Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day of Samhain 2010

I was rudely awakened this morning at 4:30am by what sounded like two people arguing in the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) kitchen. Sure enough, Joseph (i.e., the Iraqi guy) and his limerant object were at it again. After a few minutes, they moved their ridiculous histrionics upstairs. However, I could still hear them quite well. The argument lasted for over an hour. They later departed at 7am, no doubt for a Sunday Islamic mosque service.

There really is more than a "friendship" at play, as any fool can detect. Frankly, I now doubt that anything that Joseph's limerant object had told Alan or I is even remotely close to the truth. I don't even converse with the bitch anymore. She had told Alan that Joseph is a compulsive liar. Well, I am certain that everything she says is a lie. The limerant object's increasingly psychotic behavior also leads me to suspect that her recent hiatus for "eye surgery" was actually for an abortion. No other explanation makes sense.

I was fairly groggy when I embarked on the urban nomad itinerary at 8am. Nonetheless, I completed the entire circuit with zeal and returned to Slob Manor at 3pm. There was an eerie air of quiet when I set foot in the dump. Everyone was home and asleep! Heck, only Alan has an excuse for sleeping during the day. He works the "graveyard shift."

Typical "Day of Samhain" Hottie

I am not sure why I am "kickin' da can" around when I should be looking for another place to rent. I could easily stop off in Waikiki and make arrangements to move into my "condotel" unit for about a month (i.e., temporarily remove it from the rental pool). That should be adequate time for me to find another place. Why am I wasting time, money, and my precious sanity?

Well, the new version of MeeGo® is kind of puzzling. It looks the same, but there are some minor regressions. I have opted to make very few changes. I uninstalled the cheesy games. And, I only installed two small command line utilities. I am also planning to stick with the Chromium browser, although it has a few quirks. Go MeeGo®!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

MeeGo® Committment

Another sleepless night. What else is new, eh? Pretty much every hour, on the hour, someone in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was making noise from 10pm to 7am this morning. I could detail the time and the culprits. Yet, who cares?

I was on my way to Hawai'i Kai at 8am this morning in my Nissan® Frontier truck. I found shaded parking in Koko Marina, procured my coffee at Foodland, and performed half of my usual workout at the gym. I spent about 1.5 hours in the library. Then, I rode the bus to Kuapa Kai.

I met Shirley at The Shack at 12:30pm for our now-monthly meeting. Afterwards, we made the usual pilgrimage to Costco®. Shirley and I parted company back at Koko Marina at 3:30pm. I ended up at the gym again to complete the second half of my workout. I made one last stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai before returning to Slob Manor.

Well, I thought that I had located the perfect netbook operating system to replace MeeGo®. I ran the "live" version of Lubuntu (which uses the LXDE desktop) on my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer several times. However, when I decided to install it, nothing happened. Actually, the installer appeared to have crashed. After two attempts, I gave up. Instead, I installed the new MeeGo® v1.1 reluctantly. Naturally, I have lost all of the changes that I made to the earlier version. And, the Russian guy's repository has still not been set up for the new version. With little choice, I remain committed to MeeGo®.

Friday, October 29, 2010

MeeGo® Uproar

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. For lunch, moms served Keoki's® Pork Lau Lau, fresh opah sashimi, lamp-baked chicken, fresh vegetables, and rice. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

The sad MeeGo® saga continues. Apparently, there is no provision for a seamless upgrade to the new version. Only a fresh install is possible. Naturally, there was a minor uproar on the MeeGo® Forums. Even I have no idea about what I will do next. Who would want to perform a fresh install every six months? I frantically searched the Net for a new netbook-compatible Linux distribution. Nada. Do I have to go back to Ubuntu? Sheesh!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spooky, Very Spooky

At the library, I completed reading the book, "The Most Dangerous Animal: Human Nature and the Origins of War" by David Smith. Quite an interesting book, I might add. However, I was a little put off by the constant references to evolution as pure fact.

I have stated my position about evolution many times. For one thing, I just cannot see how the original single-cell life-form managed to reproduce. The armchair evolutionist's argument that statistically anything is possible given infinite time is meaningless because the universe and the earth have only existed for a finite period of time. I seriously doubt that, over a course of a couple of billion years, a cell somehow managed to sequence a DNA strand by accident and miraculously reproduce. Belief in that kind of notion requires a zealous religious faith.

In addition, I find no reason to believe that any life-form could "evolve" a useful organ by sheer chance. For example, a life-form cannot "evolve" eyes to see when it has no idea what vision is. There must be feedback of some sort in order for the prototype to improve. And, feedback requires a set of conceptual guidelines as a foundation.

The theory of evolution only becomes plausible to me if, and only if, all of the potential organs or life-form features were genetically coded as recessive traits since the bginning of life. In other words, the genome of the first cell creatures had all possible outcomes already programmed in them. That may sound ridiculous, but we humans start out as the merger of two small cells. Within those cells is the complete genetic information to construct an entire human being.

Is it possible, then, for the first cell creatures to have contained the genome of the entire gamut of biological species on the planet? I believe so. There's no other way for evolution to work the miracle that it has over such a short period of time. Naturally, we will be faced with the conundrum of the origin of the first cell creatures. Such complexity cannot happen by sheer chance.

The birth of the universe also poses a similar dilemma. We do not not know how and why all particles came together as they did during the extremely short Planck's Period. We do not know why the particles chose the properties that they did. However, if those exact properties were not chosen, then the universe would not exist in the form that it does. We do not know how or why the "Singularity" came to be. Did it appear out of nothing? It is as if the "Singularity" was programmed to create the universe as we know it after the "Big Bang," much in the same way that the first cell creatures may have been programmed with the genome of the entire catalog of living species. Spooky, isn't it?

At the gym, the hottie front desk babe, Cel, told me that another gym member was robbed yesterday. The victim had left his belongings in an unlocked locker. In lieu of money, the thief had opted to take whatever credit cards, bank cards, and identification that was amongst his stuff. From what I can tell, we are looking at an identity theft ring of some sort. I am now worried that I may yet become a victim in two months after the credit bureau "security alert" flags expire. I am sure that the thief is well versed on such matters.

On a side note, the latest version of MeeGo® was made available. However, there appears to be no way to upgrade the earlier version using the built-in package manager. I am not eager to perform a fresh install.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dirt Pile

As always, I made my first stop at Ala Moana Center to purchase a cup of coffee at Foodland. Aside from that, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary transpired, even though I spent most of the day at the daytime depot for destitution (DDD) ... errr, the downtown library. Just another day in the overpopulated 'hood. Sheesh!

Ala Moana Dirt Pile

With nothing to discuss, I have no other option but to break out another of the old-time Hawai'i photos that Clyde had sent via e-mail a while back. The photo is from the early sixties. The dirt pile is now occupied by the original first phase of Ala Moana Center. The open-air mall is three times as large now. Diamond Head is in the background. And, that's no optical illusion. There were no huge high-rise hotels in Waikiki at the time.

Well, the MeeGo® update never happened. Not that it matters. The current version functions adequately. And, Ubuntu is planning to make Unity the default desktop in the next version six months from now. That's right. Unity will not just be for netbook computers. The Linux world is going berserk.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Well, I swallowed what remained of my pride and returned to the downtown branch of the library in a diluted restoration of the old urban nomad itinerary. As I walked through the building, I could smell the pungent odor of cheap cologne emanating from the literature section. Yeah, the cologne buddy was there, but he kept his distance. No episodes of true idiocy transpired during my brief tenure. In other words, we're back to the same ol' shit.

It's been two weeks since I last set foot in the downtown library. Obviously, nothing has changed. The place is still a daytime depot for destitution (DDD). Perhaps I have been secretly yearning to return. After all, I am one of the destitute brethren. Sheesh!

The obsession with gadgetry (i.e., shiny objects) amongst the empire's slaves has approached epidemic proportions. No matter where I'm at, I am around people and their gadgets. On the bus, passengers are either clutching a cell phone, a music player, or eBook reader. At the gym, many members are sporting multiple gadgets that are attached by armbands. On the road, fools are chatting away on their cell phones while driving their 4000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles) even though the activity is prohibited by law. At the library, bookstore, or anywhere else for that matter, I am accustomed to seeing people with their huge notebook computers. Lately, some people have been showing off their new Apple® iPad®s.

Typical Gadget-Toting Hottie

The problem with the smaller gadgets (i.e., smaller than a netbook computer) is that most of them require some kind of computer in order to function properly. In other words, they are not true stand-alone devices. Personally, my goal has been to find a fully-featured yet small stand-alone gadget. While a netbook computer comes close, the only device that meets such a specification is a notebook computer. Of course, when the empire collapses, the only gadget that anyone will need is a 9mm semi-automatic weapon.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Post No. 1,639

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

Last night, I verified that many of the on-line accounts which I must routinely access on the Net happen to utilize Adobe® Flash® for logging in. Thus, the Apple® iPad® would be an unacceptable option. My Acer® Aspire One netbook computer was able to access the accounts with no problems. I should mention that MeeGo® is a full Linux distribution, even with its cartoon-ish user interface. Thus, theoretically, it can run all Linux applications.

