Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gold & Foolishness

Nada to report. I happened to browse through a book at the library about gold investing. Quite informative, although I am now very uncertain about purchasing gold and taking physical possession of it. Well, I will just have to remain at the mercy of empire, eh?

When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, I chatted briefly with Kyle. Yes, the end of the month has arrived, and Joker has made no effort to move out. Apparently, Kyle had a discussion with the landlord yesterday. From what I could discern, the landlord does not seem to be well versed in local rental and eviction laws.

Commencing tomorrow, Joker will be a "holdover tenant." He will legally owe twice his current rent, but that's irrelevant. The landlord has 60 days to serve him a written "Notice to Vacate." If Joker does not vacate the premises, then the landlord must file a Landlord/Tenant Complaint with the First Judicial District Court within 60 days. During the "holdover" period and even after being granted a favorable decision in the eviction proceedings, the landlord must follow strict rules. Essentially, Joker and his possessions are untouchable.

Once eviction is approved, the landlord would still have to go through another involved process which may require the services of local law enforcement. If the landlord fails to follow the rules, then there may be penalties and punitive damages which Joker could recover. I am almost certain that Joker took some time to research the law. He now just needs to "squat" in the hovel and wait for the landlord to break the rules. Can you guess what will happen?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. On a hunch, I decided to hand-deliver the returned mail to Diagnostic Laboratory Services early this morning. There's a branch office in the Hawai'i Kai Towne Center. Even at 7:45am, several senior citizens were already waiting. Long story short, the stool samples were still within the wider 14-day deadline. I also discovered that, if I paid the lab bill right then, I would enjoy a 50 percent discount. So, the postal fiasco had actually served to my advantage. Unbelievable!

No outing this evening. Hurdy-gurdy downloading is at a near-standstill. So, I spent more time reading the sickening news, assorted forums, and other such diversions. Mostly, though, I pondered my on-going existential crisis. I mentioned Raymond Tallis' book, "The Kingdom of Infinite Space," a few days ago. The book certainly parallels what I have been ruminating upon now for months.

Trinity St. Clair

How about hurdy-gurdy hottie Trinity St. Clair? Baby certainly brightens up the "blog," doesn't she? She is a master of many talents and has been featured on Innocent High, Blacks On Blondes®, and a variety of feature hurdy-gurdy flicks. Be sure to peruse her portfolio on the FreeOnes® site.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Much Ado About Something

Sleep eluded me last night. I was too overcome with anger concerning the fiasco with the empire's beleaguered postal service (USPS). So, when I was standing in line to board the Route 6 bus at Ala Moana Center this morning, I was not in the mood to deal with a scraggly sixty-something fool who cut in front of me. The ensuing conversation:
"You in a hurry, buddy? You need to stand in line and wait your turn," I said.

The clown sat on one of the seats at the back of the bus. "Fuck you!" was his reply.

I sat in the seat behind him. "You better respect your elders. I'm older than you," I admonished while cleverly disguising the amusement with my dry wit.

"Older than me? Shit!" A crooked smirk appeared on his weathered and unshaven chimp-like face. He then continued to read a tattered newspaper.
I observed how shabby the fool looked. Unkempt hair, grimy clothes, slobby appearance. Then, I espied the can of cheap brewski crudely being camouflaged by a small paper sack. The asswipe was drunk.

The fool didn't realize that I was alighting at the same bus stop with him. As he hobbled along ahead of me, I caught up and walked right beside him at the same pace. When he stopped, I stopped. I never looked at him or said a word. He took a long circuitous route, and I followed right along. He looked nervous. And rightly so, because I could have dropped him at any time along the one lonely stretch with no other people in sight. No surprise that he didn't mouth off either.

Aside from that, a typical urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday. Only two brief glimpses of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3pm. No outing this evening. Same ol' shit.

Life in empire has surely "gone to hell in a handbasket," eh? The situation just gets regressively worse, doesn't it? Well, if you don't agree, then you are one of the moneychangers or powers-that-be. Or, you are a "brain dead" citizen of empire.

I've just heard that the Fed has extended its zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) for another year (until late 2014). Why am I not surprised? There will be a similar announcement every year forever. In other words, interest rates are not going to ever rise in my lifetime (or until the damned "system" collapses). I stand by my prediction. The Fed and other central banks appear quite confident that they can take on infinite bad "paper" on their balance sheets with no repercussions whatsoever. In fact, the bad "paper" will remain on those balance sheet forever. And, liquidity will keep increasing just like magic. Voodoo magic.

Surprisingly, there are a lot of rank-and-file peons who are thankful for ZIRP. That's right. Probably a million of them with adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) on their "McMansions." The five- to seven-year "resets" would be occurring right around now. Why don't they just refinance the dumps? Well, they don't qualify for a new loan. In addition, most of their homes have negative equity. Their only option is default. That's the "bad" paper which the Fed can't purchase outright. Thus, mortgage assistance must come through a more round-about fashion (i.e., ZIRP). Can you see why the "system" must collapse?

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I was actually enjoying a fairly nice day until I went to check my mail at the Post Office (USPS) after working out at the gym. My mailbox was stuffed with crap mail as usual. However, there was one piece of mail that did not belong in there. I had sent off the small envelope about a week ago. Inside were three stool samples that took me about six days to collect. The time-sensitive samples had to be in the mail immediately afterward. I attached a "forever" stamp onto the envelope. Well, there was the envelope, returned to me because of "insufficient postage." Whomever processed the mail thought that I had used a 44-cent stamp instead of the new 45-cent stamp. A "forever" stamp is supposed to circumvent the problem of postage increases. Apparently not.

