Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Living the Lie

"'Civilized' society is a hopeful belief and protest that science, money and goods make man count for more than any other animal. In this sense everything that man does is religious and heroic, and yet in danger of being fictitious and fallible." -- Ernest Becker
I ran into my "homeless" buddy at the library this morning. He gave me an MRE® (Meal, Ready to Eat), the same rations distributed to the empire's soldier in combat (not the civilian equivalent). It's a complete instant hot meal, which is why the homeless jump at the opportunity to obtain those rations.

I also completed the reading of, "The Denial of Death," by Ernest Becker, the book that symbolizes the turning point which I alluded to earlier. "The Denial of Death" made its debut nearly 40 years ago. I was 18 years old at the time. I am simply embarrassed that I had not even heard of it prior to two months ago. The subject matter is timeless. Everything of substance that I have delineated upon, albeit feebly, has been touched upon by Becker. In fact, he weaves all of the issues into one common human deception. I purchased my own copy of the book for archival purposes. I had vowed to never purchase another book, but I had to make an exception in this case. Books at the library tend to disappear permanently, by the way.

Of key importance is Becker's assertion that humans are compelled to "live the lie." The more knowledge that one collects in order to obtain freedom, the more isolated and ostracized that person becomes. Without sheer willpower and incredible character strength, the pariah is subject to the compression of insanity. No one understands the previous axiom better than I do.

On a side note, World Gym® is coming to Aina Haina. There's a pre-opening promotional membership rate of $25 per month with no initiation fee. That's $11 less per month than I currently pay. In addition, I could simply walk to the new gym from the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Something to consider.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Truth is Moot

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Same ol' evening shit, too. Obviously, there's new nothing to discuss.

My only comment for the day is about creation and the universe. I am simply tying up loose ends. Cosmology has revealed quite a bit of information about the origin and composition of the universe. I am still not convinced that everything just appeared out of nothing. My thoughts run parallel about life, too. I am not backtracking and returning to God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e. Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). Deities are human concoctions. Whatever is responsible for the universe, it has not revealed itself. Thus, the answer will never be known. We can only continue to make guesses, but there will be no verification.

We are creatures with a very limited lifespan. The absolute truth about the universe is moot. Knowing the truth will not change our plight. The entire universe is finite and "mortal," just as we are. Thus, I'm afraid that we have crossed the threshold of diminishing returns insofar as our accumulation of knowledge is concerned.

On a side note, I viewed "The Alyona Show" (RT - Russia) last night. The guests included Dennis Kucinich and Cenk Uygur. Quite a refreshing program as compared to the mindless fodder circulating in the empire's "mainstream" media.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Same ol' Sunday shit. Nada to report. I'm not complaining, mind you. I really wanted to break out of the routine, but that just wasn't financially possible. Oh well. Aside from that, the common cold seems to be diminishing. Thank Molech!

I exited the gym at 12:30pm, but I did not arrive at the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing) until 3pm. I sat at the bus stop on Hotel Street, adjacent to the Capitol district, for the longest time. The view is fantastic, by the way. Very soothing. I pondered a few of the usual issues and also thought about ... cookies, the chocolate chip variety.

Another evening of sitting in my favorite chair at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Even with the clever predictive keyboard on the tablet computer, I had difficulty composing fodder for the "blog." I kept thinking about chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately, all I have at the dump is a jug full of Odwalla® SuperFood. That will have to suffice. Sheesh!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Nice Day (Reprise)

An enjoyable day. Really. I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to New City Nissan® in Kalihi this morning for a complimentary oil change (a $50 value!) as part of "Customer Appreciation Month." The experience was exemplary. I was also amazed at how spotless the place was.

I ended up at Ala Moana Center after a useless trip to Best Buy®. The mall was already packed at 10:30am. From there, I rode the bus to the library in town. I had to keep reminding myself that I was in no hurry. I did not realized that I have always been subliminally operating under a tight schedule. I finally departed the library at 2pm, over an hour later than usual. I made it a point to ride as many connecting bus routes as possible to get to all of my destinations, thus slowing me down even more.

I rode the bus to the Post Office to collect my mail. Then, I rode the bus to the gym. I was actually not planning to perform my usual weight routine as an act of defiance to my rigidity. However, I followed an abridged regimen instead. One of the senior citizens gave me a few tips concerning lat pulldowns, so I will incorporate his suggestions from this point forward. I also ran into Donald, my bus driver buddy. We ended up chatting for a bit, too. A much better experience than what transpired yesterday at the gym in Hawai'i Kai.

Back at Ala Moana Center, I procured the book that I referred to yesterday after battling the crowds at Barnes & Noble®. Then, I was outta there. My last stop was the Subway® in Aina Haina. I enjoyed a delicious sandwich and a free cookie. Yum!

I reluctantly returned to the vast wasteland, Slob Manor (read: rental housing), before departing again 1.5 hours later for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Same ol' evening shit, but I am compelled to continue the benign activity indefinitely. I should note that the highest human entropic stupidity was observed at both dens of consumerism. Lots of mental midgets.