Well, the 2010 empire-wide mid-term (s)election is coming up. However, the ol' lavahead is ambivalent. He's not involved in any way, shape, or form. The whole process is a bad sitcom that just keeps coming back. Unless there are some radical moves to install real Socialists in office, there's no need to wake up from the current empire-induced stupor. Sheesh!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reality Sandwich Redux

A very ordinary Sunday has come to pass. I was able to catch an extended view of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Since I now wear my Oakley® prescription shades during my weight workout, I was able to see baby quite well. Baby was looking mighty fine.

When I alighted the Route 24 bus at the Aina Haina Shopping Center, I observed several punks crashing two Foodland Farms shopping carts together repeatedly. I saw broken plastic parts all over the place. Since I was going into Foodland Farms, I decided to report the incident to the management. Unfortunately, I had to speak with a clown named Byron at the Customer Service counter. He previously worked at the Hawai'i Kai branch, by the way. The guy has no personality. His face is permanently contorted into some kind of scowl. Why is he working with customers at all if he despises them?

At the time, I was famished. Since I had already run out of many food items, I opted to find something ready-made to eat. Of course, everything in Foodland Farms is overpriced. And, after dealing with Byron, I really didn't feel like patronizing the dump. So, I walked next door to Subway®. I ordered a $5 Footlong® Meatball Marinara sandwich.

When I finally arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I devoured the sandwich, actually the best sandwich that I have eaten in a long time. My own sandwich creations pale in comparison. From now on, whenever I need a ready-made meal, I am going back to Subway®.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Blog" Dilemma

The urban nomad itinerary? A clone of Thursday. Need I say more? My Acer® Aspire One netbook computer was at my side, and that's where it stayed. I am no longer certain whether it will be deployed ever again. I probably should just put it in a pile with all of my other useless possessions. I have not been suitably inspired to compose anything worthy for the "blog." In the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to tie up any loose ends. So, there have been a few lengthy diatribes. I am attempting to keep my promise to myself and maintain the "blog" until the exodus is completed. Sadly, the latter goal may never be attained. Thus, maintaining the "blog" beyond a certain time frame would be ludicrous. Without the "blog," would I need anything more than an Apple® iPad®?

Frankly, I have grown completely disillusioned with everything. That's right, everything. From my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer, to my Nissan® Frontier truck, to the detestable "condotel" unit, to the "blog," and on into the metaphysical realm of my life. I cannot even discern what is "real" anymore.

Typical "Upper Class" Hottie

Hanging around Kahala Mall has been no different than hanging out at the library (or other favorite spots of the homeless and the destitute). The affluent asswipes at the mall are no different than their poverty-stricken counterparts. All of them have lost any sense of civility. The "inner animal" has broken free and now prevails. The core of society and "civilization" has rotted out. Only the "class" system, enforced by money, is maintaining any semblance of order.

Well, are the days of the "blog" numbered? After all, I keep making idle threats to terminate the "blog." I have pretty much articulated all of my thoughts, opinions, and research ruminations. Many subject areas have been mummified because I no longer care to bothered by them. My social isolation has also narrowed the focus of my interests. Old age is minimizing my time. And, money is running out. For the time being, I have no set answer.

Friday, October 22, 2010

2 Zac 6 Muluk

( Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms had a dentist appointment at 9:30am, so we drove to Koko Marina in my Nissan® frontier truck. Moms has finally changed all of her medical service providers to ones that are in Hawai'i Kai or close by. Moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan and I had an interesting discussion about the state-of-affairs at the dump. I've already discussed most of those tiresome issues (e.g., Joseph, the Iraqi guy, and his limerant object) in the "blog." Alan also said that he's having trouble renting out the rooms in the house that he purchased in Arizona. There's a reason why home prices bottomed out in Arizona, and the rental market was most likely affected as well. I would venture to guess that there's been a mass exodus of unemployed wage slaves. When Arizona went rogue and attempted to enact stiff racist laws, the writing was on the wall, so to speak. When all else fails, blame the people of "color." Alan and I also had an interesting discussion about genealogy and history, which was surprising. Both topics are not really of interest to the average rank-and-file peons.

As an addendum to the computer discussion on the "blog" of yesterday, I should mention that the Apple® iPad® would not fit my needs because the included Safari browser is not the full-featured version found on the regular Macs. Thus, it may not work well with sites that use Java® or Adobe® Flash®. After all, the iPad® uses a phone operating system.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Once again, I was at the Barnes & Noble® Café in Kahala Mall for another round of coffee at 9am this morning. My Acer® Aspire One netbook computer was with me, but it was not deployed. Instead, I perused a number of computer magazines, even Apple®-related ones. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.

Incidentally, I have come around to realize that my dislike for Apple® is unfounded. After all, I was an Apple® iBook user for three years. Heck, I was there for the transition from OS 9 to OS X. I have to admit that Apple® products are truly elegant. Instead of the ridiculous netbook, I should have acquired an iPad®. As much as I like MeeGo®, there's just no comparison. Yes, the iPad essentially uses a phone operating system. However, it appears to be quite capable. In addition, the next iOS 4.2 upgrade will finally bring multi-tasking to the iPad®. Maybe I am speaking too soon, though, since MeeGo® will have a tablet version available with the v1.1 upgrade. And, there are a number of tablet computers that will be available in a few months, albeit with the abysmal Android® phone operating system.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), same ol' shit. The Indian guy's romance is in full swing, so he's barely around anymore. Joseph, the Iraqi guy, and his limerant object have taken advantage of every opportunity to "homestead" the entirety of Slob Manor. I have given up as much space as possible to make the Iraqi guy happy. He is, of course, living a great life. He sleeps and watches the tube all day. He only exerts himself when babysitting his limerant object's dog. Imagine being able to live rent-free for life. No worries. No cares. As ridiculous as it may sound, I now suspect that even the landlord wants to see Joseph and his limerant object "tie the knot."

As for the ol' lavahead, life has taken on a surreal quality after the theft incident of September 30th. Not much, at least materially, seems to matter to me anymore. I have even become quite sickened by my attachment to my computers. Unfortunately, I'm not attached to much else. I remain entirely aloof.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who Am I?

I was at the Barnes & Noble® Café in Kahala Mall for another round of coffee at 9am this morning. Adjacent to me was a very frumpy and obese old bag who was drinking coffee and stuffing her face with a grotesque sugar-infused pastry. The bitch kept spilling crumbs all over herself, and then brushed the crap off in my direction. I really wanted to read her the "riot act." Instead, I chose to remain civil.

Lots of kids at the mall this morning ... well, every morning. All of the toddlers, pre-adolescents, and teenagers could definitely support the case for overpopulation. I have always been dumbfounded by the human need to procreate. As I have stated elsewhere in the "blog," I fail to understand how anyone can bring another human life into existence while knowing full well that we humans are mortal. Each of us will go through an existential crisis in which we will have to face our mortality. We will question why we, as conscious beings, are allowed to live a full life, only to have to relinquish everything in the end. We will ponder what it is like to not exist, to simply disappear.

Perhaps the problem is that most people do not grasp the reality of mortality. Although the population problem has been attributed to the rise of both the agrarian and industrial societies, the influence of religious beliefs may have been equally persuasive. The commandment to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" by God of The Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam) provided the incentive for uncontrolled procreation and dominion over the planet, respectively. Beliefs in immortality, reincarnation, resurrection, and eternal life superseded indigenous knowledge and common sense.

I am constantly hearing the intrusive conversations of people with disproportionate religious faith and expectations. The irony of living in a highly technological world amongst people who are firmly entrenched in mythical thinking is uncanny. I am certain that their thinking exactly mirrors the ancient religious tribes of several millenia ago. They are guided by deities that were the fabrications of great theological thinkers who lived eons ago. A rational mind would have realized that something was clearly wrong when the stated "prophecies" have never been fulfilled. Yet, like their ancestral brethren, they keep the faith and repeat the same kind of ridiculous mistakes that have plagued religious ideologues and fanatics over the ages.

Procreation is one of those mistakes. A rational human being would have determined the cruelty of bearing children. From one's own experience, only a fatalistic view could develop. Seeing the older generations becoming decrepit and eventually succumbing to the end of life should have made even the earliest humans cognizant of the terminal cycle of life. Sure, one can experience a temporal fulfillment in the interim. Yet, does a fulfilling life prepare anyone for the end? I think not.

Humans should have voluntarily gone extinct. Over the course of prehistory and history, humans have proven to be destructive to both themselves and the planet. The destructiveness seems to have accelerated once religious dogma gelled into the mindset of the masses. We humans are supposed to have the capacity for compassion, but there just doesn't seem to be any evidence of the latter. True compassion would have led to human extinction by natural attrition.

Even today, humans have fooled themselves into believing that they have some kind of mandate to perpetuate a "greater good," a commonweal. The faulty axiom has only served to feed into the madness of dominion. It literally has brought us to the doorstep of our own self-destruction. "Civilization" has only extended the vague myth of humans superiority. Yet, when layer upon layer of infrastructural subterfuge are stripped away, the basic animalistic tendencies are still there. The "inner animal" is laid bare.

