Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nothing But the Truth

By 7pm, I was quite hammered on cheap booze (i.e., Fox Brook® Sauvignon Blanc). Why did it come to this? Could it be the fact that I was able to peruse the hottie gym trainer for a couple of hours today? At one point, baby was just inches away from the ol' lavahead. Then, when I was departing the gym, I saw baby wearing a bright blue top which was both tight and skimpy. Ho boy! To say that baby is gorgeous would be an understatement.

There are no legitimate readers of the "blog," so I can express pretty much anything that I want without regret. No, I am not going to wax poetic about the hottie gym trainer. Yes, baby is a hottie. However, my situation seems to be a byproduct of my emancipation from intellectual slavery. I am no longer burdened by so-called "mainstream" scientific or religious beliefs. However, my emancipation has made me an even greater social outcast than before.

Of course, the hottie gym trainer indirectly made me aware of my plight. Society, or civilization, is comprised of a number of arbitrary rules which determine the course of our lives which in turn is really a series of games. In order to reap the benefits of society, we must play the game by the rules. Not doing so only results in alienation.

I have already figured out that I am going to live out the rest of my life in the most squalid manner. I won't be living the "American Dream." Neither will I hook up with a babe like the hottie gym trainer. I will be living in poverty and obscurity by myself. No one will know who I am, nor will they care. I will grow old and decrepit as a stranger in a strange land. And, one day I will simply cease to exist, but no one will discover that fact for several weeks or months. All because I refuse to play the game.

Why don't I just give in and "pay the piper"? As tempting as the "good life" may seem, I just cannot bring myself to crawl back to that crap. I cannot even fathom the thought of returning to wage slavery. And, frankly, if I don't return to wage slavery, I cannot be a part of "mainstream" society. I would have to reconstruct all that I deconstructed and more. Even then, "success" is not guaranteed. Sorry, no thanks.

I really don't know where I am going or what I am doing. I feel as though I have reached the pinnacle of knowledge, that is, a knowledge of nothing. I have essentially debunked all of the acceptable knowledge of society and civilization. All of it is a sham. Thus, either I know the truth, or I know nothing at all. The truth may, after all, be nothing.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nice Day for a Tsunami

The sirens went off at about 6am this morning. They sound like the old air raid sirens from the Cold War days because that's what they are. However, the sirens are now being used to alert the public about an impending tsunami or hurricane. I was very groggy because the Chinaman and his ho' returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 1:30am and were talking at the top of their lungs.

The Indian guy was apparently the first one out of the house. I was up shortly afterward. I went downstairs to check the news coverage on CNN and the local stations on the small tube that had installed previously. There was a lot of coverage about the earthquake that hit Chilé, but there was no local coverage. Normally, once the sirens are activated, the Emergency Broadcast Network interrupts all local programming. Nada.

The Chinaman departed with his ho' just before Alan was up and around. I walked outside to chat with the landlord. Apparently, Slob Manor is in the emergency evacuation zone, so we would all have to leave. The estimated time of arrival for the tsunami was 11am. The landlord cordially offered to let me stay up at the nursery. The landlord also mentioned that the petrol stations and supermarkets were completely overwhelmed with people. Both Alan and I began to pack our vehicles with whatever we deemed important. Even with my minimal life-style, I found that I still have way too much junk. The Chinaman returned in the interim. He thought I was joking when I told him that we had to leave the premises. Of course, little did I know that the roads were all closed off a couple of hours later.

I drove to the petrol station in the Aina Haina Shopping Center to see if I could obtain some petrol. The lines were way to long. So, I drove to Hawai'i Kai. My intention was to obtain petrol and a cup of coffee before ending up at the landlord's nursery. All three petrol stations in Hawai'i Kai were overwhelmed. My Nissan® Frontier truck was already below a quarter-of-a-tank. So, I made the decision to head to Kahala Mall because it is not in the evacuation zone. All three petrol stations in the vicinity of the mall were also jammed-packed with clowns. Why?

I decided to forgo the petrol and just park at the mall. When I walked into the mall at 8:20am, I discovered that none of the stores were open except for Longs®. I had to walk to Mickey Dee's® to purchase a cup of coffee. The lines were extremely long.

Surprisingly, none of the other stores opened at 9am (the usual time). So, I just sat around with my cup of coffee. In fact, I had to go back to Mickey Dee's® for a second cup. There were a few other people using the mall as an evacuation center. And, there were a lot of disappointed shoppers coming and going.

At 11:20am, I walked back to my Nissan® Frontier truck to listen to the radio and eat a few snack items that I had stashed away. The reports indicated that the initial waves that hit the shores of the Big Island and Mau'i were way smaller than expected. However, no "all clear" message had been given. I then made the foolish decision to ride the bus to town to check my mail at the Post Office and go to the gym. The buses were completely empty. The driver told me that there were no buses heading to Hawai'i Kai at the moment. That's when I realized that all of the roads near the coastline were closed. When I return, I thought to myself, I would be stuck at Kahala Mall until who-knows-when.

There were absolutely no cars on the freeway when we passed by it. Traffic on the surface streets was extremely light. Very few stores or restaurants were open. I had a feeling that downtown would be the same. I alighted at Thomas Square in order to use the restroom there just in case. There were a few homeless people with tents set up in the park. The hedge adjacent to the restroom had myriad laundry heaped over it to dry. Quite a few filled shopping carts (i.e., homeless mobile homes) were parked next to the restroom as well.

When I finally arrived in town, I was able to see that my assumption was correct. Not even the gym was open. Thus, I was toting my gym bag for no apparent reason. I rode the bus back to Kahala Mall. When I arrived at 1:20pm, the place was a little more crowded, but only a handful of stores were open. A few more stores opened at 2pm. I listened to the radio again and heard that the roads were open again. I wanted to stop by Barnes & Noble®, but it wasn't slated to open until 3:30pm.

I waited about 20 more minutes before departing. Traffic was moderately heavy. I stopped off at Slob Manor to unpack my stuff. Then, I continued on to Koko Marina. Only one petrol station was open. I put $5 worth of petrol in the tank. The gym was also open, thank goodness. I was able to perform my usual workout and take a long hot shower. All during the workout, I debated about where I would eat dinner. I was too tired to even think about making panini.

When I strolled around Koko Marina, I observed that Loco Moco and Zippy's were both closed. So, that only left Taco Bell®. Well, I really enjoyed my fast food meal. I made one last stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai before returning to Slob Manor. I was glad to be back at the dump, if you can believe it.

Yes, another wasted and expensive day. I am, of course, relieved that tragedy did not strike. I was also able to see just how well we will not cope when the "Big One" hits. People were all on their cell phones even though the emergency advisories warned that such nonsense would overload the phone coverage. Same with the Net. Hoarding was so out of hand this morning that the supermarket shelves were cleaned out. Too much stupidity. Sheesh!

