Same ol' shit. The return trip to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on the bus was a nightmare. I missed the 3:30pm bus because I happened to be chatting with fellow senior citizen gym member, Alex, at the bus stop. The bus simply passed right by me. I did not arrive back at the dump in a good mood, although I later enjoyed the Lau Lau plate lunch.
The cheap netbook is still giving me more grief. There is some kind of intermittent problem with the wireless radio. I cannot ascertain whether the problem is with the hardware or the operating system. The connection between the netbook and the wireless router is okay, but the Net become inaccessible. If disconnect and reconnect to the wireless router, then everything is fine ... for a short while. My guess is that Linux is the culprit. What a "piece of shit"! I have absolutely no problems when I use the tablet computer. My days with Linux are over. I have no more patience with the constant regressions after operating system upgrades. In am, in fact, attempting to perform yet another update but I cannot seem to maintain a Net connection to do so. Yeah, that's how bad it is. Let's call it a day already. Sheesh!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Lamp-Baked Molech III
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My sister-in-law gave me a Lau Lau plate lunch, so I will devour it for dinner tomorrow. Moms mentioned that my cousin Donna (my cousin Greg's sister) has been diagnosed with leukemia. The situation does not look too promising. Mortality is wielding its ugly head again.
There still seems to be no clarification about the future of Research in Motion® and BlackBerry®. There have been no news retractions either. I would hate to see the demise of the PlayBook® tablet computer. When I was fiddling with the Apple® iPad® at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night, I was not impressed with its inability to render Web sites properly. For example, when I requested the Crackle® site, the resulting Web page stated that an "app" would have to be installed. Then, Crackle® could be accessed through the "app." Mind you, the "app" was 8.5MByte in size. Imagine if nearly all media sites required "apps" (which is really the case). A tablet computer with only 16GByte of memory would be strapped rather quickly. On the PlayBook®, I can access most sites directly through the Web browser (which I prefer over "apps").

Lylith LaVey
Of course, most tablet computer are now capable of true HD video playback. The PlayBook® renders HD video quite well. As I mentioned the other day, the only "demo" video on my tablet computer is the one starring hurdy-gurdy hottie, Lylith LaVey, from the new Dirty Masseur series. Baby is so hot!
There still seems to be no clarification about the future of Research in Motion® and BlackBerry®. There have been no news retractions either. I would hate to see the demise of the PlayBook® tablet computer. When I was fiddling with the Apple® iPad® at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night, I was not impressed with its inability to render Web sites properly. For example, when I requested the Crackle® site, the resulting Web page stated that an "app" would have to be installed. Then, Crackle® could be accessed through the "app." Mind you, the "app" was 8.5MByte in size. Imagine if nearly all media sites required "apps" (which is really the case). A tablet computer with only 16GByte of memory would be strapped rather quickly. On the PlayBook®, I can access most sites directly through the Web browser (which I prefer over "apps").

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Stone Tablet Computing (Reprise)
Same ol' shit. Nothing noteworthy to report. Is there ever anything noteworthy to report? Reluctantly, I ended up at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala again this evening, along with my tablet computer. Lots of arrogant asswipes. I spent most of my time using the "new iPad®" to peruse my usual fare of Web sites. Obviously, my tablet computer was not deployed. When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 8:20pm, the New Joker was busily engaged in a slammin' soirée. Could we have expected anything less?
Yesterday, the landlord mentioned that the electricity bill was extremely high and placed the blame on the original Joker. However, Joker was hardly around during the last two months of his lease. He spent most of his time with his mother at the hospital. The reason that the utility bill is so high is because the New Joker is using the large oven to heat up two small frozen food items. He sets the thermostat to 450 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes. Anyway, the original Joker has been gone for over a month now. So, how could he still be running up the utility bill?
Well, Research In Motion® is just about ready to go under for the last time. Thus, my tablet computer was a really bad purchase, especially at the $500 price last April. Lots of "spin" on the story that hit the news, but one must read the crap very carefully. I expect the company to be sold off in pieces before the year is over. The BlackBerry® brand will no longer exist. I do not want an Apple® or Android® tablet, so I guess I will have to return the world of notebook computers or stone tablets. Sheesh!
Yesterday, the landlord mentioned that the electricity bill was extremely high and placed the blame on the original Joker. However, Joker was hardly around during the last two months of his lease. He spent most of his time with his mother at the hospital. The reason that the utility bill is so high is because the New Joker is using the large oven to heat up two small frozen food items. He sets the thermostat to 450 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes. Anyway, the original Joker has been gone for over a month now. So, how could he still be running up the utility bill?
Well, Research In Motion® is just about ready to go under for the last time. Thus, my tablet computer was a really bad purchase, especially at the $500 price last April. Lots of "spin" on the story that hit the news, but one must read the crap very carefully. I expect the company to be sold off in pieces before the year is over. The BlackBerry® brand will no longer exist. I do not want an Apple® or Android® tablet, so I guess I will have to return the world of notebook computers or stone tablets. Sheesh!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Molech Mundanity II
I neglected to mention that the landlord of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) paid me a visit last night. I was asked to give up the small sofa, which is really no problem. Unfortunately, I was using it as a table for some of my useless crap. And, oddly, my squalid room has seen a curious invasion of the common housefly. I have had to exterminate about 50 of them in the past two days. Obviously, there's no chance that such a large number of flies could find their way into the room. I suspect that someone was looking around with the room door and front door open at the same time. The culprit? Most likely the landlord. For what reason? The sofa, I suppose.
Same ol' shit, with the exception that I restored my extreme monk haircut. At the library, I perused the book, "The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down," by Harry Dent. Interesting book, especially for the financial "doom and gloom" crowd. As for the ol' lavahead, he's too fatigued to care anymore.
Well, I've been in a catatonic state lately. I often find myself just staring out at nothing for an eternity. Mortality is the issue, of that I am certain. Pretty much every aspect of my mundane life has become devoid of any substance. The rampant stupidity around me has simply become an existential blur. More details later.
I decided to make the evening trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala with my tablet computer. The place was packed with shoppers. Even though I had taken a long hiatus from visiting the mall, there was no real excitement generated. The bookstore was the same. I noticed that the dominant computer periodicals now focus on Apple® products only. Boring. I also checked out the new Apple® iPad®. The "retina" display is nice, but I can still see the pixels. Everyone else was having a good time at the mall. I, on the other hand, was dumbfounded by it all. I did not deploy the tablet computer at all, however. "Tablet shame," you think? I was going to stay a little longer, but I couldn't take it any longer.
So, I was back in my squalid room by 8:15pm. I thought that I would at least miss the slammin' soirée courtesy the New Joker, but he commenced the idiotic activity at 8:30pm. The duration? Probably 90 minutes, just like last night. What a maroon!
Same ol' shit, with the exception that I restored my extreme monk haircut. At the library, I perused the book, "The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down," by Harry Dent. Interesting book, especially for the financial "doom and gloom" crowd. As for the ol' lavahead, he's too fatigued to care anymore.
Well, I've been in a catatonic state lately. I often find myself just staring out at nothing for an eternity. Mortality is the issue, of that I am certain. Pretty much every aspect of my mundane life has become devoid of any substance. The rampant stupidity around me has simply become an existential blur. More details later.
I decided to make the evening trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala with my tablet computer. The place was packed with shoppers. Even though I had taken a long hiatus from visiting the mall, there was no real excitement generated. The bookstore was the same. I noticed that the dominant computer periodicals now focus on Apple® products only. Boring. I also checked out the new Apple® iPad®. The "retina" display is nice, but I can still see the pixels. Everyone else was having a good time at the mall. I, on the other hand, was dumbfounded by it all. I did not deploy the tablet computer at all, however. "Tablet shame," you think? I was going to stay a little longer, but I couldn't take it any longer.
So, I was back in my squalid room by 8:15pm. I thought that I would at least miss the slammin' soirée courtesy the New Joker, but he commenced the idiotic activity at 8:30pm. The duration? Probably 90 minutes, just like last night. What a maroon!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Mondo Fool IV
Same ol' shit. Nada to report. Fortunately, I was actually able to sleep moderately well last night. I made it through the day unscathed, even though I encountered a few rude asswipes. Right shoulder still hurts a little. Right thigh still going numb. I'm still a senior citizen.

