Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Post No. 1,431

In an abrupt change of itinerary, I made another visit to Hawai'i Kai just a day after the last visit. The reason? Friday will be yet another holiday. Moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's. Later, moms served cinnamon rolls and Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert.

The gale force winds returned about a week ago. The past three days have seen the gustiest winds so far, most likely averaging about 30 mph. Dust, volcanic ash, and large particles of dirt have been swirling around in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I must use my humble dustpan and brush every 15 minutes or so in order to collect the debris on the floor.

Still no legitimate readers visiting the "blog." On a curious note, I have identified the five most active babe images that attract people to the "blog." Anyway, I am thankful because I have nothing to discuss.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Zombie Zeitgeist

All of my research at the library has left me in a state of utter confusion. However, I do not regret that I was allowed the freedom to conduct the research. Had I still been locked in wage slavery, I would have been distracted by "noise." Hence, I would have lived out my life as a typical empire zombie, chasing elusive dreams only to end up disappointed. Unfortunately, at this advanced age, I have very little "wiggle room" available. So, I must be careful to not repeat the same moronic mistakes.

I really cannot articulate the extent of my frustration in knowing that only 5,000 years of knowledge is all that we have about our own pitiful existence. And, the further in time we go back, the more fragmented that knowledge becomes. Even worse is that we have to rely on "acceptable" science and "acceptable" religion to provide us with canned answers. Our only real hope was the ancient library at Alexandria, but that was destroyed long ago. As I am gradually discovering, almost all traces of our true legacy has been intentionally erased, edited, or redacted beyond recognition.

What is truly frustrating is that most people wholeheartedly accept the "textbook" version of history. No questions asked. Anything else would be considered mythical or conspiracy theories. Frankly, when one breaks out of the mental prison, all possibilities are viable. That's why Atlantis became such a curiosity to me.

I am currently reviewing Charles Hapgood's Earth Crust Displacement (ECD) Theory, one that has been brutally maligned by "acceptable" science. ECD attempts to explain the sudden global apocalypses that plagued the earth thousands of years ago. The events were quite sudden, which is why the "textbook" answer given by "acceptable" science makes no sense. I am inclined to agree with Hapgood that an abrupt shift in pole locations happened almost instantly. In turn, the earth experienced geological and climatic trauma which affected all life on the planet.

With little else to discuss, that was my capsule summary of my on-going research. All the while, I grow more destitute. Money is rapidly disappearing. So, what am I getting out of this? Peace of mind, my friends. I need to know the truth above all else. Everything else is a farce.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Baseless Beliefs

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai was punctuated by lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served cinnamon rolls for dessert. Earlier in the morning, I had engaged in the usual pumice stone activity. I even contemplated whether I should apply the pumice stone to the face of stone. Could I grind down the aberrations which give the ol' lavahead a distinct similarity to General Noriega?

I continue to reread different chapters of the book, "The Atlantis Blueprint," by Wilson and Flem-Ath. As I mentioned, the book is now like a "bible" to me. No, I am not attempting to be blasphemous. There's just too much information, much of which has led me in other directions of research. Clearly, though, there is a good case for a prehistoric advanced civilization. However, such a thesis is ignored by "acceptable" science.

Both "acceptable" science and academia are infested with egotistical maniacs who serve as the "gatekeepers" of knowledge. There is a "pecking order," and the few at the top will do anything to protect their interests. Thus, research must fall in line with what has been published by the "gatekeepers." Any ideas which threaten the status quo are quickly squelched.

Once can easily imagine the ramifications of the existence of a prehistoric advanced civilization. An entire paradigm of prehistoric man must be rewritten. The theory of evolution must be revamped. The religious dogma of Judaism, Christianity, Paulinity, and Islam will be discredited completely. The foundations of modern society would essentially crumble. The superiority of "modern" humans would be in question. When that happens, every institution that we have come to know and love will be baseless. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Well, instead of doing anything productive last night, I decided to catalog my entire hurdy-gurdy DVD library. Obviously, the catalog is nothing fancy. In fact, it's not even coded as a Web page. Sheesh!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Natural Order of Things

Last night, I finally moved my Nissan® Frontier truck back into the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) driveway at 11:15pm. The less time the truck spends parked on the side street, the less likely that it would be subject to vandalism.

In continuing my discourse on the farce called "civilization," I must now append the construct that humans have a natural propensity for killing and maiming one another. In fact, humans just seem intent on mischief altogether. The formation of "civilization" was the vehicle by which the ruling elite could exact control over the masses of peons. The only "accepted" violence was (and still is) war sanctioned by the state apparatus (i.e., the ruling elite). Actually, "civilization" was probably concocted to protect the ruling elite from the savagery of its own subjects.

In my daily observations, I have been privy to witness human fallibility firsthand. Following simple rules of courtesy and etiquette is far beyond human grasp, even though there is some level of training during childhood. Remaining within the rules of law imposed by society is another serious test of human will. Humans simply cannot adopt ethical or moral stricture because it is an imposition upon "free will." Of course, with the advent of religion, certain acts of "free will" begot "sin."

In the Neolithic era, violence (i.e., killing and maiming) was common amongst humans. We like to call them "Stone Age" humans or "Neanderthals" in order to separate them from modern "civilized" humans. Unfortunately, semantics cannot hide the truth. Every single one of us has been brought to the point of homicide at one time or another. A tremendous amount of mental energy must be exerted to quell the homicidal rage, which is an unnatural act in itself.

Any ideal "civilized" society should not require police and paramilitary forces to enforce laws within it. If humans could actually live by such laws, then human society would be self-policing beginning with the individual. However, that is not the case. Human acts of "evil" do not exist. Killing and maiming are a natural part of human existence ... the natural order of things.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Waste of Time

The landlord scheduled some kind of party for senior citizens this evening, so all of us at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) had to move our vehicles out of the driveway. After another urban nomad kind-of-a-day, I returned to the dump and waited until the last minute to comply.

I departed for Kahala Mall in my Nissan® Frontier truck at 5:45pm. Fortunately, I was not privy to any vandalism. I meandered around the mall briefly. Then, I spent about an hour or so at Barnes & Noble®. Believe me, the mall experience becomes more tedious with each visit. The myriad shoppers were having a great time, though. I was the only person who did not belong there.

On the way back to Slob Manor, I stopped off at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center. All I can say is that I did not spend any money this evening. I was back at the dump by 8:30pm. However, I had to park my truck out on the street. Overall, a total waste of time.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Prince Kuhio Day 2010

I rounded out the week with another visit to Hawai'i Kai. My bro and his wife had gone to work, even though today is a holiday. Moms served lamp-baked chicken, ahi sashimi, broiled salmon steak, fresh vegetables, and rice for lunch. For dessert, moms served Foremost® coffee and vanilla ice cream.