I am not sure about how I am going to approach the postal employee at the counter of whatever location I choose to visit. I am really irate, and a refund of 44-cents is not going to make up for anything. I will now have to make another appointment at the clinic, which will cost me another $20, then spend several more days collecting the stool samples again. Rather than mail the envelope, I will now have to deliver it personally to insure that it gets to its destination on time. USPS mail is just not reliable.

So, I am planning to mummify my mailbox account as soon as possible. Hopefully, I can obtain a refund. I cannot support the USPS in any way from this point forward. Sad to say, the USPS is a big mess and it needs to just close down. It has already been "privatized," so there's no hope that it can survive as a stand-alone entity. Yeah, we'll soon have to rely upon corporate carriers and pay several worthless fiat dollars just to dispatch a small envelope. As I stated previously, the citizens of empire are too "brain dead" to care. Let me summarize: shut down the pathetic postal service already! Put it out of its misery!

The highlight of the day, though, was when I completed reading Raymond Tallis' book, "The Kingdom of Infinite Space: A Portrait of Your Head." What a delightful book! It made me sad. It made me laugh. Tallis' other book, "Aping mankind," had disappeared from the library, so I was fortunate to find his earlier work. By the way, "The Kingdom of Infinite Space" should be read prior to engaging "Aping Mankind." Works out better that way.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I locked myself in my squalid room for the evening. I am not very sociable with the other residents to begin with. However, I was less sociable this afternoon thanks to USPS. Downloading of hurdy-gurdy video clips has been next to impossible. I can count on one successful download per day now. Maybe. The netbook is a "piece of shit" anyway. Kubuntu does fine, but it still has a lot of problems. My version reaches end-of-life in two months. I really don't want to go through the trouble of installing a newer version. Frankly, I am done with the complexities of life.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Subservient Sub-Serf

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I followed the usual routine, although I felt strange all day long. My right thigh is still going numb intermittently. There are also numerous "jolts" occurring along the quadriceps when the nerves come back to life. I have been sleeping better, though, but I'm still way too groggy during the day. My equilibrium has gotten worse, too. Often, I feel as though I am going to fall over. There have also been bursts of pain at different locations of my body. Apparently, I am experiencing a precursor to decrepitude. Not good.

Incidentally, I had to discard nearly an entire box of Quaker® Granola that was just purchased for $7 on Monday at Longs®. Apparently, the expiry date was also on Monday. The granola was soggy and tasteless. Unfortunately, I did not have the sales receipt. So, no refund. I had to then purchase a replacement (i.e., Northern Gold® granola) at Safeway® this afternoon. I was not a "happy camper."

Once again, no outing this evening. I'll just be sitting in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) while my right thigh goes numb every so often. Soon enough, I'll be inclined to perform my stretching exercises. If I am fortunate, I may be able to download a hurdy-gurdy video clip. I may treat myself to a helping of yogurt, or I may drop back an unhealthy serving of Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix. Well, hey! I'm a sub-serf!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lamp-Baked Illusion VI

As always, same ol' shit. Same routine. No outing this evening. Should I just put an end to the "blog" already? Well, I know that I should do so, but I keep hanging on like a fool. Why? I don't know. There's nothing to discuss. While I do read the "news" on occasion, I can safely state that I only end up sickened as a result. Obviously, I have no desire to become a social activist. What's the point? I'm too old for that crap. And, the rank-and-file peons have been reduced to sub-serfs anyway. We have absolutely no power.

So, all I have is my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Sadly, I was once again reduced to sub-serf status when the majority of file-sharing sites were shut down by the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Undeterred, I have simply reduced the number of downloaded hurdy-gurdy clips. If a file can't be downloaded in less than an hour, it's aborted. No loss. The HGVL is fairly large now.

By the way, the Fed has announced that it will again be injecting countless amounts of fiat currency into the "system" by purchasing more of the empire's bonds (another form of "quantitative easing" known as "monetizing debt"). Naturally, the stock market went berserk. Another rally ensued. Which brings me to mention that I took up reading Richard Posner's book, "The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy," where I last left off. Posner's analysis is sound and parallels that of Detlev Schlichter. Poser offered a few practical suggestions to abate the crisis. Unfortunately, none of it will be implemented. Frankly, Posner's suggestions are still designed to keep the same "system" running. The "system" needs to collapse ... now.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I briefly chatted with Kyle this afternoon. He said that the landlord is planning to move all of Joker's possessions outside the house and change the locks if Joker does not move out of his own accord at the end of the month. I do not see the legality in the landlord's proposed actions. Instead, there's probably going to be a nasty lawsuit wherein the landlord may end up paying punitive damages to Joker. With only a week left before the deadline, there is no evidence that Joker intends to move out. After (read: if) Joker is evicted, the landlord supposedly plans to use the entire second floor as a storage unit.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Treasure Trove

Same ol' shit. Restored extreme monk haircut. No outing this evening. I'll be locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and will spend all evening downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips. Wait a minute! There are only two or three reliable file-sharing sites left. Download speed are extremely slow, although I was able to download seven choice hurdy-gurdy video clips in the past two days.

In perusing my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL), I noticed that about half of the titles, if not more, are over two years old. What does that mean? Well, there's almost no legitimate way to procure most of those video clips because they no longer exist at the originating Web sites. In fact, some of the sites are long gone. Video clips from DVD sources are just as bad. Most of the titles are discontinued. So, I cannot even entertain the idea wiping my portable hard drive clean. It is a veritable treasure trove. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Bella Reese

That, of course, brings me to the topic of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties. Bella Reese has been featured in various episodes from Reality Kings®, Brazzers®, and Naughty America® even though baby is relatively new. And, be sure to check out her portfolio on the FreeOnes® site.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dissipating Clouds

Yesterday, I finally took a hard look in the mirror. I was appalled. The face in the mirror has aged substantially. My hair, while not as gray as my bro, has the definitive look of a senior citizen. The face of stone itself shows signs of erosion and wear. I didn't realize that I looked so old. Oh, the horror!