Incidentally, I chatted with the "chef" last night when I arrived back at the dump from my evening outing. He was in the process of preparing a concoction in his new electric juicer. I observed the process as he explained what he was doing. The concoction that he produced included a clove of garlic, a slice of ginger root, two whole carrots, two celery stalks, an apple, and some lime. Although he knew that the resulting juice tasted bad, he gulped it down because he knew that it was healthy. Right then and there, I realized the level of his commitment, whether misplaced or not. Personally, I would have just consumed the fruits and vegetables in their raw state. Of course, I don't claim to be committed to anything.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Final Journey

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. I was run over by a clown in a motorized chair this afternoon. Yeah, that's right. I had just completed my workout and shower at the gym. I was sitting in one of the comfortable chairs near the entrance. The clown came in at full speed on his motorized chair. He ran over my right foot and slammed into me sidewards with the heavy "piece of shit." I was in pain and let out an agonizing, "Shit!" Everyone wanted to know if the guy in the motorized chair was okay. Say what? I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Then, I was told that the clown is blind in his right eye. Yet, I've seen him driving a minivan (i.e., larger motorized chair). If he can't maneuver his small motorized chair, then how can he drive his big motorized chair? Totally disgusted, I was outta there.

Stupidity looms large. I have been observing the phenomenon for ages. The problem, of course, is that self-domestication is failing. People are no longer willing to follow the rules of order, which are at the crux of the "civilization" paradigm. What we are witnessing is the emergence of the "inner animal" from repression. Unfortunately, high entropy only allows for the worst characteristics of the "inner animal" to surface.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the junkyard continues to expand like malignant cancer. Much to my surprise, there's a huge industrial stainless steel sink sitting on the rock pile right next to where I park my vehicle. And, the first floor common area is now serving as storage for furniture. Coincident with the growing clutter, I have had a burning desire for simplicity. I yearn for all things simple. And, I am growing impatient with what little complexity remains in my life.

One last point. I am nearing the conclusion of all things. Cryptic? Sort of. I have been reading a book for the last three days which pretty much sums up the many years of anecdotal testimony (as well as a few of my hypotheses) in the "blog." I will probably secure my own copy. When I finally complete the reading of the book, I will provide details. Then, I will probably change the course of the "blog" in preparation for its final, albeit prolonged, journey.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Same ol' day and evening shit. The common cold? Still going strong, which required more dosages of the generic decongestant. And, myriad more cough drops. When will it ever end? Otherwise, nada to report.

I finally sampled the Blue Diamond® Almond Breeze® (i.e., almond milk). Pretty damned good. There are a couple of questionable ingredients, but who cares? It's much better than the run-of-the-mill junk food that's readily available.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" has purchased a new Apple® iPad. I haven't actually seen the device. I just happened to notice that Net access was extremely sluggish. So, I logged on to the wireless router to see what was connected. Sure enough. Odd, the "chef" doesn't strike me as Apple® "fanboy." Perhaps he's selling out to the "mainstream" like everyone else. Sheesh!

I'm sticking to the BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. It's a little rough around the edges, but the PlayBook® is exactly what I wanted in the tablet form factor. Obviously, BlackBerry® is now beyond passé. That's why I like it even more. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chillin' & Illin' (Continued)

The common cold continues to rage on, now in its 15th day. The generic decongestant was ineffective after the first dosage at 9pm last night. Post-nasal drip torture continued until 1am, when I applied a second dosage. Finally, some relief. Either I am becoming extremely weak or the common cold is becoming much more resilient over time. I'd like to blame it all on malnutrition, but there's little evidence to support such an assertion.

My guess is that the (common cold) germs are becoming much more resilient. I am exposed throughout the day to myriad losers and derelicts, most of them bus passengers, whose diets probably consist of junk food (including meat and poultry injected with antibiotics), chemically-constructed food substitutes, and beverages laced with high fructose corn syrup. Most of them probably smoke cigarettes and consume large quantities of cheap booze, too. The toxins in their bodies are lethal to the germs. Thus, the germs "mutated" to survive. The stronger strain of germs is now circulating amongst us.

When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was privy to an hour or so of the slammin' soirée courtesy the "chef." That's actually an everyday occurrence now. A lot of time and effort for no real reason. The "chef" has become overly paranoid about food. Yet, he eats crap like "organic" frozen burritos. He also uses a plastic chopping board to cut up his fruits and vegetables. When he showed me the features of his new electric juicer, I noticed that he had neglected to dry off any of the internal components after washing it several hours earlier. The "chef" seems oblivious to the prospect of mold and bacteria growth. My observations tells me that he's psychotic. I'm concerned about what I eat, but I will maintain a healthy diet within reason. I also make sure that I operate under sanitary conditions at all times. That's why I don't prepare food or eat in the common area.

Incidentally, my time from this point forward would be best served by continuing toward the exodus. There's just too much insanity amongst the masses. Look at the microcosm of Slob Manor, what with the "chef" and Alan. And, how about the landlord? There's even more crap piled up all around the property. Does the "chef" even realize that all of that junk from the nursery is coated with dust, dubious types of fertilizer, and industrial-strength pesticides? I really don't even want to describe my experiences with fools outside of Slob Manor. Just know that psychosis and stupidity are rampant.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chillin' & Illin'

At the library, I completed the perusal of the book, "An Elephant's Life: An Intimate Portrait from Africa," by Caitlin O'Connell. A wonderful book, by the way. Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit.