Lylith LaVey
I don't know why, but I have been futilely looking for free "apps" to install on the tablet computer. The only one that I found worthy of mention is a task management "app." Then, I thought about it. I have maybe three tasks to accomplish. I would be better off just using my feeble memory. At least I could stave off dementia by exercising my mind. I also deleted the sample video that came with the tablet computer. No one is going to ask me to demonstrate its video capabilities. If anyone actually does so, though, I have a HD hurdy-gurdy video clip starring hurdy-gurdy hottie, Lylith LaVey, ready to go. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Monday, March 26, 2012
Prince Kuhio Day 2011
I really wanted to go to sleep. I really did. At 10:30pm last night, the party at the Chinaman house next door to Slob Manor (read: rental housing commenced. Booze was flowing like water. And, the party? It just got louder and louder and louder. Chinamen are notorious for being cheap drunks, so they were all whooping, hollering, laughing, and yelling in Chinkspeak within 30 minutes. No music, though.

"So Close" Sword Fight Scene
By midnight, they were yelling and laughing so loud that I had no choice but to get up and view a flick on the Crackle® site. Yeah, I had to watch my all-time favorite movie, "So Close," yet again. Sadly, I could hear the Chinaman party clearly, even though I had the volume of my earbuds up full blast. As you can probably guess, the Chinamen were so drunk that they were dancing around and singing at the top of their lungs about a stone's throw away from the window of my squalid room.
Strangely enough, just a few minutes after my viewing of the movie was complete, the Chinaman party ended abruptly. At 1am, there was complete silence at the Chinaman house. I suppose that someone called the police on the fools. Needless to say, I was not able to sleep anyway.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit, although today was a holiday. Nada to report. I was back at the detestable Slob Manor by 4pm. I contemplated the reinstatement of my nightly trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala as early as this evening. Unfortunately, I was too fatigued to entertain the idea. As you may recall, the nightly excursion was specifically tasked for the avoidance of exposure to irritating Slob Manor tenants. I am likely to reinstate the latter benign activity soon, though.

