I neglected to mention that I made the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night. Barnes & Noble® was not at all crowded. I actually enjoyed my time there. The entire trip was necessary because I had to shop for groceries at Foodland Farms in Aina Haina on the way back to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing).
I also had an interesting conversation with Kyle last night. He is at wits end with both Joker and Alan. We already know the endless psychological problems with Joker. Alan, on the other hand, is a slob, and he also seems to be lacking in concern about his personal hygiene (i.e., he doesn't take a shower daily). Kyle mentioned that Alan was sleeping on the couch in the Slob Manor living room one day, and the smell was unbearable. So, long story short, Kyle is planning to move out.
I followed essentially the Sunday urban nomad itinerary. What else could I do? All of the homeless hangouts were closed. I returned to Slob Manor after 3pm, mainly because of my pathetic old man pace. Once in my squalid room, I unpacked my gym bag, ate dinner, commenced acquiring data to calculate my net worth (why, I don't know), downloaded a few choice hurdy-gurdy video clips, and departed for the den of consumerism in Kahala at 6:15pm.
By the way, I enjoyed Keoki's® Lau Lau for dinner. I happened to purchase a three-pack last night, so I am "good to go" for the long holiday weekend. Anyone purchasing Keoki's® Lau Lau should remember to remove the Ti leaf wrapping before heating in a microwave oven. Failure to so will result in a very vulgar taste.
The den of consumerism was nearly vacant when I arrived. I found a table to sit at and connected to the wireless network with my tablet computer. From what I could tell, only a handful of stores were still open, one being Starbucks®. I gave into temptation and purchased a decaffeinated cup of coffee. Oh well, so much for my rapidly depleting net worth.
The remaining stores closed at 8pm, but the mall remained open because of the movie theaters. Only a handful of people continued to loiter, the ol' lavahead being one. I opted to stay on until 9:20pm because I was really enjoying the unbelievable tranquility. So, that is the extent of New Year's Eve for the ol' lavahead. Sheesh!
On an end-of-the-year note, I am becoming increasingly perturbed by my preoccupation with downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips. I have already used over half of the available storage space on my portable hard drive. Is there any sense to be made of an old geezer obsessively downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips of young hotties in action? And, what of the valuable time being wasted in such a trivial pursuit? Yet, what other benign activity could replace the latter during the never-ending stagnation at Slob Manor? I have no other interests or hobbies, nor am I compelled to find one. I have already given up on computers as a hobby, thanks to endless frustration. What a conundrum! What's an old geezer to do? We'll find out next year, eh? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was very happy to spend time with moms. We enjoyed a special lunch at the house. I am thankful that moms is healthy. Of course, moms pretty much follows the guidelines prescribed by Nortin Hadler, although moms has never read any of his books.
I am slowly piecing together the story of what happened to the landlord's 96-year-old father. The landlord had told me that she was determined bring her father back to Hawai'i because "it costs too much to visit him in China." So, the landlord brought him back about a month ago. Within two weeks, he became ill. That's when I ran into the landlord at Longs®. The landlord had mentioned that her father had no health insurance because the required forms had just been submitted. There's a 30-day lag for processing. The landlord was worried that her father would need to enter a hospital and the costs would have to be borne out-of-pocket. And, the landlord had told me that her father had no money. I suspect that the landlord waited until the absolute last minute to bring him to the hospital. The whole issue? Money. The landlord was so fixated on saving money that the outcome was fatal. Her father would have probably lived out a peaceful end if he was allowed to stay in China. I don't think that I want to be in the landlord's shoes right now.
As for Joker, I have been able to confirm that he is deceitful and manipulative. In my only conversation with him the other day, he regurgitated nothing but lies and fabrications. He is used to being the center of attention for reasons that elude me. If Joker is spending time with his mother at the hospital as he claimed, I suspect his motive to be manipulative, possibly something to do with his mother's will. Joker is a despicable character, and I am certain that his mother knows that. That's why she is extremely ill. She can't understand where she went wrong with her clown of a son. Joker is a punk-ass mofo.
When I observe all of the losers around me, I feel like a "winner." What's more, there's just too many low-down scum around. That's exactly why I have sought to exit society. I have just too little time left to seek out quality acquaintances. Fortunately, people reveal their true nature fairly quickly to me. I can then expeditiously mummify my dealings with them. I am also extremely thankful that I was not born one of those dullards.
As I have stated previously, I am essentially satisfied with who I am. I would not want to be anyone else. I do not desire to look like someone else either. I am only remorseful that I engaged in a lot of foolish behavior in my earlier years. I was stupid. I made many bad decisions. All that's important to me now is my time spent with moms. I am making up for the 27 years that I was away on the mainland. Remorse, sometimes a good experience.
I am slowly piecing together the story of what happened to the landlord's 96-year-old father. The landlord had told me that she was determined bring her father back to Hawai'i because "it costs too much to visit him in China." So, the landlord brought him back about a month ago. Within two weeks, he became ill. That's when I ran into the landlord at Longs®. The landlord had mentioned that her father had no health insurance because the required forms had just been submitted. There's a 30-day lag for processing. The landlord was worried that her father would need to enter a hospital and the costs would have to be borne out-of-pocket. And, the landlord had told me that her father had no money. I suspect that the landlord waited until the absolute last minute to bring him to the hospital. The whole issue? Money. The landlord was so fixated on saving money that the outcome was fatal. Her father would have probably lived out a peaceful end if he was allowed to stay in China. I don't think that I want to be in the landlord's shoes right now.
As for Joker, I have been able to confirm that he is deceitful and manipulative. In my only conversation with him the other day, he regurgitated nothing but lies and fabrications. He is used to being the center of attention for reasons that elude me. If Joker is spending time with his mother at the hospital as he claimed, I suspect his motive to be manipulative, possibly something to do with his mother's will. Joker is a despicable character, and I am certain that his mother knows that. That's why she is extremely ill. She can't understand where she went wrong with her clown of a son. Joker is a punk-ass mofo.
When I observe all of the losers around me, I feel like a "winner." What's more, there's just too many low-down scum around. That's exactly why I have sought to exit society. I have just too little time left to seek out quality acquaintances. Fortunately, people reveal their true nature fairly quickly to me. I can then expeditiously mummify my dealings with them. I am also extremely thankful that I was not born one of those dullards.
As I have stated previously, I am essentially satisfied with who I am. I would not want to be anyone else. I do not desire to look like someone else either. I am only remorseful that I engaged in a lot of foolish behavior in my earlier years. I was stupid. I made many bad decisions. All that's important to me now is my time spent with moms. I am making up for the 27 years that I was away on the mainland. Remorse, sometimes a good experience.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Lamp-Baked Life XII
At the library, I completed reading the book, "The Last Well Person: How to Stay Well Despite the Healthcare System," by Nortin Hadler. The book is nearly identical in content to the newer, "Rethinking Aging," but with far more reference material. Hadler confirms my own skepticism about for-profit healthcare. Anyone reading Hadler's books should be forewarned: be prepared to experience extreme cognitive dissonance. I will probably bring up the topic of Hadler's books from time to time.
Lots of nonsense in the news, both "mainstream" and alternative, yet I have no reason to comment. First of all, reality is elusive. Second, truth is elusive. I have made my own predictions some time ago, and I will stand by them for now.
No outing again this evening. What's left? Downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips? Of course! There's another long holiday weekend coming up, so I must psychologically prepare for three whole days of general dullness. If you read the "blog" of last weekend, you know what I mean. Sheesh!
Lots of nonsense in the news, both "mainstream" and alternative, yet I have no reason to comment. First of all, reality is elusive. Second, truth is elusive. I have made my own predictions some time ago, and I will stand by them for now.
No outing again this evening. What's left? Downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips? Of course! There's another long holiday weekend coming up, so I must psychologically prepare for three whole days of general dullness. If you read the "blog" of last weekend, you know what I mean. Sheesh!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
General Dullness XVII
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit, obviously delayed by the extended Saturnalia holiday. My sister-in-law gave me a plastic commuter coffee cup. It's a replica of the disposable cups dispensed at all coffee shops complete with lid and heat shield. Clever design. Aside from that, nada to report.
No outing tonight. When moms and I were making the usual rounds this morning, I observed that the post-Saturnalia shopping spree was still going strong. I just cannot sustain my sanity in such an environment. Way too much stupidity for my liking.
Well, there are only a few days left in the year. The "blog" is at zero readership again. Some days there may be one or two legitimate visitors. Frankly, I am hoping to bore everyone to tears so no one ever comes back. Then, I will be left to my own devices. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
No outing tonight. When moms and I were making the usual rounds this morning, I observed that the post-Saturnalia shopping spree was still going strong. I just cannot sustain my sanity in such an environment. Way too much stupidity for my liking.
Well, there are only a few days left in the year. The "blog" is at zero readership again. Some days there may be one or two legitimate visitors. Frankly, I am hoping to bore everyone to tears so no one ever comes back. Then, I will be left to my own devices. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Post No. 2,067
I was quite relieved to return to my usual benign routine. The inner courtyard of the library was a most welcome sight. Even the homeless seemed appreciative of the moment. The buses, though, were extremely crowded. From what I could tell, the Saturnalia shopping spree has not yet ended.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had to confront Joker this evening when he dropped a heavy object on the floor above my squalid room. I approached the situation in a diplomatic and pragmatic fashion. Joker was defensive as to be expected. Kyle, who apparently returned from Kau'ai a day earlier than expected, joined the conversation a few minutes later. Not much was accomplished, but my hope was to defuse an already volatile scenario.
Incidentally, Joker mentioned that the landlord's father passed on. He apparently ran into the landlord in the elevator at an unnamed hospital. Joker's mother is the hospital as well, which is why he has been conspicuously absent for the past five days. Joker did not mention his mother's disposition, but I can sympathize with him. Mortality rears its ugly head again.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had to confront Joker this evening when he dropped a heavy object on the floor above my squalid room. I approached the situation in a diplomatic and pragmatic fashion. Joker was defensive as to be expected. Kyle, who apparently returned from Kau'ai a day earlier than expected, joined the conversation a few minutes later. Not much was accomplished, but my hope was to defuse an already volatile scenario.
Incidentally, Joker mentioned that the landlord's father passed on. He apparently ran into the landlord in the elevator at an unnamed hospital. Joker's mother is the hospital as well, which is why he has been conspicuously absent for the past five days. Joker did not mention his mother's disposition, but I can sympathize with him. Mortality rears its ugly head again.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturnalia 2011 (Continued)
Should I go to Kahala Mall? Or, to Ala Moana Center? Over and over, I asked myself the same questions. Yeah, the Saturnalia holiday dragged on for a second day. In my old age, I cannot make even the most simple decisions. And, I keep taking costs, often as low as a couple of worthless fiat dollars, into endless consideration. The choice of driving my truck or riding the bus is yet another excruciatingly painful decision. Oh, the foolishness!
My original destination was Ala Moana Center, but indecision made me take a moronic detour to Kahala just in case. Just in case of what? I don't even know. Long story short, I ended up at my original desired destination by way of 4000-pound motorized chair (read: truck). Sheesh! Of course, my main concern was the fear of myriad crazed Saturnalia shoppers who were going to be out in full insane force at every shopping locale.

Typical Post-Saturnalia Hottie
When I arrived at 8:45am, I was shocked to discovery that all of the stores were open far earlier than usual. The place was packed with the stereotypical fools. I followed through with my original plan to enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee in the Barnes & Noble® Café. I brought my tablet computer with me to while away the time, not that I really have the luxury of excess time. Every now and then, I observed the crazed shoppers carrying armfuls of shopping bags, all of them smiling in delirious bliss. What am I missing?
Why can't I be like the average "American"? Why can't I spend money freely on every whim? Why do I wear the same clothes every day? Why do I have a cheap pair of hideous gym shoes? Why can't I bring myself to splurge on overpriced pastries to accompany my cup of coffee? Why do I wear a pair of slippers (read: slippahs) that are at least one size too large? Why am I still using a gym bag that even a homeless guy would have discarded? Why don't I spend money on decent food rather than use the dubious Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix? Why?
Relatively speaking, though, I had the luxury of time for the day. I had no other alternatives, unless I was wholeheartedly prepared to immerse myself in crowds of dolts. My only other agenda item for the day: the gym. So, I sipped my coffee slowly. Then, I meandered around the bookstore for a spell.
Eventually, I rode the bus town. After my workout, I returned to Ala Moana Center. In the course of two hours, the entire shopping complex was transformed into a landscape of wall-to-wall zombies. The entire parking structure (which surrounds the complex) was in gridlock. I sat on my favorite bench overlooking the street level parking. I nearly went catatonic. About 30 minutes later, I decided to meander over to Foodland in order to find something for dinner. I also wanted to treat myself to an ice cream treat. Long story short, nightmare. Fools everywhere. The ice cream that I purchased turned out to be bad. So, I had to go through the ordeal again in order to exchange it. I finally departed the den of rampant consumerism at 4pm. Once I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I locked myself in my squalid room. Let me tell you, spending all night downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips is far more fun than what I experienced earlier today.
My original destination was Ala Moana Center, but indecision made me take a moronic detour to Kahala just in case. Just in case of what? I don't even know. Long story short, I ended up at my original desired destination by way of 4000-pound motorized chair (read: truck). Sheesh! Of course, my main concern was the fear of myriad crazed Saturnalia shoppers who were going to be out in full insane force at every shopping locale.

