Well, I composed the "blog" and was ready to send it up, as it were. Same ol' shit, actually. All the mundane crap including a scathing psychological profile of Joker. What a damned waste of time. If I have nothing to discuss, then the "blog" should reflect that nothingness. I'm tired. Sick and tired, actually. We all knew that already, though, didn't we?
Lots of crap swirling through my mind. Lots of crap. So much crap that I cannot "collate" any of it. Nor can I effectively articulate my thoughts. At certain moments, I wondered whether I was losing my mind. Would I end up like the vegetables I often espy babbling to themselves? Fat chance. Even though my mind seems to be going through a surreal experience, I seriously doubt that it would snap. If anything, I am able to keep my wits about myself through any ordeal. I cannot force my mind to invoke a chemical imbalance. Perhaps the sheer sanity will drive me insane. Who knows?
I'm listening to another Deep House Cat House mix, just after watching another episode of House, MD on Hulu®, all the while recomposing the "blog", all on my fully optimized Kubuntu-based netbook computer, as we speak. Strangely long and disconnected sentence, eh? I'm probably going to view an already viewed episode of "Firefly" again later this evening. Yeah, I already miss the series. I miss the adventure. A space "Western" shoot 'em up. Chopsticks and a tin cup. Great stuff. Almost mind-altering without the use of illegal (or legal) pharmaceuticals or cheap booze. Booyah!
Lots of crap swirling through my mind. Lots of crap. So much crap that I cannot "collate" any of it. Nor can I effectively articulate my thoughts. At certain moments, I wondered whether I was losing my mind. Would I end up like the vegetables I often espy babbling to themselves? Fat chance. Even though my mind seems to be going through a surreal experience, I seriously doubt that it would snap. If anything, I am able to keep my wits about myself through any ordeal. I cannot force my mind to invoke a chemical imbalance. Perhaps the sheer sanity will drive me insane. Who knows?
I'm listening to another Deep House Cat House mix, just after watching another episode of House, MD on Hulu®, all the while recomposing the "blog", all on my fully optimized Kubuntu-based netbook computer, as we speak. Strangely long and disconnected sentence, eh? I'm probably going to view an already viewed episode of "Firefly" again later this evening. Yeah, I already miss the series. I miss the adventure. A space "Western" shoot 'em up. Chopsticks and a tin cup. Great stuff. Almost mind-altering without the use of illegal (or legal) pharmaceuticals or cheap booze. Booyah!