Morning operations (read: coffee time) at Jack in the Box® has been an improvement over previous locales. Even my homeless buddy (as well as several other homeless) would agree. There have been numerous coupon offerings, too. If you happen to be in town in the morning, come visit us.
Otherwise, no time for holidays. Same ol' Sunday shit. I departed for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala about an hour earlier than usual. I was hoping to dine at my favorite sandwich shop. Alas, I was too late, thanks to another ridiculous religious holiday. I ended up eating three greasy "value menu" items at the fast food joint. I felt nauseous afterward. Fortunately, the bookstore was open, so all was not lost.
Divestiture time is moving really slow. Yesterday, I mentioned that there are three weeks left before the scheduled sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. Today, there are still three weeks remaining. I have one more huge mortgage and maintenance fee payment to make. Yeah, money is still draining out of my savings. Not that it matters. The financial crisis and subsequent "resolution" (i.e., bank account confiscations) in Cyprus have set a precedent for the robber class. We could very well experience the same "resolution" in empire when the next crisis strikes. By the way, the contents of bank safe deposit boxes can also be confiscated as well. So, storing gold bullion in the latter is now out of the question.
Most people do not even notice that, gradually, everything is "going to hell in a handbasket." They only follow what is force-fed to them through myriad Pavlovian propaganda networks. I am now pretty certain that an upcoming major financial and economic crisis will be our undoing, superseding all other pending crises. No fictional deity is going to save us.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Post No. 2,526
This morning, I met up with my homeless buddy in town at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." He always keeps me updated on the homeless life. I then attempted to hand deliver the escrow documents, but the office was closed. So, I dropped it off in the mailbox.

Typical Escrow Hottie
I ran a little behind schedule this afternoon because the heavy rain kept me stranded at the public library. After my usual, albeit late, gym workout, I immediately returned to the disgusting Slob Manor (read: rental housing) rather than my usual routine of patronizing the sandwich shop in town.
So, dinner was facilitated at the sandwich shop in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at the start of my evening outing. As always, I ended up at the bookstore. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Very little else of importance. By the way, the bedbug infestation appears to be over. There was no indication that the hideous insects migrated from another tenant's room. So, I can only conclude that they were imported with my old gym bag. I will be baking my sleeping bag and pillows in the clothes dryer again to insure that infestation is contained.
Well, there's still three weeks left before the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit is finalized. So, I have to wait. Once the sale is done, then I can terminate the property insurance, close my GET (read: tax) account, and dispose of myriad paperwork. In the meantime, I will be relegated to piddly divestitures and other benign activities. So pathetic.

I ran a little behind schedule this afternoon because the heavy rain kept me stranded at the public library. After my usual, albeit late, gym workout, I immediately returned to the disgusting Slob Manor (read: rental housing) rather than my usual routine of patronizing the sandwich shop in town.
So, dinner was facilitated at the sandwich shop in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at the start of my evening outing. As always, I ended up at the bookstore. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Very little else of importance. By the way, the bedbug infestation appears to be over. There was no indication that the hideous insects migrated from another tenant's room. So, I can only conclude that they were imported with my old gym bag. I will be baking my sleeping bag and pillows in the clothes dryer again to insure that infestation is contained.
Well, there's still three weeks left before the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit is finalized. So, I have to wait. Once the sale is done, then I can terminate the property insurance, close my GET (read: tax) account, and dispose of myriad paperwork. In the meantime, I will be relegated to piddly divestitures and other benign activities. So pathetic.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Good Friday, Bad Friday 2013
I didn't realize that there was mail service today. I could have dispatched the escrow documents last night. Now, I have delayed the process by at least one day. I was hoping for an accelerated closing for the detestable "condotel" unit. Oh well.
Waiting ... for a future that never comes. Wait, wait, wait. That's all I seem to ever do. The exodus has been a long waiting game. Yet, when the day finally comes, will it make a difference? That's the big question. We'll have to wait and see.
The "blog" also appears on the exodus roadmap. What will become of the "blog" once the process to exit the "ownership society" has commenced? Only 21 days left. Otherwise, no time for holidays. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.
Waiting ... for a future that never comes. Wait, wait, wait. That's all I seem to ever do. The exodus has been a long waiting game. Yet, when the day finally comes, will it make a difference? That's the big question. We'll have to wait and see.
The "blog" also appears on the exodus roadmap. What will become of the "blog" once the process to exit the "ownership society" has commenced? Only 21 days left. Otherwise, no time for holidays. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Roadmap Ruminations
The initial documents from the escrow firm have arrived. I will be completing them expeditiously in order to insure no delays. The sale of the detestable "condotel" unit is readily identifiable on the exodus roadmap. It is a crucial milestone. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
For some reason, I have been extremely hungry for the past two weeks. To compensate, I have been indulging in some of the "value menu" items at the fast food joint in Kahala during my evening outings. The so-called "food" is saturated with fat. I haven't touched any of my healthy snacks for several weeks. I surmise that the stress of incurring a huge monetary loss is taking its toll on me.
This evening, I brought the escrow paperwork with me, so I completed the latter while I was at the fast food joint in Kahala. In a way, it was relaxing. And, I found comfort in knowing that I will never be doing that task again. I am freeing myself from debt slavery and removing myself from the "ownership society." And, I won't even be slightly concerned about my credit score.
Looking ahead on the exodus roadmap, I plan to finally emancipate myself from technoslavery. Switching to the tablet computer platform was the first step. I have since begun weaning myself off of the Net, including the pruning of various Web sites. I am now somewhat indifferent to current affairs and financial news. The Jodi Arias trial is far more interesting. And, as I mentioned previously, I will have no need for a spreadsheet program once I flee the "ownership society."
With that said, the Nexus 7 is the only tablet computer that I need from this point forward. I don't have to worry about having a backup. I have also totally lost interest in the BlackBerry® PlayBook®. I don't even care about the upcoming operating system upgrade anymore. Yeah, technoslavery will soon be a thing of the past.
For some reason, I have been extremely hungry for the past two weeks. To compensate, I have been indulging in some of the "value menu" items at the fast food joint in Kahala during my evening outings. The so-called "food" is saturated with fat. I haven't touched any of my healthy snacks for several weeks. I surmise that the stress of incurring a huge monetary loss is taking its toll on me.
This evening, I brought the escrow paperwork with me, so I completed the latter while I was at the fast food joint in Kahala. In a way, it was relaxing. And, I found comfort in knowing that I will never be doing that task again. I am freeing myself from debt slavery and removing myself from the "ownership society." And, I won't even be slightly concerned about my credit score.
Looking ahead on the exodus roadmap, I plan to finally emancipate myself from technoslavery. Switching to the tablet computer platform was the first step. I have since begun weaning myself off of the Net, including the pruning of various Web sites. I am now somewhat indifferent to current affairs and financial news. The Jodi Arias trial is far more interesting. And, as I mentioned previously, I will have no need for a spreadsheet program once I flee the "ownership society."
With that said, the Nexus 7 is the only tablet computer that I need from this point forward. I don't have to worry about having a backup. I have also totally lost interest in the BlackBerry® PlayBook®. I don't even care about the upcoming operating system upgrade anymore. Yeah, technoslavery will soon be a thing of the past.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Exodus Roadmap
Same ol' shit. I ran into my homeless buddy in town this morning at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Later, we walked to the public library for more comatose fun. Lots of new homeless people, by the way. Homelessness is approaching epidemic proportions. And, I may be joining their ranks very soon.
I was in a bad way for most of the day because of the big-ass "small" gym bag. To me, it is the size of a suitcase. Everything that I carry with me doesn't even fill half the internal volume. And, it is extremely cumbersome while riding the bus. I almost threw the whole thing, gym attire included, into the trash can. An alternative is imperative. I am really wasting a lot of time and money with my foolish incremental downsizing. I need to "cut to the chase" already. Stuff has to go!
