Same ol' shit, with the exception that I restored my extreme monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. Not much else getting done on this end. What's that? Sloth, you say?
Sloth is not an issue for me since it is essentially a religious "sin." Religion is a farce, so sloth is of no importance. Well, how about the secular definition? Laziness could be a problem if one's survival is at stake. However, laziness is a classification coined by rabid disciples of Frederick Taylor. Guilt associated with laziness had been indoctrinated into modern culture in order to create self-policed slave states. Laziness (or sloth) can cause moral and ethical lapses because of indifference, we are told. That's the same as saying, "Idle hands are the devil's playground." How credible is that?
Of course, if the idle hands belong to the moneychangers and powers-that-be, then rampant evil is certainly a highly probable outcome. They have the time and resources to delve into major moral and ethical lapses that can affect millions of rank-and-file peons. Laziness on my part, as poor as I am, can only affect me.
That damned fudgepacker Joker! Don't mind me. I just thoroughly enjoy saying that. No outing this evening. I missed the bus anyway. Aside from the detestable "condotel" unit and my truck, I am going to sell whatever I can that's worth anything. I am starting up a "nine" fund. That's right, I will eventually be purchasing a 9mm weapon. No details are necessary.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Lucky Piérre
Same ol' shit. At the library, I chatted with the "homeless" buddy. The usual innocuous homeless discussions ensued. Well, that's the extent of my entire social life, as it were. Great, isn't it?
As I was dressing after my workout and shower at the gym this afternoon, I was privy to view one of the Jack Links® "Messin' with Sasquatch" series of advertisements on the tube in the locker room. The one I viewed was appropriately titled, "Paper Bag Pop." I almost burst out laughing, but I refrained. Thank goodness. Otherwise, I would have looked like a true dork. The "Messin' with Sasquatch" series has apparently been around for a while, but I don't watch the tube at all. So, it was all new to me.
Why did I find the cheesy advertisement funny? I don't know. I viewed a few other video clips in the series that are available on-line. None were as humorous as "Paper Bag Pop." Recently, Urban Coyote urged me in his e-mail to study comedy as a means to circumvent the alleged effects of acedia. Well, that would be a difficult task because I find little in the way of modern comedy to be funny. I've viewed my fair share of comedy flicks, only to end up disappointed. I've watched a few sitcoms, only to end up equally disappointed. As for comedy on the tube, were it not for the canned laugh tracks, the material would be nakedly exposed as crap.
What exactly constitutes "funny"? And, what invokes laughter? The concept of humor is strange because a "sense of humor" is entirely personal. I have often wondered whether the perception of humor is partly genetic. What is funny to one person is often not funny to another. As for me, I am very critical of comedy or humor. If it's too stupid, too simple, too obvious, too rote, too stereotypical, or too "corny," then I am more put off than anything else.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, but only for a short while. No beverages. Once I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was privy to listen to Joker the faggot stomping around upstairs and dropping heavy objects on the floor. Of course, once I learned that he was a gay blade, I no longer needed to puzzle over his peculiar ways. I can only wonder whether he was "Lucky Piérre" in his now-defunct "partnership." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Joker was probably a closet homosexual when he attended high school. Remember that he and I were in the same graduating class. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to be gay over 40 years ago. No doubt, he has suffered from psychological trauma, alienation, ridicule, possible physical abuse, discrimination, and so forth. Heck, his parents, who reside in Aina Haina, probably disowned him. Let's face it, Joker is a loser. The fudgepacker is mentally ill. If I had the opportunity, I would eagerly help put him out of his misery for good.
As I was dressing after my workout and shower at the gym this afternoon, I was privy to view one of the Jack Links® "Messin' with Sasquatch" series of advertisements on the tube in the locker room. The one I viewed was appropriately titled, "Paper Bag Pop." I almost burst out laughing, but I refrained. Thank goodness. Otherwise, I would have looked like a true dork. The "Messin' with Sasquatch" series has apparently been around for a while, but I don't watch the tube at all. So, it was all new to me.
Why did I find the cheesy advertisement funny? I don't know. I viewed a few other video clips in the series that are available on-line. None were as humorous as "Paper Bag Pop." Recently, Urban Coyote urged me in his e-mail to study comedy as a means to circumvent the alleged effects of acedia. Well, that would be a difficult task because I find little in the way of modern comedy to be funny. I've viewed my fair share of comedy flicks, only to end up disappointed. I've watched a few sitcoms, only to end up equally disappointed. As for comedy on the tube, were it not for the canned laugh tracks, the material would be nakedly exposed as crap.
What exactly constitutes "funny"? And, what invokes laughter? The concept of humor is strange because a "sense of humor" is entirely personal. I have often wondered whether the perception of humor is partly genetic. What is funny to one person is often not funny to another. As for me, I am very critical of comedy or humor. If it's too stupid, too simple, too obvious, too rote, too stereotypical, or too "corny," then I am more put off than anything else.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, but only for a short while. No beverages. Once I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was privy to listen to Joker the faggot stomping around upstairs and dropping heavy objects on the floor. Of course, once I learned that he was a gay blade, I no longer needed to puzzle over his peculiar ways. I can only wonder whether he was "Lucky Piérre" in his now-defunct "partnership." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Joker was probably a closet homosexual when he attended high school. Remember that he and I were in the same graduating class. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to be gay over 40 years ago. No doubt, he has suffered from psychological trauma, alienation, ridicule, possible physical abuse, discrimination, and so forth. Heck, his parents, who reside in Aina Haina, probably disowned him. Let's face it, Joker is a loser. The fudgepacker is mentally ill. If I had the opportunity, I would eagerly help put him out of his misery for good.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Startling Revelation
Last night, I made the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. No beverages, though. I also happened to stop by Longs® and discovered that the entire Waterpik® line was on sale. So, I purchased a new standalone (i.e., AC-powered) unit to replace my rapidly failing battery-operated unit (both made in China).
When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I ended up chatting with Kyle. Well, I learned that Joker is gay. That's right. For some reason, Joker had been upfront about his "preferences" to Kyle. Of course, that all changed when Kyle lodged a few complaints about Joker to the landlord. I mentioned to Kyle that Joker had told me that he was in a relationship with a babe for at least two decades. Kyle was very certain that Joker had mentioned his "partner" and that the latter was specifically a guy. Once I heard Kyle use the term, "partner," I knew that he spoke the truth. So, that explains everything. That's why the fudgepacker continues to have "hissy fits" and plays his little "gay blade" revenge games. Damned faggot!
Seriously, though, knowing the new tidbit of information about Joker has made me more sympathetic. I now understand (but, do not condone) Joker's behavior. I have nothing against his "orientation." There is no "moral" basis to label homosexuality a "sin." It is not a genetic disorder or a disease. Yet, one has to wonder why Joker was so candid with Kyle.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. No outing this evening. Too fatigued. Although, my new Waterpik® device works very well. Perhaps I should just shift to short phrases in the "blog," eh?
When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I ended up chatting with Kyle. Well, I learned that Joker is gay. That's right. For some reason, Joker had been upfront about his "preferences" to Kyle. Of course, that all changed when Kyle lodged a few complaints about Joker to the landlord. I mentioned to Kyle that Joker had told me that he was in a relationship with a babe for at least two decades. Kyle was very certain that Joker had mentioned his "partner" and that the latter was specifically a guy. Once I heard Kyle use the term, "partner," I knew that he spoke the truth. So, that explains everything. That's why the fudgepacker continues to have "hissy fits" and plays his little "gay blade" revenge games. Damned faggot!
Seriously, though, knowing the new tidbit of information about Joker has made me more sympathetic. I now understand (but, do not condone) Joker's behavior. I have nothing against his "orientation." There is no "moral" basis to label homosexuality a "sin." It is not a genetic disorder or a disease. Yet, one has to wonder why Joker was so candid with Kyle.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. No outing this evening. Too fatigued. Although, my new Waterpik® device works very well. Perhaps I should just shift to short phrases in the "blog," eh?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Truth or Consequences Redux
Same ol' Sunday shit. The highlight of my day was when I stopped off at Ala Moana Center to enjoy an ice cream treat. I sat outside in my usual spot adjacent ot the dreadful parking lot. I could smell the horrific odor of the homeless guy sitting on bench to my right. He was droppin' back a huge 40-dog of malt liquor. The smell was so bad that I wondered if his flesh was actually rotting. To my left was an obese local couple with a toddler. The father was playing with his "smartphone." The mother had gone off somewhere. The toddler seemed to be behaving just fine. Yet, the father keep asking in Pidgin-English every ten seconds, "You like lickin'?" Little wonder why I can't find peace of mind.
Well, I am not sure how to address the issue of acedia since it is a state of mind rather than a contrived mental disorder. At this time, I can only say that an extreme "disconnect" from society-at-large is likely to trigger acedia-like symptoms. However, "disconnect" is only one facet of the problem. In my own case, I spent well over a year disproving almost every human belief from sham religions to the failed "civilization" paradigm. Essentially, what I discovered is that humanity has been living a lie, or series of lies, for millenia. What are we to make of that?
To really come to grips with one's mortality is perhaps the most difficult task every human will eventually encounter. Unfortunately, most people will be more than satisfied to continue to live a lie, live in denial, or rely upon some kind of false religious hope. Of course, some may argue that the latter coping strategies (term used loosely) are better than sinking into despair, hopelessness, or grief. I can't say that I concur.
Frankly, I have been trying, albeit fruitlessly, to imagine what life was like for early humans, well before a small handful of self-appointed leaders or shamans began to construct ridiculous paradigms to force upon the masses. Believe me, once the shoddy paradigms are removed, there is very little that makes sense about humanity as we know it today. And, that's when my real problems of incongruence commenced.
