At the library, I found myself sitting at a table in the inner courtyard between two other tables, each with a homeless guy. One was having a severe flatuence problem. The other just hasn't taken a shower in months, so much so that his odoriferous radii has been increasing daily. I also completed the perusal of the book, "The Inside Tract: Your Good Gut Guide to Great Digestive Health," by Gerard Mullin and Kathie Swift. Very interesting book. I may be revising my diet yet again. Otherwise, same ol' shit. Lots of high entropy everywhere.
Have you been following the saga of Research in Motion® (RIM)? How about the vitriolic reaction in the CrackBerry Forums? I am really intrigued by the fact that both RIM and I are in a tight, albeit independent, race to the bottom. RIM's executive management was apparently actively "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" until the last minute. Hope rests firmly on one single product, and it is still vaporware. I am dumbfounded, but I'll see them all at the bottom.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Crash & Burn
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My bro and I ended up chatting until 3:15pm. My bro has apparently been ruminating on a lot of the same issues as I. We certainly agree that Hawai'i has become nearly intolerable. Sadly, my workout time at the gym was reduced to 20 minutes because I was running late.
Same ol' evening shit. I really was in a bad way by then. The discussion with my bro made me fully aware of how entrenched I am with "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Of course, my trajectory with financial oblivion has been shortened, thanks to the upcoming heathcare "reform" package. I am actually following a parallel trajectory as Research in Motion®, the makers of my self-endorsed, albeit ill-fated, tablet computer. I consistently choose suitable candidates that will crash and burn, just as I will inevitably crash and burn.
Same ol' evening shit. I really was in a bad way by then. The discussion with my bro made me fully aware of how entrenched I am with "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Of course, my trajectory with financial oblivion has been shortened, thanks to the upcoming heathcare "reform" package. I am actually following a parallel trajectory as Research in Motion®, the makers of my self-endorsed, albeit ill-fated, tablet computer. I consistently choose suitable candidates that will crash and burn, just as I will inevitably crash and burn.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Same ol' shit. Same ol' high entropy, that is, until I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon. Subsequently, entropy reached a fever pitch. No, the natives weren't restless. Rather, I read on several Web sites that the validity of the empire's abominable heathcare "reform" package has been upheld by the Supremos. Thus, the farcical and flawed "individual mandate" will come to fruition in less than two years. What an outrage!
Then, I discovered that Research in Motion®, the parent corporation which produces my self-endorsed tablet computer, is essentially in its final days of existence. The savior operating system (OS), BB10, has been delayed for at least six more months. All of the recent hype and demonstrations of the OS were a farce, just animated mockups. Developers of "apps" were being wooed by vaporware, which will have severe repercussions. I will continue to deploy the tablet computer until the first sign of dysfunction. Then, I will most likely migrate to the dreadful Android® platform.
Then, I discovered that Research in Motion®, the parent corporation which produces my self-endorsed tablet computer, is essentially in its final days of existence. The savior operating system (OS), BB10, has been delayed for at least six more months. All of the recent hype and demonstrations of the OS were a farce, just animated mockups. Developers of "apps" were being wooed by vaporware, which will have severe repercussions. I will continue to deploy the tablet computer until the first sign of dysfunction. Then, I will most likely migrate to the dreadful Android® platform.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Unclassified Tidbits
At the library, I completed reading the book, "The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that Will Disrupt the World," by Shaun Rein. An obscure, non-technical book about the People's Republic of China, but very highly recommended reading. Much better than the "reality shopping" options, of which "Western" propaganda effectively clouds any semblance of prudence. Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit.
Once again, I will restate that there will rarely be any discussion in the "blog" about current affairs. I have wasted far too much time on the latter in the past. My stated position(s) remain the same. My only remaining sources of "news" are listed at the right side of the "blog." My only comment is that entropy is increasing rapidly.
I don't know what to make of the BlackBerry® PlayBook® anymore. From all indications, the final form of the operating system (BB10) will be designed specifically for "smartphones." The multitasking carousel will apparently be deprecated. The "smartphone" look works fine for "smartphones," but a tablet computer? I am really disappointed, to say the least.
Once again, I will restate that there will rarely be any discussion in the "blog" about current affairs. I have wasted far too much time on the latter in the past. My stated position(s) remain the same. My only remaining sources of "news" are listed at the right side of the "blog." My only comment is that entropy is increasing rapidly.
I don't know what to make of the BlackBerry® PlayBook® anymore. From all indications, the final form of the operating system (BB10) will be designed specifically for "smartphones." The multitasking carousel will apparently be deprecated. The "smartphone" look works fine for "smartphones," but a tablet computer? I am really disappointed, to say the least.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Mondo Fool X
After I alighted the bus near Slob Manor (read: rental housing) last night, I heard a voice call out, "Uncle!" I could make out someone waving from the passenger side of a large SUV (read: 6,000-pound motorized sofa). The nephew! He was heading toward town with his friends, I assumed.
Same ol' day and evening shit. Yeah, I have grown extremely weary of the routine. I have followed essentially the same itinerary for the last five years. There are no other options because I am financially strapped. I must finally come to the realization that I will never escape the prison that both you and I share. I am trapped.
I have also grown extremely weary of my foolish dependence on computers. Why do I need two computers? Isn't one enough? And, why do I need to archive so many hurdy-gurdy video files? Most of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties are no longer in the business. Heck, a few of them could even be senior citizens by now. Sheesh!
Same ol' day and evening shit. Yeah, I have grown extremely weary of the routine. I have followed essentially the same itinerary for the last five years. There are no other options because I am financially strapped. I must finally come to the realization that I will never escape the prison that both you and I share. I am trapped.
I have also grown extremely weary of my foolish dependence on computers. Why do I need two computers? Isn't one enough? And, why do I need to archive so many hurdy-gurdy video files? Most of my favorite hurdy-gurdy hotties are no longer in the business. Heck, a few of them could even be senior citizens by now. Sheesh!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Post No. 2,248
"The near future holds a gift of contentment." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieLast night, I viewed the movie, "Double Team," on my tablet computer, courtesy the Crackle® site. Damned good, action-packed Van Damme flick, by the way. I may have to view it again.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. By the way, my nephew is retired. No, he's not a senior citizen. He's 40 years younger than me. And, he's got me beat. He eats better than I do. He sleeps better than I do. He's got it goin' on. More details later. Otherwise, nada to report.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Tabula Rasa
Same ol' Sunday shit. Nada to report. In other words, nothing transpired that hasn't transpired numerous times previously. On the other hand, I have collected many thoughts, but nothing is coherent. Deep thought on a shallow level. Perhaps I need to wipe the slate clean. Reboot the operating system. Tabula rasa. Sadly, at my age, wiping the slate clean most likely means Alzheimer's Syndrome is in its advanced stage. Sheesh!
As to be expected, nothing important is being accomplished. Even the purging of hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive is at a standstill. Downloading of new hurdy-gurdy video files has been mummified. Pertinent life decisions have been deferred. Divestiture of useless possessions is also at a standstill. Yeah, same ol' shit.