I was running late all day, primarily because of late buses. So, I ended up eating dinner at the franchise of my favorite sandwich shop in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Then, I was off to the bookstore.
Well, I haven't discussed anything of substance lately, so I will reveal the exodus roadmap. Essentially, the exodus seeks emancipation from:
I was in a bad way for most of the day because of the big-ass "small" gym bag. To me, it is the size of a suitcase. Everything that I carry with me doesn't even fill half the internal volume. And, it is extremely cumbersome while riding the bus. I almost threw the whole thing, gym attire included, into the trash can. An alternative is imperative. I am really wasting a lot of time and money with my foolish incremental downsizing. I need to "cut to the chase" already. Stuff has to go!
I was running late all day, primarily because of late buses. So, I ended up eating dinner at the franchise of my favorite sandwich shop in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Then, I was off to the bookstore.
Well, I haven't discussed anything of substance lately, so I will reveal the exodus roadmap. Essentially, the exodus seeks emancipation from:
- Babe bondage
- Wage slavery
- Unfounded beliefs, ignorance, and general stupidity
- Debt slavery
- The "ownership society"
- Credit score incarceration
- "Blog" servitude
- Technoslavery
- Time schedule trap
- Slumlord demagoguery
- The "system"
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Prince Kuhio Day 2013
Last night, I treated myself to a big-ass chocolate chip cookie at the café in the bookstore at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I requested to have the cookie warmed up. Yum!
When I returned to my squalid room in the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was greeted by an odd mixture of pesticide fumes and the smell of slightly burnt fabric. There may have also been a trace of baked bedbugs.
I applied a length of duct tape face-up on the floor just a few inches inside the entrance to my squalid room and parallel with the door. If there are bedbugs commuting from another room in the dump, I will find their carcasses stuck to the duct tape. I am curious to know because I am certain that I was not the importer of the hideous bugs.
No time for holidays. Extended coffee time this morning at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Then, I shopped at Ross®, hoping to find a few items and take advantage of the senior citizen discount. I only found a replacement gym bag. It looked about the same size as the old dilapidated one. However, it turned out to be twice as big. Actually, it's the same size as the gym bag that is now holding all of my worldly possessions.
I discarded the old gym bag nonetheless. The inside lining was completely shredded, perfect for a bedbug nest. I will deploy the new gym bag until I can find something smaller. Of course, in empire, small is a non-existent concept.
I met Shirley for lunch. We ate at a small restaurant in town, the name of which eludes me. I passed the decommissioned BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer to her. We chatted and caught up on our respective lives for the past year. Yeah, it has been that long since we last met up, mostly my fault for being nearly unreachable. Well, hey! I'm a monk!
When I returned to my squalid room in the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was greeted by an odd mixture of pesticide fumes and the smell of slightly burnt fabric. There may have also been a trace of baked bedbugs.
I applied a length of duct tape face-up on the floor just a few inches inside the entrance to my squalid room and parallel with the door. If there are bedbugs commuting from another room in the dump, I will find their carcasses stuck to the duct tape. I am curious to know because I am certain that I was not the importer of the hideous bugs.
No time for holidays. Extended coffee time this morning at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Then, I shopped at Ross®, hoping to find a few items and take advantage of the senior citizen discount. I only found a replacement gym bag. It looked about the same size as the old dilapidated one. However, it turned out to be twice as big. Actually, it's the same size as the gym bag that is now holding all of my worldly possessions.
I discarded the old gym bag nonetheless. The inside lining was completely shredded, perfect for a bedbug nest. I will deploy the new gym bag until I can find something smaller. Of course, in empire, small is a non-existent concept.
I met Shirley for lunch. We ate at a small restaurant in town, the name of which eludes me. I passed the decommissioned BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer to her. We chatted and caught up on our respective lives for the past year. Yeah, it has been that long since we last met up, mostly my fault for being nearly unreachable. Well, hey! I'm a monk!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Bedbug Bakery
Five more mysterious bites appeared on my left arm and left thigh since last night. The three bites on my left thigh were inline, so I knew right away that bedbugs were the culprit. After my usual visit with moms in Hawai'i Kai, complete with a quick workout at the gym, I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) for another fumigation session. This time, I fumigated both the mattress and box spring again before sealing up the latter with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
On a whim, I decided to air out my sleeping bag and pillows using the bed of my truck as a rack, turning all of them frequently. Well, I finally espied one bedbug. It was sitting on one of the pillows after twenty minutes of basking in the sun. I then put the sleeping bag and pillows, respectively, into the clothes dryer and turned up the heat real good. Let's hope that I baked any remaining bedbugs. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Obviously, I will have to replace my bedding soon.
Here's an interesting tidbit. During my confrontation with the landlord about the bedbug problem on March 14th, the "chef" had interjected that he thought there might be a flea problems. He claims to have been bitten by fleas while fiddling around outside with his automobile. Oddly, he said that he knew that fleas had bitten him because the bites were equidistant in a straight line. Fleas bite randomly, not in straight line like bedbugs. Do you think that the moronic "chef" is cause of the bedbug infestation? No, not the "chef"!
I met with Debbie, my realtor, at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. More paperwork forwarded. Closing is April 19th. Debbie mentioned that the one-time assessment for the detestable "condotel" unit is optional, at least according to the property management firm. Owners, however, will be given six months to buy into the interior refurbishing (allegedly $20,000 and up), or they will be dropped from the rental pool. Yeah, great option.
On a whim, I decided to air out my sleeping bag and pillows using the bed of my truck as a rack, turning all of them frequently. Well, I finally espied one bedbug. It was sitting on one of the pillows after twenty minutes of basking in the sun. I then put the sleeping bag and pillows, respectively, into the clothes dryer and turned up the heat real good. Let's hope that I baked any remaining bedbugs. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Obviously, I will have to replace my bedding soon.
Here's an interesting tidbit. During my confrontation with the landlord about the bedbug problem on March 14th, the "chef" had interjected that he thought there might be a flea problems. He claims to have been bitten by fleas while fiddling around outside with his automobile. Oddly, he said that he knew that fleas had bitten him because the bites were equidistant in a straight line. Fleas bite randomly, not in straight line like bedbugs. Do you think that the moronic "chef" is cause of the bedbug infestation? No, not the "chef"!
I met with Debbie, my realtor, at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. More paperwork forwarded. Closing is April 19th. Debbie mentioned that the one-time assessment for the detestable "condotel" unit is optional, at least according to the property management firm. Owners, however, will be given six months to buy into the interior refurbishing (allegedly $20,000 and up), or they will be dropped from the rental pool. Yeah, great option.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Life in a Small Gym Bag (Reprise)
Same ol' Sunday shit. When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I found an irate note to me from the landlord about where I parked my truck on the rockpile. I always leave room for the landlord to park at the side of the dump. However, the "chef" has been deliberately parking closer and closer to my Nissan® truck, which left me no choice but to block the access. Perhaps the time has come for me to divest the truck.
I have come to really despise the landlord. I don't really know how I tolerated the landlord's grating personality for all these years. There's no such an entity as a good landlord or property manager. They are all greedy and despicable asswipes.
Well, I managed to accomplish the impossible. I have reduced my life such that it can fit in one gym bag (the smaller one) with a little room to spare. I will be donating the other gym bag to charity. I also noted that the clothes in the gym bag had been stored for five to twelve years. Most of them have never been worn. Can you believe that?
Since I was "on a roll," I decided to perform a "security wipe" on the newer BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. It has never been deployed, so it is essentially new. I had set it up, installed the software update, and charged the battery initially. That's it. Now, it is back to the original out-of-the-box state. Why did I bother? Possible divestiture.
As I mentioned previously, there won't be much need for computer resources and redundancy once the detestable "condotel" unit is sold. I will no longer live in fear of missing a mortgage payment or transferring funds late. There will be no need for a backup system or contingency plan.
