Another day of entropic human stupidity. Don't the chimpo sapiens get tired of being stupid? Apparently not. I can also safely say that obesity is well beyond the epidemic stage in Hawai'i. Perhaps the sun should just go red star right now and put an end to this charade already.
I decided that I will not be deploying the leather case for the tablet computer that the homeless buddy gave to me. So, I will donate it to charity. I prefer a smaller zippered sleeve because it provides more overall protection.
The netbook has been decommissioned. All I need to do now is delete any residual files, remove my account, set up a generic account, and give it a thorough cleaning. Since it is a perfectly functioning computer, I will still use it off and on for mundane tasks until it is divested. There will be no further mention of the netbook.
Otherwise, nada to report. In other words, I am still "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic." What I really should be doing is establishing a monastery and church devoted to the worship of Molech. I could appoint myself as high priest. Then, I would recruit myriad disciples. Monetary contributions could fund the entire operation including a meager high priest's salary. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Red Star Reminder
At Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Tom and his drinking buddy have been droppin' back gallons of cheap brewskis daily from sometime in the morning to about 9pm at night. That's right, every day. He's also been moving in a lot of crap, so I assume that he will be residing at the dump for a very long time.
Another high entropy kind-of-a-day. Same ol' shit, eh? Lots of stupidity. Lots of cigarette-smoking fools. Lots of rudeness. That's why freedom becomes even more difficult to attain. Even the slaves work extremely hard at increasing their indentured servitude.
There was a full moon out last night. Beautiful, yet eerie. For me, the moon provides a "reality check" about the universe and our place in it. I am also reminded that our solar system has about 5 billion years left before the sun goes red star. Yet, I can bet that human stupidity will continue right up to the very last day, provided that humans even survive that long.
Another high entropy kind-of-a-day. Same ol' shit, eh? Lots of stupidity. Lots of cigarette-smoking fools. Lots of rudeness. That's why freedom becomes even more difficult to attain. Even the slaves work extremely hard at increasing their indentured servitude.
There was a full moon out last night. Beautiful, yet eerie. For me, the moon provides a "reality check" about the universe and our place in it. I am also reminded that our solar system has about 5 billion years left before the sun goes red star. Yet, I can bet that human stupidity will continue right up to the very last day, provided that humans even survive that long.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Fallacy of Freedom
Freedom is elusive. Freedom is an illusion. That's my conclusion after decades of seeking out the latter. There is only one avenue of freedom for the enslaved human animal, only coincident with his demise. In the meantime, we live in constant denial of that fact (refer to the book, "Denial of Death," by Ernest Becker). We live in a prison-like world of our own making, with gradients of freedom determined by financial net worth.
For most of us, we live in an extremely cramped society that has been over-saturated by the concept of "private property" (i.e., the "ownership society"). Any attempt to seek out freedom only infringes upon the freedom of others in close proximity. There is incredible social tension in such a society. A kind of existential claustrophobia results, often culminating in violent clashes of one kind or another.
Human freedom was extinguished with the birth of the now-failed "civilization" paradigm. True "civilization" requires a high level of egalitarianism, a concept that most humans detest whether they want to admit it or not. Class-based societies embrace stratification which benefits a certain select few at the expense of the masses.
Even in the days of early "civilization" and early societies, humans had the option of leaving their home society and wandering into the wilderness. They could form another social order of their own liking elsewhere utilizing rudimentary homesteading. Not so today. There is no escape, except ...
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms mentioned numerous people who have passed on in recent days. I suppose that the newly deceased have finally attained freedom in an adverse way. Otherwise, nada to report.
For most of us, we live in an extremely cramped society that has been over-saturated by the concept of "private property" (i.e., the "ownership society"). Any attempt to seek out freedom only infringes upon the freedom of others in close proximity. There is incredible social tension in such a society. A kind of existential claustrophobia results, often culminating in violent clashes of one kind or another.
Human freedom was extinguished with the birth of the now-failed "civilization" paradigm. True "civilization" requires a high level of egalitarianism, a concept that most humans detest whether they want to admit it or not. Class-based societies embrace stratification which benefits a certain select few at the expense of the masses.
Even in the days of early "civilization" and early societies, humans had the option of leaving their home society and wandering into the wilderness. They could form another social order of their own liking elsewhere utilizing rudimentary homesteading. Not so today. There is no escape, except ...
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms mentioned numerous people who have passed on in recent days. I suppose that the newly deceased have finally attained freedom in an adverse way. Otherwise, nada to report.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Declaration of Failure
This morning at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I chatted briefly with Alan before departing to town. At one point, he disclosed that he believes that aliens with dimension-crossing capabilities had performed genetic experiments on chimpanzees and produced the first humans on earth. Alan is definitely a "New Age" disciple.
I'm beginning to have reservations about my intent to become homeless. I see the homeless every day in the library. Do I really want to subsist in a huge converted warehouse with them as well? Not really. I also run into my homeless buddy daily. He's a good guy, but I don't particularly want to be close buddies with him. In fact, I don't want any buddies. I am no longer a social entity. I am a pariah.
There are many serious impediments to my ultimate freedom, one of which is the lack of enough fiat money. So, it's about time that I finally declare myself a failure. I am not able to emancipate myself from the various forms of slavery that just continue to pop up sequentially and exponentially. The exodus is a joke. Without extremely significant financial resources, where am I to exodus to? Rank-and-file peons are only allowed access to decreasing number of "common" areas. Everything else is "private property." I have made the latter declarations previously, but I am formalizing them right here and now. Freedom is impossible. The rank-and-file is an inescapable prison.
"No wonder you and [the "chef"] get along so well," I said.Way out there? Say what? Yeah, that's how it is at the insane asylum ... errr, Slob Manor.
"Not exactly," Alan responded. "He's way out there compared to me."
I'm beginning to have reservations about my intent to become homeless. I see the homeless every day in the library. Do I really want to subsist in a huge converted warehouse with them as well? Not really. I also run into my homeless buddy daily. He's a good guy, but I don't particularly want to be close buddies with him. In fact, I don't want any buddies. I am no longer a social entity. I am a pariah.
There are many serious impediments to my ultimate freedom, one of which is the lack of enough fiat money. So, it's about time that I finally declare myself a failure. I am not able to emancipate myself from the various forms of slavery that just continue to pop up sequentially and exponentially. The exodus is a joke. Without extremely significant financial resources, where am I to exodus to? Rank-and-file peons are only allowed access to decreasing number of "common" areas. Everything else is "private property." I have made the latter declarations previously, but I am formalizing them right here and now. Freedom is impossible. The rank-and-file is an inescapable prison.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Insanity By Any Other Name
The situation at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has degenerated once again. I have been awakened at odd hours (i.e., usually around 1:30am and 4am in the morning) by the sounds of furniture being dragged on the floor above my squalid room. Apparently, Tom is now staying up all night. Same losers, different faces.
Typical Showcase Hottie
Yesterday, I had postponed the application process for the Next Step homeless shelter in order to contemplate the future ramifications. Today, I am convinced that I can wait no longer. My needs are really simple. I just require a quiet place to sleep at nights. I have no need for a mausoleum to store and showcase any useless possessions. I no longer prepare my own meals. I shower at the gym. Sleep, that's all I need.
I am sure that "mainstream"-minded folks will look down upon my decision. How could I stoop so low as to become homeless? Well, I cannot justify the rental of an apartment for over $1,000 per month just for a place to sleep. Even residing in my own place by myself does not guarantee that neighbors will be considerate. So, why waste the time and money?
The Next Step homeless shelter would seem to be a bad option. However, I have already enumerated the advantages previously in the "blog." Drug and alcohol abuse is forbidden and strictly enforced. One resident was immediately evicted just because he had the smell of cheap booze on his breath, according to my homeless buddy. There is a resident security detail, so rule violations and thefts are minimal. All in all, the outside world seems to be more frenetic and hella insane than the confines of the homeless shelter.
When I returned to Slob Manor at 4pm after a fatiguing "same ol' shit" day, I observed a large truck parked in the driveway. The landlord was directing a small crew of guys. Lots of furniture was sprawled out everywhere. The crew was placing the furniture in the truck. The landlord is apparently moving out of the attached apartment in the back. And, there is now a new nursery located in Waimanalo. I assumed that there must be a house on the property.
The landlord also discussed the noise problem with Tom, as I had left a moderately detailed note this morning. The landlord apparently has plans to rent out the vacant unit in the back (after it is refurbished) and the currently vacant room upstairs. There may be a little peace and quiet in the interim, but the nonsense will soon start up again once any new tenants move in. Will I still be expediting the homeless process? Well, I need to be outta there before any new tenants move in.
On a side note, the file transfer project from the netbook to the flash drive has been successfully completed. The netbook will now undergo the final stages of decommissioning. Mummify!
Yesterday, I had postponed the application process for the Next Step homeless shelter in order to contemplate the future ramifications. Today, I am convinced that I can wait no longer. My needs are really simple. I just require a quiet place to sleep at nights. I have no need for a mausoleum to store and showcase any useless possessions. I no longer prepare my own meals. I shower at the gym. Sleep, that's all I need.
I am sure that "mainstream"-minded folks will look down upon my decision. How could I stoop so low as to become homeless? Well, I cannot justify the rental of an apartment for over $1,000 per month just for a place to sleep. Even residing in my own place by myself does not guarantee that neighbors will be considerate. So, why waste the time and money?
The Next Step homeless shelter would seem to be a bad option. However, I have already enumerated the advantages previously in the "blog." Drug and alcohol abuse is forbidden and strictly enforced. One resident was immediately evicted just because he had the smell of cheap booze on his breath, according to my homeless buddy. There is a resident security detail, so rule violations and thefts are minimal. All in all, the outside world seems to be more frenetic and hella insane than the confines of the homeless shelter.
When I returned to Slob Manor at 4pm after a fatiguing "same ol' shit" day, I observed a large truck parked in the driveway. The landlord was directing a small crew of guys. Lots of furniture was sprawled out everywhere. The crew was placing the furniture in the truck. The landlord is apparently moving out of the attached apartment in the back. And, there is now a new nursery located in Waimanalo. I assumed that there must be a house on the property.
The landlord also discussed the noise problem with Tom, as I had left a moderately detailed note this morning. The landlord apparently has plans to rent out the vacant unit in the back (after it is refurbished) and the currently vacant room upstairs. There may be a little peace and quiet in the interim, but the nonsense will soon start up again once any new tenants move in. Will I still be expediting the homeless process? Well, I need to be outta there before any new tenants move in.
