Another visit to Hawai'i Kai went well. Moms and I ate lunch at Yummy's Korean BBQ. Later, moms served Welcome® vanilla ice cream for dessert. The rest of the day? The urban nomad fulfilled his usual benign functions and followed his routine itinerary as planned.
Stupidity runs rampant. Yesterday, I neglected to mention that I had a run-in with a
haole asswipe on the bus. He had some kind of attitude problem when he sat next to me. He kept bumping into me with his arm. I "advised" him to stop. He wanted both of us to alight at the next bus stop to settle our difference. Apparently, the skinny wimp thought that he could "kick my ass." I'm thinking of taking up his offer the next time I see him. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
The two morons who caused traffic to back up almost over the entire island are further examples of stupidity-at-large. One is in jail. The other is a cadaver lying on a slab at the local morgue. Dumb and dumber. The latest wrap-up of the pathetic saga was covered by the
Star-Advertiser. Did the two fools set out early yesterday morning with even a minor inkling that they may not see tomorrow? How stupid is that?
Stupidity, of course, can be extrapolated across all of humanity. However, in the empire, stupidity reigns supreme. Most of the fools cannot even detect the trend that is occurring. The ridiculous "good cop, bad cop" theater is converging on one plot. I've already discussed my prognostications in the "blog" many moons ago. Now, they are coming true.
The upward flow of wealth is intentional. The velocity has increased to the point that it can no longer be reversed. The poor will get poorer. The middle class will disappear with most of its witless members being sucked into eternal poverty. Well, what about the fact that 75 percent of the empire's GDP is consumption? What about it? The upper class now has so much personal disposable wealth that they plan to engage in extreme consumption. They will spend more than enough to float the GDP. The poor will no longer figure into the "big picture." They are not needed. Why do you think that the empire's
faux government is attempting to expedite the eradication of all social and entitlement programs?
We keep hearing the same tiresome lamentations of various gasbags, all of them warning that the empire cannot continue to fund numerous imperial wars, ignore unemployment, and not increase its spending even though the "deficit" is enormous. The empire will continue to do so because "globalization" has made it all possible. The rank-and-file peon is expendable. In the end, we can expect the entire empire to run just as it is now with only the active participation of the top 25 percent of the wealthiest asswipes. The rest could be homeless, incarcerated, conscripted, or be part of the "Great Die-Off." No one of importance will care.
Laugh if you must. However, take a good look afterward. Look at Detroit, as a case in point. Take a look at what happened after Hurricane Katrina. Take a look at the
nonchalance over our radioactive contaminated water and food supply. By the way, the wealthiest asswipes are not eating the same food or drinking the same water as you or I. And, the very minute that they find out that the air is contaminated, they will relocate instantly. Big money has no bounds. The rest of us will have to suffer a bitterly painful end with no medical services available. That's the plan.
"But, these people are Christians," you utter to yourself. What a crock of shit! Right there, that should convince anyone of the bogus nature of Pauline-Christianity and all of the other false religions of the Yahweh Triad. Heck, the shithead on the bus was probably a "Christian."
And, what about all of the conspiracy talk about the "collapse" of empire? The shell of the empire will collapse, that's for sure. The only people who will be affected are the bottom 75 percent of the empire's population. Their whole world will collapse. For the upper tier, life will actually improve ten-fold or more. The core of the empire will continue to function and grow. Remember the bogus government shutdown threat just a week ago? Did you notice that the military and the police state were to remain fully funded. The imperial wars would carry on regardless. Commerce for the moneychangers and the powers-that-be would continue. Police protection for the moneychangers and the powers-that-be would continue. Everything else would have shut down. The only people affected would be you and I.
In summary, the collapse is coming, perhaps even accelerated by the uncertainties in Japan as a result of the earthquake,
tsunami, and the Fukushima meltdown. Remember, Japan is the largest holder of the empire's debt instruments. Japan could reduce its own enormous debt by selling off the empire's useless paper. That's why the "good cop, bad cop" theater is thickening the "deficit must be reduced" plot. There's not going to be any government spending. There won't be any more "stimulus" programs, at least for the poor. There won't be any job creation. Pretty soon, all unemployment benefits will be cut off. That's the writing on the wall.