Paperwork has not really been a problem. However, there is no reason to keep an archive, if unnecessary. So, I will be reviewing the latter in the next few days and purging whatever I can. All in all, I felt good at the end of the day. Progress toward the exodus is moving at a brisk pace.
I have come to really despise the landlord. I don't really know how I tolerated the landlord's grating personality for all these years. There's no such an entity as a good landlord or property manager. They are all greedy and despicable asswipes.
Well, I managed to accomplish the impossible. I have reduced my life such that it can fit in one gym bag (the smaller one) with a little room to spare. I will be donating the other gym bag to charity. I also noted that the clothes in the gym bag had been stored for five to twelve years. Most of them have never been worn. Can you believe that?
Since I was "on a roll," I decided to perform a "security wipe" on the newer BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. It has never been deployed, so it is essentially new. I had set it up, installed the software update, and charged the battery initially. That's it. Now, it is back to the original out-of-the-box state. Why did I bother? Possible divestiture.
As I mentioned previously, there won't be much need for computer resources and redundancy once the detestable "condotel" unit is sold. I will no longer live in fear of missing a mortgage payment or transferring funds late. There will be no need for a backup system or contingency plan.
Paperwork has not really been a problem. However, there is no reason to keep an archive, if unnecessary. So, I will be reviewing the latter in the next few days and purging whatever I can. All in all, I felt good at the end of the day. Progress toward the exodus is moving at a brisk pace.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Stuff Needs to Go!
On the bus to town this morning, I chatted with one of the regular passengers. He holds three wage slave jobs, so he is always on the go. We engaged in a longer chat than usual. He did most of the talking. Long story short, he discussed how the empire was rapidly deteriorating and attributed the problems to the "New World Order." He only keeps $100 on deposit in the bank. The rest is kept in cash (on hand). He dreams of relocating permanently to Israel (with the cash). He is neither Semitic, Ashkanazi, or of the Jewish faith. At the end, he advised me to read the Unholy Scriptures and call upon Jesus. So, in summary, he is an extreme "conspiracy theory" believer, a quasi-Zionist, and a Christian. I did not refute him on any points.
I remember when I once dabbled in the fringe of "conspiracy theory" and religion. However, the truth (essentially quantum physics and Ernest Becker's book, "The Denial of Death") had set me free. Well, I did spend the past few years doing a lot of reading and research. I have emancipated myself from ignorance, unfounded beliefs, and general stupidity.
While we're waiting for the final disposition of the detestable "condotel" unit, we can initiate more ridiculous tasks for the sake of the exodus. I have now decided that I will attempt to reduce my worldly possessions to fit in one gym bag, actually the smaller of the two that are at my disposal. Therefore, I will be relegating my clothes to the "just-in-time" (JIT) protocol. All stored clothing will be deployed to daily use, if possible. No new clothing will be purchased unless there is a real necessity. I only wear cheap, casual clothes anyway. No sense in having stored clothing take up valuable space and provide a homestead for bugs. I will also be sifting through the remaining paperwork (again), sundries, and consumables. Stuff just needs to go.
I remember when I once dabbled in the fringe of "conspiracy theory" and religion. However, the truth (essentially quantum physics and Ernest Becker's book, "The Denial of Death") had set me free. Well, I did spend the past few years doing a lot of reading and research. I have emancipated myself from ignorance, unfounded beliefs, and general stupidity.
While we're waiting for the final disposition of the detestable "condotel" unit, we can initiate more ridiculous tasks for the sake of the exodus. I have now decided that I will attempt to reduce my worldly possessions to fit in one gym bag, actually the smaller of the two that are at my disposal. Therefore, I will be relegating my clothes to the "just-in-time" (JIT) protocol. All stored clothing will be deployed to daily use, if possible. No new clothing will be purchased unless there is a real necessity. I only wear cheap, casual clothes anyway. No sense in having stored clothing take up valuable space and provide a homestead for bugs. I will also be sifting through the remaining paperwork (again), sundries, and consumables. Stuff just needs to go.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Optimization of Nonsense
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My bro has been laid off from work again. My nephew is still retired. Moms and I followed the usual itinerary. Otherwise, nothing to report.
Yesterday, I deleted the sole backup files for the entire legacy LosetNet site. Thus, if the site goes down, it's gone forever. Who really cares anyway?

Typical "Cloud" Hottie
I am not really pleased with Google® Drive. It is apparently a one-way "cloud" service when using the "app." I can upload, view, and modify files. But there is no way to download any file to a local device. There is a provision to make selected files available offline, but they really aren't there. Turns out, I must use the Web site in order to actually download the files. Sheesh!
Well, at least I finally found a way to insert babe pictures into the "blog." Yeah, I know ... "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Not much else to do until the detestable "condotel" unit is sold. I am, however, minimizing all distractions. I am taking care of all of the piddly nonsense such that I will rarely have to revisit them again.
Yesterday, I deleted the sole backup files for the entire legacy LosetNet site. Thus, if the site goes down, it's gone forever. Who really cares anyway?

I am not really pleased with Google® Drive. It is apparently a one-way "cloud" service when using the "app." I can upload, view, and modify files. But there is no way to download any file to a local device. There is a provision to make selected files available offline, but they really aren't there. Turns out, I must use the Web site in order to actually download the files. Sheesh!
Well, at least I finally found a way to insert babe pictures into the "blog." Yeah, I know ... "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." Not much else to do until the detestable "condotel" unit is sold. I am, however, minimizing all distractions. I am taking care of all of the piddly nonsense such that I will rarely have to revisit them again.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
At this point in time, I cannot state that the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit is certain. However, the buyer had to put down a $2,000 cash deposit. So, the sale is highly probable. We won't know for sure until I am signing the closing documents.
I have experienced a combination of relief and anxiety. I am relieved to finally make progress on the exodus. I am anxious because I am slowly reducing my existence to the internal volume of a small gym bag. In other words, I am grappling with the "vital lie." A very Beckerian moment.
Well, I am gathering the remaining paperwork for the detestable "condotel" unit and readying the latter for disposal. I will only keep the bare minimum paperwork for tax purposes, most likely archiving the paperwork for about a year before disposal. Good riddance!
I am also working on mummifying my current "cloud" storage and moving (almost) everything over to Google® Drive. I will only have one-tenth of the storage space, though. I actually was fretting until I realized that I have barely any useful files to store. To put things into perspective, the associated "apps" are larger than the total of my storable files. What does that tell you?
I am a senior citizen. I, being of sound mind, am winding down my life. I don't need more, I need less. I am not going to do any social networking. Who wants to network with an "old fart"? I don't need to synchronize my data with myriad computers or "share" anything with faceless fools. The Nexus 7 is capable of all that, but I have no use for any of it.
Finally, I am not even certain about whether I want to keep the other essentially new BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. What's the point?
I have experienced a combination of relief and anxiety. I am relieved to finally make progress on the exodus. I am anxious because I am slowly reducing my existence to the internal volume of a small gym bag. In other words, I am grappling with the "vital lie." A very Beckerian moment.
Well, I am gathering the remaining paperwork for the detestable "condotel" unit and readying the latter for disposal. I will only keep the bare minimum paperwork for tax purposes, most likely archiving the paperwork for about a year before disposal. Good riddance!
I am also working on mummifying my current "cloud" storage and moving (almost) everything over to Google® Drive. I will only have one-tenth of the storage space, though. I actually was fretting until I realized that I have barely any useful files to store. To put things into perspective, the associated "apps" are larger than the total of my storable files. What does that tell you?
I am a senior citizen. I, being of sound mind, am winding down my life. I don't need more, I need less. I am not going to do any social networking. Who wants to network with an "old fart"? I don't need to synchronize my data with myriad computers or "share" anything with faceless fools. The Nexus 7 is capable of all that, but I have no use for any of it.