On a side note, the file transfer project from the netbook to the flash drive has been successfully completed. The netbook will now undergo the final stages of decommissioning. Mummify!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Priority One (Reprise)
In moving toward the total adoption of the tablet computer, all subsequent "blog" posts will utilize less and less of the available, albeit non-accessible, composition features. And, in keeping with the zero readership policy (ZRP), the emphasis on brevity will prevail.
My homeless buddy is ready to assist me in any possible way to expedite my candidacy for the Next Step homeless shelter in Kaka'ako. He wanted to meet me tomorrow morning at Care-A-Van (a part of the Waikiki Health Center) in Kaimuki to begin the application process. He is also willing to help provide certain required "certifications" in order to insure my eligibility. Needless to say, there will have to be a lot of "omissions" to qualify. I decided to postpone the process until next week. More details later.
The homeless shelter is really the perfect option for me. Quiet hours at night are strictly enforced. There's no loud booze party like Tom's soirée that carried on until 11pm last night in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Decent dinners are served daily. Sometimes breakfast is offered. Haircuts are available for free. And, there is also a doctor on-call once per week. However, I would most likely continue to restore my extreme monk haircut in town. And, I would rather go directly to the Waikiki Health Center for any medical problems. Since I really only need a place to sleep in peace, then why seek out anything else? Heck, I don't even take a shower at the dump.
Otherwise, same ol' shit. When I arrived back at Slob Manor, I was privy to another drunken soirée, courtesy Tom. He and his buddy were stomping around upstairs, moving furniture around above my squalid room, as well as dropping numerous heavy objects (most likely booze bottles) on the floor repeatedly. Tom, by the way, pays no rent. Do you see why homelessness is becoming more viable by the day?
At this point in time, I am drawing down resources and consumables with no intention of replenishing them. I will be divesting anything that will not be missed. Once I make the decision to move out of Slob Manor, then the process must be made as efficient as possible. However, I must give the landlord 30 days notice before vacating the premises. I plan to have my security deposit applied to my last month's rent. Let's hope that all goes as planned. Praise Molech!
My homeless buddy is ready to assist me in any possible way to expedite my candidacy for the Next Step homeless shelter in Kaka'ako. He wanted to meet me tomorrow morning at Care-A-Van (a part of the Waikiki Health Center) in Kaimuki to begin the application process. He is also willing to help provide certain required "certifications" in order to insure my eligibility. Needless to say, there will have to be a lot of "omissions" to qualify. I decided to postpone the process until next week. More details later.
The homeless shelter is really the perfect option for me. Quiet hours at night are strictly enforced. There's no loud booze party like Tom's soirée that carried on until 11pm last night in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Decent dinners are served daily. Sometimes breakfast is offered. Haircuts are available for free. And, there is also a doctor on-call once per week. However, I would most likely continue to restore my extreme monk haircut in town. And, I would rather go directly to the Waikiki Health Center for any medical problems. Since I really only need a place to sleep in peace, then why seek out anything else? Heck, I don't even take a shower at the dump.
Otherwise, same ol' shit. When I arrived back at Slob Manor, I was privy to another drunken soirée, courtesy Tom. He and his buddy were stomping around upstairs, moving furniture around above my squalid room, as well as dropping numerous heavy objects (most likely booze bottles) on the floor repeatedly. Tom, by the way, pays no rent. Do you see why homelessness is becoming more viable by the day?
At this point in time, I am drawing down resources and consumables with no intention of replenishing them. I will be divesting anything that will not be missed. Once I make the decision to move out of Slob Manor, then the process must be made as efficient as possible. However, I must give the landlord 30 days notice before vacating the premises. I plan to have my security deposit applied to my last month's rent. Let's hope that all goes as planned. Praise Molech!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. While moms was getting a blood test done, I perused luggage and gym bags (for future homelessness) at Ross®. Otherwise, nada to report.
On a side note, I am really surprised that there are still a couple of residual readers of the "blog" (according to Feedjit®). The "blog" is essentially mummified. So, there's not going to be any breakthroughs. Just the same ol' shit, that is, until it simply disappears. Perhaps, if and when I become officially homeless, there will be a "blog" resurrection of sorts. Of course, only Molech knows.
The now-puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) has been finalized. There are only 49 video clips remaining, tipping at 36.5GBytes. The final pruning is complete. File transfer to the flash drive is very slow, so a few more days will be required to complete the task. There will be no more mention of the HGVL from this point forward. Once the hurdy-gurdy files are removed, the netbook will be fully decommissioned. The Kubuntu operating system will be restored to a generic state. The netbook itself will undergo a thorough cleaning. Then, mummification ... errr, divestiture.
The bottom line is that everything needs to be mummified. Nothing is too sacred to not be mummified. Freedom can only be obtained through mummification. Well, divestiture helps, too. Let me state the obvious: if anyone or anything blocks your freedom, mummify!
On a side note, I am really surprised that there are still a couple of residual readers of the "blog" (according to Feedjit®). The "blog" is essentially mummified. So, there's not going to be any breakthroughs. Just the same ol' shit, that is, until it simply disappears. Perhaps, if and when I become officially homeless, there will be a "blog" resurrection of sorts. Of course, only Molech knows.
The now-puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) has been finalized. There are only 49 video clips remaining, tipping at 36.5GBytes. The final pruning is complete. File transfer to the flash drive is very slow, so a few more days will be required to complete the task. There will be no more mention of the HGVL from this point forward. Once the hurdy-gurdy files are removed, the netbook will be fully decommissioned. The Kubuntu operating system will be restored to a generic state. The netbook itself will undergo a thorough cleaning. Then, mummification ... errr, divestiture.
The bottom line is that everything needs to be mummified. Nothing is too sacred to not be mummified. Freedom can only be obtained through mummification. Well, divestiture helps, too. Let me state the obvious: if anyone or anything blocks your freedom, mummify!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Priority One
A change in itinerary this morning found the ol' lavahead at the Barnes & Noble® Café in Ala Moana Center for coffee. He has been carrying the tablet computer with him daily for several weeks now, but he had not previously deployed it. By the way, very little in the new Blogger® interface is functional when using the tablet computer. Later, the netbook will be utilized to clean up the posting. Once the netbook is fully decommissioned, there will obviously be a need to adopt to the tablet computer's shortcomings. Otherwise, same ol' Sunday day and evening shit.
I have not really recovered from the shock of Alan's allegation concerning the "chef" residing at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for free. The landlord already provides him with free unlimited phone service (including long distance calls). So, why not just waive the rent as well? No doubt, the landlord felt sorry for the poor "chef." He commutes to Kapolei on weekdays to work, thereby increasing his petrol expenditures. He has expensive tastes for purely organic foods. He has $50,000 in student loans to pay. Poor "chef." We should all feel sorry for him. Perhaps I can set up a donation conduit for him in the "blog." Sheesh!
Although I have no idea whether I will be homeless within the next two months or so, I must begin the review of my useless possessions once again. I will need to plan for more portability. And, I will also need to reduce the cubic volume to fit inside the smallest possible rental storage unit available. Only the most important and personal effects will have priority. Homelessness is now "Priority One" for the ol' lavahead.
I have not really recovered from the shock of Alan's allegation concerning the "chef" residing at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for free. The landlord already provides him with free unlimited phone service (including long distance calls). So, why not just waive the rent as well? No doubt, the landlord felt sorry for the poor "chef." He commutes to Kapolei on weekdays to work, thereby increasing his petrol expenditures. He has expensive tastes for purely organic foods. He has $50,000 in student loans to pay. Poor "chef." We should all feel sorry for him. Perhaps I can set up a donation conduit for him in the "blog." Sheesh!
Although I have no idea whether I will be homeless within the next two months or so, I must begin the review of my useless possessions once again. I will need to plan for more portability. And, I will also need to reduce the cubic volume to fit inside the smallest possible rental storage unit available. Only the most important and personal effects will have priority. Homelessness is now "Priority One" for the ol' lavahead.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Post No. 2,337
Same ol' shit. My homeless buddy and several of the other Next Step homeless shelter residents were conspicuously absent from the library. Then, I realized that they are able to hang out at the homeless shelter during the day on weekends and holidays. There were still a lot of the homeless loitering in the library, though. Many new faces. Nearly all of them are literally living on the streets.
I nearly canceled my evening outing, but changed my mind at the last minute. Upon alighting the bus in Kahala, I was nearly run over by a 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile) while attempting to cross the street. I was in a clearly marked crosswalk in an intersection with traffic lights. Fortunately, I was able to slam my fist into the side of the vehicle before it sped off. I probably should have remained in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), although there's nothing for me to do. I suppose that I could wrap up the decommissioning of the netbook. Sheesh!
I nearly canceled my evening outing, but changed my mind at the last minute. Upon alighting the bus in Kahala, I was nearly run over by a 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile) while attempting to cross the street. I was in a clearly marked crosswalk in an intersection with traffic lights. Fortunately, I was able to slam my fist into the side of the vehicle before it sped off. I probably should have remained in my squalid room at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), although there's nothing for me to do. I suppose that I could wrap up the decommissioning of the netbook. Sheesh!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Time Value of Nothing (Reprise)
While on my evening outing last night, I pondered the conundrum of going homeless. First, the stigma of homelessness is unavoidable. Once I become homeless, I will be a true pariah, an outcast of society. "mainstream" people, even those whose net worth is far less than mine, will look down upon me. Second, I will forever be stuck in the quagmire of homelessness. There will be no way to return to "normal" housing. At best, I will end up in the "projects" (read: low income, subsidized housing) with high crime and even higher dereliction. Yet, given my own precarious financial situation, I have little choice.
There is only 1.5 months of time remaining before the planned divestiture of my cell phone and associated "pay 'n go" account. Therefore, I have very little time to sell off my remaining useless possessions. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to donate them to charity. Yes, all roads seem to point to homelessness by November of this year.
What has brought me to this point? Well, I have been discussing, albeit tersely, the state of the global financial "system" for the past few days. Continued "easy money" policies by the global central banks and negative time value of money for those who cannot "kill with impunity" (i.e., the rank-and-file peons) infer that the majority of the latter will increasingly live in squalor. Poverty will increase, and there will be no way to reverse the trend. People who now look down upon and ridicule the homeless will themselves end up homeless and destitute. The phenomenon is gradually working its way up the food chain, but the process will span for decades. I could revert to living in denial for several more years, but that would be pointless and self-destructive.
So, long story short. infinite "quantatative easing" (QE) and soon-to-be permanent zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) suggest that rampant fraud is still continuing just as it was during the housing "bubble." Thus, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), mortgage debt securities (MDS), credit default swaps (CDS), structured investment vehicles (SIVs), synthetic CDOs, and the whole gamut of "alphabet soup" crap is still being produced and marketed worldwide. No regulation, no prosecution, no end to fraud. Add to the mix the high frequency trading (HFT) scourge on the stock market, LIBOR interest rate rigging, commodities speculation, and so forth. Can you see a way out? I certainly can't.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms is still suffering from backaches. Another of the senior citizen neighbors passed on. I found my missing combination lock. It was hiding in the torn-up lining inside my decrepit gym bag. Otherwise, nada to report.