The common cold still rages on after two weeks straight. Recently, I tried to abate the symptoms with Halls® cough drops, but with only minor results. Long story short, the post-nasal drip is driving me berserk. By the way, I was amused by the "A Pep Talk In Every Drop" feature of the Halls® cough drops. Anyway, stronger countermeasures are necessary. So, I purchased a box of generic decongestant tablets. I avoided the generic cold and flu elixir because of the additional unneeded chemicals (i.e., alcohol, pain reliever, and antihistamine), none of which are necessary to combat post-nasal drip.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Post No. 2,276

"Well-arranged time is a good sign of a well-arranged mind." -- Panda Express® fortune cookie
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. The common cold (i.e., post-nasal drip hell) is still hanging on. Can you believe it?

I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4:15pm, just in time to be privy to a slammin' soirée, courtesy the "chef." I neglected to mention that I found myself conversing, albeit reluctantly, with the "chef" the other day. We discussed food, which is our only common ground. The "chef" is much more paranoid about food than I am. So, he is purchasing "organic" everything, even "organic" dishwashing soap. He also showed me his new electric juicer.

The "chef" is looking much thinner (i.e., malnourished). He is losing weight, most likely because he has started to substitute homemade veggie-fruit juices for former heavier meals. He also cut his hair short and has adopted a strange razor-thin beard and mustache. His new look seems rather odd to me, but what do I know?

Incidentally, I procured a small carton of Blue Diamond® Almond Breeze® (i.e., almond milk) to sample. If it tastes good, then I will consider adding it to my diet. I will be sampling other alternative foods as well.

We'll, when I finally arrived at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala and settled in my favorite chair, I lost all desire to compose the "blog." Fortunately, I completed the bulk of the diatribe on the netbook before I departed Slob Manor. So, let's end this charade now, shall we?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sleep Apnea (Reprise)

The common cold has been raging on for ten days now. The post-nasal drip has been the worst of it. All day, all night, a sickening sludge of sticky mucous flows down from my sinuses into my throat, triggering sporadic fits of coughing and choking. I have been spending all of my waking hours clearing my throat.

I was able to sleep for only one hour last night before I was rudely awakened as I nearly suffocated from a coughing and choking fit. The mucous sludge was so thick and continuous that I could not go back to sleep. About every two seconds, I had to forcibly clear my throat.

At 1:30am, I was wide awake. My stomach was gurgling since I had not eaten anything since 9pm. I powered up the netbook and ate granola for an extremely early breakfast. A few minutes later, the crazy peacock was honking away on the Chinaman property next door. Apparently, the crazy bird couldn't sleep either.

Long story short, I ended up laying down with my eyes closed sometime after 3am. I could not fall asleep, so I was extremely fatigued this morning. Nonetheless, I was on my way at 8am to fulfill what I describe as the "same ol' Sunday shit." Thank Molech for my morning coffee! Entropy, of course, is always extremely high when I am in my most vulnerable state. The fools that I am most likely to run into during the day are overweight, stupid, and rude (a combination derived from junk food malnutrition, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) intake, cigarette smoking, lack of exercise, and endless tube-watching). I'll leave it at that.

At the gym, the hottie gym trainer worked with three successive clients this morning in the weight room. So, I enjoyed an extended perusal of baby. No, baby has not come around. As I mentioned previously in the "blog," the babe situation is moot for the ol' lavahead. For the ol' lavahead to even qualify as a suitor for any babe, he must profess (or feign) belief in romantic love, marriage, the "ownership" society, the Potestant work ethic, and the "system." Obviously, the ol' lavahead has no faith in failed paradigms.

As groggy as I was when I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 2pm, I wanted to complete my laundry chores. Alan, however, had started one load of laundry sometime before I arrived. He was asleep on the filthy couch in the living room. Later, he woke up and began fiddling around with some his gadgets. Turns out, he owns five (or more) digital cameras of the same make and model. Then, he disappeared into his squalid room. I assumed that he took a break to place himself within the triangulated computer force field in the center of his squalid room. Hours went by. His laundry was already smelling moldy. Subsequently, he departed for Aina Haina on foot.

My 6:45pm departure time for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was rapidly approaching, so I nixed the laundry plan. Just a few minutes before I had to leave, Alan returned and tended to his moldy laundry. His multiple cameras? Alan will probably use them to create a panoramic documentary of his paranormal experiences inside the computer force field. Too much HFCS? No doubt.

Nikki Delano
Well, it has been a long time since the last favorite hurdy-gurdy hottie has been featured. I have been waiting a significant decrease in the number of visitors to the "blog." So, how about hurdy-gurdy hottie, Nikki Delano? Oh, baby! Check out her portfolio on the FreeOnes® site.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Food Fodder (Reprise)

At the library, I ran into Hoang, my "homeless" buddy. As you may recall, he's not really homeless. I perused the book, "The End of Money: Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies, Dreamers - and the Coming Cashless Society," by David Wolman. Reality shopping, anyone?