Superficially, though, the "disconnect" can have adverse effects in a society so deeply embedded in materialism and the mass consumption of junk. The so-called "ownership society" has effectively killed our freedom of movement. We can only be confined to what we own. Otherwise, we are trespassing. The less that we own, the more confined we are. Sounds like a prison, doesn't it? And, rightly so.
Acedia also, by implication, is tied directly or indirectly to "spiritual" matters. The word "spirit" is somehow tied to the religious concept of the "soul." Since religion and its beliefs are fabrications of the human mind, there is not much credibility for the "spirit." I pursue nothing "spiritual" because it is all hogwash.
So, I am not looking for a pychiatric or psychological diagnosis. I do not want to be classified with a disease or disorder. I am not looking for a cure-all solution either. At this point in time, reality (i.e., the real reality) has given me a hard slap on the face. I'm just trying to get over the initial shock.
Well, I am not sure how to address the issue of acedia since it is a state of mind rather than a contrived mental disorder. At this time, I can only say that an extreme "disconnect" from society-at-large is likely to trigger acedia-like symptoms. However, "disconnect" is only one facet of the problem. In my own case, I spent well over a year disproving almost every human belief from sham religions to the failed "civilization" paradigm. Essentially, what I discovered is that humanity has been living a lie, or series of lies, for millenia. What are we to make of that?
To really come to grips with one's mortality is perhaps the most difficult task every human will eventually encounter. Unfortunately, most people will be more than satisfied to continue to live a lie, live in denial, or rely upon some kind of false religious hope. Of course, some may argue that the latter coping strategies (term used loosely) are better than sinking into despair, hopelessness, or grief. I can't say that I concur.
Frankly, I have been trying, albeit fruitlessly, to imagine what life was like for early humans, well before a small handful of self-appointed leaders or shamans began to construct ridiculous paradigms to force upon the masses. Believe me, once the shoddy paradigms are removed, there is very little that makes sense about humanity as we know it today. And, that's when my real problems of incongruence commenced.
Superficially, though, the "disconnect" can have adverse effects in a society so deeply embedded in materialism and the mass consumption of junk. The so-called "ownership society" has effectively killed our freedom of movement. We can only be confined to what we own. Otherwise, we are trespassing. The less that we own, the more confined we are. Sounds like a prison, doesn't it? And, rightly so.
Acedia also, by implication, is tied directly or indirectly to "spiritual" matters. The word "spirit" is somehow tied to the religious concept of the "soul." Since religion and its beliefs are fabrications of the human mind, there is not much credibility for the "spirit." I pursue nothing "spiritual" because it is all hogwash.
So, I am not looking for a pychiatric or psychological diagnosis. I do not want to be classified with a disease or disorder. I am not looking for a cure-all solution either. At this point in time, reality (i.e., the real reality) has given me a hard slap on the face. I'm just trying to get over the initial shock.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Grotesque Psychopathology (Reprise)
After another near-sleepless night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I thought that I would be able to seek refuge and rest for a spell in the inner courtyard of the library. Within minutes, an obese fifty-something haole babe (term used real loosely) sat at the next table with her prospective attorney, an older guy who resembled a walking cadaver. For over an hour, the bitch tortured both the attorney and everyone in the courtyard with a sordid tale of her nightmare as a tenant in a sleazy Nu'uanu condo, really a descent into her own insanity. A security guard and a few library staff members had to ask her to be quiet several times, to no avail. When the bitch began rambling on incoherently, the attorney cut her off. He attempted to make her understand the logistics of the legal proceedings, but the clueless ho' kept spiraling deeper and deeper into paranoia and delusions of persecution. Finally, the attorney abruptly stood up and hobbled out of the library. The fat tub of lard was left dumbfounded. Her reaction? The blob wandered around the library, all the while muttering, "That fucking asshole."
The rest of the day? Thankfully, same ol' shit. I wanted to get away from Slob Manor again this evening, but I was just too fatigued. I was exposed to myriad idiots all day. I just couldn't fathom anymore crap. The sudden rain shower didn't help either.
Well, here's an interesting excerpt from an article on The Hermitary site about acedia:
The rest of the day? Thankfully, same ol' shit. I wanted to get away from Slob Manor again this evening, but I was just too fatigued. I was exposed to myriad idiots all day. I just couldn't fathom anymore crap. The sudden rain shower didn't help either.
Well, here's an interesting excerpt from an article on The Hermitary site about acedia:
Is not acedia the original perception of alienation and revolt against complacency and the burdens of culture? Is it the angst of Kierkegaard, the "nausea" of Sartre, the alienation and revolt of existentialists from Camus to Marcel? Acedia is never without a sense of guilt or complicity, not as sin but as complicity in the horrors of contemporary life. To the modern mind, acedia remains real and relevant. It is a personal statement against the contrivances of culture, the hypocrisy of public morality, alienation from the natural patterns of nature and simplicity.Acedia or Viktor Frankl's "existential vacuum"?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Post No. 1,944
Usual visit to Hawa'i Kai. I was very fatigued due to sleep deprivation. Apparently, I was given a cup of regular coffee instead of the decaffeinated brew last night while I was relaxing at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I happened to donate more useless stuff to charity. Otherwise, nothing new under the sun.
I found myself back at the den of consumerism in Kahala this evening. I really did not want to spend money on a beverage, nor did I want to end up with the wrong brew again. However, I really wanted to sit at a table and relax. So, I purchased an expensive foo-foo coffee beverage. Not to worry, there's hardly any caffeine. It's mostly made of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
I recently engaged in a couple of brief discussions with Kyle at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). He's pretty much fed up with Joker. Can't say that I blame him. Joker has been acting up again. Details are not necessary. I've also learned that Kyle is currently a student teacher, not regular faculty, at the high school that my nephew attends. Kyle's internship will be up in December.
Well, I received a couple of e-mail from readers, which means that the readership of the "blog" is not zero. Clyde in Cali passed on a warning about the dangerous food that we have available in the islands. I was just thinking about that topic the other day. The food itself is not really dangerous. The problem is how it is stored or served. Unfortunately, many of the items cannot be kept at the legal low or high temperatures without a significant degradation in subjective quality. I've grown up with that kind of food, so I may have developed some kind of immunity to localized toxins. And, Urban Coyote sent a lengthy prognosis (refer to text copy) of what may truly be ailing the ol' lavahead. In short, acedia is a monk's ailment. I have copied the text verbatim to a linked file because it is somewhat lengthy and, hence, difficult to format as a quote in the "blog." Lots of food for thought. So, we may finally have more topics to discuss in the "blog" after all.
I found myself back at the den of consumerism in Kahala this evening. I really did not want to spend money on a beverage, nor did I want to end up with the wrong brew again. However, I really wanted to sit at a table and relax. So, I purchased an expensive foo-foo coffee beverage. Not to worry, there's hardly any caffeine. It's mostly made of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
I recently engaged in a couple of brief discussions with Kyle at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). He's pretty much fed up with Joker. Can't say that I blame him. Joker has been acting up again. Details are not necessary. I've also learned that Kyle is currently a student teacher, not regular faculty, at the high school that my nephew attends. Kyle's internship will be up in December.
Well, I received a couple of e-mail from readers, which means that the readership of the "blog" is not zero. Clyde in Cali passed on a warning about the dangerous food that we have available in the islands. I was just thinking about that topic the other day. The food itself is not really dangerous. The problem is how it is stored or served. Unfortunately, many of the items cannot be kept at the legal low or high temperatures without a significant degradation in subjective quality. I've grown up with that kind of food, so I may have developed some kind of immunity to localized toxins. And, Urban Coyote sent a lengthy prognosis (refer to text copy) of what may truly be ailing the ol' lavahead. In short, acedia is a monk's ailment. I have copied the text verbatim to a linked file because it is somewhat lengthy and, hence, difficult to format as a quote in the "blog." Lots of food for thought. So, we may finally have more topics to discuss in the "blog" after all.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Critical Mass (Yet Again)
Same ol' shit. Details are absolutely unnecessary. I haven't been sleeping well, mostly due to insomnia. I was, however, awakened at 3am this morning at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by someone screaming upstairs. Joker either fell asleep in front of the tube and experienced a nightmare, or maybe he "shot his wad." I can't really say that I was all that amused.
Fatigue has exacerbated the existential crisis that plagues me. I see no end in sight. The current heatwave has been no help. I accomplish absolutely nothing during the day, but I feel that I must escape to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala later in the evening in order to relax. Makes absolutely no sense.
Since I have been experiencing much difficulty in composing the "blog," I will dispense with the frivolities and provide summary tidbits:
Fatigue has exacerbated the existential crisis that plagues me. I see no end in sight. The current heatwave has been no help. I accomplish absolutely nothing during the day, but I feel that I must escape to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala later in the evening in order to relax. Makes absolutely no sense.
Since I have been experiencing much difficulty in composing the "blog," I will dispense with the frivolities and provide summary tidbits:
- I need at least another $700,000 in cash to survive
- My cheap "briefs" underwear is probably responsible for the possible minor hernia problem
- I can implement the poor man's "cloud" storage by simply attaching files to e-mail sent to myself.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Pointless (Reprise)
Same ol' shit, with the exception that I had a dentist appointment this morning. So, I had to slightly modify my urban nomad itinerary. No cavities, thank goodness. Speaking of which, I have decided to eventually replace my battery-operated Waterpik® with a standalone unit.
I ended up back at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening yet again. No beverages. I really did not want to be there. Instead, I desired to be back in my disgustingly hot squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), all the while downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. That's about all that interests me, and the benign activity is not that interesting. Rather, it's pointless.