My physique has fared far better. Thanks to my regimen at the gym, I can possibly boast that I still have the body of a fit thirty-something. Of course, looks are deceiving. I am suffering from numerous maladies, the quadriceps numbness being the latest. I neglected to mention that my right hand's middle finger and left hand's thumb are both experiencing intermittent sharp pains in the joints. Upon closer scrutiny, I noticed that both digits were slightly crooked, a sure sign of arthritis. Yeah, I spent decades betraying my body by consuming cheap booze, eating poisonous food, amongst other blasphemous acts. Now, it's payback time.

Well, file-sharing sites on the Net are shutting down right and left. Right now, there are only about five major sites remaining. All of them, however, are extremely overloaded. Downloads for files of small size are taking between three and twelve hours. That's way too long for the ol' lavahead. To be perfectly honest, though, I secretly wished that the fiasco had happened three years ago. Then, I could have put an abrupt end to my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). I could have mummified the moronic activity for good instead of continuing to waste so much valuable time.

I am expecting all of the file-sharing sites to be closed down by the end of the week. Even if one or two remain, the sites' servers will be so bogged down and pretty much rendered useless. Mind you, the sites that I am referring to are not simply used to host hurdy-gurdy video clips. Thus, I wouldn't be so quick to place my faith in "cloud" services from this point forward.

Well, the "writing is on the wall," isn't it? In a few days, there will be no hurdy-gurdy video clips to download. In addition, I am expecting that the new operating system upgrade coming in February for my tablet computer will make it comparable in function to my netbook at the least. Obviously, I won't need the netbook much longer. Nor will I need a portable hard drive or flash drives. I can get rid of it all, even my beloved HGVL. Another step toward "freedom" and the exodus!

Monday, January 23, 2012

March to Totalitarianism

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Followed the usual routine. No outing this evening. Apparently, no downloading of hurdy-gurdy video clips either. Ho hum.

So, the situation with the file sharing sites on the Net has escalated to a major fiasco. Since last night, when I first posted commentary about the latter on the "blog," almost every file-sharing site has shut down or curtailed services. In the microcosm of hurdy-gurdy downloading, the natives have become slightly restive. What really surprises me is that there hasn't been massive social upheaval (i.e., "blood in the streets") as a result. I should have known better. When the empire's constitution was shredded by various decrees to fight the fictitious "war on terror," nobody cared. Apathy ruled. Now, there's no way to download hurdy-gurdy video clips. No reaction. Just a few complaints on a couple of Web forums. My friends, the general populace of empire is "brain dead." The Fascists are now free to rape and pillage. There will be no resistance. What next?

Fortunately, Chris Hedges has been the only one concerned enough and brave enough to launch a lawsuit against empire over the latter's latest totalitarian move (i.e., the National Defense Authorization Act). Sadly, I don't believe that Hedges understands that the empire's populace is "brain dead." The "good Americans" are just goose-stepping right along with their handlers. Could we have expected more?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Numbing Tidbits (Yet Again)

I ran into Justin, a former gym trainer, in the public restroom at Ala Moana Center early this morning. He apparently just arrived back in Hawai'i a few days ago to attend the Diploma Mill for another degree. He mysteriously disappeared for several months. As you may recall, Justin was once a student of mine when I was a pseudo-professor there. We discussed the gym and the unbelievable personnel changes in the last few months. To my surprise, he briefly mentioned the hottie gym trainer, extending his cupped hands way out in front of his chest to describe her. Yeah, baby is very well endowed and quite firm, too!

Once at the gym, I was only treated to a microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer. All for better, since I am a decrepit senior citizen. I can't be worrying about babes because I am literally falling apart. Sheesh! The rest of the day? Same ol' Sunday shit. Once again, I'll be locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) all evening.

My right thigh (i.e., quadriceps) continues to plague me with numbness, itching, and pain (not all at the same time). From what I can tell, the nerves are completely confused. I am now sleeping on either side pretty much all night to prevent the numbness from occurring, which is difficult in a sleeping bag. Yes, I am still using a sleeping bag on top of a very decrepit bed. If indeed I have a pinched nerve (or equivalent), then the cause could have been my many months of forcing myself to sleep only in the supine position. Old age, of course, doesn't help any.

Incidentally, many of the file-sharing sites are shutting down operations in empire (or limiting services) after the Nazi-style raid on MegaUpload resources. Obviously, in a limited framework, downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips will very soon become an activity of the past. If you have a hurdy-gurdy collection, best to hold onto it. In more general terms, we are beginning to see the complete corporate (i.e., Fascist) takeover and control of the Net. In due time, no content will be "free." Neither will there exist a diversification of opinion. Sadly, Orson Wells' prophesy of the ultimate police state finally comes true.

Finally, breaking news from Research In Motion® (aka BlackBerry®) in Canada that Co-CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie have stepped down. Thorstein Heins takes over the helm during a most tumultuous time for the company. I'm now wondering what will be the fate of my beloved tablet computer.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kindred Spirits

Same ol' shit, just like any other day. I have been deliberately keeping my mind blank for the past few days. I have had no deep thoughts, only superficial bloviations not worthy of mention. Subconsciously, I am probably attempting to keep any new "blog" material to a minimum.

When I stepped out of the library to consume my paltry lunch, I sat on one of the filthy stone benches situated along Punchbowl Street. An African-American guy was sitting at one end and smoking a cigarette. He's actually a library regular, although I am not certain if he is homeless. He greeted me with "Happy New year!" Then, he added, "I've seen you around here all the time. You're a quiet guy. You don't talk to anyone." I concurred and mentioned that I come for the peace and quiet. He laughed and said that we were "kindred spirits." He's probably quite correct. I am a seeker of solitude, a loner, and homeless at heart.

