Last night, as I waited at the bus stop near the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I could see the crescent of the moon in the sky. The moon intrigues me. I have been riding the last Route 24 bus to Aina Haina in the evenings. I am usually the only passenger in the long articulated bus. I sit way in the back by the rearmost exit. For some reason, I find that I really enjoy the short five-minute ride.
My life is now likened to a lamp-baked chicken, metaphorically speaking. It is slow-cooked under low heat to produce a tender and juicy result. And, only a moderate amount of seasoning is required to enhance the taste. Yeah, lamp-baked life.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I always sit in my favorite chair while I wait for moms to complete whatever chores need to be done. That's the same favorite chair from many moons ago as featured in the old journal.
This afternoon, I waited over 50 minutes for two non-existent buses that were apparently ahead of schedule. I finally boarded a bus at 6:35pm, when the sun had already set. Yes, I spent the evening in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Later, I shopped for a couple of grocery items before returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Lamp-baked life. Same ol' shit.
Well, the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer is certain to be mummified in a few days, if not hours. All of the "pundits" have already read the last rites for the device. The manufacturer is still claiming that it has no intention of discontinuing the product, although the selling price has been dropped by $200 or more. Amazon® has announced its new Kindle Fire, which allegedly has the exact same hardware as the PlayBook®. And, its $100 cheaper. So, I'm awaiting the sad news that my tablet computer will be nothing more than a doorstop. Anytime now. Lamp-baked life.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Lamp-Baked Life I
I have slightly modified my itinerary in the morning on the way to the library. I now alight the bus on Alapai Street and walk through the Frank Fasi Civic Center. The grounds are incredible, almost like a large park. Hardly anyone is walking through the area at 9:30am. All of the wage slaves are locked in the various concrete mausoleums scattered about the grounds. There are many large trees, too, which is simply a breathtaking sight. Sometimes, I am even moved to tears.
At the library, I completed reading the previously mentioned book, "Future Babble," by Gardner. I also completed, "The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment," by Chris Martenson. More fodder for your "reality shopping" reading pleasure.
I have been frequenting the library now for over four years on a regular basis. I still station myself in the inner courtyard. I can only call it a sanctuary. I am able to view the sky and peruse the plants and trees in the garden. The air is fresh. And, I am protected from bad weather. Although, I must admit, sitting in the courtyard during a downpour is quite mystifying. I continue to read books to expand my knowledge (or keep from going senile) and also lapse in and out of a coma.
As much as I despise the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I am spending more and more time there. The café in the bookstore has been crowded every night. So, I end up sitting on one of the wooden armchairs situated around the store. The tablet computer is perfect for that, since I do not need a flat surface to use it comfortably. Sadly, I'm discovering that more and more people are seemingly looking for a sanctuary to escape to. Hence, the crowds. What, have they grown tired of the tube?
I have also observed that the number of people shopping at Foodland Farms in Aina Haina after 8pm has significantly increased over the past few weeks since I commenced my nightly grocery shopping experiment. There is now some stiff competition for the "reduced price" commodities that I specifically purchase. A few minutes late, and I'm left empty-handed. Sheesh!
Last night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I chatted with Kyle about his on-going problems with Joker. I'll spare the details because it's the same ol' shit. During the course of the discussion, I became aware that Joker has some kind of faggot's grudge against the ol' lavahead. I proposed that we schedule a meeting with Joker to air the problems once and for all, with the option of letting the landlord sit in. The objective, of course, is to find some kind of resolution. Later, I had second thoughts. What would such a meeting accomplish? Joker is emotionally bound to his "hissy fits," so absolutely nothing will reconcile the problem. Kyle and I would only end up making more concessions to the gay blade. Why bother?
At the library, I completed reading the previously mentioned book, "Future Babble," by Gardner. I also completed, "The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment," by Chris Martenson. More fodder for your "reality shopping" reading pleasure.
I have been frequenting the library now for over four years on a regular basis. I still station myself in the inner courtyard. I can only call it a sanctuary. I am able to view the sky and peruse the plants and trees in the garden. The air is fresh. And, I am protected from bad weather. Although, I must admit, sitting in the courtyard during a downpour is quite mystifying. I continue to read books to expand my knowledge (or keep from going senile) and also lapse in and out of a coma.
As much as I despise the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I am spending more and more time there. The café in the bookstore has been crowded every night. So, I end up sitting on one of the wooden armchairs situated around the store. The tablet computer is perfect for that, since I do not need a flat surface to use it comfortably. Sadly, I'm discovering that more and more people are seemingly looking for a sanctuary to escape to. Hence, the crowds. What, have they grown tired of the tube?
I have also observed that the number of people shopping at Foodland Farms in Aina Haina after 8pm has significantly increased over the past few weeks since I commenced my nightly grocery shopping experiment. There is now some stiff competition for the "reduced price" commodities that I specifically purchase. A few minutes late, and I'm left empty-handed. Sheesh!
Last night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I chatted with Kyle about his on-going problems with Joker. I'll spare the details because it's the same ol' shit. During the course of the discussion, I became aware that Joker has some kind of faggot's grudge against the ol' lavahead. I proposed that we schedule a meeting with Joker to air the problems once and for all, with the option of letting the landlord sit in. The objective, of course, is to find some kind of resolution. Later, I had second thoughts. What would such a meeting accomplish? Joker is emotionally bound to his "hissy fits," so absolutely nothing will reconcile the problem. Kyle and I would only end up making more concessions to the gay blade. Why bother?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Slurry Bacchanal of Nonsense
I received e-mail from Duke in Long Beach (i.e., Cali). Since my response time for e-mail can exceed several weeks, if not months, I will discuss the main issue here in the "blog." He wrote:
The netbook actually fixed itself after the last problem appeared a few days ago. I failed to elaborate that I had run through the usual software updates. A large number of new files installed were for Qt, which is what the whole Plasma system is based upon (not Javascript as I foolishly stated). After switching to the regular desktop, I have not seen the problem recur.
Portability has been my main criterion. I wanted to replace the netbook with the tablet computer. Unfortunately, the main problem is the lack of a good spreadsheet "app." That's it. The tablet computer outperforms the netbook for Web browsing, by the way. Unfortunately, the "pundits" do not seem to like that particular tablet computer. So, it may end up mummified by the manufacturer. As far as I'm concerned, though, it is the best tablet computer on the market. But, I digress. The battery life for both the netbook and the tablet computer exceed 8 or 9 hours, far better than most notebook computers.
Duke also suggested that I should "fiddle while Rome burns." I like that idea. He seems to believe, as many people erroneously do, that I am suffering from "depression." I don't think that many people really understand what "depression" is. Nor, do they understand the related ailment "dysthymia."
"Depression" is part of a larger business model to sell psychological or psychiatric services and prescribed medication. Nothing more, nothing less. It exists because the American Psychiatric Association compiled a publication called the DSM, which list all of the alleged disorders. Upon perusing the DSM, the question of accurate diagnosis becomes very apparent. Yes, diagnosis is often subjective, which leaves room for a large margin of error. It also opens the door to large profits.
Real depression is a part of life in empire. It is a recurring symptom of the failed "civilization" paradigm. It is a manifestation of the regression of the "inner animal." And, it is part of the fabric of human frailty. When depression becomes chronic, it is not a symptom of a "sick" individual. Rather, it is a reflection of a sick society.
The day? Same ol' shit. The day took a turn for the worst when I boarded the bus this afternoon to make the trek back to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I inadvertently sat on a seat that was saturated with vomit. My boardshorts and underwear were soaked. I moved to the next seat, but the damage was done. Could the four obese Micronesian babes (term used real loosely) with one fat kid, cackling away, be the culprits? Apparently, the rancid odor had insulated itself until I sat on the puddle of liquid vomit. The bus was extremely crowded, more than usual. Traffic was backed up, more than usual. A long ride, indeed. Obviously, I had to devote precious time to perform emergency laundry chores and clean myself up. The evening? Same ol' shit.
Instead, I'll just offer that you should fucking get a new computer. The laptop I'm writing on now (with a 17" screen, no less - all the more useful for hurdy-gurdy enjoyment [not that I'd know]) is i5 core, and plenty powerful, and cost me all of $650. And that was almost a year ago. Your frugality in this regard is ridiculous. You are obviously (and I really mean that - obviously) getting some "better" psychological mileage out of the hours/days/months of struggling with making an antiquated computer try to handle extremely simple modern tasks. Instead of the few hundred dollars that would solve the problem almost completely . . . for the next few years.My computer problems are actually not centered on "antiquated" equipment. Nothing is over a year old. I had to replace the original Microsoft® operating system on the netbook with Kubuntu, mainly because of the bad experience that I had with its predecessor on my old notebook computer (which had a 17-inch screen). In addition, the original operating system ran like "molasses in Winter." I have optimized Kubuntu to the point that it runs almost as fast as a regular notebook computer, no easy feat. The netbook can perform all tasks except play 720p and higher resolution video. Actually, it can play some 720p videos with lower frame rates.
The netbook actually fixed itself after the last problem appeared a few days ago. I failed to elaborate that I had run through the usual software updates. A large number of new files installed were for Qt, which is what the whole Plasma system is based upon (not Javascript as I foolishly stated). After switching to the regular desktop, I have not seen the problem recur.
Portability has been my main criterion. I wanted to replace the netbook with the tablet computer. Unfortunately, the main problem is the lack of a good spreadsheet "app." That's it. The tablet computer outperforms the netbook for Web browsing, by the way. Unfortunately, the "pundits" do not seem to like that particular tablet computer. So, it may end up mummified by the manufacturer. As far as I'm concerned, though, it is the best tablet computer on the market. But, I digress. The battery life for both the netbook and the tablet computer exceed 8 or 9 hours, far better than most notebook computers.
Duke also suggested that I should "fiddle while Rome burns." I like that idea. He seems to believe, as many people erroneously do, that I am suffering from "depression." I don't think that many people really understand what "depression" is. Nor, do they understand the related ailment "dysthymia."
