For the past few days, the common cold has made a mockery of my human functions. The post-nasal drip continues unabated, albeit sporadic. A coughing frenzy can kick up at anytime with phlegm and spittle spewing in all directions ... on the face of stone ... on my dork glasses ... on my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer ... anything.
I drove to Safeway® in Kuapa Kai this morning at 8:30am. After purchasing the obligatory cup of coffee, I was on my way. Moms was home when I arrived. Moms was busy writing a letter. I occupied my time with trivia. After moms was done, we chatted for a bit. Apparently, Uncle Tosh has decided that he has had it with dialysis. He has a fraction of a kidney functioning, so dialysis is not an option. However, Uncle Tosh is in bad shape, far worse that I had previously thought. He had broken his hip after a fall. Now, there is little chance that he will walk again. The infection that he contracted about two months ago has not abated. The infection is not responding to medication. Uncle Tosh is also a Type I diabetic. And, moms added, he has some kind of blood cancer. In other words, Uncle Tosh is really suffering, and he wants the pain to end. He is effectively "throwing in the towel."
Moms has not heard anything about Aunty Margaret, but she believes that Aunty Margaret suffered a stroke. After that somber conversation, moms and I drove to Koko Marina. Moms did some grocery shopping at Foodland. We stopped by Loco Moco to purchase a small
Teriyaki Steak plate lunch. In addition to the plate lunch, moms served up fresh vegetables,
ahi poke, canned salmon, and rice. What a feast!
After lunch, I chatted with moms briefly. Then, I was on my way at 1pm. I parked at the Hawai'i Kai Park 'n Ride. I rode the bus to town from there.I walked to the gym and did my usual workout. Sadly, I did not see the hottie gym trainer. I rode the bus back to Hawai'i Kai Park n' Ride, retrieved my truck, and found myself in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 5:30pm. Obviously, not feeling too well, I had no choice but to piddle around in the dump for the rest of the evening.
My money market funds are now taking a rapid dive, dividend-wise. The actions of the Fed have finally forced a drop in interest rates. Rumor has it that the Fed will drop short-term interest rates, this time by 75 basis points or more, possibly even before its meeting at the end of the month. Make no mistake, we are seeing the preparations for a new war. The plans have been accelerated. That's why the stock market is tanking. Most likely, the target of war will be Iran. The conflagration will commence with a nuclear bomb strike followed by a ground invasion. What else could explain the continuous barrage of attempts to establish a justifiable pretext for an incursion? Why else is Shrub dancing the jig in Saudi Arabia with the nation's demented royalty?
I am tracing the pattern established for the Iraq incursion. When short-term interest rates converge on two percent (i.e., the "war level"), there will be enough cheap "liquidity" to commence the war. Favors are being given out in the form of new arms deals with our favorite despots. We are also selling off our assets (e.g., banks, infrastructure, businesses, etc.) for cheap, thanks to the engineered debt crisis. The latter are "gratuities" to insure that our creditors will continue to purchase our government bonds even though the return is low. More debt will then be created, especially by the new war. However, that debt will just be consolidated with the outstanding debt. In other words, the Fed is inflating the current debts away in order to prepare for substantially more debts, all at low interest. For consumers, even more cheaper loans will become available with longer terms to decrease monthly payments. Keeping consumers satiated in materialism will keep them fat and ignorant, just the way the moneychangers and powers-that-be like 'em.
As for the ol' lavahead, he will simply wait for the ax to fall. He is tired of chasing his tail. He's ready to "throw in the towel." He knows full well that he will be robbed blind, no matter what. Why doesn't he purchase gold like he said he would? The ol' lavahead knows that gold will most likely be confiscated, as it was in the past. Right now, gold has become a thorn in the side of the elite. Why doesn't the ol' fool just give in and become a faithful wage slave again? The ol' lavahead knows that, in his state of vulnerability, he will be a prime candidate to be infected by the epidemic of the "seven sins." He will need to be far stronger, much more immune, before he can put himself in that kind of dangerous environment again. Remember, wage slavery is what put him in this predicament in the first place.