When I arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I noticed that Alan was still sitting in front of his notebook computer in the dining area. Apparently, he had taken another night off from wage slavery to engage in "pr0n" viewing. At 11pm, I invoked MAC address filtering. Done deal.
Nothing can stop a 60-year-old codger from viewing hurdy-gurdy videos, though. Alan was up at it again at 4:30am. I released his computer from the filtering to allow him to indulge in his uncontrollable desires. Oddly, the
"chef" has said nothing to Alan, even though Alan has been camped out in the first floor common area for over a month. I would have thought that the stench of Alan's sweaty Polyester® clothes would have triggered some kind of reaction, as well as the random old man noises generated by the geriatric fool.
Alan was still glued to the screen of his computer when I departed at 8am. Moments earlier, while I was taking a piece of fruit out of the fridge, I looked over and noticed that Alan had a file explorer window open over another larger obscured window. He was scribbling notes on a notepad, or should I say, he was feigning the latter. Clearly, he was in the middle of another "pr0n" session.
Typical Young Hottie
After another unexciting day, I returned to the dump to find Alan napping on the couch, sweaty Polyester® outfit and all. A few minutes later, he was back on the computer. The "pr0n" gauntlet has him completely ensnared. Here's a 60-year-old codger, now able to watch gorgeous young hotties doing the unthinkable in every way possible. There's even a
genre that caters to "old farts" and features hideous, fossilized guys copulating with gorgeous babes. What does Alan think about when he sees the action? I am almost certain the he has very limited experience with babes, which further exacerbates the situation.
I really have to wonder if Alan is taking testosterone replacement or erectile dysfunction drugs. Molech help us if he ventures into gay "pr0n." His unchecked
libido will experience a transfer of gender attraction. As I stated previously, many of the old fudgepackers are not really gay. They just need a warm body, any warm body, with one or two available a orifices to jam the Vienna Sausage into. That's it.
Let this serve as a warning sign to any old codgers who wish to "play with fire." Alan gave up his social life (i.e., occasional "New Age"
seances and Tarot card readings). He no longer walks to the Aina Haina Shopping Center (in his Polyester® outfit, of course) for exercise. He does his wage slave time and returns to Slob Manor where he camps out in the first floor common area. On his days off, he goes nowhere. Nap on the couch, view "pr0n" on the computer, snack in the kitchen, repeat
ad infinitum.
When I departed on my evening outing, Alan was still sitting at the computer in the dining area. I boarded a Route 23 bus because I thought I would arrive in Kahala earlier than usual. Was I ever wrong! Once I seated myself at the back of the bus, a psychotic local guy sitting a couple seats away began hassling me. He claimed that I was "making faces" at him and bothering him. "What the hell are you talking about, man? I wasn't even looking at you," I told the fool. He began babbling to himself and looking even more psychotic. I was concerned that the would "lose it," so I walked up the front of the bus to notify the driver. The psychotic fool joined us and became confrontational. I asked the driver to call the police.
So, we had to wait for about 15 minutes. The other passengers were obviously getting restless. I chatted with the bus driver, who is also a buddy since I used to ride on his bus daily. When the police arrived, they talked with both of us separately. They were actually beginning to side with the psychopath until the bus driver clarified who was actually insane. Sheesh!
The evening outing was essentially ruined. I ate a delicious sandwich, but I was really too perturbed to enjoy it. The whole world is going "nuts." Anyone who can't see that is most likely clinically insane as well. I also realized that Alan would be up all night viewing "pr0n" again. Can you say, "MAC address filtering"?