Emmanuelle London

The only exciting part of the "blog" is the showcasing of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties like Emmanuelle London. Baby is relatively new to the industry, but she has made a big splash nonetheless. She just completed two back-to-back episodes for Brazzers®. Now, that's a kindred spirit if ever I saw one. Hubba hubba!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Post No. 2,091

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms is doing fine. My bro returned early from work because he was to attend a funeral later in the day. We chatted for about 30 minutes, mostly about his new truck. I could not help but notice that my bro has even more gray hair since the last time I saw him. I am absolutely certain that the cause is stress. My bro takes his job seriously, probably way too seriously for his own good.

The rest of the day? We all know the drill already. Again, no outing this evening. I am experiencing a bout of "cabin fever," what with locking myself in my squalid room at Slob manor (read: rental housing) all evening for what seems like eternity. Yet, I don't want to loiter around a shopping mall either.

My right thigh shows no sign of improvement, so I may have to revisit the clinic soon. I fear that my only option will be some kind of surgery to relieve pressure on the offending nerve. Needless to say, the idea doesn't sit well with me.

Incidentally, I should elaborate that I am neither a follower of Ludwig von Mises or a Libertarian. I am a self-proclaimed Socialist, although I know that Socialism would be doomed to fail as well. The "human condition" goes far deeper, yes, to the depths of the failed "civilization" paradigm. Reinventing the money system won't change anything. "Civilization" needs to collapse. Naturally, it will be rebuilt again utilizing a different paradigm. Perhaps the next iteration will function better.

BlackBerry® PlayBook®

Finally, there's still one more month (supposedly) before the new operating system for the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. From what I am to understand, there will be a much improved spreadsheet "app." That's what I have been waiting for. Sheesh!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

General Dullness XVIII

Nothing has changed since yesterday. Same ol' shit. No improvement with the old man ailments. No outing this evening. No progress made concerning the exodus. In fact, very little is being accomplished. No surprise there.

Veronica Rose

So, there's nothing else to do but discuss my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties. Veronica Rose is an "alt" hottie featured on the Burning Angel site. So, if you are interested in the "goth" or "emo" genre, and lots of "tats" and piercings, then Burning Angel is for you. Be sure to check out her portfolio at the FreeOnes® site as well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lamp-Baked Illusion V

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. No incidents occurred. No outing this evening. Lack of sleep last night has essentially left me devoid of thought. Zero readership of the "blog" lessens any need for meaningful updates. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Abella Anderson

Well, with nothing else to discuss, I move on to the default topic of my hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Even without sleep, I still have enough energy to download more choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. And, how about another of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties? Yes, Abella Anderson is one hot latina. Be sure to check out her portfolio on the FreeOnes® site.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Security Apparatus

Finally, a return to the same ol' shit. Mundane, but comfortable. No dickheads. No asswipes. My right thigh is still giving me problems. In between episodes of numbness, I now experience a dull pain. Yet, there is no evidence of injury, no swelling, no abrasions, no bruising. I am beginning to wonder whether my nerves are completely shot. Could I be experiencing a serious neurological disorder?

Well, the increasing incidents with myriad fools has led me to conclude that I must increase my security apparatus. Consequently, I have been tossing around various options (i.e., security acquisitions) including:
  • Pepper spray
  • Large dual-purpose baton flashlight
  • Flare gun (25mm or larger)
  • 9mm semi-automatic pistol.
With the exception of the last item, the options are fairly quick and inexpensive appropriations. As effective as a 9mm weapon could be, there are potential serious ramifications for its intended use. In addition, a paper trail would be initiated through the registration process. Not good.

A can of pepper spray will probably be an immediate acquisition. That should suffice until I can locate good source for a flare gun. Why a flare gun? No registration required. In addition, it can come in handy as a real life-saving device. Nonetheless, imagine if the BMW® cowboy of yesterday would have attempted to violently confront the ol' lavahead. If I had a flare gun in my possession, I could use it as a deterrent from a safe distance. I would simply load and fire the flare at him. Can you visualize the look on the fool's face as the flare bores a hole through his gut? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Monday, January 16, 2012

No Time For Holidays I

My original plan was to drive my truck to Ala Moana Center this morning. In the final countdown, I really wanted to change my mind. However, endless hand-wringing caused me to miss the bus. Actually, I had missed an earlier bus because I was still performing my stretching routine. Holidays are a nightmare for an old loser.

The bottom line is that I am getting quite fed up with the marginal existence that has been doled out to me. Every day, same ol' shit. I just don't fit in with a failed society that is pumped up on the ludicrous "positive thinking" and "self esteem" paradigms. They aren't even paradigms. More like "fairy tales" for adults. Oddly, those "fairy tales" can barely be upheld without endless dosages of anti-depressants or anxiolytics as well as myriad self-help books. I see the situation as gloomy, not because of my "poor attitude" or negative "self-esteem," but because the situation is really that bad. There is no escape. There are no alternatives.

Here it is, a holiday. Yet, traffic was bad from early this morning. People were speeding in their 4,000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles). I was constantly being tailgated on the freeway. The mall was packed with fools even though the stores would not open for nearly an hour. Of course, myriad senior citizens were out in full force. Most of them are at the mall bright and early every single day. I see the same senior citizens all of the time. Most of them spend the whole day at the mall. Did I mention that they are at the mall every day of the week?

Even at Barnes & Noble®, I always observe the same people patronizing the café when it first opens. This morning, a few of the homeless, the ones with notebook computers, were in the bookstore to take advantage of the free wireless Net service. They can't afford the expensive cup of coffee, though. Heck, I can barely afford the luxury myself.