Of course, arguing the point is moot and fruitless. As for myself, I am already here on the planet. I am living out my life as I enter the "twilight" era. I have only so many good years left, and that number is dwindling fast. I have already acquired a lot of old man attributes, physically and mentally. Naturally, the physical debilitation is the most appalling. I dread the onslaught of wrinkles and the hideous old man epidermal splotches. Gray hair is even more shocking. Yet, it's all coming on. I can't stop it.

I keep wondering about what's going to happen to me in ten or twenty years. Where will I be living? Will I be using a cane or a walker? Will I develop some kind of terminal disease? Will I be a victim of senior citizen abuse? Will I become senile? Will I forget who I am? Will I suffer in the end? Who am I, really? Consciousness is so difficult to understand.

Who am I? Aside from an aggregations of living cells, I really don't know how to define who I am. I once postulated that all living life forms have a "soul," an individual life force that distinguishes one from another. Increasingly, I have doubts that the "soul" is immortal. As I stated previously in the "blog," I want to distinguish the "soul" from the persona. Everything that makes us human including our sensory and thinking capabilities originate in the brain. Our memories, our personalities, our temperament, also originate in the brain. If our brain is damaged in any way, we may lose much of the traits that comprise our persona. However, we would still be alive. In other words, I would still be me, devoid of any other conscious characteristics.

How does the brain make us conscious of who we are? How do I know that I am me? How do I know that I am alive? How is it that I can perceive my existence? How can an aggregation of biological cells make such a perception possible? None of the cells alone have what we call "intelligence." The brain itself is comprised of nerve cells, neurons, billions of them. Each neuron is "connected" to other neurons by means of string-like dendrites. However, the cells are not truly connected. There is a gap between the neurons and the dendrites. The brain is essentially a chemical factory. Certain chemicals are passed in the gap. The uptake of those chemicals causes the synaptic functions of the brain. The great mystery, of course, is how those chemical functions end up creating the person who is you or I. How does thinking occur? How are memories stored? How are emotions invoked? How is consciousness created? The questions are endless. Alas, when the ruminations hit a fever pitch, only two words come to mind ... "steel" and "reserve." Steel Reserve®. Get it? baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

At 11:30am, I rode the bus to town. I restored my extreme monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design, performed my usual workout at the gym, and returned to Kahala Mall by 4pm. I wanted to find a nice place to eat dinner, but thought better of the idea. Instead, I stopped off at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center.

Once back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I discovered that milk had spilt all over the carpet in the rear section of the cab of the truck. I had, as usual, picked a defective carton of milk. I have never spilt anything inside of my Nissan® Frontier truck in the five years that I owned it. I attempted to clean the milk puddles, but most of it had seeped into the crevices near the doors. To say that I was angry would be an understatement. I seem to always grab the wrong item or something defective. I don't bother checking because ... well, I am a senile old fart. Let's call it a day now, shall we?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lollygagging About Town

In a word, fatigued. Sleep has become wishful thinking at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Although the house was quiet at 10pm, the multi-generational Chinaman house next door provided the necessary noise to aid insomnia. There are at least three generations living in the house. The youngest generation, the "kids," all have expensive, new 4000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles). The vehicles come and go at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes, like last night at 10:30pm, the various "kids" are outside washing their vehicles and loudly spewing Chinkspeak into their cellphones. Since my squalid room is just a stone's throw away from the activities, I am privy to hear everything.

As usual, I did not sleep well. I have been experiencing mild abdominal pains. I believe that the pains are partly due to old man syndrome (OMS). The major culprit is the crappy bed that my sleeping bag lies upon. To say that the bed is worn out would be an understatement. There is absolutely no lumbar support. I'd be better off sleeping in the bathtub.

After tossing and turning for the duration that I should have been asleep, I finally got up at 6:10am. Within ten minutes, I was on the road in my Nissan® Frontier truck. My destination? New City Nissan® for an appointment at 7:30am to perform an oil change. I departed early because I was unsure of the traffic situation. To my surprise, I arrived before 7am. My "service advisor," Matt, claimed that he did not receive the coupon from the person I had spoken with on the phone yesterday. I was assured that the coupon would be transmitted to Matt. The coupon was an on-line offer, I had explained, and I have no printer.

Matt said that he would check on the matter. However, if he could not locate the coupon, the cost would be $42 and some change. I was on the verge of fury. After calming myself down, I walked into the showroom. There was no coffee made, so I asked the receptionist if she could brew more coffee. She was very cordial and did so. I then asked her if she could print the coupon for me. She again complied. I thanked her profusely. The only reason that I had returned to the dealership for service was because of the coupon.

The dealership has changed quite a bit since moving to Kalihi. I am sure that the move was costly, given that it occurred right before the economic depression hit. The service department personnel has not been as courteous since. My impression is that there is an underlying attempt to find as many mechanical problems as possible in order to pad the invoice. I can see this in Matt. I can hear it in his voice. However, thanks to the coupon, my final invoice came to $31 and some change. I once again expressed my gratitude to the receptionist.

The oil change was completed by 8am. With plenty of time to spare, I drove to Kahala Mall. Traffic was heavy in both directions, by the way. People were speeding recklessly as usual. While driving, I seemed to have an out-of-body experience. I felt as though I did not belong there. I could see myself sitting in the cab of the truck amidst thousands of 4000-pound motorized chairs. Most, if not all, of the fools were bound for their various wage slave encampments. Only I, a poverty-stricken and emancipated wage slave, was leisurely pursuing a cup of coffee.

The ridiculous love affair with the 4000-pound motorized chair by the masses has reached an obscene zenith of madness. There are probably eight vehicles resident at the multi-generational Chinaman house. At Slob Manor, there are now eight vehicles stuffed in the circular driveway. No matter where I am at, I am privy to watch people and their 4000-pound motorized chairs scurrying around. Even as Peak Oil is wielding its ugly head, no one will relinquish their vehicles. We'll drive our way to oblivion. Sheer madness.

I sat in my usual spot in the Barnes & Noble® Café. I was already over-caffeinated from the cheap Robusta-infused coffee at the Nissan® dealership. However, with so little sleep, I needed as much caffeine as possible in order to make it through the day. As always, I carried my Chase® Freedom credit card with me. I no longer carry any identification or any other cards (or paraphernalia). "Freedom" card? An odd name for a credit card that mostly enslaves people even further.

I was in no hurry. All that was left on my agenda was to perform my usual workout at the gym. I was thankful that I brought my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer. I was able to compose a portion of the "blog" while I sipped on coffee. As I have stated many times, I have no idea why I continue to compose the "blog." Aside from executing a handful of minor on-line financial transactions, I only need a computer to compose the "blog."

Victoria White

Yes, I know that downloading hurdy-gurdy videos also requires a computer. The latter activity is obviously benign and will taper off as the Vienna Sausage increases in dysfunction. From my own estimate, the Vienna Sausage is almost there. Yesterday, I noticed that the right side of my board shorts was soaked after the Vienna Sausage had completed its primary urinary tasks. Obviously, the Vienna Sausage is losing its capability to aim a steady stream of liquid properly. Soon, it will just be an annoying appendage. By the way, Victoria White is one of my new favorite hurdy-gurdy stars.

I rode the bus to town at 12:15pm. I performed my usual workout at the gym, then I rode the bus back to Kahala Mall. My stomach was queasy, so I persuaded myself to purchase a smoothie treat at Jamba Juice®. The cashier, Brianna, was a young hottie not properly trained for the job. She did not query whether I wanted the free "boost." Although I paid with a credit card, she did not give me a receipt. I had to ask for it. When nearly the entire wage slave force in the empire is comprised of service personnel, there must be a clear focus on customer service itself. Over 70 percent of the empire's economy is based on consumerism. Baby might believe that she's too good for the job, but she's in for a rude awakening.

Back at Slob Manor, same ol' shit. The dump is about as dyfunctional as the Vienna Sausage. As usual, I ate my pathetic dinner at my squalid desk in my squalid room. I must squish several sugar ants with an old rag every few seconds. In fact, I spend all night, every night, squishing sugar ants. A magnifying glass would probably reveal hundreds of tiny ant head fragments on the surface of the desk. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hi Ho, Ho Hum (Reprise)

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

Although, in the "blog" of yesterday, I criticized the physique of the haole clown, albeit a fellow senior citizen, I failed to mention that I have developed a very slight but noticeable gut "pudginess." Since I no longer imbibe in cheap booze, I suspect that the culprit is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). That crap is now in everything. Out of all of the food products that I purchase, only one actually uses real sugar: Quaker® Granola.

By the way, I really enjoy the food at Panda Express®. Not exactly authentic Chinese food, but I find the cuisine quite flavorful. I just can't bring myself to patronize a hamburger joint or one of those pasty sandwich places. There are a lot of local-style food outlets in Hawai'i, but I found that most of them simply have deep-fried dishes. Fast sushi places are plentiful, but the prices are exorbitant. For a scoop of rice, a small sheet of seaweed, and a sliver of fish? No thanks.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


What was the urban nomad itinerary for the day? We already know, don't we? When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 2:35pm, I noticed that only Joseph, the Iraqi guy, and his limerant object were home. Not really wanting to see the clandestine "lovebirds," I rode the bus to Kahala Mall. As to be expected, I spent an hour or so at Barnes & Noble®. Eventually, I returned to Slob Manor and locked myself in my squalid room for the evening.