Strangely enough, just a few minutes after my viewing of the movie was complete, the Chinaman party ended abruptly. At 1am, there was complete silence at the Chinaman house. I suppose that someone called the police on the fools. Needless to say, I was not able to sleep anyway.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit, although today was a holiday. Nada to report. I was back at the detestable Slob Manor by 4pm. I contemplated the reinstatement of my nightly trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala as early as this evening. Unfortunately, I was too fatigued to entertain the idea. As you may recall, the nightly excursion was specifically tasked for the avoidance of exposure to irritating Slob Manor tenants. I am likely to reinstate the latter benign activity soon, though.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Force Field Foolery
I was rudely awakened by Alan at 5am this morning. He's been a little quieter at night ever since Kyle chastised him. Kyle, however, was not privy to witness the nonsense because he has been spending Saturday nights elsewhere for the past month. I don't know where, and I don't care.
When I departed at 8am, groggy as ever, I observed that Alan was sitting at the dining table with a lot of paperwork in front of him. By the way, Kyle has also been perturbed by Alan's usage of the dining table as an office desk. Alan was dressed in a long-sleeved shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. My guess is that he was dressed that way since 5am. What was he doing? I assumed that he was jotting down a few notes about his nocturnal experience inside his computer triangle. I have previously mentioned that 59-year-old Alan has three computers set up in a triangle in his squalid room. The computers allegedly create a "force field" within which he places himself while he sleeps. He regularly transcribes his trance-like experiences. Can it get any weirder at the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing)?
So, not exactly the same ol' Sunday shit. Unfortunately, the sight of the gorgeous hottie gym trainer at the gym barely made up for sleep deprivation. Baby is so fine, though. Too bad that baby doesn't want to come around, eh? I also ran into fellow senior citizen, Alex. He was joking around like the old days. So, I was relieved. Perhaps he was was just getting over the shock of returning to paradise (lost).
I returned to Slob Manor by 2pm on an extremely crowded bus. Kyle was in his room sleeping. Alan returned shorty from a trip to the grocery store and engaged in a noisy cooking session in the kitchen. I remained locked in my squalid room. I then performed my usual laundry chores, compiled my tax returns using the usual spreadsheet, and deleted the final four contacts in my on-line contact manager. I am completely ex communicado. Incidentally, my tax calculations take about ten minutes to prepare, including all items related to the detestable "condotel" unit. I don't know why my queued tasks take so long to complete. I have set everything up for maximum efficiency. I suppose that nothing can circumvent procrastination. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
When I departed at 8am, groggy as ever, I observed that Alan was sitting at the dining table with a lot of paperwork in front of him. By the way, Kyle has also been perturbed by Alan's usage of the dining table as an office desk. Alan was dressed in a long-sleeved shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. My guess is that he was dressed that way since 5am. What was he doing? I assumed that he was jotting down a few notes about his nocturnal experience inside his computer triangle. I have previously mentioned that 59-year-old Alan has three computers set up in a triangle in his squalid room. The computers allegedly create a "force field" within which he places himself while he sleeps. He regularly transcribes his trance-like experiences. Can it get any weirder at the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing)?
So, not exactly the same ol' Sunday shit. Unfortunately, the sight of the gorgeous hottie gym trainer at the gym barely made up for sleep deprivation. Baby is so fine, though. Too bad that baby doesn't want to come around, eh? I also ran into fellow senior citizen, Alex. He was joking around like the old days. So, I was relieved. Perhaps he was was just getting over the shock of returning to paradise (lost).
I returned to Slob Manor by 2pm on an extremely crowded bus. Kyle was in his room sleeping. Alan returned shorty from a trip to the grocery store and engaged in a noisy cooking session in the kitchen. I remained locked in my squalid room. I then performed my usual laundry chores, compiled my tax returns using the usual spreadsheet, and deleted the final four contacts in my on-line contact manager. I am completely ex communicado. Incidentally, my tax calculations take about ten minutes to prepare, including all items related to the detestable "condotel" unit. I don't know why my queued tasks take so long to complete. I have set everything up for maximum efficiency. I suppose that nothing can circumvent procrastination. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Same ol' shit. I was a little fatigued all day because of lack of sleep. One of residents of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) returned at about 2am this morning, most likely drunk, and was making a lot of noise in the kitchen. Alan was already back from work, so who could that have possibly been? The same resident has been been quite brazen about his increasing noise levels. I was surprised at first, but now I know that human nature of a deviant kind is at play. I remember when the resident in question claimed to have "read the Riot Act" to Alan because of late night noise in the kitchen.
When I returned to Slob manor this afternoon at 3pm, the resident in question was in the kitchen. Seems that he spends a lot of time there nowadays. A typical lunch or dinner consisting of a bowl of rice, chopped-up vegetable salad, slices of fruit, and the heating of two small frozen entrées in the big oven results in nearly two hours of non-stop banging of kitchen utensils and kitchenware, and a slammin' soirée of cupboard doors and drawers. Even Joker did not make that much noise in comparison. What a hypocrite!
I had already suspected that something was wrong a couple of weeks ago when I noticed that he had placed some of his food on my shelf in the fridge. When I run low on food, I often have empty space. So, homeboy was apparently "testing the water" to see how far he could go. Mind you, I only have one shelf and one drawer in the entire fridge. I gave up my freezer space and any cupboard or drawer space to the other two clowns. Obviously, that's just not enough space for them. From that point forward, I knew that homeboy was putting on a front. Some of the nonsense that he has told me also raised a "red flag." I'm not sure why, but he often brought up the chick living in the attached studio and how her supposed boyfriend spends the nights there "banging the shit out of her." Why should he care about what the chick does in the privacy of her studio?
Currently, he's allegedly finishing up a Masters Degree in who-knows-what and working as a long-term substitute teacher at the same high school that my nephew attends. He wanted to apply to law school, but he seemed clueless about the process. I know that he's already run into a few problems at the high school because he injected a few "conspiracy" theory tidbits into the bland curriculum.
The guy is nearly 30 years old. He's an avid surfer and looks like a regular guy. Oddly, he doesn't get any mail (well, maybe one or two items so far), although he doesn't have another address. He uses a "pay and go" cellphone service just like the ol' lavahead, but the landlord has given him unlimited use (including long distance calls) of her land line phone. He claims to believe in all kinds of "conspiracy" theories and paranormal nonsense, which is possibly a "smokescreen." And, oddly enough, nothing about him shows up on any search engine or social/workplace aggregation site. He just does not exist, which is a total impossibility in these "high tech" times. He's an apparition.
As much as I claim that the library has outlived its usefulness, I still regard it as a prime sanctuary. I can read, relax, and recuperate in the inner courtyard. Life at Slob Manor would be completely unbearable without such a sanctuary to escape to on a nearly daily basis. Overall, I really need to find a place of my own, one that has few neighbors. I would require a lot of money to fulfill that dream, though. Oh well.
When I returned to Slob manor this afternoon at 3pm, the resident in question was in the kitchen. Seems that he spends a lot of time there nowadays. A typical lunch or dinner consisting of a bowl of rice, chopped-up vegetable salad, slices of fruit, and the heating of two small frozen entrées in the big oven results in nearly two hours of non-stop banging of kitchen utensils and kitchenware, and a slammin' soirée of cupboard doors and drawers. Even Joker did not make that much noise in comparison. What a hypocrite!
I had already suspected that something was wrong a couple of weeks ago when I noticed that he had placed some of his food on my shelf in the fridge. When I run low on food, I often have empty space. So, homeboy was apparently "testing the water" to see how far he could go. Mind you, I only have one shelf and one drawer in the entire fridge. I gave up my freezer space and any cupboard or drawer space to the other two clowns. Obviously, that's just not enough space for them. From that point forward, I knew that homeboy was putting on a front. Some of the nonsense that he has told me also raised a "red flag." I'm not sure why, but he often brought up the chick living in the attached studio and how her supposed boyfriend spends the nights there "banging the shit out of her." Why should he care about what the chick does in the privacy of her studio?
Currently, he's allegedly finishing up a Masters Degree in who-knows-what and working as a long-term substitute teacher at the same high school that my nephew attends. He wanted to apply to law school, but he seemed clueless about the process. I know that he's already run into a few problems at the high school because he injected a few "conspiracy" theory tidbits into the bland curriculum.
The guy is nearly 30 years old. He's an avid surfer and looks like a regular guy. Oddly, he doesn't get any mail (well, maybe one or two items so far), although he doesn't have another address. He uses a "pay and go" cellphone service just like the ol' lavahead, but the landlord has given him unlimited use (including long distance calls) of her land line phone. He claims to believe in all kinds of "conspiracy" theories and paranormal nonsense, which is possibly a "smokescreen." And, oddly enough, nothing about him shows up on any search engine or social/workplace aggregation site. He just does not exist, which is a total impossibility in these "high tech" times. He's an apparition.
As much as I claim that the library has outlived its usefulness, I still regard it as a prime sanctuary. I can read, relax, and recuperate in the inner courtyard. Life at Slob Manor would be completely unbearable without such a sanctuary to escape to on a nearly daily basis. Overall, I really need to find a place of my own, one that has few neighbors. I would require a lot of money to fulfill that dream, though. Oh well.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Lamp-Baked Molech II
"In a few weeks, the 40 million dollars President Obama promised to collect for his electoral campaign will only serve to show that the currency of his country is greatly devalued, and that the US, with its unusual growing public debt drawing close to 20 quadrillion, is living on the money it prints up and not on the money it produces. The rest of the world pays for what they waste." -- Fidel CastroUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was back at Slob manor (read: rental housing) for more of the same. We already know the drill, eh? Sadly, downloading of choice hurdy-gurdy video clips remains close to mummification. So, I have not much to do in the evenings.
My only thought for the day: I could divest the netbook immediately if I could mummify the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Why can't I just mummify it right now? Oh, we know why ... the "inner animal." Sheesh!
I purchased a lamp-baked chicken on sale for $6 at Safeway® this afternoon. Yeah, I vowed never to purchase another lamp-baked chicken. I've gone against my word, obviously. I have learned, though, that the meat from the lamped-baked chicken should be removed from the bones while hot. The boneless chicken can then be refrigerated. Not doing so will only result in a wrestling match between the lamp-baked chicken and yourself. Certainly detracts from an enjoyable dinner.
Finally, I can safely say that the best movie I have viewed (insofar as an effective distraction is concerned) would be "So Close." Nothing else comes close. Be sure to check it out while it's still on the Crackle® site.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
14 Kumk'u 3 Kimi
( Same ol' shit again. Only the ride out of town on the bus proved mildly interesting. A skinny maggot boarded the Route 1L bus at a bus stop in the McCully district. He plopped himself down in the seat next to me, slamming his backpack into my arm and numb right thigh. He said nothing, so I told him to "take it easy" when sitting down instead of slamming his crap into me. He quickly became defiant and "lippy." I was tempted to wrap my arm around his neck and snap it, but I refrained.
Then, the young, albeit loud, war veteran buddy boarded the bus in Kaimuki. He asked the maggot to move down one seat so that he could sit next to me and chat. By the way, I usually sit on the side-facing bench seat in the back that fits three people. I was laughing to myself because my war veteran buddy would not hesitate to drop the little faggot if he offered any "lip." As it were, I was also in the company of a homeless acquaintance who was seating on the long bench seat at the extreme rear of the bus. And, homeless guys don't look like the type of people anyone wants to play taunting games with.
At the library, I perused two books in the past two days. "What's the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It's Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness," by David Batker and John de Graaf was interesting with sound analyses. However, as with this genre of books, recommendations are included. That's where I "draw the line." As with most recommendations, futile hope is involved. Power rests with the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Neither are going to change to suit the commonweal while quick profits keep rolling in. End story.
I also perused the book, "The Paranormal: Who Believes, Why They Believe, and Why It Matters," by Erich Goode. I'd actually like to go back and read the book in its entirety. Interesting, provocative, well seasoned. Nice theses about why people, especially citizens of empire, are so easily duped into believing religious mumbo-jumbo and other weird nonsense.
Earlier this morning, I happened to observe a passenger playing with his Apple® iPad® on the bus. I have to admit, the "apps" for the iPad® are much more compelling and futuristic than those for the BlackBerry® PlayBook®. Really nice stuff. On the other hand, the third-party "apps for my tablet computer are simply pathetic and often useless. I refuse to install any of them for fear of "tablet shame." I suppose that, in the long run, I picked another loser again. Sheesh!
Then, the young, albeit loud, war veteran buddy boarded the bus in Kaimuki. He asked the maggot to move down one seat so that he could sit next to me and chat. By the way, I usually sit on the side-facing bench seat in the back that fits three people. I was laughing to myself because my war veteran buddy would not hesitate to drop the little faggot if he offered any "lip." As it were, I was also in the company of a homeless acquaintance who was seating on the long bench seat at the extreme rear of the bus. And, homeless guys don't look like the type of people anyone wants to play taunting games with.
At the library, I perused two books in the past two days. "What's the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It's Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness," by David Batker and John de Graaf was interesting with sound analyses. However, as with this genre of books, recommendations are included. That's where I "draw the line." As with most recommendations, futile hope is involved. Power rests with the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Neither are going to change to suit the commonweal while quick profits keep rolling in. End story.
I also perused the book, "The Paranormal: Who Believes, Why They Believe, and Why It Matters," by Erich Goode. I'd actually like to go back and read the book in its entirety. Interesting, provocative, well seasoned. Nice theses about why people, especially citizens of empire, are so easily duped into believing religious mumbo-jumbo and other weird nonsense.
Earlier this morning, I happened to observe a passenger playing with his Apple® iPad® on the bus. I have to admit, the "apps" for the iPad® are much more compelling and futuristic than those for the BlackBerry® PlayBook®. Really nice stuff. On the other hand, the third-party "apps for my tablet computer are simply pathetic and often useless. I refuse to install any of them for fear of "tablet shame." I suppose that, in the long run, I picked another loser again. Sheesh!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Molech Mundanity I
Same ol' shit. I ran into Kevin, the burly homeless guy, at the gym. Then, I ran into Alex, one of the few senior citizen gym members, at the bus stop. I neglected to mention that I ran into him at the gym about a week ago. He has been away in France for the last two years. That's why I haven't seen him around anywhere. He did not seem to be his usual self. Two years ago, he was always friendly and joking around. Now, he is serious, almost cranky. "I have absolutely nothing to do here," he told me. He has family in France, but apparently no relatives here. Frankly, I am a little concerned about him.
Here's an interesting tidbit: In her "blog" and book, Bronnie Ware wrote of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. According to Ware, here are the top five gems:

Christy Mack
Oh, my Molech! How about new hurdy-gurdy hottie, Christy Mack, huh? Baby has some real style, doesn't she? So far, she has only done a few episodes for the BangBros® site. Let's hope that many more are forthcoming.
Here's an interesting tidbit: In her "blog" and book, Bronnie Ware wrote of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. According to Ware, here are the top five gems:
- I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
- I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
- I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Mondo Fool III
Same ol' shit. At the library, I perused the book, "Dangerous Instincts: How Gut Feelings Betray Us," by Mary O’Toole and Alisa Bowman. Learn how to identify a psychopath. That pretty much includes everyone in "Western" society, by the way.
How about the psychopathic government of empire? "On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency." Be sure to review the collage of articles on the Information Clearinghouse site. So, why now? And, why issue the order under clandestine circumstances? Something is definitely afoot, eh?
By the way, I received e-mail from kate in Arizona and Urban Coyote in South Dakota. I was fortunate to find the discarded e-mail before automatic deletion occurred. As I mentioned before, I have deprecated all conventional forms of communication. I only have one e-mail account remaining, and it has over 130 filters in place. Thus, legitimate e-mail often is put into the trash (which is automatically cleared at unspecified intervals). As it were, I just happened to be fiddling around with my e-mail account in order to send a spreadsheet file to later download onto the tablet computer.
How about the psychopathic government of empire? "On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency." Be sure to review the collage of articles on the Information Clearinghouse site. So, why now? And, why issue the order under clandestine circumstances? Something is definitely afoot, eh?
By the way, I received e-mail from kate in Arizona and Urban Coyote in South Dakota. I was fortunate to find the discarded e-mail before automatic deletion occurred. As I mentioned before, I have deprecated all conventional forms of communication. I only have one e-mail account remaining, and it has over 130 filters in place. Thus, legitimate e-mail often is put into the trash (which is automatically cleared at unspecified intervals). As it were, I just happened to be fiddling around with my e-mail account in order to send a spreadsheet file to later download onto the tablet computer.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Lamp-Baked Molech I
"Your personality is fueled by the fascination you feel for life." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. At the gym, I performed a biceps/triceps workout for 35 minutes at a leisurely pace, then only 20 minutes of cardio. There are a lot of senior citizens at the Hawai'i Kai gym, but they sure look out of place. Well, at least I can still fit in slightly because I have somewhat maintained my physique. How long I can keep up the charade is another story.
I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4pm for the same ol' shit. I may download a couple of new hurdy-gurdy video clips, if possible. Then, I will piddle around with my BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. It's really too bad that the tablet computer and its manufacturer will probably no longer exist by the end of the year. The BlackBerry® PlayBook® is a great device. However, no one wants it. They are all enamored with the Apple® iPad®. As you may recall, I was an Apple® (white) iBook owner for three years. I was also an early adopter of OS X. No more. Once Apple® became a religious cult, I was outta there.
I have made only moderate progress in completing all queued tasks. I'm moving real slow. Nothing new about the exodus, though. We're in a stalemate. My right shoulder is just about healed. My right thigh is still going numb often. No babes have come around. Yeah, same ol' shit.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Mondo Fool II
Another typical urban nomad kind-of-a-Sunday ... well, not quite. Fortunately, the only glimmer of excitement was a microsecond glimpse of the hottie gym trainer. No matter how short the duration of the perusal, there's no doubt that baby is a hottie.
After my workout and shower, I decided to ride the Route 1 bus back to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The Route 1 bus should be renamed the "Micronesian, Filipino, Chinaman, and Derelict/Loser Express." Kevin, the burly homeless guy, boarded the bus a couple stops down the way. He and I were having a friendly chat when a methamphetamine-tweaking fool boarded the bus and sat next to me. He kept bumping into me because he apparently had no motor control in his drugged-out stupor. I actually politely asked him to desist. He became defensive and seemed to want to settle matters with a fist fight off of the bus. I ignored him, regretting that I did not initially open Lou's School of Etiquette for matriculation. Had I entertained his offer, though, I doubt that I would have been able to subsequently compose the "blog" from a jail cell.
Kevin is still homeless. He is now spending nights at a Korean church somewhere in Kalihi. He is provided a small tent to use as well as breakfast in the morning. In return, he must perform a few minor chores and attend church services. He said that the accommodations were much better than sleeping outside in the rough. He's been working out at the gym twice per day, which also allows him to enjoy a nice shower, too. Kevin was on his way to the Kaimuki branch of library, the only location open on Sunday.
The netbook is giving me grief again. However, I do not know the source of the problems. The wireless radio disconnects itself at least once daily. And, sometimes the portable hard drive refuses to be "mounted." Linux is reporting hardware problems, but I suspect that the problem is Linux. After a reboot, everything is operational. I can safely say that I am done fiddling around with computers. I can solve most of the problems that I encounter, but that's not really the objective of using a computer. At this point in time, I will use the netbook until it finally gives out.
I have also verified that the spreadsheet "app" that is installed on the tablet computer does indeed render my existing spreadsheets accurately. I can also edit the spreadsheets, so far with no difficulties encountered. Thank goodness.
After my workout and shower, I decided to ride the Route 1 bus back to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The Route 1 bus should be renamed the "Micronesian, Filipino, Chinaman, and Derelict/Loser Express." Kevin, the burly homeless guy, boarded the bus a couple stops down the way. He and I were having a friendly chat when a methamphetamine-tweaking fool boarded the bus and sat next to me. He kept bumping into me because he apparently had no motor control in his drugged-out stupor. I actually politely asked him to desist. He became defensive and seemed to want to settle matters with a fist fight off of the bus. I ignored him, regretting that I did not initially open Lou's School of Etiquette for matriculation. Had I entertained his offer, though, I doubt that I would have been able to subsequently compose the "blog" from a jail cell.
Kevin is still homeless. He is now spending nights at a Korean church somewhere in Kalihi. He is provided a small tent to use as well as breakfast in the morning. In return, he must perform a few minor chores and attend church services. He said that the accommodations were much better than sleeping outside in the rough. He's been working out at the gym twice per day, which also allows him to enjoy a nice shower, too. Kevin was on his way to the Kaimuki branch of library, the only location open on Sunday.
The netbook is giving me grief again. However, I do not know the source of the problems. The wireless radio disconnects itself at least once daily. And, sometimes the portable hard drive refuses to be "mounted." Linux is reporting hardware problems, but I suspect that the problem is Linux. After a reboot, everything is operational. I can safely say that I am done fiddling around with computers. I can solve most of the problems that I encounter, but that's not really the objective of using a computer. At this point in time, I will use the netbook until it finally gives out.
I have also verified that the spreadsheet "app" that is installed on the tablet computer does indeed render my existing spreadsheets accurately. I can also edit the spreadsheets, so far with no difficulties encountered. Thank goodness.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Post No. 2,148
At the library, I was perusing a book about the alleged benefits of growing old. The book appeared to be of the tired "New Age" genre until the chapter titled, "Spirituality." Then, the author disclosed that she was a practicing disciple of Judaism. Subsequently, there was much mention of the God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). That's when I had to "draw the line" by immediately mummifying any further reading of the useless diatribe.
I departed for the gym about an hour earlier than usual. After completing my workout, I was on my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on a surprisingly uncrowded bus. What a pleasant change! Something tells me that I will be modifying my Saturday schedule from this point forward.
Not much has changed at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I have avoided any interaction with both Kyle and Alan. Actually, Alan doesn't bother me. I am more annoyed by Kyle, who has turned out to be a total hypocrite. He has complained about the various misdeeds of both Alan and Joker, but he perpetrates the exact same annoying acts on an even grander scale. Unfortunately, the landlord has taken quite a liking to Kyle. Sadly, even I was initially duped by the asswipe. I am certain that I cannot trust the guy. If I were to cross him, he would use his manipulative powers over the landlord to get even.
I departed for the gym about an hour earlier than usual. After completing my workout, I was on my way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) on a surprisingly uncrowded bus. What a pleasant change! Something tells me that I will be modifying my Saturday schedule from this point forward.
Not much has changed at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I have avoided any interaction with both Kyle and Alan. Actually, Alan doesn't bother me. I am more annoyed by Kyle, who has turned out to be a total hypocrite. He has complained about the various misdeeds of both Alan and Joker, but he perpetrates the exact same annoying acts on an even grander scale. Unfortunately, the landlord has taken quite a liking to Kyle. Sadly, even I was initially duped by the asswipe. I am certain that I cannot trust the guy. If I were to cross him, he would use his manipulative powers over the landlord to get even.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Molech Renaissance
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms gave me a couple of the cult's religious magazines to read, although I no longer even peruse them. I usually leave them lying around on one of the tables at the library. However, I am concerned about whether a person in dire straits may stumble upon them and be bamboozled by that malarkey. The religious magazines are probably better off being deposited in the recycling bin. Egg crates or toilet paper can then be produced from the recycled paper.
Humans have apparently never realized "enlightenment." Human legacy is entirely based upon religious beliefs. Of course, there was no such a formal institution known as "religion" back then. Rather, it was a way of life. The only way of life. Thus, every aspect of contemporary human life has its roots and antecedents from eons ago. Do you know the origin of the handshake and other odd customs? How about kissing or romantic love? True "enlightenment" would have required that the human slate be wiped clean. Myths, legends, customs, cultures, traditions, rituals ... all should have been eradicated.
Instead, the basic tenets of religion continue on and fester. The new religions include:
So, what am I getting at? There's no physical escape. The exodus cannot be fulfilled, at least not by running away. The exodus can only begin in the mind. All forms of religion can be equated to slavery. Thus, the only true purpose of the exodus is to flee all slavery and seek the ultimate emancipation (i.e., freedom of the mind). Could that be realized through the Molech Renaissance?
Humans have apparently never realized "enlightenment." Human legacy is entirely based upon religious beliefs. Of course, there was no such a formal institution known as "religion" back then. Rather, it was a way of life. The only way of life. Thus, every aspect of contemporary human life has its roots and antecedents from eons ago. Do you know the origin of the handshake and other odd customs? How about kissing or romantic love? True "enlightenment" would have required that the human slate be wiped clean. Myths, legends, customs, cultures, traditions, rituals ... all should have been eradicated.
Instead, the basic tenets of religion continue on and fester. The new religions include:
- Government
- Politics
- Nationalism
- War
- Money
- Corporations
- Sports
- Science
- Technology
- Television (Tube)
- Sex (Wild thing)
- Pornography (Hurdy-gurdy videos)
- Society
- Civilization
- Family
- Gym
- Wage Slavery
So, what am I getting at? There's no physical escape. The exodus cannot be fulfilled, at least not by running away. The exodus can only begin in the mind. All forms of religion can be equated to slavery. Thus, the only true purpose of the exodus is to flee all slavery and seek the ultimate emancipation (i.e., freedom of the mind). Could that be realized through the Molech Renaissance?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Mondo Molech (Continued)
Last night, I viewed the flick, "8mm," on my tablet computer, courtesy the Crackle® site. Very intense, and very worthy of viewing. In the end, the losers got their just reward. Yeah!
Well, I finally met up with Shirley for lunch after a long hiatus. Actually, she had originally contacted me by e-mail in November of last year. Since both e-mail and cell phone are somewhat deprecated forms of communications for me, three months were required to make the arrangements. We were at least able to catch up on our respective recent histories.
The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. The evening? Same ol' shit. We knew that already, didn't we? Without a viable revision of the exodus, I will be sequestered in my squalid room all evening and possibly downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips or viewing more flicks on Crackle®. I could work on the Molech Renaissance, but to what end?
Well, I finally met up with Shirley for lunch after a long hiatus. Actually, she had originally contacted me by e-mail in November of last year. Since both e-mail and cell phone are somewhat deprecated forms of communications for me, three months were required to make the arrangements. We were at least able to catch up on our respective recent histories.
The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. The evening? Same ol' shit. We knew that already, didn't we? Without a viable revision of the exodus, I will be sequestered in my squalid room all evening and possibly downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips or viewing more flicks on Crackle®. I could work on the Molech Renaissance, but to what end?
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Mondo Molech
Same ol' shit. At the gym, I ran my knee into one of the cheap benches in the locker room. I am in deep pain. My old man maladies seem to be increasing. Fortunately, my right shoulder is almost completely healed. Otherwise, nada to report.
Well, my thoughts have been locked into the same nauseating subject matter for over a week now. There's no point in delineating any of it in the "blog." I would just be repeating myself. No viable revision of the exodus either. So, I'll just continue with the usual benign fodder.
I've been contemplating the formation of a new religion devoted to Molech. Yeah, I know, Molech was already popular over 3,000 years ago with myriad followers. Unfortunately, Molech somehow became old-fashioned. Out of date. So, I'm thinking of a Molech Renaissance. Obviously, a few old policies (e.g., human sacrifices) have to be discarded. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Well, my thoughts have been locked into the same nauseating subject matter for over a week now. There's no point in delineating any of it in the "blog." I would just be repeating myself. No viable revision of the exodus either. So, I'll just continue with the usual benign fodder.
I've been contemplating the formation of a new religion devoted to Molech. Yeah, I know, Molech was already popular over 3,000 years ago with myriad followers. Unfortunately, Molech somehow became old-fashioned. Out of date. So, I'm thinking of a Molech Renaissance. Obviously, a few old policies (e.g., human sacrifices) have to be discarded. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Molech Movie Madness
Same ol' shit. At the library, I perused the book, "Faith No More: Why People Reject Religion," by Phil Zuckerman. Interesting book. Of course, religion is no longer an issue with me. The evening? Same ol' shit in my squalid room at Slob manor (read: rental housing).

