hour to a later date.

I was able to run to Safeway® to buy a loaf of bread and two Tina's® burritos before noon. I walked to gym at 2:20pm. When I entered the gym, I noticed that the hottie gym trainer was standing at the front desk. The front desk babe was assisting someone else, so the hottie gym trainer checked me in. I saw her name, Cindy, on her employee badge. "Dangerous" Cindy. What a hottie! I did my usual workout and took a nice warm shower. On the way out, I saw "Dangerous" Cindy on the phone, no doubt chatting with some stud. I returned to the faculty computer room. I spent the rest of the afternoon on the computer. So, I will end up staying until 7pm at the Diploma Mill. Then, I will make the trek back to Waikiki to begin my nightly ritual. As always, the same ol' shit.

My day-to-day drudgery is beginning to get on my nerves. As you can see, I do the same routine daily. I spend most of my time on the computer. I must also tolerate the quirks of various faculty. Pseudo-professor Lee is a workaholic. He spends hours generating crap for his students. He sits and makes moaning noises because he is working too hard for nothing. Pseudo-professor Jeff is busy with his doctoral dissertation. He assumes that we love his dissertation as much as he does. Pseudo-professor Jim is a pseudo-lifeform. Pseudo-professor Ken does not take showers. His body odor is worse than the homeless. Now he tries to cover up the smell with some really cheap aftershave lotion. The list goes on and on. The only faculty who does not act strange is the hottie pseudo-professor. She's just "dangerous."

I have nothing to do at the hotel. I'd rather not even be there. I have already discovered that I would not enjoy going anywhere in Waikiki during the day. The crowds of satanic gargoyles at the beach and the parks is beyond comprehension. We are talking about severe overpopulation here in Hawai'i.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Les Temps Modernes

"I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose." -- Lester Burnham in "American Beauty"
Once again, I was not in the mood to attend the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater. So, what did I do all last night? Did you say, "Journey of the Mind"? And, the journey would not be complete without my beloved Palm® TX.

I was quite distracted by the older (read: thirty-something) hottie pseudo-professor last night in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. As fortune would have it, a student had come by to consult with her just before class, so I was spared from continuing our little chat. As a matter of fact, I had always gone out of my way to avoid any conversation with baby. She left for her evening class along with the student. However, she returned at 6:25pm. Apparently, baby gave her class a quiz and dismissed them early. I had another brief chat with her. Fortunately, baby had work to do. She apparently facilitates communication and English classes. I have avoided any introductions, so I did not know her name. However, a quick check on the Diploma Mill on-line course schedules remedied that problem. Not that I needed to know. As I said, baby is extremely "dangerous."

There's a big difference between young hotties and slightly older hotties insofar as how "dangerous" they are. Young hotties are "dangerous," but they are novices. Often, they don't know that they are "dangerous." Babes like the hottie gym trainer and the hottie pseudo-professor are extremely "dangerous" because they have advanced well beyond the novice stage.

I am not sure why I wasted time discussing that crap. I am just a regular guy in a loser's body. I am a boy in the army. Babes like the hottie gym trainer and the hottie pseudo-professor don't even notice losers like the ol' lavahead. Thank goodness! I certainly don't want another fiasco like what happened with the former friend. Sheesh!

My nerves were shot after stupidly thinking about how "dangerous" both the hottie gym trainer and the hottie pseudo-professor are. Yes, both of those babes could put a lot of young hotties to shame. I walked to the ABC Store to purchase some milk. I used that as an excuse to also purchase a big-ass can of Tecate® cerveza. I immediately dropped back the whole can. What a maroon! What is most disconcerting, I suppose, is the fact that the Vienna Sausage has yet to start atrophying. I am glad that babes find the oversized cranium detestable. Otherwise, I would have been skinnin' up babes right and left. I would have also been a real mess, psychologically speaking. Yes, I have always been one to underestimate the wily ways of the babes.

Alas, the whole evening passed in the wink of an eye, leaving me with nothing to say for myself. I had much more important deliberations such as the upcoming secular Apocalypse. Lord have mercy!

This morning, as I rode the bus to town, I ruminated on whether I could discern any beauty in life. I looked out the large windows of the bus. All I could see were the monoliths of the concrete jungle, the hideous architecture of the hotels and high-rise condos which stretch across the Honolulu skyline. Where are all the indigenous plants and animals? Instead, I only observed the myriad satanic gargoyles staggering around like zombies. Like a malignant tumor, the hideous kabuki-mask-wearing slobs have infested every square inch of space. During my wage slave break, I walked to Safeway® to purchase a few energy bars and to find something lard-filled for lunch. On the way back, I saw four extremely thick babes (term used loosely) walking toward me on the sidewalk. None of them moved out of the way, so I stopped in my tracks. The fat bitches were so arrogant that they could not yield to me at all. Instead, they even brushed against me as they walked by. "Move out of the fuckin' way," I said in my most humble manner. I could hear one fat ho' spewing some kind of caustic shit out of her blubberous lips. I did not want to look back out of fear that I would have turned into stone. Let's just say that I was having a "Lester Burnham" moment.

The Fed made no changes in short-term interest rates. I was relieved that there was no rate decrease. The business sector has been rallying for interest rate decreases, no doubt to kick-start the same crazy spending spree we witnessed over the past few years. This whole business of money can seem confusing.