While at the bookstore, I discovered four books that I would like to read:
  • "The Most Dangerous Animal: Human Nature and the Origins of War" - David Livingstone Smith
  • "Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors" - Nicholas Wade
  • "Not a Chimp: The Hunt to Find the Genes that Make Us Human" - Jeremy Taylor
  • "Zoo Story: Life in the Garden of Captives" - Thomas French
I may end up acquiring a library card, after all. Or, I may have to purchase (Oh, the horror!) the books.

As documented in the "blog," incivility in the empire has reached epidemic proportions. However, unlike Chris Hedges and Morris Berman, the ol' lavahead does not see the collapse of "civilization" coming too soon as a result. Hard as it may be to believe, the ol' lavahead is actually a very polite and civil individual. At the gym this morning, a haole clown was walking backwards away from his locker just as I was approaching an empty locker in the vicinity. "Excuse me," I said. He turned around and glared at me as if I were a pile of dung. I almost read him the "riot act." However, I noticed that he was about my age. Clearly, he believed that he was a stud. He did not have a shirt on. From the back I could see that he had a pronounced skeletal droop, most likely from sitting in a padded chair all day during his tenure in wage slavery. He also had the makings of a "spare tire" around the midriff. He was wearing baggy shorts, but I assumed that he had the initial symptoms of old man bowleg syndrome (OMBS). The guy was a loser as far as I was concerned. I let him continue to live in his dreamworld.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


As I sat in the Barnes & Noble® Café in Kahala Mall at 9am this morning, I pondered the state of my sanity. How much further will I pushed before I simply explode in a homicidal rampage? How much longer before the "inner animal" breaks free?

The noise at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) commenced at 5am with the Iraqi guy's limerant object taking her dog out for a walk. That's the sheer stupidity of "owning" a pet. It must be taken outside so it can piss and take a dump (i.e., urinate and defecate). A few minutes later, Alan was in the kitchen with his tiny Styrofoam cup. He must fill the cup multiple times with Coke®, the only form of liquid that he consumes. Each time, he must retrieve the huge liter bottle out of the fridge, slamming the fridge door in the process. I have no idea why he just doesn't acquire a larger cup. He is, after all, a strange guy. Outside, a variety of different noises could be heard over the steady stream of traffic: the neighbor's dog barking, the landlord departing, the wild peacock calling out for no reason with honking noises.

I have no idea why I brought my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer with me, although I did compose a portion of the "blog." As it is, I spend all night, every night, in front of my Toshiba® Satellite notebook computer in my squalid room. To say that my nightly activity is boring would be a severe understatement. My only other alternative would be to watch the tube in a zombie-like state just like everyone else. Unfortunately, I do not own a tube.

As I mentioned previously, Saturday is a bad day to be at Kahala Mall. The place is completely choked with shoppers from early on. Barnes & Noble® fills up fairly quickly as well. These people (i.e., consumers, formerly known as "satanic gargoyles") are so eager to shop, so willing to spend money. I become easily nauseated by the spectacle. Yet, during my bouts of nausea, I am baffled by how they acquired such huge sums of disposable income.

And, of course, the downtown branch of the library has temporarily been eliminated as a destination. Really, though, there is not a whole lot of difference between the library and a shopping mall. The biggest difference is the level of economic enfranchisement (or disenfranchisement, if one prefers) of the crowd in general. Naturally, stupidity is the common denominator. Stupidity is the common bond for most of humanity. The commonality between library and bookstore is the sheer magnitude of crap that is warehoused as "knowledge." Although I haven't done as much reading as required to be considered an "intellectual," I have seen enough garbage to sicken me to the point of mummifying any intellectual aspirations.

Each day in the "blog," I belabor the same points as if each were a novelty. Yet, it's all the same ol' shit. I am locked in my own cycle of stupidity, and I cannot escape. I am sure that the latter fact would not elude even the most casual reader of the "blog." Am I really actively seeking solutions? Or, am I just going off with a long catharsis of nonsense?

Or perhaps, I should ask, are there really any solutions at all? The human condition has undoubtedly reached a point of critical mass. Overpopulation has insured that we will reach a terminal breaking point. Inject liberal amounts of stupidity into the equation, and the breaking point will be catalyzed even sooner. There's nowhere to escape, as Chris McCandless unwittingly discovered. We contemporary humans are ill-prepared to venture into the wild. And, whatever wild that is remaining will most certainly be unsustainable for human life as we know it.

Alas, the same question keeps resurfacing: what will I do now? I have cut my ties with the so-called "mainstream," and I have no way to recover lost ground and lost time. I have become a hermit, an urban nomad, with no option to turn back. Most unsettling is that the moneychangers and powers-that-be have thwarted my plans to eke out an existence. I tried very hard to plan for any conceivable crisis. Little did I know that we are in the final iteration of the fantasy wonderland of empire. Wealth transfer from the poor class to the elite class has accelerated to the point that the flow can no longer be stopped. I remain helpless as I watch my life savings dwindle down to nothing. Freedom has become a vague illusion.

I did the best conservative fiscal planning that I could. I made investments that I believed would weather any short-term crisis. In effect, I was an idiot. I haplessly bought into the idea of iterations and recurring cycles. We fools are spoon-fed such nonsense continuously. Even the contrarians were fooled. Thus, the illusion of wealth that I am seeing around me may simply be a mass hallucination of denial. The "New Age" focus of "mind over matter" has permeated into a ridiculous circus of folly and baseless optimism. We all close our eyes and wish for the better. In the meantime, we just continue with our mindless activities and act like nothing is out of the ordinary. Could we describe collective insanity any better?

I piddled around the mall until 12:30pm. Then, I rode the bus to town in order to engage in my now-benign workout at the gym. My entire afternoon was characterized by an extremely leisurely pace. I finally arrived back at Kahala Mall at 3:30pm. Once again, I meandered around Barnes & Noble®. I departed the mall sometime after 4pm.

Along the way back to Slob Manor, I made a quick stop at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I ran into Lori's ex-husband, Kirk, in the cold cuts section. We chatted for a bit. He said that he just recently spoke with Lori. Apparently, the bicycle shop has gone out of business. She's still up on the North Shore doing who-knows-what.

On a side note, a new update for MeeGo® was made available yesterday. However, the minor update was for the current version (v1.04) and not the highly anticipated major one (v1.1). Very strange indeed.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Post No. 1,629

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Zippy's. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), everything has returned to "normal," or dare I say, normal dysfunction. In other words, same ol' shit. However, I simply walk directly to my squalid room and remain locked in there until the next morning.

A fairly "vanilla" kind-of-a-day has left the ol' lavahead with no other option but to savor the moment. Thus, he will take a brief hiatus from his usual "blog" material. Let us all enjoy a day that was devoid of asswipes and dickheads, shall we?

On a side note, some major problems erupted between OpenSUSE developers and the Linux Foundation over the OpenSUSE's use of the name "Smeegol" instead of the official trademarked name, MeeGo®. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm still a fan of MeeGo®, though.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Inevitable "Civilization"

"Wise man is slow in choosing friends, slower in changing." -- Panda Express® fortune cookie
Not being able to determine a suitable alternative urban nomad itinerary this morning, I ended up at the old mainstay, Kahala Mall, specifically the Barnes & Noble® Café. My trusty Acer® Aspire One netbook computer was with me. My Nissan® frontier truck was parked downstairs in the shade. I sipped on a large cup of coffee, the only enjoyable part of my day.

I am still locked in a torrid existential crisis, one that seemingly has no solution at hand. In fact, from my latest misadventures, I am quite certain that I am now too far gone. I have retreated into the darkest void of the oversized cranium. I have become completely dysfunctional within the hideous construct known as "society." I can no longer deal with people. The "inner animal" has burst out of its cage and has overtaken my personality. I am now a rabid animal.

In retrospect, I can determine what precipitated the degeneration. I am economically disenfranchised. And, I have shrugged off the only criteria for dignity in so-called "civilization," namely wage slavery. Thus, I found myself in the company of similar losers or worse (e.g., derelicts, the homeless, cologne-soaked morons). Day in and day out, I have had to coexist with extremely debased people. They have, for the most part, become animals. They maintain the bare minimum of the rules of "civilization," just enough to keep themselves within the law of the land. Little wonder why I would end up as debased as they are.

The interesting part of the whole debacle is that I am being "compartmentalized" in an every shrinking cube. Previously, I believed that I had brought the outcome upon myself. However, after brushing aside the fog of self-imposed stigmatization, I was able to observe that the forces are coming from outside my person. Indeed, it is "civilization" and its component society that is exerting the crushing force. Conformity is the only cure for the resulting pain and suffering. Otherwise, the "inner animal" will break free as the only remaining defense mechanism to protect the vulnerable "self."