"Depression" is part of a larger business model to sell psychological or psychiatric services and prescribed medication. Nothing more, nothing less. It exists because the American Psychiatric Association compiled a publication called the DSM, which list all of the alleged disorders. Upon perusing the DSM, the question of accurate diagnosis becomes very apparent. Yes, diagnosis is often subjective, which leaves room for a large margin of error. It also opens the door to large profits.
Real depression is a part of life in empire. It is a recurring symptom of the failed "civilization" paradigm. It is a manifestation of the regression of the "inner animal." And, it is part of the fabric of human frailty. When depression becomes chronic, it is not a symptom of a "sick" individual. Rather, it is a reflection of a sick society.
The day? Same ol' shit. The day took a turn for the worst when I boarded the bus this afternoon to make the trek back to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I inadvertently sat on a seat that was saturated with vomit. My boardshorts and underwear were soaked. I moved to the next seat, but the damage was done. Could the four obese Micronesian babes (term used real loosely) with one fat kid, cackling away, be the culprits? Apparently, the rancid odor had insulated itself until I sat on the puddle of liquid vomit. The bus was extremely crowded, more than usual. Traffic was backed up, more than usual. A long ride, indeed. Obviously, I had to devote precious time to perform emergency laundry chores and clean myself up. The evening? Same ol' shit.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wo Fat Foolery
Have you been viewing the newly resurrected series, "Hawai'i Five-O"? It's pretty horrendous, isn't it? Worst of all, the new series is primarily aimed at mainland consumption. If various scenes of the islands were not included, I would have had a difficult time believing that it was actually produced here. To add insult to injury, why wasn't the ol' lavahead cast as the evil "Wo Fat" character? The face of stone would have been perfect for the part. Sheesh!

Original Wo Fat
Imagine if the ol' lavahead played "Wo Fat." He would be a celebrity, albeit small time, in the islands. He'd have babes chasing after him. Heck, even the hottie gym trainer might come around. Instead, the old fool is simply an obscure nobody, growing even more obscure by the minute.
That brings me to the topic of the empire's economy. The empire has two separate economies, and I'm not referring to the "shadow" economy. No, both economies are quite out in the open. First, there's the economy of the aristocracy. That's the one we keep hearing about in the so-called "mainstream" media. It's booming, of course, thanks to the "recovery." Second, there's the economy for the rest of us, the one going through Great Depression Redux. Not surprising, there's little coverage about that.
As I've stated previously, the good times, just like Jesus, are not coming back. We can never have a full-scale "recovery" because there's just no way to create new jobs after "globalization" exported most of the decent jobs outside the borders of empire. Just take a look around you to see how bad the situation really is.
Here in Hawa'i, the financial storm was allegedly not as bad as in other parts of empire. Or, so we were told. Yet, the number of homeless people multiply daily. There have been endless mortgage defaults. Tourism is only staying afloat because of severe discounting based on vapid hope. Yes, there's hope, and then there's fantasy. There have also been a large number of public school closures. New office and retail construction continues at a brisk pace, but there are conspicuous vacancies everywhere. Interpretation: mass clinical insanity.
The day? Same ol' shit. The evening? Same ol' shit. I'm pretty much out an about every evening because I must shop for groceries incrementally. Since I am riding the bus, I have limited my payload. Often, I must allocate days to hot items and cold items, given that I must often wait for a bus that is up to 15 minutes late. And, I cannot mix perishables with, say, a freshly lamp-baked chicken. Why am I making the situation more difficult for myself? Not my fault. I am an impoverished peon.

That brings me to the topic of the empire's economy. The empire has two separate economies, and I'm not referring to the "shadow" economy. No, both economies are quite out in the open. First, there's the economy of the aristocracy. That's the one we keep hearing about in the so-called "mainstream" media. It's booming, of course, thanks to the "recovery." Second, there's the economy for the rest of us, the one going through Great Depression Redux. Not surprising, there's little coverage about that.
As I've stated previously, the good times, just like Jesus, are not coming back. We can never have a full-scale "recovery" because there's just no way to create new jobs after "globalization" exported most of the decent jobs outside the borders of empire. Just take a look around you to see how bad the situation really is.
Here in Hawa'i, the financial storm was allegedly not as bad as in other parts of empire. Or, so we were told. Yet, the number of homeless people multiply daily. There have been endless mortgage defaults. Tourism is only staying afloat because of severe discounting based on vapid hope. Yes, there's hope, and then there's fantasy. There have also been a large number of public school closures. New office and retail construction continues at a brisk pace, but there are conspicuous vacancies everywhere. Interpretation: mass clinical insanity.
The day? Same ol' shit. The evening? Same ol' shit. I'm pretty much out an about every evening because I must shop for groceries incrementally. Since I am riding the bus, I have limited my payload. Often, I must allocate days to hot items and cold items, given that I must often wait for a bus that is up to 15 minutes late. And, I cannot mix perishables with, say, a freshly lamp-baked chicken. Why am I making the situation more difficult for myself? Not my fault. I am an impoverished peon.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Post No. 1,975
"You have an accurate and professional mind." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening as a precursor to grocery shopping on the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing).
A kind of zero readership still exists (or not) for the ill-fated "blog." Actually, the "blog" is very much like the soon-to-be mummified BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. There are now hundreds of reports, "official" or otherwise, verifying that the tablet computer's last day is coming next month. The rumor is so strong now that the manufacturer will have no choice but to make the predictions come true. The tablet computer has already been classified as a failed product. Nothing can save it now. Not much can save the "blog" either.
Well, I have resurrected my netbook by simply switching the KDE interface to the regular desktop mode. Frankly, I am ready to divest myself of computers. Were it not for my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL), I would have mummified the situation a long time ago. Really? No, not really.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Human Entropy
No outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night. Just wasn't in the mood. I was bored out of my wits, though. So, I rode the bus to Aina Haina and picked up a nice fattening slice of cake for $1 (reduced price) at Foodland Farms.
Well, same ol' Sunday shit. No surprise there. The highlight of the day, of course, was an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. Too bad baby doesn't want to come around. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to avoid the myriad meatheads, dickheads, losers, morons, mental midgets, derelicts, and "Me First" imbeciles during the course of any day. The situation is getting worse. Stupidity and incivility is at a fever pitch. We're past the point of no return. And, as the world population approaches the 8 billion mark, the powderkeg that is the failed "civilization" paradigm will explode. Yeah, welcome to the secular Apocalypse.
I have read a number of interesting articles over the years by well-meaning folks. They tend to believe that, in desperate times, people will come together in community. There will be lots of sharing and caring. The "system" will collapse, but humanity will live on under a new paradigm. What a crock of shit! These well-meaning folks will be the prime targets of the aggressive pack of scavengers who will roam the land. While the pacifists debate whether to negotiate, the scavengers will pick them off one by one. We already live in that kind of society now, and the situation is far from dire. Never underestimate the "inner animal."
I don't worry too much about the fate of humanity anymore. I have too little time left. The secular Apocalypse is inevitable. Let's just call it "human entropy." In about 150 years, humans will live an early Iron Age life-style which will continue until the sun eventually goes red star. There will never be a return to the frantic mess we see today. We have nearly depleted all of our resources. And, no, technology will not come to the rescue. We are rapidly approaching the limits of technology. We've exploited the laws of physics right up to the quantum boundaries of the universe.
Sadly, there will be several overshoots during the denouement of humanity, occurring in population, species extinction, and so forth. All overshoots will result in a lot of pain and suffering. Natural attrition will be the rule of order. Human entropy.
Well, I ended up at the den of consumerism in Kahala. No beverages. I left the netbook running in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). It is downloading a few more choice video clips for my valuable collection. The netbook is definitely suffering from some kind of problem with the Kubuntu operating system (OS). I can't say that I'm thrilled. Obviously, I will have install a different OS. More entropy at play, I suppose.
Well, same ol' Sunday shit. No surprise there. The highlight of the day, of course, was an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. Too bad baby doesn't want to come around. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to avoid the myriad meatheads, dickheads, losers, morons, mental midgets, derelicts, and "Me First" imbeciles during the course of any day. The situation is getting worse. Stupidity and incivility is at a fever pitch. We're past the point of no return. And, as the world population approaches the 8 billion mark, the powderkeg that is the failed "civilization" paradigm will explode. Yeah, welcome to the secular Apocalypse.
I have read a number of interesting articles over the years by well-meaning folks. They tend to believe that, in desperate times, people will come together in community. There will be lots of sharing and caring. The "system" will collapse, but humanity will live on under a new paradigm. What a crock of shit! These well-meaning folks will be the prime targets of the aggressive pack of scavengers who will roam the land. While the pacifists debate whether to negotiate, the scavengers will pick them off one by one. We already live in that kind of society now, and the situation is far from dire. Never underestimate the "inner animal."
I don't worry too much about the fate of humanity anymore. I have too little time left. The secular Apocalypse is inevitable. Let's just call it "human entropy." In about 150 years, humans will live an early Iron Age life-style which will continue until the sun eventually goes red star. There will never be a return to the frantic mess we see today. We have nearly depleted all of our resources. And, no, technology will not come to the rescue. We are rapidly approaching the limits of technology. We've exploited the laws of physics right up to the quantum boundaries of the universe.
Sadly, there will be several overshoots during the denouement of humanity, occurring in population, species extinction, and so forth. All overshoots will result in a lot of pain and suffering. Natural attrition will be the rule of order. Human entropy.