I only felt energized when I contemplated the divestiture of more of my useless possessions. A few more items will be donated to charity early next week. Seriously, though, I am beginning to prepare for certain inevitable events. I really cannot be hindered by an inventory of crap. I'll disclose details as they transpire.
I ended up back at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening yet again. No beverages. I really did not want to be there. Instead, I desired to be back in my disgustingly hot squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), all the while downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. That's about all that interests me, and the benign activity is not that interesting. Rather, it's pointless.
I only felt energized when I contemplated the divestiture of more of my useless possessions. A few more items will be donated to charity early next week. Seriously, though, I am beginning to prepare for certain inevitable events. I really cannot be hindered by an inventory of crap. I'll disclose details as they transpire.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Senseless (Reprise)
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. Naturally, we engaged in a brief discussion about the homeless. The homeless population in Hawai'i is increasing dramatically. In fact, almost everyone in the library was homeless. That's how bad the situation has become.
Then, at the gym, the guy who wears the red shirt with "Larry's" emblazoned on the back was probably close to going completely berserk. As you may recall, he has already lost his mind. He usually mumbles and laughs to himself during his workouts for no apparent reason. Today, he was practically yelling, albeit still jibberish. He was also laughing demonically and making troglodyte-like grunting noises. I would have suggested that he take up "blogging" to a non-existent audience, but I was concerned that I would push him over the edge into senseless violence.
I found myself back at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again this evening. No beverages, though. I sat around and composed the "blog" on my tablet computer. I'm getting a little fed up with my computers. The netbook is extremely slow, but I can't jettison it yet. Unless, of course, I mummify my spreadsheets. The tablet computer is extremely fast, but useless in some respects. Both of the devices are fragile. And, therein lies the problem. Oh, the senselessness!
On a side note, I am now pretty certain that I have a minor hernia. It probably would be worse if not for my gym workouts. Nonetheless, I will most likely require surgery in a few years. That's the fun of being a senior citizen. Sheesh!
Then, at the gym, the guy who wears the red shirt with "Larry's" emblazoned on the back was probably close to going completely berserk. As you may recall, he has already lost his mind. He usually mumbles and laughs to himself during his workouts for no apparent reason. Today, he was practically yelling, albeit still jibberish. He was also laughing demonically and making troglodyte-like grunting noises. I would have suggested that he take up "blogging" to a non-existent audience, but I was concerned that I would push him over the edge into senseless violence.
I found myself back at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again this evening. No beverages, though. I sat around and composed the "blog" on my tablet computer. I'm getting a little fed up with my computers. The netbook is extremely slow, but I can't jettison it yet. Unless, of course, I mummify my spreadsheets. The tablet computer is extremely fast, but useless in some respects. Both of the devices are fragile. And, therein lies the problem. Oh, the senselessness!
On a side note, I am now pretty certain that I have a minor hernia. It probably would be worse if not for my gym workouts. Nonetheless, I will most likely require surgery in a few years. That's the fun of being a senior citizen. Sheesh!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Grotesque Pyschopathology
Usual Hawa'i Kai visit. Moms is doing well. My sister-in-law is now working for a few of the senior citizens in the 'hood. Many of them are not doing too well. Mind you, most of the senior citizens moved to Hawai'i Kai at the same time as my parents over 45 years ago. Don't let the foolish term "golden years" fool you. It's a tough time. The body and the mind fall apart. I, for one, cannot even imagine what moms is going through. Well, I'll be finding out in a few years.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Same ol' shit. As I walked around briefly and surveyed all of the idiotic books on the shelves and in the displays, I bitterly wondered why I could not have at least become a writer with an income. Obviously, rhetorical. I know that I have always been a low achiever. I am a writer, but not in the lucrative end of the business. Let's face it. I'm basically talking to myself just like any psychotic fool. Anyone with a readership of zero would have mummified the "blog" a long time ago. Not the ol' lavahead. Is he losing his mind? Is he babbling incoherently by proxy?
I was deeply perturbed when the empire announced "Mission Accomplished" in Libya. What purpose did the sordid exercise serve? Who really benefits? And, what about the innocent victims who ended up as "collateral damage"? I suppose that many of the empire's Bible-thumping citizens are rejoicing. After all, that's about all those mental midgets seems to understand. Incidentally, I must revise another prediction. Since Sarah Palin is not running for Empress, I must assume that the detestable Michelle Bachman will take her place. The citizens of empire know nothing else but to play and vote the "religion card."
Perhaps I am losing my mind. The insanity that I am privy to witness firsthand as well as the empire-wide mental illness are too much to bear. Actually, the entire planet of humans has lapsed into a grotesque psychopathology. I really don't know anymore.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Same ol' shit. As I walked around briefly and surveyed all of the idiotic books on the shelves and in the displays, I bitterly wondered why I could not have at least become a writer with an income. Obviously, rhetorical. I know that I have always been a low achiever. I am a writer, but not in the lucrative end of the business. Let's face it. I'm basically talking to myself just like any psychotic fool. Anyone with a readership of zero would have mummified the "blog" a long time ago. Not the ol' lavahead. Is he losing his mind? Is he babbling incoherently by proxy?
I was deeply perturbed when the empire announced "Mission Accomplished" in Libya. What purpose did the sordid exercise serve? Who really benefits? And, what about the innocent victims who ended up as "collateral damage"? I suppose that many of the empire's Bible-thumping citizens are rejoicing. After all, that's about all those mental midgets seems to understand. Incidentally, I must revise another prediction. Since Sarah Palin is not running for Empress, I must assume that the detestable Michelle Bachman will take her place. The citizens of empire know nothing else but to play and vote the "religion card."
Perhaps I am losing my mind. The insanity that I am privy to witness firsthand as well as the empire-wide mental illness are too much to bear. Actually, the entire planet of humans has lapsed into a grotesque psychopathology. I really don't know anymore.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Post No. 1,939
Same ol' Sunday shit. Aside from an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym, I have dispatched myself as a neutral third-party observer of empire. I sense no upheaval in the works. All around me, business as usual. Even the homeless and the destitute are wrapped up in the status quo. I'm seeing a lot of money flashing about, even amongst the impoverished. There's absolutely no sign that the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and so forth are causing any hardship. Financial crisis, what financial crisis? I must now modify a prior prediction: no radical social upheaval until real unemployment hits 60 percent.
Well, I have divested myself of another e-mail and instant messaging account. I've desired to do so for a long time, but I was only able to find the means after a Web search last night. I have only one e-mail account left. I have also been reconsidering a "cloud" storage account again. I only hesitate because I do not want to open another on-line account, free or not. So many foolish considerations, so little time.
Well, I have divested myself of another e-mail and instant messaging account. I've desired to do so for a long time, but I was only able to find the means after a Web search last night. I have only one e-mail account left. I have also been reconsidering a "cloud" storage account again. I only hesitate because I do not want to open another on-line account, free or not. So many foolish considerations, so little time.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Hermitary: Accomplished
Same ol' shit. Should we have expected anything more? Let's hope not. After all, I have resigned to my fate. Yes, after all of the wasted years I've spent chasing elusive dreams not of my own making. I wanted to fit in, I suppose. I wanted to be like everyone else. So, lots of time and money were invested fruitlessly.
In the end, I felt like a true loser. I still didn't fit in. I never became "successful" or "accomplished" in any interest, field, or activity that I pursued. Now, as a senior citizen, I have nothing to show for myself. No family, no offspring, no money, no "property," no babes, no wage slave job. Nothing. Nada. Heck, I hardly have any personal possessions.
That's not the real story, though. Had I not been prematurely emancipated from wage slavery, I may not ever have had the opportunity to embark on various research projects that eventually set my mind free. One lie after the other was overturned. Eventually, I came to discover the absolute truths (refer to the "blog" of July 28th of last year). Long story short, all that I have accomplished and perfected can be summarized as the monk (read: urban nomad) life-style. And, I'm damned good at it.
In the end, I felt like a true loser. I still didn't fit in. I never became "successful" or "accomplished" in any interest, field, or activity that I pursued. Now, as a senior citizen, I have nothing to show for myself. No family, no offspring, no money, no "property," no babes, no wage slave job. Nothing. Nada. Heck, I hardly have any personal possessions.
That's not the real story, though. Had I not been prematurely emancipated from wage slavery, I may not ever have had the opportunity to embark on various research projects that eventually set my mind free. One lie after the other was overturned. Eventually, I came to discover the absolute truths (refer to the "blog" of July 28th of last year). Long story short, all that I have accomplished and perfected can be summarized as the monk (read: urban nomad) life-style. And, I'm damned good at it.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. There's been a heatwave for the past few days. Needless to say, the oversized cranium was severely overheating. Later in the early evening, I sought refuge at the air-conditioned den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala.
I'm no longer certain about what to make of my situation. I offered an overview of the latter in the "blog" of yesterday. Obviously, I have succeeded in becoming a hermit in a crowded urban environment. I have reduced all of my activities to just a handful. And, I have effectively isolated myself from people. Ideally, I would rather be in the middle of nowhere by myself. Unfortunately, that's not an option at present.
As can easily be guessed, a life-style like mine leaves very little of interest to discuss. Hence, I have no need for a social life. I really don't even need the "blog" anymore. Yet, I can't seem to mummify it. I would rather compose useless posts than put it out of its misery. Zero readership, though, is just as effective as mummification.
My only real concern at this point is the collapse of empire. The bottom has already fallen out, so to speak. Many of us are experiencing the Great Depression Redux as we speak. Infinite amounts of money are being created just to keep the "system," at least for the moneychangers and powers-that-be, superficially afloat.