Why can't I be like the average "American"? Why can't I spend money freely on every whim? Why do I wear the same clothes every day? Why do I have a cheap pair of hideous gym shoes? Why can't I bring myself to splurge on overpriced pastries to accompany my cup of coffee? Why do I wear a pair of slippers (read: slippahs) that are at least one size too large? Why am I still using a gym bag that even a homeless guy would have discarded? Why don't I spend money on decent food rather than use the dubious Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix? Why?
Relatively speaking, though, I had the luxury of time for the day. I had no other alternatives, unless I was wholeheartedly prepared to immerse myself in crowds of dolts. My only other agenda item for the day: the gym. So, I sipped my coffee slowly. Then, I meandered around the bookstore for a spell.
Eventually, I rode the bus town. After my workout, I returned to Ala Moana Center. In the course of two hours, the entire shopping complex was transformed into a landscape of wall-to-wall zombies. The entire parking structure (which surrounds the complex) was in gridlock. I sat on my favorite bench overlooking the street level parking. I nearly went catatonic. About 30 minutes later, I decided to meander over to Foodland in order to find something for dinner. I also wanted to treat myself to an ice cream treat. Long story short, nightmare. Fools everywhere. The ice cream that I purchased turned out to be bad. So, I had to go through the ordeal again in order to exchange it. I finally departed the den of rampant consumerism at 4pm. Once I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I locked myself in my squalid room. Let me tell you, spending all night downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips is far more fun than what I experienced earlier today.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturnalia 2011
I was up and about fairly early this morning, although I was extremely groggy. I have been averaging about five hours of sleep per night. Not good. I washed my truck with the all-in-one wash and wax solution. Then, I air-dried the truck during a short drive to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Only Longs® was open. There were a few people meandering about, but nothing like the pre-Saturnalia mobs. I had to procure a cup of coffee at Mickey Dee's®.
Fortunately, I had my wits about me this morning. I remembered to bring my tablet computer along for the ride. I sat at one of the myriad vacant tables and was able to connect to the Starbucks® wireless router. The mall was pretty quiet. The handful of other loiterers were not compelled to act like asswipes. Most of them were senior citizens. So, I really enjoyed myself.
I composed the "blog" and perused the usual nonsense on the Web with the tablet computer. No hurdy-gurdy video downloading, though. By the way, the tablet computer has two good high-resolution cameras built in, but I don't use them. I vowed long ago that I wouldn't waste my time with camera mumbo-jumbo. I don't want to safeguard images that I will never look at again. The tablet computer can also record 1080p videos, but I have no need for that function either.
After a while, I felt the need to walk around. I ended up loitering in a couple of locations in the mall. While I was sitting in an obscure location, I heard someone calling out my name. I was surprised to see Mike, a former Asylum faculty member. We chatted for about an hour, with Mike doing most of the talking. In a way, I was glad to see him. Otherwise, I would have been sitting in a near-catatonic state for the longest time.
I finally departed the mall at 2pm. Hordes of crazed Saturnalia worshipers were arriving, yet no other store opened since I had been there. The zoo-like atmosphere was gradually returning. Once back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I reluctantly completed all of my chores. No outing this evening. Where would I go? Back to the den of consumerism? No thanks.
I really don't have much good to say about Saturnalia. Well, no one celebrates Saturnalia anymore. What I am referring to is the contemporary "Christian" counterpart. Some may argue that the religious connotations are all but gone. I beg to differ. The ridiculous myth lives on some 2,000 years after-the-fact (or fallacy). I almost fell for the ruse myself, until I embarked on a personal journey of research. I really don't understand why people just don't seem to realize that Jesus is not coming back and that the God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam) does not exist.
We have been subliminally programmed to believe in a fictitious deity such that even atheists and agnostics have doubts about their respective beliefs. Thousands of years of programming by rather clever religious thinkers have had an indelible effect. So, here we are today, still influenced by religious mumbo-jumbo. I don't really blame all of the great thinkers, religious or otherwise. They could not understand or accept their mortality, much as I cannot right now. They sought external explanations, but none was forthcoming. In the end, on the verge of insanity, they developed their own rationale. Of course, there is the matter of control over the populace as well as the imperative to suppress the "inner animal."
The one thing about growing old, as I personally witness the onslaught of my own decrepitude, is that the axiomatic myths are easily exposed as lies. The religious thinkers attempted to prevent such estranged episodic enlightenment by introducing the concepts of "sin," guilt, blasphemy, and debauchery. If that wasn't enough, they also developed elaborate schemes of "atonement," penance, offerings, punishment, and prayer. As the debilitating effects of old age takes hold, one either dispenses with ancient lies or cries out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" Amen.
Fortunately, I had my wits about me this morning. I remembered to bring my tablet computer along for the ride. I sat at one of the myriad vacant tables and was able to connect to the Starbucks® wireless router. The mall was pretty quiet. The handful of other loiterers were not compelled to act like asswipes. Most of them were senior citizens. So, I really enjoyed myself.
I composed the "blog" and perused the usual nonsense on the Web with the tablet computer. No hurdy-gurdy video downloading, though. By the way, the tablet computer has two good high-resolution cameras built in, but I don't use them. I vowed long ago that I wouldn't waste my time with camera mumbo-jumbo. I don't want to safeguard images that I will never look at again. The tablet computer can also record 1080p videos, but I have no need for that function either.
After a while, I felt the need to walk around. I ended up loitering in a couple of locations in the mall. While I was sitting in an obscure location, I heard someone calling out my name. I was surprised to see Mike, a former Asylum faculty member. We chatted for about an hour, with Mike doing most of the talking. In a way, I was glad to see him. Otherwise, I would have been sitting in a near-catatonic state for the longest time.
I finally departed the mall at 2pm. Hordes of crazed Saturnalia worshipers were arriving, yet no other store opened since I had been there. The zoo-like atmosphere was gradually returning. Once back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I reluctantly completed all of my chores. No outing this evening. Where would I go? Back to the den of consumerism? No thanks.
I really don't have much good to say about Saturnalia. Well, no one celebrates Saturnalia anymore. What I am referring to is the contemporary "Christian" counterpart. Some may argue that the religious connotations are all but gone. I beg to differ. The ridiculous myth lives on some 2,000 years after-the-fact (or fallacy). I almost fell for the ruse myself, until I embarked on a personal journey of research. I really don't understand why people just don't seem to realize that Jesus is not coming back and that the God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam) does not exist.
We have been subliminally programmed to believe in a fictitious deity such that even atheists and agnostics have doubts about their respective beliefs. Thousands of years of programming by rather clever religious thinkers have had an indelible effect. So, here we are today, still influenced by religious mumbo-jumbo. I don't really blame all of the great thinkers, religious or otherwise. They could not understand or accept their mortality, much as I cannot right now. They sought external explanations, but none was forthcoming. In the end, on the verge of insanity, they developed their own rationale. Of course, there is the matter of control over the populace as well as the imperative to suppress the "inner animal."
The one thing about growing old, as I personally witness the onslaught of my own decrepitude, is that the axiomatic myths are easily exposed as lies. The religious thinkers attempted to prevent such estranged episodic enlightenment by introducing the concepts of "sin," guilt, blasphemy, and debauchery. If that wasn't enough, they also developed elaborate schemes of "atonement," penance, offerings, punishment, and prayer. As the debilitating effects of old age takes hold, one either dispenses with ancient lies or cries out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" Amen.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Eve of Saturnalia 2011
I followed the usual Eve of Saturnalia itinerary, whatever that means. Actually, that's just another way of saying, "Same ol' shit." We're rapidly winding down the year, but nothing has changed. I don't expect any miracles in the final week of the old year.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan departed for Arizona last night. He's going to visit his "McMansion." He's literally working like a slave to pay for the place because he can't seem to rent all of the rooms. He will also have to continue renting the rooms once he officially moves into his home when he retires. He has attained the so-called "American Dream," and no one can tell him otherwise. Kyle left to visit his parents on Kau'ai this afternoon. And, there's no telling where Joker has been.
The ol' lavahead has nowhere to go, no one to visit, and nothing to do. Holidays are extremely rough on losers. I could, of course, simply board a bus at any time and ride around to nowhere in particular. On holidays like Saturnalia, that's the only option available. Yeah, I am in the same predicament as the homeless.
On a side note, I viewed a very nice video about Iran titled, "Iran. Its people and Culture. Yesterday and Today." As you may be aware, I have read numerous books about Iran. Very few pictures were included, so I had to use my imagination to visualize what was described through words. The video, accessible from the Information Clearinghouse portal, was very enjoyable. If you have nothing to do, like the ol' lavahead, check it out (in HD).
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan departed for Arizona last night. He's going to visit his "McMansion." He's literally working like a slave to pay for the place because he can't seem to rent all of the rooms. He will also have to continue renting the rooms once he officially moves into his home when he retires. He has attained the so-called "American Dream," and no one can tell him otherwise. Kyle left to visit his parents on Kau'ai this afternoon. And, there's no telling where Joker has been.
The ol' lavahead has nowhere to go, no one to visit, and nothing to do. Holidays are extremely rough on losers. I could, of course, simply board a bus at any time and ride around to nowhere in particular. On holidays like Saturnalia, that's the only option available. Yeah, I am in the same predicament as the homeless.
On a side note, I viewed a very nice video about Iran titled, "Iran. Its people and Culture. Yesterday and Today." As you may be aware, I have read numerous books about Iran. Very few pictures were included, so I had to use my imagination to visualize what was described through words. The video, accessible from the Information Clearinghouse portal, was very enjoyable. If you have nothing to do, like the ol' lavahead, check it out (in HD).
Friday, December 23, 2011
Extremely Random Tidbits
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. No outing this evening. Too many crazed shoppers running amuck on the last possible night of rabid consumerism before Saturnalia. So, guess what I will be doing instead?
I have not yet recovered from reading Nortin Hadler's book, "Rethinking Aging." I agree with his thesis concerning the unethical medical "overtreatment" of the empire's citizens, particularly the elderly. However, what was most disturbing was Hadler's concise and clinical description of decrepitude in aging. All I can say is that I am not handling that information too well.
As the new year rolls around, I am wondering whether I should finally decrease "blog" postings. I have many thoughts to articulate, but I may be misconstrued as overly nihilistic, "gloomy," or given amateur prognoses of "depression" and other "diseases." The truth of the matter is that I am running out of time, but I have not come up with a cogent strategic plan. I have narrowed down my life objective to the broadly defined category, "peace of mind." That's all I know. I am certainly not achieving that objective by rotting away in the dump known as Slob Manor (read: rental housing).
I am also wondering whether I should simply stop annually calculating my financial net worth. It's a fruitless and saddening exercise. What's the sense anyway? Frankly, I'm not even certain whether there is any wisdom in keeping any money in savings, especially after I reach the ripe old age of 65 years. Any kind of decrepitude which requires medical attention will wipe me out financially. I should probably enjoy the use of the money now in my so-called "good" years. Yet, I have nothing that I desire to splurge upon.
Anyone doing minor research on the Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix may have discovered that it contains unacceptable levels of toxic metals. There are also a few possible undesirable side effects from some of the ingredients. Yet, I have decided to continue to use the faulty product (or safer equivalent) after the first big-ass container is depleted. However, I plan to limit my intake to only one serving per day. Yes, I am still worried about malnutrition. Sheesh!
I have not yet recovered from reading Nortin Hadler's book, "Rethinking Aging." I agree with his thesis concerning the unethical medical "overtreatment" of the empire's citizens, particularly the elderly. However, what was most disturbing was Hadler's concise and clinical description of decrepitude in aging. All I can say is that I am not handling that information too well.
As the new year rolls around, I am wondering whether I should finally decrease "blog" postings. I have many thoughts to articulate, but I may be misconstrued as overly nihilistic, "gloomy," or given amateur prognoses of "depression" and other "diseases." The truth of the matter is that I am running out of time, but I have not come up with a cogent strategic plan. I have narrowed down my life objective to the broadly defined category, "peace of mind." That's all I know. I am certainly not achieving that objective by rotting away in the dump known as Slob Manor (read: rental housing).
I am also wondering whether I should simply stop annually calculating my financial net worth. It's a fruitless and saddening exercise. What's the sense anyway? Frankly, I'm not even certain whether there is any wisdom in keeping any money in savings, especially after I reach the ripe old age of 65 years. Any kind of decrepitude which requires medical attention will wipe me out financially. I should probably enjoy the use of the money now in my so-called "good" years. Yet, I have nothing that I desire to splurge upon.
Anyone doing minor research on the Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix may have discovered that it contains unacceptable levels of toxic metals. There are also a few possible undesirable side effects from some of the ingredients. Yet, I have decided to continue to use the faulty product (or safer equivalent) after the first big-ass container is depleted. However, I plan to limit my intake to only one serving per day. Yes, I am still worried about malnutrition. Sheesh!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Too Close to Home
Do we already know the drill? Same ol' shit, day and night. I will, however, mention that I have nearly completed reading the book, "Rethinking Aging: Growing Old and Living Well in an Overtreated Society," by Nortin Hadler. I would recommend the book to everyone. A warning is in order, though. The topics are well beyond the comfort zone of most people. I had a difficult time myself because the subject matter "hit too close to home." More later.
Well, no outing again this evening. Aside from downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips for who-knows-why, I have been following the latest uproar concerning the future of BlackBerry®. There's been so much bad press almost daily that I am wondering how the parent company, Research in Motion®, will make it through another year unscathed. My only concern, of course, is the fate of the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. The tablet computer has been on sale now for $300 less than I originally paid. I'm not upset about that, though. I just don't want to end up with an expensive doorstop as what happened last Summer with another now-defunct tablet computer. Sheesh!
Well, no outing again this evening. Aside from downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips for who-knows-why, I have been following the latest uproar concerning the future of BlackBerry®. There's been so much bad press almost daily that I am wondering how the parent company, Research in Motion®, will make it through another year unscathed. My only concern, of course, is the fate of the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. The tablet computer has been on sale now for $300 less than I originally paid. I'm not upset about that, though. I just don't want to end up with an expensive doorstop as what happened last Summer with another now-defunct tablet computer. Sheesh!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Lamp-Baked Life XI
Day and evening, same ol' shit. Yeah, no outing again this evening. Rain and crazed Saturnalia shoppers, definitely not for me. So, I will be downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips in the privacy (term used loosely) of my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). All the while, I will be droppin' back a generous serving of Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix.