Always count on the ol' lavahead to provide the most comprehensive coverage of useless nonsense during emergencies. Just look back at the "blog" of October 15, 2006 for the blow-by-blow of the earthquake that hit the islands. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Gestalt (Reprise)

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went as planned. Moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's. The same two ducks paid us a visit while we were eating, but one of the Zippy's employees chased them away. I also divested a few more of my useless tools.

Well, some strange crap is going on, eh? In testimony, Ben "Handjob" Bernanke told the empire's useless politicians that the Fed is not going to "print" money to finance the empire's debt. In a new game of brinkmanship, Bernanke want to force them to cut the most sacred of empire's remaining social programs. However, let's face the facts. What we are seeing is simply bad theater and equally bad histrionics. It's the same "good cop, bad cop" plot, but with both sides clearly working together for the same ends. After all, didn't Obama just reappoint that clown?

The empire's useless politicians also goosestepped in almost perfect unity to extend the USA PATRIOT Act without revision. Why, pray tell? I suspect that the Fascist empire is on the verge of social agitation. If that were the case, one must ask, "What would Mussolini do?"

In a surprise move, Paul Craig Roberts has penned a controversial article that focuses upon the "September 11th" farce. I was totally taken aback by, "The Road to Armageddon," which appeared first on the Information Clearinghouse site. Of course, what he discusses is something that we "conspiracy theorists" have known for a long time. The entire article is a good read. However, his conclusion really caught my attention:
The U.S. intends to ring Russia with U.S. missile bases from Poland through central Europe and Kosovo to Georgia, Azerbaijan and central Asia. [see Global Research article] U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke declared on February 20 that al Qaida is moving into former central Asian constituent parts of the Soviet Union, such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. Holbrooke is soliciting U.S. bases in these former Soviet republics under the guise of the ever-expanding "war on terror."

The U.S. has already encircled Iran with military bases. The U.S. government intends to neutralize China by seizing control over the Middle East and cutting China off from oil.

This plan assumes that Russia and China, nuclear armed states, will be intimidated by U.S. anti-missile defenses and acquiesce to U.S. hegemony and that China will lack oil for its industries and military.

The U.S. government is delusional. Russian military and political leaders have responded to the obvious threat by declaring NATO a direct threat to the security of Russia and by announcing a change in Russian war doctrine to the pre-emptive launch of nuclear weapons. The Chinese are too confident to be bullied by a washed up American "superpower."

The morons in Washington are pushing the envelop of nuclear war. The insane drive for American hegemony threatens life on earth. The American people, by accepting the lies and deceptions of "their" government, are facilitating this outcome.
I've offered my own analysis as late as February 6th in the "blog." My thesis centered upon the idea of global conventional warfare. However, the game plan appears to have changed. There really is no reason to ring both Russia and China with military bases and interceptor missiles unless there are plans to provoke either or both nations to utilize offensive (i.e., first strike) weaponry. What kind of incident could provoke either Russia or China to launch nuclear-armed missiles?

Roberts cites the "insane drive for American hegemony" as the reason. A while back, I might have been quick to add the desire of the so-called "Christian" dispensationalists to trigger Armageddon, the wrath of God (of Judaism, Christianity, Paulinity, and Islam). Now, I am not so certain.

What it all boils down to is the modified "Hegelian Dialectic":
Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis ==> Gestalt
Thus, the root of the problem is the pedigreed elite. Yes, the moneychangers and powers-that-be (i.e., "reptilians," if one is a follower of David Icke) have apparently decided that a major global conflagration is necessary to meet their objectives, whatever that may be at this time. Apparently, the situation is so out of control that nuclear war, the last resort, is now "on the table."

Well, the mindless masses need not worry. There's always Chat Roulette to keep them entertained and distracted.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Land of Mu

I have officially run out of material to discuss in the "blog." Not that it matters. The Feedjit® Live Feed recorded no legitimate readers of the "blog" in who-knows-how-long. The visitors who arrive in droves looking for babe pictures have used up a considerable amount of the allotted "bandwidth" for both the "blog" and its associated Photobucket® image hosting.

One solution may be the removal of all of the babe images embedded in the "blog." That would solve the "bandwidth" problem immediately. I have already vowed to not embed any new (or repeat) babe images from this point forward (with only a couple of minor exceptions, if necessary).

Well, another day of marginal existence has passed. I've become more confused by my actions (or inaction), although the alternative is simply not palatable. Sans references to reptilians, the words of David Icke make too sense to be ignored. The elite moneychangers and powers-that-be are not meeting in secrecy just to exchange secret handshakes.

The real problem, of course, is that humanity is on its own to solve its problems. The God of Judaism, Christianity, Paulinity, and Islam will not be making an appearance. No Jesus. No Armageddon. There might have been the possibility of an uprising of the masses, but too many of them are resting their hopes on Divine Intervention. Or, they are too distracted by the "mainstream" life-style. I suppose that I can only get on with the business of the exodus. I am essentially powerless to do anything else.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reptilian Ruse (Continued)

Well, I have partially renewed my faith in David Icke. If I carefully ignore (temporarily) the references to the shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials (SSREs), then Icke presents an eye-opening view of history (i.e., post-Atlantis) and a very realistic framework of what we call "civilization." So much of what he says makes sense that I can overlook his mention of SSREs without guilt.

Icke's unique ability to "connect the dots" makes the reading of his material quite interesting. I thoroughly recommend his books to anyone. And, I would recommend shelving the infamous SSRE thesis until later. In fact, I will entertain the SSRE thesis once I have completed my readings.

I am approaching the subject of Atlantis in a secular (read: boring) manner. Icke postulated that Atlantis was populated by extraterrestrials with blond hair and blue eyes. Lemuria, on the other hand, was the home base for the SSREs. Although I find the idea of a prehistoric advanced society quite plausible, I cannot attribute its advancement to extraterrestrials at this point in time.

I am being very careful not to discredit Ignatius Donnelly's book, "Atlantis, the Antediluvian World," with the same type of claims as the author of its preface, JB Hare. Donnelly makes many assertions and correlations that Hare claims has been disputed by recent scientific research. I no longer accept such nonsense because scientific research is extremely politicized. Researchers clearly go on record refuting previous findings often to further their own agendas. In addition, I simply do not wish to automatically trust anyone labeled an "expert."

One other curious note about Icke: He tends to quote a lot from "mainstream" music lyrics and movie scripts ("The Matrix" being a favorite). For someone who is warning us about the deadly traps that have been laid before us by the pedigreed elite, he carelessly makes too many references to the very media that he denigrates.