Lately, I have only been concerned with my continual observation of ambient high entropy. Even while I sit in my favorite chair in the bookstore at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I am not immune. The bookshelves in front of me have been orderly arranged. Yet, as a whole, they appear chaotic. The more the bookshelves are tidied up by the staff, the more distraught they look. The bookshelves can serve as a tidy metaphor, eh? Now, extrapolate the metaphor over the entire human-concocted global infrastructure.

The "New" Jessie Rogers
How about another gander at hurdy-gurdy hottie, Jessie Rogers. That's the "new Jessie Rogers, of course. Baby has appeared in a few new hurdy-gurdy flicks, featuring her "new" look. Hubba hubba!
As to be expected, nothing important is being accomplished. Even the purging of hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive is at a standstill. Downloading of new hurdy-gurdy video files has been mummified. Pertinent life decisions have been deferred. Divestiture of useless possessions is also at a standstill. Yeah, same ol' shit.
Lately, I have only been concerned with my continual observation of ambient high entropy. Even while I sit in my favorite chair in the bookstore at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I am not immune. The bookshelves in front of me have been orderly arranged. Yet, as a whole, they appear chaotic. The more the bookshelves are tidied up by the staff, the more distraught they look. The bookshelves can serve as a tidy metaphor, eh? Now, extrapolate the metaphor over the entire human-concocted global infrastructure.

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Books and Other Stuff
At the library, I completed the perusal of the books, "Our Way Out: Principles for a Post-apocalyptic World," by Marq De Villiers, and "Comfortably Unaware - Global depletion and food responsibility ... What you choose to eat," by Richard A. Oppenlander. Reality shopping, anyone?
Incidentally, I have only read about halfway through Brian Greene's books: the previously mentioned title, "The Fabric of the Cosmos," and "The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos." I have put off completion until a later date. I also ran into my "homeless" buddy.
Since I could not find any desirable food at Safeway® yesterday to fashion my weekend dinners, I opted to procure a sandwich at Subway® in town this afternoon. Whoa! The prices have gone up again, and the sandwiches are skimpier. I have now exhausted all of my dining options.
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. No cosmological nihilism (still deferred until later). High entropy in most locales, with no direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Nada to report.
Incidentally, I have only read about halfway through Brian Greene's books: the previously mentioned title, "The Fabric of the Cosmos," and "The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos." I have put off completion until a later date. I also ran into my "homeless" buddy.
Since I could not find any desirable food at Safeway® yesterday to fashion my weekend dinners, I opted to procure a sandwich at Subway® in town this afternoon. Whoa! The prices have gone up again, and the sandwiches are skimpier. I have now exhausted all of my dining options.
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. No cosmological nihilism (still deferred until later). High entropy in most locales, with no direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Nada to report.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. While performing a mediocre cardio workout at the gym this afternoon, I gazed out at the small marina through the plate glass windows. While doing the same thing a couple of weeks ago, I pondered whether I should purchase a boat. I could dock it at one of the harbors by renting a slip. Then, I could reside on the boat. The idea is actually not novel to me. Paul and Barbara (when they were still married and lived on a sailboat) had made the suggestion many moons ago. Of course, I would not purchase a sailboat. I am a crew of one. And, the only time that I would need to take the boat out to sea is when there is the threat of a tsunami. I could probably purchase a decent (i.e., size and age) boat for $50,000 or so, far less than the detestable "condotel" unit.
I may revisit the idea of purchasing a boat, but only as a contingency to the homeless option. I can't imagine another rental situation being much better than Slob Manor (read: rental housing), unless I am willing to part with a lot of money. I would most likely end up in a concrete mausoleum. Of course, lots of research will be required before I can commit to such a purchase.
Same ol' evening shit. During my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I could not stop thinking the absurd boat idea. I realized that I could christen it the "RMS Titanic." I could also procure a small number of deck chairs for it. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Seriously, I really need to get out of Slob Manor. The quicker, the better.
I may revisit the idea of purchasing a boat, but only as a contingency to the homeless option. I can't imagine another rental situation being much better than Slob Manor (read: rental housing), unless I am willing to part with a lot of money. I would most likely end up in a concrete mausoleum. Of course, lots of research will be required before I can commit to such a purchase.
Same ol' evening shit. During my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I could not stop thinking the absurd boat idea. I realized that I could christen it the "RMS Titanic." I could also procure a small number of deck chairs for it. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Seriously, I really need to get out of Slob Manor. The quicker, the better.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Freedom Tidbits
Same ol' day shit. At the library, I completed the perusal of the book, "Concrete Planet: The Strange and Fascinating Story of the World's Most Common Man-made Material," by Robert Courland. The first half of the book is very interesting. Otherwise, nada to report.
Same ol' evening shit. The tablet computer still accompanies me on my nightly trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Unfortunately, even with the predictive keyboard, there just isn't much to discuss in the "blog" anymore. So, when all else fails ... tidbits. Boring tidbits.
Ailments. Lots of senior citizen ailments, all of them now chronic. My right shoulder has yet to heal. In fact, the pain is even worse. My right thigh is still going numb, which makes sleep even more elusive. I am also suffering from gastrointestinal problems. Lots of gas and pain. Did I mention constipation?
Time. I am still wasting lots of time (i.e., "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic"). The portable hard drive is still being purged of hurdy-gurdy video files. Why not just reformat the damned thing and be done with it? Too easy. Why not just fill up the portable hard drive and purchase another if more storage is needed? Too extravagant. Why collect hurdy-gurdy video files in the first place? Good question.
Freedom. What is freedom? I don't know. All animals want to be free, but the human fanaticism with dominion is all-pervasive. Neither animals or humans are free. I am spending every last penny of my life savings to experience a semblance of freedom that most people will not be privy until they are old and decrepit. Yet, as I have explained ad nauseam, I am not truly free. We are all relegated to "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Freedom can only come about by jumping ship.
Same ol' evening shit. The tablet computer still accompanies me on my nightly trek to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Unfortunately, even with the predictive keyboard, there just isn't much to discuss in the "blog" anymore. So, when all else fails ... tidbits. Boring tidbits.
Ailments. Lots of senior citizen ailments, all of them now chronic. My right shoulder has yet to heal. In fact, the pain is even worse. My right thigh is still going numb, which makes sleep even more elusive. I am also suffering from gastrointestinal problems. Lots of gas and pain. Did I mention constipation?
Time. I am still wasting lots of time (i.e., "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic"). The portable hard drive is still being purged of hurdy-gurdy video files. Why not just reformat the damned thing and be done with it? Too easy. Why not just fill up the portable hard drive and purchase another if more storage is needed? Too extravagant. Why collect hurdy-gurdy video files in the first place? Good question.
Freedom. What is freedom? I don't know. All animals want to be free, but the human fanaticism with dominion is all-pervasive. Neither animals or humans are free. I am spending every last penny of my life savings to experience a semblance of freedom that most people will not be privy until they are old and decrepit. Yet, as I have explained ad nauseam, I am not truly free. We are all relegated to "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Freedom can only come about by jumping ship.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Same ol' day shit, except for the restoration of the extreme monk haircut. High entropy in most locales, with some direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Then, same ol' evening shit. Nada to report.