The problem is that collapse becomes imminent when the velocity of the current that is sucking all of the "bottomfeeders" into the abyss increases significantly. There will be a tipping point when the velocity exceeds any capability to stop it. Soon, the pull of the abyss starts working its way up the food chain. We've seen similar scenarios played out many times before. Therefore, we become complacent in the belief that we're just going through another cycle. Yet, no one seems to notice that the cycles are becoming more frequent and their associated turbulence more violent. And, of course, finance is not the only force at play. There are many other catalysts.
All of that just to explain why I have decided to implement the separation between myself and other people as well as mummifying all of the fun and games in between. When all hell breaks loose, almost everyone will be caught by surprise. I had previously tried to model any upheaval in the empire on the recent riots in the UK. At first, I concluded that chaos would be quickly suppressed by the police and military. Twelve days maximum before "order" is restored. Now, I am not so sure.
On a side note, there has been some upheaval in the tablet computing world as HP® just pulled its six-week old TouchPad tablet from distribution because of poor sales. The mind-boggling story is available in the mainstream news, by the way. Predictions are calling for the BlackBerry® PlayBook® to meet the same fate. Let's hope not.
I'm no longer certain about what to make of my situation. I offered an overview of the latter in the "blog" of yesterday. Obviously, I have succeeded in becoming a hermit in a crowded urban environment. I have reduced all of my activities to just a handful. And, I have effectively isolated myself from people. Ideally, I would rather be in the middle of nowhere by myself. Unfortunately, that's not an option at present.
As can easily be guessed, a life-style like mine leaves very little of interest to discuss. Hence, I have no need for a social life. I really don't even need the "blog" anymore. Yet, I can't seem to mummify it. I would rather compose useless posts than put it out of its misery. Zero readership, though, is just as effective as mummification.
My only real concern at this point is the collapse of empire. The bottom has already fallen out, so to speak. Many of us are experiencing the Great Depression Redux as we speak. Infinite amounts of money are being created just to keep the "system," at least for the moneychangers and powers-that-be, superficially afloat.
The problem is that collapse becomes imminent when the velocity of the current that is sucking all of the "bottomfeeders" into the abyss increases significantly. There will be a tipping point when the velocity exceeds any capability to stop it. Soon, the pull of the abyss starts working its way up the food chain. We've seen similar scenarios played out many times before. Therefore, we become complacent in the belief that we're just going through another cycle. Yet, no one seems to notice that the cycles are becoming more frequent and their associated turbulence more violent. And, of course, finance is not the only force at play. There are many other catalysts.
All of that just to explain why I have decided to implement the separation between myself and other people as well as mummifying all of the fun and games in between. When all hell breaks loose, almost everyone will be caught by surprise. I had previously tried to model any upheaval in the empire on the recent riots in the UK. At first, I concluded that chaos would be quickly suppressed by the police and military. Twelve days maximum before "order" is restored. Now, I am not so sure.
On a side note, there has been some upheaval in the tablet computing world as HP® just pulled its six-week old TouchPad tablet from distribution because of poor sales. The mind-boggling story is available in the mainstream news, by the way. Predictions are calling for the BlackBerry® PlayBook® to meet the same fate. Let's hope not.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Same ol' shit. Just the way I like it. Let's backtrack for a moment, though. What is wrong with the same ol' shit? Why should I live up to the expectations of others or society-at-large? I must entertain the concept of "freedom" again, but from a societal viewpoint. Here is the situation as it stands:
- Wage slavery. I'm not a team player. I don't want to be supervised. I don't care to work with other people. I am an underachiever.
- Babes. I can't play the mating game. I am not a babe magnet.
- Sports. I am not interested in sports. I am not a team player. I despise competition.
- Hobbies & interests. I have no desire to pursue any. Previous ones discarded.
- Social network & friends. I don't care to talk with other people. I do not want to involve myself in any group activities. I have nothing to share.
- Religion. Not an option. I am an agnostic nihilist.
- Family. Moms is all that's left of my family network.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Big Bamboozle
I met up with Lori at Ala Moana Center at 9am this morning. We spent about three hours at the Barnes & Noble® Café continuing where we left off on Monday evening. Unfortunately, there was little more information forthcoming. Much of what I was told made little sense. In each situation, Lori was somehow the victim of someone else's stupidity or malice. Ann had made the same observation, which is why she had asked me for clarification. "No one can have everything going wrong all the time like that," Ann had told me. I concurred. In every situation that she discussed, Lori has made herself out to be the victim.
There would have been a lot more missing holes in the stories had Ann not chronicled the various guys that Lori had hooked up with after her divorce. The guys seemed more like misfits rather than the intended target of someone wealthy enough with a higher class standing to insure a pampered life for her. Even Ann seemed puzzled. Worst yet, Lori seemed to have gotten into at least one bad situation. Ann suspects that there were more bad incidents, which is why Lori always appears to be fleeing from trouble. Frankly, from what I already know, the possibility of the latter is extremely high.
Although Lori has been candid about her financial problems right now, she does not have my sympathy. She had three years of alimony and lived too "high on the hog." Ann said that the two-bedroom apartment that Lori rented on the North Shore for the last three years cost $2,200 per month. "She doesn't want to give up a high class life-style or the illusion of looking rich," Ann told me. Some of the financial details that Lori had mentioned even when she was still married did not make sense either. The problems with her business venture (read: bicycle shop) did not jive until Ann clarified that the business "partner" was actually one of the misfit suitors.
Well, I am actually going far beyond what I intended to include in the "blog." None of it is my concern. However, I really don't understand why Lori feels the need to discuss her personal life with her friends while giving each of them an embellished or acutely abridged version of the story, sometimes not even close to the truth. Why go through that much trouble just for sympathy? And, since I am probably the most furthest removed from any of the people involved, there really was no reason for a cover-up. Very strange indeed.
I don't know why, but I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I suppose that I just wanted a brief escape from the reality of my pathetic life-style as well as Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I will say that I have to admire Lori for her attempt to live out her life as fully as possible. In her case, overkill. In my case, the exact opposite. Little wonder why I am always on the brink of insanity. I don't really need excitement. I just need to get out of the stagnant situation that is seemingly growing malignant by the day. Sheesh!
There would have been a lot more missing holes in the stories had Ann not chronicled the various guys that Lori had hooked up with after her divorce. The guys seemed more like misfits rather than the intended target of someone wealthy enough with a higher class standing to insure a pampered life for her. Even Ann seemed puzzled. Worst yet, Lori seemed to have gotten into at least one bad situation. Ann suspects that there were more bad incidents, which is why Lori always appears to be fleeing from trouble. Frankly, from what I already know, the possibility of the latter is extremely high.
Although Lori has been candid about her financial problems right now, she does not have my sympathy. She had three years of alimony and lived too "high on the hog." Ann said that the two-bedroom apartment that Lori rented on the North Shore for the last three years cost $2,200 per month. "She doesn't want to give up a high class life-style or the illusion of looking rich," Ann told me. Some of the financial details that Lori had mentioned even when she was still married did not make sense either. The problems with her business venture (read: bicycle shop) did not jive until Ann clarified that the business "partner" was actually one of the misfit suitors.
Well, I am actually going far beyond what I intended to include in the "blog." None of it is my concern. However, I really don't understand why Lori feels the need to discuss her personal life with her friends while giving each of them an embellished or acutely abridged version of the story, sometimes not even close to the truth. Why go through that much trouble just for sympathy? And, since I am probably the most furthest removed from any of the people involved, there really was no reason for a cover-up. Very strange indeed.
I don't know why, but I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I suppose that I just wanted a brief escape from the reality of my pathetic life-style as well as Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I will say that I have to admire Lori for her attempt to live out her life as fully as possible. In her case, overkill. In my case, the exact opposite. Little wonder why I am always on the brink of insanity. I don't really need excitement. I just need to get out of the stagnant situation that is seemingly growing malignant by the day. Sheesh!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Post No. 1,934
In retrospect, I really don't know what to make of my brief discussion with Lori yesterday. Most of what she told me did not make logical sense. Thus, I would surmise that I have been the recipient of an edited version of her various stories. I have pretty much figured out most of missing details from all of our other previous discussions because of an exchange of data with Ann. As I stated before, I won't bother to transcribe the details in the "blog." It's not worth the time or effort. I will say that I observed the same telling patterns in my chat with Lori yesterday. From what I can tell, she's still working within the same modus operandi.
There's been another string of thefts at the gym in the past few weeks. That explains why I have seen police officers every few days either in the lobby or in the locker room. There has been one attempt to unlock my locker so far. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.
There's been another string of thefts at the gym in the past few weeks. That explains why I have seen police officers every few days either in the lobby or in the locker room. There has been one attempt to unlock my locker so far. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Big Question
Usual Hawa'i Kai visit. Nada to report, which is probably good. I was supposed to meet Lori at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala in the evening. However, she sent e-mail sometime during the day stating that we would have to meet earlier because of some other obligation. Of course, I was not surprised. So, I made sure that I was there a little after 5pm. And, as to be expected, we really didn't meet up until about 6pm anyway.
Lori apparently moved back to O'ahu at the first of the month after some kind of hullabaloo on Molokai. She's now renting a studio apartment in Makiki and looking to return to wage slavery. What I found odd was that she continues to maintain an expensive life-style yet claims to be close to broke. "You're living too cautiously," she said of my pathetic subsistence form of survival. That's about as far as we got before time ran out. I, of course, stayed on a little longer to enjoy a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
While I am not easily influenced by Lori, her assertion about my prophylactic life-style certainly resonated harshly with me. I am definitely allowing my entire life to pass just because I am hindered by monetary constraints of my own damned making. If stepping out to the den of consumerism in Kahala in the evening or downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips is all that I have to show for myself, then I truly am pathetic. How did it come to this?