Whitney Taylor
With zero readership of the "blog," I can take the liberty to showcase yet another hurdy-gurdy hottie. Whitney Taylor was only featured in a handful of videos before disappearing from the industry. However, Reality Kings® just released a new video clip from its archives (see screenshot). To say that baby has many talents would be an understatement.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I was rudely awakened this morning at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by everyone's favorite inconsiderate fudgepacker, Joker. The time? Six o'clock. So, I may as well reveal a few other tidbits that I have uncovered about the fool. Apparently, Joker is extremely worried about his Vienna Sausage. He's been ordering all kinds of over-the-counter testosterone boosters and erectile dysfunction (ED) elixirs from dubious on-line jobbers. He's also hooked on myriad prescription medication. My guess is that Joker's chemical soup concoction has severely affected his brain. The testosterone boosters are most likely the source of his defiance. His anti-depressant medication has surely bloated his confidence. Well, let's just hope that Joker keels over very soon.
I ran into Les while I was walking to the bus stop after my stay at the library. As always, the conversation was strange. He did not delve into religious topics. Rather, he focused on my unemployment situation. Learning that I have been (somewhat) voluntarily emancipated from wage slavery for nearly five years changed his disposition. Les seemed annoyed, as if he assumed that I was drawing welfare benefits. I noticed that Les was wearing an old pair of glasses. The coating on the lenses was disintegrating. What happened to the spooky pair with the huge round lenses? His teeth were completely discolored, quite odd given that he does not smoke cigarettes. Fortunately, the Route 4 bus arrived in time to save me from further grief.
Aside from that, same ol' shit. No outing this evening because of the threat of heavy rain. I was forced to spend the evening in my squalid room at Slob manor, wasting more precious time in downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. Unlike Joker, though, I am not planning to resurrect the Vienna Sausage with chemicals after it becomes dysfunctional. Frankly, the fact that the Vienna Sausage is still functional at my age is a cruel joke. What exactly can I do with the Vienna Sausage? I have no babes.
I ran into Les while I was walking to the bus stop after my stay at the library. As always, the conversation was strange. He did not delve into religious topics. Rather, he focused on my unemployment situation. Learning that I have been (somewhat) voluntarily emancipated from wage slavery for nearly five years changed his disposition. Les seemed annoyed, as if he assumed that I was drawing welfare benefits. I noticed that Les was wearing an old pair of glasses. The coating on the lenses was disintegrating. What happened to the spooky pair with the huge round lenses? His teeth were completely discolored, quite odd given that he does not smoke cigarettes. Fortunately, the Route 4 bus arrived in time to save me from further grief.
Aside from that, same ol' shit. No outing this evening because of the threat of heavy rain. I was forced to spend the evening in my squalid room at Slob manor, wasting more precious time in downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. Unlike Joker, though, I am not planning to resurrect the Vienna Sausage with chemicals after it becomes dysfunctional. Frankly, the fact that the Vienna Sausage is still functional at my age is a cruel joke. What exactly can I do with the Vienna Sausage? I have no babes.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Post No. 2,059
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My sister-in-law is still a freelance caregiver for senior citizens. There are quite a few old folks in Hawai'i Kai, so she will never have a shortage of work. Often, she tells me about her experiences. Let me just say that the senior citizen life is not exactly one of carefree retirement. Of course, many senior citizens would be in better shape if they took better care of themselves. However, there's no denying that the human body just falls apart as it ages.
No outing this evening. After moms and I spent all morning amongst the hordes of crazed Saturnalia shoppers, I was too fatigued. I would have to deal with the same kind of mob idiocy. No thanks. So, I will spend another evening downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips for my massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Sometime I wonder, how many decrepit senior citizens are doing the same?

Vanessa Cage
And, since we are on the topic of hurdy-gurdy videos, I should mention another of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties, Vanessa Cage. Baby has been featured recently in scenes from Brazzers® and Exploited18. Hubba hubba!
No outing this evening. After moms and I spent all morning amongst the hordes of crazed Saturnalia shoppers, I was too fatigued. I would have to deal with the same kind of mob idiocy. No thanks. So, I will spend another evening downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips for my massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Sometime I wonder, how many decrepit senior citizens are doing the same?

Sunday, December 18, 2011
Luxury of No Time
Same ol' Sunday shit. No details are necessary. I had planned to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, but intermittent heavy rain dissuaded me. So, I locked myself in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for another evening of heavy hurdy-gurdy video downloading. What else could I do?
On a side note, I have been attempting to determine just how much time I have left on the planet. I assume that I have about eight "good" years left before all kinds of physical ailments and maladies begin to plague me. I have probably about five years before I begin looking like the old guy that I really am (i.e., gray hair, massive wrinkles, large skin blotches). Within ten years, I expect some mental degradation, severe muscle atrophy, and skeletal degradation. Of course, at any time, I could lose my mind due to Alzheimer's Syndrome. So, I believe that the estimates are accurate enough to frame my flimsy strategic plan.
I tentatively have decided against going "hog wild" in order to experience anything and everything. I have no innate desire to do so anyway. Neither am I going on a spending spree to indulge my every whim. I will continue to live as healthy as possible, though, for as long as I can. I expect to maintain a monk life-style. I will divest what's left of my useless possessions, mainly because I know that I always inadvertently become a slave to my possessions. For all practical purposes, any future material possessions must have solid utility as well as portability.
I am keenly observing the myriad senior citizens in proximity, as well as peers like Alan and Joker, in order to determine what courses of action that I should avoid. Important lessons are clearly right in front of me, if I chose to see them for what they are. I don't need to repeat the same mistakes of countless fools. So far, I have made little progress in meeting my meager objectives. I have lost the luxury of time.
On a side note, I have been attempting to determine just how much time I have left on the planet. I assume that I have about eight "good" years left before all kinds of physical ailments and maladies begin to plague me. I have probably about five years before I begin looking like the old guy that I really am (i.e., gray hair, massive wrinkles, large skin blotches). Within ten years, I expect some mental degradation, severe muscle atrophy, and skeletal degradation. Of course, at any time, I could lose my mind due to Alzheimer's Syndrome. So, I believe that the estimates are accurate enough to frame my flimsy strategic plan.
I tentatively have decided against going "hog wild" in order to experience anything and everything. I have no innate desire to do so anyway. Neither am I going on a spending spree to indulge my every whim. I will continue to live as healthy as possible, though, for as long as I can. I expect to maintain a monk life-style. I will divest what's left of my useless possessions, mainly because I know that I always inadvertently become a slave to my possessions. For all practical purposes, any future material possessions must have solid utility as well as portability.
I am keenly observing the myriad senior citizens in proximity, as well as peers like Alan and Joker, in order to determine what courses of action that I should avoid. Important lessons are clearly right in front of me, if I chose to see them for what they are. I don't need to repeat the same mistakes of countless fools. So far, I have made little progress in meeting my meager objectives. I have lost the luxury of time.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Liquid Diet (Continued)
Nada to report. I ended procuring a "footlong" sandwich at the Subway® in town after I missed the 3pm bus. I kept half of the sandwich for tomorrow's dinner. I did not arrive back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) until 5pm. Thus, no outing this evening. The Saturnalia shopping craze is totally out of control. Who wants to be out in the madding crowds? Sheesh!
While I sat and waited for the bus this afternoon, I observed the homeless and the destitute waiting in line for food across the street in the park. Mostly all of them were conspicuously overweight. The culprit, of course, is the food that they are being fed. I've noticed that, even though I am eating at the starvation level, I still have some excess weight around the midriff. Once again, food is the culprit. My suspicion is that most food, even supposedly good food, is riddled with cheap fillers and toxic chemicals. I have also reduced my intake of meat, fish, poultry, and pork because of constipation problems. My digestive tract is just not working as efficiently as when I was younger. And, I cannot fathom the thought of hormone-infested products festering in my digestive tract for an extended period of time. That's why I have now made the commitment to maintain at least one daily serving of Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix (or equivalent) to supplement my diet. Yes, I know that the "meathead" mix contains a lot of chemicals as well. Sadly, I am forced to choose between bad or worse.
At Slob Manor, I have had some interesting discussions with Kyle about food. We seem to share the same opinion about the lack of good food. Kyle also mentioned that he had chatted with Alan. We don't really know what kind of malady ailed Alan last week, although he did not require surgery. However, Alan has been put on a low-fat diet. I also recalled that, about three weeks ago, Alan had suffered from internal bleeding that mysteriously went away after a day or two. He always tells me that he is in great shape for a 59-year-old guy. He has a low resting heart rate, low blood pressure, and no cholesterol problems. He claims to have the cardiovascular system of an athlete. Yet, his diet is atrocious. He loves all kinds of junk food. I've never seen him eat any fresh vegetables or fruits. And, to top it off, he drinks Coke® in place of water.
The alleged millionaire, Joker, also eats very poorly as evidenced by his grotesque physique. I've never seen the guy cook anything. There's no kitchen upstairs, so the fudgepacker must eat a lot of frozen foods. I assume that the faggot also dines out at unhealthy restaurants and fast food outlets. And, he consumes gallons of caffeinated Dr. Pepper® daily, which is why he is up all night doing who-knows-what. Alas, who really cares about Joker anyway?
While I sat and waited for the bus this afternoon, I observed the homeless and the destitute waiting in line for food across the street in the park. Mostly all of them were conspicuously overweight. The culprit, of course, is the food that they are being fed. I've noticed that, even though I am eating at the starvation level, I still have some excess weight around the midriff. Once again, food is the culprit. My suspicion is that most food, even supposedly good food, is riddled with cheap fillers and toxic chemicals. I have also reduced my intake of meat, fish, poultry, and pork because of constipation problems. My digestive tract is just not working as efficiently as when I was younger. And, I cannot fathom the thought of hormone-infested products festering in my digestive tract for an extended period of time. That's why I have now made the commitment to maintain at least one daily serving of Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix (or equivalent) to supplement my diet. Yes, I know that the "meathead" mix contains a lot of chemicals as well. Sadly, I am forced to choose between bad or worse.
At Slob Manor, I have had some interesting discussions with Kyle about food. We seem to share the same opinion about the lack of good food. Kyle also mentioned that he had chatted with Alan. We don't really know what kind of malady ailed Alan last week, although he did not require surgery. However, Alan has been put on a low-fat diet. I also recalled that, about three weeks ago, Alan had suffered from internal bleeding that mysteriously went away after a day or two. He always tells me that he is in great shape for a 59-year-old guy. He has a low resting heart rate, low blood pressure, and no cholesterol problems. He claims to have the cardiovascular system of an athlete. Yet, his diet is atrocious. He loves all kinds of junk food. I've never seen him eat any fresh vegetables or fruits. And, to top it off, he drinks Coke® in place of water.
The alleged millionaire, Joker, also eats very poorly as evidenced by his grotesque physique. I've never seen the guy cook anything. There's no kitchen upstairs, so the fudgepacker must eat a lot of frozen foods. I assume that the faggot also dines out at unhealthy restaurants and fast food outlets. And, he consumes gallons of caffeinated Dr. Pepper® daily, which is why he is up all night doing who-knows-what. Alas, who really cares about Joker anyway?
Friday, December 16, 2011
Liquid Diet
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms and I were able to enjoy a complimentary lunch at Zippy's after some kind of mix-up that left us waiting for over 30 minutes for our order. Many thanks to the management for treating us well.
After my workout at the gym, I browsed around the small Fitness Store adjacent to the front desk. I was looking specifically for a small mixing bottle for the Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix. The price was a whopping $7 for the Blender Bottle® Classic Mini. Long story short, after I went on an hour-long search for a cheaper deal, wasting much petrol in the process, I ended up back at the gym to procure the latter. Such stupidity.
Of course, I neglected to purchase any groceries for the weekend. I couldn't fathom the thought of another lamp-baked chicken anyway. So, I have no food for meals. Just a bag of cashew nuts, three small containers of yogurt, a handful of granola, and the "meathead" mix. Sometimes I really don't know. Have I lost my mind? Am I going to survive on a liquid diet? Seriously, though, I have become extremely concerned about malnutrition. My diet is essentially a joke. I eat somewhat healthy food, but the amount consumed daily is close to the starvation level. Needless to say, my diet is probably devoid of important vitamins and minerals, all the while hovering at about 1,500 calories maximum. Little wonder why my teeth are falling out and the Vienna Sausage is atrophying.
Speaking of my teeth, I wish now that I had taken better care of them. I did not neglect them. I just didn't do a thorough job of cleaning. Flossing was also "half-ass." My teeth were very durable, I must admit. I only became conscientious about five years ago. Why didn't I acquire a Waterpik® way back when? Right now, I brush, floss, and use the Waterpik® to clean my teeth. Had I done so when I was younger, my teeth would be in much better shape today.
Late News: After conducting an extensive investigation, I have discovered that Joker is the President and CEO of an investment corporation here in Hawai'i. The fudgepacker is allegedly worth millions. However, he is "eccentric," at least according to one source. Other less polite accounts describe Joker as "mentally ill" and "sociopathic," citing that he ran the company with an "Iron Fist." As I dig up more information, I will post it in the "blog."
After my workout at the gym, I browsed around the small Fitness Store adjacent to the front desk. I was looking specifically for a small mixing bottle for the Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix. The price was a whopping $7 for the Blender Bottle® Classic Mini. Long story short, after I went on an hour-long search for a cheaper deal, wasting much petrol in the process, I ended up back at the gym to procure the latter. Such stupidity.
Of course, I neglected to purchase any groceries for the weekend. I couldn't fathom the thought of another lamp-baked chicken anyway. So, I have no food for meals. Just a bag of cashew nuts, three small containers of yogurt, a handful of granola, and the "meathead" mix. Sometimes I really don't know. Have I lost my mind? Am I going to survive on a liquid diet? Seriously, though, I have become extremely concerned about malnutrition. My diet is essentially a joke. I eat somewhat healthy food, but the amount consumed daily is close to the starvation level. Needless to say, my diet is probably devoid of important vitamins and minerals, all the while hovering at about 1,500 calories maximum. Little wonder why my teeth are falling out and the Vienna Sausage is atrophying.
Speaking of my teeth, I wish now that I had taken better care of them. I did not neglect them. I just didn't do a thorough job of cleaning. Flossing was also "half-ass." My teeth were very durable, I must admit. I only became conscientious about five years ago. Why didn't I acquire a Waterpik® way back when? Right now, I brush, floss, and use the Waterpik® to clean my teeth. Had I done so when I was younger, my teeth would be in much better shape today.
Late News: After conducting an extensive investigation, I have discovered that Joker is the President and CEO of an investment corporation here in Hawai'i. The fudgepacker is allegedly worth millions. However, he is "eccentric," at least according to one source. Other less polite accounts describe Joker as "mentally ill" and "sociopathic," citing that he ran the company with an "Iron Fist." As I dig up more information, I will post it in the "blog."
Thursday, December 15, 2011
General Dullness XVI
Yeah, I'm back to the same ol' shit. Unfortunately, no outing this evening. I was too fatigued, what with my advanced age and all. And, going anywhere during the Saturnalia shopping mania is traumatic.