For lack of anything better to do, I have removed the "blog" from the reach of all search engines. I am expecting the number of visits to drop to zero by tomorrow, at least as reported by Feedjit®. I am sure that we all know where we are heading from here.
For lack of anything better to do, I have removed the "blog" from the reach of all search engines. I am expecting the number of visits to drop to zero by tomorrow, at least as reported by Feedjit®. I am sure that we all know where we are heading from here.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Same ol' day and evening shit. The café in the bookstore at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was shut down at 8pm last night. It will be closed until Thursday while undergoing renovations. By the way, there are a lot of hotties working at the bookstore, including one of the new managers. Otherwise, nada to report.
I've been thinking about humanity as we know it today, and what a joke it truly is. The New Cosmology has opened my eyes to the fact that we are fairly insignificant lifeforms. Everything around us is a façade, and a shabby one at that. I just cannot help but wonder what human existence was like before all the crap (read: infrastructure) was added on.
What's really sickening is that we have essentially created a zoo to keep ourselves in captivity, with self-domestication as the clever vehicle for incarceration. The now-failed "civilization" paradigm was the subterfuge. Unlike other animals, we humans do not have to be enclosed in a physical cage to be imprisoned. A psychological cage is actually much more effective. Don't take my word for it. Step back ... far back ... and take a good look around. Yeah, we're in a zoo.
Most animals in a zoo are slowly going insane, that is, if they haven't already reached that point. Observe what those animals do in captivity. Then, step back again. Take another good look around. We humans don't seem to be all that different, eh?
I won't launch into a tirade about the secular Apocalypse. Just know that it's coming. We humans may be long gone way before the sun goes red star. All that supposed intelligence, and we still can't figure out that we don't have to destroy ourselves prematurely. Yeah, I just don't get it.
I've been thinking about humanity as we know it today, and what a joke it truly is. The New Cosmology has opened my eyes to the fact that we are fairly insignificant lifeforms. Everything around us is a façade, and a shabby one at that. I just cannot help but wonder what human existence was like before all the crap (read: infrastructure) was added on.
What's really sickening is that we have essentially created a zoo to keep ourselves in captivity, with self-domestication as the clever vehicle for incarceration. The now-failed "civilization" paradigm was the subterfuge. Unlike other animals, we humans do not have to be enclosed in a physical cage to be imprisoned. A psychological cage is actually much more effective. Don't take my word for it. Step back ... far back ... and take a good look around. Yeah, we're in a zoo.
Most animals in a zoo are slowly going insane, that is, if they haven't already reached that point. Observe what those animals do in captivity. Then, step back again. Take another good look around. We humans don't seem to be all that different, eh?
I won't launch into a tirade about the secular Apocalypse. Just know that it's coming. We humans may be long gone way before the sun goes red star. All that supposed intelligence, and we still can't figure out that we don't have to destroy ourselves prematurely. Yeah, I just don't get it.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Keeper of Lost Lives
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. I continue to observe that moms is exhibiting increasing, albeit minor, signs of dementia (for lack of a better term). Of course, for being 90 years old, moms is doing much better than the average senior citizen of similar age. Obviously, I have made very little preparation for the inevitable. Frankly, I have no idea about what I am going to do when the time comes.
Well, I really don't have much more to add about the day. All I have accomplished in the last few weeks amounts to entombing the old journal and purging hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive. Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." I suppose that there is nothing else for me to do. I am certainly not going to return to wage slavery. I am not going on a spending spree. Nor am I going to look for a babe. If I didn't know better, I'd say that I am finished with my life. I have completed the circuit way ahead of schedule.
I have no dreams or aspirations. I have no desires, except for some peace and quiet. I do not want a social life, at least not at this time. I can do without friendships for now, too. I am tired of listening to people who discuss only gibberish. Ultimately, life is way too short to engage in any activity deemed undesirable or unacceptable. Thus, I have become the quintessential observer. After all, I am the Keeper ... The Keeper of Lost lives ... one being my own.
Well, I really don't have much more to add about the day. All I have accomplished in the last few weeks amounts to entombing the old journal and purging hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive. Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." I suppose that there is nothing else for me to do. I am certainly not going to return to wage slavery. I am not going on a spending spree. Nor am I going to look for a babe. If I didn't know better, I'd say that I am finished with my life. I have completed the circuit way ahead of schedule.
I have no dreams or aspirations. I have no desires, except for some peace and quiet. I do not want a social life, at least not at this time. I can do without friendships for now, too. I am tired of listening to people who discuss only gibberish. Ultimately, life is way too short to engage in any activity deemed undesirable or unacceptable. Thus, I have become the quintessential observer. After all, I am the Keeper ... The Keeper of Lost lives ... one being my own.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Sleep Deprivation and Other Stuff
Another sleepless night at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Noise at 2am (landlord's husband parking his truck outside), at 4am (the "chef" back after another hard night on the town), at 5am (Alan making a snack in the kitchen), and at 5:15am (Alan and the landlord talking in the kitchen). Nobody seems to keep a regular sleep schedule. It is as if everyone has suddenly suffered from anxiety attacks. Most people are probably afraid that they will lapse into a permanent coma during sleep. Or, they are anxious because sleep is wasting precious time. As I stated a few days ago, denial of mortality is the mainspring of all human activity.
Same ol' Sunday shit. Then, same ol' evening shit. No cosmological nihilism, thanks to extreme fatigue. High entropy in most locales, with no direct exposure to entropic human stupidity (except for the clowns at Slob Manor). Otherwise, nada to report.
Well, the empire is planning for 130 operational sites for military drones within its own borders. Clearly, the "civilization" paradigm has failed. Little wonder why. As a society becomes both overpopulated and complex, the masses must be stringently trained and indoctrinated with the ever-increasing rules of order. Paradoxically, that's exactly when such training becomes lax or nonexistent. Entropy increases rapidly. The only remaining option will be totalitarianism.
On a lighter note, I am finally nearing the completion of purging hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive. Inadvertently, I discovered that the file transfer speed (from the portable hard drive) is adversely affected by the amount of fragmentation of the source file. If there is no fragmentation, then the transfer speed is fairly high. I was able to identify the problem by playing the hurdy-gurdy video files through a media player directly from the portable hard drive. A fragmented file produces a lot of stuttering and pauses. The cure is to move the suspect file to the netbook, delete the file on the portable hard drive, then move the file on the netbook to the portable hard drive. What a pain in the ass!
Same ol' Sunday shit. Then, same ol' evening shit. No cosmological nihilism, thanks to extreme fatigue. High entropy in most locales, with no direct exposure to entropic human stupidity (except for the clowns at Slob Manor). Otherwise, nada to report.
Well, the empire is planning for 130 operational sites for military drones within its own borders. Clearly, the "civilization" paradigm has failed. Little wonder why. As a society becomes both overpopulated and complex, the masses must be stringently trained and indoctrinated with the ever-increasing rules of order. Paradoxically, that's exactly when such training becomes lax or nonexistent. Entropy increases rapidly. The only remaining option will be totalitarianism.