Incidentally, there have finally been a few voices, albeit weak, calling out the nature of the propaganda behind the recent Toyota®-bashing by the empire's politicians. Yes, it's all purely political. However, the real truth is that the point of contention lies with Japan's new reform government and its stance on the empire's military bases in Okinawa.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reptilian Ruse

Ever since I adopted the Brevity Policy (see "blog" of January 17th), I have had difficulty in finding material to discuss in the "blog." Even potentially new topics are simply a rehash of material previously covered in the "blog" or journal. I have also grown very tired of the current affairs genre. If the damned empire is going to collapse, then collapse already! Sheesh!

At the library, I have been reading more of David Icke's books as I find them. Sadly, I am growing disillusioned with his works. In all of his books, Icke attempts to explain the physics of the universe. His thesis is interesting, but he uses quasi-scientific vocabulary that makes no sense. In attempting to use technical jargon, he simply confuses the issue with the wrong words.

Icke also appears to believe in the immortality of the soul. He often asserts that we humans are part of an "infinite awareness" of the universe that transcends our physical bodies and short lifespans. Yet, he postulates that humans are the genetic creation of shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials (SSREs). A slave class of humans was genetically modified using our alleged ape-like "ancestors." The ruling elite were created as a separate class of genetically modified apes whose genes were directly spliced with the SSREs. Hence, they are the "chosen." Oddly, if we humans are the genetically modified products of the SSREs, then how could we be part of the "infinite awareness"? We would be artificial souls that have no bearing with natural occurrences in the universe.

Icke believes that there were advanced civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria which existed in prehistory. However, he believes that those civilizations were populated by SSREs and their genetically modified spawn. Further, the origin of deities is directly related to the SSREs. What I find truly puzzling is why the SSREs bothered with apes in the first place. Why didn't the SSREs genetically modify or mate with the various reptiles on earth? Would that not have been easier and more to their liking?

Well, the third Alpha release of Ubuntu "Lucid Lynx" is due in two days. I will not be downloading and burning the ISO to CD-ROM, although I will monitor its progress in the forums.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Antediluvian Dreams

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. After the gruelling rounds in the 'hood, moms served lamp-baked chicken, ahi sashime, maki sushi, tofu, fresh vegetables, and rice for lunch. For dessert, moms served carrot cake with Foremost® coffee ice cream.

Well, I am compelled to continue my research about Atlantis, even though the book that I was reading had disappeared from the library. I have managed to discover that Ignatius Donnelly's book, "Atlantis, the Antediluvian World," is available on-line in entirety at the Sacred Texts and Biblioteca Pléyades sites. I am specifically interested in prehistoric civilization, not just Atlantis per se. Donnelly's work is perhaps the first serious (i.e., not mystical, New Age, or "channeled") about the subject of Atlantis. Hence, it is a good starting point.

Why even bother with such mumbo-jumbo when we are in the midst of what some may say is the end of history (or civilization)? Well, the existence of much earlier semi-advanced civilizations, albeit lost in time, gives credence to the thesis that the entire original legacy of humans has been buried forever. In addition, the concept of religion as we know it can be debunked for good. My only regret is that we will never know who and what the true Creator is.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food Phobia

At the gym, I was able to discreetly peruse the hottie gym trainer for almost two hours as she worked with a couple of clients. Baby was looking mighty fine. Baby was still there when I departed at 1pm. She was busy rummaging through a pile of stuff in the make-shift office area that was slapped together during the current renovation work.

This afternoon, I stopped off at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center again. The place wasn't nearly as crowded as it was yesterday. I had also stopped by Foodland in Ala Moana Center earlier. Well, I took my own advice and purchased about 5 ounces of sliced Boar's Head® Roast Beef from the deli counter (at $10.99 per pound). I also purchased a big-ass blueberry muffin and a banana for a snack. Later, I made delicious Roast Beef and Provolone Panini for dinner. Why buy crappy prepared food (e.g., Spam® Musubi) when I can make something better myself?

Obviously, I am fooling myself to some extent. The sliced cold cuts are laced with preservatives. The cheese is most likely produced from rGBH-laced milk. The wheat bread is probably saturated with gluten. I suppose that the real object of the game now is to reduce the amount of poison intake. There's just no way to eliminate it, at least not on my budget.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Foraging for Food

"Ohh well ... since no one else wants to say it!! Here goes ... Joseph Stack in his own unique way is trying to tell everyone ... he ain't about eating cat food." -- thirdworlder (commenting on Information Clearinghouse site)
I was finally able to complete Jim Marrs' book, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich." The book was finally returned to the library. Charles Berlitz's book about Atlantis disappeared the day after I commenced reading it. Not to worry. There are a few more titles that I will be reading in the interim.

I stopped off at the Aina Haina Shopping Center on the way back from the gym in town. I specifically did so to check out the new Foodland Farms store (i.e., renovated Foodland). What a mistake! The place was completely packed with self-important imbeciles. I observed that I was the only one there who was dressed like a homeless guy. The whole experience reminded me of Whole Foods® in Kahala Mall. Frankly, although the Aina Haina store has been redesigned, it is still a Foodland through and through. The upscale crowd just had to make an appearance nonetheless. And, quite a few of the tactless Hawai'i Kai crew transferred to Aina Haina. I noticed that they were too busy to be rude. In fact, the store managers were making sure that customer service was a priority. All in all, I would suggest avoiding the dump until the novelty wears off.

Why was I at Foodland Farms anyway? Well, I thought that I would find something novel to eat for dinner. The prepared food was essentially the same crap offered at the other stores only in classier display cases. I opted to grill my usual panini on my beloved DeLonghi® "retro" contact grill and panini press when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I am not sure why I continue to make the same squished little panini (although they are delicious). With better ingredients and a little more effort, I could actually produce top-notch panini. I certainly would not have to be foraging around Foodland Farms for something to eat.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wake-Up Call (Reprise)

A cold and rainy day did not deter my visit to Hawai'i Kai. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express® while making the usual rounds. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

I have been divesting a few of my cheap tools from my pathetic tool set. My bro has invested a fortune in tools. Believe me, he has everything. So, I have been simply leaving a tool here or there in his various stashes of tools. He will probably notice that the divested tools are of inferior quality to his liking, but he most likely won't throw them out. Soon, all I'll have left is my vast hurdy-gurdy library. Perhaps I could augment the latter with a Fleshlight® collection, eh?