My increased understanding of the my own plight has also given rise to the realization that "civilization" was inevitable. The state of humanity as we know it was unavoidable. There might have been different manifestations of government, religion, and economic infrastructures. However, the basic model of "civilization" would have been the same. Humans can only survive and thrive via "civilization." Otherwise, we would have gone extinct a long time ago.

Humans, at first, attempted to retain their indigenous roots. They remained true to the natural cycles of life. However, to compensate for such a considerably "primitive" life-style, our distant ancestors had to resort to infanticide, geronticide and the like to control population growth. Natural attrition was not adequate, as appalling as that may sound.

Humans require an immense amount of natural resources to survive. After all, we were born naked. Eventually, our distant ancestors had to abandon conformity to the natural cycles of life and, instead, adopt a philosophy of dominion. In essence, that was the beginning of the "us versus them" mentality. Could it have been any other way? No, not really.

I departed for town on the bus at 12:15pm. I alighted at the Capitol district and ate my lunch while I sat on one of the concrete benches directly in front of the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial. Many moons have passed since I last visited the site. I looked at all of the names listed on each of the tiled blocks. What a senseless waste of lives, I thought to myself.

My workout at the gym was hampered by an upset stomach. I probably spent more time in the restroom than in the weight room. Sheesh! Afterwards, I rode the bus back to Kahala Mall. I piddled around for a while. I happened to observe Reggie, the questionable derelict, loitering in various locations as well. Oddly, he was already at the mall when I arrived in the morning.

I stopped off at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center on the way back to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I purchased a big-ass sandwich (on sale for $5) for dinner. Another day, another dollar ... short.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Go MeeGo®!

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

I spent an hour or so at the Hawai'i Kai branch of the library. It is small with very few books, but I enjoyed being there. No losers to contend with. I may be modifying the urban nomad routine to include the Hawai'i Kai and Aina Haina branches instead of the downtown location. More details later.

Well, when the idiocy of the animal world becomes too overbearing, the only alternative is to discuss computer nerd nonsense. The latest Ubuntu Linux called "Maverick Meerkat" was released on October 10th to coincide with its version number (v10.10). I have no intention of downloading and installing it on either of my two portable computers. The new netbook interface called Unity was also released. I am not particularly fond of it.

UNE Unity Desktop

I have included the screenshots of both Unity and MeeGo® in the "blog" for comparison. At this point in time, I am still very partial to the cartoon-ish interface of MeeGo®. A static picture just doesn't do it any justice. One must see MeeGo® in action to fully appreciate it.

MeeGo® Desktop
To my surprise, I discovered that OpenSUSE Linux has introduced its own "spin" of MeeGo® called SmeeGol in the latest version (v11.3). And, of course, Fedora 14 will include a MeeGo® "spin" when it is released next month. Go MeeGo®!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Animal Crackers Redux

Once again, my day was ruined by idiots, this time at the library. At 2pm, I returned the books that I was perusing to their original locations so I would be able to retrieve them at a later date. When I returned to my table, an ugly ho', about my age, was sitting in my chair. She had also placed a stack of books next to my gym bag. "You're in my seat, you fuckin' stupid bitch," I said to her calmly and politely. The floozy ignored me. So, I kicked the table and repeated what I said. Actually, I was on my way out anyway, but I decided to make a big deal out of nothing.

Another loser, sitting at the next table, felt that he was righteous enough to intervene. He's a clown, probably about my age, who is in the library every day. He also douses himself with cheap cologne. The odor is horrid and permeates the air for a radius of 25 feet. At one point, he flipped me off. "You fuckin' loser," I said to him mildly. "You need to lose that cheap fuckin' cologne. That shit stinks. I can smell it all the way down there." I pointed to the end of the inner courtyard. As he was babbling, I interjected, "You want to make something of it?" I pointed to the exit, hinting that he could accompany me. Apparently, he didn't want to pursue a friendlier conversation outside, so I walked off.

Typical "Reality Shopping" Hottie

My time at the downtown library is rapidly drawing to a close. There really is nothing more for me to read. I am fatigued by the sheer number of alternative realities that are presented to me in written form. I am no longer "reality shopping," so the whole matter is moot. The library has also become a kind of way station for derelicts, a meeting hall for losers, and a daycare center for the homeless. In other words, it has turned into an animal shelter.

So, what will be the new urban nomad itinerary? I don't really know. Maybe I can hang out all day with Joseph, the Iraqi guy, at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Into the Wild

I found myself at the Barnes & Noble® Café in Kahala Mall fairly early this morning. There was almost no evidence of a holiday. Whom exactly would want to celebrate Discoverer's Day anyway? Only the banks and the Post Office are closed. I was, of course, sitting and sipping coffee while composing the "blog" on my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer. I attempted to peruse a few magazines. However, nothing was of interest. The Linux selections are dwindling. There's a proliferation of Apple®-related magazines, though.

I have been ruminating for a few days about Jon Krakauer's book, "Into the Wild." I neither consider Chris McCandless a folk hero or a schizophrenic. I believe that Krakauer made it clear that he did not intend to paint McCandless as anything other than a person seeking answers to mainly philosophical questions. McCandless was like you or I. Well, no, that's not exactly true. He grew disillusioned with the "system" at a young age. He also grew to despise "civilization." Why is it that, when people become disillusioned with "reality," they attempt to seek solace in the "wilderness"?

Monks have sought isolation and mendicance through a separation with the material world. They endure a brutal ascetic existence in order to grow in "spirituality," of which the entire purpose is to close the rift between themselves and their deities. For those of us without a firm religious belief, there are no monasteries to retreat to. Where does such a person go? Nearly the entire planet is "owned." Almost every inch of desirable land is "private property." And, humans are forced to cluster in extremely large urban populations such that the concept of "personal space" has been reduced to a microcosmic joke.

The only desperate solution is to escape into the wild, into areas that are too hostile for "civilization" to incubate and thrive. However, very few individuals are prepared to survive in a hostile environment alone or without some facets of modern technology. That's how far we've strayed from our indigenous roots. McCandless' own foray into the wild took him only about 30 miles outside "civilization." He took shelter in an abandoned bus that was stocked with a few items from the modern world, leftovers from previous visitors. McCandless also sported a rifle in order to hunt for food. And, he had purchased a guidebook to identify edible plants. Nonetheless, I make no criticism of his reliance on some aspects of modernity.

As I stated prior, I was interested in Chris McCandless, the person. Thus, I paid much attention to his sporadic journal entries and the accounts of others who interacted with him during his various journeys. In a way, I could connect with with his thoughts. Certainly, my own feelings about "civilization" and humanity are quite similar. The difference, obviously, is that I have not been sufficiently motivated to truly sever my ties with the "system." Instead, I continue to give lip service concerning an elusive exodus.

On a sad note, I continue to not sleep well. Aside from the inconsiderate fools at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I have been plagued by my mortality. I am not able to understand or fathom the idea of simply disappearing into nothing. I have difficulty accepting that all of my memories, my experiences, essentially my "life," will simply vanish. Humanity will continue until it eventually destroys itself or, if it survives, until the sun approaches it finals days. Yes, even the solar system as we know it will eventually cease to exist. What then was its overall purpose then?

My journey for the day, the infamous urban nomad routine, continued at an extremely slow pace. Was that because of the meatloaf that I devoured last night? Partly, I suppose. Red meat has a tendency to make one sluggish. I was in no hurry because there's really not much to anticipate once I return to Slob Manor. The dreary situation is a model in miniature of society-at-large. All the antecedent debasement of humanity, the ills of society, the clash of cultures, the gender wars, the burdens of "civilization," are culminated in the constricted bowels of Slob Manor. It's enough to make anyone's stomach churn.

Surprisingly, the library was open. I arrived in time to enjoy my meager lunch outside under the coconut trees in the Capitol district. I did not feel like reading anything. So, I simply closed my eyes and cleared my mind. In actuality, I was paying silent tribute to fellow animal, Chris McCandless.

Later, I completed my workout at the gym in a robotic fashion. Then, I rode an extremely slow bus back to Kahala Mall. I spent another hour in Barnes & Noble® for no particular reason. I also noticed that the hottie bookseller was on duty. Yabba dabba doo!

On my way back to Slob Manor, my Nissan® Frontier truck and I stopped off at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I purchased a few grocery items and another slab of ready-made meatloaf at Foodland Farms. Once back at the dump, I locked myself in my squalid room for the evening. So much for the holiday.

Finally, there's been a lot of talk about a possible upcoming currency war. Most of the empire's citizens don't really care. However, to understand the gravity of the problem, I suggest the reading of an analysis by Michael Hudson titled, "Why the U.S. has Launched a New Financial World War - And How the the Rest of the World Will Fight Back," that appeared in the Counterpunch site.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vestiges of "Ownership Society"

At 10:10am on the morning of October 10, 2010 (i.e., "10/10/10" for what that's worth), the ol' lavahead was aboard the Route 6 bus just as it passed the Queen Street and Cooke Street intersection. He was on his way to the gym from Ala Moana Center. A few minutes later, he was fortunate to catch a microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer. Baby was looking mighty fine.