Finally, I am not even certain about whether I want to keep the other essentially new BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. What's the point?
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
First Steps
Last night, I stopped off at the fast food joint in Aina Haina for a couple of greasy, albeit cheap, chicken sandwiches. Then, I walked back to the disgusting Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The outside temperature was surprisingly warm. I had time to ruminate about the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit, my big financial loss, and my freedom. Yes, I am making my exodus from the "ownership society" in 29 days. Well, I still own the Nissan® truck, but that's minor in the general scheme of things. It, too, will be divested in due time.
For some reason, I found myself wide awake at 3:30am this morning. My mind was racing through scenarios of my great escape from society. In my more lucid moments, I contemplated more reasonable steps toward the exodus. I also mentally reviewed all of the paperwork and other minutiae subsequent to the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit.
The day? I chatted with my homeless buddy this morning at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." In learning more about his legacy, I have come to respect my homeless buddy. I also restored my extreme monk haircut. Then, I ran into Kevin, the burly homeless guy, at the gym. He revealed that even religion could not keep him sober. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Well, the most conspicuous and immediate change post-"condotel" will be the decreased requirements for computing resources. In anticipation of the latter, I had already adopted the simpler tablet computer platform. However, I will no longer need a spreadsheet program or other advanced applications. Even "cloud" storage may be unnecessary.
So, as a first step, I have decommissioned the oldest BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer and will be transferring it to its new owner next week. I will only be keeping the newer one around long enough to install and "test drive" the new operating system. The Nexus 7 will remain the primary device.
As far as "cloud" storage is concerned, I will be looking at either eliminating the current service and storing the data onto a flash drive. Or, since I already have a Google® account, I could transfer the data to its "cloud" service. The less separate accounts, the better. Thus, the exodus commences.
For some reason, I found myself wide awake at 3:30am this morning. My mind was racing through scenarios of my great escape from society. In my more lucid moments, I contemplated more reasonable steps toward the exodus. I also mentally reviewed all of the paperwork and other minutiae subsequent to the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit.
The day? I chatted with my homeless buddy this morning at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." In learning more about his legacy, I have come to respect my homeless buddy. I also restored my extreme monk haircut. Then, I ran into Kevin, the burly homeless guy, at the gym. He revealed that even religion could not keep him sober. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Well, the most conspicuous and immediate change post-"condotel" will be the decreased requirements for computing resources. In anticipation of the latter, I had already adopted the simpler tablet computer platform. However, I will no longer need a spreadsheet program or other advanced applications. Even "cloud" storage may be unnecessary.
So, as a first step, I have decommissioned the oldest BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer and will be transferring it to its new owner next week. I will only be keeping the newer one around long enough to install and "test drive" the new operating system. The Nexus 7 will remain the primary device.
As far as "cloud" storage is concerned, I will be looking at either eliminating the current service and storing the data onto a flash drive. Or, since I already have a Google® account, I could transfer the data to its "cloud" service. The less separate accounts, the better. Thus, the exodus commences.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
High Price of Freedom
I spent the morning in the inner courtyard at the public library. I haven't been doing any reading lately. I simply spend the time enjoying the peaceful environment. Heck, I almost felt free and emancipated. Oh, what a delusion!
After I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, I was surprised to have received an e-mail from Debbie, my realtor. I had previously authorized her to secure the best deal possible for the detestable "condotel" unit. Thus, she had a purchase contract ready for me to sign.
I met Debbie at the coffee shop in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I signed the paperwork which will result in at least a $51,000 loss when the deal closes in 30 days. I really have no other choice. There is no way that I was going to sink another $20,000 into the dump at the whim of the property management firm. Yes, the assessment is not even a condo association project. What really surprised me is that no other owners have decided to sell their units.
My net worth will now decrease by the amount of the loss. I will be poorer. I will have less assets. I will be free. I am paying for my freedom with money and my initial stupidity. I don't feel bad. I should be able to qualify for the homeless shelter once the dust settles. Options, albeit pathetic ones, are opening up. Freedom is finally coming in 30 days.
After I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, I was surprised to have received an e-mail from Debbie, my realtor. I had previously authorized her to secure the best deal possible for the detestable "condotel" unit. Thus, she had a purchase contract ready for me to sign.
I met Debbie at the coffee shop in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. I signed the paperwork which will result in at least a $51,000 loss when the deal closes in 30 days. I really have no other choice. There is no way that I was going to sink another $20,000 into the dump at the whim of the property management firm. Yes, the assessment is not even a condo association project. What really surprised me is that no other owners have decided to sell their units.
My net worth will now decrease by the amount of the loss. I will be poorer. I will have less assets. I will be free. I am paying for my freedom with money and my initial stupidity. I don't feel bad. I should be able to qualify for the homeless shelter once the dust settles. Options, albeit pathetic ones, are opening up. Freedom is finally coming in 30 days.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Good-Bye Ernest Becker
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms and I followed the usual itinerary. And, sadly, I quietly donated my copy of Ernest Becker's book, "The Denial of Death," to the public library. Otherwise, nothing to report.
I am planning the divestiture of both BlackBerry® PlayBook® devices. I am totally convinced that it is already an "end-of-life" device. The promised operating system upgrade is officially vaporware. Most of the existing devices will have long malfunctioned before the upgrade arrives. That, I suspect, is the plan. Out of sight, out of mind. I should mention that, even after the "security wipe," the older tablet computer is still suffering from the same issues. Lost cause.
I am still a reluctant Android® convert. Why? Too much Google®! I almost cannot stand it. Do I have a choice? Since I am not an active subscriber to its services, I am probably not adversely affected. Yet, one has to wonder.
The financial crisis in Cyprus is proving to be interesting. Yet another instance of crooked "banksters" robbing the populace blind. I am fully aware that the situation is worsening, even in empire. Most people are too busy fooling around with their "smartphones" to even notice.
Well, I discovered that my local bank offers a few perks to senior citizens. Safe deposit boxes (smallest size) are available for free, perfect to hold a tiny cache of gold bullion. I will be checking to see if any are open.
I am planning the divestiture of both BlackBerry® PlayBook® devices. I am totally convinced that it is already an "end-of-life" device. The promised operating system upgrade is officially vaporware. Most of the existing devices will have long malfunctioned before the upgrade arrives. That, I suspect, is the plan. Out of sight, out of mind. I should mention that, even after the "security wipe," the older tablet computer is still suffering from the same issues. Lost cause.
I am still a reluctant Android® convert. Why? Too much Google®! I almost cannot stand it. Do I have a choice? Since I am not an active subscriber to its services, I am probably not adversely affected. Yet, one has to wonder.
The financial crisis in Cyprus is proving to be interesting. Yet another instance of crooked "banksters" robbing the populace blind. I am fully aware that the situation is worsening, even in empire. Most people are too busy fooling around with their "smartphones" to even notice.
Well, I discovered that my local bank offers a few perks to senior citizens. Safe deposit boxes (smallest size) are available for free, perfect to hold a tiny cache of gold bullion. I will be checking to see if any are open.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Escape From ... Myself
This morning, I ran into my homeless buddy at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." I sipped on a cup of coffee, courtesy the senior citizen discount, while my homeless buddy downloaded several music files via the free wireless Net. Otherwise, same ol' Sunday shit.
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I fumigated my squalid room (for non-existent bedbugs) for the second time. I have enough pesticide for one final application. I also gathered a few items that may be divested tomorrow. Stuff just needs to go.
Well, I have been trying to reconcile my situation with respect to ... I don't know, a new conception of reality, I suppose. The old concept isn't working anymore. It takes a concerted effort to block the ingrained, albeit failed, "immortality narratives." Thus, I am focusing on "unrepression" in order to fully grasp my mortality and subsequently engage my remaining time in an agenda free of the "vital lie." The problem? The whole world, our collective lifestyles, are based entirely upon failed immortality paradigms.