Samantha Saint
I may as well briefly discuss hurdy-gurdy hottie Samantha Saint. Baby has made quite a splash since she first arrived on the hurdy-gurdy scene not so long ago. Did I mention that she has many talents? Be sure to peruse her endless portfolio on the FreeOnes® site as well as her latest appearance in a titillating Brazzers® episode.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Muthathar al Zaidi Day 2011
A couple of days ago, I decided that I should drive my truck to Ala Moana Center for my endodontist appointment this morning. I would also be able to shop for groceries later in the day, since I knew that I would run out of food by Tuesday. At the last minute (this morning), I changed my mind and rode the bus. However, rather than ride to Ala Moana Center, I would ride into town, purchase a cup of coffee and something to eat along the way, end up at the library by 9am for a few relaxing moments in the inner courtyard, then eventually end up at the endodontist's office. At least, that was the plan. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the library, I discovered that it was closed. Why was I surprised? The library always opens late on Wednesdays. Early senility, you think?
And, at the very moment that I arrived at the library, I had the sudden urge to use the restroom (i.e., take a dump). Continence is a senior citizen problem. Well, fortunately, I was able to maintain until I was able to transport myself to Ala Moana Center on a very slow bus. With nothing to do at the shopping mall, I opted to return to the library. I enjoyed about 30 minutes of peace and quiet in the inner courtyard.
I rode the bus back toward Ala Moana Center, but alighted near the endodontist's office. I arrived just in time for my 11:15am appointment. The receptionist wanted me to sign some paperwork authorizing one of two charges for my visit: $1,447 for essentially another root canal or just $233 for a "consultation" if the problem proved to be something else. I did not sign the authorization. Instead, I explained that I was being referred by my dentist in order to determine if there was a failed root canal.
After taking another x-ray scan, the endodontist was able to determine that the root canal was intact. However, there was no evidence for the cause of the infection, which was somewhere near the back of the tooth. A root fracture was possible, but nothing showed up on the x-ray image. He then ordered another x-ray scan, one that would include the entire oversized cranium. Nothing positive showed up on that scan either. The endodontist explained that the infection appeared to be caused by tooth erosion. There was now a large pocket between the eroded area and the gum. Plaque and food particles are most likely getting trapped and causing the gum to become infected. My only option, he told me, was to "yank it out" (i.e., extract the tooth). In the meantime, I may be able to stave off the inevitable by keeping the tooth as clean as possible.
The endodontist explained the situation quite well. He even showed me the x-ray scans. The images of the the oversized cranium were in 3-D and interactive. He assured me that he found no polyps or tumors in my head. The most profound statement that he made was, If you live long enough, all of your teeth will eventually fall out." He did not mean me specifically. He had just shown me diagrams of what happens to teeth and gums as we age. To say that I was disconcerted would be an understatement. Well, as a consolation of sorts, I did not have to pay for the visit.
The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. Unfortunately, when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had absolutely no food for dinner. All I ate for the day was a cup of granola, a small serving of yogurt, and one serving of the meathead "meal replacement" mix. I downed another serving of meathead mix and ate an apple. Then, even with the threat of rain, I found myself at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I ate half of a "footlong" sandwich at Subway®. I saved the other half for tomorrow's dinner. By the way, the basic sandwiches are $6 now. I spent the rest of the time in the bookstore with my tablet computer.
As you may have guessed, I have seemingly stumbled upon an "epiphany," although not a pleasant one. I am already entering the senior citizen zone, and it's not a pretty picture. I am reminded daily by my looming decrepitude (e.g., tooth erosion, Vienna Sausage atrophy, chronic lumbago). These are not joyous times. I am very much inclined to concur with William Miller in his book, "Losing It." More later, I suppose. In the meantime, don't forget to celebrate Muthathar al Zaidi Day.
And, at the very moment that I arrived at the library, I had the sudden urge to use the restroom (i.e., take a dump). Continence is a senior citizen problem. Well, fortunately, I was able to maintain until I was able to transport myself to Ala Moana Center on a very slow bus. With nothing to do at the shopping mall, I opted to return to the library. I enjoyed about 30 minutes of peace and quiet in the inner courtyard.
I rode the bus back toward Ala Moana Center, but alighted near the endodontist's office. I arrived just in time for my 11:15am appointment. The receptionist wanted me to sign some paperwork authorizing one of two charges for my visit: $1,447 for essentially another root canal or just $233 for a "consultation" if the problem proved to be something else. I did not sign the authorization. Instead, I explained that I was being referred by my dentist in order to determine if there was a failed root canal.
After taking another x-ray scan, the endodontist was able to determine that the root canal was intact. However, there was no evidence for the cause of the infection, which was somewhere near the back of the tooth. A root fracture was possible, but nothing showed up on the x-ray image. He then ordered another x-ray scan, one that would include the entire oversized cranium. Nothing positive showed up on that scan either. The endodontist explained that the infection appeared to be caused by tooth erosion. There was now a large pocket between the eroded area and the gum. Plaque and food particles are most likely getting trapped and causing the gum to become infected. My only option, he told me, was to "yank it out" (i.e., extract the tooth). In the meantime, I may be able to stave off the inevitable by keeping the tooth as clean as possible.
The endodontist explained the situation quite well. He even showed me the x-ray scans. The images of the the oversized cranium were in 3-D and interactive. He assured me that he found no polyps or tumors in my head. The most profound statement that he made was, If you live long enough, all of your teeth will eventually fall out." He did not mean me specifically. He had just shown me diagrams of what happens to teeth and gums as we age. To say that I was disconcerted would be an understatement. Well, as a consolation of sorts, I did not have to pay for the visit.
The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. Unfortunately, when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had absolutely no food for dinner. All I ate for the day was a cup of granola, a small serving of yogurt, and one serving of the meathead "meal replacement" mix. I downed another serving of meathead mix and ate an apple. Then, even with the threat of rain, I found myself at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I ate half of a "footlong" sandwich at Subway®. I saved the other half for tomorrow's dinner. By the way, the basic sandwiches are $6 now. I spent the rest of the time in the bookstore with my tablet computer.
As you may have guessed, I have seemingly stumbled upon an "epiphany," although not a pleasant one. I am already entering the senior citizen zone, and it's not a pretty picture. I am reminded daily by my looming decrepitude (e.g., tooth erosion, Vienna Sausage atrophy, chronic lumbago). These are not joyous times. I am very much inclined to concur with William Miller in his book, "Losing It." More later, I suppose. In the meantime, don't forget to celebrate Muthathar al Zaidi Day.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Reconnected (Again)
Disconnect. Reconnect. Disconnect. Reconnect. Gets really old fast, doesn't it? When I returned to Slob Manor last night, I was surprised to discover that Net access was restored. So, I was up until 12:30am this morning downloading more hurdy-gurdy videos for no apparent reason.
The day? Same ol' shit, with the only deviation being the restoration of my extreme monk haircut. Heavy rain did not permit me to make the outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. So, I suppose that I will continue the malignant task of accumulating more and more hurdy-gurdy video clips. Sheesh!
I had enough mediocre food to suffice for dinner tonight, but I decided to sample the powdered "meal replacement" just for fun. I mixed a scoop of the "meal replacement" with a little bit of water. Then, I added my daily supplement of psyllium and non-fat milk. To no surprise, the concoction tasted like chocolate-flavored cardboard. Gym meatheads love the stuff, though. One important advantage is that the "meal replacement" is fortified with vitamins. Sadly, I have suspected that my diet has been vitamin-deficient for a long time. Oh, yes, the product on trial is the original Muscle Milk®.

Nicole Aniston
Speaking of hurdy-gurdy videos, I must showcase one of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties. Of course, none other than Nicole Aniston. Baby is so hot! Anyway, the promotional picture is from a recent episode featured on the Brazzers® site. If the ol' lavahead had a babe like Nicole Aniston, he would immediately cease collecting any more hurdy-gurdy videos.
The day? Same ol' shit, with the only deviation being the restoration of my extreme monk haircut. Heavy rain did not permit me to make the outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. So, I suppose that I will continue the malignant task of accumulating more and more hurdy-gurdy video clips. Sheesh!
I had enough mediocre food to suffice for dinner tonight, but I decided to sample the powdered "meal replacement" just for fun. I mixed a scoop of the "meal replacement" with a little bit of water. Then, I added my daily supplement of psyllium and non-fat milk. To no surprise, the concoction tasted like chocolate-flavored cardboard. Gym meatheads love the stuff, though. One important advantage is that the "meal replacement" is fortified with vitamins. Sadly, I have suspected that my diet has been vitamin-deficient for a long time. Oh, yes, the product on trial is the original Muscle Milk®.

