Then, in a continuation of his previous pattern of manipulation and obfuscation, the subject attempted to lure the ol' lavahead into an obligational trap with offers of unwarranted hospitality. He has also, by admission, revealed a novel strategy, a quasi-stalking modus operandi, to further exact his revenge. He will attempt an invasive maneuver whereby he will find himself in what he has perhaps deemed to be a sacred environment to the ol' lavahead. The benign and implicit threat will be accomplished through covert actions in which he, the perpetrator, will attempt to deconstruct anything that he has ascertained to be of value to the ol' lavahead. Obviously, the latter plan was easily conspired by the subject because the ol' lavahead's daily itinerary is clearly chronicled in the "blog."
The fact that the sociopathic buddy has yet to disclose his discovery of the "blog" is puzzing at best. Both he and I know the aforementioned fact. In his self-perceived cunning, he is banking on "reasonable doubt" to perpetuate the charade. The only advantage to the scheme rests on his motive for doing so. Retaliation is simply the only answer. Retaliation for what? Exposing the sociopath's machinations, of course! The degree of the mental illness of the sociopath is proportional to the degree of the obsession that is exhibited by him, more so if the obsession manifests itself in criminal or deviant behavior.
The brief encounter made it quite clear that the sociopathic buddy has been religiously dissecting the "blog" for clues to assist in bringing on the ol' lavahead's demise. Listening carefully and hanging on to every word uttered, I was able to determine what he knew. The fact that the game continues under a thinly-veiled charade only further substantiates my thesis.
The sociopathic buddy has one major weakness, one that he believes is a strength. For the most part, he is correct in the primary consideration of his frequent manipulation of mental midgets in his proximity, his preferred type of victims. In the greater chess game, his strength will be his weakness. It will be the chink in the armor that will bring him crashing down in cascading destruction. Mentally, is he prepared for battle? He will use lures to weaken his opponent, all the while offering confusing diatribe to obfuscate and disarm any defenses that the victim erects. He will attempt to draw out any information that he can twist around to cause further confusion. This data will be used with various untruths that he will concoct and intersperse with real information. Then, he will disseminate the information as necessary in a covertly manipulative and persuasive manner to others whom the victim is acquainted with. The victim will suffer from character destruction at the least. Depending upon the magnitude of damage that the subject desires to inflict, he will further disperse even more ridiculous untruths. It is by this same method that he will collect unwitting allies.
Even though all parties are privy to the knowledge that the charade exists, the sociopath will not back down. The whole charade has been exposed in the "blog." Yet, the games are just beginning. I am confused by the relentless pursuit of revenge by the sociopathic buddy over a perceived infraction when there is none. It is the discovery of a sick mind in the midst of an equally sick society that raises great fears. Hence, the disease is malignant. The diseased one does not desire to be cured. This, my friends, is demon possession, plain and simple. If the demon cannot be exorcised, then the host body must be destroyed. It is in the power of a monk to do so in Godspeed.
After consuming my pittance of a dinner, prison food (read: beans and bread), I cleaned my prison cell with my humble dustpan and brush. Once done, I made the trek to Ala Moana Center where I found myself at Barnes & Noble®. I spent some time composing the "blog" on my beloved Palm® TX. I was compelled to chronicle my curious encounter with the sociopathic buddy. I then walked to the Apple® Store to connect to its wireless network to send off the "blog." I spent the rest of the evening at Barnes & Noble®. On the way back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel), I stopped off at the ABC Store to purchase two bananas, one Granny's Gourmet Muffin, and a big-ass can of Coors® Light brewski. I dropped back the whole can of brewski immediately upon lockdown in my prison cell.
I was very groggy when I woke up this morning. Seems that I have a slight cold. Little wonder since I have gallivanting about the whole Creation. I paid my parking fee at the Waikiki Banyan parking structure. Then, I rode the prison transport (read: bus) to town. Once safely in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill, I discovered that I forgot to bring one of my wage slave shirts. Thus, I would have to perform my wage slave function out of "dress code." I could have run to Ross® and purchased another shirt. That's what a good wage slave would do. I am not a good wage slave.
I walked to Safeway®, taking my life in my hands as I dodged the myriad careening 4000-pound motorized chairs, just to purchase three energy bars. I did my one-hour wage slave stint in violation of the "dress code." Gym time was at 2:15pm. The hottie gym trainer was busy with a gym member while I was doing my weight workout. Man, I'd like to see the hottie gym trainer wearing a thong swimsuit. If baby donned a thong swimsuit, she would look exactly like the babe in the photo. Baby is a hottie. Ho boy! On second thought, that might not be a good idea. My mind would definitely snap. I would be reduced to a gurgling moron. In fact, I felt a strong surge of testosterone when I first saw her. At that point, I was almost capable of doing something stupid like mackin' on her. What a maroon!