Earlier, while I waited for moms to finish her chores, I performed the pumice stone ritual upon the soles of my feet. I have also extended the functionality of the pumice stone by using it to grind down two corns on my toes. I also squeezed off a hideous facial wart (or skin tag) on my nose. I have seen too many old guys who have let themselves go. I have only a few more "good" years left, so I will at least make an attempt to look presentable.

I was able to have the ridiculous "safety" check performed on my Nissan® Frontier truck this afternoon while I worked out at the gym. That's another $15 wasted. Lord, have mercy!

My left ear has almost returned to normal. I have about 75 percent of my hearing back. My ear went deaf sometime while I was asleep last night. A quick tug on the ear lobe restored my hearing. There were no extended periods of deafness. Sadly, the tinnitus has worsened. Yet, I am simply thankful that I did not require any expensive medical treatment.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stonehead Thursday

I must revise the previous diagnosis of my troublesome ear. This morning, I discovered that I could regain my hearing my tugging on my outer ear. I could also invoke deafness by reversing the direction. Thus, I now believe that the problem is a swollen auditory canal. I also remember that I was grinding my little finger into my ear to alleviate an itch the very evening that I suffered the hearing loss. A few weeks ago, I had the same problem. And, I believe that the cause was identical. My fingernail must have caused some kind of abrasion to the sensitive auditory canal. I had also been cleaning my ears in the shower every day in the same manner. I am now realizing the folly of my error. Only clean the outer portion of the ear. The inner ear should be cleaned with something like CVS® ear drops. Only a small rubber squeeze bulb filled with warm water should be used to rinse the inner ear.

In my prior abridged discussion about the farce known as "civilization," I neglected to mention the influence of Hermetic, Platonic, and Pythagorean beliefs. As far as I can tell, modern interpretations of philosophy replace an external deity with an internal one. Deities, for the most part, are created in the image of humans. Rather than making deities obsolete, we can refine the paradigm by incorporating the idea of collective souls. As humans essentially become their own god (or part of the collective consciousness of that god), they can exercise free moral agency. Obviously, the experiment was a failure.

Incidentally, my personal life has degenerated to one of absolute last-minute non-productivity. I have done nothing except to read books in the library and workout at the gym. I have yet to fill out my tax returns. The real estate listing for the "condotel" unit most likely expired over a month ago. I have done nothing about it. The ridiculous "safety" check for my Nissan® truck is due. My useless possession need to be divested. And, I am over a month overdue for a dental checkup. So, what am I doing about it? Absolutely nothing. Am I waiting for my savior to appear?

Sometimes I wish that I was naïve and gullible enough to have bought into the sham of religion. I was definitely heading in that direction just prior to invoking the now infamous religious research which spanned several months. Just imagine that I could be walking around with an arrogant smirk right now, knowing that I will be unconditionally "saved" and that forgiveness is just a confession away. Believing that I would eventually be resurrected, I could do as I please. No worries. Oh, to be stupid and foolish!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bolo Head Bonanza

I attempted another ear wax flush this morning, only to be disappointed by the result. Needless to say, my left ear had gone deaf again while I was sleeping. The ear wax flush produced no signs of ear wax. Thus, my ear has no wax, and I wasted $5 and some change. I could have purchased a 25-pack of blank DVD-ROMs for that price and augmented my vast hurdy-gurdy DVD library. Sheesh!

As for my poor ear, I believe that the auditory canal itself may be swollen, or I may have a slightly infected Eustachian tube. I suspect the latter more so because I have had an itchy throat for a few days now. I have also had a slight case of the runny nose. So, the root of the problem may be partially due to hayfever-like symptoms and a reaction to the all-pervasive vog. I have no choice but to wait out the problem for a couple more days. Then, if the symptoms persist, I will have to seek out one of those costly walk-in clinics.

My routine? Same ol' shit, with the exception that I restored my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. I actually opted for an even shorter version of my usual monk haircut. Alas, I must confess that I had originally desired the Extreme Butch (read: bolo head) haircut. Unfortunately, I changed my mind at the last moment because I equated the latter haircut with the typical asswipe. I've seen too many punks with "skinhead" haircuts. Of course, when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had to shave down the imperfections of the haircut with my cheap Remington® electric razor.

From what I can tell, I have about four more years before I must leave the empire. Yes, the exodus does seem to have a timetable, one that has been spurred on by the blasphemous healthcare "reform." The real truth about the so-called "reform" was summarized in a fact sheet compiled by the FireDogLake healthcare team. We are seeing a trend in which the empire's ruling elite will be dictating mandates upon the masses (with significant penalties for non-compliance). What's next? How about tube "reform"? The empire's ruling elite will force the masses to purchase huge widescreen LCD tubes with mandatory cable or satellite feeds. Failure to do so will incur a monthly penalty of a set percentage of the wage slave's income to be collected by the IRS. Before laughing out loud, the reader must realize that the tube is the sole source of complete disinformation.

The empire, the world ... they're all a mess. However, let me assure everyone that Jesus is not coming back. And, God (of Judaism, Christianity, Paulinity, and Islam) is not going to invoke Armageddon or the fiery Gehenna. There's no resurrection. There's no reincarnation. Nobody is going to the seventh flat level of Heaven from the flat earth. No matter how many times one quotes from the "Holy" books, nothing will change. There are no demons running amuck and possessing people. The proliferation of "evil" is simply a human trait gone awry. Until the masses come to their senses and dump their prayer books, the shit will continue to hit the proverbial fan.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When Stoneheads Crack

My left ear went deaf at about midnight last night. My hearing wasn't restored until about 11am this morning while I was at the library. Even then, I only recovered about 75 percent of my hearing. Because of the crisis, I had made a detour to Ala Moana Center earlier. I stopped by Longs® to purchase a $5 bottle of CVS® ear wax remover. I was not planning on purchasing a cup of coffee, but I easily gave in to temptation.

After another typical urban nomad kind-of-a-day, I found myself back in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) with the tiny bottle of CVS® ear drops secreting the magic elixir into my left ear. After a few minutes, my left ear was deaf again. I was somewhat chagrined. However, I was able to hear again after I burped about 20 minutes later. There was a pop in my left ear, and everything was back to normal (including my chronic tinnitus). Nothing was expelled from the ear, so I am certain that the problem is far from solved. I will repeat the treatment tomorrow.

I have just about completed Wilson and Flem-Ath's book, "The Atlantis Blueprint." As I mentioned previously, the book will now serve as a replacement for the defunct Good Book. The bibliography alone is enough to keep me saddled in research for a long time. I've already diverted my resources to begin the intellectual journey. Ironically, I have initially discovered that I am going to be returning to many issues of religion again. As I am realizing, almost all of human history is steeped in religious beliefs of one kind or another. And, the further back in time, the more predominant religion becomes.

When I use the term "religion," I am including all forms of religious mumbo-jumbo. The latter spans from the various deities to the occult to even loosely include extraterrestrial intervention. There is simply no evident period of time when humans did not incorporate such beliefs in their societal framework. Hence, the foundations (e.g., laws, ethics, morality) of so-called "civilization" must also be rooted in religion.