Sometimes I snap out of the societal-induced coma and see through the distorted reality. I am then overcome by anxiety over the wasted time. Mind you, I see the prison for what it is. I also know that I duped myself into incarceration, fool that I was. Now, more time is being wasted in attempting to find a way to escape. Oh, if it weren't so tragic, it would be comical. Yeah, until I divest the detestable "condotel" unit, I am still "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."
When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I fumigated my squalid room (for non-existent bedbugs) for the second time. I have enough pesticide for one final application. I also gathered a few items that may be divested tomorrow. Stuff just needs to go.
Well, I have been trying to reconcile my situation with respect to ... I don't know, a new conception of reality, I suppose. The old concept isn't working anymore. It takes a concerted effort to block the ingrained, albeit failed, "immortality narratives." Thus, I am focusing on "unrepression" in order to fully grasp my mortality and subsequently engage my remaining time in an agenda free of the "vital lie." The problem? The whole world, our collective lifestyles, are based entirely upon failed immortality paradigms.
Sometimes I snap out of the societal-induced coma and see through the distorted reality. I am then overcome by anxiety over the wasted time. Mind you, I see the prison for what it is. I also know that I duped myself into incarceration, fool that I was. Now, more time is being wasted in attempting to find a way to escape. Oh, if it weren't so tragic, it would be comical. Yeah, until I divest the detestable "condotel" unit, I am still "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Life in a Small Gym Bag
With my useless possessions down to nearly nothing, I am having great difficulty in divesting anything else. It is as if each and every item has become much more valuable than actual worth. Some of my stuff is so decrepit that there is no possibility for charitable donations. Yet, I cannot bring myself to just dump them in the trash bin. Other items like my personal copy of Ernest Becker's book, "The Denial of Death," have attained nearly sacred status. I keep telling myself, stuff has to go, but nothing happens.
What is the basis for my fixation with fanatical asceticism? Insanity, you think? And, why have I become obsessed with portability (e.g., tablet computers instead of the notebook variety)? Psychosis, you think? Why am I attempting to fit my entire life in a small gym bag? There are no answers. I am simply compelled to do so.
Well, another "life in a small gym bag" kind-of-a-day. Same ol' shit. I ran into my homeless buddy at the public library as usual. He departed early to go shopping. He is always out shopping, usually for new technology toys. That's why he needs to rent a storage unit. Sheesh!
I should mention that I have aborted most of my old policies about living and eating healthy. Of course, I will still follow reasonable guidelines. My diet and exercise regimen is not likely to change. No fanaticism, just common sense and moderation. I am also officially mummifying the annual calculation of net worth. Thus, the net worth spreadsheet will be discarded. More changes coming.
What is the basis for my fixation with fanatical asceticism? Insanity, you think? And, why have I become obsessed with portability (e.g., tablet computers instead of the notebook variety)? Psychosis, you think? Why am I attempting to fit my entire life in a small gym bag? There are no answers. I am simply compelled to do so.
Well, another "life in a small gym bag" kind-of-a-day. Same ol' shit. I ran into my homeless buddy at the public library as usual. He departed early to go shopping. He is always out shopping, usually for new technology toys. That's why he needs to rent a storage unit. Sheesh!
I should mention that I have aborted most of my old policies about living and eating healthy. Of course, I will still follow reasonable guidelines. My diet and exercise regimen is not likely to change. No fanaticism, just common sense and moderation. I am also officially mummifying the annual calculation of net worth. Thus, the net worth spreadsheet will be discarded. More changes coming.
Friday, March 15, 2013
No Executor Required
Last night, I ran the "security wipe" utility on the oldest BlackBerry® PlayBook® tablet computer. So, it supposedly is ready for a fresh install of the operating system. Frankly, I don't know what to do with it. I am most likely going to give it (including the hideous protective sleeve) away to someone. To whom, though? I am even thinking of giving away the newer one and keeping only the Nexus 7 device. I can no longer be bogged down with redundant or superfluous crap.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. I have reassessed the bedbug situation at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Looking for evidence of bedbugs has proven fruitless. There is no fecal trail, no residual blood, and no signs of molting. No bedbug carcass has surfaced either. The bites are too few and too far apart. So, my revised conclusion is: mosquitoes. I left a note for the landlord. Hopefully, that will abate the stupidity. Nonetheless, after the ridiculous discussion with the landlord yesterday, I need to move out of the dump.
Well, the detestable "condotel" unit is now the primary barrier to freedom. In fact, nearly everyone with a mortgage is in the same prison. Imagine an entire lifetime devoted to paying for a shitty dump. We can make foolish rationalizations to make ourselves feel justified. To what end? Death does not appreciate the mortgage. Death can only bring an end to a miserable life of slavery. Yet, why would we want death to be our emancipator, our savior?
Sometimes we are just too stupid to realize that we have elected death to be the executor of our estates. We relinquish our time in the present in order to preserve the estate. To what end? Your end. With that said, I believe that I could live comfortably with one gym bag of clothes and necessities along with my Nexus 7 tablet computer. That's all I need. No executor required.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. I have reassessed the bedbug situation at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Looking for evidence of bedbugs has proven fruitless. There is no fecal trail, no residual blood, and no signs of molting. No bedbug carcass has surfaced either. The bites are too few and too far apart. So, my revised conclusion is: mosquitoes. I left a note for the landlord. Hopefully, that will abate the stupidity. Nonetheless, after the ridiculous discussion with the landlord yesterday, I need to move out of the dump.
Well, the detestable "condotel" unit is now the primary barrier to freedom. In fact, nearly everyone with a mortgage is in the same prison. Imagine an entire lifetime devoted to paying for a shitty dump. We can make foolish rationalizations to make ourselves feel justified. To what end? Death does not appreciate the mortgage. Death can only bring an end to a miserable life of slavery. Yet, why would we want death to be our emancipator, our savior?
Sometimes we are just too stupid to realize that we have elected death to be the executor of our estates. We relinquish our time in the present in order to preserve the estate. To what end? Your end. With that said, I believe that I could live comfortably with one gym bag of clothes and necessities along with my Nexus 7 tablet computer. That's all I need. No executor required.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Can the situation get anymore stupid? The landlord of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) informed me this afternoon that the bedbug problem is my responsibility. If the bugs spread throughout the dump, I could be charged several thousand dollars. The mattress and box spring must be taken off the property, even though both came with the room. It is now my responsibility to dispose of them. Yeah, that's the gratitude I get for being a good tenant.
Every single day, I observe that everything is literally falling apart. The sheer number of newly homeless is one of the best indicators of the phenomenon. The "blog" has indirectly chronicled how strained society has become. And, of course, it was Ernest Becker's book, "The Denial of Death," that really opened my eyes. From that point forward, absolutely nothing about the status quo made any sense. I can no longer afford the time or money to tolerate stupidity.
Long story short, I need to get out. I need to get out now before the sheer stupidity pushes me over the edge of sanity. So, I must sell the detestable "condotel" unit immediately. Now, I must vacate Slob Manor as soon as possible. Obviously, all useless possessions need to be jettisoned now. Looks as though my time has come. Time of reckoning. Time of change. Time to abort the "vital lie." Time to live before I die.
Every single day, I observe that everything is literally falling apart. The sheer number of newly homeless is one of the best indicators of the phenomenon. The "blog" has indirectly chronicled how strained society has become. And, of course, it was Ernest Becker's book, "The Denial of Death," that really opened my eyes. From that point forward, absolutely nothing about the status quo made any sense. I can no longer afford the time or money to tolerate stupidity.