I also browsed through the book, "Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet," by Jack Norris and Virginia Messina. This is not the run-of-the-mill vegan "cult" book. Vegetarian and vegan diets are much more complex than I had imagined, especially if nutritional needs are considered. The authors provide a very concise plan to meet those needs.

At this point in time, there is just no way that I could fully implement and justify either a vegetarian or vegan diet plan. I would have to stock an unbelievable number of fruits and vegetables. And, I would still have to enhance either plan with dietary supplements. Incidentally, I happened to peruse the ingredients of a few all-around supplements that are available in "natural food" stores. Not a whole lot of difference from the Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix. Whassup wi' dat?

For the time being, I can only attempt to minimize my intake of poisonous food. There is no way to be completely free of the latter. Attempting to completely protect oneself is akin to clinical insanity. The crux of the problem is overpopulation and the overextended carrying capacity of the planet. We have passed the point of no return.

I can also only attempt to minimize my intake of distressed animals, fowl, and fish. Purchasing "organic" equivalents is farcical at best. The animals, fowl, and fish are only slightly less distressed. Minimizing my intake means that I am still a part of the problem, only slightly less. Right now, there's not much else that I can do.

On a side note, Kubuntu "Precise Pangolin" appears to be functioning okay. There are a few regressions, but I can live with them for now. As for the day and evening, you already know the drill. The common cold is still going strong.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Introduction to Tomorrow

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report, which is good in its own way. The common cold? Still hanging on. The evening? Same ol' shit. Okay, enough of that.

Well, I played the game until I forced out of the "system." Then, I went through an existential crisis, subsequent enlightenment, religious nihilism, more enlightenment, cosmological nihilism, even more enlightenment, and now I am confronting total meaninglessness. I am not speaking of psychological trauma, depression, or dysthymia. People are quick to react with pseudo-prognoses coincident with failed paradigms.

In the grand scheme, I am speaking of meaninglessness on a cosmological order. We humans have constructed failed paradigm upon failed paradigm in order to create meaning and purpose. Yet, the result has been chaotic, essentially an anxiety-provoking lesson in increased entropy. I need not rehash my viewpoints. Rather, I need to take some time to look ahead.

To really appreciate what I am talking about, one only needs to review the daily "news" (or what passes as news). The bottom line is that we can be annihilated or we can lose everything of value to us, both instantaneously. Yeah, just like that. Non-existence, meaninglessness, or worthlessness in a split-second. Is there any redemption? If we are true to ourselves, the answer is a resounding, "No."

While some people may believe that I am moping around, lapsing in and out of chronic depression, the plain truth is that I am engaged in neither. I have been searching for the absolute truth. However, human life is very finite. So, I must cut my losses and accept the tidbits of truth that I have already acquired.

Denial of mortality is the mainspring of all human activity. I am no exception. However, I no longer desire to pursue "mainstream" activities. Hence, I have been preoccupied with decoupling from the "system." Again, human life is finite. I must accept that I am as close to decoupled from the latter as is currently possible. I am also keenly aware that I am edging toward homelessness. I no longer fear the possibility. I welcome it.

Tomorrow is just around the corner. Alas, tomorrow is already here. It's been here for awhile. I was too preoccupied to notice. With that said, why am I always doing the "same ol' shit"? Because I really like it, that's why! I am, of course, bounded by poverty. Yet, that should make little difference. The big question: if tomorrow is already here, what comes next?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Methodical Madness

Still battling the common cold. Can it get more stupid than that? This afternoon, I ran into my young war veteran buddy on the bus. We had an interesting conversation about a variety of topics. Aside from that, same ol' day and evening shit. Nada to report.

The verdict is in: "cloud" storage is out. I only have three small files that can be classified as important. I'd be wasting time and effort in setting up an account. And, I am certainly not going to install the associated 12MByte "app" on the tablet computer either. It's way too huge for my purposes. If anything, I can always resort to the poor man's "cloud" (i.e., e-mail archive).

As I stated, there is nothing to report. My activities are now limited to scaling down the scope of my already-limited operations. There is nothing else that I can do as I edge toward homelessness. Freedom, however, does not come cheap. There are a variety of opportunity costs (i.e., sacrifices), which I have been religiously chronicling in the "blog." Is there a method to the madness? Will I eventually reap some kind of long-term reward? Only time will tell.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cloudy Tidbits

I previously mentioned that the Kubuntu upgrade to "Precise Pangolin" was successful. My only concern in the end was the inconsistent look (with respect to KDE) of the Firefox Web browser. However, I discovered the Oxygen-KDE plug-in for Firefox last night. Not quite perfect, but much better than the stock version.

Same ol' day and evening shit. I actually slept for five, possibly six, hours last night. I was still fatigued, so I required my morning coffee beverage to function properly. The common cold, though, still rages on. Eight days now. Sheesh!

I have been contemplating the use of a free "cloud" storage service again, specifically Box. It seems to be the best for both the netbook and tablet computer. If I install the Box "app" onto the tablet computer, I can secure 50GByte of space for free. Currently, my "cloud" storage is a flash drive, which cannot be read by the tablet computer. Of course, I have bi-directional wireless file transfer capability on the tablet computer. Thus, I can always access files from the netbook. The safest option is probably to archive important files in "cloud" storage and download as needed. Decisions, decisions.