Well, the so-called "mainstream media" has been painting Joe Stack as a "nutjob" or a "terrorist." The on-line note that he left has been taken down by the "authorities." However, a copy exists on the Information Clearinghouse site. An excerpt:
I can only hope that the numbers quickly get too big to be white washed and ignored that the American zombies wake up and revolt; it will take nothing less. I would only hope that by striking a nerve that stimulates the inevitable double standard, knee-jerk government reaction that results in more stupid draconian restrictions people wake up and begin to see the pompous political thugs and their mindless minions for what they are. Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn't so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer. The cruel joke is that the really big chunks of shit at the top have known this all along and have been laughing, at and using this awareness against, fools like me all along.
The entire note is worthy of a read. Stack has sent us all a chilling message and wake-up call.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ten o' Clock Lowdown

We've been experiencing a cold spell in Hawai'i for the past week. That could explain why so many people are illin' like the ol' lavahead. In addition, many of us are constantly going in and out of air-conditioned environments. The abrupt temperature change is just intolerable. I'm now in the fourth day of the common cold, although I weaned myself of the CVS® cold and flu elixir two days ago.

Well, I've been pretty satisfied with the Exaile music player. The loss of sound in the past few days may have been because the sound option in Exaile was set to "Automatic," which may have attempted to connect to Alsa and caused a conflict. I have now set it for Pulse Audio. By the way, I have been listening to Deep Inside Soulful House on Shoutcast.

The entire Yahoo! site has been problematic for the last few days. I have had a lot of problems logging in. Then, the e-mail service has been intermittent for most of the evening. I am wondering whether the entire site is ready to go down for good. Perhaps it is time for me to move on.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


At the library, I commenced reading, "Atlantis: The Eighth Continent," by Charles Berlitz. The book is quite interesting. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, let me "nip in the bud" any ideas that I may be "reality shopping." If anything, I am searching for the truth.

The various kinds of "reality" that are presented to us have been certified to be acceptable canons through forced peer consensus. Thus, we have acceptable science, acceptable philosophy, acceptable religion, acceptable medicine, acceptable politics, acceptable economics, and so forth. Everything else is deemed mythical or conspiratorial. However, in the past year, my readings and research have set me free. Not only have I been emancipated from wage slavery, I have also been emancipated from intellectual groupthink.

I cannot simply dismiss the Atlantis theory as hogwash. History only marginally goes back about 6,000 years ago. Possibly the earliest finds are from Sumer and Egypt. What happened in prehistory is a mystery. I am, at this point, willing to accept the fact that humans have been around a lot longer than 10,000 years. However, I am still unwilling to accept the theory of evolution, for it is another religion based on faith.

There appears to be some evidence to point to a commonality of beliefs amongst the cultures dispersed globally. These antecedents clearly indicate a possible unified origin. Such antecedents are also prevalent in Judeo-Christian beliefs. Could there have been a fairly advanced civilization in existence before our known history? Was that civilization nearly obliterated by a cataclysmic natural disaster? Is the thesis credible?

Certainly the possibility of the existence of a prehistoric advanced civilization is believable. Obviously, that particular civilization did not advance to the state of modern times. Most likely, the Atlantis civilization about 12,000 years ago was on the par with the Egyptians, Mayans, and Babylonians. Then, tragedy struck. About six millennia were required to rediscover the lost technology and knowledge. If we assume that six millennia would precede the advancement of Atlantis, then humans have been around for about 22,000 years (sans evolution theory).

On a side note, both the gym downtown and in Hawai'i Kai are going through extensive renovations. The facilities have remained open, but there is construction going on around the patrons. This afternoon, the water was shut off at the downtown location. I was not certain if the water would be restored before I had to take a shower, so I spent about 30 minutes in idle time while I awaited the verdict. As a result, I was only able to get a 20-minute cardio segment in. Then, I ended up taking a cold shower since the water heater was apparently turned off during the down time.

The curious sound problem in Ubuntu "Karmic Koala" was falsely attributed to the Flash® plug-in yesterday. The audio in Flash® apparently works fine. No telling what the problem is.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bleak Future

"Just when you're wondering how America will make Afghanistan safe for democracy, or whether Venezuela will blow itself up along with the oil markets, along comes kindly, picturesque, inoffensive old Uncle Greece -- land of antiquities and pizza entrepreneurs -- to fuck things up." -- James Kunstler's "blog"
As to be expected, my visit to Hawai'i Kai was postponed yesterday because of the ridiculous holiday. No holiday for the sick and weary, I'm afraid. Moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Foremost® ice cream, by the way, is made with real sugar, not high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Even my allegedly healthy Yoplait® yogurt is made with HFCS. So, what's wrong with HFCS? Well, can you say, "genetically modified corn"?

The Star-Bulletin is continuing its series on homelessness on O'ahu. The focus today was the impact of homelessness on tourism and the economy. Don't forget the links to the other articles at the bottom. There is also an interesting tidbit about the rise of Pacific Islander homeless (i.e., Micronesians, Marshallese, etc.). I've touched on the proliferation of immigrants before in the "blog." According to the article:
Under the Compacts of Free Association, citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands can move anywhere in the United States. But Hawaii is the biggest magnet, a relatively nearby island chain with a congenial climate and culture, and excellent health care.
In addition:
The United States, which used to be trustee for the territories, has a special relationship with the Freely Associated States. It recognizes obligations stemming from U.S. nuclear testing in the region and provides economic aid while enjoying exclusive military access there. Citizens of the Freely Associated States have a special status in the United States. They are not considered immigrants and do not need visas to travel here.
There has also been increased friction between Samoans, Native Hawai'ians, and the aforementioned Pacific Islander groups.

What we have here in Hawai'i is the beginning of a major class war, although it is erupting with the lowest ranks of the rank-and-file peons. However, as evidenced by the remarkably callous comments by locals (and tourists), the animosity and blame is seeking a scapegoat. A "dress rehearsal" is in progress. When the "shit hits the fan," there will be a full-blown class war crisis. Perhaps for the first time in the history of Hawai'i, it will lead the other states in its descent into anarchy.

Sadly, the empire's economic situation as well as the global economic situation has grown exponentially precarious over the past week. Since there are zero legitimate readers visiting the "blog," I will not waste the time to post quotes or links. A quick review of the "Essentials Library" in the right column of the "blog" will suffice. Just bear in mind my own prediction as stated in the "blog" of February 6th.

Ubuntu Linux has let me down again. Audio is very touchy in "Karmic Koala." I am not sure, but I believe that the Flash® plug-in completely disables sound. I had to reboot twice to restore sound. Later, I discovered that I could just "kill" the Pulse Audio process using the command line and it will automatically restart without rebooting.

Well, I am still illin' due to the common cold. I'm just about ready for another dosage of the CVS® cold and flu elixir. Fortunately, the precious elixir does not list HFCS in the ingredients. Sheesh!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Illin' Again, What the Fuck?