Long story short, I need to get out. I need to get out now before the sheer stupidity pushes me over the edge of sanity. So, I must sell the detestable "condotel" unit immediately. Now, I must vacate Slob Manor as soon as possible. Obviously, all useless possessions need to be jettisoned now. Looks as though my time has come. Time of reckoning. Time of change. Time to abort the "vital lie." Time to live before I die.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Chink in the Armor
Same ol' shit. My homeless buddy met me at the public library. True to his word, he gave me three tubes of expensive ointment to treat the bedbug bites. Otherwise, no progress with anything.
I am finally realizing that I have no real use for technology toys like my stockpile of tablet computers. I am simply intrigued by the technology itself. Nothing more, nothing less. That's why I have been captivated by the Nexus 7 device. For example, I have spent hours disabling all of the Google®-centric features, only to enable them again. I need not be paranoid about being tracked. No one knows or cares about the ol' lavahead.
Well, since there are now no potential buyers for the detestable "condotel" unit, thanks to the Chink joker, I am back to Square Zero. The crux of the exodus lies with the divestiture of the dump. Until then, I am a slave, a prisoner.
I am finally realizing that I have no real use for technology toys like my stockpile of tablet computers. I am simply intrigued by the technology itself. Nothing more, nothing less. That's why I have been captivated by the Nexus 7 device. For example, I have spent hours disabling all of the Google®-centric features, only to enable them again. I need not be paranoid about being tracked. No one knows or cares about the ol' lavahead.
Well, since there are now no potential buyers for the detestable "condotel" unit, thanks to the Chink joker, I am back to Square Zero. The crux of the exodus lies with the divestiture of the dump. Until then, I am a slave, a prisoner.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Waiting (Reprise)
The day? Same ol' shit. At the public library, I mentioned my bout with bedbugs to my homeless buddy. He is going to give me a tube of ointment to help relieve the symptoms of the bites. Incidentally, I left a note for the landlord of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) the day before that detailed the bedbug problem.
The pest exterminator was on the premises when I returned to the bug-infested dump this afternoon. Turns out, because of some kind of communication failure with the landlord, he was spraying insecticide for ants. He asked me about the ant problem. I had to inform him about the bedbug infestation. However, he required the landlord's authorization to do anything. Molech, have mercy! Fortunately, I did my own fumigation. Otherwise, I would have to wait for the comedy of errors to be sorted out.
Well, I am still waiting for a serious buyer for the detestable "condotel" unit. The Chinaman is missing in action. Little wonder since his counteroffer was $5,000 ... you read correctly. Why waste everyone's time with his stupidity?
Once the detestable "condotel" unit is sold, I will no longer need to worry about calculating my net worth. My net worth will be my savings. Filing my tax returns will be simpler, too. I will not even require any of my spreadsheets. Heck, I can even do away with "cloud" storage. And, that's just the prelude to true emancipation from slavery.
The pest exterminator was on the premises when I returned to the bug-infested dump this afternoon. Turns out, because of some kind of communication failure with the landlord, he was spraying insecticide for ants. He asked me about the ant problem. I had to inform him about the bedbug infestation. However, he required the landlord's authorization to do anything. Molech, have mercy! Fortunately, I did my own fumigation. Otherwise, I would have to wait for the comedy of errors to be sorted out.
Well, I am still waiting for a serious buyer for the detestable "condotel" unit. The Chinaman is missing in action. Little wonder since his counteroffer was $5,000 ... you read correctly. Why waste everyone's time with his stupidity?
Once the detestable "condotel" unit is sold, I will no longer need to worry about calculating my net worth. My net worth will be my savings. Filing my tax returns will be simpler, too. I will not even require any of my spreadsheets. Heck, I can even do away with "cloud" storage. And, that's just the prelude to true emancipation from slavery.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nada to report. Moms and I followed the usual itinerary. My sister-in-law gave me a spray can of bedbug killer. I also obtained another spray can of bedbug killer, but with different active ingredients. I only performed a 20-minute cardio workout at the gym before returning to the bedbug-infested Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I spent over an hour vacuuming my squalid room and applying both types of insecticides. Yet, no sign of any bedbug carcasses. Nonetheless, I counted eleven bedbug bites in total as of today.
Well, I have been installing various useful free "apps" onto the Nexus 7 tablet computer: office suite, virus scanner, file manager, system cleaner, and media player. Last night, I found a great "app" that can perform Web-based file transfers on a wireless network. I tested it with the older tablet computer, and it worked fine. Very impressive!
I will now be able to transfer the remaining hurdy-gurdy video files from the old tablet computer. The purpose? The old tablet computer will be going through a "security wipe" in order to reinstall the operating system.
The Nexus 7 has proven to be quite good. There are a few quirks, though. One irritating quirk that comes to mind is that some "apps" do not shut down even after supposedly closing them. Yeah, they linger around using RAM and who-knows-what. Oh well.
Finally, the state of the detestable "condotel" unit remains uncertain. The only potential buyer, a Chinaman, is playing games with with Debbie, my realtor. Hopefully a serious buyer will come along soon.
Well, I have been installing various useful free "apps" onto the Nexus 7 tablet computer: office suite, virus scanner, file manager, system cleaner, and media player. Last night, I found a great "app" that can perform Web-based file transfers on a wireless network. I tested it with the older tablet computer, and it worked fine. Very impressive!
I will now be able to transfer the remaining hurdy-gurdy video files from the old tablet computer. The purpose? The old tablet computer will be going through a "security wipe" in order to reinstall the operating system.
The Nexus 7 has proven to be quite good. There are a few quirks, though. One irritating quirk that comes to mind is that some "apps" do not shut down even after supposedly closing them. Yeah, they linger around using RAM and who-knows-what. Oh well.
Finally, the state of the detestable "condotel" unit remains uncertain. The only potential buyer, a Chinaman, is playing games with with Debbie, my realtor. Hopefully a serious buyer will come along soon.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Bedbugs For Bonzo
Last night, I missed the usual bus from the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Apparently, it arrived about five minutes earlier than scheduled. The GPS was not functioning either. The next bus was 35 minutes late. So, I did not return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) until almost 11pm.
A downpour this morning prevented me from patronizing the coffee shop just around the corner from the gym in town. The sitting area was completely filled with people, and it was too wet to sit outside. Instead, I procured a cup of coffee (with senior citizen discount) at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Lots of the homeless loiter in there because there is a small lounge with a widescreen LCD tube. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Because of the rain, I returned to Slob Manor much earlier than usual this afternoon. I piddled around until my evening outing. Heavy rain almost postponed the latter. At the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I sat in a chair in the "New Age" section (my favorite spot). It's a very popular section. Every now and then, I peruse a few of the books that spark my curiosity. Strange stuff.
Well, there appears to be a bedbug infestation at Slob Manor. I have four bites on my left arm that cannot be explained otherwise. My guess is that the bedbugs were imported by Tom. Of course, the culprit could be any of the other mofos. My squalid room is fairly spartan, so a quick inspection was possible. Nada. I will probably perform some kind of fumigation in the next few days. As I mentioned before, the dump is no better than a homeless shelter.
A downpour this morning prevented me from patronizing the coffee shop just around the corner from the gym in town. The sitting area was completely filled with people, and it was too wet to sit outside. Instead, I procured a cup of coffee (with senior citizen discount) at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Lots of the homeless loiter in there because there is a small lounge with a widescreen LCD tube. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
Because of the rain, I returned to Slob Manor much earlier than usual this afternoon. I piddled around until my evening outing. Heavy rain almost postponed the latter. At the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I sat in a chair in the "New Age" section (my favorite spot). It's a very popular section. Every now and then, I peruse a few of the books that spark my curiosity. Strange stuff.
Well, there appears to be a bedbug infestation at Slob Manor. I have four bites on my left arm that cannot be explained otherwise. My guess is that the bedbugs were imported by Tom. Of course, the culprit could be any of the other mofos. My squalid room is fairly spartan, so a quick inspection was possible. Nada. I will probably perform some kind of fumigation in the next few days. As I mentioned before, the dump is no better than a homeless shelter.