Well, I ended up at the den of consumerism in Kahala. No beverages. I left the netbook running in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). It is downloading a few more choice video clips for my valuable collection. The netbook is definitely suffering from some kind of problem with the Kubuntu operating system (OS). I can't say that I'm thrilled. Obviously, I will have install a different OS. More entropy at play, I suppose.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
General Dullness XII
Same ol' shit. I'm not complaining, mind you. I had an interesting chat with a 68-year-old homeless babe (term used loosely) at the bus stop adjacent to Chinatown Gateway Plaza. The metal homeless-proof benches are about 50 feet away from the bus stop and usually populated by derelicts. Since I am not concerned about who is sitting there, I will usually sit down if there is a spot open. My chat with the homeless person was actually quite interesting. She was intelligent but semi-lucid. In other words, she had lost her mind some time ago. In a previous life, she was a teacher. Now, she lives on the streets near the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. She told me of her stint in jail, her legal case against the local police for brutality, the large amount of money that she made panhandling earlier in the day, amongst other colorful stories. I was also given a few homeless tips.
Odd, isn't it? Derelicts of all kinds are chatting with the ol' lavahead. Does he really Look like a homeless guy or a fellow derelict? I can only assume so. Of course, that may work to my advantage when the empire falls into deep social decline.
My netbook is once again giving me grief. The entire KDE desktop turns different colors based loosely upon what is displayed in the Web browser. My guess is that the KDE Plasma desktop is written in Javascript. Some renegade code is obviously causing the problem.
The BlackBerry® PlayBook® is now the laughingstock of the tablet computer world. Prices are dropping rapidly. Some sources are saying that the tablet will soon be mummified and sold for $99. The target date for its demise is circa October 20th, coincidentally when the revamped operating system is to be released. I'm guessing that the "October Surprise" is the most probable outcome. Again, I picked a loser. Sheesh!
Odd, isn't it? Derelicts of all kinds are chatting with the ol' lavahead. Does he really Look like a homeless guy or a fellow derelict? I can only assume so. Of course, that may work to my advantage when the empire falls into deep social decline.
My netbook is once again giving me grief. The entire KDE desktop turns different colors based loosely upon what is displayed in the Web browser. My guess is that the KDE Plasma desktop is written in Javascript. Some renegade code is obviously causing the problem.
The BlackBerry® PlayBook® is now the laughingstock of the tablet computer world. Prices are dropping rapidly. Some sources are saying that the tablet will soon be mummified and sold for $99. The target date for its demise is circa October 20th, coincidentally when the revamped operating system is to be released. I'm guessing that the "October Surprise" is the most probable outcome. Again, I picked a loser. Sheesh!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Slow Motion (Reprise)
Usual Hawa'i Kai visit. Moms and I really do not have much to discuss. Moms wants to see me in person to be assured that I am fine. I suppose that I can say the same. So, useless discussions are unnecessary.
I really did not want to spend the evening at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. However, I had absolutely no food in the fridge. Since I absolutely refuse to shop for groceries before 8pm, I had no other choice. And, since I am transporting myself by bus, I may as well make the most of the outing.
My last thought for the day deals with my frustration with the fast pace of urban life in empire. I can't stand it. And, as crowded as the islands are, I have very little room to maneuver at my slow, relaxed, senior citizen pace. I've mummified any activity that can cause an increase in pace or early hypertension. That's why I don't concern myself much with either the "mainstream" or alternative news anymore. I only skim through the material. Most of that crap will only cause little more than an increase in blood pressure. That's another reason why I do not want to return to wage slavery. I want to relax. I want peace and quiet. I want to experience the universe less the human-concocted nonsense. I want to discover what life really is.
I really did not want to spend the evening at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. However, I had absolutely no food in the fridge. Since I absolutely refuse to shop for groceries before 8pm, I had no other choice. And, since I am transporting myself by bus, I may as well make the most of the outing.
My last thought for the day deals with my frustration with the fast pace of urban life in empire. I can't stand it. And, as crowded as the islands are, I have very little room to maneuver at my slow, relaxed, senior citizen pace. I've mummified any activity that can cause an increase in pace or early hypertension. That's why I don't concern myself much with either the "mainstream" or alternative news anymore. I only skim through the material. Most of that crap will only cause little more than an increase in blood pressure. That's another reason why I do not want to return to wage slavery. I want to relax. I want peace and quiet. I want to experience the universe less the human-concocted nonsense. I want to discover what life really is.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
General Dullness XI
Absolutely nothing of importance transpired, leaving me to one conclusion: same ol' shit. No outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) this evening either. Blame it all on lethargy. Who knew?
Incidentally, I must disclose that I was not given an offer for the full-time faculty position. Ralph, dean at HCC, only made it possible for me to qualify as a candidate. I would still have to submit an application and go through the interview procedure, something that I don't particularly care for. As you may recall, I have never gone through the interview process for any of my previous faculty stints. And, I'm not planning to go through one now.
Frankly, I prefer my life the way it is now. I live in abject poverty. I have very little of anything. When I finally divest my major holdings, I will be done with the status quo. Unfortunately, for the time being, I must live in a substandard residence and eat a substandard diet. In the end, though, "freedom" will remain preferable and sustainable. I have no reason to return to the so-called "mainstream."
Incidentally, I must disclose that I was not given an offer for the full-time faculty position. Ralph, dean at HCC, only made it possible for me to qualify as a candidate. I would still have to submit an application and go through the interview procedure, something that I don't particularly care for. As you may recall, I have never gone through the interview process for any of my previous faculty stints. And, I'm not planning to go through one now.
Frankly, I prefer my life the way it is now. I live in abject poverty. I have very little of anything. When I finally divest my major holdings, I will be done with the status quo. Unfortunately, for the time being, I must live in a substandard residence and eat a substandard diet. In the end, though, "freedom" will remain preferable and sustainable. I have no reason to return to the so-called "mainstream."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Last Temptation
At the library, I ran into Ralph, a dean at HCC. He had a bereavement day off to take care of some business concerning his father's funeral. Ralph's father passed on a few days ago. He also briefly described a couple of faculty opening, one at the HCC campus itself. The position is for a full-time faculty member to teach core classes in electricity, electronics, and physics. Ralph said that he composed the candidate requirements around my qualifications. I was somewhat flattered. Ralph is apparently attempting to help me secure a decent faculty position.
Unfortunately, Ralph has also presented me with a major conundrum. On the one hand, I would have a decent income. In one year, given my frugality, I would be able to compensate for the entire 4.5-year loss in savings while semi-retired. I would be able to move out of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) into a more tolerable residence, which would be a necessity. I would also be able make up the losses from the detestable "condotel" unit. And, I would have health insurance and a partially vested pension plan. Tempting, isn't it?
On the other hand, I would be returning to the bondage of wage slavery. I would be putting myself right back into the core of the "system." Imagine how quickly time will fly when I find myself back in the hamster wheel. Heck, I'm already pushing sixty! Well, at least I won't be tempted to pursue endless consumerism. Yet, what good will my savings be when I'm a decrepit senior citizen? I will be robbed by the healthcare (sic) "system" in the end anyway.
In any case, I plan to meet with Ralph to discuss the matter further, at least to determine whether I could fulfill the responsibilities of the position. From there, I can determine the feasibility of my options and whether my "freedom" is ultimately important.
Otherwise, same ol' shit. I managed to restore my extreme monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. I ended up at den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening with tablet computer in hand. No beverages. Mainly, I had to shop for a couple of grocery items before returning to Slob Manor.
My condolences go out to Troy Davis, executed earlier today in Georgia for a crime he did not commit. My guess is that Davis was a test case, an example, to see how far the totalitarian fascist empire can push the limits of justice (sic) without violent public outrage. To add insult to injury, Davis had been incarcerated for over two decades which, at this point in time, can be construed as torture given his demise. The empire, glossed over by idiotic Pauline Christian hypocrisy, is not a compassionate society. Each day, as the masses of rank-and-file peons tolerate increasingly more abuse, they relinquish more and more of what little remains of their collective power and dignity.
Unfortunately, Ralph has also presented me with a major conundrum. On the one hand, I would have a decent income. In one year, given my frugality, I would be able to compensate for the entire 4.5-year loss in savings while semi-retired. I would be able to move out of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) into a more tolerable residence, which would be a necessity. I would also be able make up the losses from the detestable "condotel" unit. And, I would have health insurance and a partially vested pension plan. Tempting, isn't it?
On the other hand, I would be returning to the bondage of wage slavery. I would be putting myself right back into the core of the "system." Imagine how quickly time will fly when I find myself back in the hamster wheel. Heck, I'm already pushing sixty! Well, at least I won't be tempted to pursue endless consumerism. Yet, what good will my savings be when I'm a decrepit senior citizen? I will be robbed by the healthcare (sic) "system" in the end anyway.
In any case, I plan to meet with Ralph to discuss the matter further, at least to determine whether I could fulfill the responsibilities of the position. From there, I can determine the feasibility of my options and whether my "freedom" is ultimately important.
Otherwise, same ol' shit. I managed to restore my extreme monk haircut at the Institute of Hair Design. I ended up at den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening with tablet computer in hand. No beverages. Mainly, I had to shop for a couple of grocery items before returning to Slob Manor.
My condolences go out to Troy Davis, executed earlier today in Georgia for a crime he did not commit. My guess is that Davis was a test case, an example, to see how far the totalitarian fascist empire can push the limits of justice (sic) without violent public outrage. To add insult to injury, Davis had been incarcerated for over two decades which, at this point in time, can be construed as torture given his demise. The empire, glossed over by idiotic Pauline Christian hypocrisy, is not a compassionate society. Each day, as the masses of rank-and-file peons tolerate increasingly more abuse, they relinquish more and more of what little remains of their collective power and dignity.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Post No. 1,969
Same ol' shit. At the library, I am reading about five or six books concurrently. I have no choice since the individual books are often checked out and not returned for several weeks. No listing necessary. I also ran into my "homeless" buddy. No outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening.

Joker, Formerly Known as "Meathead"
Back at Slob Manor (rental housing) this afternoon, Kyle told both Alan and I that Joker has been letting his rodent-like dogs urinate freely in the living room and kitchen on the first floor again. Kyle has yet to realize that Joker is very defiant and very ornery. The only language that Joker understands is violence (or fudgepackin'). What Kyle needs to do is shove Joker's hideous face into the puddle of piss (read: urine). Otherwise, the faggot just needs to be "put down."