Monday, December 12, 2011
Disconnected Ad Nauseam III
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Fortunately, there is nothing new to discuss. In other words, moms and my bro's family are doing fine. I ran into the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) landlord at Longs® while shopping with moms. Apparently, the landlord's father is ill. That after a long trip from China. He is 96 years old. The landlord is concerned that he may have to go to the hospital if his condition does not improve. Yes, for senior citizens, even the common cold could be fatal. I did not feel that I should bring up Joker and his antics at that moment. The landlord happened to mention that cable access for the tube was also disconnected. At that point, I knew that the problem had to do with the physical cabling in the house somewhere. No wonder Joker has not been around. The fudgepacker couldn't watch the tube.
I had to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening to partake of the bookstore's free Net access. Unfortunately, the few armchairs in the store were all occupied. So, I decided to enjoy a hot decaffeinated beverage in the café. At least I had a nice comfortable table to station myself at.
I happened to stop by GNC® beforehand. Actually, I came up with the idea while I was at the gym this afternoon. Dreading the purchase of the usual poisonous food items at the grocery store, I pondered whether I should invest in a big-ass container of dubious chemicals qualifying as a "meal replacement" and typically consumed by gym meatheads. I perused a few products while at the gym, but I did not have my credit card on me. Long story short, I purchased the "meal replacement," on sale for $25 and some change. The container is big. It is full of unidentifiable chemicals. Well, I only purchased a carton of milk at the grocery store. I could find nothing else worthy of purchase (read: on sale). And, frankly, I am sick and tired of chicken. I've been eating chicken in one form or another for over a month straight. So, the big test commences tomorrow. Not to worry, though, I am not planning to live on just a "meal replacement" diet.
Well, once I return to Slob Manor tonight, there will be nothing to do. I suppose that I could view all of the hurdy-gurdy videos that I have downloaded over time, a marathon of sorts. I am not certain whether the Vienna Sausage can "handle" such an event, what with the advanced atrophy and all. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!
I had to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening to partake of the bookstore's free Net access. Unfortunately, the few armchairs in the store were all occupied. So, I decided to enjoy a hot decaffeinated beverage in the café. At least I had a nice comfortable table to station myself at.
I happened to stop by GNC® beforehand. Actually, I came up with the idea while I was at the gym this afternoon. Dreading the purchase of the usual poisonous food items at the grocery store, I pondered whether I should invest in a big-ass container of dubious chemicals qualifying as a "meal replacement" and typically consumed by gym meatheads. I perused a few products while at the gym, but I did not have my credit card on me. Long story short, I purchased the "meal replacement," on sale for $25 and some change. The container is big. It is full of unidentifiable chemicals. Well, I only purchased a carton of milk at the grocery store. I could find nothing else worthy of purchase (read: on sale). And, frankly, I am sick and tired of chicken. I've been eating chicken in one form or another for over a month straight. So, the big test commences tomorrow. Not to worry, though, I am not planning to live on just a "meal replacement" diet.
Well, once I return to Slob Manor tonight, there will be nothing to do. I suppose that I could view all of the hurdy-gurdy videos that I have downloaded over time, a marathon of sorts. I am not certain whether the Vienna Sausage can "handle" such an event, what with the advanced atrophy and all. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Disconnected Ad Nauseam II
Same ol' Sunday shit. The only highlight was a modest perusal of the hottie gym trainer. Baby was looking mighty fine. We all knew that already, though, didn't we? And, I ran into my "homeless" buddy at Ala Moana Center this afternoon.
I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) before 2pm. I noted that Net access was still down. So, I took it upon myself to check both the cable modem and wireless router situated in the storage room at the back of the house. Both devices were operational. The problem is probably located at the cable hub serving the 'hood. Then, I came to discover that the landlord had already called the cable service provider. The earliest that a technician can come by is sometime on Tuesday. So, no Net access until then. No hurdy-gurdy video downloading.
I had to carry both my netbook and my tablet computer for my outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) at Kahala this evening. I had composed the "blog" using the netbook's text editor, but there was no way for me to transfer the file to the tablet computer. Even then, there is no "app" installed on the tablet computer that can open a simple text file. Ludicrous? No kidding. Had I known that there would be an extended outage, I would have composed the "blog" using the tablet computer's word processor. Anyway, I must use the free wireless Net access at the bookstore in order to post to the "blog" for the time being. Is that even more ludicrous?
Incidentally, the netbook proved to be quite heavy and cumbersome in use, even given its relatively small size. Nothing can beat the tablet computer for portability. Unfortunately, I cannot use the tablet computer for hurdy-gurdy video downloading. Not enough memory, and no easy way to transfer files. Can't win for losing, eh?
I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) before 2pm. I noted that Net access was still down. So, I took it upon myself to check both the cable modem and wireless router situated in the storage room at the back of the house. Both devices were operational. The problem is probably located at the cable hub serving the 'hood. Then, I came to discover that the landlord had already called the cable service provider. The earliest that a technician can come by is sometime on Tuesday. So, no Net access until then. No hurdy-gurdy video downloading.
I had to carry both my netbook and my tablet computer for my outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) at Kahala this evening. I had composed the "blog" using the netbook's text editor, but there was no way for me to transfer the file to the tablet computer. Even then, there is no "app" installed on the tablet computer that can open a simple text file. Ludicrous? No kidding. Had I known that there would be an extended outage, I would have composed the "blog" using the tablet computer's word processor. Anyway, I must use the free wireless Net access at the bookstore in order to post to the "blog" for the time being. Is that even more ludicrous?
Incidentally, the netbook proved to be quite heavy and cumbersome in use, even given its relatively small size. Nothing can beat the tablet computer for portability. Unfortunately, I cannot use the tablet computer for hurdy-gurdy video downloading. Not enough memory, and no easy way to transfer files. Can't win for losing, eh?
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Disconnected Ad Nauseam I
Cable Net access at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) went down at 8:30pm this evening. Not much to discuss anyway. Same ol' shit. At the library, I completed reading the book, "Losing It," by William Miller. My return trip back to the dump via various bus routes consumed over 2.5 hours of time due to stupidity. And, heavy rain prevented an outing this evening.
Kyle said that he had a verbal confrontation with Joker this morning. Joker, the pinhead, was defiant and argumentative. As to be expected, Joker was "acting up" for the entire evening. Violence appears to be the only language that Joker understands. By the way, I tested my trusty Nova® Spirit electronic restraining device (ERD), and it seems to be fully operational. Its first deployment may be at hand.
I neglected to mention that Alan had told me that he returned early from work on Thursday because he wasn't feeling well. He felt bloated and constipated with extreme pain throughout the midriff. He had an appointment with a doctor yesterday. He was told that the problem could range from an intestinal blockage to gall bladder problems. He was to have X-rays scans taken this morning. The problem seemed a little more serious to me. I asked, "Shouldn't you have been admitted to the hospital already?" Alan was more concerned about using up too many "sick days" leave and his upcoming Saturnalia vacation in Arizona. Alan apparently wasn't home all day according to Kyle, so I assumed that he is now in the hospital.
Later, I happened to ping the wireless router using its generic IP address out of curiosity. No packets returned, which means that the router was the culprit (not the cable modem). Since I could neither access the router's Web administration portal, there was no way to reset the router without powering it down. I did not want to walk around Slob Manor to the little storage room where the router is located. So, no hurdy-gurdy video downloading tonight. Fortunately, I had previously set up the router to automatically restart daily at 4am. So, it should be operational tomorrow.
As we all know, I try not to bother with the detestable "condotel" unit. Out of sight, out of mind. However, I have received several mailings indicating that much more money will extracted from the "owners" in a variety of less-than-ingenious methods. First, the maintenance fee is going up. Second, the sleazy property management firm has decided to replace the drapery in all of the units regardless of whether they need to be replaced or not. The cost will be $300 upward. Kickbacks, you think? The units, as you may recall, are currently making zero revenue.
Kyle said that he had a verbal confrontation with Joker this morning. Joker, the pinhead, was defiant and argumentative. As to be expected, Joker was "acting up" for the entire evening. Violence appears to be the only language that Joker understands. By the way, I tested my trusty Nova® Spirit electronic restraining device (ERD), and it seems to be fully operational. Its first deployment may be at hand.
I neglected to mention that Alan had told me that he returned early from work on Thursday because he wasn't feeling well. He felt bloated and constipated with extreme pain throughout the midriff. He had an appointment with a doctor yesterday. He was told that the problem could range from an intestinal blockage to gall bladder problems. He was to have X-rays scans taken this morning. The problem seemed a little more serious to me. I asked, "Shouldn't you have been admitted to the hospital already?" Alan was more concerned about using up too many "sick days" leave and his upcoming Saturnalia vacation in Arizona. Alan apparently wasn't home all day according to Kyle, so I assumed that he is now in the hospital.
Later, I happened to ping the wireless router using its generic IP address out of curiosity. No packets returned, which means that the router was the culprit (not the cable modem). Since I could neither access the router's Web administration portal, there was no way to reset the router without powering it down. I did not want to walk around Slob Manor to the little storage room where the router is located. So, no hurdy-gurdy video downloading tonight. Fortunately, I had previously set up the router to automatically restart daily at 4am. So, it should be operational tomorrow.
As we all know, I try not to bother with the detestable "condotel" unit. Out of sight, out of mind. However, I have received several mailings indicating that much more money will extracted from the "owners" in a variety of less-than-ingenious methods. First, the maintenance fee is going up. Second, the sleazy property management firm has decided to replace the drapery in all of the units regardless of whether they need to be replaced or not. The cost will be $300 upward. Kickbacks, you think? The units, as you may recall, are currently making zero revenue.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Same itinerary. After shopping for groceries this afternoon, I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). At one point, I took my trash and recyclables outside to the bins. Joker was outside with both of his rodent-like dogs. Upon completing the task, I found that I was locked outside, and Joker was nowhere in sight. Fortunately, Alan happened to be in the living room. So, he let me in. Joker, the ornery bitch, had run upstairs. I knew that he was up to no good because his mangy mutts were still downstairs. I then calmly exclaimed, "That fuckin' asshole better not push me too far, or I'm going to kick his fuckin' ass!" I'm sure that the fudgepacker was upstairs giggling his faggot ass off.

Kyle has been correct in assuming that Joker was playing mind games with us. Remember Joker's little prank on Kyle with the "panic button" of his vehicle's alarm? Obviously, I am now convinced that Joker has always been waiting until I return before he commences dropping heavy objects on the floor above my squalid room. There will be a day very soon when Joker and I will be the only ones at the dump, perhaps during the upcoming Saturnalia vacation. In all likelihood, that would be an ideal time for me to confront Joker. If Joker were to sustain injuries, I could easily deny any involvement and question whether Joker simply slipped and fell down the stairs. I could also shove a big stick up his ass, but he would find that too enjoyable.
Joker has not been going out as much, so he spends between 10 and 14 hours in front of the tube per day. He often takes five-hour naps in the afternoon. Little wonder why the faggot is mentally ill. Why doesn't he just put himself out of his misery already? If I looked like him, I would find no reason to carry on. Imagine a "guy" with skinny twig-like arms and legs, emaciated shoulders, a concave chest, a pinhead, and a huge round ball for an abdomen. Yeah, it's a sickening sight.
The situation with Joker is tiresome at best. Kyle believes that the landlord will not be renewing Joker's lease next month, or that's what the landlord had told him. I don't believe a word of it. I have seen the landlord treat Joker like a spoiled little brat with my own eyes. Well, enough of the fool.
I found myself at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. What other alternative is there, aside from downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips in my squalid room? Both are a waste of valuable time. Downloading hurdy-gurdy videos is the most ludicrous waste of time, I must admit. With a declining libido and the near atrophy of the Vienna Sausage, there's no way to justify the amount of time and effort invested. Sadly, I am no more productive than a certain fudgepacker whom we know of.
On a side note, at least one of the books that I have been reading at the library as well as the unusual conversation that I had with the dentist (refer to the "blog" of the past two days) seem to be begging me to revamp my outlook and formulations. I am no longer certain that any of my so-called "strategic plans" make sense. And, the continuing ordeal with that pinhead Joker only adds insult to injury. I hope to have something more concrete to discuss within a couple of days.

Joker has not been going out as much, so he spends between 10 and 14 hours in front of the tube per day. He often takes five-hour naps in the afternoon. Little wonder why the faggot is mentally ill. Why doesn't he just put himself out of his misery already? If I looked like him, I would find no reason to carry on. Imagine a "guy" with skinny twig-like arms and legs, emaciated shoulders, a concave chest, a pinhead, and a huge round ball for an abdomen. Yeah, it's a sickening sight.
The situation with Joker is tiresome at best. Kyle believes that the landlord will not be renewing Joker's lease next month, or that's what the landlord had told him. I don't believe a word of it. I have seen the landlord treat Joker like a spoiled little brat with my own eyes. Well, enough of the fool.
I found myself at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. What other alternative is there, aside from downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips in my squalid room? Both are a waste of valuable time. Downloading hurdy-gurdy videos is the most ludicrous waste of time, I must admit. With a declining libido and the near atrophy of the Vienna Sausage, there's no way to justify the amount of time and effort invested. Sadly, I am no more productive than a certain fudgepacker whom we know of.
On a side note, at least one of the books that I have been reading at the library as well as the unusual conversation that I had with the dentist (refer to the "blog" of the past two days) seem to be begging me to revamp my outlook and formulations. I am no longer certain that any of my so-called "strategic plans" make sense. And, the continuing ordeal with that pinhead Joker only adds insult to injury. I hope to have something more concrete to discuss within a couple of days.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
All Fall Down (Reprise)
I neglected to mention that the dentist and his staff were unusually chatty the other day. For some reason, though, my dentist mentioned a recent patient suffering from Alzheimer's Syndrome. The patient's husband accompanied her during the appointment. All the while the patient was looking at the dental assistant while her husband was talking to her. The patient was unable to understand why the voice sounded familiar, but the face was not known to her. The dentist also mentioned a colleague who had suffered a stroke. "All he does is stare straight ahead and drools," the dentist told me. "His mind is probably intact but it's trapped in a useless body. And, he's a young guy, too." To sum up the conversation, he said, "Enjoy life while you can."
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He was still wearing a removable cast on his leg. Apparently, he suffered from blood poisoning, which required surgery. I am wondering whether he is suffering from something much more serious. He's had that cast on his leg for months.