On a lighter note, I am finally nearing the completion of purging hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive. Inadvertently, I discovered that the file transfer speed (from the portable hard drive) is adversely affected by the amount of fragmentation of the source file. If there is no fragmentation, then the transfer speed is fairly high. I was able to identify the problem by playing the hurdy-gurdy video files through a media player directly from the portable hard drive. A fragmented file produces a lot of stuttering and pauses. The cure is to move the suspect file to the netbook, delete the file on the portable hard drive, then move the file on the netbook to the portable hard drive. What a pain in the ass!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Food and Other Stuff
Same ol' day and evening shit. No cosmological nihilism (still deferred until later). High entropy in most locales, with low direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Otherwise, nada to report.
I was extremely groggy all day because the "chef" was making a lot of noise in the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) kitchen at 1am this morning after a hard night on the town. He probably was inebriated. Most likely, he could not dine out last night with his homeys because of his restrictive diet. That diet is a joke, however. Although he consumes a lot of fruit and vegetables, he also eats junk food. Lots of cookies, muffins, and other baked desserts. Not to mention his favorite Belgian waffles soaked in maple syrup. And, he eats a lot of French bread and pasta, made with bleached flour, as well as white rice. I do not know his source of protein. He does not appear to consume anything but very tiny quantities of meat or poultry. Neither does he consume any beans, soy-based products, or dairy products.
I gave up on eating totally healthy because I knew that I could easily be exposed as a hypocrite. I eat as healthy as possible, though. The protein problem, of course, necessitated the inclusion of the questionable Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix in my own diet, primarily as a protein supplement. I rarely eat beef or pork. If I do, I become moderately constipated. Now, even poultry and fish are causing the same problem. Old age, I suppose.
By the way, I have trimmed down the "spare tire" around my midriff. No, I am not doing a lot more cardio exercises. Actually, I was eating a generous slice of pudding cake after dinner every afternoon for a duration of several weeks. I simply stopped purchasing the pudding cake. I now eat a small serving of yogurt sans high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) for dessert. Cutting out the pudding cake made the difference. Most desserts and even regular food are worthless. Lots of bleached starches and simple carbohydrates, HFCS, saturated fats, processed filler, and toxic chemicals.
The drunken fool was on the 8:20pm bus when I boarded it in Kahala. Donald is off on the weekends, so there was a different bus driver. The drunken clown was passed out at the rear of the bus. Not even a peep out of him. Had he made a false move, I would have been ready for him. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I was extremely groggy all day because the "chef" was making a lot of noise in the Slob Manor (read: rental housing) kitchen at 1am this morning after a hard night on the town. He probably was inebriated. Most likely, he could not dine out last night with his homeys because of his restrictive diet. That diet is a joke, however. Although he consumes a lot of fruit and vegetables, he also eats junk food. Lots of cookies, muffins, and other baked desserts. Not to mention his favorite Belgian waffles soaked in maple syrup. And, he eats a lot of French bread and pasta, made with bleached flour, as well as white rice. I do not know his source of protein. He does not appear to consume anything but very tiny quantities of meat or poultry. Neither does he consume any beans, soy-based products, or dairy products.
I gave up on eating totally healthy because I knew that I could easily be exposed as a hypocrite. I eat as healthy as possible, though. The protein problem, of course, necessitated the inclusion of the questionable Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix in my own diet, primarily as a protein supplement. I rarely eat beef or pork. If I do, I become moderately constipated. Now, even poultry and fish are causing the same problem. Old age, I suppose.
By the way, I have trimmed down the "spare tire" around my midriff. No, I am not doing a lot more cardio exercises. Actually, I was eating a generous slice of pudding cake after dinner every afternoon for a duration of several weeks. I simply stopped purchasing the pudding cake. I now eat a small serving of yogurt sans high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) for dessert. Cutting out the pudding cake made the difference. Most desserts and even regular food are worthless. Lots of bleached starches and simple carbohydrates, HFCS, saturated fats, processed filler, and toxic chemicals.
The drunken fool was on the 8:20pm bus when I boarded it in Kahala. Donald is off on the weekends, so there was a different bus driver. The drunken clown was passed out at the rear of the bus. Not even a peep out of him. Had he made a false move, I would have been ready for him. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My bro returned to work yesterday. Otherwise, nada to report. Moms and I followed the same itinerary as we always do. We shop at the same stores. We eat the same food at the same eateries. Then, we always eat vanilla ice cream for dessert. For some reason, I experienced enormous anxiety by mid-afternoon. Fortunately, I survived the same ol' day shit.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4pm, I put my groceries away while the "chef" was engaged in a slammin' soirée with his noise-canceling headphones firmly glued to his ears. Is this really just a bad sitcom, or am I living a nightmare?
This evening, I attempted to second-guess the Westbound Route 1 bus driver because he deliberately disables the GPS. I ended up being wrong. The bus arrived on time, but I was not at the bus stop. The next bus, also with a disabled GPS, was late. Anxiety gave way to internal rage. Otherwise, same ol' evening shit.
Yeah, same ol' shit. Day in and day out. Since I am not expecting a different outcome, I probably have not gone insane yet. Am I not "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," though? Yeah, perhaps I have gone insane already. Usually, I can tolerate the same ol' shit. Not today. I was really sickened by it all. Heck, I didn't even want to compose the "blog." It could be an age thing. Senior citizens have lots of bad days. Sheesh!
After my evening outing, I boarded the Eastbound Route 1 bus at 8:30pm as usual. The bus driver, Donald, is a gym buddy, which is why I always choose that particular time. A drunk loser was sitting at the rear of the bus. He was talking out loud to himself and cussing. And, the fact that he is a senior citizen was shameful in itself. A few minutes later, cigarette smoke was wafting through the bus. Smoking cigarettes on the bus is a crime, by the way. Donald had to stop the bus and confront the fool. Bus drivers are required to call in for police backup and ask the offending passenger to alight during the wait. Of course, I was only one stop away from where I had to alight. I stood up and looked back to observe the confrontation.
The clown finally walked to the front of the bus with Donald, but he was being defiant. I recognized the guy from another incident just a few months ago. He was sitting at the front of the bus and eating a hamburger. Eating food on the bus is also against the law. He made a big mess. He also tried to pick a fight with one of the other passengers. "Eh homes," I yelled out. "You need to get off the fuckin' bus now." If required, I would have backed up Donald had the situation escalated. The fool gave me some lip, but he alighted. As he walked off, I opened the back door and yelled, "Beat it!" I chatted with Donald briefly before alighting myself. He thanked me. Not quite the same ol' evening shit after all.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4pm, I put my groceries away while the "chef" was engaged in a slammin' soirée with his noise-canceling headphones firmly glued to his ears. Is this really just a bad sitcom, or am I living a nightmare?
This evening, I attempted to second-guess the Westbound Route 1 bus driver because he deliberately disables the GPS. I ended up being wrong. The bus arrived on time, but I was not at the bus stop. The next bus, also with a disabled GPS, was late. Anxiety gave way to internal rage. Otherwise, same ol' evening shit.