Karen Mok (Inspector Kong Yat Hung)

Shu Qi (Ai Lin)

Zhao Wei (Ai Quon)
Have you watched the movie, "So Close," on the Crackle® site? That is one action-packed flick. The sword fight near the end is unbelievable. And, three Asian hotties playing the main roles. I had to view the movie again last night.

Monday, March 12, 2012
Post No. 2,143
Last night, I viewed the flick, "So Close," on my beloved tablet computer, courtesy the Crackle® site. Lots of action, plus three Asian hotties. Great flick. Even better distraction. Highly recommended. Heck, I may even view it again.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3:30pm for more of the same ol' shit. I should mention that I was fortunate to be able to download twenty choice hurdy-gurdy clips in the past few days. Download speed were fairly good because a few of the uploaders have been using obscure file sharing hosts. Unfortunately, the latter are few and far between.
Well, I have kept my vow and did not renew my membership with the AARP®. The organization only seems to represent the more affluent senior citizens, of which I am not one. At the least, my mailbox will no longer be stuffed with junk mail. Sheesh!
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 3:30pm for more of the same ol' shit. I should mention that I was fortunate to be able to download twenty choice hurdy-gurdy clips in the past few days. Download speed were fairly good because a few of the uploaders have been using obscure file sharing hosts. Unfortunately, the latter are few and far between.
Well, I have kept my vow and did not renew my membership with the AARP®. The organization only seems to represent the more affluent senior citizens, of which I am not one. At the least, my mailbox will no longer be stuffed with junk mail. Sheesh!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Lamp-Baked Illusion XI
Same ol' Sunday shit. No details are necessary. Well, we've pretty much exhausted the existential crisis, eh? There's really no solution except to seek out distractions. Distractions, and more distractions.

Riley Reid
So, how about hurdy-gurdy hottie, Riley Reid? Baby is quite a distraction. Check out her portfolio at FreeOnes®. Too extensive to list.