As with most tax payers, I have been concerned about the appropriation and distribution of tax dollars. However, tax revenues do not seem to paying for much, which is obvious given our huge Federal deficit. It is my guess that a closer perusal would reveal that tax revenues only pay for domestic programs, including state and municipal government services. This is quite important in order to understand what is happening in the international arena. Who exactly is paying the rest of the bill? Obviously, someone is and it isn't us. Apparently, other nations have "invested" in the US by purchasing Treasury bills and bonds as well as dollar exchange reserve currency. Essentially those nations are financing a good portion of US financial activity. Why would they do that? Well, the US has only five percent of the world population, but it consumes well over 25 percent of the world's resources. In the so-called "free market" system, this is a tremendous amount of clout. Because of the "seven sins" epidemic, the satanic gargoyles will buy anything and everything. Hence, any nation would want access to the US markets.

Nations holding US debt, especially the smaller ones, do so to maintain access to the US markets. These nations also receive stipends from the US, as well as loans from the World Bank and the IMF, essentially puppets of the US financial system. The latter activity may seem redundant or counterproductive, but it makes sense. The stipends and loans are really "favors" granted to favorable nations in order to purchase needed goods and services for their won people. Without these "favors," they would have to compete in the "free market" with the US, which would be a losing battle.

Many of the smaller countries depend on these "favors." The governments themselves are often corrupt with political and financial leaders being puppets of the US. This relationship is very important. The central banks of these countries hold US debt instruments as well as a large amount of dollar reserve currency. I would assume that the latter is an important part of the trade agreement in which most of the goods produced are sold to the US. The central banks, however, will do little to release any more local currency than necessary. Nor will they build up their own infrastructure. The people will be kept in poverty, just making enough to keep working like slaves to produce the goods to be exported. Is this not what we see?

China has extremely large holdings in dollar reserve currency, somewhere around $941 billion. There has been talk that China could easily bring the US down by deciding to trade in Euros or to diversify its investments. Why would China do so? Bringing down the US economy would be foolish. At this point in time, China produces practically all of the goods that we consume. We are its largest customer. Unlike smaller countries, China can issue and control its local currency which is what it did much to the chagrin of the moneychangers and powers-that-be.

What it all boils down to is that the gluttony and greed of the satanic gargoyles have enslaved the rest of the world. We have insured that most of the goods produced by other nations will flow continuously in sufficient quantity into the US markets. In the meantime, the governments of the feeder nations are denying their own people of the basic necessities for survival like food. Their food comes here. There is no way to rationalize our complicity.

I ended up piddling around in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill until 7pm. There seems to be some chance for rain, so I am not certain whether the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater will be canceled. We shall see, eh?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Maddening Noise

I was not in the mood to attend Lou's Kabuki Theater in Waikiki Beach last night. The ambient temperature was cooler than usual, which solidified my decision to stay in. I had absolutely nothing to do. I piddled around with my beloved Palm® TX for a while. I attempted to log on to the hotel's wireless network. I have no idea why my Palm® TX can connect and be assigned an IP address, yet it cannot access anything. The Blazer® browser redirects to a blank Web page that returns sub-IP parameters as part of a query in the URL. Strange. I wondered if the wireless network was locked out by some kind of security protocol. Well, I have tried everything else. Nothing has worked so far.

I was still in a bad way for the whole evening. I was not perturbed by any means. I just felt as though I had metamorphosed into "Lester Burnham" (from the movie, "American Beauty"). I felt totally disconnected from reality. All day long, I am surrounded by talking heads, and none of them are saying anything that is worthy of hearing. Are the satanic gargoyles that proud of being stupid? What is even more absurd is the sight of these fools with idiotic smirks carved into their kabuki mask faces.

Incidentally, I received e-mail from Clyde in Santa Clara. He gave me rundown on his life over the years since I lost touch with him. It seems that he became a victim of the technology crash a few years ago and spent some time unemployed. Clyde is an engineer like the ol' lavahead. He also gave me his address and phone number. If I ever make it over to Cali, I will definitely visit him and his wife. Robert, the former IT guy at the Asylum, sent e-mail as well. Looks as though Internet Jon came through after all. They now have an office in town. So, the project must be moving along. Robert wants to meet at Indigo Happy Hour this coming Wednesday.

Pseudo-professor Mike asked me to join the curbside sign-waving campaign this afternoon for some clown running for office. The clown just happens to be on the Board of Directors of the condo association of Honolulu Tower, of which Bea just happens to be a resident. The resident manager of the complex just happened to be terminated last week. Well, guess who happens to wants the job? That's why he has launched an all-out "schmooze" campaign. That's the way it's been with Pseudo-professor Mike lately. Everything has some kind of angle with him. He's starting to act and sound like a used car salesman.

This election business is a real joke to me anyway. The US is not a two-party democracy. It is a one-party republic, ruled by the moneychangers and powers-that-be. That's the real "shadow" government. The purpose of the so-called "two-party" system is to provide the "good cop, bad cop" scenarios that most of the mental midgets can easily digest. "Good cop" for the good times. "Bad cop" when the evildoers need to get some dirty work done. A possible example would be the budget surplus during the Clinton administration. Although the latter was credited with the surplus, the real purpose could have been to strengthen the domestic economy while the aftershocks of the fall of the Soviet Union continued to reverberate around the world. In addition, the initial plan could have called for the same type of economic guerrilla warfare against China. Needless to say, the underlying agendas of both parties are the same. Little wonder why no other political party can gain enough credibility to challenge the behemoths. As for me, I am inclined to align with the Socialists. I have neither the time or inclination to waste in debating about which evildoer will end up "(s)elected" to office. I am much more concerned about the depopulation directive that will be implemented through the secular Apocalypse.