Yeah, same ol' shit. Day in and day out. Since I am not expecting a different outcome, I probably have not gone insane yet. Am I not "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," though? Yeah, perhaps I have gone insane already. Usually, I can tolerate the same ol' shit. Not today. I was really sickened by it all. Heck, I didn't even want to compose the "blog." It could be an age thing. Senior citizens have lots of bad days. Sheesh!
After my evening outing, I boarded the Eastbound Route 1 bus at 8:30pm as usual. The bus driver, Donald, is a gym buddy, which is why I always choose that particular time. A drunk loser was sitting at the rear of the bus. He was talking out loud to himself and cussing. And, the fact that he is a senior citizen was shameful in itself. A few minutes later, cigarette smoke was wafting through the bus. Smoking cigarettes on the bus is a crime, by the way. Donald had to stop the bus and confront the fool. Bus drivers are required to call in for police backup and ask the offending passenger to alight during the wait. Of course, I was only one stop away from where I had to alight. I stood up and looked back to observe the confrontation.
The clown finally walked to the front of the bus with Donald, but he was being defiant. I recognized the guy from another incident just a few months ago. He was sitting at the front of the bus and eating a hamburger. Eating food on the bus is also against the law. He made a big mess. He also tried to pick a fight with one of the other passengers. "Eh homes," I yelled out. "You need to get off the fuckin' bus now." If required, I would have backed up Donald had the situation escalated. The fool gave me some lip, but he alighted. As he walked off, I opened the back door and yelled, "Beat it!" I chatted with Donald briefly before alighting myself. He thanked me. Not quite the same ol' evening shit after all.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Lamp-Baked Molech V
Nada. There simply aren't any new thoughts for me to infuse into the "blog." Whenever I think of something, I immediately realize that I have already broached the subject. Of course, it is in the nature of senior citizens to keep repeating themselves. So, I will try to prevent dementia from wielding its ugly head.
Same ol' day and evening shit. Absolutely no progress is being made. The exodus is at a stalemate. Time is being generously wasted (i.e., "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic"). No decision has been made concerning the crossing of the homeless threshold insofar as my total liquid assets are concerned. And, of all the foolishness, I am now at a loss concerning which hurdy-gurdy video files to purge from the portable hard drive. I am about ready to call out to Molech for help.

The "New" Jessie Rogers
Speaking of hurdy-gurdy video clips, how about a gander at hurdy-gurdy hottie Jessie Rogers. She's sportin' something "new." So, be sure to check out her impressive profile at the FreeOnes® site to discover what's "new."
Same ol' day and evening shit. Absolutely no progress is being made. The exodus is at a stalemate. Time is being generously wasted (i.e., "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic"). No decision has been made concerning the crossing of the homeless threshold insofar as my total liquid assets are concerned. And, of all the foolishness, I am now at a loss concerning which hurdy-gurdy video files to purge from the portable hard drive. I am about ready to call out to Molech for help.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
12 Zotz 8 Muluk
( At the library, I completed reading the book, "The Last Myth: What the Rise of Apocalyptic Thinking Tells Us About America," by Mathew Gross and Mel Gilles. Interesting book. I may or may not discuss some of the relevant issues later. However, there is a section titled, "Denial of Death and the End of a Worldview," in the second to last chapter that is worth reading and pondering.
I also ran into my "homeless" buddy. He just recently purchased two new notebook computers. So, now he owns three notebook computers and a tablet computer. He has been using the library's new wireless Net access service to download music and video files for his already huge collection. No hurdy-gurdy video files, though.
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. High entropy in most locales, with zero direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. I have been attempting to avoid the issue of cosmological nihilism, but I only end up back in the mortality quagmire. I am afraid that, at my age, there is no way to avoid either. Distractions are no longer effective. And, that one little section in the book, "The Last Myth," made clear that the denial of mortality is the mainspring of all human activity.
I also ran into my "homeless" buddy. He just recently purchased two new notebook computers. So, now he owns three notebook computers and a tablet computer. He has been using the library's new wireless Net access service to download music and video files for his already huge collection. No hurdy-gurdy video files, though.
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. High entropy in most locales, with zero direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. I have been attempting to avoid the issue of cosmological nihilism, but I only end up back in the mortality quagmire. I am afraid that, at my age, there is no way to avoid either. Distractions are no longer effective. And, that one little section in the book, "The Last Myth," made clear that the denial of mortality is the mainspring of all human activity.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Post No. 2,235
The day? Take that deck chair and move it over there. Take that other deck chair and move it next to the "RMS Titanic" placard. You get the picture. High entropy in most locales, with moderate direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Otherwise, nada to report. The evening? Same ol' shit. I arrived at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at 7:30pm this evening. I apparently missed the usual bus. The driver had mischievously disabled the GPS and was ten minutes ahead of schedule.
The landlord of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has ripped out all of the shrubbery along the entire front perimeter of the property. Bamboo trees have replaced the latter. By the way, I discovered the reason that the "chef" is oblivious to the noise generated by his culinary artistry. He is listening to music with headphones. Not just ordinary headphones, mind you, but noise-canceling headphones. Can you believe it?
Well, I have entombed the majority of content in the old journal. So, I will not need to tediously delete the files. The old journal is as good as mummified. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! The portable hard drive is another story. I am now performing minor purges of the remaining 700 hurdy-gurdy video files. Still a long way to go. Sheesh!
The landlord of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has ripped out all of the shrubbery along the entire front perimeter of the property. Bamboo trees have replaced the latter. By the way, I discovered the reason that the "chef" is oblivious to the noise generated by his culinary artistry. He is listening to music with headphones. Not just ordinary headphones, mind you, but noise-canceling headphones. Can you believe it?
Well, I have entombed the majority of content in the old journal. So, I will not need to tediously delete the files. The old journal is as good as mummified. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! The portable hard drive is another story. I am now performing minor purges of the remaining 700 hurdy-gurdy video files. Still a long way to go. Sheesh!
Monday, June 11, 2012
King Kamehameha Day 2012
No time for holidays. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Then, same ol' evening shit. Entropy was extremely high at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. At 7pm, when I arrived there, I observed that the parking lot was completely full. So, I avoided the main shopping hub. Thankfully, the bookstore was not crowded. I was even able to secure one of my favorite chairs without a hitch. Zero exposure to entropic human stupidity, by the way.

Typical "No Time For Holidays" Hottie
Well, I have completed the first major purge of hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive. Subsequent minor purges are still in the queue. As far as the old journal is concerned, only a handful of chapters have been mummified so far. Heck, I may just entomb it first. I will be expediting the two benign tasks as they can be likened to "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." I am running out of time. There is much more important work that needs to be accomplished.

Sunday, June 10, 2012
Rearranging Deck Chairs
Same ol' Sunday shit. And, same ol' evening shit. No cosmological nihilism (still deferred until later). High entropy in most locales, with moderate direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Otherwise, nada to report.