The real clash of civilizations occurred when the philosophy of materialism (forerunner of the "ownership society") was introduced into the equation. The tenets of religion are diametrically opposed to materialism. That's the basis of the "flesh versus spirit" argument. The fact that so much value was placed upon the tangible "material" eventually made the act of covetousness an overriding preoccupation. The need to amass tangible "material" at any cost is simply the result of an aversion to mortality. It is a way of appeasing the deities in order to petition them for immortality.

I have also discovered that there is only one true universal language: mathematics. By "universal," I mean that the language comprised of abstract quantitative symbols is applicable across the entire universe. The language that we humans use to communicate, on the other hand, is purely emotive. I am not saying that our languages are useless. Previously, I have stated that our individual intelligence is based upon our command of a language that has an adequate vocabulary to articulate virtually any qualitative thought, construct, or feeling. That, I believe, is the only difference between so-called "homo sapiens" and all alleged antecedent species of humans.

Well, I am getting ahead of myself again. No doubt, there will be much to discuss during my next intellectual journey. I will simply be abridging my thoughts in the "blog" because, according to the Feedjit® Live Feed, there has been no legitimate readers in several months. Naturally, who would want to read this garbage?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ear Wax

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

I have been losing my hearing in my left ear intermittently for the past two days. I suspect that there is a huge ball of wax obstructing the auditory canal. The wax problem could also have been exacerbated by the constant use of ear plugs. I wear the ear plugs between 3 to 8 hours almost every night in order to attenuate the ambient noise at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) while I sleep.

I did not spend much time ruminating about anything. I pretty much have the rest of my life to engage in deep thought. So, my mind took a brief vacation.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

12 Kumk'u 12 Ix

( Each day is more banal than the last. Soon, banality will fade into obscurity. The final segue is, of course, oblivion. Frankly, I have no idea where oblivion is.

A typical Sunday has transpired, leaving me with nothing novel to discuss. The nice old guy gave me the Sunday newspaper again while I sat and sipped my cup of coffee in the Makai Market at Ala Moana Center. Then, I caught a glimpse of the hottie gym trainer when I first entered the gym. To my surprise, baby spent about 15 minutes in the weight room with her client. Naturally, baby was looking mighty fine.

Yeah, same ol' shit. I have been extremely tired for the past two days because I have been up past midnight on the associated nights reading the book, "The Atlantis Blueprint," by Wilson and Flem-Ath. I can safely say that the book now serves as a replacement for the defunct Good Book. Well, not quite the equivalent, but it serves my purpose. The latest tidbit of interest is a novel conundrum that would occur if human civilization did indeed surpass recorded history by thousands of years. All of the prehistoric (i.e., evolution-based) humans would not be grunting baboon-like morons. "Cro-Magnon" and "Neanderthal" species would be just like us. That's exactly what I would expect since I ain't buyin' the "descended from apes" fable.

I am also doing some adjunct research concerning the Mayan calendars. No, I do not subscribe to the myriad 2012 apocalyptic scenarios. There's a reason why the Mayan Long Count ends (i.e.,, but it has nothing to do with the end of the world. If the long-awaited geomagnetic pole reversal coincidentally occurs in 2012, then we may see action. Sheesh!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Still No Answers

Well, the "blog" and I are both rapidly approaching the point of irrelevance. My mission on the planet, whatever that was, is pretty much done. There is little left for me to do aside from the business of the exodus. I'm really not even in the mood for the exodus. Heck, where am I going to exodus to?

The nagging questions about human existence will never be answered. I am pretty certain that we have been through at least one iteration of advanced civilization prior to recorded history. All traces of such a civilization are gone. What wasn't destroyed during the global cataclysm was subsequently destroyed by humans themselves. I am almost at the threshold of violence when I consider that religion has played a significant role in destroying our legacy. Christianity (i.e., Paulinity) was probably the worst perpetrator. In second place, of course, are the various heinous demagogues who conquered and destroyed other societies for fun. All of the fools are long gone, obviously along with our legacy.

I am continuing to read the book, "The Atlantis Blueprint," by Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath in the comfort (term used loosely) of my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). All I can say is that it is a very captivating book. Incidentally, the Flem-Ath site has been severely hacked. It is now considered an "attack site" for malicious software. I perused it anyway because Linux is immune to such nonsense. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mind Lock

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai followed the usual routine. Moms and I ate lunch at Yummy's. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Moms mentioned that one of the neighbors passed on a few days ago. The funeral is scheduled for next week. I will not be attending. Most of the people in the 'hood are the original tenants when the subdivision was first constructed. Thus, there are a lot of senior citizens in the area, many of them quite fragile.

I went through the motions of a "normal" person for the rest of the day. However, my mind has been locked on Atlantis and the antediluvian world. I have been listening to Deep House Cat's "Tiger Claw Mix" CD on and off all day in my vandalized Nissan® Frontier truck. I also downloaded (again) the MP3 file onto my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I have been using Gnome® Mplayer to listen to it. Perfect background for pondering the implications of Atlantis. Let's leave it at that.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Freedom, Where Art Thou?

Another day at the library found the ol' lavahead completing the book by David Zink titled, "The Stones of Atlantis." I was quite captivated by the book even though Zink had utilized the services of "sensitives" (i.e., psychics) to aid in his research. The "sensitives" indicated that their readings pointed to some kind of benevolent extraterrestrial intervention from the direction of the Pleiades star cluster many millennia ago. Obviously, the latter is quite different from David Icke's shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials (SSREs). I will not comment about the testimony of the "sensitives" because it would be too easy to take out of context. All I can say is that Zink's book should be read in its entirety.

The Atlantis research is beginning to take its toll on my psyche. For the most part, I have accepted the idea of an advanced civilization which existed before recorded history. For the time being, I am accepting only one previous iteration of such a civilization. There is, of course, the probability that there were more than one iteration, each succumbing to some kind of cataclysm. For the time being, one will do fine. I am burdened by the realization that "acceptable science" and "acceptable religion" have been installed as the "gatekeepers" of knowledge. In addition, both institutions have enabled the enslavement and control of the masses.

It really comes as no surprise to me that my last two years of library research in various topic areas has finally converged on Atlantis. Frankly, I am not just looking at Atlantis. The "big picture" is moving backwards in time to trace the origin of humans. In effect, I am attempting to form my own thesis about our purpose for being.

I am not a believer of "spontaneous generation" and the theory of evolution. I have made that clear numerous times. Life is an organic (i.e., animate) structure that is composed of matter (i.e., the inanimate). What separates life from matter itself is the lifeforce or "soul" that is unique to each lifeform. A cell, if spontaneously generated, has no idea what to next. It cannot replicate without DNA, and it certainly cannot will itself to create DNA if it does not know what DNA is. That, of course, is the same problem with the theory of evolution. A lifeform cannot "evolve" something that it has no idea about. If it can't see, it has no idea what it is not seeing. Therefore, it has no way of determining how to optimally design an organ that can enable vision.