Upon arriving in town this morning, I immediately stationed myself in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. At 10:05am, I departed for Kahala Mall to meet moms. We ate lunch at Pearl's Korean Barbeque. Lunch was delicious and filling. Moms and I enjoyed a nice chat. Moms also gave me a few goodies including some Fuji apples. As I sat with moms at the bus stop, I discovered that the Tower Records® was closing its doors. Actually, the "brick & mortar" stores are closing for good nationwide. I waved good-bye to moms as the bus headed off toward Hawai'i Kai.

I walked to the gym at 2:15pm. This was one of those days that even my workout seemed meaningless. Fortunately, I had a glimpse of the hottie gym trainer taking another gym member through the circuit. Baby did not add any meaning to my existence, but she served as a minor distraction. After the gym, I returned to the faculty computer room. The older (read: thirty-something) hottie pseudo-professor was there. When I say that she is a hottie, I mean El Diablo hot. She has been coming in twice each week for the past few weeks. She initiated a brief conversation. I have already ascertained that baby is extremely "dangerous." There's no need to know much more than that.

I piddled around in the faculty computer room until 7pm. I will ride the bus back to Waikiki. Who knows what will happen then?

Monday, October 23, 2006


Upon returning to Waikiki yesterday, I ate dinner consisting of a can of cold Safeway® pork & beans with a few slices of bread. The canned beans were terrible. The sauce was shitty, to put it lightly. So far, the last few cans were of inferior quality. I ate the whole can anyway. I can't let any food go to waste.

I was still fatigued from the night before, so I reneged on my promise to attend the evening performance of Lou's Kabuki Theater. I stayed at "home," or that was what I attempted to force myself to believe. I watched the classic, "Something's Gotta Give," on the tube. I had seen the film in the theater with Shirley three years ago. That's also when I had a thing for the former friend. Man, what a fool I was! All of that nonsense, and look where I am today. Sheesh!

I was not able to convince myself that my little shoebox is my "home" no matter how hard I tried. It's just a damned hotel room. I felt more and more claustrophobic as the evening progressed. However, I did not leave my little shoebox at all. I even watched a cheesy zombie movie, "Dawn of the Dead," just to distract myself. The movie was a riot. There were some hotties starring in it as well.

I took a break from my usual heavy ruminations. There is not much that I can do about the inevitable. I am not privy to the secret plans of the moneychangers and the powers-that-be. Hence, I will suffer the same fate as the satanic gargoyles on the lower end of the food chain. So, for this one evening, I was at peace with myself.

I was in an agitated state from the minute that I woke up this morning. During the bus ride to town, I kept pondering the meaninglessness of my benign existence. The faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill was populated with the usual clowns whom I care not to engage any contact with. The situation is becoming intolerable to me. Frankly, I have lost complete interest in wage slavery. Rather than improve my wage slave skills, I spend my time planning my exodus from society. I should feel guilty, but I don't. I am exposed to this new generation of consumerist doorknobs on a daily basis. These young people are in big trouble, and they don't even know it. They may not even qualify to become satanic gargoyles.

My mind has been preoccupied, but I have no idea what it is preoccupied with. For the most part, I have been walking around in a daze. I also felt an unusually high level of disconnect from my surroundings today, most likely a residual effect from viewing, "American Beauty," on Saturday. In fact, I'm beginning to believe that I am "Lester Burnham." As I inch closer and closer toward unemployment, I will become "Lester Burnham." I will have my "freedom" from wage slavery, but how free will I really be?

I have been investigating the subject of depopulation policy. Oddly, I can find nothing except a couple of "conspiracy" sites, one being the Depopulation of a Planet site (now archived at Biblioteca Playades). From what I am to understand, the issue of depopulation is "politically incorrect." If any reference is made about depopulation, it usually is made in quick passing remarks. I, myself, have never read any documents on depopulation policy. However, after reviewing the myriad material about the various crises facing the world population, I could only conclude that most of those problems were exacerbated because of world overpopulation. There are absolutely no solutions to the impending shortages of food, oil, water, and other resources. And, we are rapidly approaching the "point of no return." Is the "political incorrectness" of the subject of depopulation the reason why everyone believes that it is too far-fetched? Yes, only a sick mind would hatch a mass genocidal plan, right? What if that was the only way to save the planet? Oh, that's right, science and technology will save us first. Yeah, right. The burgeoning population will consume more land space which, in turn, will further reduce agricultural land space. Remember the Moai on Easter Island?

The rest of the day was mundane. I did my usual workout at the gym. The hottie gym trainer was working with another gym member. She is such a hottie! After the gym, I spent the rest of the afternoon in the dismal faculty computer room. Pseudo-professor Mike stopped by and contributed his usual forms of levity. I will depart for Waikiki at 7pm. Who knows what will happen later tonight?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ex Communicado (Again)

I did not sleep well last night as i had expected. The cheap booze had an adverse effect on my liver. The slight pain in the region never seems to fade away anymore. It sits there as an unpleasant reminder of my mortality. Watching "American Beauty" last night put the frosting on the cake. Unlike other "reviewers" of the film, I did not specifically look for the superficial aspects of the characters or the plot. The film's real message clearly states that "freedom" is just not possible but for a fleeting moment. I am sure that a few of the myriad cattle who have viewed the film over the years attained a vicarious form of catharsis after the "Lester Burnham" character radically severed his ties with the "mainstream." It is the ending itself which betrays the real truth, which is what caused my sensory overload last night. Yes, even more proof that the "mainstream" is pushing the message that any attempt to seek freedom from the "system" will have dire and terminal results.