Saturday, March 09, 2013
Very little to report. The bus was 20 minutes late this morning. One of the passengers, a guy whom I usually chat with, was pretty upset. He works at three different jobs. His trip home requires two transfers on three different routes. If any one of the buses is significantly late, then he has a long wait. And, less sleep when he finally arrives at home.
I was somewhat perturbed, too. However, I was easily placated when I arrived in town and learned of the senior citizen discount (which I qualify) for coffee at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Then, I ran into my homeless buddy at the public library as usual. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
I ran into Ann on the bus this afternoon. She is employed again, actually since January. She is reciting the same accolades for her new employer, just as she has done for all the others. Let's see what happens in a few months. I just have a feeling that history will repeat itself again.
I am still anxiously awaiting word about the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. In the meantime, I will continue to develop contingency plans and alternatives to the status quo. Well, at least I have the new Nexus 7 tablet computer to keep me distracted. Sheesh!
I was somewhat perturbed, too. However, I was easily placated when I arrived in town and learned of the senior citizen discount (which I qualify) for coffee at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." Then, I ran into my homeless buddy at the public library as usual. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
I ran into Ann on the bus this afternoon. She is employed again, actually since January. She is reciting the same accolades for her new employer, just as she has done for all the others. Let's see what happens in a few months. I just have a feeling that history will repeat itself again.
I am still anxiously awaiting word about the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. In the meantime, I will continue to develop contingency plans and alternatives to the status quo. Well, at least I have the new Nexus 7 tablet computer to keep me distracted. Sheesh!
Friday, March 08, 2013
Distractions, Distractions
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. No progress yet with the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. I did, however, solve the downloading problem with the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I simply installed a different Web browser, the reliable Firefox.
I have been contemplating alternative scenarios for myself once the detestable "condotel" unit is sold. To delineate upon those options now would be somewhat premature. At this point in time, I can only state with certainty that subsequent divestitures of any remaining useless possessions will be quickly implemented.
There's not much else to discuss. Until the aforementioned sale goes through, I will continue to "rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic." Yeah, I know. Time is passing quickly. Yet, I continue to patronize any and all distractions. and, playing around with all of my technology toys is ridiculously futile. Perhaps I should just purchase a "smartphone" already. Sheesh!
Oh, I haven't forgotten that "death is at my doorstep." I am still in the process of "unrepression." That is also why I am attempting to dispense with as many trivial distractions as possible. There is really only one way to experience life to the fullest: complete, undivided attention as is humanly possible. Life is a cognitive experience. Constant distractions and mundane routines only deaden the senses. The mind goes into a hypnotic trance and cognition is minimized. Anyway, I am getting ahead of myself. Let's just hope that the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit happens real soon.
I have been contemplating alternative scenarios for myself once the detestable "condotel" unit is sold. To delineate upon those options now would be somewhat premature. At this point in time, I can only state with certainty that subsequent divestitures of any remaining useless possessions will be quickly implemented.
There's not much else to discuss. Until the aforementioned sale goes through, I will continue to "rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic." Yeah, I know. Time is passing quickly. Yet, I continue to patronize any and all distractions. and, playing around with all of my technology toys is ridiculously futile. Perhaps I should just purchase a "smartphone" already. Sheesh!
Oh, I haven't forgotten that "death is at my doorstep." I am still in the process of "unrepression." That is also why I am attempting to dispense with as many trivial distractions as possible. There is really only one way to experience life to the fullest: complete, undivided attention as is humanly possible. Life is a cognitive experience. Constant distractions and mundane routines only deaden the senses. The mind goes into a hypnotic trance and cognition is minimized. Anyway, I am getting ahead of myself. Let's just hope that the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit happens real soon.
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Concluding my rough analysis of yesterday, I neglected to deduct the lower rent of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) over the miserable five-year period of my tenancy. Thus, the actual loss comes in at $18,000 or so. So, no, I will not break even, not even on paper.
Well, in taking the Nexus 7 tablet computer through the rigors of normal LoserNet operations, I have discovered that it, too, cannot thoroughly fulfill the task. For example, it cannot upload pictures to the "blog." And, it cannot download files (e.g., hurdy-gurdy video clips) from certain storage sites. Unbelievable!
I really don't know what to do with the two older tablet computers. As far as I can ascertain, the device has been mummified by the manufacturer. I cannot even be certain that the promised operating system upgrade will ever arrive. And, by that time, the hardware will be extremely archaic. I thought about putting one or both for sale on the most popular on-line auction site. Why bother? I would have to set up an account, not exactly desirable to me. Heck, I may as well keep them.
Well, in taking the Nexus 7 tablet computer through the rigors of normal LoserNet operations, I have discovered that it, too, cannot thoroughly fulfill the task. For example, it cannot upload pictures to the "blog." And, it cannot download files (e.g., hurdy-gurdy video clips) from certain storage sites. Unbelievable!
I really don't know what to do with the two older tablet computers. As far as I can ascertain, the device has been mummified by the manufacturer. I cannot even be certain that the promised operating system upgrade will ever arrive. And, by that time, the hardware will be extremely archaic. I thought about putting one or both for sale on the most popular on-line auction site. Why bother? I would have to set up an account, not exactly desirable to me. Heck, I may as well keep them.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Paper-Shuffling Euphoria
This morning, over coffee at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack," I performed a few financial calculations. The findings? Over the last 6.5 years (period of ownership of the detestable "condotel" unit), my net worth decreased by $17,523 and some change. Useless figure. My total assets, however, decreased by $55,038 or so. Deducting non-housing expenses ($28,600) and divested assets (around $2,000) over the same period yielded a $24,438 decrease in assets. Had I been renting an equivalent studio apartment (at $1,000 per month) during that time, I would have incurred $78,000 in rental expenses. When I subtract my adjusted asset loss from the theoretical rental expenses, I am left with a $53,572 cushion, so to speak.
So, if I incur a $54,000 loss upon the sale of the property, I will essentially break even. When I say, "break even," I mean that the outcome would have been the same as renting an apartment for the same period of time. Obviously, I ended up at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) instead. I may have saved a little bit of money, but the savings was offset by the rampant stupidity of the other tenants. Well, "paper-shuffling" can really work miracles, eh?
At the public library, my homeless buddy pointed out another recently homeless person. Surely, he was mistaken. The person in question was a twenty-something babes, kind of a hottie actually. The empire's sham "recovery" is taking a toll on everyone (except the affluent class). Heck, I may be homeless very soon. Sheesh!
I am still in negotiations with the prospective buyer of the detestable "condotel" unit. At this point in time, it's not worth haggling over a couple of thousand dollars. The buyer will be getting a big $20,000 surprise in a few months. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
So, if I incur a $54,000 loss upon the sale of the property, I will essentially break even. When I say, "break even," I mean that the outcome would have been the same as renting an apartment for the same period of time. Obviously, I ended up at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) instead. I may have saved a little bit of money, but the savings was offset by the rampant stupidity of the other tenants. Well, "paper-shuffling" can really work miracles, eh?
At the public library, my homeless buddy pointed out another recently homeless person. Surely, he was mistaken. The person in question was a twenty-something babes, kind of a hottie actually. The empire's sham "recovery" is taking a toll on everyone (except the affluent class). Heck, I may be homeless very soon. Sheesh!
I am still in negotiations with the prospective buyer of the detestable "condotel" unit. At this point in time, it's not worth haggling over a couple of thousand dollars. The buyer will be getting a big $20,000 surprise in a few months. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Squashed Like a Bug
A very low offer of $99,000 cash has been forwarded to me through Debbie, my Realtor. My only counteroffer only included all of my selling costs, which may amount to another $6,000 or so. If an agreement is reached, I will realize a $54,000 loss, much more than I anticipated.