Humans are obviously a failure of evolution. As advanced as we claim to be, we should have "evolved" with built-in clothes and shoes. Additionally, we should have been given more options for travel aside from walking and running. Although we come equipped with a rather sophisticated brain, that should not have precluded other "superior" attributes. Why do we seem to have hair in the locations that the chimp is seemingly devoid of fur? Why do we need to trim our hair, fingernails, and toenails?

I have commenced reading, "The Atlantis Blueprint," by Wilson and Flem-Ath. The authors have specifically chosen not to delve into the extraterrestrial arena or to include any information derived from "channeling." Although I am open to new ideas at this point in time, I welcomed the authors' exclusions.

In any case, I have moved from an existential crisis to a metaphysical crisis. I am not sure which of the two is worse. The only sad part is that answers are less forthcoming. And, I am even less inclined to participate in the charade we call "society." I don't want to live the rest of my life chained to both ignorance and slavery. I don't want to be a "tool" of the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Freedom, where art thou?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One-Man Spending Spree Redux

Well, Dennis Kucinich did eventually sell out and vote for the ridiculous healthcare reform bill. Now, 50 million "Americans" including the ol' lavahead will be forced to purchase substandard health insurance or face a stiff penalty. A great way to start off a shitty day indeed. Nice going, Dennis!

I was on my way to Kahala Mall at 7:45am this morning. I had reservations about going, but did so anyway. And, no, this was not a "furlough day." I spent about two hours in the Barnes & Noble® Café sipping coffee and perusing Linux magazines. I have to admit that I have become extremely bored with Linux. Heck, it's only a computer operating system.

I departed for town on the bus at 11am. I resumed my research on Atlantis in the library. Then, I was off to the gym. I rode the bus back to Kahala Mall, retrieved my Nissan® Frontier truck, and drove to the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I had run out of rBGH-laced milk yesterday, so I had to stop off at Foodland Farms. In fact, that's the whole reason I decided to commence the day at Kahala Mall.

When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I noticed that someone had "keyed" the entire left side of the truck. There were deep scratches everywhere. I was somewhat upset, but there was nothing that I could do. The vandalism obviously occurred at Kahala Mall, so I drove back to the scene of the crime.

I reported the incident to the mall security patrol. Several security guards inspected the damage and assisted me in filing a report. Obviously, there's not much that will happen beyond the report. With that, I decided to go on a spending spree. I purchased the book, "The Atlantis Blueprint," by Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath for $17 at Barnes & Noble®. I then drove all the way to Kuapa Kai to eat dinner at the Panda Express® for $8 and some change. Why didn't I just patronize the Panda Express® in Kahala Mall? I don't really know. I finally returned to Slob Manor at 6:30pm feeling quite content. And, for dessert, I ate a fresh Apple Cobbler.

I am still somewhat perturbed by the events of the day, so I will limit my commentary on Atlantis. The big problem with the existence of any kind of advanced civilization prior to human recorded history is the discrediting of both "acceptable science" and "acceptable religion." All of the tenets of social order are based upon the latter and former institutions. Imagine what would happen if those tenets were debased.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits (Again)

Another day at the library found the ol' lavahead reading John Perkins' book, "Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded - and What We Need to Do to Remake Them." I only read the first part, "The Problem." The second part, "The Solution," would only have been a waste of time since none of it would be implemented by the powers-that-be.

I had procured a cup of coffee at the Foodland on Beretania Street earlier this morning. Upon arrival in town, I alighted the bus near the Capitol district. I strolled through the tree-studded grounds. There's nothing as breathtaking as the majestic banyan trees. There was an endless chatter of chirps from the myriad birds, but only two or three were visible. I stood in awe as I realized what Hawai'i must have been like when it was truly Paradise. Well, those days are long gone.

The class wars are beginning here in Honolulu. The Advertiser had a recent scathing editorial about the homeless titled, "Take Back Honolulu." The situation has become a powderkeg because tourists are now vocalizing their disdain for the homeless. Many are threatening to never return to Hawai'i. In the months to come, I expect to see increasing "sweeps" of the parks and possibly a few skirmishes. Tourism in Hawai'i is failing, and the homeless will be the scapegoats.

As we all know, I have been ranting about crappy food for a while now. The Guardian UK recently published an interesting article titled, "Obesity: The killer combination of salt, fat and sugar," which describes how crappy food is "engineered" to make us crave it. Definitely a worthy read.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ides of March 2010

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went as planned. While I waited for moms to complete various chores, I was able to grind down the soles of my feet with the pumice stone as well as perform a mediocre wax job on my Nissan® Frontier truck. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served Foremost® coffee ice cream for dessert.

A lot of thoughts have been converging in my puny mind in the last few weeks, so much so that I am having difficulty articulating those thoughts. All of the research and reading that I have been doing ever since I began frequenting the library has essentially converged on human mortality. I cannot seem to comprehend what is the purpose for our existence. Why were we given acute self-awareness and a complete repertoire of complex traits if we are to simply vanish upon expiry? Our existence is simply meaningless.

Of course, my life is much more meaningless than that of the average satanic gargoyle. Once I invoked the exodus, I quickly moved away from the so-called "mainstream." I have forsaken friends, family, and even the need to biologically mate. I have washed my hands of the "ownership society," which only left me a desolate pauper. I don't even want to return to wage slavery, for I fear that I would become distracted. Time really flies when one is distracted.

What really is left? There's no redemption. There's no resurrection. There isn't even universal justice. What's left? Just live and make the most of my short lifespan? Go for broke? My only real regret is that I did not amass enough wealth to truly retire in the way that I want to. I yearn for solitude and freedom, but I can afford neither. This is now the conundrum of conundrums.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Voice in the Wind (Reprise)

Every Sunday morning, the urban nomad itinerary takes me to Ala Moana Center. I first use the public restrooms for obvious reasons. Then, I purchase a cup of coffee to sip on while I sit in the Makai Market. Almost every week now, one of the myriad senior citizens gives me the Sunday newspaper after he has read it. I always thank him profusely. Today was no exception.

At the gym, I heard the hottie gym trainer's voice when I first entered. She was in the training area with a gym member. However, I did not see baby at all. So, I cannot comment on how fine she looked, although baby's hotness is always a given.

I have eaten Foodland Apple Cobbler for dessert in the last three days, if you can believe it. If I keep that up, I'll turn into a fat slob. Sheesh! I also perused the cereal aisle in the market the other day. I cannot believe how expensive most cereals are. And, all of it is "value-added" (read: processed) filler. I thought that the Quaker® Granola was expensive, but I was wrong. And, I can at least recognize what's in the Quaker® Granola. I have no idea what the preformed crap in other cereals is made of.

