Alas, no reprieve for the weary. The Indian guy and his mother (i.e., "Raj Momma") returned at 10pm last night. This morning, I was awakened by the Hindu floozy at 5:30am when there was a racket in the bathroom. Once I am awakened, I cannot go back to sleep.
I was on my way to town at 6:45am, if you can believe it. The day was somewhat laborious as I went through the motions of an urban nomad. The routine was the same nonetheless. No details are necessary. When I finally returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, both mother and son were fast asleep. Incidentally, this is the
eighth day of the long visit. I have decided to inform the landlord whenever I get the chance.
I spent most of the day pondering the option to voluntarily become fully homeless. With the kind of nonsense that I have to tolerate at Slob Manor, I may as well be homeless. I don't have to pay rent to be exposed to non-stop stupidity. In any case, I can only make a few educated guesses about the homeless life. I will probably have to seek out one of the social services agencies and obtain an initial consultation. On the day that I choose to become homeless, I would like to have reserved a slot at one of the shelters.
My Nissan® Frontier truck would be returning to a parking structure (about $120 per month). I would attempt to use it for storage as well. Or, I would have to locate a very small and cheap storage unit. Eating healthy will become a problem. Laundry will be an inconvenience. Personal hygiene, however, can be easily facilitated at the gym. I will maintain my mailbox at the Post Office, and I can use the "condotel" address as my residence. The computer, the "blog" ... all up in the air.
The daily homeless regimen would most likely involve a lot of bus riding and shuffling back and forth between wherever I store my stuff and my intended destination. The latter regimen may be repeated several times per day. After living a sheltered life, the big question is: Can I handle the homeless life-style?
I will probably begin the preliminary groundwork for homelessness soon. I must consult with whatever social services agency that handles homeless issues. Then, if I can get myself into a homeless shelter, I will establish a target date. I will need to give 30 days notice to the landlord of Slob Manor, so the timing must be just right. Mind you, I will not be seeking any financial aid or entitlements because I do not qualify. In any case, I will be expediting the divestiture of my useless possessions.
Once the target date is established, I will need to plan out and execute a trial run of a typical day of homelessness. Obviously, most of the itinerary will be heavily dependent on the bus. I will also have to locate decent laundry facilities, soup kitchen lines, and food banks for the poor. More developments as they come up.
I have decided to reduce and limit the food that I keep in the fridge to one small drawer. I will devote the rest of the fridge and the entire freezer to the Indian guy. In order to cut down on food stuff, I will no longer purchase any milk, cheese, or frozen products. I will also not be purchasing deli-style bread, instead opting for long loaves of French bread. I will store the bread and fruit in my squalid room. In addition, I will be deprecating my beloved DeLonghi® "retro" contact grill and
panini press (made in China) by enclosing it in a sealed plastic bag to prevent salt corrosion. I will be eating cold sandwiches from this point forward. Heck, I may even divest the
panini grill. I don't want to store it if I become homeless.