If I end up at the homeless shelter, I will no longer enjoy any evening outings. There is a curfew for the residents. I seriously doubt that I would miss the outings. I don't fit in with the affluent consumers who populate the various dens of consumerism (read: shopping malls). Since I have no social life, I am simply loitering anyway. So, I'll just be hanging out with the other homeless guys.
There is only 1.5 months of time remaining before the planned divestiture of my cell phone and associated "pay 'n go" account. Therefore, I have very little time to sell off my remaining useless possessions. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to donate them to charity. Yes, all roads seem to point to homelessness by November of this year.
What has brought me to this point? Well, I have been discussing, albeit tersely, the state of the global financial "system" for the past few days. Continued "easy money" policies by the global central banks and negative time value of money for those who cannot "kill with impunity" (i.e., the rank-and-file peons) infer that the majority of the latter will increasingly live in squalor. Poverty will increase, and there will be no way to reverse the trend. People who now look down upon and ridicule the homeless will themselves end up homeless and destitute. The phenomenon is gradually working its way up the food chain, but the process will span for decades. I could revert to living in denial for several more years, but that would be pointless and self-destructive.
So, long story short. infinite "quantatative easing" (QE) and soon-to-be permanent zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) suggest that rampant fraud is still continuing just as it was during the housing "bubble." Thus, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), mortgage debt securities (MDS), credit default swaps (CDS), structured investment vehicles (SIVs), synthetic CDOs, and the whole gamut of "alphabet soup" crap is still being produced and marketed worldwide. No regulation, no prosecution, no end to fraud. Add to the mix the high frequency trading (HFT) scourge on the stock market, LIBOR interest rate rigging, commodities speculation, and so forth. Can you see a way out? I certainly can't.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms is still suffering from backaches. Another of the senior citizen neighbors passed on. I found my missing combination lock. It was hiding in the torn-up lining inside my decrepit gym bag. Otherwise, nada to report.
If I end up at the homeless shelter, I will no longer enjoy any evening outings. There is a curfew for the residents. I seriously doubt that I would miss the outings. I don't fit in with the affluent consumers who populate the various dens of consumerism (read: shopping malls). Since I have no social life, I am simply loitering anyway. So, I'll just be hanging out with the other homeless guys.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
11 Chen 3 Lamat
( ol' shit. My homeless buddy continues to urge me to begin the application process for the Next Step homeless shelter in Kaka'ako. What am I waiting for? And, I apparently left my cheap combination lock at the gym yesterday. It's long gone. So, I had to purchase another one, a big-ass Wordlock®. More money wasted.
I am continuing to read the book, "Predator Nation," by Charles Ferguson. I am now even more convinced that the "system," as we know it, may continue for some time. There have been absolutely no criminal prosecutions for total fraud involved in the alleged financial retrenchment of past decade. For the most part, the statute of limitations has expired anyway. Thus, by inference, we can assume that the same kinds of fraud are still continuing unchecked as we speak. That explains why the global central banks have decided to invoke an unlimited "quantitative easing" (QE) policy. There is no fear of hyperinflation because the excessive amount of fiat currency is not in circulation. Instead, it is being sucked upward to those who can "kill with impunity" (i.e., moneychangers and powers-that-be). Essentially, the money is being hoarded, then converted to hard assets. The velocity of the vortex is accelerating so rapidly that the central banks cannot "print" enough money fast enough.
In the meantime, the debt machine (i.e., financial fraud) keeps chugging along, also gaining in momentum. Lots of bonds and securities are being issued, now mostly all of them dodgy. In the empire, the entire government (i.e., Federal, State, and local) as well as its military juggernaut are being funded by debt that can never be repaid. That's why the Fed is taking on so many different kinds of questionable securities onto its balance sheet. The same kinds of financial fraud must still be running rampant. What will the Fed do with trillions upon trillions of dollars of worthless paper? It certainly will never be able to sell them.
The zero interest rate policies (ZIRPs) of the global central banks are now permanent, although the official announcements won't arrive for some time. There is no way to raise interest rates. In the past, I have likened the process to a critically-damped oscillation or a diminishing hysteresis loop. We've already passed the point of no return. The entire "system" now requires infinite money and zero interest rates to function. As I stated, there won't be any hyperinflation. There will, however, be increasing social unrest as the available money for the masses of rank-and-file peons will become scarce. Social structures will completely erode, but the nation-states will continue to function in totalitarianism. Ultimately, there will have to be a series of diversionary wars, which will cascade into a global conflagration. That's the "end game."
I don't expect that most of the rank-and-file peons will see the "end game" coming, especially in empire. Heck, one in five "Americans" believes that the sun orbits the earth. How can such simpletons understand the mechanics of the bogus infinite financial rehypothecation that is at the root of "end game"?
I am continuing to read the book, "Predator Nation," by Charles Ferguson. I am now even more convinced that the "system," as we know it, may continue for some time. There have been absolutely no criminal prosecutions for total fraud involved in the alleged financial retrenchment of past decade. For the most part, the statute of limitations has expired anyway. Thus, by inference, we can assume that the same kinds of fraud are still continuing unchecked as we speak. That explains why the global central banks have decided to invoke an unlimited "quantitative easing" (QE) policy. There is no fear of hyperinflation because the excessive amount of fiat currency is not in circulation. Instead, it is being sucked upward to those who can "kill with impunity" (i.e., moneychangers and powers-that-be). Essentially, the money is being hoarded, then converted to hard assets. The velocity of the vortex is accelerating so rapidly that the central banks cannot "print" enough money fast enough.
In the meantime, the debt machine (i.e., financial fraud) keeps chugging along, also gaining in momentum. Lots of bonds and securities are being issued, now mostly all of them dodgy. In the empire, the entire government (i.e., Federal, State, and local) as well as its military juggernaut are being funded by debt that can never be repaid. That's why the Fed is taking on so many different kinds of questionable securities onto its balance sheet. The same kinds of financial fraud must still be running rampant. What will the Fed do with trillions upon trillions of dollars of worthless paper? It certainly will never be able to sell them.
The zero interest rate policies (ZIRPs) of the global central banks are now permanent, although the official announcements won't arrive for some time. There is no way to raise interest rates. In the past, I have likened the process to a critically-damped oscillation or a diminishing hysteresis loop. We've already passed the point of no return. The entire "system" now requires infinite money and zero interest rates to function. As I stated, there won't be any hyperinflation. There will, however, be increasing social unrest as the available money for the masses of rank-and-file peons will become scarce. Social structures will completely erode, but the nation-states will continue to function in totalitarianism. Ultimately, there will have to be a series of diversionary wars, which will cascade into a global conflagration. That's the "end game."
I don't expect that most of the rank-and-file peons will see the "end game" coming, especially in empire. Heck, one in five "Americans" believes that the sun orbits the earth. How can such simpletons understand the mechanics of the bogus infinite financial rehypothecation that is at the root of "end game"?
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Next Step to Homelessness
Just before I departed Slob Manor (read: rental housing) last night, I heard the landlord talking with Tom upstairs. I suspect that the "chef" had reported complete details about Tom's indiscretions as well as the amount of noise he makes. There's no other way that the landlord would know.
The evening outing was a nightmare. The 7pm bus passed me by as I waved frantically while standing at the bus stop. I ended up walking to Aina Haina and boarded the next bus at 7:30pm. I intended to stay late at the bookstore in den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. However, the returning bus was over 20 minutes late. Even then, we had to transfer to another bus for some reason, which caused another five minute delay. Using the GPS tracking site, I knew that the bus would be late, so I treated myself to another Frappaccino® in the bookstore's café. I was back at the dump at 10:15pm.
My homeless buddy (quotation marks removed) was at the library this morning. He is now officially homeless. The Next Step shelter in Kaka'ako is a converted warehouse. Inside, multiple cubicles have been set up. Specific areas are designated for families and gender-separated singles. There are a number of rules, the violation of which causes immediate expulsion. The residents must check in by 5:30pm and cannot leave until 8:30am the next morning. Only compelling reasons will allow for curfew exceptions. There are showers and laundry facilities as well. Coffee is available in the morning. Dinner is served at 6:30pm daily. Once a is candidate accepted, the first two months are free. After that, the rent is $60 per month. Residents also have assigned chores to perform. Apparently, there are always openings because so many people are expelled for breaking the rules.
My homeless buddy has urged me to consider moving into the Next Step homeless shelter. Given what he has told me so far, the idea is worthy of consideration. The shelter is apparently much quieter than Slob Manor. Secured parking is also included, provided that the vehicle is currently insured. So, I will ruminate on the homeless option. As it stands, I am most likely going to begin the application process soon. Since I am not exactly in a hurry to become homeless, I can complete the process in a leisurely fashion. I can also choose to terminate the option at any time.
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. There's actually not much for me to do at Slob Manor anymore. Hurdy-gurdy video downloads are completely mummified. I no longer need to search for new content. So, I am now pruning the remaining files for storage on flash drives. The once massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is now very puny. Sheesh!
Well, Blogger® has finally removed the old user interface. The new interface does not work well with the tablet computer. Thus, I may finally implement the planned mummification of the "blog." Or, I will drastically reduce the frequency of "blog" posts. Then, I will really have nothing to do. That will, of course, work quite well with the homeless life-style. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
The evening outing was a nightmare. The 7pm bus passed me by as I waved frantically while standing at the bus stop. I ended up walking to Aina Haina and boarded the next bus at 7:30pm. I intended to stay late at the bookstore in den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. However, the returning bus was over 20 minutes late. Even then, we had to transfer to another bus for some reason, which caused another five minute delay. Using the GPS tracking site, I knew that the bus would be late, so I treated myself to another Frappaccino® in the bookstore's café. I was back at the dump at 10:15pm.
My homeless buddy (quotation marks removed) was at the library this morning. He is now officially homeless. The Next Step shelter in Kaka'ako is a converted warehouse. Inside, multiple cubicles have been set up. Specific areas are designated for families and gender-separated singles. There are a number of rules, the violation of which causes immediate expulsion. The residents must check in by 5:30pm and cannot leave until 8:30am the next morning. Only compelling reasons will allow for curfew exceptions. There are showers and laundry facilities as well. Coffee is available in the morning. Dinner is served at 6:30pm daily. Once a is candidate accepted, the first two months are free. After that, the rent is $60 per month. Residents also have assigned chores to perform. Apparently, there are always openings because so many people are expelled for breaking the rules.