I returned to the safety of the faculty computer room. I will leave for Waikiki at the usual time. The evening will consist of the same routine. Frankly, I am enjoying the new routine much better than the old ritual of attending the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater.
The increasing possibility of an incursion into Iran continues to canvass the alternative news sources. "Military and intelligence sources continue to tell me that preparations are advancing for a war with Iran starting possibly as early as mid-to-late February," Stated Robert Parry on the Consortium News site. Parry asserted the ramifications of increased military aggression" "But the consequences both internationally and domestically – from possible disruption of oil supplies to potential retaliation from Islamic terrorists – could be devastating." The Shrub administration has been assessed as being "crazy" amongst other unflattering terms, a dismissal overview which misses the point. Why would they risk the possibility of a global conflagration by expanding the theater of war in the Middle East? Believe me, it's not about John Hagee and the "rapture."
The fact that the sociopathic buddy has yet to disclose his discovery of the "blog" is puzzing at best. Both he and I know the aforementioned fact. In his self-perceived cunning, he is banking on "reasonable doubt" to perpetuate the charade. The only advantage to the scheme rests on his motive for doing so. Retaliation is simply the only answer. Retaliation for what? Exposing the sociopath's machinations, of course! The degree of the mental illness of the sociopath is proportional to the degree of the obsession that is exhibited by him, more so if the obsession manifests itself in criminal or deviant behavior.
The brief encounter made it quite clear that the sociopathic buddy has been religiously dissecting the "blog" for clues to assist in bringing on the ol' lavahead's demise. Listening carefully and hanging on to every word uttered, I was able to determine what he knew. The fact that the game continues under a thinly-veiled charade only further substantiates my thesis.
The sociopathic buddy has one major weakness, one that he believes is a strength. For the most part, he is correct in the primary consideration of his frequent manipulation of mental midgets in his proximity, his preferred type of victims. In the greater chess game, his strength will be his weakness. It will be the chink in the armor that will bring him crashing down in cascading destruction. Mentally, is he prepared for battle? He will use lures to weaken his opponent, all the while offering confusing diatribe to obfuscate and disarm any defenses that the victim erects. He will attempt to draw out any information that he can twist around to cause further confusion. This data will be used with various untruths that he will concoct and intersperse with real information. Then, he will disseminate the information as necessary in a covertly manipulative and persuasive manner to others whom the victim is acquainted with. The victim will suffer from character destruction at the least. Depending upon the magnitude of damage that the subject desires to inflict, he will further disperse even more ridiculous untruths. It is by this same method that he will collect unwitting allies.
Even though all parties are privy to the knowledge that the charade exists, the sociopath will not back down. The whole charade has been exposed in the "blog." Yet, the games are just beginning. I am confused by the relentless pursuit of revenge by the sociopathic buddy over a perceived infraction when there is none. It is the discovery of a sick mind in the midst of an equally sick society that raises great fears. Hence, the disease is malignant. The diseased one does not desire to be cured. This, my friends, is demon possession, plain and simple. If the demon cannot be exorcised, then the host body must be destroyed. It is in the power of a monk to do so in Godspeed.
After consuming my pittance of a dinner, prison food (read: beans and bread), I cleaned my prison cell with my humble dustpan and brush. Once done, I made the trek to Ala Moana Center where I found myself at Barnes & Noble®. I spent some time composing the "blog" on my beloved Palm® TX. I was compelled to chronicle my curious encounter with the sociopathic buddy. I then walked to the Apple® Store to connect to its wireless network to send off the "blog." I spent the rest of the evening at Barnes & Noble®. On the way back to Quagmire Prison (read: hotel), I stopped off at the ABC Store to purchase two bananas, one Granny's Gourmet Muffin, and a big-ass can of Coors® Light brewski. I dropped back the whole can of brewski immediately upon lockdown in my prison cell.
I was very groggy when I woke up this morning. Seems that I have a slight cold. Little wonder since I have gallivanting about the whole Creation. I paid my parking fee at the Waikiki Banyan parking structure. Then, I rode the prison transport (read: bus) to town. Once safely in the faculty computer room at the Diploma Mill, I discovered that I forgot to bring one of my wage slave shirts. Thus, I would have to perform my wage slave function out of "dress code." I could have run to Ross® and purchased another shirt. That's what a good wage slave would do. I am not a good wage slave.