Feedjit® is continuing to track the decline in "blog" visits. So far, a week has gone by since I set the option to exclude the "blog" from all search engines. What is the whole purpose of such a futile exercise? Obscurity, my friends. Obscurity provides the viable option of simply disappearing.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sanford & Son

I was planning to curb my coffee consumption commencing this morning, but that goal was just not possible after only two hours of fitful sleep last night. Anything that could keep me from sleeping, from post-nasal drip to my numb right thigh, certainly did so. Frankly, even without the effects of the common cold, I have difficulty falling asleep. And, coffee is about all that keeps me functioning during the day. Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the landlord has been dropping off truckloads of decades worth of crap from the nursery. There's no place to store the stuff except around the perimeter of Slob Manor. The whole place looks like a real "Sanford & Son" (i.e., old '70s sitcom) junkyard now. Let's face it, the landlord is a hoarder just like my bro, only fifty times worse. Sheesh!

Well, I keep mentioning that I need to divest more of my useless possessions, but there is just not much left. Aside from the detestable "condotel" unit and my already-old Nissan® Frontier truck, the only items of "value" are my surfboard, netbook, tablet computer (not slated for divestiture), and portable hard drive. Obviously, all of them are worthless. There's just no sense in attempting to sell any of that junk.

On a side note, I read an article on the Seattle Times site about computer LCD screens and insomnia. In brief, "... subjects who spent time at night in front of an LED computer screen, as opposed to a screen emitting a variety of colors but little blue light, experienced 'a significant suppression of the evening rise in endogenous melatonin and sleepiness.'" Could this be the crux of the problem?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lavahead Unplugged

"A wise lumberjack always has a sharp saw." -- Panda Express® fortune cookie
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. The common cold is still hanging on. Same ol' evening shit, too. Otherwise, nada to report.

Another night of sleep deprivation left me completely fatigued all day. I am planning to institute some changes effective immediately. Food that is sweet and/or high in protein (e.g., yogurt, Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix) will need to be consumed before 7pm at the latest. I will not be replacing the "meathead" mix once the remaining supply is depleted. And, the time has come to review the need for my daily morning coffee. More later.

To continue my program of dietary triage, I purchased an expensive, big-ass bottle of Zola® Açaí and Blueberry Juice (certified organic) at Safeway®. I am also acquiring different varieties of packaged nuts. Not to worry, Subway® is still my food savior. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Finally, a brief comment on the LIBOR rate-fixing scandal in the UK. There has hardly been any news about it in the "mainstream." Why? Regardless, there are more pressing concerns. The scandal is not simply the issue of a moral compass going awry. We are looking at the twilight of "Western" civilization. After all, banking and finance, backed militarily, are the crux (in entirety) of the latter. The extent of the brazen corruption is not just the product of hubris. It is signaling that the "system" is on the verge of structural failure. Collapse.

In the meantime, the empire is engaged in the circus of the presidential (s)election. Both of the candidates are professed Christians, with Mitt Romney having personally spoken to God of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Pauline-Christianity, and Islam). Since the latter deity does not exist, he was apparently engaged in dialog with himself. Clinically speaking, that is a symptom of psychosis. A while back, I predicted erroneously that Sarah Palin would be (s)elected. I was only off the mark by gender. Sheesh!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Edging Toward Homelessness

No sleep again last night. Yeah, same ol' Sunday shit. I ran into Gino in the Makai Mall at Ala Moana Center this morning. Then, I ran into Chip at the gym. Chip has turned 65 years of age. He asked whether I had returned to wage slavery. I replied in the negative. "Must be nice to be rich," he said. "No," I rebutted, "I'm edging toward homelessness." Chip laughed out loud (LOL). Both Chip and Gino are former Asylum faculty. Otherwise, nada to report.

I arrived back at Slob manor (read: rental housing) at 2pm. I was hoping to take a nap. Instead, I was treated to a deluge of non-stop noise. The landlord dropped off a payload of junk just below the window of my squalid room. The "chef" prepared a snack using his new electric juicer. Shortly after, the wild peacock commenced honking. The wild rooster began crowing. Both critters roam around the adjacent Chinaman property. Then, Alan returned from his trip to Arizona. Yeah, I gave up on the nap idea. Instead, I ran the upgrade for Kubuntu. After 1.5 hours ... success! I now have "Precise Pangolin" (v12.04 LTS) installed. Everything is fully operational.

Same ol' evening shit. The den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was packed with affluent fools. I stopped off at Longs® to purchase a package of generic cough drops because I could feel a sore throat coming on. Then, I ended up sitting in my favorite chair in the bookstore in order to compose the "blog."

Well, Subway® is my food savior. As I mentioned previously, I will be eating Subway® sandwiches for dinner nearly every night this month. The program may continue indefinitely. Anyone who wishes to follow in the ol' lavahead's footsteps should be aware that only a handful of menu items are coincident with my healthy guideline. That said, the healthy sandwiches are delicious.

