My homeless buddy and I went on a brief shopping excursion to Kaka'ako this morning. A little more exciting than lapsing in and out of a coma in the inner courtyard of the public library, eh? We perused a lot of technology toys, which is very detrimental to the ascetic monk life-style. Fortunately, I did not give in to the urge to purchase anything. What exactly do I need anyway?
So far, the latest operating system upgrade for the Nexus 7 tablet computer has been functioning fine. No installation problems. No improvements in speed or smoothness. Most of the new features are simply "under the hood." The only annoying regression is the inadvertent disabling of all third-party video player "apps." I have only found one developer who has provided a fix, although software decoding is very slow. So, I am now using the Dice Player "app" in the interim.
Good news! Ever since MAC address filtering had to forcibly invoked last week, Alan has not been using the dining area of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) as his satellite office. Neither had he been perpetually camping out. So, why the abrupt end to his "pr0n" viewing? I don't know. Perhaps the ongoing revelations about the empire's intense domestic spying has put legitimate fear in his heart.
Yes, we are all waiting for the end of the "blog" (or the daily updates) with "bated breath." When will it happen? When will the "blog" be put out of its misery once and for all? I don't know. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Storm No Show
Last night, I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 8:30pm in trepidation of the impending storm. The light precipitation had stopped, the ambient temperature was very warm along with high humidity, and there were brief bursts of lightening visible through the clouds. The den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was not busy. The bus was nearly empty. Traffic was light. Most people were already safely tucked away in their mausoleums.
Light rain commenced at 11pm and continued until early morning. No more lightening. No thunder. No gale force winds. No flooding. The tropical depression apparently dissipated or veered off in another direction after drenching the Big Island and Mau'i. The storm that didn't show up.
This morning in town, I observed that there had been numerous preparations for the non-existent storm. Many wage slaves had the day off, too. Stores had caution signs posted by the entrances in anticipation of wet, slippery floors. Racks of plastic bags were available to stow umbrellas away. I was amazed. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
The operating system upgrade for the Nexus 7 tablet computer was made available to me this afternoon, but I decided to hold off on it. There are still a few "app" that do not work with the upgrade (including some of the video players). Oops! Well, the upgrade apparently had downloaded itself in the background. So, I ended up installing it. And, I found a video player to use in the interim that has been updated already, thank Molech. I'll play with the upgraded operating system and report any findings later.
Light rain commenced at 11pm and continued until early morning. No more lightening. No thunder. No gale force winds. No flooding. The tropical depression apparently dissipated or veered off in another direction after drenching the Big Island and Mau'i. The storm that didn't show up.
This morning in town, I observed that there had been numerous preparations for the non-existent storm. Many wage slaves had the day off, too. Stores had caution signs posted by the entrances in anticipation of wet, slippery floors. Racks of plastic bags were available to stow umbrellas away. I was amazed. Otherwise, same ol' shit.
The operating system upgrade for the Nexus 7 tablet computer was made available to me this afternoon, but I decided to hold off on it. There are still a few "app" that do not work with the upgrade (including some of the video players). Oops! Well, the upgrade apparently had downloaded itself in the background. So, I ended up installing it. And, I found a video player to use in the interim that has been updated already, thank Molech. I'll play with the upgraded operating system and report any findings later.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Storm Front
Good news! My purge of useless possessions has been completed. I am down to a few consumables, a few tattered clothes that are close to being discarded, and the bare necessities. I am ready to go, but to where?
So, the extremely slow rollout of the operating system upgrade for the Nexus 7 tablet computer has been a blessing in disguise. There has apparently been a lot of problems. Of course, very little information has been disseminated except on the user forums. I am tempted to put off the upgrade indefinitely because everything is working just fine as it is. And, I am not in the mood to troubleshoot faulty software.