I walked to Safeway®, taking my life in my hands as I dodged the myriad careening 4000-pound motorized chairs, just to purchase three energy bars. I did my one-hour wage slave stint in violation of the "dress code." Gym time was at 2:15pm. The hottie gym trainer was busy with a gym member while I was doing my weight workout. Man, I'd like to see the hottie gym trainer wearing a thong swimsuit. If baby donned a thong swimsuit, she would look exactly like the babe in the photo. Baby is a hottie. Ho boy! On second thought, that might not be a good idea. My mind would definitely snap. I would be reduced to a gurgling moron. In fact, I felt a strong surge of testosterone when I first saw her. At that point, I was almost capable of doing something stupid like mackin' on her. What a maroon!
I returned to the safety of the faculty computer room. I will leave for Waikiki at the usual time. The evening will consist of the same routine. Frankly, I am enjoying the new routine much better than the old ritual of attending the evening performance at Lou's Kabuki Theater.
The increasing possibility of an incursion into Iran continues to canvass the alternative news sources. "Military and intelligence sources continue to tell me that preparations are advancing for a war with Iran starting possibly as early as mid-to-late February," Stated Robert Parry on the Consortium News site. Parry asserted the ramifications of increased military aggression" "But the consequences both internationally and domestically – from possible disruption of oil supplies to potential retaliation from Islamic terrorists – could be devastating." The Shrub administration has been assessed as being "crazy" amongst other unflattering terms, a dismissal overview which misses the point. Why would they risk the possibility of a global conflagration by expanding the theater of war in the Middle East? Believe me, it's not about John Hagee and the "rapture."
At this point, I still believe that Mike Ruppert has accurately laid out what is about to transpire in his book, "Crossing the Rubicon." Nothing will stop the event from occurring. Articles of protest can be written, questions can be posed, demonstrations and "civil disobedience" can be staged, but nothing will stop the so-called "Neocon" agenda. It's all or nothing.
The Fed did not lower short-term interest rates much to my relief. At this point in time, I am still not drawing off much in the way of dividend income from my investments. If the Fed were to lower interest rates later this year in order to provide the so-called "soft landing" for the alleged real estate "bubble," then it will only fuel even more greed. Home prices will rise again, and the satanic gargoyles will still use "creative" financing to purchase beyond their means. The remaining few who did not cash out on equity will probably do so during the next round. I should be able to sell Chez Loser II easily in such a feverish market. On the other hand, if interest rates rise, I will make more off of my investments, although my tax liability will increase. These are troubling times, and we must all be vigilant about our personal finances.
Of course, if the so-called "Neocon" agenda1 fails completely, we could be up Shit Creek without a paddle. Personal finances will be the least of our problems. In other words, if the incursion into Iran goes wrong and oil supplies are cut off, we will see a shockwave hit our economy which will make the bursting of the housing "bubble" look like a slumber party. Instant hyperinflation, along with tremendous shortages in petrol, food, and other necessities will result. Hard to imagine? Well, everything depends on cheap oil. The whole economy will eventually slide into deep recession. Sanitation and medical care will devolve into third-world conditions, which will spawn biological pandemics. It is under these conditions that martial law will be invoked. The secular Apocalypse could be right around the corner.
1The current agenda did not originate with the "Neocons." The moneychangers and the powers-that-be are the ones who are pulling the strings from above.
The Fed did not lower short-term interest rates much to my relief. At this point in time, I am still not drawing off much in the way of dividend income from my investments. If the Fed were to lower interest rates later this year in order to provide the so-called "soft landing" for the alleged real estate "bubble," then it will only fuel even more greed. Home prices will rise again, and the satanic gargoyles will still use "creative" financing to purchase beyond their means. The remaining few who did not cash out on equity will probably do so during the next round. I should be able to sell Chez Loser II easily in such a feverish market. On the other hand, if interest rates rise, I will make more off of my investments, although my tax liability will increase. These are troubling times, and we must all be vigilant about our personal finances.
Of course, if the so-called "Neocon" agenda1 fails completely, we could be up Shit Creek without a paddle. Personal finances will be the least of our problems. In other words, if the incursion into Iran goes wrong and oil supplies are cut off, we will see a shockwave hit our economy which will make the bursting of the housing "bubble" look like a slumber party. Instant hyperinflation, along with tremendous shortages in petrol, food, and other necessities will result. Hard to imagine? Well, everything depends on cheap oil. The whole economy will eventually slide into deep recession. Sanitation and medical care will devolve into third-world conditions, which will spawn biological pandemics. It is under these conditions that martial law will be invoked. The secular Apocalypse could be right around the corner.
1The current agenda did not originate with the "Neocons." The moneychangers and the powers-that-be are the ones who are pulling the strings from above.