Well, I happened to add a minuscule level of excitement to my pained existence by discovering the Veetle site on the Net. I can now view the latest Hollywood movies at no cost on my tablet computer. Unfortunately, I cannot install the special plug-in, so I must perform some workarounds to view an entire movie. Believe me, I'm getting sick of workarounds. When will I get sick and tired of sitting around and wasting precious time? Yeah, that's the big question.
Lori apparently moved back to O'ahu at the first of the month after some kind of hullabaloo on Molokai. She's now renting a studio apartment in Makiki and looking to return to wage slavery. What I found odd was that she continues to maintain an expensive life-style yet claims to be close to broke. "You're living too cautiously," she said of my pathetic subsistence form of survival. That's about as far as we got before time ran out. I, of course, stayed on a little longer to enjoy a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
While I am not easily influenced by Lori, her assertion about my prophylactic life-style certainly resonated harshly with me. I am definitely allowing my entire life to pass just because I am hindered by monetary constraints of my own damned making. If stepping out to the den of consumerism in Kahala in the evening or downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips is all that I have to show for myself, then I truly am pathetic. How did it come to this?
Well, I happened to add a minuscule level of excitement to my pained existence by discovering the Veetle site on the Net. I can now view the latest Hollywood movies at no cost on my tablet computer. Unfortunately, I cannot install the special plug-in, so I must perform some workarounds to view an entire movie. Believe me, I'm getting sick of workarounds. When will I get sick and tired of sitting around and wasting precious time? Yeah, that's the big question.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Pointless (Continued)
Same ol' Sunday shit. No words can even begin to describe the level of banality. Of course, there was an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. Is there no end to the banality?
I've been spending more and more time downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips to augment my already massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). The sheer foolishness of wasting so much precious time to increase the HGVL makes no sense if the Vienna Sausage is on the brink of total dysfunction. What is the sense of it all? Yet, I am compelled to continue the activity (term used loosely). Shouldn't the ol' lavahead be contemplating a real babe instead? After all, his biological clock is ticking away. Actually, the ol' lavahead has a lot more to worry about than babes or the Vienna Sausage.
Everything else is pretty much on "hold" right now. That's why no progress is being reported. Personally, I am in a stalemate situation. However, I am ready to mobilize at any time, if the circumstances require such a move. The previous statements are only generalizations. I am totally ignorant of what is going on, just like the rest of the rank-and-file peons. I have an inkling that a bad situation is imminent, although I have no real proof.
I've been spending more and more time downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips to augment my already massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). The sheer foolishness of wasting so much precious time to increase the HGVL makes no sense if the Vienna Sausage is on the brink of total dysfunction. What is the sense of it all? Yet, I am compelled to continue the activity (term used loosely). Shouldn't the ol' lavahead be contemplating a real babe instead? After all, his biological clock is ticking away. Actually, the ol' lavahead has a lot more to worry about than babes or the Vienna Sausage.
Everything else is pretty much on "hold" right now. That's why no progress is being reported. Personally, I am in a stalemate situation. However, I am ready to mobilize at any time, if the circumstances require such a move. The previous statements are only generalizations. I am totally ignorant of what is going on, just like the rest of the rank-and-file peons. I have an inkling that a bad situation is imminent, although I have no real proof.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Same ol' Saturday shit. Senseless. Only novelty to report is that, at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Kyle has become quite disgusted with Joker. In my last conversation with him, there were nothing but vitriolic comments made. Kyle is probably the best tenant we've ever had at the dump, by the way. Kyle has attempted to deal diplomatically with Joker, but he discovered that Joker is very defiant (and insane). "He's like a little kid," Kyle told me. I can't say that I could find an argument to his assertions.
Well, I finally figured out what is wrong (or right) with me. Two words: agnostic nihilism. I can safely say that I am at the threshold of the exodus. The last four years have not been a total waste after all. Unfortunately, the duress that I am currently experiencing is the result of the "disconnection" process. I am living in a consumerist and materialist society. Hence, my day-to-day interaction with the environment will be volatile at best. Heck, I am still trying to divest my cumulative years of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing) in the many aspects of the failed "civilization" paradigm.
I am living day-to-day right now. I see no reason to plan for an uncertain future. My guess is that any "conventional" (read: rank-and-file) planning will be thwarted anyway. I have been distracted by thoughts about the mysteries of the universe and of life itself, which has rendered myself dysfunctional for extended periods of time. Clearly, there is a dichotomy (i.e., incongruence) between reality and human reality. I am often vacillating between one or the other. Yet, I willfully end up rejecting human reality every time. Human reality is essentially pointless and tends to muck everything up real bad.
Late Note: The "blog" is down to zero readership again. Not to worry. As a matter of protocol, I'll be continuing pointless "blog" postings indefinitely, sort of like the Fed’s zero percent interest rate policy being extended indefinitely. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Well, I finally figured out what is wrong (or right) with me. Two words: agnostic nihilism. I can safely say that I am at the threshold of the exodus. The last four years have not been a total waste after all. Unfortunately, the duress that I am currently experiencing is the result of the "disconnection" process. I am living in a consumerist and materialist society. Hence, my day-to-day interaction with the environment will be volatile at best. Heck, I am still trying to divest my cumulative years of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing) in the many aspects of the failed "civilization" paradigm.
I am living day-to-day right now. I see no reason to plan for an uncertain future. My guess is that any "conventional" (read: rank-and-file) planning will be thwarted anyway. I have been distracted by thoughts about the mysteries of the universe and of life itself, which has rendered myself dysfunctional for extended periods of time. Clearly, there is a dichotomy (i.e., incongruence) between reality and human reality. I am often vacillating between one or the other. Yet, I willfully end up rejecting human reality every time. Human reality is essentially pointless and tends to muck everything up real bad.
Late Note: The "blog" is down to zero readership again. Not to worry. As a matter of protocol, I'll be continuing pointless "blog" postings indefinitely, sort of like the Fed’s zero percent interest rate policy being extended indefinitely. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Senseless (Continued)
I ran into Ann at the library. She's a week into her new job. So far, everything seems fine. She's making a decent salary, too. I hope the position ends up being long term for Ann. I seriously doubt that unemployment benefits will be available in the near future.
Another senseless day has passed. Same ol' shit. Nada to report. Nothing accomplished. Nothing gained. Precious time passed quickly. Anxiety continued unabated. Money continues to flow into the abyss. Pointless. Senseless.
Another senseless day has passed. Same ol' shit. Nada to report. Nothing accomplished. Nothing gained. Precious time passed quickly. Anxiety continued unabated. Money continues to flow into the abyss. Pointless. Senseless.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Same ol' shit. Restored extreme monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. Absolutely nothing else was accomplished. I opted to visit the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Same ol' shit there, too. I brought my tablet computer with me to compose the "blog," but there really wasn't much to write about.
I haven't been sleeping well for a long time. So, I spend most of my days, whether at the library or riding the bus, lapsing in and out of a coma. I don't even reach the state of sleep. I am simply sitting still and clearing my mind. Myriad hours of my precious remaining lifetime is spent in such a stupor. Truly senseless.
Comatose or not, the anxiety is nearing a fever pitch. The rampant stupidity all around me is growing intolerable. Recent current world events are bringing me closer to insanity. And, in attempting to understand the human condition, I may have thwarted myself.
On a mindless note, I have been watching episodes of the new "Hawai'i Five-O" series on Xfinity. At least some of the Xfinity's available content plays on my tablet computer. The reincarnated "Hawai'i Five-O" series is rather lame. I simply watch it because it is not as lame as many other tube programs, and it is filmed here in the islands. Heck, that's a pretty lame reason, isn't it?
I haven't been sleeping well for a long time. So, I spend most of my days, whether at the library or riding the bus, lapsing in and out of a coma. I don't even reach the state of sleep. I am simply sitting still and clearing my mind. Myriad hours of my precious remaining lifetime is spent in such a stupor. Truly senseless.
Comatose or not, the anxiety is nearing a fever pitch. The rampant stupidity all around me is growing intolerable. Recent current world events are bringing me closer to insanity. And, in attempting to understand the human condition, I may have thwarted myself.
On a mindless note, I have been watching episodes of the new "Hawai'i Five-O" series on Xfinity. At least some of the Xfinity's available content plays on my tablet computer. The reincarnated "Hawai'i Five-O" series is rather lame. I simply watch it because it is not as lame as many other tube programs, and it is filmed here in the islands. Heck, that's a pretty lame reason, isn't it?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Post No. 1,928
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms has an appointment to have her hearing aid checked on Friday. For some reason, moms wants to ride the bus. So, I left it at that. Otherwise, nada to report.
I opted to remain in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for the entire evening. I regretted the decision, but there really was no reason for me to sit around a crappy shopping mall. Frankly, I am at wit's end. Time's a wastin', but I just can't seem to figure out what I need to be doing.
Incidentally, if you happen to be a gambling kind-of-a-guy (or babe), then you may have noticed that the stock market tanked yet again. That's the way it's going to be for the next few years. Nerves of steel will be required to follow the course. Unless, of course, you happen to be a day trader and have access to the latest trading software. Most rank-and-file peons will only have limited access to mutual funds, 401(k) providers, and pension funds. The ride won't be as scary, but there will be a lot of up and down movement. No, thanks.