Well, another essentially useless day has come to pass. I am still "kickin' da can," as the old adage goes. I am no longer certain that anything could motivate me to do anything beyond the urban nomad ritual. Well, at least I have the "blog" to chronicle my demise. Of course, with no legitimate readers, who would learn from the hard lessons that I have detailed?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gray Cubicle

"I don't want to go back to the gray cubicle." -- Ann, from a conversation on the bus
At the library, I completed reading Otto Muck's book, "The Secret of Atlantis." As far as I can tell, the latter is the definitive book about Atlantis. Let me confess, though, that I am not specifically looking for proof of the existence of Atlantis. I hardly expect any proof to exist. However, I am much more concerned about the existence of reasonably advanced societies prior to recorded history.

I also happened to chat with Ralph, a dean at HCC, when he stopped by the library. He said that Dorothy, former pseudo-professor at the Diploma Mill, had been recently in contact with him through Facebook®. So, he is planning a get-together next week. Ralph also mentioned that he has a teaching position open for me next Fall in the Pearl Harbor Apprenticeship program. While the idea sounds good, I am not sure if I want to return to wage slavery. Being a pseudo-professor does not involve a gray cubicle by any means. However, all forms of wage slavery are a figurative kind of gray cubicle.

When I finally arrived at 5pm back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I washed my Nissan® Frontier truck. I observed that there was absolutely no trace of wax on the paint. I really don't want to wax the truck anymore. I am tired of maintaining my useless possessions.

I also had an interesting chat with the Slob Manor landlord about the ant situation. According to the landlord, the pest exterminators sprayed inside and outside the house as well as the yard. There are also bait traps outside in the yard. So, why is my truck infested with sugar ants?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Post No. 1,412

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's again. Later, for dessert, moms served Foremost® coffee ice cream.

I also observed that the sugar ants have once again completely infested my Nissan® Frontier truck. Thousands of ants are in every nook and cranny. Frankly, I have given up. If I park the truck on the street, it gets vandalized. If I park in the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) driveway, the truck is infested with sugar ants. I can no longer do battle with the sugar ants or deal with any of life's other annoyances.

I discovered a post in the David Icke Forums that essentially expresses my own mixed feelings about Icke's new "Moon Matrix" theory:
So not only is humanity controlled by shape shifting reptiles, but by aliens who live inside the Moon???????

Personally I rather admire David for numerous reasons, his attacks on the Capitalist establishment, his opposition to Freemasonry, his "Great Work" on 911 ("Alice in Wonderland") etc., however there are numerous aspects of his writings which I simply cannot bring myself to agree with; he seems to have a habit of latching onto certain rather questionable testimonies (Such as Cathy O'Brien's Reptilian tales) and historical myths and attaching great factual importance to them, and this I think diminishes his credibility and makes him a source of ridicule. It is often impossible to speak of the many things which I believe him to be correct about without hearing the usual allegations of "reptilian shape-shifter" etc. I do admit to similar errors myself in the past however and attaching too much importance to ideas and myths which I now consider to be delusional.

This new theory of David Icke, that the Moon is a "giant spacecraft" seems to me to be a theory which I am sure his many critics will rejoice over, as there will be more fuel for the fires of ridicule.
Well, I decided to take a break from my recent diatribe, at least in the "blog." In my mind, of course, I continue to churn out more thoughts. Perhaps I will be blessed with inspiration tomorrow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have been giving more thought to the Good Book, although my religious research has essentially been completed. My opinion of the Book of Genesis has been altered slightly after some deliberation. As far as I can tell, the author(s) of Genesis (allegedly the Egyptian, Moses) described the creation process as transpiring over a period of six days. In my current interpretation, I believe that the author(s) were referring to a 24-hour day (one earth rotation). What other kind of day is there?

There have been numerous attempts to obfuscate the matter by cross-linking another unrelated verse which states that a day to God (of Judaism, Christianity, Paulinity, and Islam) is likened to a thousand years. Obviously, that is how modern day apologists skirt the issue. The six-day creation period becomes 6,000 years, which coincidentally is about the same amount of time as recorded human history. I make this clarification now for the record. The six-day or 6,000-year creation is ludicrous. Of course, the authors of the Scriptures were also "flat earth" believers (refer to the "blog" of September 6th, 2009).

With that said, I am still a Creationist. My Creation paradigm is quite different from the "acceptable" tradition of gods and deities. However, the majority of people always link Creationism with religious beliefs of one kind or another. Obviously, that's all hogwash. Religion is just another component of the severely flawed model of "civilization." And, "civilization" itself is simply a methodology to control the masses through laws, religious dogma, economics, and other tools of oppression.

The gods and deities did not create "good" and "evil." Humans did. The laws and institutions of "society" are human-engineered for the specific purpose of control by a select few. Even the Apostle Paul (founder of Paulinity) stated that it is the Law itself that gives rise to sin. Without the Law, there is no sin.

Mind you, there are human acts which are seemingly morally reprehensible and irrational. However, without universal justice, there is almost no way to classify such acts as "evil" or to inflict punishment (i.e., seek retribution) on the perpetrator. The non-existence of a god or deity who can redeem us or to offer forgiveness certainly validates the latter point. Our souls are terminal with no hope of any kind of resurrection. The only justice is our own expiry. That's when the slate is wiped clean. As can be inferred, my Creation paradigm is not from the "acceptable" school of thought.

As a prologue, here's an interesting quote from the great intellectual, Fidel Castro:
It is a known fact that the homo sapiens has existed for about 200 thousand years, which is no more than a tiny span of the time passed since the emergence of the first basic forms of life on our planet approximately three billion years ago. The answers to the unfathomable mysteries of life and nature have fundamentally been religious. It would be senseless to pretend otherwise and I am convinced that it will forever be this way. The deeper science delves into the explanation of universe, space, time, matter and energy; the infinite galaxies and the theories of the origin of the constellations and the stars; the atoms and the fractions of them that made possible life and its briefness; the more questions man will have in search of ever more complex and difficult rationalizations.

The more involved human beings are in the quest for answers to such deep and complex endeavors related to reason, the more significant the efforts will be to release them from their enormous ignorance on the true possibilities of what our intelligent species has created and can still create. Living and ignoring it is tantamount to a complete denial of our human condition.
Well, I am actually getting ahead of myself. I would like to be a little further along in my research on Atlantis before making any real conclusions. With what I already know, I should be getting on with the business of living. I don't have much time left before the slate is wiped clean. Yet, what can I do? I am trapped in the prison of poverty. Even if I return to wage slavery, I will be trapped in the same prison and placed in solitary confinement.

I have not heard from Capital Pacific Group about the alleged settlement, the details of which are in the "blog" of June and July of last year. The Ides of March will mark three months since the original filing was made. I have made the vow to use whatever money that comes out of the settlement to expedite the exodus (including the quick sale of useless possessions). Ideally, I would also like to move out of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) as soon as possible.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Atlantis (Reprise)

I am eager to continue my research about Atlantis at the library. I am quite convinced that such an advanced society did exist prior to historical times. Even prehistoric civilizations apparently possessed social structures with deities and priest classes. Thus, religious beliefs of one kind of another have been part of the human legacy seemingly forever. How and why did humans establish their belief in deities?