Incidentally, I have learned why I had so many problems with the Crackle® site. The real problem seems to involve mostly all streaming video sites. I suggest reading the article titled, "Why YouTube buffers: The secret deals that make - and break - online video," available on the ARS Technica site. Not to worry, I won't be bothering with streaming video ever again. An occasional hurdy-gurdy video download will suffice instead. Otherwise usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Typical Stormy Hottie
Tropical Depression Flossie (downgraded from a tropical storm at 5pm HST) has not arrived on the island of O'ahu yet, although there have been light precipitation all day. Of course, not much can stand in the way of my evening outing. I carried my new hooded windbreaker with me, but I vowed not to deploy it unless truly necessary. Anyone in his right mind would have entombed himself in his mausoleum for the night. Alas, I am not just anyone. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
So, the extremely slow rollout of the operating system upgrade for the Nexus 7 tablet computer has been a blessing in disguise. There has apparently been a lot of problems. Of course, very little information has been disseminated except on the user forums. I am tempted to put off the upgrade indefinitely because everything is working just fine as it is. And, I am not in the mood to troubleshoot faulty software.
Incidentally, I have learned why I had so many problems with the Crackle® site. The real problem seems to involve mostly all streaming video sites. I suggest reading the article titled, "Why YouTube buffers: The secret deals that make - and break - online video," available on the ARS Technica site. Not to worry, I won't be bothering with streaming video ever again. An occasional hurdy-gurdy video download will suffice instead. Otherwise usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Tropical Depression Flossie (downgraded from a tropical storm at 5pm HST) has not arrived on the island of O'ahu yet, although there have been light precipitation all day. Of course, not much can stand in the way of my evening outing. I carried my new hooded windbreaker with me, but I vowed not to deploy it unless truly necessary. Anyone in his right mind would have entombed himself in his mausoleum for the night. Alas, I am not just anyone. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Paleolithic Threats, Troglodyte Response
Yesterday, I neglected to mention that I perused the book, "Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You: Retrain Your Brain to Conquer Fear, Make Better Decisions, and Thrive in the 21st Century," by Marc Schoen. Somewhat interesting tome, although the underlying thesis appears to be an implicit indictment of society as a failed instrument of "civilization." The complex infrastructure of modern society is well beyond the comprehension of the average rank-and-file peon. Thus, the latter is unable to identify any of the offending structural defects and can only respond to Paleolithic threats, imagined or not, in troglodyte fashion.
Humanity has already approached the point of absurdity. Case in point. Pornography (read: "pr0n") is addictive, but morally repugnant. Violence is addictive, but totally accepted and embraced as approved entertainment. Little wonder why violence and aggression has become ubiquitous. Even more absurd is war. There are actual rules for war. It is illegal to conduct chemical warfare, but the use of nuclear weapons is fine. Give me a break! Why not make all warfare illegal?
Whereas sex, the means of procreation, is how the human species perpetuates itself, death is a fearsome mystery that plagues the human psyche. Our inability to understand and face death causes us to seek out violence and aggression instead. We create scenarios of carnage in order to "beat [death] to the punch," as it were. Paleolithic threats, troglodyte response.
Well, I was able to procure a tank top made of synthetic fabric for $15 at Ross® this afternoon after my workout at the gym. I am now ready to make the transition to hand-washing of most of my clothing. Unfortunately, I am still in the process of treating and exfoliating the scab-like growths on my deltoids and upper back. Just a few more weeks, and I will be partially liberated from the dreaded Paleolithic laundry chores. Sheesh!
Humanity has already approached the point of absurdity. Case in point. Pornography (read: "pr0n") is addictive, but morally repugnant. Violence is addictive, but totally accepted and embraced as approved entertainment. Little wonder why violence and aggression has become ubiquitous. Even more absurd is war. There are actual rules for war. It is illegal to conduct chemical warfare, but the use of nuclear weapons is fine. Give me a break! Why not make all warfare illegal?
Whereas sex, the means of procreation, is how the human species perpetuates itself, death is a fearsome mystery that plagues the human psyche. Our inability to understand and face death causes us to seek out violence and aggression instead. We create scenarios of carnage in order to "beat [death] to the punch," as it were. Paleolithic threats, troglodyte response.