There's been a lack of focus on the issue of job creation. The reason? No new jobs can be created. Most of the jobs have been outsourced. Corporations have also learned how to effectively "downsize" without the need for future restaffing. We are in the Great Depression Redux. The only reason that we are seeing some employment numbers increase ... say, in the manufacturing sector, for example ... is because the numbers are being "fudged." Did you know that hamburger "chefs" are included in the manufacturing count? Yeah, that's right. Heck, isn't it time to join the [deleted]?
I opted to remain in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for the entire evening. I regretted the decision, but there really was no reason for me to sit around a crappy shopping mall. Frankly, I am at wit's end. Time's a wastin', but I just can't seem to figure out what I need to be doing.
Incidentally, if you happen to be a gambling kind-of-a-guy (or babe), then you may have noticed that the stock market tanked yet again. That's the way it's going to be for the next few years. Nerves of steel will be required to follow the course. Unless, of course, you happen to be a day trader and have access to the latest trading software. Most rank-and-file peons will only have limited access to mutual funds, 401(k) providers, and pension funds. The ride won't be as scary, but there will be a lot of up and down movement. No, thanks.
There's been a lack of focus on the issue of job creation. The reason? No new jobs can be created. Most of the jobs have been outsourced. Corporations have also learned how to effectively "downsize" without the need for future restaffing. We are in the Great Depression Redux. The only reason that we are seeing some employment numbers increase ... say, in the manufacturing sector, for example ... is because the numbers are being "fudged." Did you know that hamburger "chefs" are included in the manufacturing count? Yeah, that's right. Heck, isn't it time to join the [deleted]?
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Bulwark of Stupidity
As to be expected, the stock market is surging upward again after the Fed announced that it has locked in its zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) for at least two years. I've already predicted that short-term interest rates will remain at zero percent for a very long time, at least my own lifetime. The disgusting "bubble" cycle is beginning again. If I was a gambling kind-of-a-guy, I would put every dime I owned into various mutual funds right now. With a two-year guarantee of zero percent interest rates, expect the Dow to hit 21,500 by then. That would put it at parity with its peak during the fake boom prior to the Great Depression Redux. Sadly, I'm not a gambling kind-of-a-guy.
The rioting in the UK came as quite a shock to me. The event is of great significance because it signals the final decline of the bulwark of "Western civilization." No matter what the pundits say, the real cause was the squeeze being put on the rank-and-file peons. Obviously, a number of different triggers were involved, but the heart of the matter lies in the demeaning austerity programs invoked by the moneychangers and powers-that-be.
There are some serious implications for the empire since the UK is the current mother state of modern "Western civilization." We can expect a major uprising once the real unemployment hits 50 percent and the upcoming austerity programs are invoked. Once the powderkeg explodes, though, we can expect the empire's government to react violently. Domestic police are already militarized. And, since the empire has the largest military force in the world, it will allocate massive amounts of military power to quell the chaos.
The day? Same ol' shit. Feeling claustrophobic, I ventured out to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Same ol' shit there, too. I really wish that there were other alternatives. However, I reside in a completely consumerist and materialist society. If I desire more than the standard fare, I must pay dearly for it. Sheesh!
The rioting in the UK came as quite a shock to me. The event is of great significance because it signals the final decline of the bulwark of "Western civilization." No matter what the pundits say, the real cause was the squeeze being put on the rank-and-file peons. Obviously, a number of different triggers were involved, but the heart of the matter lies in the demeaning austerity programs invoked by the moneychangers and powers-that-be.
There are some serious implications for the empire since the UK is the current mother state of modern "Western civilization." We can expect a major uprising once the real unemployment hits 50 percent and the upcoming austerity programs are invoked. Once the powderkeg explodes, though, we can expect the empire's government to react violently. Domestic police are already militarized. And, since the empire has the largest military force in the world, it will allocate massive amounts of military power to quell the chaos.
The day? Same ol' shit. Feeling claustrophobic, I ventured out to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Same ol' shit there, too. I really wish that there were other alternatives. However, I reside in a completely consumerist and materialist society. If I desire more than the standard fare, I must pay dearly for it. Sheesh!
Monday, August 08, 2011
Another Transfer of Wealth
Usual visit to Hawai'i Kai. Moms and I followed the usual itinerary. Grocery shopping has turned into a real nightmare. I am also wasting a lot more petrol to drive my truck to one of the remaining two supermarkets in the area.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again this evening. Crowded. No beverages. Composed the "blog" on my tablet computer in the same uncomfortable chair that I sat on last night.
Lori left a voicemail. She has apparently returned from Molokai three months earlier than expected. I have no further details. Ralph, a dean at HCC also left a voicemail. He has a variety of classes available, if I care to facilitate any of them. I suppose that I am fortunate that I actually have a wage slave contingency available, if I choose to accept it. At this point in time, I may have to seriously entertain the idea.
The recent stock market debacle has been laughable at best. I exited that "shell game" many moons ago after I lost about $1,800 and some change when the so-called "technology bubble" burst. Never again, I said to myself. The empire's stock market has long ceased to be anything other than a speculator's lair. When the indices rise and fall daily with incredible magnitude, there can be no other reasonable conclusion. With interest rates at zero percent, the speculators are looking to park their funds in anything that can offer quick high yields. Any sign of trouble and they are out in a blink of an eye. The small-time investor cannot keep up. And, don't even think that any stock mutual fund will do much more. The ridiculous mainstream news sources claimed that over $1 trillion just vanished into thin air today. Oh brother. The wealth was transferred to the speculators who were quick enough to get out in time. Now they have even more cash to hoard.
The is talk of yet another round of "quantitative easing" (QE). I've long ago predicted that the sham would continue indefinitely. The real joke is that the Fed is not even chartered to enact such a provision. QE is simply going to inject more fake money into the "system." Then, the cycle will begin again. Another "bubble" of some kind will ensue. Speculators will move large sums of money in, and they will pull out the money at any sign of trouble. Obviously, there is always potential for trouble. So, another collapse will be inevitable. With the turn of each cycle, more and more people will find themselves sucked into the "black hole" of insolvency. Yet, the moneychangers and powers-that-be remain immune. How pathetic is that?
Well, I really don't know what to make of it all. The secular Apocalypse is already here for those of us who comprise the class of rank-and-file peons. Did you purchase your 9mm weapon yet?
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again this evening. Crowded. No beverages. Composed the "blog" on my tablet computer in the same uncomfortable chair that I sat on last night.
Lori left a voicemail. She has apparently returned from Molokai three months earlier than expected. I have no further details. Ralph, a dean at HCC also left a voicemail. He has a variety of classes available, if I care to facilitate any of them. I suppose that I am fortunate that I actually have a wage slave contingency available, if I choose to accept it. At this point in time, I may have to seriously entertain the idea.
The recent stock market debacle has been laughable at best. I exited that "shell game" many moons ago after I lost about $1,800 and some change when the so-called "technology bubble" burst. Never again, I said to myself. The empire's stock market has long ceased to be anything other than a speculator's lair. When the indices rise and fall daily with incredible magnitude, there can be no other reasonable conclusion. With interest rates at zero percent, the speculators are looking to park their funds in anything that can offer quick high yields. Any sign of trouble and they are out in a blink of an eye. The small-time investor cannot keep up. And, don't even think that any stock mutual fund will do much more. The ridiculous mainstream news sources claimed that over $1 trillion just vanished into thin air today. Oh brother. The wealth was transferred to the speculators who were quick enough to get out in time. Now they have even more cash to hoard.
The is talk of yet another round of "quantitative easing" (QE). I've long ago predicted that the sham would continue indefinitely. The real joke is that the Fed is not even chartered to enact such a provision. QE is simply going to inject more fake money into the "system." Then, the cycle will begin again. Another "bubble" of some kind will ensue. Speculators will move large sums of money in, and they will pull out the money at any sign of trouble. Obviously, there is always potential for trouble. So, another collapse will be inevitable. With the turn of each cycle, more and more people will find themselves sucked into the "black hole" of insolvency. Yet, the moneychangers and powers-that-be remain immune. How pathetic is that?
Well, I really don't know what to make of it all. The secular Apocalypse is already here for those of us who comprise the class of rank-and-file peons. Did you purchase your 9mm weapon yet?
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Hordes of Hoarders
In continuing the discussion from yesterday, I'd like to focus on hoarding fiat money, hyperinflation, and other foolish topics. It's taken me a while to finally understand what is going on. As I've said before, I'm done "reality shopping." There are too many pundits, too many versions of the same story, and no real answers. So, why not come up with my own version?
With all of the fake money being injected into the "system," why hasn't there been a spike of hyperinflation? we've actually already discussed the answer. Cash is being hoarded. Banks, corporations, affluent asswipes ... all hoarding cash. The Fed has been lending trillions of dollars to domestic and international banks at zero percent interest. Banks have been parking their reserves at the Fed where the cash is actually earning interest. It's safe, and there's no need to generate loans to profit. Corporations are slashing jobs, cutting costs, and sitting on the cash. Obviously, hoarded cash is money that is taken out of the "system." It has zero velocity. The money essentially disappears. As the world's so-called "reserve currency," the empire's dollar is also being hoarded by international central banks. Unless the money flows back into the "system" and floods it, there will be no hyperinflation.
The Fed has also bought up all of the "bad paper" that was infecting the "system" through its "quantitative easing" program. Effectively, the Fed has put that garbage on its balance sheet, claiming that it will be sold off at a later date. The Fed could sell the crap at a discount (although it paid full price), and write off the loss. Or, it could just make the "bad paper" disappear in a few years when amnesia sets in for most people. The Fed can then repair its balance sheet with more fake money and a little hand-waving. Who would know?