Monday, September 19, 2011
Apocalyptic Tidbits
"The coming month shall bring winds of change in your life." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. By the way, the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) wireless router was operational again last night about 30 minutes after I returned from the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I commend whomever it was that reset the router.
I was back at the den of consumerism in Kahala this evening mainly because I had to shop for groceries on the way back to Slob Manor. I cannot bring myself to shop any earlier than 8pm because of the crowds and the imbeciles who comprise the latter. In addition, I benefit from the selection of "reduced price" products.
Have you ruminated upon my brief digression on the topic of the secular Apocalypse yesterday? I believe that my estimation of 150 years was conservative. The forced regression of humanity to the early Iron Age may come sooner, if humans manage to survive without destroying themselves. I don't expect that the transition will be smooth. There will be a lot of pain and suffering, mostly in the peon classes. There will be wars, famines, natural disasters ... say, that sounds like the religious Armageddon myth, doesn't it? Well, I never implied that the fanatical religious thinkers were morons. They certainly knew and studied human nature.
Have you heard anything about the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns lately? Out of sight, out of mind. Can't see radionuclide particles anyway. Oh, they're still there, raining down upon us as fallout. I'm almost certain that the rank-and-file peons in Japan are just as unaware as we are. We'll only learn the truth in 20 years when there's a spike in cancer rates. It will be known as the Fukushima Spike. If we research hard enough, we'll discover that there were three meltdowns for certain. We'll also discover that radioactive particles are being spewed into the atmosphere at the same rate as during the alleged peak of the crisis. What does that tell you?
Have you noticed that I have kept my discussions at a simple level once the zero readership level was reached? Yeah, no sense wasting any more time than necessary on the "blog." Incidentally, all of my personal concerns and tribulations remain at "high anxiety" levels. Nothing has changed. No progress has been made. Did we expect anything less?
On a side note, I had a minor bout of the common cold for about three days. Fortunately, I had a moderate amount of cold and flu elixir lying around. So, I was able to "nip it in the bud" before the common cold got worse.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Disconnected (Yet Again)
Same ol' Sunday shit.[Disconnected]
The new wireless router at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) went down at about 5:45pm. I did not want to hike around the dump to the storage room where the equipment is located. So, I was on my way to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala shortly afterward with tablet computer in hand. The whole business with the cheap router is fatiguing.
The mall was packed with rude and idiotic people as usual. Incivility is definitely on the rise, what with all the arrogance. I'm speaking of the class of people who believe that they are part of the "upper class." The key word is "believe." Frankly, I am not very amused.
I live in a world of extremely stupid people who perpetrate extremely stupid acts. From macrocosm to microcosm, stupidity reigns. Stupidity is all-encompassing, homogeneous. Humanity as we know it (i.e., a world of fools) probably only has about 150 years of time left before natural attrition takes effect, that is, if humans do not destroy themselves first. In any case, resource depletion is inevitable. And, I'm not just speaking of petroleum. Humans have also been mining minerals increasingly to the point of scarcity. Many of those minerals can never be recovered because of dispersion or dilution.
Humans will eventually be forced back to the early Iron Age life-style. With a severe shortage of minerals, there will be no way to even produce steel. Oil will cease to be plentiful, and nothing else is poised to be a suitable replacement. I'm sure that we all know the rest of the story. What is sad is that we are only looking at another three generations before the time of reckoning. The assumption is that the decline will be gradual, which is terribly foolish. Any large-scale disaster could precipitate a faster decline or a major collapse. Yet, as we move into that "gray area," I see nothing that resembles any kind of preparation. We continue to waste resources, wage wars, make babies, and engage in all forms of stupidity. I really don't understand.
The new wireless router at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) went down at about 5:45pm. I did not want to hike around the dump to the storage room where the equipment is located. So, I was on my way to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala shortly afterward with tablet computer in hand. The whole business with the cheap router is fatiguing.
The mall was packed with rude and idiotic people as usual. Incivility is definitely on the rise, what with all the arrogance. I'm speaking of the class of people who believe that they are part of the "upper class." The key word is "believe." Frankly, I am not very amused.
I live in a world of extremely stupid people who perpetrate extremely stupid acts. From macrocosm to microcosm, stupidity reigns. Stupidity is all-encompassing, homogeneous. Humanity as we know it (i.e., a world of fools) probably only has about 150 years of time left before natural attrition takes effect, that is, if humans do not destroy themselves first. In any case, resource depletion is inevitable. And, I'm not just speaking of petroleum. Humans have also been mining minerals increasingly to the point of scarcity. Many of those minerals can never be recovered because of dispersion or dilution.
Humans will eventually be forced back to the early Iron Age life-style. With a severe shortage of minerals, there will be no way to even produce steel. Oil will cease to be plentiful, and nothing else is poised to be a suitable replacement. I'm sure that we all know the rest of the story. What is sad is that we are only looking at another three generations before the time of reckoning. The assumption is that the decline will be gradual, which is terribly foolish. Any large-scale disaster could precipitate a faster decline or a major collapse. Yet, as we move into that "gray area," I see nothing that resembles any kind of preparation. We continue to waste resources, wage wars, make babies, and engage in all forms of stupidity. I really don't understand.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
General Dullness X
Same ol' urban nomad shit. No outing this evening. General dullness? Yes, general dullness. I really should take an hiatus when there's nothing to discuss. After all, the continuity of the "blog" was destroyed four months ago.

BlackBerry® PlayBook®
As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I am mostly satisfied with my BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. The latest news is that the operating system (OS) is slated for a major revision next month. I'm not excited about some of the changes such as the boring native PIM "apps." Don't want 'em, don't need 'em. Unfortunately, there's not a word about a decent spreadsheet "app." Users complain about lack of functionality, but all they really want are game "apps" and other useless crap. Why not just purchase an Apple® iPad® already?
Speaking of the iPad®, there are supposedly millions of them sold. However, I rarely see anyone toting one around. Most people are lugging around huge notebook computers. Where are all of those iPad®s?
Oh well. I will spend the evening downloading a few more choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. And, I will be listening to a new mix by Deep House Cat. Essentially, chokin' da chicken on all fronts. That about all there is to life, isn't it?

Speaking of the iPad®, there are supposedly millions of them sold. However, I rarely see anyone toting one around. Most people are lugging around huge notebook computers. Where are all of those iPad®s?
Oh well. I will spend the evening downloading a few more choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. And, I will be listening to a new mix by Deep House Cat. Essentially, chokin' da chicken on all fronts. That about all there is to life, isn't it?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Zero Readership
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Still nothing new to report, which is good. In all seriousness, though, my visits with moms are all that's left of my "previous" life, as it were. Sometimes I look forward to the exodus, other times not so much.
After my brief discussion about empire yesterday in the "blog," I began to wonder how a nation of only 300 million people (five percent of world population), with real unemployment at 25 percent, could possibly afford to wage wars on several fronts. Then, I realized that the empire is doubling its debt every ten years (i.e., exponentially). Thus, in another ten years, the empire's debt will be over $100 trillion (including liabilities). What do we make of that? Of course, Germany under Adolf Hitler's rule was a small nation that completely overran Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. And, it had just barely survived the first World War.
Well, with zero readership of the "blog," I should not be expending too much effort to compose any more gibberish. I'm better off concentrating my efforts on hurdy-gurdy video downloading, that is, when I return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) after another evening outing at the detestable den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala.
After my brief discussion about empire yesterday in the "blog," I began to wonder how a nation of only 300 million people (five percent of world population), with real unemployment at 25 percent, could possibly afford to wage wars on several fronts. Then, I realized that the empire is doubling its debt every ten years (i.e., exponentially). Thus, in another ten years, the empire's debt will be over $100 trillion (including liabilities). What do we make of that? Of course, Germany under Adolf Hitler's rule was a small nation that completely overran Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. And, it had just barely survived the first World War.
Well, with zero readership of the "blog," I should not be expending too much effort to compose any more gibberish. I'm better off concentrating my efforts on hurdy-gurdy video downloading, that is, when I return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) after another evening outing at the detestable den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Apocalypse Now! (Reprise)
Same ol' shit. Joker wasn't at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) last night, so all was quiet. Perhaps he got himself some fudgepackin' action. Kyle is pretty fed up with Joker, referring to gay blade as "fat fuck" and "fucking faggot" now. Never a dull moment at the dump.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again since Joker was back in his lair and up to his old tricks again. No beverages, though. I was able to procure a decaffeinated beverage last night, which I badly craved.
I had planned a lengthy dissertation about the upcoming secular Apocalypse, but the return of zero readership of the "blog" caused a rapid change of heart. Just know that I have been intuitively sensing that something is seriously amiss. The empire may be in the twilight of its existence after all. The key is the increase in military adventures abroad to secure hegemony, buffer its worthless currency, increase fragmentation of second world nations, and expand control of rapidly depleting natural resources. Meanwhile, the empire is self-destructing internally. There are now two separate economies within.
After much analysis, I have concluded that the empire cannot return to the days of old when prosperity was more uniform. There have been drastic changes made to the core infrastructure that can no longer be reversed. Yes, we have already passed the tipping point. When the severe austerity measures are invoked by the powers-that-be, the empire will be taking the final steps to consolidate its domestic power under totalitarian fascism. "Western" civilization is crumbling, which is why select European powers are now symbiotically intertwined with empire in rogue imperial adventures.
The secular Apocalypse calls for several impending crises to converge nearly simultaneously and trigger negative synergistic events. We are looking at a completely human-concocted Apocalypse, not the ridiculous Armageddon myth of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). Yet, the secular Apocalypse will release a fury of religious dimensions.
On a side note, I really like my little tablet computer. However, I seem to be in the minority. The latest rumors are that the BlackBerry® PlayBook® will be discontinued just like a certain other branded tablet. The company is also predicted to go under very soon. The only major fault that I can cite is the lack of a real spreadsheet "app." That's it.