Well, I was able to procure a tank top made of synthetic fabric for $15 at Ross® this afternoon after my workout at the gym. I am now ready to make the transition to hand-washing of most of my clothing. Unfortunately, I am still in the process of treating and exfoliating the scab-like growths on my deltoids and upper back. Just a few more weeks, and I will be partially liberated from the dreaded Paleolithic laundry chores. Sheesh!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
End of Time
Last night, I was finally able to successfully convert the one-and-only important spreadsheet to Google® Docs format using the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Obviously, it performed much better than the expensive notebook computer at the Apple® Store in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. So, I uninstalled Kingsoft Office again. Same ol' shit.
That's really the point. Same ol' shit. Humanity has basically been following the same formulaic routine for millennia, whether collectively or individually. Frankly, as I approach the end of my own tenure, I find myself to be quite disappointed. The knowledge, the absolute truths, the wisdom of the ages, all have been floating around for a long time. Yet, most of humanity is content to place faith in false beliefs, legends, and mythology. That's why nothing ever changes for the better.
I am compelled to believe that humanity is nothing special. Human "exceptionalism" is a farce. Consciousness and conscience are meaningless in the grand scheme. Our own pathetic little lives are only important to ourselves as individuals. We worry about our own deaths, our return to nothingness. Nobody else cares. They are too worried about their own pathetic little lives. And, so it goes.
With that said, I have said it all. There is nothing more. The rest is simply "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" or reciting component parts of the "vital lie." Although, the nonsense will continue ad nauseam until the end of time.
That's really the point. Same ol' shit. Humanity has basically been following the same formulaic routine for millennia, whether collectively or individually. Frankly, as I approach the end of my own tenure, I find myself to be quite disappointed. The knowledge, the absolute truths, the wisdom of the ages, all have been floating around for a long time. Yet, most of humanity is content to place faith in false beliefs, legends, and mythology. That's why nothing ever changes for the better.
I am compelled to believe that humanity is nothing special. Human "exceptionalism" is a farce. Consciousness and conscience are meaningless in the grand scheme. Our own pathetic little lives are only important to ourselves as individuals. We worry about our own deaths, our return to nothingness. Nobody else cares. They are too worried about their own pathetic little lives. And, so it goes.
With that said, I have said it all. There is nothing more. The rest is simply "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" or reciting component parts of the "vital lie." Although, the nonsense will continue ad nauseam until the end of time.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Love It, Or Lose It (Revisited)
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My nephew is now allegedly suffering from hyperthyroidism. There is also some kind of foolishness going on with my bro's neighbors. Otherwise, nothing to report.
I should mention that, while I was doing the cardio portion of my workout at the gym, I could see the marina through the huge plate glass windows. I instantly recollected the idea of purchasing a boat to use as as a homeless shelter. The idea needs to be investigated more vigorously. Oh, what to do ... what to do ...
Well, after discovering that my Nexus 7 tablet computer is now out of date and antiquated, I was flabbergasted. I paid full price for the device only a few months ago. Now, it's worth less than a doorstop. The operating system upgrade has yet to roll out to my device, but it apparently renders many current "apps" useless as well. The debacle is pretty much reminiscent of modern society. We either love it, or we don't. Unfortunately, there's no escape for dissenters. There's nowhere to go. In primitive times, a dissenter could splinter from the established group and move on to literally better pastures. Not so today.
The emptiness of modern life. What a crock of shit! There's absolutely nothing that I desire except a freedom that has gone into extinction with the Neanderthals for all I know. Can I accept a compromise? Wage slavery? The "ownership society"? Babes, marriage, offspring? A really good "smartphone"? Social networking? No! No! No! None of it is for me. Yeah, we either love this "bullshit," or we don't.
I should mention that, while I was doing the cardio portion of my workout at the gym, I could see the marina through the huge plate glass windows. I instantly recollected the idea of purchasing a boat to use as as a homeless shelter. The idea needs to be investigated more vigorously. Oh, what to do ... what to do ...