My right thigh continues to give me grief. I am sleeping on my left side most of the night to alleviate the numbness. I can sleep in the supine position, only if I care to be rudely awakened by an intense burning sensation. A pinched nerve is most likely, but quite chronic. The stretching exercises have had no effect so far. I see no end.

When all is said and done, my only real destination is the gym. That's the only real agenda item on my calendar. Otherwise, all else is superfluous, just a means of occupying idle time. Not that I really have the luxury of time at my age. Sadly, my workouts remain the same. I had modified the latter for more accommodation to a senior citizen profile. Any more accommodation and I may as well just go there to take a shower. Sheesh!

So, I rode the bus to the gym at 11am, performed the senior citizen workout, and took a shower. I exited the gym and ran into Ann while crossing the street. We only chatted briefly. She is still employed and seems to be doing fine. I rode the bus back to Ala Moana Center. I loitered in my favorite spot until I couldn't take it anymore.

I stopped off at the new Safeway® store on Beretania Street. The store is huge volume-wise, but there does not seem to be as much inventory to justify the space. As with all supermarkets here in Hawai'i, the customers were atrocious asswipes. None of the food looked appetizing, especially all of the processed crap.

While I was driving my truck back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I encountered a stereotypical dickhead. He was careening through traffic, driving fairly recklessly. He slalomed in and out of lanes just to get incrementally further ahead. Then, he tailgated me for a while. So, I slowed down in response. At one point, he turned into a turn-only lane to pass me. I attempted to make him crash his "piece of shit" BMW® SUV into the vehicles in front of him, but I failed. I was, however, giggling my ass off because I wanted to see the fool maimed real bad. Anyway, I happened to note that the clown was a haole fucktard wearing a ridiculous cowboy hat. What a maroon! When I reached my destination, I could still see him tailgating and careening around. Oh, if only I had an unregistered 9mm semi-automatic pistol.

When I finally arrived back at Slob Manor, I was surprised to see absolutely no vehicles in the driveway. No one was around, not even the babe in the attached studio or the landlord. I was able to enjoy peace3 and quiet for the rest of the afternoon. I ate dinner in peace as well. That, my friends, was the highlight of the entire holiday.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Post No. 2,086

Another urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday. Say, I haven't used that phrase in a long time. Since nothing ever changes, I may as well recycle the old rote lines, eh? The highlight of the day was a long perusal of the hottie gym trainer. Baby worked out by herself for an hour since she only attended to one client this morning. Was baby looking mighty fine? Is the sky blue?

No outing tonight. Last night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan decided to stay up through the wee hours of the morning and fool around in the kitchen. Lots of noise. I did not sleep well. When I ran into Kyle this afternoon, he mentioned that he, too, was disturbed by the noise. Kyle also told me that the landlord will not be renewing Joker's lease at the end of the month. Oddly, there have been no problems with Joker since my sole discussion with him a couple of weeks ago. He has hardly been around the dump. He now departs at 6am and returns around 10pm daily. I am assuming that he's been spending a lot of time with his mother in the hospital.

The evening? Download more ridiculous hurdy-gurdy video clips. Drop back an unhealthy serving of Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix. Do stretching exercises. Read more crap on the Net. Blah, blah, blah. Pathetic, really pathetic.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reconnected Ad Nauseam II

The day? Same ol' shit. Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the net was miraculously reconnected. So, no outing this evening, thank goodness. By the way, I am still plagued by problems with my right thigh. I have now voluntarily lightened my already wimpy cardio workout at the gym. If I have somehow sustained an injury to the quadriceps, then I must not exacerbate the problem by continuing normal exertion levels. Oh, the misery of old age!

Enough of the mundane. A few years, I contemplated an investment in precious metals, possibly up to ten percent of my net worth. That was back when gold was at $600 per ounce. Gold is about three times higher now, but that's irrelevant. My problem with any precious metal is that I must take physical possession of it. Then, I must find some way to safeguard it. I could purchase a small armored safe, but that would be the first thing missing in a robbery. Then, there's the matter of using it as money pre-collapse and post-collapse. I have not figured out either case yet.

Why have I commenced the discussion about money et al. after years of dormancy? "Dormancy" is probably incorrect as I have been reading as much material as possible to maintain a balanced viewpoint. Of course, Detlev Schlichter's book certainly gave me a jolt of reality. In fact, my own amateur analyses has been affirmed by Schlichter.

There's no telling when the collapse of "Western civilization" will occur, but it will certainly come before the effects of Peak Oil and global climate take hold. What is even more worrisome is what the empire, the military arm of "Western civilization," will do as the situation worsens. "Western civilization" is essentially comprised of Europe, North American, and Australia. That's it. Geographically, it is only a fraction of the world's real estate. Can you see why there is a problem? More later.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Disconnected Ad Nauseam V

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. A nice visit with moms. When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I discovered that the Net was disconnected once again. So, I had to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening.

I was going to embark on a dissertation about the insolvency of nearly all "Western" banks and financial institutions, but that's not worth the time. No Net connection and zero readership of the "blog" are great deciding factors, eh? I will only spend the time to briefly share a big concern. Most of my so-called "assets" are liquid (i.e., cash). Well, technically, all of my non-retirement and retirement money is invested in money market and bond funds. Essentially, I am invested in commercial paper as well as commercial and government bonds. If you are like me, then you may be wondering about what will happen to your money in any of the worst case scenarios.

To be perfectly honest, I now believe that the only scenarios left are worst case scenarios. Certainly, none of the state powers of "Western civilization" would even seriously contemplate a return to something like a gold standard. There's also no real hope of reining in the rampant fraud. Thus, we are left with ever more central bank interventions, sovereign defaults, or possible currency devaluation. Actually, I doubt that currency devaluation would be considered. Most likely, the "system" will continue to accelerate and cascade either into default or hyperinflation, neither of which are too pretty.