I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again since Joker was back in his lair and up to his old tricks again. No beverages, though. I was able to procure a decaffeinated beverage last night, which I badly craved.
I had planned a lengthy dissertation about the upcoming secular Apocalypse, but the return of zero readership of the "blog" caused a rapid change of heart. Just know that I have been intuitively sensing that something is seriously amiss. The empire may be in the twilight of its existence after all. The key is the increase in military adventures abroad to secure hegemony, buffer its worthless currency, increase fragmentation of second world nations, and expand control of rapidly depleting natural resources. Meanwhile, the empire is self-destructing internally. There are now two separate economies within.
After much analysis, I have concluded that the empire cannot return to the days of old when prosperity was more uniform. There have been drastic changes made to the core infrastructure that can no longer be reversed. Yes, we have already passed the tipping point. When the severe austerity measures are invoked by the powers-that-be, the empire will be taking the final steps to consolidate its domestic power under totalitarian fascism. "Western" civilization is crumbling, which is why select European powers are now symbiotically intertwined with empire in rogue imperial adventures.
The secular Apocalypse calls for several impending crises to converge nearly simultaneously and trigger negative synergistic events. We are looking at a completely human-concocted Apocalypse, not the ridiculous Armageddon myth of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). Yet, the secular Apocalypse will release a fury of religious dimensions.
On a side note, I really like my little tablet computer. However, I seem to be in the minority. The latest rumors are that the BlackBerry® PlayBook® will be discontinued just like a certain other branded tablet. The company is also predicted to go under very soon. The only major fault that I can cite is the lack of a real spreadsheet "app." That's it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Seclusion Delusion
Same ol' shit? No kidding. In the evenings, I've been spending time at the despicable den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. The café has been extremely crowded, so no beverages (i.e., no expenses incurred). Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has become intolerable, and not purely because of Joker. Rather, I may actually be losing my mind. Can you believe it? After all of these years of keeping my sanity intact, I'm about to let my mind "throw in the towel."
Before that happens, I will attempt to complete my obligations to the "blog," whatever that may entail. The "blog" is really my last connection to the outside world. I am now completely cut off, socially speaking. I have no contact with anyone in ages. Even long-time friends have given up. Not that I blame them. I have done nothing to maintain contact. And, I absolutely refuse to use any Net social networking tools.
I don't even want to talk anymore. I avoid conversations like the plague. I have nothing to add anyway. I no longer discuss politics, religion, science, pseudoscience, current affairs, finance, personal interests, hobbies, sports, or anything else. I divulge nothing about myself (except in the "blog"). What I think matters very little in the general scheme of things anyway. and, I am a misanthrope.
I really don't know what the future has in store for me. Where will I go? What will I do? Traveling is not high on my list of priorities. In fact, I abhor the thought. Yet, I will need to relocate elsewhere, possibly outside the empire. Where? Puerto Rico? Costa Rica? Belize? Mexico? Cuba? Thailand? I'm not keen on the idea of becoming a nomad of empire. While traveling around the empire in a dilapidated van may sound enticing, I could not see myself, an ethnic minority, stumbling around alone in many parts of the increasingly racist empire. Heck, I might be mistaken for a "terrorist." And, really, who knows what could happen when the secular Apocalypse strikes?
What I really need is a long tenure of seclusion with absolutely no contact with other humans. No stupid human tricks. No mental midgetry. No crowds. No rampant consumerism. Not to worry, though. I know that seclusion is just not possible in an overpopulated planet. There's nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. The only escape is insanity.
On a side note, here are a few choice quotations to ponder:
Before that happens, I will attempt to complete my obligations to the "blog," whatever that may entail. The "blog" is really my last connection to the outside world. I am now completely cut off, socially speaking. I have no contact with anyone in ages. Even long-time friends have given up. Not that I blame them. I have done nothing to maintain contact. And, I absolutely refuse to use any Net social networking tools.
I don't even want to talk anymore. I avoid conversations like the plague. I have nothing to add anyway. I no longer discuss politics, religion, science, pseudoscience, current affairs, finance, personal interests, hobbies, sports, or anything else. I divulge nothing about myself (except in the "blog"). What I think matters very little in the general scheme of things anyway. and, I am a misanthrope.
I really don't know what the future has in store for me. Where will I go? What will I do? Traveling is not high on my list of priorities. In fact, I abhor the thought. Yet, I will need to relocate elsewhere, possibly outside the empire. Where? Puerto Rico? Costa Rica? Belize? Mexico? Cuba? Thailand? I'm not keen on the idea of becoming a nomad of empire. While traveling around the empire in a dilapidated van may sound enticing, I could not see myself, an ethnic minority, stumbling around alone in many parts of the increasingly racist empire. Heck, I might be mistaken for a "terrorist." And, really, who knows what could happen when the secular Apocalypse strikes?
What I really need is a long tenure of seclusion with absolutely no contact with other humans. No stupid human tricks. No mental midgetry. No crowds. No rampant consumerism. Not to worry, though. I know that seclusion is just not possible in an overpopulated planet. There's nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. The only escape is insanity.
On a side note, here are a few choice quotations to ponder:
"In traditional cultures, the elders are expected to remember the essential things that everyone else keeps forgetting. After "growing up," a person is supposed to grow down and become rooted deeper in the ground of being, like an old tree that draws from ever deeper resources. In traditional cultures, the elders were considered to be a valuable resource without whose guidance the whole society could lose its way.I'm too fatigued to include the links to the original articles. Thanks goodness for search engines, eh?
Yet in modern life, instead of people growing "older and wiser," people can simply grow older and older. People can live longer and longer without becoming any wiser for it. When there is no genuine growth in growing older, aging can become all about loss. The longer people live the more of life they seem to lose. Instead of developing wise and seasoned "elders" who can help others find meaningful ways to live, modern societies are in danger of producing "olders" who blindly seek ways to hold onto life at any cost." -- Micheal Meade
"That so-called economy they're trying to bring back? It's gone, baby, gone. I saw the remnants of it in the supermarket yesterday afternoon, endless freezer displays of unbelievable food-like shit such as Fridays® frozen fried cheddar-stuffed jalepeno poppers and something called 'Rattlesnake Pasta.' What kind of people are we? Is Huitzilopochtli behind all this, fattening us up for the altar?" -- James Kunstler
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Post No. 1,962
Last night, I was greeted by the sight of a full moon when I exited the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. The sky was relatively clear. I could see the details of the illuminated orb's surface. It's hard to believe that the tiny circle of light is actually a massive satellite of rock that is orbiting our planet. The universe is a strange place, isn't it?
Later, I may discuss a few ludicrous subjects that have been sloshing around in the deep caverns of the oversized cranium including:
The day? Same ol' shit. The evening? Same ol' den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala shit. No, nothing important transpired. Essentially, I wasted another precious day of life.
Well, on to the mundane. I have decided that I am proud of my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Although the collection is massive, it takes up no more space than the physical dimensions of a portable hard drive. I have invested a lot of time in locating the best video clips with the hottest hurdy-gurdy stars. Who would not be proud of such a fine collection. Sure beats the heck out of stamp or coin collections, eh?
Later, I may discuss a few ludicrous subjects that have been sloshing around in the deep caverns of the oversized cranium including:
- How randomness and chaos are not what they seem to be,
- Why the existence of two genetically compatible proto-humans of each gender is unlikely a chance event,
- Why consciousness is impossible without language.
The day? Same ol' shit. The evening? Same ol' den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala shit. No, nothing important transpired. Essentially, I wasted another precious day of life.
Well, on to the mundane. I have decided that I am proud of my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Although the collection is massive, it takes up no more space than the physical dimensions of a portable hard drive. I have invested a lot of time in locating the best video clips with the hottest hurdy-gurdy stars. Who would not be proud of such a fine collection. Sure beats the heck out of stamp or coin collections, eh?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Wit's End Redux
Well, I spent from 3pm, when I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) yesterday afternoon, until midnight in my squalid room piddling with my netbook computer. I was, more or less, downloading endless hurdy-gurdy video clips for my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). In essence, that was the extent of my "September 11th" memorial service. Blasphemous? Who cares?
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report as moms and I silently mingled with myriad senior citizens out on a shopping spree. There is really nothing more pathetic. Old folks hobbling around and spending their retirement money on useless crap. For me, the ultimate horror is seeing what I will look like in just a few years.
Reluctantly, I made the outing to the detestable den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Of course, the main purpose of the outing was to shop for groceries on my way back to the dump known as Slob Manor. While I sat at bus stop, I observed a full-arc rainbow. I was simply in awe. Yet, moments such as the latter are often completely obscured by stupidity, usually stupid human tricks. Can you imagine that faggot Joker washing his two rodent-like dogs at 3am in the morning and making a huge ruckus? I am constantly inundated with such nonsense.
I'm really at wit's end. Throw in a few anxiety attacks for good measure and you'll understand my predicament. I have very few expectations at this point time, but none are being met. I am constantly thwarted at every turn. I am living in an empire populated by mental midgets. I simply cannot overstate the problem. I am a mental midget myself, but the other mental midgets in my proximity make me look like a genius. Sheesh!
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report as moms and I silently mingled with myriad senior citizens out on a shopping spree. There is really nothing more pathetic. Old folks hobbling around and spending their retirement money on useless crap. For me, the ultimate horror is seeing what I will look like in just a few years.
Reluctantly, I made the outing to the detestable den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Of course, the main purpose of the outing was to shop for groceries on my way back to the dump known as Slob Manor. While I sat at bus stop, I observed a full-arc rainbow. I was simply in awe. Yet, moments such as the latter are often completely obscured by stupidity, usually stupid human tricks. Can you imagine that faggot Joker washing his two rodent-like dogs at 3am in the morning and making a huge ruckus? I am constantly inundated with such nonsense.