My homeless buddy has urged me to consider moving into the Next Step homeless shelter. Given what he has told me so far, the idea is worthy of consideration. The shelter is apparently much quieter than Slob Manor. Secured parking is also included, provided that the vehicle is currently insured. So, I will ruminate on the homeless option. As it stands, I am most likely going to begin the application process soon. Since I am not exactly in a hurry to become homeless, I can complete the process in a leisurely fashion. I can also choose to terminate the option at any time.
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. There's actually not much for me to do at Slob Manor anymore. Hurdy-gurdy video downloads are completely mummified. I no longer need to search for new content. So, I am now pruning the remaining files for storage on flash drives. The once massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is now very puny. Sheesh!
Well, Blogger® has finally removed the old user interface. The new interface does not work well with the tablet computer. Thus, I may finally implement the planned mummification of the "blog." Or, I will drastically reduce the frequency of "blog" posts. Then, I will really have nothing to do. That will, of course, work quite well with the homeless life-style. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Time Value of Nothing
At the library, I read about three chapters of the book, "Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America," by Charles Ferguson. Then, I nearly "delivered street pizza." There's been a lot written about the on-going moronic financial crisis, but Ferguson's account can make one's blood boil.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself, though. Last night, I viewed an episode of the Keiser Report which featured an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing. According to Fitts, the world is made up of two classes of people, those who can "kill with impunity" (i.e., who are above the law) and those who cannot (i.e., who are constrained by ever-increasing rules, regulations, and indentured servitude). The banks are the "vacuum cleaner that is sucking the money up to those who can kill with impunity." Upon reading the first few chapters in Ferguson's book, I could quite easily determine that he is describing the exact same sordid phenomenon.

Typical "Time Value of Money" Hottie
I really don't believe that most of the rank-and-file peons of empire understand the gravity of the situation. For example, the current zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) essentially makes fiat currency completely worthless. Coupled with inflation, the money has a negative time value. It is, in essence, a depreciating asset. Money in the bank or other institutions, paychecks, and so forth are losing "value" with each passing microsecond. Where is the "value" dissipating? Can you say, "vacuum cleaner"?
Otherwise, same ol' day and evening shit. Surprisingly, I did not run into my "homeless" buddy at all. He should officially be homeless as we speak. I wonder what happened to him.

Monday, September 17, 2012
Atomic Entropy
"You are going to have a very comfortable life." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms has been moving a lot slower since the onslaught of backaches. Moms probably doesn't realize that any injuries are likely to be permanent from now on. My workout at the gym was a joke. I was essentially there to take a shower. Otherwise, nada to report.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I did not feel an improvement in mood. Rather, I felt both anxious and frustrated. I terminated the remaining torrent downloads and removed Vuze from the netbook. There were no seeders anyway. There are only a couple of HD hurdy-gurdy video downloads left before the whole operation is mummified. Why it has gone on this long is beyond me. Fortunately, my evening outing was accentuated by a delicious Frappaccino® in the bookstore's café. Frankly, I just don't know anymore.
A few days ago, I made a rather obtuse prediction of global nuclear war for the future of humanity. Let me clarify that the latter event is unavoidable. We're already in the midst of social breakdown in localized societies (i.e., nation-states). The breakdown is the result of the collision of extremely high entropy and entropic human stupidity. Societies became extremely complex, which required more and more Draconian means to maintain order. Yet, the propensity to return to a state of disorder is prevailing.
On a global scale, the tightly-knit nation-states are tenuously held together, albeit reluctantly, by a very complex economic order. That order has been breached by flawed paradigms. Currently, only the vast creation of fiat currency is all that is artificially propping up the entire network. The longer that the moneychangers and powers-that-be continue to force order upon an already disordered "system," the more likely that the vehicle to return to disorder (as per entropy) will be more violent and terminally destructive.
Hence, we are looking at two levels of entropy at play: the microcosm and the macrocosm. Both levels are simultaneously failing to maintain order. There seems to be no desire to allow the natural decay to take effect. Thus, the longer the entire "system" is allowed to be propped up artificially by utilizing what little "kinetic energy" remains, then more "potential energy" accrues. At some point, there will be no way to maintain the false equilibrium. Then, the return to disorder will occur rather rapidly down to the atomic level ... much like an atomic bomb.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Kim Chee Tidbits
Slightly different adventure by bus for the day. Synopsis? First, coffee time at Mickey Dee's® in Kahala. After that, I dropped off my gym bag at the gym. Then, I rode Route 6 bus to Mano'a and walked to the Korean church that my "homeless" buddy is staying at. There was fund raising event going on. My "homeless" buddy had secured a number of $10 coupons of which I was one of the few people whom he shared them with. I was able to enjoy a delicious Korean barbeque chicken plate lunch (including rice and Kim Chee). My "homeless" buddy is a good man.

Typical Fund Raising Hottie
Both my "homeless" buddy and I departed the event at 12:30pm. We rode the Route 6 bus to the gym. My "homeless" buddy only took a a quick shower because of the late hour. He had to be back at the church to assist with the cleanup. I completed an accelerated version of my usual workout.
I rode the bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Tom was having another two-man party upstairs when I arrived. Lots of noise as well as heavy objects being dropped on the floor. The "chef" was probably more than upset. Who cares? Tom stepped out for a few minutes. I happened to be in the kitchen when he returned with a big bag of Subway® food. "My favorite food place, " I told him. He gave me a couple of coupons to use, given to him by his daughter.
Same ol' evening shit. About an hour before my evening outing commenced, there were more visitors for Tom. An older babe and what appeared to be her two daughters. I am not sure whether the older babe is Tom's ex-wife or his new "squeeze." Lots of stomping around upstairs. The "chef" probably should not have lectured Tom about being quiet, eh? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Both my "homeless" buddy and I departed the event at 12:30pm. We rode the Route 6 bus to the gym. My "homeless" buddy only took a a quick shower because of the late hour. He had to be back at the church to assist with the cleanup. I completed an accelerated version of my usual workout.
I rode the bus back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Tom was having another two-man party upstairs when I arrived. Lots of noise as well as heavy objects being dropped on the floor. The "chef" was probably more than upset. Who cares? Tom stepped out for a few minutes. I happened to be in the kitchen when he returned with a big bag of Subway® food. "My favorite food place, " I told him. He gave me a couple of coupons to use, given to him by his daughter.
Same ol' evening shit. About an hour before my evening outing commenced, there were more visitors for Tom. An older babe and what appeared to be her two daughters. I am not sure whether the older babe is Tom's ex-wife or his new "squeeze." Lots of stomping around upstairs. The "chef" probably should not have lectured Tom about being quiet, eh? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Shaman or Shyster?
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 9pm after my evening outing, I observed that the "chef" was in the middle of another slammin' soirée while conversing with Tom. As ludicrous as it may sound, the "chef" was delivering a long dissertation to Tom about being absolutely quiet during the hours of 10pm and 8am.
At 1:30am, the "chef" returned from another night on the town. Most likely inebriated, he made all kinds of noise. The rules, as delivered by him to Tom, only apply to everyone else. The "chef" has sacred standing. He is a shaman, the self-annointed priest-deliverer of the life-giving "tastes like shit" elixir.
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He has not moved into the Next Step homeless shelter in Kaka'ako. Apparently, he was required to submit more documentation. He should be admitted to the shelter on Tuesday if all goes well. Aside from that, nada to report. Same ol' day and evening shit.
Back at Slob Manor, the Net appears to be functioning almost near normal. Apparently, a technician performed a service call and replaced the cable modem. Down speeds are still not optimal. However, the "black hole" problem has seemingly disappeared. Not to worry. Hurdy-gurdy video downloads will not be ramping up. Alan told me about a new BBQ joint in Kaimuki. He also mentioned that he suspects the "chef" is living rent-free, courtesy the landlord. Alan didn't offer any evidence, but I would not doubt the allegation.
At 1:30am, the "chef" returned from another night on the town. Most likely inebriated, he made all kinds of noise. The rules, as delivered by him to Tom, only apply to everyone else. The "chef" has sacred standing. He is a shaman, the self-annointed priest-deliverer of the life-giving "tastes like shit" elixir.
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He has not moved into the Next Step homeless shelter in Kaka'ako. Apparently, he was required to submit more documentation. He should be admitted to the shelter on Tuesday if all goes well. Aside from that, nada to report. Same ol' day and evening shit.
Back at Slob Manor, the Net appears to be functioning almost near normal. Apparently, a technician performed a service call and replaced the cable modem. Down speeds are still not optimal. However, the "black hole" problem has seemingly disappeared. Not to worry. Hurdy-gurdy video downloads will not be ramping up. Alan told me about a new BBQ joint in Kaimuki. He also mentioned that he suspects the "chef" is living rent-free, courtesy the landlord. Alan didn't offer any evidence, but I would not doubt the allegation.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Zero-Sum Fools (Continued)
You gotta hand it to the "chef," he's either a man of infinite conviction or a total dolt. After working until 8pm in Kapolei last night, he commuted all the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and commenced his usual one-hour slammin' soirée at 10pm. He, of course, is the one who does not tolerate any noise after 10pm. Rather than compromise and eat at a decent food joint in Kapolei, he waited until he could prepare another of his "tastes like shit" concoctions. As you may recall, he leaves the dump before 6am in the morning. Does he go all day without food? Again, man of conviction or dolt?
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms has been suffering from backaches on and off for the past two weeks. However, moms just doesn't seem to want to curb any of her chores or activities, some of which are simply fruitless. There seems to be some friction with my bro's family as a result. Otherwise, nada to report.
Same ol' evening shit. I'm just a lost soul trying to find temporary relief from the insanity around me. However, there's just no reprieve. In the macrocosm, there's the "blowback" in Libya, the Fed’s new plan to save the empire, the idiotic presidential (s)election, the empire's infinite war plans. In the microcosm, there's just myriad rank-and-file peons rapidly going insane, individually and collectively. The economic crisis seems to be biggest indicator. The world's central banks are now creating infinite amounts of money out of thin air while gathering up dodgy assets into their portfolios. We're talking about tens of trillions of various fiat currency. If the central banks' only remaining solution is to create more and more money to jump start the debt machine, then we're in big trouble ... like global nuclear war ahead. Molech, have mercy!
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms has been suffering from backaches on and off for the past two weeks. However, moms just doesn't seem to want to curb any of her chores or activities, some of which are simply fruitless. There seems to be some friction with my bro's family as a result. Otherwise, nada to report.