There is quite a bit of faith in the central banks, that is, the capability of those banks to take on infinite quantities of bad "paper" as well as sovereign debt with little ramification. Yet, all it takes is one glitch to set collapse in motion. The bursting of the so-called "housing bubble" was such a glitch. In reality, the "housing bubble" was only the "tip of the iceberg." There were many other structural aberrations and defects already in place. Now, we are in an even more precarious situation in which the entirety of "Western civilization" is being propped up by direct "monetization" of the whole credit market by various nefarious means (e.g., "quantitative easing"). I share this concern with you, my friends, because there is no way to refute the logic. The endgame is only one glitch away from reality. More later, whenever I am reconnected.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Numbing Collapse

Not much new to report. I am still experiencing problems with my right thigh. The numbness still comes and goes. However, there is now a persistent, albeit minor, pain in my quadriceps. I am really wondering whether I sustained an injury unknowingly. Was I sleepwalking at night, perchance? Or, have I gone I senile?

So far, there has been no swelling or bruising. So, I suspect that I may have somehow strained my quadriceps or have very small muscle ruptures. Your guess is good as mine concerning how something like that could have happened. I only perform no-impact cardio workouts at the gym specifically to avoid leg problems.

My only thought to share for the day is this: the entire "Western civilization" is being propped up by fiat currency created out of thin air. The central banks of the "Western" powers have been taking all kinds of the bad "paper" onto their balance sheets (i.e., "quantitative easing") in order to inject money (i.e., liquidity) into the "system." Now, they are taking on sovereign debt in the form of government bonds (i.e., "monetizing" debt). The "system" hasn't collapsed yet because commercial banks, businesses, and affluent individuals have been hoarding cash for some reason. If a large amount of cash gets dumped into the currency markets, that event will precipitate a currency crisis. In other words, once the dumping starts, there will be a chain reaction. To understand the gravity of the situation, one only needs to find the aggregate amount of bad "paper" and government bonds that have been absorbed onto the balance sheets of the "Western" central banks. Be sure to have a good helping of antacid on hand first, though.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Collapse Redux

Since there is absolutely nothing new to report, I digress. I was surprised to see Detlev Schlichter's book, "Paper Money Collapse," still on the shelf at the library. I take that back. I was not that surprised. I picked up where I left off and completed the entire book.

The book is not just another sensationalist doomsday diatribe. I believe that it is a very accurate description of what is currently transpiring. Schlichter's economic analysis is incredibly sound. And, his predictions are most likely accurate as well. Of course, zero readership of the "blog" saves me from wallowing in detailed circumlocution, thank goodness. However, I am haunted by the new knowledge.

Previously in the "blog," I engaged in long hand-wringing affairs over the convergence of three long term events that could lead to the extinction of all life on the planet. I'm not so sure anymore. If Schlichter is correct in his prognostication, then I can further extrapolate that the long overdue economic collapse will bring about the fall of "Western civilization." The moneychangers and powers-that-be already know that the latter event is inevitable. Thus, the empire, the military arm of "Western civilization," will continue its increasingly violent trajectory in a futile attempt to maintain hegemony (or destabilize any semblance of global order at the least). Such a plan has the nasty side effect of possibly igniting a nuclear conflagration.

We have to understand that the only dominant remnant of "western civilization" is its money system. That money system has been used to control both its internal populace and helpless populations abroad. Once that money system collapses, so will "Western civilization." In the ensuing vacuum, there are only two truly large and influential powers that could fill the void by default: Russia and China. Obviously, neither nation is currently on an imperial crusade like the empire. However, when the empire falls, what other options will exist?

Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. If you have the opportunity, please peruse "Paper Money Collapse." I am not sure how much time is left before the empire itself goes through financial collapse. Since the structural aberrations are increasing exponentially, I can't imagine that it will occur many decades in the future. First the Eurozone goes, then the empire.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day at the Clinic (Reprise)

No detailed diatribe necessary. I first stopped off in Kahala for my belated follow-up appointment at the dentist. Although the beleaguered tooth is doing much better, there is a high probability that a small root fracture exists. During my next routine dental cleaning, I will be going through the novel Arestin® treatment. If there is no marked improvement, then I will know for certain that a root fracture does indeed exist.

Next stop was the Waikiki health Center. This was the earliest appointment that I could arrange. Dr. Mulder once again handled my case. She seems to believe that the "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica) is temporarily caused by a pinched nerve (or equivalent). So, I will now be adding some stretching exercises to my regimen. If there is no change in a couple of weeks, then I will return to the clinic. The doctor will also be requesting my medical records from my previous healthcare provider in order obtain the results from the Holter heart monitor trial (refer to old journal). Perhaps, then, the mystery of my bothersome heart palpitations will be uncovered.

The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. No outing again this evening, what with all of the stretching exercises that I must endure. Sheesh! By the way, there's been a lot of coverage about the new operating system for the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer, which is formally slated to be available next month. Even I am excited, if you can believe that.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Vision of Numbness

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. As far as my continuing bout with "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica), there has been no improvement. Thus, no outing this evening.

Charity Bangs

Well, with so little of relevance to discuss, I may as well feature another one of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties, Charity Bangs. The image is from her performance in a recent Brazzers® episode. Be sure to peruse her portfolio at the FreeOnes® site. Yowza!

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Numbing Tidbits (Continued)

We already know the Sunday drill, don't we? And, we know that the hottie gym trainer was looking mighty fine, right? A long perusal confirmed the latter. Baby is so hot!

I procured an ice cream treat (after my workout at the gym) during my usual transit stopover. Once again, the ice cream had to be returned. I noticed that the temperature of the ice cream was not very cold, yet it was solid as a rock. Then, after ten minutes, I noticed that none of the ice cream melted at all. Very strange.