On a side note, Feedjit® is reporting a change in the daily visits to the "blog." The numbers, mostly guys looking for pictures of babes, are finally dropping. Thank Molech!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dietary Triage

Time sure flies when one is in a semi-comatose trance. Yeah, that's my mental state while I have been sitting in the inner courtyard of the library for the past three days (today inclusive). The common cold has really hit me hard. Only a slight improvement so far. Unfortunately, there's only one dose of the generic cold and flu elixir remaining.

Speaking of wasting time, I spent an hour or so last night searching the Net for information about various food products. What a joke! Reality shopping takes on a whole new meaning. Is there anywhere that I can obtain the real truth? In any case, I have mummified the plan to transition to organic-certified soy milk.

Even the relatively benign granola is not immune from scrutiny. One of the ingredients is soybean oil. Made from genetically modified (GM) soybeans, you think? There's no way to know for certain. Most likely, I will be modifying my diet using a triage methodology. More details later.

Same ol' day and evening shit. Lots of entropic human stupidity. Obviously, entropy was quite high all day. The sheer number of stupid people only leads me to one diagnosis: poor diets mostly consisting of products saturated with high fructose corn syrup (made from GM corn). Malnutrition of the body causes malnutrition of the brain. A malnourished brain can only give rise to cognitive dysfunction (i.e., stupidity).

Friday, July 13, 2012

Molech Day 2012

Formerly Sinister Kahuna Day, by the way. The common cold proved to be much more nefarious than I could have imagined. It was immune to the generic cold and flu elixir. So, lots of post-nasal drip. And, extremely clogged nasal passages. Old man maladies? No doubt.

I ran into my "homeless" buddy at the library this morning. He is going in for an operation on his troubled foot in two weeks. Then, he will be departing to Vietnam for another multi-month vacation. Can't say that I blame him. He will be living like a king over there.

Otherwise, same ol' shit. Another evening at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I won't be visiting Whole Foods Market® ever again, though. The spectacle of myriad people purchasing hundreds of dollars of "organic" junk food was beyond imagination. A fool and his money are soon parted. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

No "Precise Pangolin" upgrade for Kubuntu on the netbook yet. I discovered that the whole process may take around two hours, if it is successful. If not, I will have converted the netbook into a doorstop. I cannot leave the computer unattended during the upgrade because there are a few dialog boxes that could pop up. Yeah, a pain in the ass.

Well, I am now contemplating the transition from the dubious Muscle Milk® "meathead" mix to organic-certified soy milk. However, there is a lot of negative press about soy milk. Reality shopping? I can't be certain. Oh, the quest to keep myself from being poisoned by shitty food ... about the same as waiting for a reply from Molech?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Illin' Tidbits

Same ol' shit. Long story short, sleep deprivation has brought on a bout of the common cold yet again. Yeah, illin' again. Fortunately, I had a partial bottle of generic cold and flu elixir lying around. Not an ideal solution, but tolerable under the circumstances. I was groggy all day nonetheless. The common cold actually wielded its ugly head the night before. However, I held off (the elixir) until last night.

Tidbits, tidbits. Purging more hurdy-gurdy video files from the portable hard drive. Finished tax paperwork for the detestable "condotel" unit. Made final preparations for Kubuntu over-the-air "distro" upgrade on the netbook. Finally transitioned away from cow's milk.

By the way, I have been taking advantage of the free cookie offer from Subway®. I simply participate in the customer feedback on-line every time I purchase a sandwich. If I am able to claim about 500 free cookies, then I will make up for the $300 loss that was incurred when the tablet computer's selling price was drastically reduced. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

In an attempt to breakaway from the same ol' evening shit, I browsed the aisles of Whole Foods Market® in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. The place was filled with snobs, all purchasing their overpriced "organic" and "natural" food products. Obviously, I did not fit in. Everything that's in a regular supermarket was available in a subjectively healthy form. However, when I espied boxes of frozen "organic" chicken nuggets, I was beside myself. All "organic" (i.e., no hormones, no antibiotics) chicken parts ground up, processed into oblong nuggets, breaded with gluten-free dough, then deep-fried in "organic" lard. The real joke was the price. No, thanks.

I have been attempting to speculate about what early humans ate for food. I assume that their diet consisted primarily of easily identified fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. There was probably little variety of each prior to plant domestication. Animal, fowl, and fish meat were most likely secondary because much more work and skill was required to attain them. Our main goal as modern humans is to eat as healthy as possible. What I mean by "healthy" is simply to avoid or minimize exposure to poisonous food laden with chemicals, filler, saturated fats, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics. More later.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


"Be quicker of mind than of tongue." -- Panda Express® fortune cookie
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit, only two days earlier. Moms will be attending a three-day religious convention commencing on Friday. Otherwise, nada to report.

Well, I am transitioning to organic yogurt later this week. I have purchased a small supply of the latter to effect the transition. No high fructose corn syrup, no growth hormones, no pesticides, and no antibiotics. Yogurt apparently does not cause calcium depletion like pure cow's milk, supposedly due to fermentation.