I ate what was left of the scavenged food (i.e., bagels with eggs and cheese filling) for breakfast after drinking a few cups of the free "freeze-dried" concoction for the hotel guests in the lobby. I perused the Sunday paper as well. I also checked the numerous sale flyers stuffed in the center of the paper. Apparently, CompUSA® is offering a no-name wireless router for $10 after rebates. Will I break down and purchase the useless piece of crap? I guess that depends on how bad I need to peruse the free hurdy-gurdy sites on the Net with my beloved Palm® TX, eh? I also perused the real estate section. Home prices are decreasing slightly in Hawai'i. The units in the Aloha Surf Hotel are still listed, although those units do not technically qualify as single-family homes. I am now concerned about how long it will take me to sell Chez Loser II when I decide to do so.

As it stands, my plans to sell Chez Loser II have been moved up to two years from now, given that interest rates and market conditions are favorable. I believe that I purchased the unit under fair market value by about $15,000 or so. In selling at fair market value, if the latter does not drop drastically, I will recover the buying and selling costs. I will make no profit on the "condotel" unit. If interest rates do drop significantly within the next two years, I may refinance at a lower rate, sell the unit and absorb the capital gains tax, or pay off the mortgage. It is my intent to be fully divested of any real estate holdings within five years. This will be a permanent move, especially given my extremely precarious employment situation.

I neglected to mention that Professor Lisa had called and left a message about two weeks ago. Lori called on Friday and left a message. I have not returned either call. The issue of divesting my cell phone is still a prominent one. I can retain the T-Mobile® prepaid account just for voicemail. I can maintain the account for $10 per year. If I divest the cell phone, I will have to pay at least $70 to replace it, if I ever need it again. I do not particularly care to talk with anyone on the phone. I prefer e-mail, but even that has become a chore for me to respond in a timely fashion. In some respects, this is quite disturbing because it means that I am attempting to shut down any and all human contact. The few people who have frequently written by e-mail have been instrumental in postponing what may be my final descent into total isolation. For that, I am grateful.

As usual, I did my cardio workout at the gym. The hottie gym trainer was assisting another gym member. Baby was looking hot. El Diablo hot. Aside from that, I spent all afternoon in the student computer lab at the Diploma Mill. I will depart for Waikiki on the bus at 5pm. Weather permitting, I plan to engage in the usual nightly ritual, primarily my excursion to Waikiki Beach to view the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Recurring Mirror

Last night, I attended the performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater (read: pavilion structure) in Waikiki Beach. The satanic gargoyles were lightly prancing around with their festive kabuki masks. Unfortunately, the performance was interrupted by rain. Sadly, I had to leave after the rain subsided. After completing my usual chores in my little shoebox, I did nothing for the rest of the evening.

I ended up in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill this morning. Obviously, this was a typical Saturday. There was a workshop scheduled for the day, so I was able to partake of free food. I must become accustomed to this manner of obtaining food. Scavenging may become an essential part of my life-style next year.

I have continued to read articles from the alternative media to feel the pulse of the various schools of thought concerning the future demise of civilization. In the article, "Energy Depletion & the US Descent into Fascism," by Dale Allen Pfeifer on the Mountain Sentinel site, Pfeifer described a long series of events that would culminate in a totalitarian state. As with most prophets of doom, he believes that the moneychangers and the powers-that-be will allow global warming, Peak Oil, and other resource depletion to spiral out of control before action is taken. Yet, he later conceded that the moneychangers and powers-that-be are most likely controlling the current prices of oil and gas because of the upcoming elections. Pfeifer offered anecdotal evidence with his comparison of current petrol and diesel fuel costs. Every situation has a "point of no return," be it Peak Oil, global warming, resource depletion, and so forth. I cannot believe that the moneychangers and the powers-that-be will wait until that time or later before snapping into action. If, hypothetically, they have the power to set oil prices artificially low, to rig Diebold® voting machines, to subvert electoral powers to the Supreme Court, to initiate the "regime change" of many world governments, to completely fool a complacent electorate body, to control the mainstream media, to stage the "September 11th" event, then why can they not plan and coordinate the secular Apocalypse?

Heck, even Peak Oil advocates are discussing plans for some time well over 20 to 40 years from now. By that time, the population will have increased between 1.5 and 3 billion people. I am just not seeing the rationale of waiting until it's too late, or simply waiting to see how the cards will fall. And, I don't believe that the moneychangers and powers-that-be do either. Perhaps this lackadaisical attitude is prevalent because most of us conduct our lives in this fashion. We let uncertainty, complacency, and distractions fuel our never-ending procrastination. We justify our inaction with the usual feeble excuses. No time. Things will always get better. Science and technology will find the answer. It's all conspiracy mumbo-jumbo. Yet, right before our very eyes, the world is falling apart.