In retrospect, the past five years of freedom from wage slavery have been beneficial. Yes, I am now in my sixth year of emancipation. The knowledge that I have acquired during that time has also set me free, but I became a pariah as a result. The gist of my acquired knowledge is that we humans are on the wrong track and have been barreling down the latter for too long. The inertia and momentum are now too strong to change course. This, extremely high entropy is in our future. It may be our only future.
I have wasted a lot of precious time, but that is not totally my fault. I am devoid of truly viable options because there just aren't many remaining. Many of the visible paths will take me right back into the "system," which is unacceptable. That is, of course, why I am locked in the current quandary. And, that's why I keep repeating myself.
All we humans, affluent and destitute, are really doing is "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Whomever coined the latter phrase probably didn't realize just how prescient that is. Ponder your current activity. Then, review increasing increments of time over the span of your life. Lots of "deck chairs," eh?
On a side note, my favorite flick, "So Close," has reappeared on the Crackle® site. I attempted to view a few other flicks on the site. Nothing comes close. The entertainment medium is such a wasteland.
In retrospect, the past five years of freedom from wage slavery have been beneficial. Yes, I am now in my sixth year of emancipation. The knowledge that I have acquired during that time has also set me free, but I became a pariah as a result. The gist of my acquired knowledge is that we humans are on the wrong track and have been barreling down the latter for too long. The inertia and momentum are now too strong to change course. This, extremely high entropy is in our future. It may be our only future.
I have wasted a lot of precious time, but that is not totally my fault. I am devoid of truly viable options because there just aren't many remaining. Many of the visible paths will take me right back into the "system," which is unacceptable. That is, of course, why I am locked in the current quandary. And, that's why I keep repeating myself.
All we humans, affluent and destitute, are really doing is "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Whomever coined the latter phrase probably didn't realize just how prescient that is. Ponder your current activity. Then, review increasing increments of time over the span of your life. Lots of "deck chairs," eh?
On a side note, my favorite flick, "So Close," has reappeared on the Crackle® site. I attempted to view a few other flicks on the site. Nothing comes close. The entertainment medium is such a wasteland.
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Sleep Apnea
Same ol' day and evening shit. No cosmological nihilism (still deferred until later). Moderate to high entropy in most locales, with minor direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Say, isn't that exactly what I wrote in the "blog" yesterday? Almost. That's how rote my days are. By the way, no more late night stopovers in Aina Haina for a decaffeinated beverage. After the promotional pricing at Mickey Dee's® ended, why bother?
I was very fatigued all day because Alan was in the kitchen making a snack and belting out a few obnoxious old man noises during the wee hours of the morning. I was under the impression that Alan had a social life, but I was wrong. He spends his nights off in his squalid room, most likely sitting in the computer-generated "force field." He sleeps during the day. However, if he's awake, he is often lounging on the filthy couch in the living room. Quite fitting for Slob Manor (read: rental housing), eh?
I can't totally place the blame on Alan. I have not slept well since the numbness in my right thigh appeared a few months ago. I wake up pretty much every hour to reposition myself. Sometimes I am up even more frequently. So, to say that I am not sleeping well would be a drastic understatement. Sheesh!
Aside from that, nada to report. I continue to waste precious time, although I have no other viable option. I can fully sympathize with the homeless, who have no choice but to loiter anywhere that they won't be hassled by security guards, police, or the Gestapo.
I was very fatigued all day because Alan was in the kitchen making a snack and belting out a few obnoxious old man noises during the wee hours of the morning. I was under the impression that Alan had a social life, but I was wrong. He spends his nights off in his squalid room, most likely sitting in the computer-generated "force field." He sleeps during the day. However, if he's awake, he is often lounging on the filthy couch in the living room. Quite fitting for Slob Manor (read: rental housing), eh?
I can't totally place the blame on Alan. I have not slept well since the numbness in my right thigh appeared a few months ago. I wake up pretty much every hour to reposition myself. Sometimes I am up even more frequently. So, to say that I am not sleeping well would be a drastic understatement. Sheesh!
Aside from that, nada to report. I continue to waste precious time, although I have no other viable option. I can fully sympathize with the homeless, who have no choice but to loiter anywhere that they won't be hassled by security guards, police, or the Gestapo.
Friday, June 08, 2012
Post No. 2,231
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Same ol' day and evening shit. No cosmological nihilism (deferred until later). Moderate to high entropy in most locales, although no direct exposure to entropic human stupidity. Thank goodness.
Incidentally, the problems that I have experienced with the portable hard drive are apparently universal in the Linux world. Seems to be an issue with the kernel. So far, I have not found a solution. Pruning the hurdy-gurdy video files from the hard drive will not affect the transfer speed. Nonetheless, I will continue to do so.
I also discovered that the operating system's GUI on the BlackBerry® PlayBook® and nearly all of its "apps" are using Adobe® AIR. I was quite perturbed at first because the concept seemed extremely compromised. Why did the designers waste time with a "kludge"? Now, I don't even care. The newest "apps," which came bundled with the last update, are "native." The "native apps" look slightly different and are a lot more fluid. Anyway, I now understand why the upgrade to BB 10 is taking so long. It is a complete redesign.
Incidentally, the problems that I have experienced with the portable hard drive are apparently universal in the Linux world. Seems to be an issue with the kernel. So far, I have not found a solution. Pruning the hurdy-gurdy video files from the hard drive will not affect the transfer speed. Nonetheless, I will continue to do so.
I also discovered that the operating system's GUI on the BlackBerry® PlayBook® and nearly all of its "apps" are using Adobe® AIR. I was quite perturbed at first because the concept seemed extremely compromised. Why did the designers waste time with a "kludge"? Now, I don't even care. The newest "apps," which came bundled with the last update, are "native." The "native apps" look slightly different and are a lot more fluid. Anyway, I now understand why the upgrade to BB 10 is taking so long. It is a complete redesign.
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Dark Shadows
At the library, I completed the perusal of the book, "How It Began: A Time-Traveler's Guide to the Universe," by Chris Impey. Interesting book, although Impey is not an avid supporter of String Theory, M-Theory, or multiple universes. There's still plenty to ruminate upon.
Another spooky quantum tidbit. Matter as we know it constitutes only a little over four percent of the universe. "Dark matter" and "dark" energy" make up 23 percent and 72 percent, respectively. They are considered "dark because we can't detect either one. And, gravity is the only force recognized by the invisible entities. "Dark matter" and "dark energy" are not confined to outer space. Just because the earth has an atmosphere, that does not imply that we are shielded from either. That's right. "Dark" stuff is all around us. What are we to make of that?
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. I should mention that I have finally breached the homeless threshold insofar as my total liquid assets are concerned. I am now at the point, according to the vow on record in the "blog," that I must cut my losses and immediately exit the "system." Will I have the courage to do the right thing? Or, will I continue to whittle down my financial resources to nothing like a spineless worm?