Well, about three weeks ago, the freezer at Foodland in Ala Moana Center had to be cleared because the glass access doors could not be shut properly. At the time, the employees told me that the ice cream had melted and had to be thrown out. Apparently, instead of discarding the thawed ice cream, they merely put it all back in the freezer to be sold later. When ice cream is thawed completely and refrozen, it loses most of its water content and creamy texture. The result is something like freeze-dried ice cream. Was the money more important than the quality of the product? Apparently so.

My bout with "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica) is becoming stranger by the day. I am now experiencing numbness, numbness with a tingling sensation, and burning numbness (not all at the same time). In addition, the central part of my thigh hurts as if I had sustained an injury. There was no evidence of bruising or anything else. And, I know for a fact that I did not cause any injury to the area in question. I thought that the extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer would alleviate some of the BTS symptoms, but my thigh is apparently not very enamored with baby.

No outing this evening. I'll be locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) all evening. With zero readership of the "blog," I can simply call it a day by ending on a redundant note: same ol' shit. Yeehaw!

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Numbing Tidbits

My bout with "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica) has escalated again. Actually, the symptoms never abated as I had previously misled myself. The numbness now does not have any tingling session associated with it, at least at night. Numbness during the day remains sporadic.

At the library, I perused the book, "Paper Money Collapse: The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breakdown," by Detlev Schlichter. Actually, I read almost the entire book in one sitting. Excellent material, probably one of most informative books I have read on the topic.

I had to cut my workout short at the gym to accommodate some kind of locker room inspection. Otherwise, I would have had to wait at least 30 minutes to take a shower. I did not sleep well last night because of BTS, so I was not overly concerned.

Well, no outing this evening. I'm just too fatigued. I only have enough energy to download countless hurdy-gurdy video clips. I should also mention that the tablet computer appears to be functioning fine when kept in standby mode. Unfortunately, standby mode with the wireless radio turned off still eats away at battery life. Sheesh!

Friday, January 06, 2012

Post No. 2,077

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I should mention that, while I was engaged in my workout at the gym this afternoon, I felt a strange urge to flee. Thus, I had to make the trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, albeit an hour later than usual, in order to feebly placate my anxiety.

Strangely, the symptoms of "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica) subsided last night. I was able to sleep without any detection of major numbness. This morning, the numbness was intermittent. Odd bursts, short in duration. I also experienced an itching sensation, even though there was nothing evident to cause an itch. There were also moments of dull pain. What is going on?

Well, I should be elated, but that's not the case. I have felt an unidentifiable form of uneasiness all day. I'd like to blame it on my nemesis, mortality. However, that's not the problem for now. I believe that I am coming up against the wall of a major existential crisis, one that has no explicit tangible basis. General malaise, I suppose.

Zero readership allows me to express often relevant and touchy points. For one, I really don't know how to end the "blog" or, at least, deprecate the daily postings. I have developed a kind of dependency on the "blog." The dependency is somewhat benign, though, because I don't spend a lot of time composing the diatribe. Yet, I would have absolutely nothing to do in the evenings otherwise ... well, except downloading endless hurdy-gurdy video clips. Oh, the horror!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Wireless Molech

Same ol' shit, except that I did not make the outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. Still illin', too. Good thing that we're still maintaining zero readership of the "blog." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Last night, rather than download myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips, I watched an excellent three-hour interview with Chris Hedges on the BookTV site. Very informative and enjoyable. Although, I don't totally agree with his opinions, we do share some common platforms. For example, we are both Socialists. Hedges, in my opinion, is intelligent, articulate, and a man of honor. He is a contemporary great thinker.

Not much else for me to do this evening aside from searching for choice hurdy-gurdy video clips to download. I could clean up my collection, I suppose. I have a few items on the agenda, but I'm just not interested in attending to them. Heck, I could experience a stroke at any moment. So, why bother? I may as well make a few token offerings to Molech.

On a side note, I have decided to not power down the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer anymore. Instead, I will leave it in standby mode. Startups will only take a few seconds, and I most likely will not have to deal with a disabled wireless radio.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Reconnected Ad Nauseam I

Last night, when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I discovered that the Net was miraculously reconnected. Tiring, isn't it? I also suffered a relapse of the common cold along with increased symptoms of "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica).

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit, delayed by the extended holiday. Nada to report. I was extremely fatigued because of the relapsed common cold. And, as I mentioned, I experienced even worse symptoms of BTS. The burning sensation has escalated to pain. The numbness is now nearly constant, day and night. I could be suffering from a simple pinched nerve, or I could be on the verge of a massive stroke.

I really did not feel like locking myself in my squalid room, so I departed for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala an hour later than usual this evening. I can safely say that I am feeling more than a touch of melancholia. Heck, my body is literally falling apart. I only have myself to blame, I suppose. I didn't take care of myself until just a few years ago. Old age is probably not going to be a "soft landing" for me, if I even make it there.

Well, I guess that my hand is being forced into action. I have got to escape the doldrums. I need to get my personal affairs in order. I really must move out of Slob Manor. I need my own place. I must also stop emulating the homeless, although I have learned a lot from them. I need to recover my "life," but I honestly don't know how to do so.

Living in the same dump as Alan and Joker, both old geezers like the ol' lavahead, has made me realize that I never want to reside in a retirement home (or village). The old man noises alone are enough to drive anyone insane. Then, there are the endless old man issues, most prevalent being decrepitude. How can anyone live like that?

And, I really don't understand why I persist in downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips daily. Isn't there something else that I can do in the evenings after my benign outings? Well, the only other option is to purchase widescreen tube and sit in front of it like a shrine just as the rest of the empire's citizens are so fond of doing. Might as well just lapse into a real coma, eh?