By the way, I tweaked the software manager in Kubuntu. The "distro" upgrade is now available. So, I will soon be able to transition from "Oneiric Ocelot" to "Precise Pangolin," with the latest version having long-term support (i.e., three years). So, what's holding up the process? There are a few hurdy-gurdy video clips that have not been archived to the portable hard drive yet. The over-the-air upgrade should not erase any user files, but better safe than sorry. Oh brother.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dumb Tidbits

Last night, I planned to perform the "distro" upgrade for Kubuntu on the netbook. However, the upgrade was not available for some unknown reason. The process would have allowed me to upgrade the operating system over-the-air without performing a whole new installation. Oh well.

Same ol' shit. At the library, I browsed through an elementary book about Android tablet computers. There is no way that I can go that route. Too tied to Google®. Aside from that, I restored my extreme monk haircut, one day earlier than usual.

Well, I have decided that I will be living off of Subway® sandwiches nearly every day for the rest of the month. The "$6 Footlong of the Month" is pretty tasty and fairly healthy. Only a small portion of (distressed) chicken, so I am fine with that. Yeah, the sandwiches are $1 more here in Hawai'i.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), same ol' shit. The "chef" returned from wherever yesterday. The landlord has been making coffee every morning at 5am. The coffee machine is right above my sarcophagus. As an added bonus this morning, the landlord was also moving stuff around upstairs at the same ridiculously early hour. Can it get any dumber?

Monday, July 09, 2012

Food Fodder

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My bro and sister-in-law are both working. My nephew is still retired. Moms is doing fine. Otherwise, nada to report.

I am attempting to transition myself to a more healthy diet, whatever that means. My first step is to eliminate milk, specifically cow's milk. I don't drink a lot of milk. A gallon will last close to a month. I have about a week's supply remaining. So, I have already purchased an expensive, big-ass bottle of Odwalla® SuperFood as a transitional substitute. Yogurt, on the other hand, appears to still be acceptable.

Food in general is becoming a big problem. Frankly, I can't find anything to eat in a regular supermarket. I have been purchasing ready-made salads for two weeks now, but the price suddenly jumped up 20 percent. The salads were good, though. Only a small portion of chicken.

Therein lies the conundrum. I want to eliminate any food consisting of meat from distressed animals, fowl, or fish, as well as any food products (e.g., milk, eggs, etc.) produced by them. Distressed animals, fowl, and fish are usually commercially farmed under deplorable conditions. I am also becoming concerned about distressed plants (which serve as food or yield edible products) that are commercially farmed under deplorable conditions, too.

I could shop at "natural food" stores or select only the "natural" or "organic" products in a regular supermarket. However, there are a number of products that make no sense. "Organic" potato chips? The transition is definitely going to be difficult.

Sunday, July 08, 2012


Same ol' Sunday shit. No, say it ain't so! Unfortunately, I'd be fibbing if I did so. Obviously, nada to report. Lots of entropic human stupidity, but we knew that already.

Well, I am at the point now that I would like to divest the netbook. If I could rid myself of it, I could "kill two birds with one stone." No more wasting too much valuable time on the Net, and no more hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Tablet computers, by the way, cannot interface with external NTFS-formatted hard drives. Sadly, the netbook is worth nothing. I probably couldn't give it away for free.

The BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer is fully capable of performing all of the functions that I require, albeit minimally. However, there is no assurance that the device will still exist at the end of the year, no less be supported. I dread the prospect of replacing it with an Android device or the other two competing platforms. Perhaps I should dump all computing devices for an abacus. Sheesh!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Race to the Bottom Redux

At the library, I completed the perusal of the books, "Becoming China's Bitch and Nine More Catastrophes We must Avoid Right Now," by Peter Kiernan, and "Greedy Bastards: How We Can Stop Corporate Communists, Banksters, and Other Vampires from Sucking America Dry," by Dylan Ratigan. Reality shopping, anyone? Actually, some very valid points made by the authors.

Same ol' shit, regardless. Nada to report. No progress made on any front. Still "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Yet, time continues to pass rapidly. Well, I am, after all, in a race to the bottom. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Friday, July 06, 2012

Insanity Tidbits (Continued)

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. I'll briefly mention that I had a strange experience after working out at the gym. As I was walking back to the parking structure, I nearly fell over twice. There was an odd, albeit minor, dizzy sensation. However, my body simply wanted to collapse. I managed to keep walking. Then, I sat down in the shade for the longest time. I certainly did not want to risk a physical collapse while driving my 4000-pound motorized chair (read: truck) in traffic. Strange things.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), just a little peace and quiet. Alan has been gone for about a week, most likely his "McMansion" in Arizona. The "chef" has been gone for about three days. Yet, I have yet to sleep well. Too many aches and pains, not to mention my numb right thigh. Sleep deprivation is bringing me closer to insanity with each passing day.