The common cold (nasal congestion variety) hit again late last night. I quickly prescribed a full dosage of CVS® cold and flu elixir to myself. Alas, the strength of the disease negated the effects of the elixir. I did not sleep well last night. As a result, I was extremely groggy all day.

Because of the holiday, I spent all morning and part of the afternoon at Kahala Mall, two hours of which were spent at Barnes & Noble®. I meandered around the mall for what seemed like hours. I saw Reggie, the questionable derelict, wandering around as well. There essentially is nothing for me to do at the mall since I have no money to spend. So, I had to watch all of the Big Money Grip patrons spend their money liberally. If anything, I confirmed my membership in the derelict class.

At 11am, I walked across the street to the bus stop. My intention was to ride the bus to town. When the bus arrived, I stood there frozen. After the bus drove off, I walked back to the mall like a putz. I stowed my gym bag back in my Nissan® Frontier truck and continued to loiter in different mall locations.

At 2pm, I drove to Koko Marina in Hawai'i Kai. I performed an extremely brief workout at the gym. Essentially, I was really there just to take a long hot shower. I then redeemed one of my validated Meal Deal cards at Foodland for a Chicken Cesar Salad. Thus, I was able to enjoy a pleasant meal to offset my discomfort due to the common cold.

What am I suffering a relapse of the common cold after only one month? Well, I was careless for one thing. On certain cold and rainy days, I did not dress appropriately, opting instead to wear my trademarked urban nomad (ie., homeless guy) outfit. In addition, I find myself always squeezed into groups of destitute people who are illin'. The bus, for example, should be considered a bio-hazard.

While at the bookstore, I discovered an interesting book, "The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization," by Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath. It's about eleven years old, but I was intrigued by it contents upon perusal. The library does not have a copy, so I will have to plunk down $16 if I care to read the book.

Incidentally, the Star-Bulletin launched a series of articles about the homeless on O'ahu. At the end of the main article are the links for the supporting articles. The self-righteous comments by readers at the end of each of the articles is worthy of a perusal. Clearly, the masses are still deluded and dumber than a knob. Oh, I can hardly wait for the day of the big "collapse." Then, these fools will be on the street as well. I just giggle my ass off at the thought. As for me, I'm ready for another dose of the CVS® cold and flu elixir.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Just another day in the doldrums, although the hottie gym trainer was conspicuously absent at the gym. In fact, the place was close to deserted. Even the buses were not crowded. Well, with all of the hype surrounding Valentine's Day, I can see why so few people were out and about, especially unattached single people who do not want to be mistaken for "losers." Oh brother.

The command line fix to disable the bongo drums log-in sound effect in Ubuntu was successful. All audio functions are now operating properly. Frankly, I am beginning to realize the ridiculous nature of constantly fiddling around with the computer's operating system (OS). The OS is supposed to be transparent. In other words, the actions programs and applications are what count. The OS should provide a common user interface and handle the input/output tasks. There should be no need for constant tweaking.

With that said, I'm not too excited about the upcoming Gnome® 3.0 release. A prototype is available in the form of Gnome® Shell, which can run on current versions of Gnome®. The shell will also be the compositing framework (replacing Compiz-Fusion). The screenshots reveal just how "busy" the desktop will become. Hopefully, there will be a way to disable the monstrosity.

Anyway, I am listening to The Source: Smooth Jazz on Shoutcast Radio using Exaile this evening. The sound is superb using my Sony® earbud headphones. Finally, no grief. Sheesh!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bedtime for Bongo

The library was closed for the holiday. Yes, I know that the holiday is actually on Monday. The alternate itinerary was in effect as it will be on Monday as well. I can only say that the whole day was excruciatingly boring. so much so that no details are necessary.

My only concern for the day was the removal of the hideous bongo drums sound effect that accompanies the GDM log-in screen upon booting up Ubuntu. I used the gconf-editor to change one specific parameter key as prescribed in the Ubuntu Forums. Nada. Tonight, I applied another suggested remedy. I entered the following using the command line:
sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds --type bool false
If the preceding does not work, then I will delete the sound files.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Zero Point

"The indifference to the plight of others and the supreme elevation of the self is what the corporate state seeks to instill in us. It uses fear, as well as hedonism, to thwart human compassion." -- Chris Hedges
Yet another visit to Hawai'i Kai went as planned. Moms and I made a quick jaunt in my Nissan® Frontier truck to the nursery owned by Slob Manor's landlord. Moms ended up purchasing a large palm tree and another plant. The landlord gave moms the "kama'aina rate." Moms served chicken curry stew, fresh ahi sashimi, fresh vegetables, and rice for lunch. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert.

By the way, my Nissan® Frontier truck was once again vandalized. I had been parking further down the side street near a street corner, but well out of view of the homeowner whom I suspect is the vandal. I was really perturbed, vowing to seek revenge. Later on, I didn't care one way or the other. The fools will eventually get their just reward. Look at what happened to the asswipes at the Diploma Mill who caused me grief.

And, last but not least, Chris Hedges has penned another superb article titled,"Zero Point of Systemic Collapse," which appeared on the Adbusters site. An excerpt:
The cultural belief that we can make things happen by thinking, by visualizing, by wanting them, by tapping into our inner strength or by understanding that we are truly exceptional is magical thinking. We can always make more money, meet new quotas, consume more products and advance our career if we have enough faith. This magical thinking, preached to us across the political spectrum by Oprah, sports celebrities, Hollywood, self-help gurus and Christian demagogues, is largely responsible for our economic and environmental collapse, since any Cassandra who saw it coming was dismissed as “negative.” This belief, which allows men and women to behave and act like little children, discredits legitimate concerns and anxieties. It exacerbates despair and passivity. It fosters a state of self-delusion. The purpose, structure and goals of the corporate state are never seriously questioned. To question, to engage in criticism of the corporate collective, is to be obstructive and negative. And it has perverted the way we view ourselves, our nation and the natural world. The new paradigm of power, coupled with its bizarre ideology of limitless progress and impossible happiness, has turned whole nations, including the United States, into monsters.
With zero legitimate readers of the "blog," there is no further need for me to comment.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lo & Behold

When the bus heading to town stopped for a traffic light by Mo'ili'ili Field this morning, I happened to look in the direction of the restrooms. Standing there was a babe in a nice dress with high heels. From what I could tell, baby looked mighty fine. The clincher, of course, is that baby was rummaging through one of the myriad shopping carts that were parked there. She was obviously one of the homeless, although she seemed to be getting ready to go to work.