Anthropological theories state that humans invented deities to explain phenomenon that was not readily understood at the time. However, what inspired the idea and definition of a deity? Unless such gods were truly existent, there can be no explanation for conjuring up the latter entities.

My quick guess is that human language was not quite developed. I am not implying that humans were grunting like chimpanzees. Rather, I suggest that, perhaps, the vocabulary of the extant language(s) were limited. Thus, elementary words or descriptions were used to describe unexplained phenomenon, which was later interpreted as deities or supernatural beings.

I firmly believe that the intellectual capabilities of humans is directly proportional to the depth of the vocabulary in both spoken and written language that is in use at the time. Without the proper words for expression, the ability to think is severely hampered. Mind you, mechanical processes such as tool-making, constructing shelter, or collecting food do not require extensive verbal skills. Hence, a society of humans could attain a rather high level of sophistication without intellectual prowess.

In any case, returning from my digression, I want to carry on with the Atlantis research. My hope is that the latter will assist in unlocking the distant past. I seriously doubt that we will ever recover the true legacy, most likely oral tradition, that provides the true account of our origin.

I enjoyed another slow day of restricted freedom. One is never "free" without lots of money (i.e., mullah, dinero, cabbage). The Route 1L bus was very crowded this morning. So, I alighted at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I opted to purchase a cup of coffee at Foodland Farms. I boarded the next Route 1L bus, but it wasn't as empty as I desired. So, I alighted at Kahala Mall and boarded the next bus, which was empty. All around me, people were impatient and in a hurry. I, an unemployed and poverty-stricken loser, am only in the way of such fools. All of the clones wear the "power shoe" and speak with the "power voice." I wear slippers (read: slippahs) and say nothing. Once I removed myself the main part of the "system," I just seemed to be living in another world.

Yet, the "system" keeps trying to enlave me again. The healthcare "reform" will force me to purchase substandard medical insurance and bring me closer to homelessness. Dennis Kucinich is apparently one of the few politicians against the atrocity. Will he sell out, or will he help to defeat the lousy healthcare "reform" charade? "This bill represents a giveaway to the insurance industry," Kucinich said in a recent interview. "$70 billion dollars a year, and no guarantees of any control over premiums, forcing people to buy private insurance, five consecutive years of double-digit premium increases." I, for one, cannot believe that the healthcare albatross has come this far. Greed simply knows no bounds.

Last night, I moved one of the landlord-provided crappy pieces of furniture into the closet in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I also stacked up some of my useless possessions in the corner where the crappy furniture had been. Now, my squalid room looks even more squalid and quite empty. Needless to say, I felt rejuvenated.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


At the library, I have been reading the book, "The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility," by William Moore. Quite an interesting story, but not worthy of a discussion in the "blog." Although, I must say that the book has piqued my interest in Einstein's Unified Field Theory.

Ever since the renovations of the gym at various locations started up, I have had serious reservations about my membership. I have become quite aware of the kinds of people who frequent the gym. They are the "movers and shakers," the type who wear the "power shoe" and use the "power voice" when they speak. Essentially, they are wage slaves with an attitude. As an unemployed, poverty-stricken loser, I do not fit in. Heck, if it wasn't for the great 20-minute showers that I enjoy at the gym, I would be long gone.

The gale force winds immediately commenced after "Tsunami Saturday" and have not abated since then. The force of the winds has increased by the day. I estimate that the wind tunnel effect in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has seen wind speeds of 15 to 25 mph. Dust and crap has been swirling around and covering everything. I have had to use my humble dustpan and brush hourly just to remove the accumulated sediment. Yeah, it's that bad.

Heck, I got carried away reading the David Icke Forums, so I will have to refrain from my usual diatribe until a later date. Actually, I am in no hurry to transcribe the fodder that has been on my mind since no one reads the "blog" anyway.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Fabricated Paradigm

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms was doing much better. However, I made the rounds to Longs® in Kuapa Kai. Later, moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's before shopping at Foodland in Koko Marina. For dessert, Foremost® coffee ice cream, of course.

Yesterday, I began to delineate my thoughts about the futility of human life and the human condition. I am one of six billion humans currently living on a small planet in the spiral arm of one of myriad galaxies that sit in an expanding universe. Here on that particular planet, a kind of fatalistic theater is being played out in ludicrous contrast to the "big picture."

Obviously, the majority of the world's people are suffering in order to prop up the life-styles of the few at the top of the so-called "food chain." An all-encompassing infrastructure known as "civilization" has been engineered to control the masses. Within the paradigm of "civilization" is the core construct called "society," which, in turn is comprised of political, religious, economic, scientific, and social building blocks (also human-engineered). The latter modules are the diktat of all human activity.

The short story is quite simply that "civilization" is essentially a prison with a pyramidal hierarchy. Prisoners in each successive level upward have more freedom and power. No human prisoner is completely free or omnipotent. The Creator of the raw universe only allow us to exist for a handful of years. Thus, by design, human freedom only comes about upon expiry. Why our early ancestors chose to fashion a prison out of our existence is beyond me.

What I am getting at is simple: most of the laws and restrictions that have been codified to create "civilization" is unnatural for humans. We have the capability to perform both "good" and "evil" acts, which means that there can be no distinction between either. We have the option to choose to respect the "rights" of other humans, but there is no moral or supernatural basis for the latter. Justice, as we know it, is superficial. The only real justice comes upon expiry, by whatever circumstances brings about end of life. And, that explains why we have "free will."

Somehow, along the way, humans decided to engineer "society" based upon the idea of the immortality of the soul or the possibility of the resurrection of the soul. From that point forward, the human soul was made out to be much more important than it really is. On that basis alone, many great thinkers have expended a lot of energy to channel a connection to the Creator of the raw universe. Thus, our predecessors had molded an entire materialistic (i.e., visible, tangible) point-of-view upon the foundation established by the great thinkers.

I can only imagine the frustration that they (i.e., the great thinkers) had to endure when they realized their own mortality. The saw no justice. They experienced no meaning. Expiry was the only certainty. The only choice was to either go insane or create a rationalization for our being. Who could have known that it would get so out of hand and result in what we see today?

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Zero-Sum Life

Another typical Sunday was only highlighted by a mere microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer. The entire training area in the gym has been renovated, so baby no longer needs to bring her clients downstairs to the weight room. Alas, we won't be seeing much of her anymore. Baby was looking mighty fine, by the way.

Dinner consisted of panini made with Foster Farms® Mesquite-smoked Turkey Breast with Crystal Farms® Provolone Cheese and Boar's Head® Deli Mustard, all on thick deli-style wheat bread. For dessert, a large fresh-baked Apple Cobbler. Yes, I stopped off at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I only mention all of that because dinner was delicious, filling, and was well within the pauper's budget.