I am not acting hastily, by the way. The last newsletter from the "condotel" management confirmed that a large assessment would be incurred upon all owners this Summer. No amount was given, but the management has been actively working with local banks in order to facilitate loans for owners. Yeah, I would guess that the $20,000 rumor is totally accurate.
Although the assessment is being touted as "one time," I am skeptical. I would not be surprised that another "one time" assessment for renovations is already in the works in another ten years. That's why I need to get out now.
To say that I am perturbed would be an understatement. I am on the verge of a homicidal rampage. $54,000 is not chump change. I have lived like a monk forever, and now I am being robbed blind. That's what happens when a small time loser attempts to play in the big league. Squashed like a bug!
I am not acting hastily, by the way. The last newsletter from the "condotel" management confirmed that a large assessment would be incurred upon all owners this Summer. No amount was given, but the management has been actively working with local banks in order to facilitate loans for owners. Yeah, I would guess that the $20,000 rumor is totally accurate.
Although the assessment is being touted as "one time," I am skeptical. I would not be surprised that another "one time" assessment for renovations is already in the works in another ten years. That's why I need to get out now.
To say that I am perturbed would be an understatement. I am on the verge of a homicidal rampage. $54,000 is not chump change. I have lived like a monk forever, and now I am being robbed blind. That's what happens when a small time loser attempts to play in the big league. Squashed like a bug!
Monday, March 04, 2013
Loss Leader
The Nexus 7 tablet computer has kept me distracted for a few days, eh? I finally have the device configured to my liking. No easy task, I might add. However, it really outperforms the old tablet computer. There is almost no comparison. So, I will be spending some time to decommission the older BlackBerry® PlayBook®. Then, sadly, it will be divested.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Upon return to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I packed up the cheap radio (i.e., failed white noise generator) and readied it for immediate divestiture. Actually, I found a white noise (and sound effects) generator "app" for the new tablet computer.
At the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, I found a folding travel case ($25) for the Nexus 7 tablet computer at Game Stop®, of all places. Not exactly what I wanted, but it isn't hideous. And, it fits perfectly (genuine Nexus 7 accessory). More money disappearing.
I did not sleep well again last night. I spent the entire time in a semi-comatose state while ruminating about the potential huge monetary loss from the eventual sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. That's the cost of the exodus, the ultimate price of freedom. I am now ready to make the sacrifice, possibly to Molech.
A casual observer may have noticed that I have been divesting even "big ticket" items without much discretion. In the past few months, I have given away many hundreds of dollars of stuff. Yeah, I keep purchasing even more crap. I am learning about freedom the hard way. And, I am practicing for the biggest loss in my lifetime, the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Upon return to the detestable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I packed up the cheap radio (i.e., failed white noise generator) and readied it for immediate divestiture. Actually, I found a white noise (and sound effects) generator "app" for the new tablet computer.
At the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, I found a folding travel case ($25) for the Nexus 7 tablet computer at Game Stop®, of all places. Not exactly what I wanted, but it isn't hideous. And, it fits perfectly (genuine Nexus 7 accessory). More money disappearing.
I did not sleep well again last night. I spent the entire time in a semi-comatose state while ruminating about the potential huge monetary loss from the eventual sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. That's the cost of the exodus, the ultimate price of freedom. I am now ready to make the sacrifice, possibly to Molech.
A casual observer may have noticed that I have been divesting even "big ticket" items without much discretion. In the past few months, I have given away many hundreds of dollars of stuff. Yeah, I keep purchasing even more crap. I am learning about freedom the hard way. And, I am practicing for the biggest loss in my lifetime, the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit.
Sunday, March 03, 2013
Post No. 2,499
Another day of spending money that I don't have. Coffee time at the coffee shop around the corner from the gym this morning. After my workout, lunch at the fast food joint represented by a clown named "Jack." I was able to use the new tablet computer while dining, thanks to the free wireless network. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit.
Well, I have installed several "apps" onto the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Sad to say, the Nexus 7 can now completely replace the BlackBerry® PlayBook®. I am a reluctant Android® convert. The Android® "apps" are not exactly stylish. Many of them are for "smartphones" and look foolish on a larger screen. Oh well.
So, I can now format the "blog," just like the old days. Heck, I may even be able to insert babe pictures in the posts. Who needs a conventional computer?
Well, I have installed several "apps" onto the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Sad to say, the Nexus 7 can now completely replace the BlackBerry® PlayBook®. I am a reluctant Android® convert. The Android® "apps" are not exactly stylish. Many of them are for "smartphones" and look foolish on a larger screen. Oh well.
So, I can now format the "blog," just like the old days. Heck, I may even be able to insert babe pictures in the posts. Who needs a conventional computer?
Saturday, March 02, 2013
Tablet Computer Proliferation
I met with my homeless buddy at the fast food joint (represented by a clown named "Jack") this morning. After coffee time, we rode the bus to Kalihi and visited several "big box" retailers. Long story short, I ended up purchasing the Google® Nexus 7 tablet computer for $249 and some change from Office Depot®. Yeah, I now own three tablet computers.
So, upon completing my usual itinerary, I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and commenced the setup of the new tablet computer. On first impression, it seems to be quite good. However, as I continued to acquaint myself with the device, I noticed a few quirks. The build quality is also somewhat cheap. The LCD screen is significantly washed out. The browser, however, is much faster than the one on the old tablet computer, but there are no plugins. So, there is a need to install "apps" to make up for the shortcomings of the browser. On the plus side, I am now able to use all of the embedded functions on all Web sites.
Three tablet computers? Well, I plan to decommission the oldest of the bunch soon. It is a potential fire hazard. Yeah, I wasted more money on another useless possession. I don't really care much anymore. I have only a few years left on the planet. I may as well enjoy my remaining time, eh? I have always played around with computers. So, the more the merrier.
Not much to discuss. I am extremely fatigued because of a sleepless night. The idiots at Slob Manor were at it again. At least Tom has now moved to the attached two-bedroom unit at the back of the dump.
So, upon completing my usual itinerary, I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) and commenced the setup of the new tablet computer. On first impression, it seems to be quite good. However, as I continued to acquaint myself with the device, I noticed a few quirks. The build quality is also somewhat cheap. The LCD screen is significantly washed out. The browser, however, is much faster than the one on the old tablet computer, but there are no plugins. So, there is a need to install "apps" to make up for the shortcomings of the browser. On the plus side, I am now able to use all of the embedded functions on all Web sites.
Three tablet computers? Well, I plan to decommission the oldest of the bunch soon. It is a potential fire hazard. Yeah, I wasted more money on another useless possession. I don't really care much anymore. I have only a few years left on the planet. I may as well enjoy my remaining time, eh? I have always played around with computers. So, the more the merrier.
Not much to discuss. I am extremely fatigued because of a sleepless night. The idiots at Slob Manor were at it again. At least Tom has now moved to the attached two-bedroom unit at the back of the dump.
Friday, March 01, 2013
Tablet Computer Fodder (Continued)
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Incidentally, the tablet computer is functioning somewhat normally again. I am a little worried, though. A hot lithium-ion battery could easily ignite. The tablet computer's charging circuit could be malfunctioning. The predictive keyboard only partially works. And, the long swipe to "wake up" the device in standby mode has been superseded by a single tap. Not good. Well, the tablet computer is almost two years old. Is it time for a replacement?
Yes, I know. I still have the second tablet computer (i.e., emergency spare). However, it may be time to get rid of it, too, before the same problems appear. I really don't want to switch to the operating system with the robot-like name. Do I have any other choice?
Once again, another day has elapsed. No progress in any area. No deep thinking. No divestitures. Just "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," as usual.
Yes, I know. I still have the second tablet computer (i.e., emergency spare). However, it may be time to get rid of it, too, before the same problems appear. I really don't want to switch to the operating system with the robot-like name. Do I have any other choice?
Once again, another day has elapsed. No progress in any area. No deep thinking. No divestitures. Just "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," as usual.
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