Shopping carts full of stuff (i.e., the homeless mobile home) are appearing everywhere in Honolulu. I know that I am not imagining a proliferation of homeless people. The numbers appear to be going up. The buses have also been much more crowded. I altered my schedule over a year ago in order to avoid crowded buses. I assume that my anecdotal observations indicate some kind of trend. However, there has been no mention in the local "mainstream" news. All I keep hearing about is the so-called "recovery" that is allegedly in progress.

At the library, I commenced reading the book, "Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making," by David Rothkopf. I'm really not going to comment much on it because I've already decided to mummify the situation. The book is clearly a masterful work of deception in order to quell any public sense of conspiracy. Rothkopf dismisses the notion that the power elite (i.e., the moneychangers and powers-that-be) are anything other than a benign and often good-hearted bunch seeking social outlets with their own kind. Sure, they wheel-and-deal, but they are not out to take over the world. That's fine. However, when he discussed Chile from a full neo-liberal apologist viewpoint, I closed the book. Claiming that Chile embraced the Milton Friedman school of economics, Rothkopf blathers on about how quickly Chile advanced as a productive nation. However, he wondered why there were so many poor and destitute people in Chile amidst the beacon of success. At no time did he even mention the detestable criminal and empire puppet, Augusto Pinochet. Of course, one look at Rothkopf's background revealed that he once worked for Kissinger Associates, the founder of which is a notorious war criminal. End of story.

Last night, I discovered the reason for the audio distortion in Ubuntu on my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. When I first installed "Karmic Koala," I as taken aback by the loud idiotic bongo drumssound effect that accompanies the GDM log-in screen. There is no way to stop the bongo drums sound, as opposed to the obscure disable option that was available in "Hardy Heron." In addition, the sound effect is not managed by the software volume control. Only the subsequent log-in sound and the current desktop session are affected by Alsa and Pulse Audio. I had to turn down the audio level with the physical volume control on the front panel of my computer. Thus, I had to crank up the software volume control to hear anything. Hence, the distortion. Why so much distortion when the sound was barely audible? Because the front panel volume control was set halfway. If the volume control was set to maximum, I would hear loud and distorted audio. Sheesh! Strangely enough, all of the other problems (see "blog" of January 18th) have vanished, with the sole exception of the SD® Card reader problem.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Can you say, "Furlough Day"? Need I say more? My Palm® TX was divested via the Goodwill drop at Kahala Mall. I will not be replacing the device. In fact, none of my useless possessions will be replaced (only with the possible exception of my computer).

I restored my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design prior to working out at the gym. I completed my workout an hour earlier than usual. I was famished, so I walked to Longs® to purchase something to eat. I ended up with a couple of Tiger's Milk® bars at a cost of 80 cents each.

I returned to the gym and hung out for a while. Out of curiosity, I weighed myself on the balance scale in the men's locker room. Whoa! I am down to 138 pounds. To say that I am emaciated would be an understatement. Holy mackerel!

The Tiger's Milk® bars filled me up temporarily because each bar is 240 calories. The reason? The first item under "Ingredients" was high fructose corn syrup. Fortunately, the bar was also saturated with vitamins and protein.

I have not had much of an appetite lately, and not because of any physiological problems. I just cannot seem to find anything worthy of eating. Look at all the crap that is available. Hardly any of it qualifies as food. I could resort to eating more fruits and vegetables, but I would have consume a huge quantity to equal modest caloric count.

The food shortage problems appears to be afflicting most of the masses. However, the latter group tends to eat whatever is available just to stave off hunger pains. "Whatever is available" is normally a variety of junk foods, high in fat and sugar, or made with bleached flour (which almost instantly turns to glucose upon consumption). I also discovered that white rice is just about as bad as white bread. So, in place of real food, most people simply consume empty calories.

As I have discussed previously in both the old journal and the "blog," most of the food options available to us are poisonous. My appetite is hardly piqued by the thought of ingesting poison. And, I am not too keen about eating huge quantities of granola daily because of the lack of alternatives.

On a side note, the Telegraph UK headline claimed, "Millionaire gives away fortune which made him miserable." Say what? Here's an excerpt:
However, for many years he [Karl Rabeder] said he was simply not "brave" enough to give up all the trappings of his comfortable existence.

The tipping point came while he was on a three-week holiday with his wife to islands of Hawaii.

"It was the biggest shock in my life, when I realised how horrible, soulless and without feeling the five star lifestyle is," he said. "In those three weeks, we spent all the money you could possibly spend. But in all that time, we had the feeling we hadn't met a single real person – that we were all just actors. The staff played the role of being friendly and the guests played the role of being important and nobody was real."
Frankly, isn't that the way life is everywhere, whether one has lots of dough or not?

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Left Behind

The library has outlived its usefulness. No, I am not making an obtuse reference to "furlough days." What I mean is that the books in the library represent the sum of human knowledge, and human knowledge is really just a function of the flawed construct of human civilization. I am seeking universal truths, not blather. I came to the latter realization while I was reading Jim Marrs' book, "Above Top Secret: Uncover the Mysteries of the Digital Age." Heck, there's a lot of crap that we humans know absolutely nothing about. And, frankly, I am beginning to wonder whether some of those "crackpot" ideas may have some merit. After all, if something does not pass the "litmus test" against accumulated, albeit flawed, human knowledge, then it is considered "crackpot." However, that has nothing to do with the truth. Incidentally, Marrs' book is based on the Above Top Secret site.

The idea of returning to wage slavery still seems deplorable to me. Unfortunately, because of Ben "Handjob" Bernanke's zero percent interest rate policy (ZIRP), I am going through my savings a lot faster than expected. I have calculated that I can earn close to $20,000 per year and not pay any income taxes (except for Social Security and Medicare deductions). The real problem, of course, is wage slavery itself. At this exact moment, I cannot even imagine myself shackled in wage slavery. I would rather use every dime of my savings and end up homeless first.

My experience in wage slavery was not optimal. I had attempted to maintain a low profile and remain "under the radar." However, I had to deal with a number of sociopaths and psychopaths who wanted to bring me down along with them. I left the scene with a bad taste in my mouth. The sad part is that I need some kind of income while I am still tethered to the dreadful "condotel" unit. It alone is draining me financially. As a result, I am malnourished and living on the edge.

With moms now turning 88 years of age, there are other considerations that need to be addressed. Anything could happen at this point in time, and the options are not very good. I am certain the moms' longevity is due to a healthy diet. Moms' belief in passing through Armageddon, thanks to ridiculous church doctrines, is also a factor. Moms, like all of the other members of the cult, have placed great faith in a faulty interpretation of mythical beliefs.

There are only a handful of years left before I have to make major decisions about my future path. Moms is essentially the only family that I have left. So, once moms is gone, I am on my own. I have my bro and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins, but I have already severed my ties with all of them. There's no turning back. That's essentially why I have been going through the "disconnect." I don't want any unfinished business lingering on.