I'm really at wit's end. Throw in a few anxiety attacks for good measure and you'll understand my predicament. I have very few expectations at this point time, but none are being met. I am constantly thwarted at every turn. I am living in an empire populated by mental midgets. I simply cannot overstate the problem. I am a mental midget myself, but the other mental midgets in my proximity make me look like a genius. Sheesh!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11th Farce
So, here it is, ten years after the "September 11th" event. Lots of commemorative nonsense going on. As far as I'm concerned, though, all the "September 11th" event did was bring about the police state transformation called the United Fascist States of Empire (UFSE). It brought us an endless number of imperial wars. It caused the moneychangers to overthrow their own "system" and extort even more wealth out of the latter. Yeah, that's something to remember.

Typical September 11th Hottie
Of course, I still don't accept the "official" story. Too many unanswered questions. And, no "official" response forthcoming. Fishy, isn't it? Well, it too damned late to do anything about it. The time was ripe about nine years ago, but increasing fragmentation of the core dissenting groups was the eventual demise for the truth. With that said, I've come up with my own axiom called Lavahead's Razor:
Same ol' Sunday shit. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary transpired. No outing this evening. So, I was privy to listen to Joker stomping around and dropping heavy objects on the floor above my squalid room. Joker has become extremely defiant. Even Kyle was close to the point of violence. Yet, I warned Kyle that Joker is very crafty. He's looking to set anyone up for a bogus lawsuit. That's how Joker earns his living, if you want to call it that. Joker needs to be taught a lesson. He cannot be reasoned with. Instead, Joker must be "put down" with "extreme prejudice." Of course, that's probably what he wants. Well, he most likely wants to be tied up and whipped. If he can't have that, then he'll settle for a civil lawsuit (read: big money) for a homosexual "hate" crime. Damned faggot!

- If it smells "fishy," then it is fishy
- If it sounds "fishy," then it is fishy
- If it looks "fishy," then it is fishy
- If it feels "fishy," then it is fishy.
Same ol' Sunday shit. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary transpired. No outing this evening. So, I was privy to listen to Joker stomping around and dropping heavy objects on the floor above my squalid room. Joker has become extremely defiant. Even Kyle was close to the point of violence. Yet, I warned Kyle that Joker is very crafty. He's looking to set anyone up for a bogus lawsuit. That's how Joker earns his living, if you want to call it that. Joker needs to be taught a lesson. He cannot be reasoned with. Instead, Joker must be "put down" with "extreme prejudice." Of course, that's probably what he wants. Well, he most likely wants to be tied up and whipped. If he can't have that, then he'll settle for a civil lawsuit (read: big money) for a homosexual "hate" crime. Damned faggot!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Post No. 1,959
Same ol' shit. Nada to report. No outing this evening, which was a good decision. There was a sudden downpour at 8pm. I happened to chat with Kyle at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this evening. He was rudely awakened by Joker at 2:20am this morning. Joker was apparently stomping around and also allegedly washing his rodent-like dogs, if you can believe it. I was awakened, too, but I thought the fool was piddling around with his computer. As I've stated previously, Joker is mentally ill.
I am definitely going to continue to shop for groceries in the evening, most likely when I am on my way back from the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I was able to procure a couple of hot meals for $3 each and a slice of apple pie for $1 at Foodland Farms. After 8pm, a lot of the items are reduced in price for quick sale. Of course, the homeless and the destitute still eat far better than I.
Speaking of the homeless, I was observing them at the Chinatown Gateway Park (actually Dr. Sun Yet Sen Park) while I was waiting for the bus. A lot of them congregate there in the afternoon when the food line opens. I'm really not sure if any of them realize that their life-style will be permanent. Few, if any, will ever rise up out of destitution. And, more and more peons will be joining their ranks over time. Truly sad.
I am definitely going to continue to shop for groceries in the evening, most likely when I am on my way back from the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I was able to procure a couple of hot meals for $3 each and a slice of apple pie for $1 at Foodland Farms. After 8pm, a lot of the items are reduced in price for quick sale. Of course, the homeless and the destitute still eat far better than I.
Speaking of the homeless, I was observing them at the Chinatown Gateway Park (actually Dr. Sun Yet Sen Park) while I was waiting for the bus. A lot of them congregate there in the afternoon when the food line opens. I'm really not sure if any of them realize that their life-style will be permanent. Few, if any, will ever rise up out of destitution. And, more and more peons will be joining their ranks over time. Truly sad.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Bogus Evolution
Last night, I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. No beverages. The café has been completely packed all week. I stopped off at Foodland Farms in the Aina Haina Shopping Center. I was able to procure a delicious slice of cake for one dollar. Instead of riding the bus, I walked back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). With the on-going heatwave, the walk turned out to be very enjoyable.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I ended up at the den of consumerism in Kahala again this evening. I was finally able to enjoy a fine decaffeinated beverage in the café. Later, I stopped off at the Aina Haina Shopping Center to shop for groceries.
For no particular reason, I was having much difficulty in even mildly accepting the theory of evolution. First, we must accept that spontaneous generation was responsible for the first, albeit crude, lifeform. The first lifeform was most likely an androgynous single cell. Statistically speaking, the probability of such a cell emerging from some kind of amino acid "soup" would be nearly negligible. Yet, even if such a cell did miraculously appear, it couldnot have survived for very long. And, it couldnot reproduce. Thus, many more cells would have had to spontaneously generate over a short period of time in order to "evolve," a statistical impossibility. In addition, the new spontaneously generated cells would have to possess some kind of genetic antecedent to eventually innovate a system of reproduction. How would that be possible if the cells ancestors had disappearedwithout being able to pass genetic information?
The theory becomes even more muddled when explanations are offered about how a single cell could, over only a period of a few million years, develop into higher level lifeforms. That's why science, or pseudoscience, has become a religion. We are constantly asked to have faith and to believe. I cannot buy into that crap.
I have also been perusing a few titles in the science section of Barnes & Noble®, specifically about the brain and consciousness. Frankly, I am observing the same phenomenon: steps in evolution make incredibly complex leaps with no apparent guidance or credible reason (e.g., eyes "evolve" even though the organism has no idea about what it can't see or even what vision itself entails). Makes no sense.
On a side note, my netbook is functioning properly again. There's no computer virus or rootkit since I am using Linux. I am still waiting for the day that my tablet computer can take over as the primary. When is a real spreadsheet "app" going to be made available?
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I ended up at the den of consumerism in Kahala again this evening. I was finally able to enjoy a fine decaffeinated beverage in the café. Later, I stopped off at the Aina Haina Shopping Center to shop for groceries.
For no particular reason, I was having much difficulty in even mildly accepting the theory of evolution. First, we must accept that spontaneous generation was responsible for the first, albeit crude, lifeform. The first lifeform was most likely an androgynous single cell. Statistically speaking, the probability of such a cell emerging from some kind of amino acid "soup" would be nearly negligible. Yet, even if such a cell did miraculously appear, it couldnot have survived for very long. And, it couldnot reproduce. Thus, many more cells would have had to spontaneously generate over a short period of time in order to "evolve," a statistical impossibility. In addition, the new spontaneously generated cells would have to possess some kind of genetic antecedent to eventually innovate a system of reproduction. How would that be possible if the cells ancestors had disappearedwithout being able to pass genetic information?
The theory becomes even more muddled when explanations are offered about how a single cell could, over only a period of a few million years, develop into higher level lifeforms. That's why science, or pseudoscience, has become a religion. We are constantly asked to have faith and to believe. I cannot buy into that crap.
I have also been perusing a few titles in the science section of Barnes & Noble®, specifically about the brain and consciousness. Frankly, I am observing the same phenomenon: steps in evolution make incredibly complex leaps with no apparent guidance or credible reason (e.g., eyes "evolve" even though the organism has no idea about what it can't see or even what vision itself entails). Makes no sense.
On a side note, my netbook is functioning properly again. There's no computer virus or rootkit since I am using Linux. I am still waiting for the day that my tablet computer can take over as the primary. When is a real spreadsheet "app" going to be made available?
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Who Are You?
I've grown both weary and disillusioned with each passing day, even though my days are ... you guessed it ... same ol' shit. I don't want to compose the "blog" anymore, but I will soldier onward. Typing on the tablet computer is even less of an incentive to continue. To make matters worse, my netbook computer has been giving me grief as of yesterday. There's something terribly wrong with the video display. The culprit is software-related, most likely Kubuntu itself. I may need to overwrite it with the new version. What a waste of time!
At the library, I have been reading the book, "Future Babble: Why Expert Predictions Fail - And Why We Believe Them Anyway," by Dan Gardner, more or less a long treatise covering what journalist and author Matt Taibbi refers to as "reality shopping." For the moment, though, what sparked my interest was Gardner's references to certain psychological studies that focused on human thought processes.
Long story short, I have become disillusioned with the human mind with respect to the flawed concept of "free will." I am no longer certain whether any of us are really who we are. I don't really know whether our personalities, temperaments, and preferences are really under our control. Rather, I suspect that the core of our being is a culmination of traits genetically passed down to us. I am not saying that we are entirely devoid of "free will." Whatever control that we possess is severely limited. Shocking, isn't it?
Certainly, the one unique trait that we humans have is self-awareness or consciousness. I am completely baffled by it. Yet, I do know that self-awareness is a function of the brain. If the brain is severely damaged, it may lose self-awareness completely. Oddly, the brain can be damaged beyond repair entirely through psychological trauma. A person could inadvertently "will" brain damage (i.e., lose one's mind). What are we to make of that?
Of course, if I had any "willpower" at all, I would mummify my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). However, I have been genetically programmed to be a guy. I am compelled to do da wild thing with babes. I have little or no "free will" to change that. If specific gender traits have been passed through genes and augmented by hormones, then much more of our persona could likewise be passed genetically. So, who am I? Who are you?
With that said, I find that I have little time or patience to deal with the stupid human tricks perpetrated by mental midgets. They have been genetically programmed to be mental midgets. Nothing can save them from their destiny. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
At the library, I have been reading the book, "Future Babble: Why Expert Predictions Fail - And Why We Believe Them Anyway," by Dan Gardner, more or less a long treatise covering what journalist and author Matt Taibbi refers to as "reality shopping." For the moment, though, what sparked my interest was Gardner's references to certain psychological studies that focused on human thought processes.