After a less-than-moderate gym workout, I followed the circuitous route (i.e., Ala Moana Center and Waikiki) back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I made a quick stop at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I purchased a twin-pack of blueberry muffins and a slab of ready-made meatloaf (for dinner) at Foodland Farms, all at rip-off prices.

When I returned to Slob Manor, no one appeared to be around. Actually, Alan was asleep. The Indian guy was probably out with his babe. The Iraqi guy was carousing somewhere. The Iraqi guy's limerant object was upstairs, waiting for her "fuck buddy" to return. Upon setting foot in my dismal quarters (read: squalid room), I realized that the Iraqi guy will be staying at Slob Manor forever. So, will his limerant object (by default). The Iraqi guy has nowhere to go. He cannot afford to pay rent because he is without a job. So, he will be at the dump possibly his entire life. He will be a dependent of the landlord until the end of time. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Alan apparently purchased all kinds of office supplies. He's documenting the alleged fraud perpetrated on him by the realtor who sold him the property in Arizona. According to the local county assessor's office, the house is documented as being much smaller than was advertised. Alan expects to settle out of court for $50,000 in cash. I'm trying to avoid getting into a discussion about it with him because I have already heard enough. I really don't care about "ownership" or the so-called "ownership society." I just want out of all that crap.

The concept of "ownership society" has probably been around as long as humanity. After all, we humans were born naked. We were also not outfitted with built-in tools for survival like other animals. Early humans had to fashion their own clothes and manufacture their own tools. Both the latter and former became "property."

The sad fact that we humans require a lot of paraphernalia and accoutrements to function effectively in our environment is the basis of all "ownership." It is also a pathetic testament for theory of evolution. Why were humans deliberately "handicapped"? In exchange, however, we were given a marvelous brain with exceptional capabilities. To compensate for our "handicap," we have allowed the "ownership society" to spiral completely out of control. And, here we are today, always on the brink of destroying ourselves. And, for what? Shiny objects? Natural resources? Intellectual property? Economic property? Financial property? Scientific property? Religious property? Material property? Philosophical property? Imaginary property?

Nearly all of the laws of humans, both secular and religious, over the course of time deal with property, even human property (i.e., slavery). And, if I may be so bold, even marriage is really a consolidation of property, human and material. Marriage partners "own" each other. For the elite class, marriage also serves to consolidate power.

We're now at the point in which everything is "owned." That is, all "private property," even what was once public domain. We are allowed some minor level of access, but pausing too long is considered trespassing. That just about sums up the human condition, doesn't it? We can squarely place the blame on our early ancestors who crafted stone tools for themselves. Each made his tools to his own particular liking and design. Each took those tools to the grave. After all, each of them was an "owner."

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Vienna Sausage Mysteries

Another banal urban nomad kind-of-a-day has passed without incident. What more can I say?

At the library, I completed reading, "Into the Wild," by Jon Krakauer. I found the book quite interesting, regardless of what the armchair pundits and amateur book reviewers have said about it. Overall, I was curious about Chris McCandless, the person. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, there's no sense in belaboring the banality, so I will move on to discuss the Vienna Sausage. No, I am not talking about the terribly unappetizing canned meat product. I am referring to the conspicuous appendage of the human male.

Why were humans born naked? Why was the Vienna Sausage made so conspicuously visible and, as a result, so vulnerable? Since we were born naked, we were either designed to remain naked, or we were burdened with the task to create our own version of fur (i.e., clothes).

As a biped animal, we stand upright. We also transport ourselves upright. Oddly, for the male human, the Vienna Sausage is protruding in front of him with no real protection. A fall, for example, could be extremely painful. The ol' lavahead, himself, once inadvertently walked into a fire hydrant. Although he was wearing clothes, the impact of the fire hydrant to the groin caused him to sit down on the sidewalk for several minutes to recover. Even then, the task of walking was extremely difficult for at least 15 minutes.

Typical Limerant Hottie

Why, though, is the Vienna Sausage dangling out there for the whole world to see? In the early days of humanity, there was no such nonsense as dating, courtship, "love," or marriage. The aforementioned rituals were the byproducts of "civilization" as it emerged from tribalism. So, how was mating accomplished? No doubt, the biological functions of humans were identical then and now. The human male becomes aroused when viewing a human female whom he is somehow attracted to. The arousal causes the Vienna Sausage to engorge itself with blood and stand erect. The female human would not be able to mistake the event for anything else. There is no game playing (i.e., mind games) when the state of the Vienna Sausage is plain for all to see. As the human male spoke to his limerant object, his Vienna Sausage would be pointing right at her. She could accept the Vienna Sausage or reject it.

The entire mating process was expedited by the actions of the Vienna Sausage. With the advent of clothes and the mating protocols of "civilization," the whole process became muddled. The efficient and natural biological selection process was replaced with psychological guessing games. Layer upon layer of rules, spoken and unspoken, were added to further obfuscate the matter. Add religious dogma to the mix and it's easy to see why human mating has been so debased.

Yes, in the days of old, the Vienna Sausage did the "courting." Human females were not indoctrinated with the ridiculous notions of gender roles (e.g., playing coy, waiting for the phone to ring, etc.). The basis for gender relationships was essentially pure lust. Procreation was secondary. A somewhat long-term "monogamous" relationship was an incidental outcome of the former and the latter.

The framers of "civilization" have reduced the Vienna Sausage to a tool of "sin" and guilt, much in the same way that female genitalia has always been regarded. A human male could certainly not be "sportin' a woody" in his pants in public without nasty repercussions. Chokin' da chicken and obsessive viewing of hurdy-gurdy videos would not be such international pastimes were it not for the overbearing sexual repression of "civilization."

Friday, October 08, 2010

Birth of "Civilization"

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Yummy's Korean BBQ. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

For some reason, my left hand kept cramping up during my weight workout at the gym. My fingers became twisted and contorted, somewhat similar to chronic arthritis. I cut my weight workout slightly short. I could continue no longer. I was able to soothe the cramp during my cardio workout. The culprit? Sleep deprivation, most likely. Or, perhaps, a potassium deficiency. I haven't been eating my daily banana ever since the theft incident. Or, could it be, dare I say, old age?

Well, what else is there to discuss? How about "civilization"? As much as I despise "civilization" ... "Western civilization," I suppose, since I was born into it ... there really is little intuitive evidence that humans could have or would have avoided the "civilized" path. We humans are an unusual animal specie. As much as we have biologically in common with other animals, we also have some very distinct unshared characteristics. I need not go into details because everyone is already acquainted with those differences.

"Civilization" is probably a higher manifestation of the herding instinct of the animal world. Because our faculties include a more diverse spectrum of sensory and intellectual capabilities, we humans have necessarily created a much more complex infrastructure of the herd concept.

Overall, we derive protection and collective power through numbers just as animals do. Our human strengths (i.e., ability to think, reason, and speak) and our weaknesses (i.e., being born naked and vulnerable in all manner to the environment) when combined point naturally to collectivism as the sole means for survival. We have the tools to precisely collaborate with other humans, which is the only way we can overcome our individual weaknesses.

Herding and "civilization," however, are not the same. Why did humans continue to develop the herd into the tribe all the way to "civilization"? Let's examine the case of human excrement now, shall we? In the earliest human herds or tribes, the entire membership was probably small. Each member probably took a dump on the outskirts of the primitive settlement, just as a common animal would. As the tribe increased in size, there would be more people taking dumps along the outskirts. Dung, of course, takes a long time to decompose and leach into the soil.

Humans, unlike other animals, seem to be able to identify certain smells as being quite obnoxious, dung being one of them. Imagine the wind wafting the scent of fresh dung into the middle of the tribal living area during dinner. Imagine an early human walking around with newly made "shoes" and stepping on the dung. The "shoes," which took a long time to fabricate, would have to be discarded. No doubt, the early humans realized that taking a dump would have to become an organized activity. Rules would be established about where such an activity would be allowed. Penalties would be established to enforce the rules. Methods to force quicker decomposition of the dung would have to be developed in order to reduce the residual odor.

Am I saying that dung is the basis of all "civilization"? Not exactly. However, there is a remote possibility that the answer to the latter question is affirmative. Other animals do not care much about where they take a dump. Sometimes they step in their own dung and are forced to clean up with their tongues. I am certain that even the earliest humans would not have done the same. Putting their noses in close proximity to the dung most likely caused them to choke and gag, much as we would today.

Humans were bound to separate themselves from the rest of the animal world, by virtue of the obvious inability or refusal to mimic all animal traits. Because we have the ability to analyze all of our sensory inputs, we are forced to identify problems and cognitively solve them. Step-by-step, the building blocks of society and, later, "civilization" would develop. It was inevitable.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Zilch Redux

I stared at the blank Blogger® "blog" template this evening for what seemed like an eternity. My mind drew a complete blank as I attempted to recap the day. After all, what happened? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Or, dare I say, same ol' shit.

At the library, I halted the reading of the remaining two books of the unrelated trilogy that I had started a couple of weeks ago. Instead, I am currently reading, "Into the Wild," by Jon Krakauer. Yes, I know that the book has gone "mainstream." I also know that a movie of the same name has been produced by Sean Penn, loosely based on the book.

