Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, the marathon dragging around of furniture continued unabated. In discussing Tom, the drunkard, with the "chef," I learned about a couple of incidents that occurred during my absence. Apparently, Tom's alcoholic buddy, Pat, is married to a possessive Asian chick. So far, she has come by Slob Manor to forcibly retrieve her good-for-nothing husband at least twice, both of which resulted in near violent altercations with Tom. She obviously blames Tom for everything. So, Pat is not even allowed to visit, at least according to the landlord. However, I am certain that he was here on Wednesday night. In fact, Alan confirmed it.
And, here's the clincher. According to the "chef," the landlord has allowed Tom, the drunkard, to reside at Slob Manor for a significant discount because she feels sorry for him. Apparently, the landlord's ex-husband was also a good-for-nothing drunkard. Never mind that the landlord is simply functioning as an enabler of Tom's alcoholism at the expense of all of the other tenants. Sick, sick, sick.
More sickness. The visiting 16-year-old hyperactive daughter of Tom, the drunkard, stays upstairs day and night like a caged rat. Her shiftless father is likely passed out in an alcoholic stupor. So, the daughter has nothing else better to do except drag the furniture around. Sometimes, they step out briefly to a fast food joint. More than likely, they simply dine in on cheap, frozen meals that scumbag Tom can probably prepare well enough with a microwave oven while inebriated.
My evening outing was extended to 10pm in order to minimize my exposure to the stupidity at the dump. I am now spending between five and ten dollars per evening on dinner and dessert, just to keep myself from collapsing in sorrow. Society is rapidly breaking down into its raw animal components.
By the way, a certain gay homeless guy is an ex-convict. He apparently served time in the State prison at Halawa for theft after being found guilty in a trial-by-jury. I believe that he has also been in and out of the City jail for minor infractions.

As you may have guessed, I am now seriously entertaining the idea of acquiring a 9mm semi-automatic weapon. For all intents and purposes, I no longer reside in a society. I am in a concrete and asphalt wilderness with rabid humans running amuck. How long before I am confronted with a true life-or-death situation? How long before any and all of the psychopaths whom I just mentioned will beg me to kill them? How long before my patience runs out and I revert to cleansing the earth of such scum?