Same ol' evening shit. I'm just a lost soul trying to find temporary relief from the insanity around me. However, there's just no reprieve. In the macrocosm, there's the "blowback" in Libya, the Fed’s new plan to save the empire, the idiotic presidential (s)election, the empire's infinite war plans. In the microcosm, there's just myriad rank-and-file peons rapidly going insane, individually and collectively. The economic crisis seems to be biggest indicator. The world's central banks are now creating infinite amounts of money out of thin air while gathering up dodgy assets into their portfolios. We're talking about tens of trillions of various fiat currency. If the central banks' only remaining solution is to create more and more money to jump start the debt machine, then we're in big trouble ... like global nuclear war ahead. Molech, have mercy!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Zero-Sum Fools
Same ol' shit. Oops! I neglected to mention that I restored my extreme monk haircut yesterday. At the library this morning, I ran into my "homeless" buddy again. He decided against moving into the condo in Waikiki with the old guy. Too many potential problems. However, he has been accepted into the Next Step shelter in Kaka'ako. There's a spot reserved for him. So, he will be officially homeless late this afternoon when he checks in.
The rest of the day was simply a blur of entropic human stupidity. Yes, entropy was extremely high. No matter where I was, the experience was akin to a cattle yard. Most of the cattle ... err, chimpo sapiens ... were oblivious. They were too busy sending endless streams of text messages or updating the comment section on various social networking sites with their "smartphones."
The Net connection at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has degraded even further. A simple Web page with no images takes over five minutes to load, if it loads at all. I clocked the down speed at 1.1Kbps maximum with an average down speed of 140bps. That's right, 140 bits per second. The netbook has not been completely decommissioned yet because the same torrent downloads are still chugging along at a snail's pace. The estimated time for completion for one of them is now over five years.
On a side note, Alan told me that he is happily moving all of his money into the stock market immediately. I assumed that he meant mutual funds or 401(k) equity funds. He's expecting the stock market to skyrocket toward infinity. The Fed made the decision to invoke another round of "quantitative easing" (QE), this time without an expiry date (i.e., permanent). It has also extended its zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) until 2015. My predictions have come true. I am just waiting for the announcement that ZIRP will be permanent as well. At the least, we can expect commodities prices to surge. Many thanks to Ben "Handjob" Bernanke.
The rest of the day was simply a blur of entropic human stupidity. Yes, entropy was extremely high. No matter where I was, the experience was akin to a cattle yard. Most of the cattle ... err, chimpo sapiens ... were oblivious. They were too busy sending endless streams of text messages or updating the comment section on various social networking sites with their "smartphones."
The Net connection at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) has degraded even further. A simple Web page with no images takes over five minutes to load, if it loads at all. I clocked the down speed at 1.1Kbps maximum with an average down speed of 140bps. That's right, 140 bits per second. The netbook has not been completely decommissioned yet because the same torrent downloads are still chugging along at a snail's pace. The estimated time for completion for one of them is now over five years.
On a side note, Alan told me that he is happily moving all of his money into the stock market immediately. I assumed that he meant mutual funds or 401(k) equity funds. He's expecting the stock market to skyrocket toward infinity. The Fed made the decision to invoke another round of "quantitative easing" (QE), this time without an expiry date (i.e., permanent). It has also extended its zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) until 2015. My predictions have come true. I am just waiting for the announcement that ZIRP will be permanent as well. At the least, we can expect commodities prices to surge. Many thanks to Ben "Handjob" Bernanke.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Memento (Reprise)
My arrival back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) last night was delayed by an hour because of two factors: the bus driver was at least five minutes ahead of schedule and both bus tracking Web sites were down. In other words, I missed the bus. Stranded at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I was forced to return to the bookstore. With nothing else to do, I ordered a smoothie from the bookstore's café. The smoothie was so watery that I had to ask for a replacement. The second one was only slightly better. Tim was on the 9:40pm bus, so I chatted with him until I alighted by Kawaikui Beach Park. All was quiet when I entered the dump. Tom and his buddy must have passed out from total inebriation.
The "chef" must have realized that he did not need to leave for Kapolei at 5am. He left an hour later this morning. As for the ol' lavahead, same ol' shit. I still depart at 8am. For the most part, I have switched coffee time to Mickey Dee's® in Kahala. I then ride the Route 1 bus to town, as opposed to my old itinerary which took me to Ala Moana Center.
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He said that he has a lead on a room rental for $300 per month including parking. He would be sharing a condo with the owner, who is 80 years old. Ann also made a surprise appearance. Apparently, she is no longer working for the law firm as of two weeks ago. She's in survival mode once again. History is repeating itself again. Actually, I am surprised that Ann did not plan ahead and save more money. In these troubled times, I would never assume any wage slave job to be permanent.
After the gym, I waited at the usual bus stop near Chinatown. My "homeless" buddy alighted the bus in front of the Route 1L bus that I was just about to board. I was surprised to see him. He confirmed that he has secured the room rental. So, he won't be going to the homeless shelter.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor at 4pm, I could hear all kinds of stomping going on upstairs. I also heard a loud female voice, which I assumed was the girlfriend who is allegedly not allowed on the premises. The new guy, Tom, has already broken every one of the landlord's rules in three days. Obviously, Tom is a clown. Another of the landlord's "friend of the family" losers. Did we expect more?
Same ol' evening shit. I reflected on my life as opposed to the other cast members whom I have mentioned previously. The "chef" will eventually move to Kapolei. He will have to graduate to his own apartment. Later, he will realize that he needs a replacement 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile). Will he buy new or used? Then, he will notice that taxes take a good chunk of his income. Will he succumb to the ultimate prize of the "ownership society" (i.e., a "home")? Will he forget about his desire for freedom?
Alan claims to earn upward $80,000 annually, but he lives in squalid conditions at Slob Manor. Most of his money is being pumped into his "McMansion" in Arizona. In his mind, he is living in the distant future when he is already retired. So, Alan is sacrificing the present. What if he suffers a heart attack or a stroke while he is still in Hawai'i?
Ann is about the same age as the ol' lavahead. As I predicted, she will continue to go through the same cycle of employment and unemployment. During the periods of unemployment, she draws down any accrued savings (including retirement funds) to nothing. She has essentially run out of time. Ann will never be able to retire unless she publishes her currently unfinished manuscript and makes a fortune as a result.
Sometimes I believe that my "homeless" buddy is the only person who is going to end up surviving the collapse of "civilization" intact. With what little he has, he is still able to enjoy a "quality of life" that is comparable to many indentured wage slaves. What does that tell you?
The "chef" must have realized that he did not need to leave for Kapolei at 5am. He left an hour later this morning. As for the ol' lavahead, same ol' shit. I still depart at 8am. For the most part, I have switched coffee time to Mickey Dee's® in Kahala. I then ride the Route 1 bus to town, as opposed to my old itinerary which took me to Ala Moana Center.
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He said that he has a lead on a room rental for $300 per month including parking. He would be sharing a condo with the owner, who is 80 years old. Ann also made a surprise appearance. Apparently, she is no longer working for the law firm as of two weeks ago. She's in survival mode once again. History is repeating itself again. Actually, I am surprised that Ann did not plan ahead and save more money. In these troubled times, I would never assume any wage slave job to be permanent.
After the gym, I waited at the usual bus stop near Chinatown. My "homeless" buddy alighted the bus in front of the Route 1L bus that I was just about to board. I was surprised to see him. He confirmed that he has secured the room rental. So, he won't be going to the homeless shelter.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor at 4pm, I could hear all kinds of stomping going on upstairs. I also heard a loud female voice, which I assumed was the girlfriend who is allegedly not allowed on the premises. The new guy, Tom, has already broken every one of the landlord's rules in three days. Obviously, Tom is a clown. Another of the landlord's "friend of the family" losers. Did we expect more?
Same ol' evening shit. I reflected on my life as opposed to the other cast members whom I have mentioned previously. The "chef" will eventually move to Kapolei. He will have to graduate to his own apartment. Later, he will realize that he needs a replacement 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile). Will he buy new or used? Then, he will notice that taxes take a good chunk of his income. Will he succumb to the ultimate prize of the "ownership society" (i.e., a "home")? Will he forget about his desire for freedom?
Alan claims to earn upward $80,000 annually, but he lives in squalid conditions at Slob Manor. Most of his money is being pumped into his "McMansion" in Arizona. In his mind, he is living in the distant future when he is already retired. So, Alan is sacrificing the present. What if he suffers a heart attack or a stroke while he is still in Hawai'i?
Ann is about the same age as the ol' lavahead. As I predicted, she will continue to go through the same cycle of employment and unemployment. During the periods of unemployment, she draws down any accrued savings (including retirement funds) to nothing. She has essentially run out of time. Ann will never be able to retire unless she publishes her currently unfinished manuscript and makes a fortune as a result.
Sometimes I believe that my "homeless" buddy is the only person who is going to end up surviving the collapse of "civilization" intact. With what little he has, he is still able to enjoy a "quality of life" that is comparable to many indentured wage slaves. What does that tell you?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
September 11th Amnesia
The "chef" departed from Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 5am this morning without hardly making a sound. I suppose that the idea of spending an hour in the kitchen that early in the morning was not too feasible. I am still haunted by some of his questions last night concerning freedom and slavery. Do I truly feel free? How did I reduce my worldly possessions to nearly nothing? What did I do with items of sentimental value? I essentially had to relive my past in order to provide the answers.
The "chef" himself has graduated to the advanced tenure of wage slavery, a decision that I faced over 15 years ago. He is shackled with $50,000 in subsidized and unsubsidized student loans. Soon, he will also be sucked into the quagmire of the "ownership" society. Personal history repeats itself even with totally unrelated individuals.
Another day, another dollar ... short. I am not going to discuss the anniversary of the September 11th event. The time has long gone when something useful could have been done. Now, the empire (and its proxy, "Western" civilization) has built up enough inertia and created enough fiat currency to continue the drive to the end goal, whatever that may be. The juggernaut cannot be stopped.
I ran into my "homeless" buddy at the library. He gave me a whole bag of candy. I helped him with his tablet computer. No word on whether he has a spot in the homeless shelter yet. He also has to obtain insurance for his vehicle in order to park it at the shelter. Lots of new homeless people, by the way. It's almost an epidemic.
Otherwise, same ol' shit. Crowds, extremely stupid and/or rude chimpo sapiens, high entropy. When I returned to Slob Manor at 4pm, I could hear Tom upstairs with one of his drinking buddies. They sounded totally inebriated. Lots of noise. Lots of stomping around. Lots of hollering. Tom has apparently not gone anywhere since he moved in. He spends all of his time sleeping, watching the tube, or getting drunk. Tom supposedly has a lot of money. He sold his house in Hawai'i Kai and made a tidy windfall profit. At least, that is what I have been told.