Well, I've been checking my mailbox at the Post Office religiously. I finally received my replacement credit card. I will be activating it tomorrow. Thus, I'll be going off of the fiat cash system. My only concern is that I will have to carry the card with me, which obviously maintains a level of vulnerability that I am no longer comfortable with. What are my alternatives?

On a side note, I don't particular care to entertain the topic of the empire's collapse in the "blog." As I have stated previously, I have distanced myself from matters of the world for the time being.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Early this morning, Joseph, the Iraqi guy, apparently was locked out of Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The landlord's husband was not able to unlock the front door for him. I heard him calling my name outside the window of my squalid room. I ended up opening the door for Joseph. There's some underlying irony in all of that.

The decision to spend the morning in the Barnes & Noble® Café at Kahala Mall was not as belabored as the last few times. I had to make the trip worthwhile, so I stopped for petrol for my Nissan® Frontier truck at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I also purchased a cheap loaf of bread at Foodland Farms. All my transactions continue to be in fiat cash.

Typical Affluent Hottie

There sure were a lot of people, young and old, hanging out at Kahala Mall. No one seems to be employed. Yet, they all share one common denominator: lots of money. For instance, in the Barnes & Noble® Café, I am the only one who purchases a simple cup of coffee. Everyone else indulges themselves with exotic coffee drinks and expensive pastries. I was, as usual, astonished beyond words.

I am not altogether certain why I have been increasing my visits to Kahala Mall (and, thereby, increasing my expenditures). The experience isn't significantly better than the usual urban nomad itinerary. Sitting in air-conditioned comfort while composing the ridiculous "blog" on my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer is seemingly a benign task. I gain nothing from it, what with only one or two legitimate readers. My writing inspires no one, not even myself. My thoughts are not necessarily unique either.

I have also noticed the preponderance of gadgetry possessed by the masses. Large notebook computers (usually Apple®), cell phones (usually Apple®), music players (usually Apple®), and so forth. Some people are lugging around at least $2,000 worth of gadgets in their backpacks. Yet, why was I, a minimalist, the target of theft? More irony, I suppose. There's a persistent rumor that Hawai'i residents are very vain and extremely status conscious, more so than their mainland counterparts. I believe it. That's why even the poorest losers who ride the bus are sporting expensive gadgetry as well.

My bouts with derealization have abated somewhat. The associated anxiety has diminished to the point that I am functioning more rationally. I have returned to "civilization." I have reestablished the bonds that keep me servile to the "system." I have relinquished control of my person in exchange for a false sense of security. For every step forward, I have taken two steps back. The foolishness never ends.

The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. I managed to repay the $3 to the gym staff member who loaned me that money for bus fare on the day of the infamous theft. After my workout, I noticed the empty locker next to mine. Whomever used it had forgotten to take his lock with him. The lock was similar to mine (i.e., programmable combination), but a more expensive model. During my shower, I decided to test myself. If the lock was still there, I would claim it as mine. Yes, I took the lock with me, but I turned it in at the front desk just before I exited the gym. I could not commit the petty crime. I have been too indoctrinated by society and "civilization."

I spent a little more time at Kahala Mall before returning to Slob Manor. No nonsense to report this evening, thank goodness. Incidentally, I have opened a thin line of communication with Joseph as a form of extremely mild support of his unwitting anarchy at Slob Manor. Go Joseph!

I have been ruminating about many topics as of late. My thoughts, however, have been fairly disjointed. Until there is some semblance of organization, I will not include those random thoughts in the "blog."

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Go Joseph!

First on the agenda this morning, aside from coffee, was the acquisition of another key for my mailbox at the Post Office. I was surprised that I was only charged $7 for a new key. Although two keys were stolen in the theft incident, I was told that the original $1 deposit would cover it. I was able to retrieve my mail, which included documentation to complete the expense report of two days ago. Much to my disappointment, my new credit card has not arrived. Neither has my ATM/debit card.

At the library, I completed reading, "What We Leave Behind," by Derrick Jensen and Aric McBay. I found the book to be quite intriguing and coincident with my current ruminations. I've added it to the ever-growing reading list.

At the gym, I continued to wear my $300 Oakley® prescription shades during the weight portion of my workout. As I look around the periphery of the weight room, I remain vigilant, knowing full well that one or more gym members are petty criminals. I keep waiting for eye contact. The thief knows who I am. Instinctively, he will pause slightly when he sees me. Yeah, I'm just watching and waiting.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the landlord returned in time to cash our rent checks. No, there's still no key copy coming forth. Oddly, at 8pm, the landlord and the Iraqi guy's limerant object were having a long tête-à-tête in the first floor living room. From what I could tell, they were discussing Joseph, the Iraqi guy, and his sloth life-style. The limerant object had quite a few complaints, including Joseph's alleged "alcoholism." At one point, I could hear the landlord passionately expressing a recent money problem that her fat slob husband had with Joseph. When the complaining reached a fever pitch, I giggled my ass off. You know, I'm really starting to like the Iraqi guy. Go Joseph!

Well, the only excitement for the ol' lavahead is the upcoming v1.1 upgrade for MeeGo® that is scheduled for October 21st. Can it get more exciting than that? I'm afraid not.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Post No. 1,618

Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Panda Express®. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.

Paranoia prompted me to stop by my local bank. I inquired about whether there was a way to flag my account for additional security. I was able to add the requirement of a Social Security number in addition to standard identification for any withdrawals. Why was I not offered the option last week?

My nephew has no school for four days for some undisclosed reason. With "Furlough Friday," he will have a week of vacation. And, next Monday is a holiday. So far, he's been to classes a total of two days. Can it get any more foolish than that?

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I realized just how dismal my situation has become. While the Iraqi guy and his limerant object have taken over the whole house, I am confined to my squalid room with downloading hurdy-gurdy videos as my sole at-home activity. The massive hurdy-gurdy library, however, is shrinking. Well, I pay my rent. The Iraqi guy doesn't. Incidentally, the landlord's fat slob husband has never produced a key for me. I can see that my time at Slob Manor has only given me chronic insomnia, an ant-infested and vandalized truck, and a loss of dignity.

Alas, my biggest problem is not the Iraqi guy or the landlord's fat slob husband, nor is it the petty thief who most likely makes the rounds at all of the gym locations. No, my biggest problem is myself. I've deconstructed my life to a miserable base level, but I am still bound to the "system" for my survival. Yet, the "system" is robbing me blind.

I am discovering day-by-day that I really despise the "system." I am not a part of it and never will be. I don't fit in, even though I was born into it and acculturated to it. There's just something terribly wrong with the "system." Driving around in my 4,000-pound motorized chair to make a key copy, sitting in the Barnes & Noble® Café sipping coffee, wearing $300 Oakley® prescription shades, downloading hurdy-gurdy videos, eating at Taco Bell® ... none of it makes any sense to me.

We humans are just another form of animal. Nothing more, nothing less. We have attempted to "prettify" ourselves in order to introduce "value" into our lives. We sought to separate ourselves from the rest of the animal world with ludicrous human constructs. We made ourselves out to be so special that we can no longer understand and accept our mortality. We do not need to seek God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). We need to seek that which makes us animals. We need to seek out the natural order of life, and dump all of that "food chain" crap.

Sadly, I am afraid that we're too far gone as a species. The antecedent mythology of human existence and its so-called "knowledge" have been too deeply inculcated, too deeply indoctrinated in all of us. There's no turning back. A few of us could head in the opposite direction, but we have too little mass and inertia. Our net displacement will still yield to the direction of the masses. Deconstruction is mostly futile. One cannot deconstruct what is continually being reconstructed. In other words, there's only one way out.

Had our distant ancestors, the great thinkers, not decided to introduce increasing levels of complexity into human society, had they not conceived the ridiculous notion of "civilization," then we humans would have continued to honor the natural order. We would have properly integrated with the animal world, our real world, and not be obsessed with dominion. We did not cooperate with our fellow animals or the rest of nature. And now, humanity must pay the price. The artificial schism that humans created cannot last. The natural order is going close that rift, and human casualties will be significant as a result. Heck, we're already doing a good job of destroying ourselves.

The answer to the conundrum of mortality will not be answered by fictitious deities. Neither Jesus or Molech is coming back. We're in this mess alone. There's no resurrection. There's no afterlife. We've been given all of those false hopes by great thinkers with great imaginations. Sure, faith in false beliefs has made the end of life much more pleasant for humans over millenia. Yet, is living a lie over a lifetime really that satisfying? What would human life have been like if the great thinkers had focused on the natural order instead? What would have been the result if we had developed as true animals instead of a separate species called "humans"?

Sunday, October 03, 2010


Did I want to ride the bus to Ala Moana Center this morning? Did I want to sit in the filthy restroom stall along with a bunch of belching, flatulence-creating, and schizophrenic clowns? Did I want to sit in the Makai Market for an hour with my cup of coffee from Foodland? Did I want to watch the parade of early shoppers flitting about? Did I want to go to the gym at 10:20am and catch a microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer? Did I want to finish my workout early and end up back at Ala Moana Center by 1pm? Did I want to sit on a wooden bench by the Sears® automotive center and inhale the fumes of old rubber tires? Did I want to ride the bus back to Slab Manor (read: rental housing) and arrive at the dump at 3pm? Did I want to sit in my squalid room for the rest of the afternoon in a dismal state? Is Joseph a putz?