Long story short, I have become disillusioned with the human mind with respect to the flawed concept of "free will." I am no longer certain whether any of us are really who we are. I don't really know whether our personalities, temperaments, and preferences are really under our control. Rather, I suspect that the core of our being is a culmination of traits genetically passed down to us. I am not saying that we are entirely devoid of "free will." Whatever control that we possess is severely limited. Shocking, isn't it?
Certainly, the one unique trait that we humans have is self-awareness or consciousness. I am completely baffled by it. Yet, I do know that self-awareness is a function of the brain. If the brain is severely damaged, it may lose self-awareness completely. Oddly, the brain can be damaged beyond repair entirely through psychological trauma. A person could inadvertently "will" brain damage (i.e., lose one's mind). What are we to make of that?
Of course, if I had any "willpower" at all, I would mummify my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). However, I have been genetically programmed to be a guy. I am compelled to do da wild thing with babes. I have little or no "free will" to change that. If specific gender traits have been passed through genes and augmented by hormones, then much more of our persona could likewise be passed genetically. So, who am I? Who are you?
With that said, I find that I have little time or patience to deal with the stupid human tricks perpetrated by mental midgets. They have been genetically programmed to be mental midgets. Nothing can save them from their destiny. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Last night, I stopped off for an ice cream treat at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I had a brief chat with Kyle about the situation with the alleged Net disconnect. Nothing new was revealed, although we both concurred that Joker is mentally ill.
As I was leaving this morning at 7:45am, I happened to see the landlord chatting with Alan outside. I could not avoid them. The landlord called me over. The topic was the Net disconnection of the past few days. Apparently, the landlord (with Alan's assistance) was the one to pull the plug on the Net. Both the cable modem and wireless router were removed from Joker's lair. A technician from the cable company would be relocating the equipment to the makeshift storage room behind Kyle's squalid room, we were told.
The landlord wanted to show us the new location. So, Alan and I followed along. Long story short, there was a cable outlet available in the storage room. I set up the cable modem, replaced the old wireless router with the new one purchased by the landlord, then set up both Alan's and the landlord's computer. The technician arrived a few minutes after I had completed the job.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala even though the Net is up and running just fine at Slob Manor. The stupid human tricks are starting up again because Joker, as mentally ill as he is, believes that I am the instigator who caused him to lose his direct LAN connection to the Net. No one can reason with a mental midget.
The landlord had also mentioned that Joker refused to switch to the two-bedroom unit at the rear of the Slob Manor complex, even though he has complained about the heat on the second floor. The other unit is much cooler. In addition, there is a small yard, perfect for his two rodent-like mutts. Then, in another breath, the landlord stated that Joker has only paid half of the month's rent.
The totally ludicrous and senseless events of the past fews days are clearly an indication of how people foolishly waste their lives away, no less a greater sign of the decline of "civilization." I did my best to stay out of the fray, but stupidity always rules. I am almost too ashamed to admit that I must escape to a shopping mall. Jumping from the frying pan into the fire, you say?
Attempting to enjoy the nanosecond timeslice of my paltry existence has been met by many obstacles, mostly incredibly moronic dolts. I need to focus on that timeslice and that timeslice alone, devoid of the imbecilic distractions of baboons masquerading as humans. They may think that I am amused by their "banana in my pants" tricks, but I'm not.
I made another stopover at the Aina Haina Shopping Center this evening. Ice cream treat? Of course. I already ate some ice cream with moms earlier. Who can resist more ice cream, though? Certainly not the ol' lavahead.
As I was leaving this morning at 7:45am, I happened to see the landlord chatting with Alan outside. I could not avoid them. The landlord called me over. The topic was the Net disconnection of the past few days. Apparently, the landlord (with Alan's assistance) was the one to pull the plug on the Net. Both the cable modem and wireless router were removed from Joker's lair. A technician from the cable company would be relocating the equipment to the makeshift storage room behind Kyle's squalid room, we were told.
The landlord wanted to show us the new location. So, Alan and I followed along. Long story short, there was a cable outlet available in the storage room. I set up the cable modem, replaced the old wireless router with the new one purchased by the landlord, then set up both Alan's and the landlord's computer. The technician arrived a few minutes after I had completed the job.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala even though the Net is up and running just fine at Slob Manor. The stupid human tricks are starting up again because Joker, as mentally ill as he is, believes that I am the instigator who caused him to lose his direct LAN connection to the Net. No one can reason with a mental midget.
The landlord had also mentioned that Joker refused to switch to the two-bedroom unit at the rear of the Slob Manor complex, even though he has complained about the heat on the second floor. The other unit is much cooler. In addition, there is a small yard, perfect for his two rodent-like mutts. Then, in another breath, the landlord stated that Joker has only paid half of the month's rent.
The totally ludicrous and senseless events of the past fews days are clearly an indication of how people foolishly waste their lives away, no less a greater sign of the decline of "civilization." I did my best to stay out of the fray, but stupidity always rules. I am almost too ashamed to admit that I must escape to a shopping mall. Jumping from the frying pan into the fire, you say?
Attempting to enjoy the nanosecond timeslice of my paltry existence has been met by many obstacles, mostly incredibly moronic dolts. I need to focus on that timeslice and that timeslice alone, devoid of the imbecilic distractions of baboons masquerading as humans. They may think that I am amused by their "banana in my pants" tricks, but I'm not.
I made another stopover at the Aina Haina Shopping Center this evening. Ice cream treat? Of course. I already ate some ice cream with moms earlier. Who can resist more ice cream, though? Certainly not the ol' lavahead.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Disconnected (Again)
Same ol' shit, sort of. Ran into my "homeless" buddy. Usual itinerary accomplished, which doesn't mean much. On my return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I noticed an empty box sitting on the dining room table that apparently contained a new cable modem. On a whim, I tried to access the Net. Apparently, there's a new wireless router, too, as the router's name is now "SETUP" (probably the out-of-box default). Nothing worked, of course.
I seriously doubt that the landlord was involved in the latest nonsense. Kyle arrived a few minutes later. He told me that Joker was trying to persuade the landlord to buy a new cable modem and wireless router. The faggot probably took matters into his own slimy hands. He purchased new, albeit cheap, replacement equipment, plugged everything together, and left it at that. In any case, the crusty fudgepacker was nowhere to be found. The idiot probably doesn't understand that the new cable modem has to be registered with the cable service provider because the MAC address is different. In addition, the wireless router must be initially set up, or it won't do much more than a common doorstop. I am not sure about what possessed Joker to undertake a task that is clearly beyond his limited competence. He should stick to fudgepackin', an area that he is most likely an expert.
Well, I had not planned on making the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, but I had no other choice. As I said before, thank goodness for my tablet computer. At the least I was able to compose the "blog" and check e-mail.
I should thank Urban Coyote for his recent correspondence. No telling when I will get around to responding. I also heard from my homey Rod in Cali. He and Hortense have been married in a small private service. I was shocked to hear that both of them had recent bouts (i.e., within the last year) with cancer.
Well, I do not know when Net access at the dump will be re-established. I have washed my hands of the whole affair. This is what I meant when I stated that I am inundated with mass stupidity. I am constantly under siege by mental midgets. Little wonder why nothing gets done. Sheesh!
I seriously doubt that the landlord was involved in the latest nonsense. Kyle arrived a few minutes later. He told me that Joker was trying to persuade the landlord to buy a new cable modem and wireless router. The faggot probably took matters into his own slimy hands. He purchased new, albeit cheap, replacement equipment, plugged everything together, and left it at that. In any case, the crusty fudgepacker was nowhere to be found. The idiot probably doesn't understand that the new cable modem has to be registered with the cable service provider because the MAC address is different. In addition, the wireless router must be initially set up, or it won't do much more than a common doorstop. I am not sure about what possessed Joker to undertake a task that is clearly beyond his limited competence. He should stick to fudgepackin', an area that he is most likely an expert.
Well, I had not planned on making the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, but I had no other choice. As I said before, thank goodness for my tablet computer. At the least I was able to compose the "blog" and check e-mail.
I should thank Urban Coyote for his recent correspondence. No telling when I will get around to responding. I also heard from my homey Rod in Cali. He and Hortense have been married in a small private service. I was shocked to hear that both of them had recent bouts (i.e., within the last year) with cancer.
Well, I do not know when Net access at the dump will be re-established. I have washed my hands of the whole affair. This is what I meant when I stated that I am inundated with mass stupidity. I am constantly under siege by mental midgets. Little wonder why nothing gets done. Sheesh!
Monday, September 05, 2011
Slave Labor Day 2011
When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) last night, I attempted to finish composing the "blog." At about 8:30pm, the Net allegedly went down. The wireless router was still functioning, though. In actuality, my guess is that Joker disconnected the cable modem from the wireless router. If so, the faggot is definitely mentally ill. In fact, I could hear Joker rummaging around upstairs where his computer, modem, and router are located just before the suspicious "disconnect."
So, I was on my way to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at 8am this morning. Over a big-ass cup of coffee, I completed the "blog" of yesterday to reflect the accuracy of the moment. Thank goodness that I have my trusty tablet computer. Otherwise, same ol' holiday shit.
When I returned to Slob Manor at 3pm, I was told by Alan that the Net was down. I simply told him that someone needs to reset the wireless modem. However, no one seems to want to enter Joker's lair or even interact with him. I left it at that.
At about 4:30pm, I heard Joker rummaging around by his computer upstairs. On a lark, I decided to check if the Net was miraculously restored. Sure enough. I was all prepared to return to the den of consumerism in Kahala later in the evening as a contingency. Anyway, I won't be sharing my knowledge of the mysterious Net disconnect. No one needs to know. If I simply ignore Joker, then he may stop playing his little fudgepacker games. Mentally ill? Is the sky blue (in the daytime without clouds)?