The whole purpose of the "blog" was to document the steps that I would be taking in the future, hence the subtitle, "The Exodus Files." Instead, I have been procrastinating. Time obviously waits for no one. Thus, if I keep fooling around, then I will be left behind.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Disconnection Ad Nauseam

"Good news is coming your way - It will be here any day." -- Panda Express® fortune cookie
Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well, with lunch courtesy Panda Express®. Later moms served pumpkin pie with Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert. I was completely stuffed. Moms turns 88 years of age this month, if you can believe it. Fortunately, moms has been blessed with good health so far.

I terminated my Hawai'ian Air (i.e., Hawai'ian Miles frequent flyer) account. I only mention the benign fact because I had to contact the Call Center in order to accomplish the task. I had no use for the account since my accumulated miles somehow disappeared. I have tried to eliminate my AOL® Instant Messenger (AIM) account, but there's just no way to do so on-line. From what I am to understand, I must submit a written request. In the interim, I have removed all references to AIM.

While social networking is now the big craze, I have moved in the opposite direction. I want nothing to do with social networking sites or any kind of social networking wizardry. I am "disconnecting," as it were. The reality of the situation is that I do not "fit in" with society in general. I am an outsider, an outcast. My motivation is not rooted in an overt contrarian doctrine per se. I simply do not "fit in."

On a side note, I discovered that the audio quality in Ubuntu Linux "Karmic Koala" leaves a lot to be desired. While the sound level is much more audible than in "Hardy Heron," the sound itself is distorted. Is the problem originating with Alsa or Pulse Audio? Who knows?

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Voice in the Wind

I was amazed to see how few people were out and about this afternoon, obviously thanks to the Superbowl®. Even the hottie gym trainer departed the gym earlier than usual. Thus, I enjoyed a leisurely day. I even stopped off at Kahala Mall rather than return directly to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I sat on one of the concrete benches in front of the desolate office building next to the mall and ate my bento that I purchased at Foodland in Ala Moana Center. And, I spent a little time at Barnes & Noble®.

Back at Slob Manor, I cleared all of the on-board memory in my Palm® TX and boxed it up. The useless device is now ready for divestiture. I also shredded several years of archived tax paperwork because I was tired of storing the crap. Hopefully, I will find the incentive to expeditiously divest more useless crap.

Later, I pondered the complete removal of the old journal that is hosted on the Tripod site. I also considered the consolidation of the myriad HTML files into large image-free ones as an alternative. Alas, that's just too much work for the ol' lavahead. I once thought that the journal would always be valuable to me. Now, I don't even care if it just disappeared. I won't ever read it again. The "blog" is equally useless, but I continue to add to it daily for no particular reason.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hegemon Redux

My entire upper body has been aching for over a week now. I am having a difficult time in facilitating my modest weight workouts at the gym. Old age is beginning to take its toll. I have pledged to soldier on regardless of the pain.

I am still in shock over Rob's demise over two years ago. According to Joanne, the only reason that any of us know about what happened is because James ran into Internet Jon about a year ago. Even Rob's funeral was not publicized. Only immediate family were invited. Rob apparently passed on in solitude, asphyxiated by his own phlegm due to pneumonia. What a sad way to go. I surmise that he lost the will to live a long time ago.

I have also solved the SD® Card problem with Ubuntu "Karmic Koala" (see "blog" of January 22nd). I had to check the option to "Never prompt or start programs on media insertion" in the Gnome® Nautilus media preferences. Seems that, even though I uninstalled the default applications for certain types of media, the file manager attempts to poll for some application to open. Never a dull moment when the computer is involved.

I mentioned Iran yesterday because there has been a somber thought recurring in my ruminations as of late. I am beginning to suspect that the moneychangers and powers-that-be have started "pulling the strings" on the empire's leaders to provoke large regional conflagrations in Central Asia (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran), North Africa (Somalia and Yemen), the Middle East (Palestine and Lebanon), and Asia (North Korea and Taiwan). The plan appears to be one which will ignite a non-nuclear world war which will eventually involve both China and Russia by proxy. The most recent events (including the sale of arms to Taiwan, the new sanctions imposed on Iran, and the placement of anti-missile shields in the Middle East) are clearly pointing in that direction.

What we can assume is that the global economic crisis is probably out of control and on the verge of being non-containable. With an imminent collapse of Western civilization as we know it, there can be only one remedial recourse: world war. The latter option is the "last resort" to redistribute wealth by force.

Although I have previously thought of wars as a crude form of eugenics, the real purpose is always a matter of realigning power and wealth. The war plan must be carefully implemented because the "nuclear option" must be avoided at all cost. That is why Pakistan is being diverted into the "war on terror" scheme. That keeps Pakistan at bay from India, its archenemy. All of the targets are non-nuclear powers (except Pakistan). Thus, as long as there is no direct threat to either China or Russia, there will be no nuclear war.

Is the problem directly related to energy resources (i.e., Peak Oil)? I am sure that hegemony over energy resources is a major consideration. However, the contagion of economic collapse appears to have taken precedence. There seems to be a kind of urgency in the air. Is the situation really out of control? You be the judge.

Update: The SD® Card reader is once again not functioning with Ubuntu "Karmic Koala." Looks like my Palm® TX is on its way out. I no longer have any use for it since I cannot transfer files to it through the SD® Card. What a joke!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Even More Computer Woes

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai was augmented by a fine lunch. Moms served Keoki's® Pork Laulau, fresh ahi sashimi, homemade potato salad, fresh vegetables, and rice. I was completely stuffed, but I could not resist Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert. Incidentally, I should mention that anyone preparing Keoki's® Laulau in a microwave oven should remove the Ti leaf wrapping first. Otherwise, the laulau will retain a horrid taste.

I neglected to mention that I happened to peruse a large picture book of Iran at the library earlier this week. I was, of course, amazed at my own ignorance when I discovered that Iran looked nothing like I imagined. Naturally, my imagination is the result of the brainwashing by the so-called "mainstream media." My short friendship with the former friend (i.e., Persian hottie) also piqued my interest in Iran. And, now that Iran is back in the cross-hairs of the powers-that-be, I am more inclined to revisit my curiosity.

Later, I observed that Ubuntu "Karmic Koala" was aggressively parking my hard drive heads again, this time every two or three seconds. Remember when I had the same problem with "Hardy Heron"? After some research, I discovered the possible fix:
Set "ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE=true" in /etc/default/acpi-support
So far, the problem appears to be solved. How much more of my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer hard drive's lifetime have I compromised?