I have also commenced the deprecation of the old journal. I will be incrementally mummifying chapters of the old journal, perhaps only leaving the initial two years of content for posterity. The "blog" will be untouched, but I may finally lock out the search robots. With the "blog" at zero readership again, the opportunity is ripe to push it into obscurity. I will still append my thoughts, but in an increasingly abridged fashion. No one would even notice. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Another spooky quantum tidbit. Matter as we know it constitutes only a little over four percent of the universe. "Dark matter" and "dark" energy" make up 23 percent and 72 percent, respectively. They are considered "dark because we can't detect either one. And, gravity is the only force recognized by the invisible entities. "Dark matter" and "dark energy" are not confined to outer space. Just because the earth has an atmosphere, that does not imply that we are shielded from either. That's right. "Dark" stuff is all around us. What are we to make of that?
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. I should mention that I have finally breached the homeless threshold insofar as my total liquid assets are concerned. I am now at the point, according to the vow on record in the "blog," that I must cut my losses and immediately exit the "system." Will I have the courage to do the right thing? Or, will I continue to whittle down my financial resources to nothing like a spineless worm?
I have also commenced the deprecation of the old journal. I will be incrementally mummifying chapters of the old journal, perhaps only leaving the initial two years of content for posterity. The "blog" will be untouched, but I may finally lock out the search robots. With the "blog" at zero readership again, the opportunity is ripe to push it into obscurity. I will still append my thoughts, but in an increasingly abridged fashion. No one would even notice. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
No Strings Attached
What is reality? Yeah, I asked the same time just the other day. However, reality becomes more surreal when String Theory is added to the mix. Subatomic particles are no longer particles. Instead, subatomic particles like electrons are deemed to be subatomic loops of vibrating strings. Currently, the theory is limited to mathematical models, but the mathematics appears to have brought the goal of "grand unification" much closer to fruition. The hindrance to proving the theory is the current state of observational resolution.
Imagine if String Theory is finally supported by observational data. Then, not only will all matter be comprised of mostly free space, but the subatomic structure of matter will consist of vibrating strings. It was already bad enough when we had to deal with subatomic particles.
What are we to make of that? Is everything around me just a bunch of jumbled up subatomic strings? Am I an animated package of jumbled up strings? And, how about you? I cannot overstate just how much reality has become surreal. Cosmological nihilism is approaching a fever pitch.
Same ol' day and evening shit. I am near completion of the ridiculous portable hard drive project. All of the corrupted files have been restored. Pruning of the aggregate hurdy-gurdy video files will be on-going, for what that's worth. I should be able to devote much more time to cosmological nihilism from this point forward. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Imagine if String Theory is finally supported by observational data. Then, not only will all matter be comprised of mostly free space, but the subatomic structure of matter will consist of vibrating strings. It was already bad enough when we had to deal with subatomic particles.
What are we to make of that? Is everything around me just a bunch of jumbled up subatomic strings? Am I an animated package of jumbled up strings? And, how about you? I cannot overstate just how much reality has become surreal. Cosmological nihilism is approaching a fever pitch.
Same ol' day and evening shit. I am near completion of the ridiculous portable hard drive project. All of the corrupted files have been restored. Pruning of the aggregate hurdy-gurdy video files will be on-going, for what that's worth. I should be able to devote much more time to cosmological nihilism from this point forward. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Crisis of Consciousness
Well, I am still in the process of pruning the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the portable hard drive. So, I have not restored any of the corrupted files yet. Sadly, there are still over 750 video clips. I have managed to release about 90Gbyte of hard drive space, though. Of course, I could have easily avoided the current fiasco if I had initially reformatted the hard drive using the ext4 file system (used by Linux). Oh well.
Same ol' day and evening shit. Nada to report. The tablet computer has been indispensable with respect to the "blog." The predictive keyboard pretty much does all the work for me. It even remembers the words for key phrases in the proper sequence. That's about as close as I can get to automating the "blog." Sheesh!
I've been thinking about consciousness again lately. For lack of a better expression, it boggles the mind. When I observe toddlers or other youngsters, I try very hard to recollect anything from when I was that age. I'm not even sure if I knew that I was alive. Even the last couple of decades are a blur. I was too busy with nonsense. I had made no time to reflect on the essence of my being. Now, as a senior citizen, I am keenly aware of my consciousness. Yet, I have no idea what consciousness is. I certainly cannot remember anything from before I was born, although I feel as though I have been around forever.
When I espied the full moon yesterday, I was dumbstruck by the fact that it is a large orb circling the earth. The earth is orbiting a huge spherical furnace. And, we are sitting in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. None of that is "make believe." The universe that I continue to read about is real. And, I am one of seven billion conscious beings on the planet. Why are we here?
The crisis of consciousness is a subset of cosmological nihilism, much as the issue of mortality. The combined specialties of physics have given birth to an incredible account of the universe, from its beginning to now. The mathematical models have been surprisingly accurate. And, with the advent of String Theory, there may finally be a "grand unification" of general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics. I suspect that the mathematics will only collapse right at Time Zero (i.e., the absolute beginning of the universe, the "creation").
And now, here's my thought for the day. If we can mathematically model essentially the entire universe, then we should be able to mathematically construct a life model. After all, lifeforms are comprised of the same atomic constituents as matter itself. As I stated a while back, mathematics is the only universal law. I am not speaking of a computer programming algorithm to simulate intelligence. Rather, I am asserting that we should be able to mathematically synthesize life. If we can't, then there must be an "invisible hand" involved. And, consciousness is much more than synaptic activity in the brain.
Same ol' day and evening shit. Nada to report. The tablet computer has been indispensable with respect to the "blog." The predictive keyboard pretty much does all the work for me. It even remembers the words for key phrases in the proper sequence. That's about as close as I can get to automating the "blog." Sheesh!
I've been thinking about consciousness again lately. For lack of a better expression, it boggles the mind. When I observe toddlers or other youngsters, I try very hard to recollect anything from when I was that age. I'm not even sure if I knew that I was alive. Even the last couple of decades are a blur. I was too busy with nonsense. I had made no time to reflect on the essence of my being. Now, as a senior citizen, I am keenly aware of my consciousness. Yet, I have no idea what consciousness is. I certainly cannot remember anything from before I was born, although I feel as though I have been around forever.
When I espied the full moon yesterday, I was dumbstruck by the fact that it is a large orb circling the earth. The earth is orbiting a huge spherical furnace. And, we are sitting in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. None of that is "make believe." The universe that I continue to read about is real. And, I am one of seven billion conscious beings on the planet. Why are we here?
The crisis of consciousness is a subset of cosmological nihilism, much as the issue of mortality. The combined specialties of physics have given birth to an incredible account of the universe, from its beginning to now. The mathematical models have been surprisingly accurate. And, with the advent of String Theory, there may finally be a "grand unification" of general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics. I suspect that the mathematics will only collapse right at Time Zero (i.e., the absolute beginning of the universe, the "creation").
And now, here's my thought for the day. If we can mathematically model essentially the entire universe, then we should be able to mathematically construct a life model. After all, lifeforms are comprised of the same atomic constituents as matter itself. As I stated a while back, mathematics is the only universal law. I am not speaking of a computer programming algorithm to simulate intelligence. Rather, I am asserting that we should be able to mathematically synthesize life. If we can't, then there must be an "invisible hand" involved. And, consciousness is much more than synaptic activity in the brain.