I stopped off at Aina Haina to procure a budget snack. I wasn't really hungry. I just had no other reason to loiter there until the next bus arrived. As with most shopping facilities, there are numerous gung-ho security guards around. I was back in my squalid room by 9pm, just in time to commence another evening of downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips.

On a side note, the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer is now giving me grief. I must reboot it two or three times before the wireless radio activates. Seems to be a software issue, though. And, that's why I haven't installed the last two updates. Apparently, the wireless radio is rendered nearly useless after that. Quite pathetic, isn't it? Just as I made many bad choices in life, I also chose the wrong tablet computer platform. Sheesh!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Disconnected Ad Nauseam IV

The strange bout of "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica) continues, although I have observed that I can initiate or alleviate the symptoms by the way I sit. I also realized that I had torn the calf muscle in that same leg about ten months ago.

Last night, the common cold erupted into major illin'. Unfortunately, I had discarded the last of the cold and flu elixir a couple of weeks ago. So, I suffered a runny nose, itching and sore throat, and nasal blockage all night long.

The Net was (once again) disconnected at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for some unknown reason, so I had to make a dash for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I was, of course, still not feeling well. Then, add in the BTS. Oh brother. Long story short, I was back to the same ol' shit for the day. However, I had to restore my extreme monk haircut one day earlier than usual, thanks to the inconvenient extended holiday. I'll leave it at that.

Monday, January 02, 2012

New Year's Day 2012 (Continued)

I neglected to mention that I ran into the landlord yesterday outside Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I offered my condolences. The landlord gave me a brief synopsis of what transpired at the hospital, which bordered on extreme neglect and malpractice. Obviously, serious allegations. "They pretty much don't care about old folks," she said in summary. Out of curiosity, I asked, "Queen's?" Once affirmed, I knew that the landlord's testimony might ring true. After all, pops passed on in that very same hospital about ten years ago (refer to the old journal). As you may recall, pops went through routine surgery for cancer. After the operation, he lapsed into a suspicious coma. Eventually, following the advice of the doctors, he was taken off of intravenous feeding. Pops eventually succumbed to starvation. Believe me, there is absolutely no dignity in passing on in a hospital.

Incidentally, the old man maladies continue to pile on. I am now experiencing "burning thigh sensation" (BTS or Meralgia Paresthetica), which is a burning numbness on the surface of the thigh. I have experienced the problem infrequently, that is, until last week. Now, it is a daily occurrence at night while I am attempting to sleep. If I turn onto my side, I can alleviate the symptoms. No doubt, something serious is afoot. I will most likely have to schedule an appointment at the Waikiki Health Center soon.

This morning, rather than endlessly debate with myself, I decided to drive my truck to Ala Moana Center and follow the itinerary that I had originally planned. I enjoyed a cup of coffee in the Barnes & Noble® Café. And, I brought my tablet computer with me to while away the time. I noticed that I was experiencing milder symptoms of BTS. I am beginning to wonder whether I am suffering from nerve compression because of all the non-padded chairs that I sit on for hours at a time. I don't have much buttock padding, which only aggravates the problem.

The agenda for the day was not rigorous. I had to shop for a new workout tanktop at Sears®, ride the bus to town, go to the gym, and retrieve my mail. Everything went relatively smooth. After a leisurely workout and shower, I returned to Ala Moana Center, where I loitered for another hour or so. I also purchased a frozen yogurt treat to help cure my bout of BTS.

I stopped off at the new Safeway® store on Beretania Street. I purchased a handful of grocery items, although I was not pleased that I had to settle for nitrate-laced turkey slices. I now only purchase Lucerne® dairy products at Safeway®. There's no bovine growth hormone. And, the yogurt no longer contains high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener.

I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4:15pm. I had a lot of agenda items to attend to, so I had to reluctantly forgo an outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I finished off the last Keoki's® Lau Lau for dinner, the highlight of my day. I'll spend the evening downloading more hurdy-gurdy video clips. Could we have expected anything more? I seem to have a touch of the common cold, so remaining locked in my squalid room was probably a wise choice. Well, thank goodness the long holiday weekend is over.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year's Day 2012

Usual Sunday routine. I was able to enjoy an extended perusal of the hottie gym trainer at the gym. Baby only tended to one client this morning. So, she spent about 30 minutes running on the treadmill afterward. Baby was wearing a very form-fitting tanktop. To say that baby is well endowed would be an understatement. Whew!

After my workout and shower, I sat across the street in the shade to dry off. I was so mesmerized by the hottie gym trainer that I sat on a large clump of bird shit (i.e., dung). Only after 15 minutes did I feel something wet. I had to wipe off the crap from my boardshorts with my hands using the foetid water from a nearby stale water feature. What a maroon!

I made my way back to Ala Moana Center as usual. After seeing the hottie gym trainer in all her splendor, I had to procure a frozen yogurt treat to cool myself off. Too bad baby won't come around, eh? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Seriously, though, I have been thinking that I won't be doing da wild thing with any babes for the rest of my life. I've been celibate for so long that only my hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) can aid in my recollection. Soon, the Vienna Sausage will "peter out" and that will be the end of it. What will I do then?

Day Two of the Keoki's® Lau Lau dinner feast, then I was off to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Big difference from last night. The place was mobbed with fools even though the stores (what few were actually open) were already closed. The bookstore was back to normal. Lots of stupidity. Fortunately, I found an armchair to sit upon and use my tablet computer. The bookstore, by the way, has a few new hottie booksellers.

Typical "In With the New" Hottie

Well, the new year is upon us. I have no idea whether I will get anything accomplished or not. Heck, I can't even stop downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips. Actually, I have no idea about anything anymore. Dementia, you think? Perhaps I should go back and read the "blog." Then, I can (maybe) grasp the severity of the situation.