Abagelle Banks
No outing this evening. I was running behind schedule yet again. So, more hurdy-gurdy video downloading, I suppose. Well, with so many gorgeous hurdy-gurdy hotties like Abagelle Banks, there are just far too many video clips to collect. So many hurdy-gurdy videos, so little time. Sheesh!
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He was still wearing a removable cast on his leg. Apparently, he suffered from blood poisoning, which required surgery. I am wondering whether he is suffering from something much more serious. He's had that cast on his leg for months.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Post No. 2,047
The situation has returned to normal for the time being. In other words, same ol' shit. As for the evening, no outing. I decided to lock myself in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for an intense hurdy-gurdy video downloading session.
Reading has become an intermittent activity for me at the library. Primarily, I am there to enjoy the peace and quiet. Often, I lapse in and out of a coma to make up for lost sleep. Yeah, that how bad the noise situation at Slob Manor has become. I will, however, mention that I am attempting to read three different books:

Jacky Joy
Anyway, speaking of hurdy-gurdy videos, who would not be impressed by hurdy-gurdy hottie, Jacky Joy? The screenshot is from her appearance in a recent Brazzers® "Baby got Boobs" episode. Great episode, by the way. Much better than the lame crap on the tube.
Reading has become an intermittent activity for me at the library. Primarily, I am there to enjoy the peace and quiet. Often, I lapse in and out of a coma to make up for lost sleep. Yeah, that how bad the noise situation at Slob Manor has become. I will, however, mention that I am attempting to read three different books:
- "Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis, and the Misrepresentation of Humanity" by Raymond Tallis
- "Who Am I? And, If So, How Many?" by Richard Precht
- "Losing It: In Which an Aging Professor Laments His Shrinking Brain" by William Miller

Tuesday, December 06, 2011
More Grief
The day commenced as usual with a run to Ala Moana Center. I purchased a cup of coffee and three small containers of guava yogurt for breakfast. Rather than head into town, though, I rode the bus back to Kahala for my dental appointment.
My poor tooth. Already a victim of one root canal, now it will be subject to more abuse. An x-ray revealed nothing more than a severe infection near the root of the self-resurrected molar. The infection is producing a white gooey substance as opposed to the clear liquid typical of an abscess. The exit point is located where my wisdom tooth, long ago extracted, should be. There are two possibilities, I was told. Either there is a root canal failure or the root itself is fractured. So, I am off to visit the endodontist next week for one of two very costly remedies. Mind you, the very same tooth has already racked up well over $2,000 in dental work.
To say that I was mentally fatigued after the dental appointment would be an understatement. Completely dejected, I rode the bus to town. I spent 35 minutes in the inner courtyard of the library. I just sat there with my eyes closed and enjoyed the peace and quiet. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.
I had just enough food for dinner, nothing more. Since I did not shop for groceries yesterday, I knew that I would have to do so this evening in Aina Haina. Thus, I embarked on my usual outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at the usual time. We all know the drill already, don't we?
Friends, I really don't know how much longer I can tolerate the slow torture leading to destitution. My heart really goes out to the 300,000-plus citizens of empire who were wrongly labeled as having "lost interest in employment" last month. The real truth is that they lost their unemployment benefits. Thus, they no longer need to file paperwork with the appropriate agencies. They can't find a job, so they will be relegated to destitution. What happens when their dental root canals fail?
I will be able to survive slightly longer than a few of the other rank-and-file peons (provided my savings remain intact). However, I will be at the threshold of destitution just as I become a more decrepit senior citizen. I suppose that there is no need to worry about the problem now. I merely need to face the fact that a bleak future is inevitable.

Kenzi Marie
On a cheerier note, I turn to hurdy-gurdy hottie, Kenzi Marie. I am certain that baby is no longer in the "business." However, she leaves a legacy that can barely be matched. Don't forget to peruse her portfolio on the FreeOnes® site.
My poor tooth. Already a victim of one root canal, now it will be subject to more abuse. An x-ray revealed nothing more than a severe infection near the root of the self-resurrected molar. The infection is producing a white gooey substance as opposed to the clear liquid typical of an abscess. The exit point is located where my wisdom tooth, long ago extracted, should be. There are two possibilities, I was told. Either there is a root canal failure or the root itself is fractured. So, I am off to visit the endodontist next week for one of two very costly remedies. Mind you, the very same tooth has already racked up well over $2,000 in dental work.
To say that I was mentally fatigued after the dental appointment would be an understatement. Completely dejected, I rode the bus to town. I spent 35 minutes in the inner courtyard of the library. I just sat there with my eyes closed and enjoyed the peace and quiet. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.
I had just enough food for dinner, nothing more. Since I did not shop for groceries yesterday, I knew that I would have to do so this evening in Aina Haina. Thus, I embarked on my usual outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at the usual time. We all know the drill already, don't we?
Friends, I really don't know how much longer I can tolerate the slow torture leading to destitution. My heart really goes out to the 300,000-plus citizens of empire who were wrongly labeled as having "lost interest in employment" last month. The real truth is that they lost their unemployment benefits. Thus, they no longer need to file paperwork with the appropriate agencies. They can't find a job, so they will be relegated to destitution. What happens when their dental root canals fail?
I will be able to survive slightly longer than a few of the other rank-and-file peons (provided my savings remain intact). However, I will be at the threshold of destitution just as I become a more decrepit senior citizen. I suppose that there is no need to worry about the problem now. I merely need to face the fact that a bleak future is inevitable.

Monday, December 05, 2011
Pure Rhetoric
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I only recollect one poignant moment while moms and I were Longs®. Moms was chatting with a friend (another little ol' lady). They were discussing various ailments and other senior citizen friends who suffered from varying ailments. As I stood there waiting, I realized that moms is nearing 90 years of age. That's my mom, I said to myself proudly. I really don't know how to articulate my feelings beyond that, although I will say that I am happy to spend time with moms.
I foolishly canceled my dental appointment this morning. However, the symptoms of some mysterious kind of tooth problem reappeared a few hours later after a brief two-day remission. Once I returned to the dreadful Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I found little comfort sitting in my squalid room. I, therefore, departed on the bus at 4:45pm, an hour earlier than my usual evening outing time. I stopped off at the dentist’s office to schedule another appointment. Then, I went about my usual routine at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala.
Well, I have been busy living the illusion, albeit reluctantly. I gain nothing from such a course of action. In fact, I have been experiencing much more anxiety lately, coincident with my illusory life-style. The problem with living the illusion is obvious. The illusion is a lie, a farce. The only way to tolerate such a life-style short of a lobotomy is to rely heavily on mind-altering drugs, cheap booze, and long hours in front of the tube. I can safely exclude extended exposure to hurdy-gurdy videos because the latter does not induce a stupor or coma.
As I mentioned yesterday, I am rapidly approaching the "homeless threshold" insofar as my savings is concerned. So, I clearly need to review the current situation. I also need to revisit my priorities. Then, the appropriate course of action must be invoked. Yeah, I know. Pure rhetoric.
I foolishly canceled my dental appointment this morning. However, the symptoms of some mysterious kind of tooth problem reappeared a few hours later after a brief two-day remission. Once I returned to the dreadful Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I found little comfort sitting in my squalid room. I, therefore, departed on the bus at 4:45pm, an hour earlier than my usual evening outing time. I stopped off at the dentist’s office to schedule another appointment. Then, I went about my usual routine at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala.
Well, I have been busy living the illusion, albeit reluctantly. I gain nothing from such a course of action. In fact, I have been experiencing much more anxiety lately, coincident with my illusory life-style. The problem with living the illusion is obvious. The illusion is a lie, a farce. The only way to tolerate such a life-style short of a lobotomy is to rely heavily on mind-altering drugs, cheap booze, and long hours in front of the tube. I can safely exclude extended exposure to hurdy-gurdy videos because the latter does not induce a stupor or coma.
As I mentioned yesterday, I am rapidly approaching the "homeless threshold" insofar as my savings is concerned. So, I clearly need to review the current situation. I also need to revisit my priorities. Then, the appropriate course of action must be invoked. Yeah, I know. Pure rhetoric.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Lamp-Baked Illusion IV
Same ol' Sunday shit. I was groggy most of the day because Alan, one of the residents at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was up at 4am this morning making hella noise in the kitchen. Alan switched to "swing shift" at work a week or so ago, but he apparently still wants to maintain "graveyard shift" waking hours. I really can't understand why.
I neglected to mention that there was some kind of Saturnalia parade last night in town. As the Route 1 bus that I was riding passed along King Street, I observed all of the people stationing themselves behind the barricades to observe the festivities. What was most disturbing is that everyone over five years of age was either overweight or obese. We are talking about locals. Many of the families had set up little tents with trays of food set out on tables. People were stuffing their faces with junk food with little shame. The spectacle made me nauseous.
Heck, most of the passengers on the bus are either overweight or obese. The seats just are not large enough to accommodate their girth. Frankly, sometimes I am sickened by the sight of layers of blubber just hanging over other layers of blubber, clearly visible even with clothing. I just cannot understand how people can just "let themselves go."
On a tragic note, I have become increasingly concerned about the state of my finances. I've been drawing down my savings steadily ever since Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed lowered short-term interest rates to zero percent. As most of you are aware, my prediction is that interest rates will never go up again in my lifetime. The staggering problems in the Eurozone confirm the prediction. I am rapidly approaching the "homeless threshold," that is, the arbitrary liquid asset "floor" that I established a few years ago. I will breach the threshold in about four months. What will I do beyond that point? Will I actually become homeless?
In some respects, I am glad that I do not have twice as much money. I would probably be twice as worried about losing all of it. Slavery? No doubt. The homeless guy at the Beretania Street bus stop has less worries than the ol' lavahead. If the homeless guy would cease droppin' back the cheap 40-dogs of cheap booze, he would realize the level of freedom that he possesses.

What else to discuss? Hurdy-gurdy hotties, of course! Krystal is such a hottie in the "MILF" (i.e., older babe) category. She was recently featured in the "MILF Hunter" series on the Reality Kings® site. The screenshot is from her debut, although she may end up being a "one-hit wonder." Very sad, considering her obvious attributes.
I neglected to mention that there was some kind of Saturnalia parade last night in town. As the Route 1 bus that I was riding passed along King Street, I observed all of the people stationing themselves behind the barricades to observe the festivities. What was most disturbing is that everyone over five years of age was either overweight or obese. We are talking about locals. Many of the families had set up little tents with trays of food set out on tables. People were stuffing their faces with junk food with little shame. The spectacle made me nauseous.
Heck, most of the passengers on the bus are either overweight or obese. The seats just are not large enough to accommodate their girth. Frankly, sometimes I am sickened by the sight of layers of blubber just hanging over other layers of blubber, clearly visible even with clothing. I just cannot understand how people can just "let themselves go."
On a tragic note, I have become increasingly concerned about the state of my finances. I've been drawing down my savings steadily ever since Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed lowered short-term interest rates to zero percent. As most of you are aware, my prediction is that interest rates will never go up again in my lifetime. The staggering problems in the Eurozone confirm the prediction. I am rapidly approaching the "homeless threshold," that is, the arbitrary liquid asset "floor" that I established a few years ago. I will breach the threshold in about four months. What will I do beyond that point? Will I actually become homeless?
In some respects, I am glad that I do not have twice as much money. I would probably be twice as worried about losing all of it. Slavery? No doubt. The homeless guy at the Beretania Street bus stop has less worries than the ol' lavahead. If the homeless guy would cease droppin' back the cheap 40-dogs of cheap booze, he would realize the level of freedom that he possesses.

Saturday, December 03, 2011
Less Grief
Last night, I stopped off at the Aina Haina Shopping Center on the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing. I purchased a slice of Carrot Cake for the reduced price of $1 at Foodland Farms. Then, I sat in the new, albeit small, food court. From my table, I could see the patron in the new Vietnamese restaurant enjoying their meals. That's how the upper crust of society lives. I, however, can't complain. I had an enjoyable time eating a delicious slice of cake by myself.
This morning, When I alighted the bus at the Beretania Street transfer point, I noticed that a homeless guy had claimed one of the benches in the bus stop shelter as his "home." Actually, he was there last week as well. He sat in a white resin chair and was listening to music with headphones. There were 40-dog bottle of cheap malt liquor next to him. The whole area reeked of piss (read: urine) and cheap booze. The other people, mostly little old ladies (i.e., senior citizens), were huddled way at the other end of the shelter. Only one little old lady and I were stationed just a few feet away from the homeless guy. The latter little old lady was playing with a handheld casino game.
The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. By the way, my poor tooth appears to be getting "better." I'm not sure how else to state the condition of the tooth. After the root canal, the tooth should essentially be a calcified stump. The abscessing mysteriously disappeared, and the pain below the tooth is subsiding. There shouldn't be any pain at all since there are no nerves in the roots anymore. I'll make a decision on Monday whether to cancel the dental appointment or not.

Lylith LaVey
No outing this evening, mostly because I was behind schedule. So, I will be locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor until tomorrow morning. Obviously, I will have nothing else better to do than download hurdy-gurdy video clips. Speaking of which ... how about that hurdy-gurdy hottie Lylith LaVey, huh? Words just cannot describe her many talents. I would recommend any and all of her scenes. Be sure to check out her earlier HD videos at Bang Bros®.
This morning, When I alighted the bus at the Beretania Street transfer point, I noticed that a homeless guy had claimed one of the benches in the bus stop shelter as his "home." Actually, he was there last week as well. He sat in a white resin chair and was listening to music with headphones. There were 40-dog bottle of cheap malt liquor next to him. The whole area reeked of piss (read: urine) and cheap booze. The other people, mostly little old ladies (i.e., senior citizens), were huddled way at the other end of the shelter. Only one little old lady and I were stationed just a few feet away from the homeless guy. The latter little old lady was playing with a handheld casino game.
The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. By the way, my poor tooth appears to be getting "better." I'm not sure how else to state the condition of the tooth. After the root canal, the tooth should essentially be a calcified stump. The abscessing mysteriously disappeared, and the pain below the tooth is subsiding. There shouldn't be any pain at all since there are no nerves in the roots anymore. I'll make a decision on Monday whether to cancel the dental appointment or not.