Monday, June 04, 2012
Hurdy-Gurdy Hogwash (Continued)
"Speak less of your plans - You will get more of them done." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Same ol' day shit, and same ol' evening shit. Then, back I go to the dump known affectionately as Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I adore the place as much as I would adore a filthy urinal.
Well, I am still restoring the portable hard drive to a functional state. Many of the corrupted hurdy-gurdy video files were still temporarily archived on the netbook, thank goodness. A handful were hopelessly lost. And, a couple of the files were still available on one reliable file-sharing site. So, I downloaded fresh copies. After the big purge is complete, I will restore the missing files.
The fiasco with the portable hard drive has prevented me from experiencing a bout of cosmological nihilism. I have been so preoccupied with the numbingly rote process that my mind has not able to engage in deep thought. Unfortunately, I will most likely complete the ridiculous project later tonight.
When I walked out of the bookstore at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, I observed the full moon low in the night sky. The bright orb appeared to be much larger than yesterday. I could discern the details of its surface. Then, I was suddenly overcome by what can only be described as cosmological nihilism. I really felt empty.
I rode the bus to the East side of Aina Haina. I had intended to walk back to the dump, but I rode a Westbound bus to the other end of Aina Haina. I then procured a decaffeinated beverage at Mickey Dee's®, only to discover that I was never privy to the senior citizen discount. There was apparently a promotion last month, which ended a few days ago. So pathetic. Nonetheless, I made the most of my time there. ETA dump: 10pm.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Hurdy-Gurdy Hogwash
Same ol' Sunday shit. I was back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) by 2pm. Alan was immersed in a loud slammin' soirée as he prepared his dinner. The noise continued unabated until 5pm. The "chef" had returned to the dump by then. Alan and the "chef" then engaged in loud conversation, probably about the latest conspiracies. A few minutes later, Alan shared his culinary creation with his house buddy. Well, that's all fine. I avoid anything but the briefest conversations with either of them, so I don't have to hear about the mutual undercurrents. Not my problem anyway. Alan also woke me up in the wee hours of the past two mornings because he was making a snack in the kitchen.
Aside from performing my usual chores this afternoon, I commenced the tedious task of viewing each and every hurdy-gurdy video file on the portable hard drive. If the media player and/or the file manager on the netbook freezes up during the process, then I purge the suspect file. There have been quite a few bad files, with all but one having been archived very recently. Strange things.
I am obviously wasting a lot of precious time on the portable hard drive and my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). However, judging from the sheer number of hurdy-gurdy bulletin boards on the Net, there are a lot of losers who share the same pathetic hobby with the ol' lavahead. They probably have multiple hard drives to store their HGVLs. I am an amateur in comparison. Sheesh!
Same ol' evening shit. I have not stopped off in Aina Haina for a decaffeinated beverage for several days. I usually make the decision after I board the Eastbound bus. There was a beautiful full moon in the sky, though. ETA dump: unknown.

Stevie Shae
Well, what better time than now to showcase yet another hurdy-gurdy hottie? Stevie Shae (formerly Blondie Boom) is that hottie. Her credits are far too numerous to list here. So, why not peruse her portfolio on the FreeOnes® site right now?
Aside from performing my usual chores this afternoon, I commenced the tedious task of viewing each and every hurdy-gurdy video file on the portable hard drive. If the media player and/or the file manager on the netbook freezes up during the process, then I purge the suspect file. There have been quite a few bad files, with all but one having been archived very recently. Strange things.
I am obviously wasting a lot of precious time on the portable hard drive and my vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). However, judging from the sheer number of hurdy-gurdy bulletin boards on the Net, there are a lot of losers who share the same pathetic hobby with the ol' lavahead. They probably have multiple hard drives to store their HGVLs. I am an amateur in comparison. Sheesh!
Same ol' evening shit. I have not stopped off in Aina Haina for a decaffeinated beverage for several days. I usually make the decision after I board the Eastbound bus. There was a beautiful full moon in the sky, though. ETA dump: unknown.

Saturday, June 02, 2012
Mondo Fool IX
Well, I already know that I am wasting precious time, the remnant of the "good years," but I really have no alternative. With my rapidly diminishing net worth, I am forced to live in high entropy squalor. Sadly, I simply want to be far and away from the madding crowd in a low entropy zone. Yes, I am repeating myself because I just cannot stress the importance of exiting the "system."
Last night, I discovered that many more hurdy-gurdy video files on the portable hard drive were corrupted. The problem most likely rests with the NTFS driver (i.e., ntfs-3g) used by Linux. I am fruitlessly purging files in order to preserve the most valuable, albeit subjective, of the bunch. Yet, I am beginning to wonder if the file deletions are cascading the corruption of the file allocation table (FAT). We'll soon find out, I suppose.
Alan happened to be looking around the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I was sitting in one of my favorite chairs with my tablet computer. He was looking for a book. Later, he is going to the movie theater. I'm not sure if he's meeting friends or going alone. With that said ... same ol' day shit, same ol' evening shit.
Last night, I discovered that many more hurdy-gurdy video files on the portable hard drive were corrupted. The problem most likely rests with the NTFS driver (i.e., ntfs-3g) used by Linux. I am fruitlessly purging files in order to preserve the most valuable, albeit subjective, of the bunch. Yet, I am beginning to wonder if the file deletions are cascading the corruption of the file allocation table (FAT). We'll soon find out, I suppose.
Alan happened to be looking around the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I was sitting in one of my favorite chairs with my tablet computer. He was looking for a book. Later, he is going to the movie theater. I'm not sure if he's meeting friends or going alone. With that said ... same ol' day shit, same ol' evening shit.
Friday, June 01, 2012
Post No. 2,224
"Your thoughts are highly regarded." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Same ol' day shit. Same ol' evening shit. I am just a package of atoms, swishing to and fro in a reality that is just an illusion. Nothing more, nothing less.
While sitting in my favorite chair in the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I attempted to objectively observe my environment. Entropy was much higher than the past few days. Entropic human stupidity was also present in high levels. So many people. So many children, too, most of whom are improperly trained to conform to the "civilization" paradigm. That's exactly why the latter paradigm has failed. The mythical "Satan" is entirely innocent.
Incidentally, I am in a quandary with respect to the "blog." I feel that I am no longer able to coherently distill my thoughts. So, I have often resorted to using "filler," much like what's in the crappy food that we are forced to consume. The "blog" is really the sole reason to justify the ownership of my computers, especially since the downloading of hurdy-gurdy video clips has been effectively curtailed. I could simply use a public computer for the remaining sporadic tasks.
The real issue, of course, is that I have become extremely efficient. I have divested almost all of my useless possessions. I have minimized all paperwork and its associated archive. I recycle pretty much everything, so I generate very little waste product. I have become a non-entity, so much so that I have very little impact on anything. I am just a couple of steps away from total freedom. Could the mummification of the "blog" be the ultimate step?
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