Well, I haven't mentioned this earlier, but I have been preoccupied with my mortality as of late. After several months of vigorous research which pretty much debunked all religious dogma, I have been in an intellectual state of flux concerning the human soul. Very little makes sense to me at this point in time. For example, there is now way to derive any meaning in life because our lives are terminal. Our experiences will eventually disappear with our souls. Attempting to establish meaning or purpose within a handful of years is ludicrous. Whatever we do is essentially a Zero-Sum Game1. Why? Well, for me, the idea that there is no concept of universal justice is a good start in defining "zero-sum." We humans fall victim to natural disasters, human predators, and unnatural causes (what we categorize as "shit happens") every day. Some survive, others don't. There often isn't any kind of morality involved. Essentially, human life boils down to random causation. Nothing is steady-state or permanent. Although a few affluent and powerful individuals have attempted to establish legacies through bloodlines, monuments, and other superficial endowments, they can never gain immortality. Nor will their legacies extend to the end of time. Sooner or later, everything will come to pass.

I have also discovered that freedom is just as much of a prison as enslavement (i.e., wage slavery, consumerism, etc.). True freedom requires an enormous amount of wealth, something that I lack severely. Thus, I am locked into a prison of poverty and despair. There seems to be no escape from the "system." What is entirely ridiculous about the situation is that it is meaningless, just another Zero-Sum Game. Why can't we humans just get on with the business of living? Why must we spend time in one prison or another? Why can't we just be free?

I'm pretty sure that I will more to add as the days go on. Sadly, once religion and other human-engineered ideas are debunked, there is nothing left. We can only look at the raw universe, but cannot decode the answers. In my mind, there is some kind of Creator, but we do not know much else. The Creator is not God (of Judaism, Christianity, Paulinity, and Islam). The Creator began with nothing, then moved to the inanimate (i.e., matter), to the animate (i.e., life), and will move on to who-knows-what. The whole process is mind-boggling and was not derived by chance. Once we remove the human-engineered constraints, the thought horizon is boundless.

1Zero-sum describes a situation in which a participant's gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participant(s).

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Bankrupt Empire

"i was just standing in my hallway talking to my flat mate about mundane shit and then all of a sudden i was fucking not in my body anymore and someplace else for a couple of seconds. this place was completely silent, it was pure consciousness. after that shock i had to go sit down straight away. i wanted to get back into it but i was pretty scared so i distracted myself with some mind numbing tv to dumb me down a bit." -- Post on David Icke Forums
Since I was ahead of schedule with my urban nomad itinerary this morning, I alighted the bus at Foodland on Beretania Street to procure a cup of coffee. As I walking to the entrance, I saw Reggie, the questionable derelict, up the street. Later, while I was pouring out my coffee, I observed that he was walking around the store. He was always just a stone's throw from me, as if he was observing my actions. Then, he disappeared. Strange things.

At the library, I discovered that all of the books by David Icke that I had been reading have disappeared. In total, three books have disappeared (including the one about Atlantis) before I completed them. Oh well. Not that it matters.

I have been having some difficulty in accepting Icke's concept of the "New World Order." According to Icke, the "reptilians" established the bloodlines of the controlling elite (i.e., the moneychangers and powers-that-be, all pedigreed) after they genetically modified apes into humans many millennia ago. Disregarding the "reptilian" origins, there are still problems concerning the objectives of the controlling elite. The "New World Order" is allegedly a plan to bring the entire human race under one totalitarian dictatorship. Why, then, has it taken the controlling elite so long to get this far? We are talking about thousands of years that have gone by. Why didn't the controlling elite consolidate power a long time ago when the population was smaller and more controllable by force?

Then, there's the matter of the "hollow earth" and "hollow moon" theories. If the earth was truly hollow, the force of gravity would not be even close to what it is now. If it was, the entire surface of the "hollow earth" would collapse inward. So, too, the moon could not be a hollow orbiting satellite full of "reptilians." The earth is highly reliant on the moon to keep it from wobbling on its axis.

Needless to say, I always learn something new thanks to David Icke. In most of his books, he quotes an interesting speech given by the alleged criminal James Traficant in which the latter detailed that the empire has been officially bankrupt and in receivership since the first Great Depression. Although there are skeptics who claim that the speech is fake, there is at least one site on the Net that has authenticated the transcripts. Further information can be gleaned from a synopsis of "The Demise of the American Constitutional Republic," as reproduced on the Library of Halexandria site. Is it all true? Further research is necessary.

To add fuel to the fire, there's an article about the upcoming bankruptcy of the bankrupt empire by Porter Stansberry which appeared on the Global Research site. Here's an excerpt:
So how does America rank on the Greenspan-Guidotti scale? It's a guaranteed default. The U.S. holds gold, oil, and foreign currency in reserve. The U.S. has 8,133.5 metric tonnes of gold (it is the world's largest holder). That's 16,267,000 pounds. At current dollar values, it's worth around $300 billion. The U.S. strategic petroleum reserve shows a current total position of 725 million barrels. At current dollar prices, that's roughly $58 billion worth of oil. And according to the IMF, the U.S. has $136 billion in foreign currency reserves. So altogether ... that's around $500 billion of reserves. Our short-term foreign debts are far bigger.

According to the U.S. Treasury, $2 trillion worth of debt will mature in the next 12 months. So looking only at short-term debt, we know the Treasury will have to finance at least $2 trillion worth of maturing debt in the next 12 months. That might not cause a crisis if we were still funding our national debt internally. But since 1985, we've been a net debtor to the world. Today, foreigners own 44% of all our debts, which means we owe foreign creditors at least $880 billion in the next 12 months - an amount far larger than our reserves.

Keep in mind, this only covers our existing debts. The Office of Management and Budget is predicting a $1.5 trillion budget deficit over the next year. That puts our total funding requirements on the order of $3.5 trillion over the next 12 months.
Empire bankrupt again? Say it ain't so!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Hollow Tidbiits

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai found moms still illin' with much worse symptoms than the common cold. However, moms is going to "weather the storm" without any medication or elixirs. I ended up making the rounds in Koko Marina for moms. Lunch was very similar to the fare on Monday. Dinner, coincidentally, was exactly the same as Monday.

Once again, at the gym, I lacked the desire to see my workout through completion. Thus, I forced myself to do double my usual weight workout. However, I only completed 15 minutes of my cardio workout. Well, I can't even call that a cardio workout, eh?

I neglected to mention that the reason I no longer need a music player for my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer is because I am completely dedicated to Deep House Cat for my House Music needs. As a matter of fact, the site embeds a music player for each of the showcase mixes. For a really good time, check out the "Pop Fly Mix" and the flawlessly smooth "Tiger Claw Mix."

