My original plan was to drive my truck to Ala Moana Center this morning. In the final countdown, I really wanted to change my mind. However, endless hand-wringing caused me to miss the bus. Actually, I had missed an earlier bus because I was still performing my stretching routine. Holidays are a nightmare for an old loser.
The bottom line is that I am getting quite fed up with the marginal existence that has been doled out to me. Every day, same ol' shit. I just don't fit in with a failed society that is pumped up on the ludicrous "positive thinking" and "self esteem" paradigms. They aren't even paradigms. More like "fairy tales" for adults. Oddly, those "fairy tales" can barely be upheld without endless dosages of anti-depressants or anxiolytics as well as myriad self-help books. I see the situation as gloomy, not because of my "poor attitude" or negative "self-esteem," but because the situation is really that bad. There is no escape. There are no alternatives.
Here it is, a holiday. Yet, traffic was bad from early this morning. People were speeding in their 4,000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles). I was constantly being tailgated on the freeway. The mall was packed with fools even though the stores would not open for nearly an hour. Of course, myriad senior citizens were out in full force. Most of them are at the mall bright and early every single day. I see the same senior citizens all of the time. Most of them spend the whole day at the mall. Did I mention that they are at the mall every day of the week?
Even at Barnes & Noble®, I always observe the same people patronizing the
café when it first opens. This morning, a few of the homeless, the ones with notebook computers, were in the bookstore to take advantage of the free wireless Net service. They can't afford the expensive cup of coffee, though. Heck, I can barely afford the luxury myself.
My right thigh continues to give me grief. I am sleeping on my left side most of the night to alleviate the numbness. I can sleep in the supine position, only if I care to be rudely awakened by an intense burning sensation. A pinched nerve is most likely, but quite chronic. The stretching exercises have had no effect so far. I see no end.
When all is said and done, my only real destination is the gym. That's the only real agenda item on my calendar. Otherwise, all else is superfluous, just a means of occupying idle time. Not that I really have the luxury of time at my age. Sadly, my workouts remain the same. I had modified the latter for more accommodation to a senior citizen profile. Any more accommodation and I may as well just go there to take a shower. Sheesh!
So, I rode the bus to the gym at 11am, performed the senior citizen workout, and took a shower. I exited the gym and ran into Ann while crossing the street. We only chatted briefly. She is still employed and seems to be doing fine. I rode the bus back to Ala Moana Center. I loitered in my favorite spot until I couldn't take it anymore.
I stopped off at the new Safeway® store on Beretania Street. The store is huge volume-wise, but there does not seem to be as much inventory to justify the space. As with all supermarkets here in Hawai'i, the customers were atrocious asswipes. None of the food looked appetizing, especially all of the processed crap.
While I was driving my truck back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I encountered a stereotypical dickhead. He was careening through traffic, driving fairly recklessly. He slalomed in and out of lanes just to get incrementally further ahead. Then, he tailgated me for a while. So, I slowed down in response. At one point, he turned into a turn-only lane to pass me. I attempted to make him crash his "piece of shit" BMW® SUV into the vehicles in front of him, but I failed. I was, however, giggling my ass off because I wanted to see the fool maimed real bad. Anyway, I happened to note that the clown was a
haole fucktard wearing a ridiculous cowboy hat. What a maroon! When I reached my destination, I could still see him tailgating and careening around. Oh, if only I had an unregistered 9mm semi-automatic pistol.
When I finally arrived back at Slob Manor, I was surprised to see absolutely no vehicles in the driveway. No one was around, not even the babe in the attached studio or the landlord. I was able to enjoy peace3 and quiet for the rest of the afternoon. I ate dinner in peace as well. That, my friends, was the highlight of the entire holiday.