On a side note, I discovered from talking with other people that the water pressure had gone down to nothing during the power outage. Most people were without water for several hours. It is now fairly obvious that, if the power outage had continued for even one more day, there would have been riots and looting. At the Aloha Surf Hotel, the backup generators apparently kept the water recirculating pumps going. Most likely, the actual water came from the water heater tanks in the building. Brendan, one of my students at the Diploma Mill, works at the airport. He said that the airport was completely shut down that day. There are seven backup generators, but two failed to start. The remaining generators had shut down because of overloading. Only one restroom was available in the airport. Apparently, the fixtures were of the electronic sensing variety. Hence, they were useless without power. As I said before, Hawai'i can serve as the test model for the secular Apocalypse. As usual, I did my cardio workout at the gym this afternoon. Then, I piddled around in the faculty computer room until 5pm. The bus ride back to Waikiki was horrendous. Satanic gargoyles everywhere. I am sick of these kabuki-mask-wearing fools. For dinner, I ate the leftover food that I scavenged from the workshop, a turkey sandwich and a roast beef sandwich. Incidentally, Blogger suddenly went off-line before I could post the "blog."

While I ate my delicious meal, I checked to see if anything was worthy of my time on the tube. I watched "American Beauty." To tell you the truth, I was captivated by this movie. When it was over, I was in a mental state that I had rarely experienced before. At one point, I thought that I may have crossed the threshold into insanity.

In retrospect, I am not sure why my mind was so affected by the movie. I suppose it was because I had some kind of obtuse connection to the "Lester Burnham" character played by Kevin Spacey. Even though I had immunized myself to the effects of canned dramas, I was seemingly ill-prepared to digest the sensory experience of the film. To be honest, I believe that I went through a traumatic sensory overload. In the days to come, I will try to make sense of it all.

I departed for Waikiki Beach at 8:34pm to attend the late performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater. The place was packed when I arrived. The semi-lucid homeless guy, the homeless guy who usually smells like cheap brewskis and piss (read: urine), the homeless babe (term used loosely), the amputee with the wheelchair, and the local homeless babe (term used loosely) were all there. The satanic gargoyles were out in their most devilish costumes adorned with the grotesquerie of their kabuki masks. I enjoyed the evening performance and stayed for the encore.

I walked back to Waikiki at 10:40pm after waiting at the bus stop for over 15 minutes. I stopped off at the ABC Store on the way. I purchased two big-ass cans of Tecate® cerveza. When I returned to my little shoebox, I gathered my laundry. Then, I took a few swigs of the cerveza. After I started the laundry, I dropped back both cans in one sitting. My nerves were shot. I felt a little better, but the damage was done. My psyche had been altered by that crazy movie. Even after completing the laundry and consuming the brewskis, I was not in a proper frame of mind. Perhaps a good night's rest will do the trick. I don't know.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Smoke & Mirrors (Again)

Last night, Pseudo-professor Mike made a rare appearance in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. We had an interesting chat. He briefed me about the latest political machinations concerning the common faculty office. I'm not sure whom to believe. A lot of nonsense is happening over at that dump. He also invited me to dinner. I declined. There are always seem to be strings attached to his benevolence.

When I arrived back in Waikiki, I just did not feel like attending the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater. The clouds above looked pretty ominous anyway. After my dinner consisting of a can of cold ravioli and a few slices of bread, I had nothing else to do but compose the "blog." I briefly checked to see what was on the tube. Why are there three channels with "Law & Order" marathons? And, why every night? Who watches that shit?

Actually, I enjoy writing the "blog" in the evenings. I used to spend a couple of hours nightly composing the journal. Perhaps I should have purchased the Apple® Macbook Pro, eh? Nah, my Palm® TX is doing me just fine. In fact, I am glad that the Wi-Fi® access has been limited. I was wasting far too much time perusing the various free hurdy-gurdy sites on the Net. And, for what? Chokin' da chicken? There's no sense in seeing all of those hotties doin' da wild thing when I cannot participate. Sheesh!

I was also quite fatigued again, but I still have no idea why. Boredom seems to be manifesting itself in various forms, I suppose. I have absolutely nothing to do. What's going to happen when I am fully unemployed two months from now? So far, I remain steadfast about my decision to not seek further employment. If I am given a work assignment in the eleventh hour, then so be it. If not, too bad. I surmise that a combination of unemployment, boredom, and dwindling funds will provide some kind of impetus for me to do something about my situation. Ideally, I would become significantly moved to make my exodus from society. I would be tragically disappointed if I capitulated to the "system" instead.

I cleaned my little shoebox with my humble dustpan and brush, as I always do nightly. It's a pathetic task, but it teaches me humility. I felt very detached. The dumpy little hotel room is mine, but I have no attachment to it. Some days, I really despise the place and want to trash it. The other days, I am ambivalent. After all, it is not my home. The only ideation that keeps me from destroying the place is that I will eventually need to sell it to recover my cash investment.

There is no chair in my little shoebox. It's too small. I must either sit on the floor or on the bed. The bed is fairly comfortable, although I do not care for it. I feel as though I am better off with just a sleeping bag. My Local Motion® surfboard lies on half of the bed. There's nowhere else to put the board. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever go surfing again. I don't seem to care one way or the other. I keep thinking about setting up my Nalu Board on the floor between the foot of the bed and the dresser, but I just never seem to do so. Oh, I am not suffering from chronic depression, as the armchair psychiatrists love to prognosticate. I am, as I said, ambivalent. Viktor Frankl described the phenomenon as the "existential vacuum" (read: boredom). What else would I be doing?

What do the satanic gargoyles do in their spare time? I wonder. Watch the tube? Listen to their Apple® iPod® devices? Play with their computers? Read a book? Go shopping? Drop back cheap booze? Chain smoke cigarettes? Eat massive quantities of junk food? Choke da chicken?