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Can of Worms
Another day of ... you guessed it ... same ol' shit. Nauseating. Mundane. Rote. Lamp-baked. Don't let the smooth taste fool ya! Say what? I've been in a zombie state for at least a week. The good news? Nothing external really bothers me, not even the myriad fools all around me. I haven't even been remotely tempted to open up Lou's School of Etiquette for matriculation. The bad news? I've opened up a whole new "can of worms." I haphazardly summarized my findings a couple of days ago.
Well, there's not much to add at this point in time. I have been trying to revamp the exodus so that the latter makes some kind of sense. The funny part is that I really don't want to change my life-style. I am an outcast, a pariah. I cannot return to the so-called "mainstream." Alas, perhaps I am over-analyzing and over-reacting. After all, there's no real meaning or purpose in life itself. We just live it out as best as we can.
I suppose that I need to find new distractions, ones that can comfortably fit within my limited budget. Distractions are really all that we have. Otherwise, we would be entirely fixated on our mortality alone. That's the curse of consciousness. Distractions ... what can I do aside from working out at the gym, hanging out at the library with the homeless, and (sometimes) downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips?
Well, there's not much to add at this point in time. I have been trying to revamp the exodus so that the latter makes some kind of sense. The funny part is that I really don't want to change my life-style. I am an outcast, a pariah. I cannot return to the so-called "mainstream." Alas, perhaps I am over-analyzing and over-reacting. After all, there's no real meaning or purpose in life itself. We just live it out as best as we can.
I suppose that I need to find new distractions, ones that can comfortably fit within my limited budget. Distractions are really all that we have. Otherwise, we would be entirely fixated on our mortality alone. That's the curse of consciousness. Distractions ... what can I do aside from working out at the gym, hanging out at the library with the homeless, and (sometimes) downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips?
Friday, March 09, 2012
Post No. 2,140
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was a little groggy because of lack of sleep. Slob Manor (read: rental housing) resident, Alan, was up all night. Every hour or so, he made a lot of noise in the kitchen, most likely in the process of procuring his favorite caffeinated beverage. Of course, I was surprised that Kyle did not confront him about the noise. Well, that would be the same as "the pot calling the kettle black." Sheesh!
Well, the "New iPad®" has been officially announced by Apple®. The highlight is the high definition (HD) "retina" display. As nice as that may sound, an HD display will require HD source material. The BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer has a pretty nice display, although nowhere near the pixel density of the "New iPad®." However, when I played standard definition (SD) videos on the tablet computer, the results were less than satisfactory. Pixelation and blurring were much more pronounced when compared to the netbook (which has a mediocre HD display). HD videos (i.e., 720p or higher), however, are rendered beautifully on the tablet computer. Thus, the problem that I can foresee with the "retina" display is the cost to subscribe to services that can provide true HD content.
As it stands, I would not choose any other tablet computer. The BlackBerry® PlayBook® is perfect, as far as I am concerned. I would recommend it to anyone, especially at the current "fire sale" price of $200 for the base unit. I paid over $500 as an "early adopter." However, with the new "ultra" notebook computers being recently introduced, there may be a better option. The "ultra" notebooks are small, thin, and light. With solid state hard drives, they are rugged. Unfortunately, hard drive capacity is small. And, the "ultra" notebooks are more durable than tablet computers because there is no glass screen to contend with. They also run full desktop operating systems, not "smartphone" hacks. The only drawback right now is the high price (i.e., over $1,000). Oh well.
Well, the "New iPad®" has been officially announced by Apple®. The highlight is the high definition (HD) "retina" display. As nice as that may sound, an HD display will require HD source material. The BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer has a pretty nice display, although nowhere near the pixel density of the "New iPad®." However, when I played standard definition (SD) videos on the tablet computer, the results were less than satisfactory. Pixelation and blurring were much more pronounced when compared to the netbook (which has a mediocre HD display). HD videos (i.e., 720p or higher), however, are rendered beautifully on the tablet computer. Thus, the problem that I can foresee with the "retina" display is the cost to subscribe to services that can provide true HD content.
As it stands, I would not choose any other tablet computer. The BlackBerry® PlayBook® is perfect, as far as I am concerned. I would recommend it to anyone, especially at the current "fire sale" price of $200 for the base unit. I paid over $500 as an "early adopter." However, with the new "ultra" notebook computers being recently introduced, there may be a better option. The "ultra" notebooks are small, thin, and light. With solid state hard drives, they are rugged. Unfortunately, hard drive capacity is small. And, the "ultra" notebooks are more durable than tablet computers because there is no glass screen to contend with. They also run full desktop operating systems, not "smartphone" hacks. The only drawback right now is the high price (i.e., over $1,000). Oh well.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Fallacy of Exodus
After about two weeks of steady deliberations, I have concluded that the exodus is an impossible dream. Of course, there really is no place to go and nowhere to hide. And, even if such an isolated locale existed, any relocation to the latter would be ludicrous. Even an exodus of the mind is futile. So, what am I getting at?
We humans are very limited creatures. Our minds are simply not capable of understanding the universe. We can barely comprehend reality. We have no collective meaning or purpose. We are mortal. And, we tend to gloss over the absolute truths (refer to the "blog" of July 28, 2010).
My own search for an escape out of the "system" has been fruitless. There is no escape. Even if I had unlimited funds to execute an exodus, I would most likely end up disappointed. My time in solitude will only be spent in contemplation of my mortality. In essence, there's only so much reality that we humans can tolerate before slipping into insanity (i.e., a rudimentary form of exodus). If the evolutionists are correct, then our only purpose is to survive and possibly procreate.
Everything else is a distraction of one kind or another. We have set up elaborate ruses just for that purpose. Our life-styles, our cultures ... every institution created by humans ... are distractions. Almost the entire span of our lives is filled by distractions because we cannot live on a steady diet of reality. Why?
I cannot overstate the fact that the universe is finite and its time is limited. Even though it is expanding, there will be a point in time when the universe will cool off because the amount of energy within it has dissipated across its increased girth. Eventually absolute zero temperature will be reached. Way before then, our own sun will have turned red star. Our solar system will cease to exist. Most likely, it will end up being sucked into a nebula. The universe is mortal, just like us. That's reality. Everything else is meaningless.
Given that, I have had to rethink my own microcosm of reality, the small window of time that encompasses my lifetime. I have sought to escape by means of the exodus from a world gone mad with stupidity. Yet, my destination was unknown. Even if I had managed to escape, I would only end up facing a stark reality, the one that I just described. Meaningful as that may be, I will have no ability to exercise control over the experience.
My goal, in view of zero readership of the "blog," is to be as terse as possible. Poverty of words has never been a problem for me. However, at this point in time, I already know what I am thinking. There's no need to transcribe my thoughts when no one will read the rote diatribe. So, the "bottom line" is that I have been wrong about the exodus. There is nothing to escape. Foolish as the world of humans may be, the distractions are what keep us sane. Our entire lives are filled with distractions. The more distractions, the better.
The day? Same ol' shit. Very few distractions. I was engulfed with reality. And, that's when I literally started to think. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
We humans are very limited creatures. Our minds are simply not capable of understanding the universe. We can barely comprehend reality. We have no collective meaning or purpose. We are mortal. And, we tend to gloss over the absolute truths (refer to the "blog" of July 28, 2010).
My own search for an escape out of the "system" has been fruitless. There is no escape. Even if I had unlimited funds to execute an exodus, I would most likely end up disappointed. My time in solitude will only be spent in contemplation of my mortality. In essence, there's only so much reality that we humans can tolerate before slipping into insanity (i.e., a rudimentary form of exodus). If the evolutionists are correct, then our only purpose is to survive and possibly procreate.
Everything else is a distraction of one kind or another. We have set up elaborate ruses just for that purpose. Our life-styles, our cultures ... every institution created by humans ... are distractions. Almost the entire span of our lives is filled by distractions because we cannot live on a steady diet of reality. Why?
I cannot overstate the fact that the universe is finite and its time is limited. Even though it is expanding, there will be a point in time when the universe will cool off because the amount of energy within it has dissipated across its increased girth. Eventually absolute zero temperature will be reached. Way before then, our own sun will have turned red star. Our solar system will cease to exist. Most likely, it will end up being sucked into a nebula. The universe is mortal, just like us. That's reality. Everything else is meaningless.
Given that, I have had to rethink my own microcosm of reality, the small window of time that encompasses my lifetime. I have sought to escape by means of the exodus from a world gone mad with stupidity. Yet, my destination was unknown. Even if I had managed to escape, I would only end up facing a stark reality, the one that I just described. Meaningful as that may be, I will have no ability to exercise control over the experience.
My goal, in view of zero readership of the "blog," is to be as terse as possible. Poverty of words has never been a problem for me. However, at this point in time, I already know what I am thinking. There's no need to transcribe my thoughts when no one will read the rote diatribe. So, the "bottom line" is that I have been wrong about the exodus. There is nothing to escape. Foolish as the world of humans may be, the distractions are what keep us sane. Our entire lives are filled with distractions. The more distractions, the better.
The day? Same ol' shit. Very few distractions. I was engulfed with reality. And, that's when I literally started to think. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Waiting for Molech
Last night, I viewed the flick, "The 13th Floor," courtesy the Crackle® site on my beloved tablet computer. It was actually pretty good. Of course, I did not get to sleep until midnight as a result.
The day? Same ol' shit, with the exception that I restored my extreme monk haircut. No rain, thank goodness. The same young guy was on the Route 1L bus this afternoon. Once again, he chatted with me all the way to Aina Haina. The bus was really crowded, and most people do not seem to take a liking to my buddy. In fact, he nearly got into several altercations during the trip. I can see why he runs into problems. He talks fairly loudly, and he discusses topics that probably don't sit well with most people. Today, he filled me in about his stint in Iraq and Afghanistan while serving in the empire's military. If what he says is true, then he's been through a lot of trauma. On the one hand, I can understand why people do not want to hear about killing and maiming. On the other hand, I am somewhat interested in my buddy's experiences because they are firsthand.
Very little else of interest to report. My right shoulder is still on the mend. My right thigh is still experiencing numbness. Downloading of hurdy-gurdy video clips remains at a near-standstill. Personal tasks are still postponed indefinitely. What am I waiting for? The return of Molech?
The day? Same ol' shit, with the exception that I restored my extreme monk haircut. No rain, thank goodness. The same young guy was on the Route 1L bus this afternoon. Once again, he chatted with me all the way to Aina Haina. The bus was really crowded, and most people do not seem to take a liking to my buddy. In fact, he nearly got into several altercations during the trip. I can see why he runs into problems. He talks fairly loudly, and he discusses topics that probably don't sit well with most people. Today, he filled me in about his stint in Iraq and Afghanistan while serving in the empire's military. If what he says is true, then he's been through a lot of trauma. On the one hand, I can understand why people do not want to hear about killing and maiming. On the other hand, I am somewhat interested in my buddy's experiences because they are firsthand.
Very little else of interest to report. My right shoulder is still on the mend. My right thigh is still experiencing numbness. Downloading of hurdy-gurdy video clips remains at a near-standstill. Personal tasks are still postponed indefinitely. What am I waiting for? The return of Molech?
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
River Runs Shallow
I was rudely awakened at 1am by the sound of a river flowing. I thought that I was dreaming, but there really was a small river flowing right outside my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The rain commenced right after I arrived yesterday afternoon, and it did not stop. There was thunder and lightning all night long as well. Water breached the outside wall which resulted in a large puddle on the floor. I quickly moved everything to the other side of my squalid room. I also piled anything important on top of the furniture, just in case. Of course, sleep eluded me after that.
This morning, I departed about 30 minutes later than usual because I had to wait for a break in the rain. At least the bus was not crowded. In town, the rain was worse. Fortunately, I made the entire trip without getting wet. I wasn't so fortunate later.
At the library, I perused the book, "Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age," by Robert Bellah. The first two chapters (prior to any discussion about religion) are very interesting because Bellah provides a compelling overview of the existential crisis that all humans must face. I may or may not refer to the book again.
When I exited the gym this afternoon, the rain was just starting up again. Before I even reached the bus stop, I was privy to a severe storm. I was sopping wet when I finally boarded the Route 1L bus. A young guy boarded the bus at the next stop in a hyperactive state. He had apparently just been in an altercation at Mickey Dee's®. I had wondered why I espied four police vehicles parked out in front. The young guy talked to me all the way until he alighted in Aina Haina. During that time, he told me about his stint as a professional fighter, how he disarmed the clown who pulled a knife on him just a few minutes earlier, how he was forced to put down a 275-pound Samoan guy, how God of the Yahweh Triad and Jesus are on his side, all the while digging out deep holes in the odd injuries on his legs. He also gave me a quick lesson in self-defense. He was talking quite loudly so everyone on the bus was aware of him.
Just as the bus was turning out of Aina Haina, the rain really picked up. I could barely see out the window. So, I made the decision to ride out to the Hawai'i Kai Park n' Ride and board a bus to backtrack to Slob Manor. Thus, I would avoid ending up completely drenched while waiting for the long traffic light to cross the street. Well, the bus driver was going so slow that I ended up missing the connecting bus by a few seconds. I was cold, wet, and shivering while I waited for the next bus.
The Route 23 bus arrived about 15 minutes later, thank goodness. When I alighted near Slob Manor, the rain had been reduced to a mere drizzle. As I walked into the driveway, I noticed that the landlord had set up sandbags to divert the small river away from the structure. I was spared the agony of walking into a completely flooded, albeit squalid, room. I hastily prepared dinner, but it was hot and delicious. I don't bother warming up food in the big oven, by the way. The microwave oven does just fine. Then, I took a hot shower to warm up.