Friday, December 02, 2011
Grief and More Grief
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I'll only mention that I happened to notice that the tooth which has been giving me trouble was apparently abscessing. There is also a mild pain below the inner gumline, which is the only indication of a problem. The left rear, bottom molar (whatever is left of it beneath the porcelain crown) has come back to life, even after going through a supposedly successful root canal almost two years ago. So, I called to make an appointment with the dentist.
I was somewhat perturbed for the rest of the day. The cost for yet another dental appointment and the possibility of needing another root canal made me ill. Another $1,000 root canal for a tooth that has already had a root canal? Can you see why I was ready to go "ballistic"?
As unnerved as I was, I finally made the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I simply had to get out, rather than "stew in my own juices" in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Sometimes, I really don't know. I have tried to live the illusion, but I know that I am not free. I am still a slave in many respects. I live in squalor under near-homeless conditions, yet I am blazing through my savings. The detestable "condotel" unit, the heavily vandalized truck, and my teeth are literally bleeding me dry. I have attempted to maintain a relaxed pace, but I am severely stressed out.
No matter where I am at, I am privy to observe people who are obviously enjoying a standard of living much higher than mine. As an ascetic, I should not be envious. Somehow, there are strong feelings that accompany the observations, most likely because I spend just as much money per month as they do. Yet, I have nothing to show for it. I look like a homeless guy. I shouldn't care. Perhaps the constant stress is weakening my resolve.

Danielle Derek
All I have is my massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) complete with a fine selection of hurdy-gurdy hotties. That brings to mind another "MILF" (i.e., older babe) favorite, Danielle Derek. I don't believe that baby is still in the "business," but her many talents will be remembered for posterity.
I was somewhat perturbed for the rest of the day. The cost for yet another dental appointment and the possibility of needing another root canal made me ill. Another $1,000 root canal for a tooth that has already had a root canal? Can you see why I was ready to go "ballistic"?
As unnerved as I was, I finally made the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I simply had to get out, rather than "stew in my own juices" in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Sometimes, I really don't know. I have tried to live the illusion, but I know that I am not free. I am still a slave in many respects. I live in squalor under near-homeless conditions, yet I am blazing through my savings. The detestable "condotel" unit, the heavily vandalized truck, and my teeth are literally bleeding me dry. I have attempted to maintain a relaxed pace, but I am severely stressed out.
No matter where I am at, I am privy to observe people who are obviously enjoying a standard of living much higher than mine. As an ascetic, I should not be envious. Somehow, there are strong feelings that accompany the observations, most likely because I spend just as much money per month as they do. Yet, I have nothing to show for it. I look like a homeless guy. I shouldn't care. Perhaps the constant stress is weakening my resolve.

Thursday, December 01, 2011
Lamp-Baked Illusion III
Same ol' shit. No outing this evening because of intermittent rain. Heck, I haven't been to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala for over a week. Not much is being accomplished either, although there are only a handful of agenda items remaining.
I was almost tempted to launch into another diatribe about "stuff" that I have already covered either in the "blog" or the old journal. However, I must maintain my vow to suppress redundancy. Even a lot of the most current of events and sickening state-of-affairs are merely rehashes of the same ol' shit (only worse). For the time being, I will wait until I discover more absolute truths.

Hellie Mae Hellfire
That only leaves me with one worthy topic remaining: my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties. How about the gorgeous Hellie Mae Hellfire? Baby is considered a "MILF" (i.e., older babe) in the trade. What a hottie! Her latest offerings are available on the Brazzers® site. And, you know where to check out her portfolio, eh? I'll include a few other "MILF" hotties later.
I was almost tempted to launch into another diatribe about "stuff" that I have already covered either in the "blog" or the old journal. However, I must maintain my vow to suppress redundancy. Even a lot of the most current of events and sickening state-of-affairs are merely rehashes of the same ol' shit (only worse). For the time being, I will wait until I discover more absolute truths.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Old Man Illusions
Last night, first Blogger® experienced intermittent outages, then the power went out for a few seconds at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Cable access to the Net, however, was down for several hours afterwards. Simply absurd. Same ol' shit.
At the library, I perused a couple of books worthy of mention: "The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and Overworked - 21st Century Edition" by Ernie Zelinski and "The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People" by David Barash and Judith Lipton. Rather than read them completely, I concentrated on a few select chapters. Thus, I may (or may not) comment on either book in the delirious "blog."
I was running behind schedule again for some reason, so I opted to remain locked in my squalid room all evening. Good news, though. Myriad new hurdy-gurdy video clips were available for immediate download. Sometimes I wonder if I am always running behind schedule on purpose. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Victoria White
Speaking of hurdy-gurdy videos, I must pay homage again to one of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties, Victoria White. Is baby just too fine, or what? After an uneventful Ol' Lavahead Day, I only want to think about all of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties. It keeps my mind off of senior citizen "stuff." Sheesh!
At the library, I perused a couple of books worthy of mention: "The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and Overworked - 21st Century Edition" by Ernie Zelinski and "The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People" by David Barash and Judith Lipton. Rather than read them completely, I concentrated on a few select chapters. Thus, I may (or may not) comment on either book in the delirious "blog."
I was running behind schedule again for some reason, so I opted to remain locked in my squalid room all evening. Good news, though. Myriad new hurdy-gurdy video clips were available for immediate download. Sometimes I wonder if I am always running behind schedule on purpose. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Ol' Lavahead Day 2011
Same ol' shit. No celebration. Nothing. Nada. And, once again, I spent the entire evening locked away in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). You know the drill.

Dayna Vendetta
Well, Blogger® is apparently ready to go into meltdown again, so there's no need to discuss much else. Except for ... hurdy-gurdy hottie Dayna Vendetta. Actually, there's nothing to discuss about baby. A picture is worth a thousand words, ten thousand in her case. Check out her portfolio at the FreeOnes® site for more.

Monday, November 28, 2011
Post No. 2,038
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was prepared to make the dash to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. At the last minute, however, I changed my mind. Instead, I will spend all night locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Again? Yes, again.
I did my best to not do any thinking or ruminating. How else can I live the illusion? So, I listened to the latest Deep House Cat mix, which I really recommend. Look for the "Christaux Mix" on the site. I also downloaded many more hurdy-gurdy video clips, all the while waiting for the latest episode of "Hawai'i Five-O" to appear on-line.

Esperanza Gomez
Zero readership continues unabated, thank goodness. So, I should just mention another of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties, Esperanza Gomez. After a brief hiatus, the Colombian hottie is back to display her ample wares and showcase her many talents. You can see all of her in the latest installment of "American Daydreams" from Naughty America®. Yowza!
I did my best to not do any thinking or ruminating. How else can I live the illusion? So, I listened to the latest Deep House Cat mix, which I really recommend. Look for the "Christaux Mix" on the site. I also downloaded many more hurdy-gurdy video clips, all the while waiting for the latest episode of "Hawai'i Five-O" to appear on-line.

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Lamp-Baked Illusion II
Same ol' Sunday shit, complete with an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Whew! Baby is so fine. I was hoping to ride the 1pm Route 23 bus from Ala Moana Center. However, I had to purchase something to eat for dinner at Foodland. I was hampered by the crowds. Long story short, I missed the bus by two minutes.
I stood at the bus stop dumbfounded. I was quickly become irritated. Actually, I was already perturbed because of several encounters with rude morons. A bus bound for Waikiki stopped. One of the passengers alighting the bus was Les. He stopped to chat with me, mainly about his church. He also invited me to attend services. I'm not going to make derogatory comments about Les. He appears to be a good "Christian," for what that's worth. He also seems to have quite a bit of faith in his religion. Out of respect for him, I made no attempt to argue the fallacy of a non-existent deity. All during the conversation, though, I wondered about how Les was able to fully believe that he was destined for "Heaven."
I walked back to Foodland, mainly because there was nothing else to do for an hour. I was fortunate to find a nice slice of pie at the reduced price of a dollar. I sat on the same wooden bench facing the street level parking lot like I always do. The pie was delicious. I finally arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 3pm. I performed the dreaded laundry chores, ate my crappy dinner, and braced myself to spend the entire evening locked in my squalid room.

April O'Neil
So, what will I do in my squalid room? Search for and download choice hurdy-gurdy video clips, of course. That brings me to the latest "blog" topic, my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties. How about April O'Neil? Baby is quite fine. She's also unbelievably talented. Might I suggest a perusal of her portfolio at the FreeOnes® site?
On a sad note, I have finally come around to regretting the purchase of the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. The price has dropped $300 since its introduction. To add insult to injury, the latest update to the operating system allegedly has caused problems with the wireless transceiver. Obviously, without wireless connectivity, the tablet computer is a door stop. I was under the faulty impression that the parent corporation was strongly enterprise-driven and produced top-notch products. Apparently, I was completely wrong.
I stood at the bus stop dumbfounded. I was quickly become irritated. Actually, I was already perturbed because of several encounters with rude morons. A bus bound for Waikiki stopped. One of the passengers alighting the bus was Les. He stopped to chat with me, mainly about his church. He also invited me to attend services. I'm not going to make derogatory comments about Les. He appears to be a good "Christian," for what that's worth. He also seems to have quite a bit of faith in his religion. Out of respect for him, I made no attempt to argue the fallacy of a non-existent deity. All during the conversation, though, I wondered about how Les was able to fully believe that he was destined for "Heaven."
I walked back to Foodland, mainly because there was nothing else to do for an hour. I was fortunate to find a nice slice of pie at the reduced price of a dollar. I sat on the same wooden bench facing the street level parking lot like I always do. The pie was delicious. I finally arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 3pm. I performed the dreaded laundry chores, ate my crappy dinner, and braced myself to spend the entire evening locked in my squalid room.

On a sad note, I have finally come around to regretting the purchase of the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. The price has dropped $300 since its introduction. To add insult to injury, the latest update to the operating system allegedly has caused problems with the wireless transceiver. Obviously, without wireless connectivity, the tablet computer is a door stop. I was under the faulty impression that the parent corporation was strongly enterprise-driven and produced top-notch products. Apparently, I was completely wrong.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Change of Venue?
Itinerary? Same ol' shit. Because of impending rain, I decided to lock myself in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for the evening again. Obviously, there was not much else to do but download more choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. My massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) now has over 700 clips of varying quality. Is that a worthy accomplishment, or what?

Nikki Monroe
Perhaps I should just dispense with the repetitive diatribe of the "blog" and replace the latter with discussions about hurdy-gurdy videos. I could, of course, showcase hotties like Nikki Monroe, who starred in the Jules Jordan Video production, "Oil Overload." The screen capture is from the video. A very hot scene indeed. El Diablo hot!
On a side note, there has been a recent operating system update, albeit minor, for my BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. Unfortunately, I have duly noted complaints in the CrackBerry Forums about subsequent problems with the internal wireless transceiver. Thus, I will not install the update.