I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck, my urban security vehicle, to Kahala Mall at 8am. The senior citizen exercise class was conspicuously absent. No doubt, most people, senior citizens included, were sitting in the pews of organized religious churches of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). In fact, both the Iraqi guy and his limerant object departed Slob Manor at 7am, no doubt to attend Islamic services at an undisclosed mosque. Obviously, religion does not seem to teach people much in the way of anything. "Sin" and repent. "Sin" and repent. Same ol' shit.

The restrooms are much nicer at Kahala Mall. Very clean. No derelicts belching, creating flatulence, or talking to themselves. Urine and other unidentifiable substances are not splattered all over the stall. Since the mall is enclosed, I can sit on the wooden benches with little concern that a random clown will light up a cigarette in my immediate vicinity. And, sipping coffee in the Barnes & Noble® Café is a very relatively relaxing experience when the store first opens. For now, it is the only safe place that I can transport and use my meager Acer® Aspire One netbook computer.

The petty thief, such as the one that preyed on the ol' lavahead, is seldom interested in much more than the looted cash. He may keep and use the shiny objects that were incidental acquisitions as a result of the theft. Money, dinero, mullah, reigns supreme, however. The thief would rather have the money to acquire his own new shiny objects to raise his pathetic standard of living. However, he wants his hands to be first to touch the shiny object after it has passed through one of the various ports in the People's Republic of China. Oh, the beauty and triumph of the "ownership" experience!

I experienced an extreme bout of derealization yesterday, a side effect of having a forced intrusion into one's life. The violation of my person made me realize that, even though I am fairly mendicant, I still have too much invested in the "system" that I so despise. During the course of the whole day, I was constantly reminded that I was helpless without the "system." The Slob Manor front door key is an example of the latter. Empowering myself to make a copy of the key myself led me on a typical journey of a typical empire citizen. I found myself driving around in my 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile), going from one shopping location to another. Each time, I had to circle around the parking lot to find an available space. Then, I had to walk into the store and work my way around the labyrinth shopping battlefield of rabid consumers to find what I needed. I had to stand in line to pay for the crap. I had to use cash, which has become an alien concept to me. The whole affair was tiring and boring. I was, for the most part, reduced to an automaton.

An automaton. That's what most of us humans are and continue to be. That's what I am, at the decrepit age of 55 years. When the thief stripped me of my illusory tools of (mostly financial) independence, I was reduced to a physical and existential nobody. The feeling was unnerving. However, in retrospect, I believe that I had momentarily discovered the true essence of being a creature. I became a simple biological life-form, another animal, with no ties to the artificial world created by antecedent humans. Sadly, my reflex was to expediently recreate the bonds of slavery. My entire existence is dependent on the "system," no matter how much I have fooled myself with all the talk about the exodus.

Institutional helplessness is about all we rank-and-file peons know and love. Any act of "independence" really only transpires in a very small frame or locus of control. The frame is so microscopic that it is totally laughable. The microscopic frame serves as the theater and backdrop for our entire transactional plane. In other words, we resemble insects more than anything else. Yet, I have to wonder whether the common insect is much more liberated than we humans.

I certainly need to rethink my "place" in the ridiculous concept of "society." The thief did me a favor in one respect: I was jolted from my eternal stupor and false sense of security. I was shown that I had erected another wall, albeit small, of hubris. I became lazy and complacent. All the while I am being robbed both by the "system" at large and petty criminals.

By 10am, the calm and relaxing ambiance of the Barnes & Noble® Café was being stripped away by the infiltration of mob shoppers. The herd instinct, part and parcel of the "inner animal," was at play. Behaviors and actions degrade to the base level. Stupidity prevails. That was my cue to prepare to leave. After all, the same old urban nomad routine awaited me.

At the gym, I was able to catch a microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer after all. Baby was on her way out just as I was checking in at the front desk. Baby was looking mighty fine. Yabba dabba doo! I completed my usual workout and rode the bus back to Kahala Mall. I loitered in various locations in the mall until the stores closed at 5pm.

I decided to treat myself to dinner at Taco Bell® in the mall. Three bean burritos with green sauce, no red sauce. Payment was made in cash. I sat at one of the vacant tables in the food court wing and ate my dinner in a true loser-like fashion. I must admit, though, the experience was much more pleasant than eating dinner in my squalid room at Slob Manor.

I finally made my way back to the dump known as Slob Manor just as Alan was returning from food shopping. We chatted for about 30 minutes. No one else was home except for us. A pleasant change, for once. Of course, all good things must come to an end.

On a side note, I am not able to access my mailbox because the keys were stolen. So, the expense report will remain incomplete for a few days until the appropriate documents can be retrieved.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Poof! (Reprise)

I woke up this morning feeling absolutely devoid of meaning. This week, and these past few months, have taken a toll on my sanity. The constant barrage of vandalism imposed upon my Nissan® Frontier truck and now the theft of my "stuff" at the gym. I have been victimized and reduced to a helpless state. I am at the mercy of sinister individuals whom I apparently cannot see. And, I am at the mercy of my "stuff," my useless possessions. I am thankful that the theft served only as a moderate inconvenience. I was fortunate that I was neither carrying my truck keys or my Acer® Aspire One netbook computer on that fateful day. The cost so far has simply been the $2.50 bus fare which I had to borrow from a gym staff member in order to return to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing).

Time kept ticking away as I procrastinated. I looked out the filthy windows to observe the buses whizzing by, the very same buses that I would normally ride in initiating the ritual urban nomad routine. Rather than make the decision myself, I let circumstances (i.e., my procrastination) determine that I would spend the morning in the Barnes & Noble® Café at Kahala Mall, sipping coffee to appease whatever was left of my dignity.

What is even more sad is that my Nissan® Frontier truck is essentially my urban security transport. Unlike public transportation, I can move myself and my useless possessions in relative security. I can store my useless possessions while I venture outside the sheetmetal cocoon to deal with other nonsense. Yes, not even a locked gym locker is safe from intrusion. An unattended parked vehicle is not exactly safe from intrusion either. However, the Kahala Mall parking structure has video surveillance and patrolling security guards to deter any devious activity perpetrated by the normally unseen slime.

I really don't feel quite the same anymore. Once one's financial resources are threatened by the human slime in the periphery, there can never be any peace of mind. Often stated by anonymous experts, any forced intrusion is similar to rape. I can't really equate the two acts, but I can certainly say that any intrusion that renders a victim helpless is beyond unnerving. The "inner animal" wants to break out of its container to kill and maim. However, when the perpetrators are unknown, there is no avenue for retribution. There is no one to kill or maim. Thus, the rage must be internalized. It feeds the "inner animal." Sooner or later, the "inner animal" can no longer be controlled. It can't confine itself to its container. Then, all hell breaks loose.

I rode the bus to town. I then spent a couple of hours at the library before going to the gym. I happened to ask Kelly, the hottie front desk babe, to check if the thief had returned some of the stolen items out of the goodness of his heart. Nada. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

Out of sheer paranoia, I wore my Oakley® prescription shades while I did my workout. I put them in its sturdy metal case and kept it at hand during my cardio workout. Doing so made me realize the folly of purchasing expensive crap. In addition, I must use a special cloth and cleaner for the lenses. Why didn't I just buy a cheap pair of old man shades?

I rode the bus back to Kahala Mall, looked around for a bit, and drove back to Slob Manor. As to be expected, there was no copy of the front door key to be found. The landlord's husband was nowhere to be found either. The front door was locked. All of the Slob manor residents were home, but no one was in sight. The doorbell does not work, by the way. I was finally able to get Alan to open the door. I felt bad that I had to wake him up since he works the "graveyard" shift.

The landlord's husband promised to have a key for me yesterday. Incidentally, the landlord has been gone for a few days. The landlord's husband actually had a key made, but it was a really bad copy. The landlord's husband told me that he only trusted the Korean guy who owns a locksmith shop next to Longs® in Kauapa Kai, the guy who apparently made the bad key copy. "The Koreans," he said, "make the best keys." He had beer on his breath, which made me wonder whether he knew what he was saying. And, that's the last I have seen of him.

Out of frustration, I borrowed Alan's key. I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to City Mill in the Hawai'i Kai Towne Center to make a copy of the key myself. Thus, the theft has now cost me another $2 or so. The landlord's husband did not want to make a key copy at City Mill because "they make bad keys." I made a quick stop at Safeway® in Kuapa Kai before returning to the detestable Slob Manor refugee camp. I had to wait a few minutes for the Iraqi guy's sleazy buddy to move his car out of my parking space.

The City Mill key worked perfectly. A somewhat happy ending to an ethereal day. Sadly, the situation at Slob Manor for the ol' lavahead looks bleak. I believe that the landlord and the landlord's husband have decided to side with Joseph, the Iraqi guy. Well, he is their "second son," eh? Oh well. I'll hang on for as long as I can. Then, poof! I'll be gone.