With little probability of hyperinflation, the Fed can merrily continue to inject endless amounts of fake money into the "system." The Fed cannot "print" enough money to keep up with the amount that is disappearing. Thus, money is so cheap that interest rates will remain at zero percent forever. Sickening, isn't it?
As for the day, same ol' shit. I should mention that my squalid chair collapsed while I was sitting on it last night in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I sustained minor injuries. The pieces of the chair have been deposited in the trash bin. I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. At first, I didn't want to go there. Then, I changed my mind. No beverages, though. Too crowded and no seating.
I am becoming worried about my ability to function. I have a mild headache every day. My patience is at all-time low. My mind has been extremely troubled, and not just because of mortality issues. I'm concerned that I may lose my mind. I don't want to end up walking around and talking out loud to no one just like the myriad psychotics around me. I need to keep my wits about me given that the secular Apocalypse is just beginning. Sheesh!
With all of the fake money being injected into the "system," why hasn't there been a spike of hyperinflation? we've actually already discussed the answer. Cash is being hoarded. Banks, corporations, affluent asswipes ... all hoarding cash. The Fed has been lending trillions of dollars to domestic and international banks at zero percent interest. Banks have been parking their reserves at the Fed where the cash is actually earning interest. It's safe, and there's no need to generate loans to profit. Corporations are slashing jobs, cutting costs, and sitting on the cash. Obviously, hoarded cash is money that is taken out of the "system." It has zero velocity. The money essentially disappears. As the world's so-called "reserve currency," the empire's dollar is also being hoarded by international central banks. Unless the money flows back into the "system" and floods it, there will be no hyperinflation.
The Fed has also bought up all of the "bad paper" that was infecting the "system" through its "quantitative easing" program. Effectively, the Fed has put that garbage on its balance sheet, claiming that it will be sold off at a later date. The Fed could sell the crap at a discount (although it paid full price), and write off the loss. Or, it could just make the "bad paper" disappear in a few years when amnesia sets in for most people. The Fed can then repair its balance sheet with more fake money and a little hand-waving. Who would know?
With little probability of hyperinflation, the Fed can merrily continue to inject endless amounts of fake money into the "system." The Fed cannot "print" enough money to keep up with the amount that is disappearing. Thus, money is so cheap that interest rates will remain at zero percent forever. Sickening, isn't it?
As for the day, same ol' shit. I should mention that my squalid chair collapsed while I was sitting on it last night in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I sustained minor injuries. The pieces of the chair have been deposited in the trash bin. I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. At first, I didn't want to go there. Then, I changed my mind. No beverages, though. Too crowded and no seating.
I am becoming worried about my ability to function. I have a mild headache every day. My patience is at all-time low. My mind has been extremely troubled, and not just because of mortality issues. I'm concerned that I may lose my mind. I don't want to end up walking around and talking out loud to no one just like the myriad psychotics around me. I need to keep my wits about me given that the secular Apocalypse is just beginning. Sheesh!
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Future Primitive Redux
"You have the right to remain dead." -- Future Miranda clauseSame ol' shit (SOS). Nada to report. No excursion to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. More hurdy-gurdy video downloading, of course.
The free hotel room promotion will begin this month and last through the end of year at the Aloha Surf Hotel, home of the detestable "condotel" unit. Aqua management has quoted $1,000 per month (double the original quote) to be billed to owners in order to subsidize the "guests." During the promotion, there will be zero revenue. In addition, Aqua management has begun to replace almost every conceivable piece of the furnishings in the units and charging the owners double the actual cost of the items. I have made the tentative decision to default on the mortgage. I will lose over $72,000 in equity, but I can no longer afford to pay for the dump. Now that I also have to pay the room rental fee for the tourists, the whole situation has gone well beyond ludicrous.
What is happening to the ol' lavahead is just the "tip of the iceberg" in the general scheme. Overall, we are looking at total global financial collapse, only being postponed by the infusion of infinite amounts of fiat money. In the empire, the situation is rapidly degenerating no matter what anyone says. And, I'm not speaking of the phony "debt ceiling" crisis of a few days ago. We've got a major problem with real unemployment now closing in on 25 percent of the workforce. Even with extended unemployment benefits now being cut off, there's been little dissension from the rank-and-file peons. As I've stated before, there will be no social upheaval until unemployment surpasses 50 percent. Even then, the dissension will be one of limited chaos. Losers will only target other losers. There will be no "solidarity."
The Great Depression Redux will only affect the lower classes of the populace. There won't be a "class war" because any upheaval will remain within the ranks of losers (i.e., "in-class war"). If anything, the losers will simply kill each other off. The affluent class has not and will not be affected. We already see the latter dichotomy right before our eyes on a daily basis.
I'm really not certain about how much time we in the peon class have left. The "system" will remain somewhat intact as long as the phony money keeps flowing. Corporations and affluent individuals have been hoarding immense amounts of cash. That should be a "red flag" to anyone who is vigilant.
My instinct tells me that anyone in the peon class with $500 to spare should immediately purchase a 9mm weapon at the least. The weapon should be "black market" appropriated, if possible. When the "shit hits the fan," there will be two immediate adversaries: fellow losers and all law enforcement (sic) agencies. Loser will be pitted against loser. The police state will be pitted against all losers.
Let me reiterate. The "system" will function, in general, as long as more fiat money is injected into the "system." Those who hoard enough money will survive intact and will move seamlessly into the next phase. In fact, they will notice no difference in quality of life. Those who run out of money will enter the next phase as criminals without ever having to commit a crime. Only the "inner animal" will be left. For the poor and destitute, there will be no recovery. There will be no jobs, no social programs, no entitlements, and certainly no rights. When will that happen? Heck, the hammer has already struck.
Friday, August 05, 2011
Cloud Nine (Continued)
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms mentioned that the Aina Haina branch location of the church is being sold by corporate headquarters. The property, which is worth millions of dollars, is home to about five congregations including the one moms is a member. There seems to be no rationale for the decision, unless the cult is running low on money. After all, the date of Armageddon continues to be pushed into the future by the cult's leadership. When will they realize that Armageddon is not coming? Jesus is not coming back either. We humans have been left to our own devices.
The day become quite chaotic when I went grocery shopping in the late afternoon after my workout at the gym. Safeway® in Kuapa Kai was completely packed. Inventory was running low, but I managed to scrape together enough food to last through the weekend. While I was waiting at the traffic light at the exit, I perused the receipt. I was overcharged for one of the items. So, I had to circle around and drive back into the parking lot. I attempted to have the difference credited back to my credit card, but the only manager capable of making the approval was backlogged. I reluctantly opted for cash. With no wallet, I was forced to put the cash in one of the plastic shopping bags. Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I unloaded all of the groceries and heard all of the loose change hit the huge gravel chunks covering the ground (formerly the dirt pile). The change disappeared. There was a gaping hole in the one shopping bag. I was extremely perturbed. That's one of the reasons why I prefer not to carry cash.
I decided to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I missed the Route 23 bus by a few minutes, obviously because I was behind schedule. My tablet computer joined me for the journey. Its sole purpose is to compose the "blog." That's the very same "blog" with zero readership. Well, I take that back. There has been a miraculous return of a small handful of readers!
Last night, I opened and closed a Zoho account. I had uploaded my two important spreadsheets. Then, I tried to simply view them on the tablet computer' browser. What a joke! The virtual keyboard kept popping up. The spreadsheet was all over the place. I already knew that editing would be a nightmare. However, inability to simply view the spreadsheet rendered Zoho useless for me. So much for the "cloud."
I should mention that I managed to peruse the spreadsheet "app" on the world's best selling tablet computer. It's actually quite usable. Columns can be resized. I was not able to ascertain whether there was a "copy & paste" feature, but I would guess that it's there. I am really quite perturbed about the lack of such basic functionality in my tablet computer's spreadsheet "app," although I have yet to test its ability to display spreadsheets properly. Perhaps I should just do away with spreadsheets and do everything by hand on paper. Maybe it's time for me to divest myself of computers entirely. Sheesh!
The day become quite chaotic when I went grocery shopping in the late afternoon after my workout at the gym. Safeway® in Kuapa Kai was completely packed. Inventory was running low, but I managed to scrape together enough food to last through the weekend. While I was waiting at the traffic light at the exit, I perused the receipt. I was overcharged for one of the items. So, I had to circle around and drive back into the parking lot. I attempted to have the difference credited back to my credit card, but the only manager capable of making the approval was backlogged. I reluctantly opted for cash. With no wallet, I was forced to put the cash in one of the plastic shopping bags. Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I unloaded all of the groceries and heard all of the loose change hit the huge gravel chunks covering the ground (formerly the dirt pile). The change disappeared. There was a gaping hole in the one shopping bag. I was extremely perturbed. That's one of the reasons why I prefer not to carry cash.
I decided to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I missed the Route 23 bus by a few minutes, obviously because I was behind schedule. My tablet computer joined me for the journey. Its sole purpose is to compose the "blog." That's the very same "blog" with zero readership. Well, I take that back. There has been a miraculous return of a small handful of readers!
Last night, I opened and closed a Zoho account. I had uploaded my two important spreadsheets. Then, I tried to simply view them on the tablet computer' browser. What a joke! The virtual keyboard kept popping up. The spreadsheet was all over the place. I already knew that editing would be a nightmare. However, inability to simply view the spreadsheet rendered Zoho useless for me. So much for the "cloud."
I should mention that I managed to peruse the spreadsheet "app" on the world's best selling tablet computer. It's actually quite usable. Columns can be resized. I was not able to ascertain whether there was a "copy & paste" feature, but I would guess that it's there. I am really quite perturbed about the lack of such basic functionality in my tablet computer's spreadsheet "app," although I have yet to test its ability to display spreadsheets properly. Perhaps I should just do away with spreadsheets and do everything by hand on paper. Maybe it's time for me to divest myself of computers entirely. Sheesh!