For now, I am keeping my distractions to a minimum. I have removed the trivial and benign components from my periphery. I do not pamper myself with luxuries, only with the bare minimum necessities. That explains why I refuse to heat the canned ravioli and other cold food in the microwave oven. I have even divested the one and only ceramic bowl that could be used for heating food, just to avoid the temptation to do so. Why this idiocy? Discipline, my friends. Discipline and penitence. The "flesh" is weak and easily succumbs to complacency, which is primary for the conversion to a satanic gargoyle. Denying the "flesh" what it craves is the precursor to personal sacrifice, which brings forth humility. With humility comes honor and integrity. This is the lesson I must learn over and over again until it is perfected.

As the night drew to a close, I pondered what I missed at Lou's Kabuki Theater, perhaps another outstanding performance by the cast. I must return to the theater soon. That may be what is troubling my heart and my soul.

Aside from wage slavery and the gym, I spent most of the day in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. To be honest, I am sick of the place and the satanic gargoyles who frequent the dump. I have nowhere else to go for extended periods of time. On the plus side, I have computers with high-speed Net connections available for use. Frankly, without access to the computers, I would have no reason to spend my free time there.

I walked to Safeway® during my wage slave break to purchase a loaf of bread and a few bakery items. As usual, I observed the negligible quantity of real food in stock as opposed to the endless supply of lard-based junk food. Why are we wasting precious food stocks to produce crap that is barely edible, carcinogenic, and has zero nutritional value?

My workout at the gym was uneventful. I have been wondering whether I could get by without a gym membership. That would save me $37 per month. I have already decided to forgo any health insurance for the rest of the year. I may consider a high-deductible health plan next year, if I have some kind of employment. I will have pay upfront for my dental examinations, since I cannot afford dental insurance. Any other extraneous costs will have to be eliminated.

My whole outlook on life had changed drastically in the past few weeks, and the changes are accelerating. I have come to grips with a lot of issues like the fact that I will be single for the rest of my life. I will probably never own another automobile, nor will I purchase any more real estate. I will never own another computer either. My Palm® TX will most likely be my last investment in technology. Any new purchases will likely be very "low-tech" and survival-oriented.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the faculty computer room. I will depart for Waikiki at 7pm. Tonight, I plan to attend the performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater. Incidentally, Pseudo-professor Mike dropped off some food for me earlier in the day. Included were a ravioli in pesto sauce dish, and a cantaloupe and pepper salad mixed with a feta cheese and chipotle sauce. Delicious! He also invited me over for dinner again, but I declined.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ruminations from the Field

When I returned to Waikiki last night, I was just too fatigued to do anything other than eat my cold can of beans with a few pathetic slices of bread for dinner. Thus, I missed the evening curtain call at Lou's Kabuki Theater. Instead, I spent the evening composing the "blog" on my beloved Palm® TX. I have noticed that the "blog" has contained numerous typographical errors every day. My eyesight is getting so bad that I cannot even spot the errors when I proofread the draft. Mind you, I spend almost all day working on the "blog." It is now even more important to me than wage slavery. That's all I do in my spare time. Well, hey! This is the Journey of the Mind!

Frankly, I've been contemplating my exodus from society. I have become obsessed with the idea, which is why I am spending so much time with the "blog." And, since I have essentially cut myself off from the satanic gargoyles all around me, I am now facilitating a kind of dialog with you through the "blog." Great, huh? I have really felt like fleeing, but I have no planned destination. I have also had intrusive thoughts about selling off my truck and the "condotel" unit, both at any ridiculous price just to be rid of them. My compulsion apparently seeks to jettison any financial anchor. There is no method to my madness. I am simply sick of being a part of a deviant society. To be honest, I don't miss my interactions with the satanic gargoyles. As you may have guessed, I don't even see them as human anymore.

The strange part about all of this is that I do not feel lonely or desolate. The "blog" is my surrogate friend, just as the journal was. And, I know that you, my virtual homeys, are also here with me in spirit. What more do I need? It is, of course, better this way. The more that I had gotten to know people, the more deviance I saw in them. They all literally transformed into satanic gargoyles. I could see and feel the evil and mischievous force within them. I, myself, am not immune. In their presence, I feel myself transforming into one of them. I become a deviant zombie, spewing all kinds of venomous shit, so much so that I am sickened to the point of wanting to "deliver street pizza."

Did you read the article penned by Norman? It's an eye opener, isn't it? I surmise that the "self-esteem" crowd will denounce his credibility by claiming that he is focusing on "too much negative energy." You know, when I hear that kind of bullshit these days, I just want to puke. That crap is at the core of the current brainwashing trend. It is a worn out artifact from the useless "New Age" movement. Seriously, that crap is just verbal Valium®. Norman told it like it was. Over the years, the satanic gargoyles, under the direction of the moneychangers and the powers-that-be, have constructed yet another Tower of Babel. And now, it's ready to crumble and crush us all with its filthy debris and rubble. There really is no hope for humanity. Not even the secular Apocalypse will save humanity.

Well, there is one hope, that is, Divine Intervention. Now, don't be shaking your head. I am not talking about the misguided deeds of the false prophets, the ones who believe that they themselves will serve to invoke Armageddon. They only serve the moneychangers and the powers-that-be. The best they can do is the secular Apocalypse, a contrived series of disasters using a lot of smoke and mirrors. Together, these chimps along with the satanic gargoyles prostrate themselves before their god, the sinister kahuna.