Tom's two-man party was still going strong when I left for my evening outing. The "chef" was back at 5pm. Alan was up and around, too. I have no idea about what they think about the situation with Tom. Well, hard as it may be to believe, the bookstore is a lot more calm and peaceful than Slob Manor. I am not looking forward to returning to the dump.
The "chef" himself has graduated to the advanced tenure of wage slavery, a decision that I faced over 15 years ago. He is shackled with $50,000 in subsidized and unsubsidized student loans. Soon, he will also be sucked into the quagmire of the "ownership" society. Personal history repeats itself even with totally unrelated individuals.
Another day, another dollar ... short. I am not going to discuss the anniversary of the September 11th event. The time has long gone when something useful could have been done. Now, the empire (and its proxy, "Western" civilization) has built up enough inertia and created enough fiat currency to continue the drive to the end goal, whatever that may be. The juggernaut cannot be stopped.
I ran into my "homeless" buddy at the library. He gave me a whole bag of candy. I helped him with his tablet computer. No word on whether he has a spot in the homeless shelter yet. He also has to obtain insurance for his vehicle in order to park it at the shelter. Lots of new homeless people, by the way. It's almost an epidemic.
Otherwise, same ol' shit. Crowds, extremely stupid and/or rude chimpo sapiens, high entropy. When I returned to Slob Manor at 4pm, I could hear Tom upstairs with one of his drinking buddies. They sounded totally inebriated. Lots of noise. Lots of stomping around. Lots of hollering. Tom has apparently not gone anywhere since he moved in. He spends all of his time sleeping, watching the tube, or getting drunk. Tom supposedly has a lot of money. He sold his house in Hawai'i Kai and made a tidy windfall profit. At least, that is what I have been told.
Tom's two-man party was still going strong when I left for my evening outing. The "chef" was back at 5pm. Alan was up and around, too. I have no idea about what they think about the situation with Tom. Well, hard as it may be to believe, the bookstore is a lot more calm and peaceful than Slob Manor. I am not looking forward to returning to the dump.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Loren Ipsum Slavery
"Health and happiness are in your destiny." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieUsual Hawai'i Kai visit. My bro is returning to work this week. My nephew is still retired. I also helped my bro remount his large toolbox back in the bed of his truck. Otherwise, nada to report.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4:30pm, I inadvertently locked my keys inside my rust-damaged truck. Fortunately, both Alan and the "chef" were in the kitchen. Long story short, I had a long chat with the "chef." We discussed a variety of topics, much of which was centered around the main topics of freedom and slavery of the individual in the prison-like empire. No "conspiracy" nonsense. It was a thought-provoking topic that opened the floodgates of introspection. I shared a synopsis of my many years of insight and foolishness. I also discovered that the "chef" was not responsible for the landlord's psychotic eviction tirade directed at Alan. I will have to diligently clear up that matter with Alan.
The "chef" is apparently starting a new full-time teaching position tomorrow at a private middle school in Kapolei. He has terminated all current commitments. The commute to Kapolei will require him to leave much earlier in the morning (i.e., 4am by his estimate). He actually could leave a couple of hours later. Yeah, I won't be getting much sleep. Eventually, he will have to relocate to Kapolei. I can't imagine him doing the commute for any longer than a month. I suppose that he will subsequently have a much better understanding of the meaning of slavery.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Chimpo Sapiens (Reprise)
Back at the insane asylum ... errr, Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan was up until the wee hours of the morning in the dining area of the kitchen again. He was staring at the same huge blurry dots on his computer screen, possibly some kind of "New Age" mind meld. Lots of associated noise. Perhaps, he really should be evicted. My patience with all of these fools is rapidly depleting.
The day wasn't much better. I'd like to say that I am just imagining things, but that's not true. In the last few weeks, entropic human stupidity has surged exponentially. No matter where I am, people are just blatantly cutting in line right in front of me. Many other kinds of incidents, too numerous to describe. Rudeness rules. I cannot even count the number of times that I have nearly been run over by 4,000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles) while I am in a crosswalk. A few days ago, I was right in the middle of a marked crosswalk in Kahala, and absolutely no one would let me complete the crossing. I was stranded in the middle of the road. What is going on? Are the chimpo sapiens reverting back early primate behavior? The collapse of "civilization" is well under way. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Not being in a hurry to return to the detestable dump, I sat at the gazebo bus stop adjacent to the Capitol district for the longest time. After an hour or so, I had to return to the gym to use the restroom. No public restrooms anywhere. When I returned to the bus stop, there was an older chick waiting. A few minutes later, a crazed homeless babe (term used loosely) rummaged through the trash can just a feet away, all the while talking to herself. Then, she sat down on one of the seats in the gazebo. The older chick and I had to nearly evacuate the bus stop because the stench (read: odoriferous radii zone) was pungent beyond description. We both boarded the next available bus, not caring where it was going. Fortunately, it was the Route 1 bus that we were both waiting for.
When I finally arrived back at the dump at 4pm, I was privy to another slammin' soirée courtesy the moronic "chef." Here's a clown who cut his big toe wide open right down to the bone, yet he didn't want to spend the money on medical care at the clinic. Yet, he spends hundreds of dollars on organic fruits and vegetables (most of which ends up discarded) to produce his "tastes like shit" concoctions. Does the fool have a brain? If so, does he actually deploy it?
During my evening outing, I opted to purchase a smoothie at the bookstore's café. Since I use the free wireless Net access every night, I should patronize the place occasionally. The outing was the most enjoyable part of the day.
On a side note, the puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is now down 73 video files tipping at 40GBytes. Yeah, more sacrifices to Molech. Although I have procured a 64GByte flash drive, I am not at all certain whether it will be needed in the end. The HGVL may simply vanish into thin air. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
The day wasn't much better. I'd like to say that I am just imagining things, but that's not true. In the last few weeks, entropic human stupidity has surged exponentially. No matter where I am, people are just blatantly cutting in line right in front of me. Many other kinds of incidents, too numerous to describe. Rudeness rules. I cannot even count the number of times that I have nearly been run over by 4,000-pound motorized chairs (read: automobiles) while I am in a crosswalk. A few days ago, I was right in the middle of a marked crosswalk in Kahala, and absolutely no one would let me complete the crossing. I was stranded in the middle of the road. What is going on? Are the chimpo sapiens reverting back early primate behavior? The collapse of "civilization" is well under way. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Not being in a hurry to return to the detestable dump, I sat at the gazebo bus stop adjacent to the Capitol district for the longest time. After an hour or so, I had to return to the gym to use the restroom. No public restrooms anywhere. When I returned to the bus stop, there was an older chick waiting. A few minutes later, a crazed homeless babe (term used loosely) rummaged through the trash can just a feet away, all the while talking to herself. Then, she sat down on one of the seats in the gazebo. The older chick and I had to nearly evacuate the bus stop because the stench (read: odoriferous radii zone) was pungent beyond description. We both boarded the next available bus, not caring where it was going. Fortunately, it was the Route 1 bus that we were both waiting for.
When I finally arrived back at the dump at 4pm, I was privy to another slammin' soirée courtesy the moronic "chef." Here's a clown who cut his big toe wide open right down to the bone, yet he didn't want to spend the money on medical care at the clinic. Yet, he spends hundreds of dollars on organic fruits and vegetables (most of which ends up discarded) to produce his "tastes like shit" concoctions. Does the fool have a brain? If so, does he actually deploy it?
During my evening outing, I opted to purchase a smoothie at the bookstore's café. Since I use the free wireless Net access every night, I should patronize the place occasionally. The outing was the most enjoyable part of the day.
On a side note, the puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is now down 73 video files tipping at 40GBytes. Yeah, more sacrifices to Molech. Although I have procured a 64GByte flash drive, I am not at all certain whether it will be needed in the end. The HGVL may simply vanish into thin air. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Never-Ending Shit (Continued)
Basically, the same ol' shit, with the exception that I stopped by Office Depot® this morning. However, I had to endure never-ending shit all day long, commencing at 1am this morning at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) when Tom was moving furniture around upstairs. Then, the "chef" returned from who-knows-where. As I said, it's like a bad sitcom that just keeps coming back. Same nauseating plot, different dickheads.
Synopsis. I had to tolerate rude and/or senile senior citizens at the bus stop on Beretania Street, waited an hour in Kaka'ako for a Route 6 bus that was late, endured several homeless guys with extended odoriferous radii at the library, ad nauseam. I was also privy to observe various levels of insanity. My only reprieve was a delicious Subway® sandwich and homemade Somen that moms had given to me yesterday.
The new guy, Tom, loves his cheap booze. That's according to what the landlord told Alan. Tom is apparently in his fifties. He also enjoys watching the huge widescreen LCD tube that the landlord provided. Hark! What is that loud thud? Yeah, Tom likes to drop back the cheap booze in front of the tube. When he passes out, the huge 40-dog bottle slips from his fingers onto the floor. Sound familiar? Another Brian (formerly Joker), you say? Sitcom. Same. Keeps coming back.
The circumstances surrounding Tom's stay at Slob Manor are shrouded in mystery. He may be here for a few days, a month, or permanently. He doesn't have a 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile), but he plans to acquire one. He has no pets, thank goodness. However, he has an alleged girlfriend, who supposed is not allowed to visit him at the dump. Whether the latter provision is enforceable or not remains to be seen. He also has a lot of drinking buddies.
Evening outing. Den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Crowded. Zombies. High entropy. I rewarded myself with a smoothie for enduring the day. Last night, I rewarded myself with a huge cookie from the bookstore's café for enduring the never-ending shit. Praise Molech!
Synopsis. I had to tolerate rude and/or senile senior citizens at the bus stop on Beretania Street, waited an hour in Kaka'ako for a Route 6 bus that was late, endured several homeless guys with extended odoriferous radii at the library, ad nauseam. I was also privy to observe various levels of insanity. My only reprieve was a delicious Subway® sandwich and homemade Somen that moms had given to me yesterday.
The new guy, Tom, loves his cheap booze. That's according to what the landlord told Alan. Tom is apparently in his fifties. He also enjoys watching the huge widescreen LCD tube that the landlord provided. Hark! What is that loud thud? Yeah, Tom likes to drop back the cheap booze in front of the tube. When he passes out, the huge 40-dog bottle slips from his fingers onto the floor. Sound familiar? Another Brian (formerly Joker), you say? Sitcom. Same. Keeps coming back.
The circumstances surrounding Tom's stay at Slob Manor are shrouded in mystery. He may be here for a few days, a month, or permanently. He doesn't have a 4,000-pound motorized chair (read: automobile), but he plans to acquire one. He has no pets, thank goodness. However, he has an alleged girlfriend, who supposed is not allowed to visit him at the dump. Whether the latter provision is enforceable or not remains to be seen. He also has a lot of drinking buddies.