Well, I have been thinking lately about the strangeness of the universe and the equally strange appearance of life on earth. Yeah, I know, I may as well be thinking about the hottie gym trainer. Baby was looking mighty fine yesterday. I digress. My existential musings were convoluted. However, my thoughts converged on the chilling realization that I have had only a few short years to be a cognizant participant in the grand scheme. Yet, my understanding of the latter is regretfully abridged.
Of course, Slave Labor Day is not conducive to metaphysical or cosmological thought. Rather, the day is mostly devoted to mundane nonsense. I have no reason to celebrate the holiday as I am an emancipated wage slave. However, the moneychangers and powers-that-be continue to drain me of my life savings in order to bring me to my knees and worship their dungy idols. Woe is me!
Knowing what little knowledge that we possess, we humans are still not able to remove ourselves from ridiculous petty acts. For some reason, we must always revert to the longings of the "inner animal" no matter how dire our collective situation. How stupid is that?
Perhaps the drive of the "inner animal" is just too difficult to overcome. All life on earth will cease to exist when the sun goes red star anyway. We may as well live as destructively as possible. Perhaps it's better if we destroy ourselves first than go through the terror of a red star engulfment. At the least, the rank-and-file peons would be emancipated from slavery.
So, I was on my way to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at 8am this morning. Over a big-ass cup of coffee, I completed the "blog" of yesterday to reflect the accuracy of the moment. Thank goodness that I have my trusty tablet computer. Otherwise, same ol' holiday shit.
When I returned to Slob Manor at 3pm, I was told by Alan that the Net was down. I simply told him that someone needs to reset the wireless modem. However, no one seems to want to enter Joker's lair or even interact with him. I left it at that.
At about 4:30pm, I heard Joker rummaging around by his computer upstairs. On a lark, I decided to check if the Net was miraculously restored. Sure enough. I was all prepared to return to the den of consumerism in Kahala later in the evening as a contingency. Anyway, I won't be sharing my knowledge of the mysterious Net disconnect. No one needs to know. If I simply ignore Joker, then he may stop playing his little fudgepacker games. Mentally ill? Is the sky blue (in the daytime without clouds)?
Well, I have been thinking lately about the strangeness of the universe and the equally strange appearance of life on earth. Yeah, I know, I may as well be thinking about the hottie gym trainer. Baby was looking mighty fine yesterday. I digress. My existential musings were convoluted. However, my thoughts converged on the chilling realization that I have had only a few short years to be a cognizant participant in the grand scheme. Yet, my understanding of the latter is regretfully abridged.
Of course, Slave Labor Day is not conducive to metaphysical or cosmological thought. Rather, the day is mostly devoted to mundane nonsense. I have no reason to celebrate the holiday as I am an emancipated wage slave. However, the moneychangers and powers-that-be continue to drain me of my life savings in order to bring me to my knees and worship their dungy idols. Woe is me!
Knowing what little knowledge that we possess, we humans are still not able to remove ourselves from ridiculous petty acts. For some reason, we must always revert to the longings of the "inner animal" no matter how dire our collective situation. How stupid is that?
Perhaps the drive of the "inner animal" is just too difficult to overcome. All life on earth will cease to exist when the sun goes red star anyway. We may as well live as destructively as possible. Perhaps it's better if we destroy ourselves first than go through the terror of a red star engulfment. At the least, the rank-and-file peons would be emancipated from slavery.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Aside from a brief perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym, the highlight of my day was an ice cream treat during my stopover at Ala Moana Center this afternoon. Unfortunately, the Route 23 bus was 40 minutes late. Snaking through Waikiki traffic caused another delay of 20 minutes. Was I in a hurry to return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing)? Not really.
Once back at the dump, I was able to eat an early dinner, perform the dreaded laundry chores, and wash my truck before departing for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I almost had to cancel the outing because of more bus scheduling problems, though. No beverages. Same ol' shit.
Well, I was thin[Disconnected]
Once back at the dump, I was able to eat an early dinner, perform the dreaded laundry chores, and wash my truck before departing for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I almost had to cancel the outing because of more bus scheduling problems, though. No beverages. Same ol' shit.
Well, I was thin[Disconnected]
Saturday, September 03, 2011
General Dullness IX
Absolutely no sleep was to be had again last night. A chocolate muffin may be the culprit. Whassup wi' dat? Groggy as I was, I still drove my truck to Ala Moana Center this morning as planned. With the library closed for the weekend and holiday, there was no other option. Otherwise, same itinerary. Same ol' shit.
The highlight (term used loosely) of the day was when I was privy to listen to a derelict ranting to me about the ills of society while he dropped back a bottle of cheap booze hidden by a paper bag. I had just returned to Ala Moana Center from town and was sitting in my usual Sunday afternoon spot facing the parking lot. Why are all the derelicts chatting with the ol' lavahead these days?
No outing this evening. I'm just to fatigued. Anyway, I couldn't fathom the thought of spending more time in a shopping mall. Oh, the horror! Perhaps I will spend the evening locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and sorting out my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Sheesh!
The highlight (term used loosely) of the day was when I was privy to listen to a derelict ranting to me about the ills of society while he dropped back a bottle of cheap booze hidden by a paper bag. I had just returned to Ala Moana Center from town and was sitting in my usual Sunday afternoon spot facing the parking lot. Why are all the derelicts chatting with the ol' lavahead these days?
No outing this evening. I'm just to fatigued. Anyway, I couldn't fathom the thought of spending more time in a shopping mall. Oh, the horror! Perhaps I will spend the evening locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and sorting out my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Sheesh!
Friday, September 02, 2011
Post No. 1,951
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. An enjoyable day with moms. One of my sister-in-laws's siblings passed on yesterday. She was 77 years of age. Apparently, two other siblings (out of thirteen) are also in poor health. Once again, mortality rears its ugly head.
I was running late all afternoon. Shopping for groceries just added to the nightmare. I wanted to step out to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening for lack of alternatives. However, I missed the intended bus because I had to take an emergency dump (read: defecate) at the last minute. I have noticed that, as a senior citizen, I must take two to three dumps per day, on average, to maintain "regularity." Very annoying. I finally arrived in Kahala at 7:15pm. A decaffeinated beverage was in order. Yeah, the frivolous expenses are adding up quickly.
There really are no other thoughts for the day. Perhaps my fragile mental state is becoming even more fragile. I don't know. Heck, even my favorite hobby, downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips, has come to a near stop. All I know is that I am very fatigued. I am inundated with mass stupidity. And, my patience is wearing thin. Very thin.
I was running late all afternoon. Shopping for groceries just added to the nightmare. I wanted to step out to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening for lack of alternatives. However, I missed the intended bus because I had to take an emergency dump (read: defecate) at the last minute. I have noticed that, as a senior citizen, I must take two to three dumps per day, on average, to maintain "regularity." Very annoying. I finally arrived in Kahala at 7:15pm. A decaffeinated beverage was in order. Yeah, the frivolous expenses are adding up quickly.
There really are no other thoughts for the day. Perhaps my fragile mental state is becoming even more fragile. I don't know. Heck, even my favorite hobby, downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips, has come to a near stop. All I know is that I am very fatigued. I am inundated with mass stupidity. And, my patience is wearing thin. Very thin.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
SOS. Details are unnecessary. I managed to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: rental housing) this evening. A decaffeinated beverage was in order. Meaningless, you say? I know all too well.
Well, I have trying real hard to live just within the nanosecond timeslice of the present. A difficult task indeed, since we have been indoctrinated to always think about the future. So, most of our energy is devoted to planning ahead days, weeks, months, years, decades in the future. Yet, what certainty does the future provide us? If history is any indication, the rank-and-file peons will be "taken to the cleaners" time and time again. All that planning will have only been a waste of time.
As a senior citizen, I already know what's in store for me. I see the future right before my very eyes every day. I've already discussed how I keenly observe other senior citizens, especially those of whom are advanced in age. Not a pretty site. And, I'm not privy to observe the ones who are invalids. For me, that's only a handful of years away. Thus, planning for the future is even more ludicrous.
That's essentially why I am done with any more research. Personal pursuits of any kind are also very limited. What is the sense? I don't really require much to prevent insanity. After all, I should have gone insane a long time ago given my pathetic life-style. The key to my resilient survival, of course, has been the "disconnect." Has the "disconnect" saved me? I don't know. You be the judge.
I really haven't been able to effectively live within the nanosecond timeslice. I am constantly being distracted by the myriad mental midgets around me. In addition, life in the empire is so convoluted that there is no way to obtain focus. Actually, that's the crux of the lamentations in the "blog." But, I digress. All that to say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nothing lost either. Just the way I like it.
Well, I have trying real hard to live just within the nanosecond timeslice of the present. A difficult task indeed, since we have been indoctrinated to always think about the future. So, most of our energy is devoted to planning ahead days, weeks, months, years, decades in the future. Yet, what certainty does the future provide us? If history is any indication, the rank-and-file peons will be "taken to the cleaners" time and time again. All that planning will have only been a waste of time.
As a senior citizen, I already know what's in store for me. I see the future right before my very eyes every day. I've already discussed how I keenly observe other senior citizens, especially those of whom are advanced in age. Not a pretty site. And, I'm not privy to observe the ones who are invalids. For me, that's only a handful of years away. Thus, planning for the future is even more ludicrous.
That's essentially why I am done with any more research. Personal pursuits of any kind are also very limited. What is the sense? I don't really require much to prevent insanity. After all, I should have gone insane a long time ago given my pathetic life-style. The key to my resilient survival, of course, has been the "disconnect." Has the "disconnect" saved me? I don't know. You be the judge.
I really haven't been able to effectively live within the nanosecond timeslice. I am constantly being distracted by the myriad mental midgets around me. In addition, life in the empire is so convoluted that there is no way to obtain focus. Actually, that's the crux of the lamentations in the "blog." But, I digress. All that to say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nothing lost either. Just the way I like it.
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