In my own research, I discovered that the Almighty had commanded the first pair, Adam and Eve, to "be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it." This account in the book of Genesis in the Good Book precedes the so-called "original sin" when the babe used her wily ways to fool the hapless chump to partake of the fruit from the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad." By the way, this is the same power that babes have over guys today, which prompted my buddy Bud to admonish me, "Stay away from them. They are all dangerous." When confronted by the Creator about the infraction, the first pair denied what transpired. What is relevant about this information is the that the directive was given to the first pair prior to losing both their inherent perfection and the Almighty's blessing subsequent to the unforgivable infraction. Thus, it was imperative, from that point forward, to have humans control the population and monitor its effect. The ability to populate the planet and "subdue it" in a carefree fashion was no longer an option.

As you may have guessed, I am a creationist. I know (not just believe) that there exists a Supreme Being, a deity, who did create humans in His image with the very same traits that separate us from the lower primates. I use the masculine gender as referenced in the Good Book, although it is clear that all spirit creatures have no specific gender. I was not always a creationist. In fact, I was a devout disciple of science. It only came to me later just how perfect the universe is. And, there is much perfection on this planet as well. It is only the humans turned satanic gargoyles who have destroyed the perfection and attempted to replace it with the repeated reconstruction of the Tower of Babel. To add insult to injury, the satanic gargoyles worship evil deities and present false prophets to bring more dolts into the fold. It has taken me a while to grasp the truth, but now I see clearly the fulfillment of the Prophesy ahead. "Get out of Babylon," is the warning given time and again. Will we heed the warning?

For the most part, an uneventful day found me in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill. I did a few minutes of wage slave tasks. With that done, I had nothing else to do. I walked to Safeway® at noon because I had nothing to eat for lunch. The sky had turned dark and a slight drizzle commenced. I wondered if tonight's performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater would be rained out. Guess what I ate for lunch?

The rain was coming down pretty steadily when I left for the gym. I was not able to complete my weight workout because a meathead was on one of the machines. On my way out, I caught a glimpse of the hottie gym trainer. She was training yet another gym member. The rain had let up by then. I spent the rest of the afternoon in the faculty computer room. I will be departing for Waikiki at 7pm on the bus. Then, I will attempt to perform my nightly rituals.

Incidentally, while I was at the gym, I ruminated about my financial situation. Each day, I religiously review my expenses, always trying to keep costs low. It's a never ending, albeit fruitless, battle. As you may recall, a few days ago, I was dealt my first blow. I realized that my steadily declining annual wages will yield a low monthly income from Social Security when I retire at 62 years of age. Then, I was dealt a second blow. In assessing the cost of living, I had to come to grips with the fact that expenses are going to rise sharply from this point forward. I am already certain that I will not have any more in savings at age 62 than I do now. If I were at retirement age right now, I would only have $450,000 total. And, I would have no choice but to accept the fact and deal with it. In other words, I would have to adjust my life-style to make sure that I could live off of that sum as long as possible. However, I am already living at the fringe of subpoverty. So, if my so-called "retirement" was moved up ten years because of my forced unemployment, what would be the difference? I'm poor now, and I'll be poor then.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Quest for Fire (Reprise)

Last night, I waited at the bus stop across Chinatown Gateway Park as usual. When the bus bound for Waikiki arrived, a "brown skin" ran up and cut me off as I was about to board it. "Excuse me, jackass," I said humbly. "You in a fuckin' hurry, asshole?" I could not believe how polite I was given his rude behavior. We both walked to the rear of the bus. "Stupid fuckin' Chink," I blurted out as an afterthought. He moved to another seat. In the old days, I would have matriculated the moron into Lou's School of Etiquette. Alas, the campus has been closed for good. I should have invited him to audition for a part in the new production at Lou's Kabuki Theater, "My Buddy Satan," a play in four acts. He would have been perfect for the bit part of "Chimpo," a moronic "brown skin" character, in the play.

The semi-lucid homeless guy made his comeback at Lou's Kabuki Theater. However, the evening performance was rained out yet again. I had anticipated another drum solo concert featuring the semi-lucid homeless guy and his assorted empty bottles. Rain was pouring down hard. The homeless babe (term used loosely) and the ol' lavahead had to quickly seek shelter under the pavilion structure. For the next 30 minutes, only the three of us sat there. At one point, the homeless babe (term used loosely) began talking to herself in Japanese. I sat there with my homeless compadrés until the rain let up at 9:30pm. During the time that I was at the beach, I observed that mostly couples were out and about. I felt like a real loser. There I was, sitting with the homeless, and the myriad clowns were with hot chicks. Then, I realized that I was getting caught up in the "mainstream" bullshit. I kept wondering why I could not have a babe like the hottie gym trainer. The pull of the "mainstream" bullshit is very strong. I was almost sucked into the vortex of stupidity again, until I remembered that I am not one of "them" (read: satanic gargoyles). I am a loner. A monk. I walked to the bus stop after that.

Back in my little shoebox, I completed my usual nightly rituals. Then, I polished off the remainder of the bottle of wine. What else could I do? I was able to connect to a marginal wireless access point with my beloved Palm® TX. Oddly, I could use my VersaMail® e-mail client. So, I spent the remainder of the evening composing the "blog." I contemplated the idea of purchasing a Wi-Fi® base station. I have a broadband network connection in my little shoebox, but there is no way that I can plug my Palm® TX into it. Frankly, I do not want to spend any more money on useless junk.

