My thoughts have been extremely confused since yesterday. Perhaps the "modules" in my brain have ceased any kind of coordination. Anyway, how do we reconcile the non-existent "self"? I really don't know. Actually, the fallacy of "self" should have been obvious even to a common dunce.
Take, for example, gender traits, which have been passed down to each of genetically. Gender traits affect personality, temperament, and disposition. To no surprise, I share a lot of common traits with other guys, and not all of those traits are due to "socialization." Hence, there is no reason to not believe that other non-gender traits may also be hereditary.
It becomes increasingly possible that nearly our entire
persona is already predetermined for us at birth. Fortunately, we do have a narrow margin of "free will" to make compensation. Other factors such as disease, substance abuse, and physical damage can also alter the ingrained programming, sometimes severely. Yes, I have chosen to use the word "programming" because it essentially describes how we came to be.
I don't mean to imply that we are automatons, though. Our consciousness certainly allows us to experience a rich lifetime. We are simply restricted by our programming. And, our consciousness is often not even fully aware of other processes occurring in the brain. We are only given the final result of all of the possible permutations of dominant "modules" at any given time. If we were fully conscious, we would be aware of all those processes. That's why we often cannot explain our actions.
Well, we've already disproved the existence of the "soul." Now, we have visited the fallacy of the "self." Truly, things are not what they seem to be. We are not who we think we are. Instead, we have been given a grand illusion. We are made to believe that we are born essentially a blank slate, brought up by our parents who "train" us, and then we blossom into autonomous adults who live full lives through "free will."
Once we investigate our consciousness and scrutinize our "self," something just doesn't seem right. Why do we do the things we do? Why are we always struggling with the "inner animal"? As we've already learned, there are only a few absolute truths. Beyond that, nothing is relevant. If I was to offer advice, which I detest doing, I would say that the best course of action is to live the illusion (also refer to the summary of "Core of Reality"). Forget about everything else. Live like you command your "soul." Express your "free will." Don't even think about the contradictions.
As for the ol' lavahead, he has ventured too far into the unknown. He can't feign ignorance anymore. Frankly, I believe that the ol' lavahead's work is completed. Yes, his job on the planet is done.
I need to seek out the simple life, even simpler than the one I have now. In the past few months, I have learned that I derive extreme pleasure from activities that everyone else would consider boring or insane. I really love to walk on grass as opposed to sidewalks. I enjoy looking at trees and plants. Today, I purchased a loaf of bread (mainly because I am bordering on starvation), and I could not get enough of its sweet aroma. Although the bread was a cheap generic brand, it was something very precious to me at the moment. So, let's call it day for now, shall we?