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Cloud Nine
Same ol' shit. Zero readership continues. Nada to report. I am now seriously contemplating the reduction of postings to the "blog." No decision yet.
I am also back to reducing my Net presence. I am closing any unnecessary on-line accounts. A few accounts cannot be terminated, so I am changing all personal information, assigning new arbitrary passwords, and abandoning the accounts.

Typical "Cloud Nine" Hottie
Foolishly, though, I am thinking of opening an on-line account at Zoho and moving my two important spreadsheets to the "cloud." I can then edit and store them, yet have both accessible from anywhere. I have also determined that the browsers on tablet computers will not be able to perform simple functions such as resizing columns until there is some way to place a cursor on the column border. While the task sounds simple, it may not be possible on a touchscreen. Actually, the problem also exists for a standalone spreadsheet "app." I have a few ideas for a workaround, though.
I am also back to reducing my Net presence. I am closing any unnecessary on-line accounts. A few accounts cannot be terminated, so I am changing all personal information, assigning new arbitrary passwords, and abandoning the accounts.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Post No. 1,921
Nada to report. A couple of tidbits, though. I briefly chatted with my "homeless" buddy at my daytime safe haven (read: inner courtyard at the library). At the bus stop, I chatted with a guy who calls himself "Uncle Buck." I've seen him around before. He admitted to being an alcoholic while he dropped back some kind of booze hidden with a paper bag. While I chatted with him, a bird took a dump (read: defecated) on my shoulder. "Uncle Buck" is 60 years old, owns a condo, and has a babe whom he's really proud of.
Well, I have been perusing a few benign commentaries about the recent kabuki theatrics over the empire's "debt ceiling." I am guessing that Social Security and Medicare will either cease to exist in five years or won't resemble their present form in any way. Lot of pain and suffering ahead. Currently, I am still sticking with my dire predictions posted in the "blog" of September 28th of last year.
Once again, I refrained from a nightly excursion to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. After all, the "blog" is down to zero readership. Zero. Zilch. Pathetic. Pathos. Oh well. Rather than waste valuable time repeating myself in the "blog," I'll just resort to downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. Yowza!
Well, I have been perusing a few benign commentaries about the recent kabuki theatrics over the empire's "debt ceiling." I am guessing that Social Security and Medicare will either cease to exist in five years or won't resemble their present form in any way. Lot of pain and suffering ahead. Currently, I am still sticking with my dire predictions posted in the "blog" of September 28th of last year.
Once again, I refrained from a nightly excursion to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. After all, the "blog" is down to zero readership. Zero. Zilch. Pathetic. Pathos. Oh well. Rather than waste valuable time repeating myself in the "blog," I'll just resort to downloading myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. Yowza!
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Rubbery Rubbish
Last night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I decided to perform the annual battery charging ritual for my cheap Nokia® cell phone. I don't ever use it, so it remains stored away. After I removed the cell phone from the plastic sandwich bag (used for storage), I noticed that certain portions of its plastic case were very sticky. I recalled that the case once had a rubbery feel, no doubt fabricated from synthetic rubber. Foolishly, I attempted to clean off the residue. Later, I noticed that the skin on my fingers were sensitive. I am pretty certain that the decomposing synthetic rubber was dissipating toxic chemicals. I thought of discarding the cheap cell phone. However, it still functions perfectly. I won't be storing it away anymore, though. Instead, I'll just leave it lying around and wrapped in a paper towel. Later, to my horror, I realized that the entire rear casing of my BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer has a thick coating of synthetic rubber. How long before it turns into a gooey mess? One year? Two years?
So, is the "blog" really down to zero readership already? Say it ain't so! Well, there was no sense in wasting time and money to make the evening trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I may as well sit in my squalid room at Slob Manor all evening with my failing netbook computer. I am having trouble with the netbook's wireless radio. I'm pretty much done with Linux and fooling around with the latter in trying to make it function properly. I should also mention that the Waterpik® oral irrigation device is ready to give out as well. The battery is only holding a charge for three applications. I am pleasantly surprised that it has lasted far longer (i.e., over a year) than what I read in various consumer reviews. I am at point now, however, that I will not be replacing any of my useless crap unless it is absolutely necessary. But, what will I do with the "blog"?
So, is the "blog" really down to zero readership already? Say it ain't so! Well, there was no sense in wasting time and money to make the evening trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I may as well sit in my squalid room at Slob Manor all evening with my failing netbook computer. I am having trouble with the netbook's wireless radio. I'm pretty much done with Linux and fooling around with the latter in trying to make it function properly. I should also mention that the Waterpik® oral irrigation device is ready to give out as well. The battery is only holding a charge for three applications. I am pleasantly surprised that it has lasted far longer (i.e., over a year) than what I read in various consumer reviews. I am at point now, however, that I will not be replacing any of my useless crap unless it is absolutely necessary. But, what will I do with the "blog"?
Monday, August 01, 2011
Stupid Human Tricks
After I returned from the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala to the despicable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had an interesting discussion with Kyle. He spent a few days off-island, only to come back and literally step into a toilet bowl (i.e., puddle of urine in front of his squalid room).
Apparently, Joker's newest mangy mutt has been urinating everywhere in the first floor living room and dining room. Kyle said that he witnessed the event many times. He confronted Joker about the problem. Joker found the whole thing amusing, not even bothering to clean the mess. At one point, Joker blamed Alan. The fool claimed that Alan had been petting the rodent-like dog too often, which caused the varmint to become "excited" and urinate. Kyle eventually became frustrated and notified the landlord. Kyle even pointed out the locations of the urine residue.

Oddly, I had spotted a small puddle on the tile floor in the living room the other day. I was on my way out, so I paid no more attention to it. Obviously, it was piss (read: urine). Sadly, neither Kyle or I believe that the landlord will do anything about the problem. Joker is paying $1,500 or more per month to rent the entire second floor. So, he has some "clout," I suppose.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My sixteen-year-old nephew has a "girlfriend" now. Actually, they have been together for about a year now. I actually briefly met her after moms and I returned from our usual shopping excursion. From what I am to understand, though, the girl apparently spends a lot of time at the house, usually sleepovers. Often, the girl's parents drop her off. My bro and sister-in-law are apparently much more lenient than I had thought. Moms, of course, is displeased. Fornication is the work of the "devil," and moms probably believes that there will be a price to pay since it is happening in her presence. I don't believe that either my bro or sister-in-law knows the girl's parents. I am, however, very suspicious. Why would her parents encourage intimate relations for their daughter? I am wondering whether the girl's parents hope that their daughter gets pregnant. Then, the daughter (and child) will move in with my bro's family. I am pretty certain that my bro has no plans to increase the number of mouths to feed in his household. I can also say with utmost certainty that he will lose it if the latter event were to transpire. And, when I say, "lose it," I am understating his reaction.
I don't know why but I found myself back at the den of consumerism in Kahala this evening. Composing the "blog" on my tablet computer with an expensive cup of decaffeinated coffee at my side makes no sense for a readership of one. I am at a loss concerning how I will handle the situation. For the time being, I am only anticipating the viewing of the final unseen episode of "Firefly" on Hulu® when I eventually return to the dump. I am happy to view the episode, although I will be overcome with grief once it's over. All I will have left is the final movie, "Serenity," of which I have no idea when or how I will view it. I will admit that I am still upset that the series never even completed an entire season. Perhaps, I could sit and view all 450 hurdy-gurdy video clips that I have downloaded. Would that be a good substitution?
Apparently, Joker's newest mangy mutt has been urinating everywhere in the first floor living room and dining room. Kyle said that he witnessed the event many times. He confronted Joker about the problem. Joker found the whole thing amusing, not even bothering to clean the mess. At one point, Joker blamed Alan. The fool claimed that Alan had been petting the rodent-like dog too often, which caused the varmint to become "excited" and urinate. Kyle eventually became frustrated and notified the landlord. Kyle even pointed out the locations of the urine residue.

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My sixteen-year-old nephew has a "girlfriend" now. Actually, they have been together for about a year now. I actually briefly met her after moms and I returned from our usual shopping excursion. From what I am to understand, though, the girl apparently spends a lot of time at the house, usually sleepovers. Often, the girl's parents drop her off. My bro and sister-in-law are apparently much more lenient than I had thought. Moms, of course, is displeased. Fornication is the work of the "devil," and moms probably believes that there will be a price to pay since it is happening in her presence. I don't believe that either my bro or sister-in-law knows the girl's parents. I am, however, very suspicious. Why would her parents encourage intimate relations for their daughter? I am wondering whether the girl's parents hope that their daughter gets pregnant. Then, the daughter (and child) will move in with my bro's family. I am pretty certain that my bro has no plans to increase the number of mouths to feed in his household. I can also say with utmost certainty that he will lose it if the latter event were to transpire. And, when I say, "lose it," I am understating his reaction.
I don't know why but I found myself back at the den of consumerism in Kahala this evening. Composing the "blog" on my tablet computer with an expensive cup of decaffeinated coffee at my side makes no sense for a readership of one. I am at a loss concerning how I will handle the situation. For the time being, I am only anticipating the viewing of the final unseen episode of "Firefly" on Hulu® when I eventually return to the dump. I am happy to view the episode, although I will be overcome with grief once it's over. All I will have left is the final movie, "Serenity," of which I have no idea when or how I will view it. I will admit that I am still upset that the series never even completed an entire season. Perhaps, I could sit and view all 450 hurdy-gurdy video clips that I have downloaded. Would that be a good substitution?
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