Incidentally, I ran into Robert along Fort Street Mall yesterday. He was in good spirits. He has come to the conclusion that he is ready to tackle life and love. "I've got to grab life by the balls," he said. He is planning to pursue riches and romance with a vigor as never seen before. Yeah, right. In other news, Robert's sister, Linda, has been approved to purchase a home on one of the Hawai'ian Homelands in Kapolei. Persons with 50 percent Hawai'ian blood are eligible. Robert's sister currently owns a studio condo. The deal will allow her to purchase a three-bedroom home for $250,000 on lease land. The lease is $1 for 99 years. The plan is to have both Robert and their mother to move in to the house as well.

What I find interesting is that Robert and Pseudo-professor Mike both rely upon strong females to support them financially and psychologically throughout their adult lives. Both of them have prestigious law degrees and are licensed to practice law, but they somehow dropped the ball. Of course, they have their own lives to lead. I just hope that they do well.

I read an interesting article, one that actually has much more profound meaning than I imagined, by a guy who simply calls himself Norman. The article titled, "Major Problems of Surviving Peak Oil," appeared on the Countercurrents site. I printed out the article because it will be the basis for my contingency plan for survival in my overall schema to exit society. I should preface my discussion by saying that the article has broader implications than just the Peak Oil scenario. In fact, I witnessed much of the social phenomena described by Norman in the 14 hours that the power was out in Waikiki on Sunday, the result of a moderate crisis event.

Although Norman postulated a case where there will be permanent state of chaos, the implications of his thesis can also be extrapolated to include shorter term crises. Norman stated:
Most people have never had to cope with sustained, substantial levels of fear, either in themselves or in others in close proximity. I will say I believe you should be prepared to see and deal with behaviour you would never have believed possible from civilized humans. The reason you should avoid crowds has to do with the fact that individual frustration is one thing, but the frustration of many people feeds individual frustration and fear, which, of course, feeds the frustration of the crowd.
Norman also made astute observations and predictions about the inevitable degeneration of all "self-sustaining" communities. He proposed a radical survival plan, which is really not all that radical to me. Had the power outage in Hawai'i been sustained for a week, such a survival plan would have been necessarily implemented.

The homeless and the destitute do not possess any of the survival skills necessary (as per Norman) to endure a major crisis in which the infrastructure collapses. Although they are more acclimated to the elements and rugged conditions, their primary source of sundries and necessities is based indirectly upon the commerce model. They are foragers in the loosest sense of the term. They forage upon the discards of the myriad consumers. In other words, they would not be able to survive unless waste was created by those higher up the food chain. Hence, the term, "bottom feeders." Therefore, the homeless and the destitute must cluster in dense urban environments. It is my guess that the homeless and the destitute will exacerbate the problem once the system collapses by accelerating the rate of decay of society into chaos. To be fair, the satanic gargoyles who are higher up the food chain will have engaged in anarchy long before the "bottom feeders."

I would carefully read and digest the section titled, "Suggestion," in the article. Forget about the backdrop of the Peak Oil scenario alone. If necessary, search for old articles on the Net about large natural disasters, pandemics, and war in recent times. Peruse the pictures and read about the state of the infrastructure and the overall conditions affecting the population. Very similar to the post-Peak Oil scenario, eh? If we were to assume that the secular Apocalypse were to come about well before Peak Oil, then we would experience a combination of major crises in sequence or concurrently. After all, the goal of the secular Apocalypse is the forced depopulation of the planet in order to save it for those who have been "chosen." Thus, the secular Apocalypse must come well in advance of the depletion of all oil reserves. In addition, we have similar depletion problems with even more important immediate resources (i.e., food and fresh water). Expect the secular Apocalypse to occur well in advance before those resources are depleted.

As stated previously in the "blog," the world population is increasing by 1 million future satanic gargoyles per week on average. The latter number, I believe, includes all actuarial adjustments. That's 1,000,000 chimps per week. The equivalent of a major city is created in seven days. What does it take to support a metropolis of that size? Can we now see why the secular Apocalypse will happen? If anything, my immediate goal would be to follow the steps outlined by Norman. I fully concur with his observation that "... mass hysteria and unbridled fear stemming from a crisis of the magnitude contemplated here will not have a calming effect upon the hatred and fragmentation that already exist in our society. In addition to the violence prone, there will be the element of normally decent people who didn't prepare and who will try to take what they need by whatever means necessary to keep themselves and their families alive." The undercurrents of greed and covetousness are already prevalent in society now, just as the epidemic of the "seven sins" continues unabated.

I walked to Safeway® during my wage slave break. As I walked through the aisle, I became cognizant of my total dependence upon various shopping and food outlets for my survival. Even though I am eating survival-type rations for my meals, I am in no way involved in the production of the latter. I am just a consumer. Simply put, I am not prepared for the secular Apocalypse, no less any crisis situation. My immediate goal is to increase my preparedness.

We may several years of time before we begin to observe any obvious degradation in the infrastructure itself. The satanic gargoyles in the US are smug in knowing that their country is able to exploit most of the other counties in the world. We are able to purchase their food stocks and manufactured goods for cheap. In the meantime, the people in those other countries become poorer and poorer. They are the first to be sacrificed. Money, from what I can tell, is the only entity that is maintaining any kind of social stability. Thus, the monetary system must remain intact for as long as possible. Only when the most important resources and commodities become short in supply will we see a rapid erosion of the monetary system. In any case, I am not sure how much time is left.