Zoe Stunner
As of this writing, I am feeling as though the common cold is making a nasty return visit. Incidentally, the rain completely stopped. How's that for fun? Or, perhaps, we should discuss hurdy-gurdy hottie, Zoe Stunner. Hubba hubba! Sadly, baby was only starred in a handful of videos that featured her extensive skills, including one for Reality Kings®. Be sure to peruse her portfolio at FreeOnes®.
This morning, I departed about 30 minutes later than usual because I had to wait for a break in the rain. At least the bus was not crowded. In town, the rain was worse. Fortunately, I made the entire trip without getting wet. I wasn't so fortunate later.
At the library, I perused the book, "Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age," by Robert Bellah. The first two chapters (prior to any discussion about religion) are very interesting because Bellah provides a compelling overview of the existential crisis that all humans must face. I may or may not refer to the book again.
When I exited the gym this afternoon, the rain was just starting up again. Before I even reached the bus stop, I was privy to a severe storm. I was sopping wet when I finally boarded the Route 1L bus. A young guy boarded the bus at the next stop in a hyperactive state. He had apparently just been in an altercation at Mickey Dee's®. I had wondered why I espied four police vehicles parked out in front. The young guy talked to me all the way until he alighted in Aina Haina. During that time, he told me about his stint as a professional fighter, how he disarmed the clown who pulled a knife on him just a few minutes earlier, how he was forced to put down a 275-pound Samoan guy, how God of the Yahweh Triad and Jesus are on his side, all the while digging out deep holes in the odd injuries on his legs. He also gave me a quick lesson in self-defense. He was talking quite loudly so everyone on the bus was aware of him.
Just as the bus was turning out of Aina Haina, the rain really picked up. I could barely see out the window. So, I made the decision to ride out to the Hawai'i Kai Park n' Ride and board a bus to backtrack to Slob Manor. Thus, I would avoid ending up completely drenched while waiting for the long traffic light to cross the street. Well, the bus driver was going so slow that I ended up missing the connecting bus by a few seconds. I was cold, wet, and shivering while I waited for the next bus.
The Route 23 bus arrived about 15 minutes later, thank goodness. When I alighted near Slob Manor, the rain had been reduced to a mere drizzle. As I walked into the driveway, I noticed that the landlord had set up sandbags to divert the small river away from the structure. I was spared the agony of walking into a completely flooded, albeit squalid, room. I hastily prepared dinner, but it was hot and delicious. I don't bother warming up food in the big oven, by the way. The microwave oven does just fine. Then, I took a hot shower to warm up.