Evening outing. Den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Crowded. Zombies. High entropy. I rewarded myself with a smoothie for enduring the day. Last night, I rewarded myself with a huge cookie from the bookstore's café for enduring the never-ending shit. Praise Molech!
Friday, September 07, 2012
Never-Ending Shit
The nauseating Slob Manor (read: rental housing) reality show continues ...
During another slamfest, courtesy the "chef" this morning at 7am, the landlord stopped by to chat with him. The new guy, Tom, will be moving in later today. In fact, he will have the entire second floor to himself. The landlord's father's widow is moving in with the landlord in the apartment at the back of the house. The "chef" was very concerned that the new guy noisy and disturb his sleep. Yeah, with the "chef," everything is about ... well, the "chef." No surprise.
Alan returned from work a few minutes later. Immediately, the landlord began berating Alan about his inability to clean up after himself. She also complained about all of the stuff that is stacked up in his automobile. Say what? I could hear the entire conversation in my squalid room. Everything that the landlord brought up to Alan was nearly the same as the complaints that the "chef" had told me a few weeks ago. So, I knew that the "chef" has been complaining vehemently to the landlord about Alan behind his back.
After the landlord and the "chef" departed, I emerged from my squalid room. Alan was busy scrubbing the black mold off of the section behind the kitchen faucet. I sprayed the entire area with chlorine bleach to make the work easier for him. Alan told me that he had been forewarned by the landlord that he will be served a notice to vacate the premises when a kitchen renovation is supposed to take place. In other words, Alan has been told that he is going to be evicted. Obviously, that's been the motive of the fucktard "chef" all along.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. When I returned to the dump, I observed that Tom, the new guy, was moving in as expected. The "chef" had parked his vehicle just inches from my allocated space on the rock pile. After all, the "chef" is a paranoid "control freak."
At 4:30pm, Alan and I were chatting when we met Tom and his brother. Tom's brother was helping him move in. We all ended up chatting for a while. Tom was apparently living in the house at the nursery. So, he's been working with the landlord for years. Incidentally, I shared my opinion with Alan about the backstabbing ways of the "chef." Alan is a slob, but he should not be evicted for that reason and on the whim of the "chef."
"I even helped him out," Alan told me. About a week ago, the "chef" cut his big toe while out surfing. "He just didn't know what to do," Alan continued. "The wound cut right to the bone. He doesn't have health insurance, so he didn't want to go to the clinic. He didn't want to spend the money." So, Alan procured a special bandage for him. The wound healed in a few days. Was I wrong about the "chef"? Was the "chef" so moved by Alan's benevolence that he could overlook Alan's shortcomings? I doubt it. The fool only cares about himself.
I could hardly wait to go on my evening outing. Tom is definitely a lot noisier than the landlord's father's widow. I expect that the "chef" will snap into action and launch a campaign against him. At Slob Manor, the same shit never ends. It is a bad sitcom that just keeps coming back.
During another slamfest, courtesy the "chef" this morning at 7am, the landlord stopped by to chat with him. The new guy, Tom, will be moving in later today. In fact, he will have the entire second floor to himself. The landlord's father's widow is moving in with the landlord in the apartment at the back of the house. The "chef" was very concerned that the new guy noisy and disturb his sleep. Yeah, with the "chef," everything is about ... well, the "chef." No surprise.
Alan returned from work a few minutes later. Immediately, the landlord began berating Alan about his inability to clean up after himself. She also complained about all of the stuff that is stacked up in his automobile. Say what? I could hear the entire conversation in my squalid room. Everything that the landlord brought up to Alan was nearly the same as the complaints that the "chef" had told me a few weeks ago. So, I knew that the "chef" has been complaining vehemently to the landlord about Alan behind his back.
After the landlord and the "chef" departed, I emerged from my squalid room. Alan was busy scrubbing the black mold off of the section behind the kitchen faucet. I sprayed the entire area with chlorine bleach to make the work easier for him. Alan told me that he had been forewarned by the landlord that he will be served a notice to vacate the premises when a kitchen renovation is supposed to take place. In other words, Alan has been told that he is going to be evicted. Obviously, that's been the motive of the fucktard "chef" all along.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. When I returned to the dump, I observed that Tom, the new guy, was moving in as expected. The "chef" had parked his vehicle just inches from my allocated space on the rock pile. After all, the "chef" is a paranoid "control freak."
At 4:30pm, Alan and I were chatting when we met Tom and his brother. Tom's brother was helping him move in. We all ended up chatting for a while. Tom was apparently living in the house at the nursery. So, he's been working with the landlord for years. Incidentally, I shared my opinion with Alan about the backstabbing ways of the "chef." Alan is a slob, but he should not be evicted for that reason and on the whim of the "chef."
"I even helped him out," Alan told me. About a week ago, the "chef" cut his big toe while out surfing. "He just didn't know what to do," Alan continued. "The wound cut right to the bone. He doesn't have health insurance, so he didn't want to go to the clinic. He didn't want to spend the money." So, Alan procured a special bandage for him. The wound healed in a few days. Was I wrong about the "chef"? Was the "chef" so moved by Alan's benevolence that he could overlook Alan's shortcomings? I doubt it. The fool only cares about himself.
I could hardly wait to go on my evening outing. Tom is definitely a lot noisier than the landlord's father's widow. I expect that the "chef" will snap into action and launch a campaign against him. At Slob Manor, the same shit never ends. It is a bad sitcom that just keeps coming back.
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Post No. 2,321
At Slob Manor (read: rental housing), there is only one fucktard: the "chef." He wins the title "hands down." According to Alan, the "chef" is very concerned about the new guy coming in. Will the new guy need kitchen space? Will he need parking? The clownish "chef" is worried about anyone or anything infringing upon his "turf." And, we can only imagine that the new guy will bring in more germs to infest the dump.
Each and every day, I encounter myriad fools just like the "chef." Self-centered. Selfish. Ego maniacs. Narcissistic. "Control freaks." Paranoid. Dim-witted. The formula is always the same. Sadly, the population of these dangerous brain donors is increasing exponentially. Society will collapse from an anarchy of imbecility way before financial implosion.
Already capable of generating more than enough anxiety, I do not require the additional stupidity from the myriad morons around me. I am finding that I am less prepared for the exodus with each passing day. Just this afternoon, I finally noticed the useless crap that I have recently acquired. The new tablet computer. The leather case for the latter. The Ernest Becker book. The new gym bag. All lying around. Unused. Am I getting too comfortable? Or senile?
After noting my conspicuous consumption and hoarding, I felt nauseous. So, I treated myself to a smoothie during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Frankly, I am not sure if I am in control of my faculties anymore. My interim plan was to reduce my useless possessions such that I can flee Slob Manor at a moment's notice. Now, I am bogged down with crap. Do I really want to become a permanent fixture at the dump?
Each and every day, I encounter myriad fools just like the "chef." Self-centered. Selfish. Ego maniacs. Narcissistic. "Control freaks." Paranoid. Dim-witted. The formula is always the same. Sadly, the population of these dangerous brain donors is increasing exponentially. Society will collapse from an anarchy of imbecility way before financial implosion.
Already capable of generating more than enough anxiety, I do not require the additional stupidity from the myriad morons around me. I am finding that I am less prepared for the exodus with each passing day. Just this afternoon, I finally noticed the useless crap that I have recently acquired. The new tablet computer. The leather case for the latter. The Ernest Becker book. The new gym bag. All lying around. Unused. Am I getting too comfortable? Or senile?
After noting my conspicuous consumption and hoarding, I felt nauseous. So, I treated myself to a smoothie during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Frankly, I am not sure if I am in control of my faculties anymore. My interim plan was to reduce my useless possessions such that I can flee Slob Manor at a moment's notice. Now, I am bogged down with crap. Do I really want to become a permanent fixture at the dump?
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Wink of an Eye
The Net connection at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is essentially ... disconnected. Down speeds are too slow to be useful. I am still able to run Vuze (i.e., torrent client) on the netbook. Vuze continues to plug long, albeit slowly, even if the Net connection appears to have been sucked into a "black hole." I am most likely using up all of the miniscule available bandwidth. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! The "chef" is probably irked that he cannot view his "conspiracy" videos on YouTube®. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I am not even certain that the landlord will want to pay the high cost to have the Net service restored to normal. It would probably be cheaper to replace all of the coaxial cabling and splitters. Otherwise, a technician will have to perform a tedious line trace to locate where the signal attenuation is occurring. My guess is that the attenuation is cascading through the numerous decrepit splitters and deteriorating coax cables. Water may have also leaked into various components causing numerous shunts to ground (read: short circuits). Frankly, I don't even care. I can always transport myself and the tablet computer to a location that provides free wireless Net access.
Day and evening ... same ol' shit. I'd like to report something new or something novel. Unfortunately, I am so close to poverty that the only novelty in my existence would be an introduction to homelessness. Sheesh!
So, the netbook has turned out to still be totally functional. No hardware problems. No operating system regressions. I now possess three computers. What to do? The netbook is still going through the final decommissioning process. No schedule is in effect. Incidentally, the puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is down to 99 video files tipping at 46GBytes. What exactly was the HGVL's purpose in the first place?
"Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" has certainly kept me preoccupied for the past few days. Frankly, I have still been plagued by mortality issues. There are so many decrepit senior citizens hobbling around me that I cannot help but be reminded. I am also bombarded by entropic human stupidity, which constantly requires my attention. It's easy to see why life passes by in the wink of an eye.
I am not even certain that the landlord will want to pay the high cost to have the Net service restored to normal. It would probably be cheaper to replace all of the coaxial cabling and splitters. Otherwise, a technician will have to perform a tedious line trace to locate where the signal attenuation is occurring. My guess is that the attenuation is cascading through the numerous decrepit splitters and deteriorating coax cables. Water may have also leaked into various components causing numerous shunts to ground (read: short circuits). Frankly, I don't even care. I can always transport myself and the tablet computer to a location that provides free wireless Net access.
Day and evening ... same ol' shit. I'd like to report something new or something novel. Unfortunately, I am so close to poverty that the only novelty in my existence would be an introduction to homelessness. Sheesh!
So, the netbook has turned out to still be totally functional. No hardware problems. No operating system regressions. I now possess three computers. What to do? The netbook is still going through the final decommissioning process. No schedule is in effect. Incidentally, the puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is down to 99 video files tipping at 46GBytes. What exactly was the HGVL's purpose in the first place?
"Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" has certainly kept me preoccupied for the past few days. Frankly, I have still been plagued by mortality issues. There are so many decrepit senior citizens hobbling around me that I cannot help but be reminded. I am also bombarded by entropic human stupidity, which constantly requires my attention. It's easy to see why life passes by in the wink of an eye.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
An Honorable Guy (Reprise)
Net access at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is close to complete disconnection. Simple Web pages take several minutes to load, if at all. I simply cannot trust the connection to perform any important transactions (i.e., transferring funds, making payments). I managed to inspect the cable modem and wireless router this morning, though. Both devices were fine. The cable wiring for Slob Manor is another matter. There are two RF line amplifiers and probably six different splitters wired up on the East wall. Everything is exposed to the elements. The coaxial cables and weatherproof boots appear to be in poor condition. In other words, it's a mess.
I stopped off at Mickey Dee's® in Kahala this morning to procure my coffee. I was automatically given the senior citizen discount. I will be going there on weekdays from now on. The coffee tastes good, and the smallest cup size is ideal for curbing my caffeine consumption.
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He gave me a Targus® leather case for my tablet computer. He purchased one for me and one for himself at Office Depot® (on sale for $10). I had actually planned to stop by Office Depot® on Saturday to check it out. Then, we rode the bus to Chinatown. He treated me to lunch at a Vietnamese phò restaurant. Very delicious.
My "homeless" buddy was encountering difficulties with his notebook computer. Apparently, the wireless radio is now permanently turned off. I suspected that the wireless radio is malfunctioning. However, upon searching for answers on the Net this afternoon, I discovered that he may have to download and install a couple of proprietary utilities from the manufacturer. Of course, with his wireless radio disabled, he cannot download the utilities.
As I stated previously, my "homeless" buddy is an honorable guy. I only know him because he once offered me a small bag of potato chips, or something like that, at the library one day way back when. Subsequently, I was always friendly to him. In retrospect, I can say that he's one of the best people whom I know (if the only one). He lives off of $900 in disability payments per month along with a small stipend of electronic food stamps. He is soon to be truly homeless, but that does not seem to bother him. I'm glad that I met him.
The rest of the day and evening? Same ol' shit. I procured a Mickey Dee's® smoothie for dinner just as I did last night. The smoothie definitely made my evening outing more enjoyable. Praise Molech!
I stopped off at Mickey Dee's® in Kahala this morning to procure my coffee. I was automatically given the senior citizen discount. I will be going there on weekdays from now on. The coffee tastes good, and the smallest cup size is ideal for curbing my caffeine consumption.
At the library, I ran into my "homeless" buddy. He gave me a Targus® leather case for my tablet computer. He purchased one for me and one for himself at Office Depot® (on sale for $10). I had actually planned to stop by Office Depot® on Saturday to check it out. Then, we rode the bus to Chinatown. He treated me to lunch at a Vietnamese phò restaurant. Very delicious.
My "homeless" buddy was encountering difficulties with his notebook computer. Apparently, the wireless radio is now permanently turned off. I suspected that the wireless radio is malfunctioning. However, upon searching for answers on the Net this afternoon, I discovered that he may have to download and install a couple of proprietary utilities from the manufacturer. Of course, with his wireless radio disabled, he cannot download the utilities.
As I stated previously, my "homeless" buddy is an honorable guy. I only know him because he once offered me a small bag of potato chips, or something like that, at the library one day way back when. Subsequently, I was always friendly to him. In retrospect, I can say that he's one of the best people whom I know (if the only one). He lives off of $900 in disability payments per month along with a small stipend of electronic food stamps. He is soon to be truly homeless, but that does not seem to bother him. I'm glad that I met him.
The rest of the day and evening? Same ol' shit. I procured a Mickey Dee's® smoothie for dinner just as I did last night. The smoothie definitely made my evening outing more enjoyable. Praise Molech!
Monday, September 03, 2012
Slave Labor Day 2012
"You set your sights high, and enjoy striving for the best things in life." -- Panda Express® fortune cookieNo time for holidays. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. As for the rest of the holiday ... same ol' shit. Return to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), usual evening outing, and so forth. Could we expect anything more?
The formerly massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is rapidly shrinking. It's down to about 115 video files tipping at 50GBytes. Remember when there were nearly 800 files filling well over 500GBytes on the portable hard drive? Those days are long gone. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! By the way, the torrent download experiment is proving to be successful, albeit extremely slow. The current torrents in the queue are for hurdy-gurdy video files that already exist in the HGVL but in much lower resolution. Thus, no new files will be added to the mummified HGVL.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Deck Chairs "R" Us
If it isn't one idiot, it's the other. Alan set up his notebook computer on the dining room table at 6pm last night in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). From that point forward, he worked one of his projects until 1am this morning. Every few minutes, I could hear him slamming the fridge door after refilling his small filthy plastic cup with Coke® complete with assorted old man noises. The project, from what I could tell, was a series of large blurry dots that filled the entire screen of his computer. Sort of like the Jack Nicholson character typing the line, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," on reams of paper in the classic flick, "The Shining."
Thus, there was no window of sleep for the ol' lavahead. The landlord's father's widow was making coffee at 4am this morning. Then, the landlord came by shortly afterwards for coffee time and tube-watching. Total insanity? Is Molech great? Slob Manor is an insane asylum. Its residents are on permanent mental vacation.
Alan was up at 6:30am. He was still working on his project when I departed for town at 8am. He mentioned that there will be a new guy moving upstairs, another friend of the landlord's family. The guy has apparently fallen on hard times. As you may recall, every single one of those family friends (i.e., Raymond, Jason, Joseph) who moved into Slob manor turned out to be losers. In any case, the new guy will be sharing the second floor with the landlord's father's widow. Oh well. Otherwise, same ol' Sunday shit.
Net access at Slob Manor has degraded even further. Down speeds seem to be less than 70Kbps. Yeah, that's about as slow as a dial-up connection. The wireless router appears to have been exonerated as well as the netbook. So, my evening outings now have a real purpose. I have to use the free wireless access at the bookstore to get anything done online.
I stopped by the Mickey Dee's® in Kahala and purchased a smoothie for a snack. The smoothie was pretty good and relatively inexpensive. Sad to say, it was much better than the offerings at Jamba Juice®. The best smoothie by far, though, is available at the Barnes & Noble® Café.
Incidentally, I installed the Vuze torrent client on the netbook. In a trial run, I am attempting to download a couple of choice HD hurdy-gurdy video clips. First, there are very few selections available from the Vuze search facility. Second, the download could take weeks to complete. The only advantage is that Vuze is somewhat impervious to disconnects. It simply queues up again. Not to worry, at the rate that the downloads take to finish, there is absolutely no possibility of accumulating a massive number of titles. Praise Molech!
Thus, there was no window of sleep for the ol' lavahead. The landlord's father's widow was making coffee at 4am this morning. Then, the landlord came by shortly afterwards for coffee time and tube-watching. Total insanity? Is Molech great? Slob Manor is an insane asylum. Its residents are on permanent mental vacation.
Alan was up at 6:30am. He was still working on his project when I departed for town at 8am. He mentioned that there will be a new guy moving upstairs, another friend of the landlord's family. The guy has apparently fallen on hard times. As you may recall, every single one of those family friends (i.e., Raymond, Jason, Joseph) who moved into Slob manor turned out to be losers. In any case, the new guy will be sharing the second floor with the landlord's father's widow. Oh well. Otherwise, same ol' Sunday shit.
Net access at Slob Manor has degraded even further. Down speeds seem to be less than 70Kbps. Yeah, that's about as slow as a dial-up connection. The wireless router appears to have been exonerated as well as the netbook. So, my evening outings now have a real purpose. I have to use the free wireless access at the bookstore to get anything done online.
I stopped by the Mickey Dee's® in Kahala and purchased a smoothie for a snack. The smoothie was pretty good and relatively inexpensive. Sad to say, it was much better than the offerings at Jamba Juice®. The best smoothie by far, though, is available at the Barnes & Noble® Café.
Incidentally, I installed the Vuze torrent client on the netbook. In a trial run, I am attempting to download a couple of choice HD hurdy-gurdy video clips. First, there are very few selections available from the Vuze search facility. Second, the download could take weeks to complete. The only advantage is that Vuze is somewhat impervious to disconnects. It simply queues up again. Not to worry, at the rate that the downloads take to finish, there is absolutely no possibility of accumulating a massive number of titles. Praise Molech!
Saturday, September 01, 2012
No Time For Holidays V
Holiday schedule for the weekend. So, the library was closed. However, I have no time for holidays. Foolishly, I neglected to purchase a new bus pass yesterday. So, my plan was to drive my rust-damaged Nissan® Frontier truck to Ala Moana Center (AMC) this morning. Make it so, Number One!
Aside from the brief nostalgic comic relief, the day was grueling. Extreme heat, crowds, entropic human stupidity, all there for the taking. I opt for the synopsis. Purchased bus pass. Coffee time at the Barnes & Noble® Café. Perused a few computer nerd magazines. Boring. Bus ride to town. Work out at the gym. Return to AMC. Loiter around mall until 3:30pm. Purchase smoothie at Jamba Juice. Very refreshing. More loitering. Purchase sandwich at Subway®. Best sandwich yet, and lots of young hotties working there. Depart AMC at 5pm. Whew!
As detestable as AMC was, I really did not want to return to the pinnacle of detestable, Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I also spent more money than I had planned. Alas, I may as well enjoy what little time that I have left, especially before I become a truly decrepit senior citizen. Naturally, I embarked on my evening outing, even though I was fatigued. Nearly an entire day spent at dens of consumerism (read: shopping mall). Holy Molech!
Going places by myself. Hanging out by myself. Not much fun, to say the least. The only other people "going solo" were the homeless. None of them looked too happy. Apparently, they have no time for holidays either. Sheesh!
Aside from the brief nostalgic comic relief, the day was grueling. Extreme heat, crowds, entropic human stupidity, all there for the taking. I opt for the synopsis. Purchased bus pass. Coffee time at the Barnes & Noble® Café. Perused a few computer nerd magazines. Boring. Bus ride to town. Work out at the gym. Return to AMC. Loiter around mall until 3:30pm. Purchase smoothie at Jamba Juice. Very refreshing. More loitering. Purchase sandwich at Subway®. Best sandwich yet, and lots of young hotties working there. Depart AMC at 5pm. Whew!
As detestable as AMC was, I really did not want to return to the pinnacle of detestable, Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I also spent more money than I had planned. Alas, I may as well enjoy what little time that I have left, especially before I become a truly decrepit senior citizen. Naturally, I embarked on my evening outing, even though I was fatigued. Nearly an entire day spent at dens of consumerism (read: shopping mall). Holy Molech!
Going places by myself. Hanging out by myself. Not much fun, to say the least. The only other people "going solo" were the homeless. None of them looked too happy. Apparently, they have no time for holidays either. Sheesh!
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