Insanity for me is creeping up steadily regardless of sleep deprivation. My inability to truly emancipate myself from all forms of slavery is the cause. Intrinsic forms of slavery are often undetectable. The most undetectable of all is self-imposed slavery. For example, I am unable to relinquish the hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) and the portable hard drive to the dung heap. Neither am I able to divest all of my useless possessions in an expeditious manner. Thus, I remain a slave at even the most rudimentary level, no less at the institutional level. Slavery equals insanity. Don't take my word for it. Just ask any animal at the zoo. Sheesh!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Insanity Tidbits

Same ol' day and evening shit. Extremely high entropy all day. Lots of clinically insane people out and about. I am not being facetious. Quite a few senior citizens are walking around in an elevated state of dementia. And, more and more of the homeless are "losing it." However, I have observed that there is now a large contingent of clinically insane people who are neither homeless or seniors. They have essentially lost their minds. What happened?

By the way, I have nearly completed the changeover to my RingCentral® voicemail from my cellphone on all my on-line accounts. I am using a transitional strategy to effect the process. Frankly, I would rather mummify the whole situation.

A brief review of the approved news sites on the Net continues to substantiate the human perseverance to self-destruct at any cost. Very little time was devoted to the discovery of a new subatomic particle, possibly the theoretical Higg's boson. A better understanding of the makeup of the universe could eventually aid in curbing entropic human stupidity by implicating the futility of our actions. Of course, that may be asking too much.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Slave Day 2012

I stationed my Nissan® Frontier truck at Ala Moana Center early this morning. Lots of senior citizens. Lots of fools. Extremely high entropy. I attempted to follow a leisurely agenda, commencing with coffee time at the Barnes & Noble Café. Although the tablet computer accompanied me, I did not deploy it. I browsed through a couple of periodicals instead. Very few Linux titles, but possibly 50 Apple®-oriented nonsense. Absolutely nothing for BlackBerry®.

At noon, I rode the bus to town. I checked my mailbox. Then, I performed a mediocre workout at the gym. Interspersed between the usual activities was the dreaded shopping routine. However, I ended up purchasing a new tank top and a new gym bag.

Typical "Independence" Hottie

When I returned to the mall, I purchased an ice cream treat. I attempted to relax and enjoy the latter. Unfortunately, the entropy approached infinity by that time. Hordes of morons were crowding into the mall for the "Independence Day" extravaganza at 5pm. Lots of stupidity. I was outta there.

Same ol' evening shit. Thank goodness the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was open. I was fatigued, but I just did not want to sit in my squalid room all evening. Since the downloading hurdy-gurdy video clips has essentially been mummified, there is nothing to do in my squalid room.

Another Slave Day has come and gone. Ho hum. Yeah, I'm still a slave. And, I am not happy about it. Perhaps when I finally hit "rock bottom," I will finally be totally emancipated. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Post No. 2,256

Beautiful full moon out last night. I espied the bright orb when I exited the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night. The moon should serve as a cosmological reminder that our solar system only has a finite lifetime. If humans were not so stupid, they would realize that increasing entropic human stupidity is only insuring a premature demise.

Lots of senior citizens at Ala Moana Center every morning. The Makai Mall, literally a senior citizen recreation center, is packed with the geriatric crowd. However, they only become visible once the geriatric filters are removed. Naturally, I am inclined to observe all of them.

Same ol' day and evening shit. At the bookstore this evening, I browsed through the book, "How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life," by Robert and Edward Skidelsky. It is actually classified under "Philosophy." And, rightly so, because the book is not a mindless economic diatribe penned by robotic pundits. Otherwise, nada to report.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Race to the Bottom (Reprise)

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing out of the ordinary. The gym in Hawai'i Kai has a fairly large percentage of senior citizens as opposed to the downtown location. Thus, I am able to increase the scope of my observations. I am also able to ascertain the various levels of physical capabilities and limitations. Not pretty, my friends.

Incidentally, I have confirmed that my RingCentral® voicemail account is still active. I was fortunate to have acquired a free lifetime account when I did. The initial offering appears to be long gone. Anyway, my plan to finally mummify my cellphone service in November is in the active queue. I don't need a cellphone anyway. Who am I going to call? So, no phone required. Even the divestiture of my useless possessions can be accomplished using e-mail.

Have you noticed how brief the "blog" entries have become? Well, I am certain that you didn't notice because you are no longer reading the "blog." Yes, readership is down to zero again. I have lost readers as quickly as Research in Motion® (RIM) has lost customers. I cannot overstate how both RIM and I are in a race to the bottom. No "soft landing" for either of us.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Molech Mundanity V

Same ol' Sunday shit. Extremely high entropy. Crowds, heavy traffic, extreme forms of stupidity, all for the taking. Who could ask for anything more? Certainly not me.

Lately, I have been spending an extraordinary amount of time observing ... young hotties? No, senior citizens. And, believe me, there are a lot of them in Hawai'i. I observe everything about them. No details necessary. Everyone can make the same observations if they remove their geriatric filters. That's the problem. Senior citizens are invisible except to other senior citizens. Unfortunately, we will all be senior citizens in due time, if not already. Of course, denial of mortality drives all human activity.

Bibi Jones

Well, as always, when there's nothing more to discuss, bring on the hurdy-gurdy hotties. Who could argue with that, given hurdy-gurdy hottie, Bibi Jones (formerly Britney Beth)? Be sure to check out her extensive portfolio on the FreeOnes® site.