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Ad Hominem (Reprise)

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-day, another ride on the bus. Reggie, the questionable derelict, was on the bus this morning. He sat on the long bench seat way in the back of the bus. I joined him there. He elicited a variety of choking sounds and "old man" noises until he alighted at Kahala Mall. I almost burst out laughing. Why was he making "old man" noises? The clown is only in his mid-thirties, for goodness sakes.

I ran into Joanne, a former Asylum faculty member, again at the bus stop next to Foodland on Beretania Street. I had alighted there to purchase a cup of coffee. I ended up chatting with Joanne on the next bus to town. She gave me an update about Wayne, Judith, and James, also former Asylum faculty. I asked her if she had heard from Rob, the former IT guy at the Asylum. Sad news. Rob passed on about two years ago. I knew that Rob required several prescription medication. Just before he lost his health benefits, he purchased a large stock of medication. I seriously doubt that he had enough of a stockpile to last two years. So, I assumed that Rob's demise was somehow related to an inability to secure his medication. However, according to Joanne, he had succumbed to pneumonia. I spent much of the day thinking about Rob. He was but a handful of years older than I am. Although Rob was a strange guy, he was a good man. He lived a modest and humble life. And, he was a computer nerd.

I was able to complete the urban nomad itinerary, unlike yesterday. Believe or not, there's another "furlough day" at the library next week. Why not just have a "furlough week" already? After my workout at the gym, I ran into Glenn (not to be confused with Pseudo-professor Glenn) at the bus stop. As you may recall, Glenn was a former student at the Asylum. He now works at the Diploma Mill and is taking classes there as well. He mentioned a multitude of changes that have been implemented at the Diploma Mill. Many of the losers whom I had to deal with during my last days are gone. Linda, the fat-ass Vice President of Human Resources is gone (i.e., asked to resign). Les, the fat-ass Vice President of Academic Affairs has been moved to a "pre-retirement" position (i.e., a place to just sit and collect a paycheck). Maybe there is something called "karma," eh? Glenn mentioned many other personnel changes which he clarified as "cleaning up." He urged me to think about returning to the dump.

A few weeks ago, I ran into a guy who used to ride the express bus to Hawai'i Kai along with me and Mark. He also works for the Diploma Mill. He briefly mentioned a variety of changes including the consolidation of many departments into just five remaining ones. He also urged me to consider a return to the dump. Can you imagine my triumphant return to the Diploma Mill? The bus heading back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was crowded. An older Asian babe, whom I have seen many times on the bus over the years, sat next to me on the big bench seat at the rear. A few minutes later, she initiated a conversation. So, I chatted with her for the duration of the ride. Her name is Kathy. She lives with her parents just a couple of blocks away from moms' part of the 'hood. She also has a twenty-year-old son. I surmised that she's in her forties. I also silently recollected that Kathy had platinum blond hair for a while. She's been unemployed for over a year, and is now going through job training. I told her that I have been on a long vacation myself. Anyway, that was quite an interesting day of socializing considering that I am a hermit.

Well, Apple® has been in the news again, but I really don't care. I have had little regard for Apple® products ever since the dreadful incident at the Apple® Store in Kahala Mall (see "blog" of September 24, 2007). Oddly, I was once an iBook owner, and I even went through the historic transition to OS X. The brand itself has become extremely elitist in the last few years. Sorry, no thanks. I'll stick with Linux.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Furlough Furor

After taking the roundabout way to town via Ala Moana Center, I discovered that the library was closed for another "furlough day." Mind you, "furlough day" is supposed to occur every other week. However, for some strange reason, there are two consecutive weeks of "furlough days." So, I was standing there at the entrance with my cup of ABC Store coffee in hand like a moron. To say that I was perturbed would be an understatement.

With nothing else to do, I decided to pay Mark a visit at the law library. Just as I passed through a metal detector at the entrance, I ran into Mark in the hallway. He gave me a brief tour of the library and also showed me his office.

I rode the bus back to Ala Moana Center at 11am. I purchased yet another cup of coffee from the ABC Store. Then, I sat outside on one of the benches in the area that the homeless usually loiter. I ate my pathetic lunch and sipped my coffee. No doubt, I was looked upon as a homeless guy by the people who walked by. Who cares?

I rode the bus back to town. After performing my usual workout at the gym over an hour earlier than usual, I checked my mail at the Post Office before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on an extremely crowded bus.

I received all of my tax documentation, so I can finally begin the malignant task of filing my tax returns. I am expecting to owe nothing this year. And, I was able to complete the net worth balance sheet (not available) as well. I decided to leave the depreciation of my Nissan® Frontier truck in the analysis. On paper, my situation looks relatively unchanged from last year. Quite amusing.

I happened to stop by my local bank to check on CD interest rates. The interest rate for three-month CDs was about three times higher than my current money market fund rate. I am not going to transfer the money to my local bank, however. That's a lot of trouble to earn $3 per month as opposed to $1 per month in interest.

The annual meeting for "condotel" owners took place this evening. Obviously, I did not attend the ceremony. If I had been present, I probably would not have been able to contain myself from expressing extremely negative opinions about the current negative equity, negative income situation. Sheesh!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Rainy Day Tidbits

I ran into Joanne, a former Asylum faculty member, at the bus stop on Beretania Street next to Foodland this morning. She's currently working at Remington College, along with Mike and Ryan (both former Asylum people as well). Ryan apparently got a divorce from his wife and returned from the mainland. Joanne urged me to apply for a position there. Had I not stopped off to purchase a cup of coffee, I would not have run into her.

By the time I arrived in town, a downpour was ensuing. The library was packed with people, a good percentage of which were the homeless and the a few fringe derelicts. Naturally, I am always lumped in with the former group. The rain continued for several hours. When it finally stopped, I made my way to the gym. Later, when I exited the gym, I noticed that the sky had cleared up considerably. Sadly, I had to return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

Speaking of derelicts, I neglected to mention that Reggie, the questionable derelict, boarded the same bus that I was riding a few days ago. I had not seen him around for several weeks. He's apparently still mesmerized by the same benign routine, somewhat similar to the urban nomad itinerary.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Edge of Poverty

My life savings only earned $87 last month, of which my paltry $29,000 IRA bond fund earned $86 of that total. The other $420,000 earned approximately one dollar. What does that mean? Well, just like anyone else who has money saved in non-equity accounts, I am essentially loaning money for free. Yes, that's what I said. The banks, however, are still charging between five percent and 30 percent interest per annum for loans and credit cards. What does that tell you?

My visit with moms in Hawai'i Kai followed the usual routine, with lunch courtesy Panda Express® My Panda Express® fortune cookie yielded nothing worthy of mention. The only interesting event was the pruchase of a new toothbrush at Longs®. My old one was moldy.