Monday, March 05, 2012
Dispatches From Total Squalor
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Lots of rain this morning, but moms and I managed to survive the ordeal unscathed. My bro returned early from work, so I cut my visit short. Otherwise, nada to report.
I have been locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) since 4pm with absolutely nothing to do. By the way, I even eat my squalid meals in my squalid room. I don't want to risk any interaction with the other tenants, although I ran into Alan just before I departed the dump this morning. Alan apparently is suffering from the same ear wax problem that I endured about a year ago. In his case, both ears are plugged. He is dousing his ears with wax softening drops for a few days before his physician attempts to remove the obstruction. In the meantime, Alan said that he can't hear anything. He could barely understand what I was saying. No wonder he couldn't hear the racket made by both Joker and Kyle.
Although I spend hours in my squalid room, absolutely nothing is accomplished. My queued personal tasks are piling up, but no resolution is in sight. I want to "wash my hands" of everything. When I sit back and ponder how the moneychangers and powers-that-be are living "high on the hog," I begin to fume. The rich are getting richer, and the rank-and-file peons are going broke. What are we to make of that? I live in total squalor with the cheapest and most detestable of possessions. Any day now, I could find myself out on the street with the homeless. Why has it come to this? I really don't know.
I have been locked in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) since 4pm with absolutely nothing to do. By the way, I even eat my squalid meals in my squalid room. I don't want to risk any interaction with the other tenants, although I ran into Alan just before I departed the dump this morning. Alan apparently is suffering from the same ear wax problem that I endured about a year ago. In his case, both ears are plugged. He is dousing his ears with wax softening drops for a few days before his physician attempts to remove the obstruction. In the meantime, Alan said that he can't hear anything. He could barely understand what I was saying. No wonder he couldn't hear the racket made by both Joker and Kyle.
Although I spend hours in my squalid room, absolutely nothing is accomplished. My queued personal tasks are piling up, but no resolution is in sight. I want to "wash my hands" of everything. When I sit back and ponder how the moneychangers and powers-that-be are living "high on the hog," I begin to fume. The rich are getting richer, and the rank-and-file peons are going broke. What are we to make of that? I live in total squalor with the cheapest and most detestable of possessions. Any day now, I could find myself out on the street with the homeless. Why has it come to this? I really don't know.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Mondo Mondo (Continued)
An uneventful Sunday left me wondering why I even left my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this morning. Of course, I was back in my squalid room by 2pm. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I neglected to mention that I also perused the book, "I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of Privacy," by Lori Andrews at the library yesterday. There's a good reason why I avoid involving myself with social aggregation on the Net. By the way, did you happen to check the Spokeo site to see what is known about you just from Net data mining? Yeah, someone could pay a few dollars to the "service" and discover quite a bit about all of us, eh?
I had a moderately chilling thought sometime during the day: the entire world of humans is being sustained by endless fiat money that is created out of nothing. The thought is obviously nothing new since I already predicted that interest rates, at least in empire, will remain at zero percent until the final collapse of "Western civilization." What's really interesting is that trillions and trillions of useless currency denominations are being traded for equally useless "paper" just to replenish the money supply, that is, a money supply that is continuously being drained by fraud and Ponzi schemes. The whole process has been going on for over five years, and there's no sign of abatement. There's no sign of collapse either. Which brings me to restate my conclusion that the empire's military machine is the only entity that is keeping the charade from coming apart at the seams. What else could possibly keep the sham going?
Finally, my suspicions about Slob Manor resident, Kyle, continues. He claims to be a progressive activist, but I believe the latter is just "lip service." There's nothing "progressive" about him except for the few "sound bites" that he rattles off every now and then. He drives his vehicle everywhere, just like Joker. He now does laundry every day, just like Joker did. Whatever he needs to dry takes well over an hour at high heat. He warms up a small serving of frozen food in the large oven instead of using the toaster oven (or microwave oven). He always throws recyclables in the trash can. He makes way more noise than Joker. There's just something not right about the guy. All I can do is avoid him like the plague, just as I did with Joker.
I neglected to mention that I also perused the book, "I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of Privacy," by Lori Andrews at the library yesterday. There's a good reason why I avoid involving myself with social aggregation on the Net. By the way, did you happen to check the Spokeo site to see what is known about you just from Net data mining? Yeah, someone could pay a few dollars to the "service" and discover quite a bit about all of us, eh?
I had a moderately chilling thought sometime during the day: the entire world of humans is being sustained by endless fiat money that is created out of nothing. The thought is obviously nothing new since I already predicted that interest rates, at least in empire, will remain at zero percent until the final collapse of "Western civilization." What's really interesting is that trillions and trillions of useless currency denominations are being traded for equally useless "paper" just to replenish the money supply, that is, a money supply that is continuously being drained by fraud and Ponzi schemes. The whole process has been going on for over five years, and there's no sign of abatement. There's no sign of collapse either. Which brings me to restate my conclusion that the empire's military machine is the only entity that is keeping the charade from coming apart at the seams. What else could possibly keep the sham going?
Finally, my suspicions about Slob Manor resident, Kyle, continues. He claims to be a progressive activist, but I believe the latter is just "lip service." There's nothing "progressive" about him except for the few "sound bites" that he rattles off every now and then. He drives his vehicle everywhere, just like Joker. He now does laundry every day, just like Joker did. Whatever he needs to dry takes well over an hour at high heat. He warms up a small serving of frozen food in the large oven instead of using the toaster oven (or microwave oven). He always throws recyclables in the trash can. He makes way more noise than Joker. There's just something not right about the guy. All I can do is avoid him like the plague, just as I did with Joker.
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Mondo Mondo
At the library, I have perused two picture books, "A History of Earth, and "Frozen Planet." Very impressive. Earth is truly an amazing planet. Otherwise, the day can be classified as ... same ol' shit. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4:30pm. Wheee!
I've been viewing a film or two on the Crackle® site daily. There's not much of a selection, but the price is right. Yeah, free. Fortunately, videos are being rotated in and out monthly. The tablet computer now has a video store "app" (powered by Rovi) built in, but I will not be using it. I cannot afford to pay rental fees for substandard and formulaic fare.
I've had a lot of nonsense on my mind, but I am apparently not ready to discuss any of it. Instead, I have been distracting myself in any way possible. No progress is being made on overdue tasks either. Rather than compose the "blog," I viewed the formulaic flick, "Hardwired," on Crackle®. Right now, I am listening to the "Allalin Mix" courtesy Deep House Cat. Great mix, by the way.
I've been viewing a film or two on the Crackle® site daily. There's not much of a selection, but the price is right. Yeah, free. Fortunately, videos are being rotated in and out monthly. The tablet computer now has a video store "app" (powered by Rovi) built in, but I will not be using it. I cannot afford to pay rental fees for substandard and formulaic fare.
I've had a lot of nonsense on my mind, but I am apparently not ready to discuss any of it. Instead, I have been distracting myself in any way possible. No progress is being made on overdue tasks either. Rather than compose the "blog," I viewed the formulaic flick, "Hardwired," on Crackle®. Right now, I am listening to the "Allalin Mix" courtesy Deep House Cat. Great mix, by the way.
Friday, March 02, 2012
Post No. 2,133
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 4:30pm. I spent a little more money than I expected when I went shopping for groceries and other necessities this afternoon. I should have been perturbed, but I really didn't care.
Life at Slob Manor has been relatively bland since Joker's departure. I have seen Alan and Kyle for a total of a couple of seconds in the past few weeks. I have gone out of my way to avoid them for obvious reasons. I only emerge from my squalid room when I know that no one else is loitering in the common areas. There is no need for any discussion now that Joker is gone. I have nothing in common with either of them.
Well, it has been nearly two weeks since the exciting v2.0 operating system update for the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. For me, not much has changed. I don't use any of the PIM "apps," so I know nothing about them. I have yet to use the spreadsheet "app," although I confirmed that the awaited features were indeed incorporated. The Web browser seems to function exactly the same as before. And, I have no intention of installing any "apps" that require the Android player. There's been a lot of reported problems with the latter. I am hoping that there will be an option to uninstall it in later updates. In summary, the tablet computer is definitely ready to assume the role of the primary computing device.
As for the evening ... one-man House Party! Yeah, we're back in the mix with Deep House Cat. The Deep House Music library will be gradually restored.
Life at Slob Manor has been relatively bland since Joker's departure. I have seen Alan and Kyle for a total of a couple of seconds in the past few weeks. I have gone out of my way to avoid them for obvious reasons. I only emerge from my squalid room when I know that no one else is loitering in the common areas. There is no need for any discussion now that Joker is gone. I have nothing in common with either of them.
Well, it has been nearly two weeks since the exciting v2.0 operating system update for the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. For me, not much has changed. I don't use any of the PIM "apps," so I know nothing about them. I have yet to use the spreadsheet "app," although I confirmed that the awaited features were indeed incorporated. The Web browser seems to function exactly the same as before. And, I have no intention of installing any "apps" that require the Android player. There's been a lot of reported problems with the latter. I am hoping that there will be an option to uninstall it in later updates. In summary, the tablet computer is definitely ready to assume the role of the primary computing device.
As for the evening ... one-man House Party! Yeah, we're back in the mix with Deep House Cat. The Deep House Music library will be gradually restored.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Reconnected Ad Nauseam III
The disconnection occurred at 7:24pm last night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) while I was using my tablet computer. The netbook was in the middle of downloading just one hurdy-gurdy video clip at a painfully slow speed. I was able to quickly ascertain that the wireless router had mummified itself. Rather than walk around to the other side of the dump to reset the wireless router or make the trek to the detestable den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala with my tablet computer, I stayed put in my squalid room. Why bother?
I had nothing to do for the rest of the evening. All I have is myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. My House Music library was lost during the hullabaloo with the netbook. So, I viewed a couple of recent hurdy-gurdy video acquisitions. Then, I piddled around for the rest of the evening. Pathetic, eh?
Otherwise, both yesterday and today, same ol' shit. The common cold has abated its symptoms. My right shoulder is on the mend, but there is still some pain. My right thigh is still experiencing numbness. I am still leading an extremely secluded life-style, searching for truth, devoid of purpose, and simply growing old rapidly.

Jillian Murray from "Wild Things 4"
On a side note, I have decided that Jillian Murray (playing the role of "Brandi Cox") is my favorite hottie from the "Wild Things" tetralogy. Be sure to view "Wild Things" on the Crackle® site while still available.
I had nothing to do for the rest of the evening. All I have is myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips. My House Music library was lost during the hullabaloo with the netbook. So, I viewed a couple of recent hurdy-gurdy video acquisitions. Then, I piddled around for the rest of the evening. Pathetic, eh?
Otherwise, both yesterday and today, same ol' shit. The common cold has abated its symptoms. My right shoulder is on the mend, but there is still some pain. My right thigh is still experiencing numbness. I am still leading an extremely secluded life-style, searching for truth, devoid of purpose, and simply growing old rapidly.

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