On a side note, there has been a recent operating system update, albeit minor, for my BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. Unfortunately, I have duly noted complaints in the CrackBerry Forums about subsequent problems with the internal wireless transceiver. Thus, I will not install the update.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Voodoo Friday 2011
Same ol' shit. I only need mention that the Saturnalia shopping craze was totally out of control. When I arrived at Ala Moana Center this morning at 8:40am, the entire complex was completely packed with shopping fools. The Route 23 bus driver said that, during his first run at 6am, he saw myriad people lined up everywhere with huge widescreen LCD tubes. One of the cashiers at Foodland said that the store was full of people at 4:30am. And, apparently, there were a few stores that had opened at midnight.
At the library, I was awakened from a stupor by Ralph, a dean at HCC. I only chatted with him briefly. I ran into Mark while I was walking to the bus stop at 12:40pm. I missed the bus by a few seconds, so I ended up walking with Mark to the central business district.
At the gym, I discovered that one of my gym shoes was literally falling apart. I had no choice but to purchase a pair of cheap, albeit somewhat hideous, gym shoes from Payless®. I could have waited until tomorrow to shop for shoes, but I just could not fathom the idea of dealing with the swarms of Saturnalia shoppers. So, I will just have to live with the hideous pair of gym shoes for now.
On the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus, I noticed that the parking lot at Kahala Mall was completely full. Actually, it was full at 8:15am this morning. Needless to say, I reluctantly decided to remain locked in my squalid room all evening. As a devout misanthrope, I sure couldn't see myself engaged in a crowd of moronic mental midgets at the bookstore. Sheesh!
At the library, I was awakened from a stupor by Ralph, a dean at HCC. I only chatted with him briefly. I ran into Mark while I was walking to the bus stop at 12:40pm. I missed the bus by a few seconds, so I ended up walking with Mark to the central business district.
At the gym, I discovered that one of my gym shoes was literally falling apart. I had no choice but to purchase a pair of cheap, albeit somewhat hideous, gym shoes from Payless®. I could have waited until tomorrow to shop for shoes, but I just could not fathom the idea of dealing with the swarms of Saturnalia shoppers. So, I will just have to live with the hideous pair of gym shoes for now.
On the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus, I noticed that the parking lot at Kahala Mall was completely full. Actually, it was full at 8:15am this morning. Needless to say, I reluctantly decided to remain locked in my squalid room all evening. As a devout misanthrope, I sure couldn't see myself engaged in a crowd of moronic mental midgets at the bookstore. Sheesh!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
No-Holiday Holiday 2011
Another unobserved holiday for the ol' lavahead. If I was really living the illusion, then I would be engaged in holiday ritual. What does that tell you? No rest for the losers, though. I washed my truck this morning at 8am. Technically, it also simultaneously received a wax job since I was using an all-in-one product. Rather than waste time drying off the truck by hand with a towel, I decided that I would depart for Ala Moana Center immediately and spend the day there. The drive would provide "air drying" of the truck, I reasoned. Once I arrived at my destination, I noticed that, while not exactly shiny, the end result was perfectly satisfactory. No more hand-drying nonsense.
Only three stores were open in the entire complex, but there was a steady stream of potential shoppers. Don't the fools have anything else better to do? I procured a cup of coffee and sat on a wooden bench in my usual location facing the parking lot on the street level. I observed a few of the homeless and many losers like the ol' lavahead, all of them loitering because there were no other options.
I rode the bus to town, performed the usual workout at the gym, and then returned to Ala Moana Center. I purchased an ice cream treat to reward myself for absolutely nothing. Then, I loitered around until 3pm, sitting on various wooden benches in the same location as this morning.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was delighted to discover than absolutely no one else was around. I took advantage of time to perform a few chores: vacuum out the truck (first time in two years), do laundry chores, clean the vacuum cleaner, and throw out more crap. And, since there was nowhere to go this evening, I locked myself in my squalid room. Yeah, more hurdy-gurdy video downloading. Can it get any dumber?
Only three stores were open in the entire complex, but there was a steady stream of potential shoppers. Don't the fools have anything else better to do? I procured a cup of coffee and sat on a wooden bench in my usual location facing the parking lot on the street level. I observed a few of the homeless and many losers like the ol' lavahead, all of them loitering because there were no other options.
I rode the bus to town, performed the usual workout at the gym, and then returned to Ala Moana Center. I purchased an ice cream treat to reward myself for absolutely nothing. Then, I loitered around until 3pm, sitting on various wooden benches in the same location as this morning.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was delighted to discover than absolutely no one else was around. I took advantage of time to perform a few chores: vacuum out the truck (first time in two years), do laundry chores, clean the vacuum cleaner, and throw out more crap. And, since there was nowhere to go this evening, I locked myself in my squalid room. Yeah, more hurdy-gurdy video downloading. Can it get any dumber?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Usual visit to Hawai'i Kai, obviously a couple of days earlier because of the upcoming holiday weekend. Otherwise, nothing new. I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. A decaffeinated beverage was in order, only because I did not want to feel guilty as I perused a few computer periodicals.
I had much difficulty living the illusion today. I am probably well beyond the point that I could accept such a malignant fate. I am essentially sitting on my ass and waiting for the proverbial ax to fall, not so much on my own head. Rather, there is increasing evidence that the "system" is nearing collapse. I now stand corrected in that the empire seems to be planning an incursion into Syria and possibly Iran. In addition, the empire and all of its "Western" alliances appear to be prodding both China and Russia. With the ever-increasing chance of the disintegration of the Eurozone, more regional wars will erupt. The crumbling of the Eurozone is symbolic of the end of "Western civilization," a scenario worthy of being called the secular Apocalypse.
Well, I am now at a full stalemate concerning the divestiture of my useless possessions. I am down to three items that can be divested, two being my truck and the detestable "condotel" unit. My tablet computer, netbook, portable hard drive, and cheap cell phone are essentially worthless. So, there's nothing left. For now, I'm done. Isn't that amazing?
I had much difficulty living the illusion today. I am probably well beyond the point that I could accept such a malignant fate. I am essentially sitting on my ass and waiting for the proverbial ax to fall, not so much on my own head. Rather, there is increasing evidence that the "system" is nearing collapse. I now stand corrected in that the empire seems to be planning an incursion into Syria and possibly Iran. In addition, the empire and all of its "Western" alliances appear to be prodding both China and Russia. With the ever-increasing chance of the disintegration of the Eurozone, more regional wars will erupt. The crumbling of the Eurozone is symbolic of the end of "Western civilization," a scenario worthy of being called the secular Apocalypse.
Well, I am now at a full stalemate concerning the divestiture of my useless possessions. I am down to three items that can be divested, two being my truck and the detestable "condotel" unit. My tablet computer, netbook, portable hard drive, and cheap cell phone are essentially worthless. So, there's nothing left. For now, I'm done. Isn't that amazing?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Lamp-Baked Illusion I

As always, nothing accomplished. Another day, another dollar ... short. Well, I restored my monk haircut a day earlier than usual. With another useless holiday coming up, I am forced to change the routine. I finally found myself back at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Same ol' shit, though.
I had a few long bursts of anxiety during the day. I'm probably more susceptible because of sleep deprivation. My displeasure with Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is probably at the root of my insomnia. Perhaps I am not fully living the illusion. The real problem is that I don't have a tube to watch useless programming day and night.
By the way, Kyle told me about a strange incident. He had just parked his vehicle on the the rock pile next to Joker's vehicle. All of a sudden faggot's car alarm went off. Since Kyle neither touched the offending vehicle, nor was he close enough to activate a proximity sensor, he concluded (correctly) that the gay blade had pushed the "panic button" on his alarm fob from upstairs. That's exactly what I mean when I state that the fudgepacker becomes really ornery at times. Joker needs a solid ass kickin' session.
Lastly, I have become somewhat concerned about my diet after doing more research. The first problem is my heavy reliance on carbohydrates. The second problem is malnutrition. I have tried my best to stay completely clear of poisonous food and junk food. However, that doesn't leave much leftover. I will clarify when I have more details.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Plum Tuckered Out (Yet Again)
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Moms and I followed the usual shopping routine, what with Saturnalia and all. However, shopping is becoming a brutal activity. I was "plum tuckered out" after the ordeal. Needless to say, I did not make an outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. To further add to my grief, the left lower molar that has already been subjected to a root canal is experiencing pain. Has the feeble tooth come back to life?
I was forced to purchase a new pair of slippers (read: slippahs) because the previous three pairs wore out fairly quickly. The quality of the fake rubber has gone downhill. I can only expect, maybe, a month or so of usage. Foolishly, I purchased a pair that were a half-size larger than what I normally wear. So, I now look as if I am donning snowshoes.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the landlord departed for China today and will be gone for two weeks. Details are unimportant, but Slob Manor residents will be left to their own devices. Kyle attempted to call a meeting with the residents and the landlord in order to air certain problems with a certain fudgepacker. The "meeting" lasted all of a minute with nothing accomplished. I could sense the uneasiness of the landlord during the brief interval. The verdict? Lost cause.
I've been going through the remainder of my useless possessions and pruning more junk. Most are consumables, so I am diverting the crap to the recycle bin. Stuff that really needs to go ... still here. I just keep finding more and more ways to accomplish nothing important. Time, however, is not waiting for me.
I was forced to purchase a new pair of slippers (read: slippahs) because the previous three pairs wore out fairly quickly. The quality of the fake rubber has gone downhill. I can only expect, maybe, a month or so of usage. Foolishly, I purchased a pair that were a half-size larger than what I normally wear. So, I now look as if I am donning snowshoes.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the landlord departed for China today and will be gone for two weeks. Details are unimportant, but Slob Manor residents will be left to their own devices. Kyle attempted to call a meeting with the residents and the landlord in order to air certain problems with a certain fudgepacker. The "meeting" lasted all of a minute with nothing accomplished. I could sense the uneasiness of the landlord during the brief interval. The verdict? Lost cause.
I've been going through the remainder of my useless possessions and pruning more junk. Most are consumables, so I am diverting the crap to the recycle bin. Stuff that really needs to go ... still here. I just keep finding more and more ways to accomplish nothing important. Time, however, is not waiting for me.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Old Man Ailments
Typical Sunday, complete with "Cartesian theater" enhancements. Really? No, not really. Of course, that means nada to report. A microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer is hardly a noteworthy event. I ran a little late this afternoon while I was indulging in an ice cream treat at Ala Moana Center, so I missed the Route 23 bus. So, I had to finagle an alternative to return to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing) through a number of different bus routes. That's almost reminiscent of last weekend, eh?
No outing again this evening. I was running way behind schedule. I chatted with fellow Slob Manor residents, Kyle and Alan, for about an hour. Then, I spent the rest of the time searching for and downloading choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. Way too stupid, I know. However, I am living the illusion now.
At this point, there's not much to discuss in the "blog" because I have already discussed the issues that are swirling around in the cavernous oversized cranium. In addition, as I stated, I am supposed to be living the illusion. All I can say is that I still haven't been sleeping well. Last night, I was forced to listen to two feral cats in heat yowling outside. I seem to have a pinched nerve that is causing intermittent pain along my left shoulder, neck, and cranium. I also have a boil on my right shoulder blade. Old man ailments abound. Sheesh!
No outing again this evening. I was running way behind schedule. I chatted with fellow Slob Manor residents, Kyle and Alan, for about an hour. Then, I spent the rest of the time searching for and downloading choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. Way too stupid, I know. However, I am living the illusion now.
At this point, there's not much to discuss in the "blog" because I have already discussed the issues that are swirling around in the cavernous oversized cranium. In addition, as I stated, I am supposed to be living the illusion. All I can say is that I still haven't been sleeping well. Last night, I was forced to listen to two feral cats in heat yowling outside. I seem to have a pinched nerve that is causing intermittent pain along my left shoulder, neck, and cranium. I also have a boil on my right shoulder blade. Old man ailments abound. Sheesh!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Post No. 2,029
After I alighted the bus at the Beretania Street transfer point, I sat on one of the metal "homeless-proof" benches under the shelter. However, behind me was a homeless guy laying on the sidewalk inside a makeshift sleeping bag. No one else came within ten feet of the homeless guy. A few minutes later, I noticed two bare feet sticking out from the bottom of the makeshift sleeping bag. Both of his feet were coated with a black sludge. I looked at my own feet, both very clean with the soles honed just yesterday using a pumice stone. So, what exactly do I know about suffering?
At the library, I noticed that a few of the homeless that I have not seen for well over six months are now back. Where have they been? Perhaps they had been incarcerated, as my "homeless" buddy once explained.
I ran a little behind schedule this afternoon, not that I have anything pressing. Nonetheless, I did not make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I was not exactly excited about sitting in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Fortunately, Joker was not upstairs in his filthy hovel. The fudgepacker actually has some kind of limited social life, believe it or not. He is gone between two and four days per week after 4pm for about six hours. I assume that he's been visiting his ex-"partner." After Joker gets "laid" (i.e., Lucky Piérre), he does appear to be less defiant. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
At the library, I noticed that a few of the homeless that I have not seen for well over six months are now back. Where have they been? Perhaps they had been incarcerated, as my "homeless" buddy once explained.
I ran a little behind schedule this afternoon, not that I have anything pressing. Nonetheless, I did not make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I was not exactly excited about sitting in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Fortunately, Joker was not upstairs in his filthy hovel. The fudgepacker actually has some kind of limited social life, believe it or not. He is gone between two and four days per week after 4pm for about six hours. I assume that he's been visiting his ex-"partner." After Joker gets "laid" (i.e., Lucky Piérre), he does appear to be less defiant. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Living the Illusion
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I the found myself at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, mainly because Joker was being ornery again at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The damned faggot appears to be "on the rag," believe it or not. I have to wonder whether the gay blade is overdosing on female hormone lozenges. I mean, what else could the problem be? In any case, Joker is one sick fuck.
So, I have decided to try to live the illusion, "Cartesian theater" and all, at least for the interim. Life will be much easier, I suppose. However, I maintain that I will still have moments of lucid thought. With zero readership of the "blog," the point is moot anyway.
I have been noticing that there are hella people out and about from early in the morning until late in the evening just like the ol' lavahead. I see them everywhere, often in the same places that I happen to frequent. A few are homeless, but the majority apparently are not. Obviously, none of them are wage slaves. How do they survive? Homeless or not, they all dress like derelicts. Well, so do I. An unnamed source told me that a lot of the people whom I equate with dereliction are actually living off of trust funds. Could that really be so? Or, maybe they have a fraudulent source of income like Joker.
Since I am living the illusion, I must continue the same benign routine with minimal excursions into extreme lucidity. I'm back to dealing with losers, morons, dolts, and faggots. Yeah, that's the crux of humanity. And, with the Saturnalia shopping craze in full force, we can expect illusionary delusions and gut-retching moments to hit a fever pitch soon.
I took my time returning to Slob Manor, making a stop at Aina Haina. I have not been doing any lat night grocery shopping for a couple of weeks now. I ended up purchasing a pint of frozen yogurt at the grocery store. Delicious! Upon arriving at the dump at 8:45pm, I noticed that no one else was around except for Joker. The fudgepacker was watching the tube as usual. Now, there's a mental midget who really knows how to live the illusion.
So, I have decided to try to live the illusion, "Cartesian theater" and all, at least for the interim. Life will be much easier, I suppose. However, I maintain that I will still have moments of lucid thought. With zero readership of the "blog," the point is moot anyway.
I have been noticing that there are hella people out and about from early in the morning until late in the evening just like the ol' lavahead. I see them everywhere, often in the same places that I happen to frequent. A few are homeless, but the majority apparently are not. Obviously, none of them are wage slaves. How do they survive? Homeless or not, they all dress like derelicts. Well, so do I. An unnamed source told me that a lot of the people whom I equate with dereliction are actually living off of trust funds. Could that really be so? Or, maybe they have a fraudulent source of income like Joker.
Since I am living the illusion, I must continue the same benign routine with minimal excursions into extreme lucidity. I'm back to dealing with losers, morons, dolts, and faggots. Yeah, that's the crux of humanity. And, with the Saturnalia shopping craze in full force, we can expect illusionary delusions and gut-retching moments to hit a fever pitch soon.
I took my time returning to Slob Manor, making a stop at Aina Haina. I have not been doing any lat night grocery shopping for a couple of weeks now. I ended up purchasing a pint of frozen yogurt at the grocery store. Delicious! Upon arriving at the dump at 8:45pm, I noticed that no one else was around except for Joker. The fudgepacker was watching the tube as usual. Now, there's a mental midget who really knows how to live the illusion.
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