David Icke has a new book coming out in a month or so titled, "Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More." Icke apparently builds on the dubious "hollow earth" and "hollow moon" theories. I have not even had a chance to analyze his thesis concerning the shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials (SSREs) yet. Although, according to Icke, the SSREs allegedly inhabit both the "hollow earth" and the "hollow moon." Sadly, he's starting to lose me with this one.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Making Sense

The library has changed the "furlough day" to Friday for the month of March. There will be three such days this month. However, I will not be affected since I usually head to Hawai'i Kai on that day.

As to be expected, I spent all of my reading time engrossed with David Icke's books. Believe it or not, everything is making sense now. I found an interesting quote from an anonymous author that Icke apparently found on the Net:
The reconstruction of your consciousness into this automaton thing is being executed in such a manner that it goes virtually undetected; in fact you are doing it to yourself and don't even know it. Why with the proper incentive, you're doing it to yourself and just love it - look at all the "stuff" you have. You're so comfortable you have become passive, submissive, and you don't even have to think. You just go with the flow. It feels good and quite natural running on automatic.

However, disrupt your automatic mental state with even the simplest of problems - like misplacing your keys or wallet - and life becomes a living hell in your mind until you find those keys or wallet to re-establish your habitual routine. This becomes true of any little problem in life. You want it resolved as fast as possible, to stop the mental frustration, torment and confusion. You have become so addicted to living life under the control of others that even small annoyances become stressful events in your life.
That, of course, is the perfect description of the ol' lavahead's post-disconnection life-style. A crisis around every corner. Obviously, leaving the womb of the "system" has had adverse effects on the oversized cranium.

And, thanks again to David Icke, I was unpleasantly reminded that I have been brushing my teeth with poison for my entire life. Yes, Crest® toothpaste has sodium fluoride (chemical compound, NaF) as its active ingredient. One has to be very careful about using NaF toothpastes. After brushing, a complete and thorough rinsing should follow. There should be absolutely no trace of toothpaste residue, otherwise the risk of toxic poisoning exists. Better yet, immediately throw all tubes of NaF toothpaste into a hazardous waste receptacle.

At the gym, I barely had the desire to see my workout through completion. However, I did so anyway. I don't seem to belong there. I am not like the other gym members. I am not one of "them" (i.e., shills for the "system"). Or, maybe the new lighting, which is extremely bright, has destroyed the ambiance.

Well, the gale force winds and intermittent showers have been with us every day since "Tsunami Saturday." Ambient temperatures have been fairly cold as well. Rumor has it that the earthquake in Chilé affected the earth's tilt. Or, could it all be because of HAARP?

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Reality Sandwich

This morning, I ran into Ann on the bus again. We both alighted at the bus stop next to Foodland on Beretania Street. I purchased a cup of coffee. When I returned to the bus stop, Ann was still waiting for the Route 6 bus. I chatted with her until the bus arrived. Then, I headed to town.

I could hardly wait to get to the library in order to continue reading David Icke's books. I have to admit that David Icke has opened my eyes, so to speak, to the fact that truth is not reality (or vice versa). Critics of Icke's book have claimed that Icke does not provide adequate references for many of his bold statements. Although the criticism is true, I have discovered that all of the findings of my previous research coincide with most of Icke's assertions. In other words, Icke is not a "quack."

Icke often quotes from George Orwell's book, "1984," using it as a point of prophesy for the current "New World Order" in the making. I was particularly struck by the idea that control of language (i.e., vocabulary) is an essential component in controlling the masses. I quickly realized the inherent power of language. Without an extensive vocabulary, I could not effectively analyze or think critically. In fact, I could not think at all. I would, in effect, be reduced to confusion, frustration, and emotional outbursts.

In observing the masses, I can conclude that verbal and other forms of communication have been adversely impacted. Visual imagery/media have replaced the written word. Trivia and mindless crap have replaced anything of substance. The need for eloquence is certainly not a prerequisite to engage in any contemporary discourse.

After the target population is "dumbed down," it can easily be controlled. The individual can no longer think or analyze the environment. Institutional helplessness ensues. Reality is packaged and then offered to the helpless fools in the form of acceptable science, acceptable philosophy, acceptable religion, acceptable medicine, acceptable politics, acceptable economics, and so forth. And, with reality already prepackaged, there is no need to think.

I have been contemplating my own version of reality, actually a duality. I live two different lives: one of a pauper who looks like a homeless guy, and the other of a middle class bumpkin in the "ownership society." The existence of the duality came to me while I was at the gym this afternoon (subsequent to restoring my monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design). Gym members are mostly represented by the middle and upper class strata. I have nothing in common with them, even though I have one foot in the "ownership society." I am much more comfortable with the homeless and halfway house derelicts who loiter at the library. Yet, I cannot deny the fact that I have more in common with the gym members. If I still resided in the "condotel" unit, I would even be a homeowner. That's how ridiculous my dual reality is.

Last night, I removed Exaile from my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer. I have decided that I will no longer need a music player (or Net Radio player). And, the proposed new look for Ubuntu is now officially detailed in the Ubuntu Wiki.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Jumping on the Bandwagon

This morning, I ran into Ann on the bus. She said that she was laid off last week from the same job that had reduced her to half-time status. She was on her way to file for unemployment benefits. Ann has been through the employment "revolving door" so many times that I wonder how she maintains her sanity.

Well, it's official. I have decided to conditionally accept the ramblings of David Icke. By "conditionally," I mean that I am tabling the "reptilian" issue for the time being. Even without the "reptilians," what he says makes absolute sense. In fact, some of the material that Icke wrote several years ago is unfolding like prophesy in our current time. Thus, I am "jumping on the bandwagon," so to speak.

In the future, I promised myself that I would look further into the "reptilian" issue. I highly doubt that David Icke is insane or a master of disinformation. So, what he says must be approached with an open mind. I'll leave it at that.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Sushi Slavery

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai did not go as planned. Moms was illin' from what appeared to be the common cold. From what moms told me, I suspected that a mild case of pneumonia was more probable. However, moms was adamant about not visiting a doctor until the situation becomes intolerable. I had to make the rounds around Hawai'i Kai for moms in my Nissan® Frontier truck. Incidentally, I was a little groggy from my "fall from grace" with cheap booze last night, but nothing a little coffee couldn't cure.

For lunch, I ate half of a lamp-baked chicken with rice, the remaining leftover Keoki's® Laulau which moms had frozen, along with fresh vegetables. Moms only ate a couple of slices of bread. Later, for dinner, I ate a roll of Maki Sushi with a big-ass slice of double-layer chocolate cake for dessert. If I ate that way every day, then I would metamorphose into a fat slob.

Well, I made the hasty decision to shred all of my old tax documents (with the exception of charitable donations receipts) in honor of Joe Stack (see "blog" of February 19th). The IRS has copies of all of the various numbered forms anyway. I am no longer going to burden myself with any tax archives. I have all of my tax returns embedded in a spreadsheet, and that's all I need as far as I am concerned. Thanks to Joe Stack, I have made one more emancipated step toward the exodus.