Well, after discovering that my Nexus 7 tablet computer is now out of date and antiquated, I was flabbergasted. I paid full price for the device only a few months ago. Now, it's worth less than a doorstop. The operating system upgrade has yet to roll out to my device, but it apparently renders many current "apps" useless as well. The debacle is pretty much reminiscent of modern society. We either love it, or we don't. Unfortunately, there's no escape for dissenters. There's nowhere to go. In primitive times, a dissenter could splinter from the established group and move on to literally better pastures. Not so today.
The emptiness of modern life. What a crock of shit! There's absolutely nothing that I desire except a freedom that has gone into extinction with the Neanderthals for all I know. Can I accept a compromise? Wage slavery? The "ownership society"? Babes, marriage, offspring? A really good "smartphone"? Social networking? No! No! No! None of it is for me. Yeah, we either love this "bullshit," or we don't.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Heat & Hype
With my extreme monk haircut restored yesterday, I was feeling somewhat elated. Unfortunately, recurring thoughts about my mortality negated the elation. Incidentally, the last two chapters (excluding epilogue) of the book, "Why Does the World Exist?: An Existential Detective Story," by Jim Holt, provokes a lot of thought on the subject. The entire book is excellent, but I have not been able to find a copy to read at the public library. In any case, Ernest Becker would have been proud.

Typical Android® Hottie
Well, I have been waiting for the operating system upgrade for the old Nexus 7 tablet computer. So far, nada. What's taking so long? I've only got 20 years left, for Molech's sake! In the meantime, there sure is a lot of hype about the new model. Benchmark comparisons are showing up everywhere. Just by reading the propaganda, I was nearly persuaded that my Nexus 7 is a fossil, very slow and totally outdated. In reality, it is still a lot faster than any other device that I have ever possessed.
My guess is that the new performance features and increased screen resolution is aimed primarily at "gamers." I have noticed no problems when playing HD videos, albeit hurdy-gurdy ones, on the old Nexus 7 tablet computer. No stuttering, no lag. Of course, I have not tested out its performance with any video games. I don't play video games. I already have to play games with myriad idiots as it is already.
On a side note, in chatting with Alan at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, I figured out the cause of the nearly 30 percent spike in electricity consumption at the dump. A significant increase like that has to be attributed to a power hungry appliance. I suspect that Tom, the drunkard, has been running the three air conditioning units on the second floor contrary to the rental rules. During the Summer months, the temperature on the upstairs is intolerable. Well, now we know that gallons of cheap booze is not the only thing keeping Tom cool.

Well, I have been waiting for the operating system upgrade for the old Nexus 7 tablet computer. So far, nada. What's taking so long? I've only got 20 years left, for Molech's sake! In the meantime, there sure is a lot of hype about the new model. Benchmark comparisons are showing up everywhere. Just by reading the propaganda, I was nearly persuaded that my Nexus 7 is a fossil, very slow and totally outdated. In reality, it is still a lot faster than any other device that I have ever possessed.
My guess is that the new performance features and increased screen resolution is aimed primarily at "gamers." I have noticed no problems when playing HD videos, albeit hurdy-gurdy ones, on the old Nexus 7 tablet computer. No stuttering, no lag. Of course, I have not tested out its performance with any video games. I don't play video games. I already have to play games with myriad idiots as it is already.
On a side note, in chatting with Alan at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, I figured out the cause of the nearly 30 percent spike in electricity consumption at the dump. A significant increase like that has to be attributed to a power hungry appliance. I suspect that Tom, the drunkard, has been running the three air conditioning units on the second floor contrary to the rental rules. During the Summer months, the temperature on the upstairs is intolerable. Well, now we know that gallons of cheap booze is not the only thing keeping Tom cool.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Post No. 2,642
Mostly tidbits of mundane nonsense. At Slob Manor (read: rental housing) last night, MAC address filtering was invoked to prevent an all-night marathon "pr0n" viewing session by Alan. And, the landlord had left a note about an unbelievable $100 spike in electricity usage last month, hinting at a rent increase. Hey, I am not the one constantly heating two frozen burrito in the large oven. Nor, do I constantly have house guests staying for days on end, contrary to the stated tenant rules.
The Next Step homeless shelter, as an option, is rapidly being ruled out. My homeless buddy has been providing me with more anecdotal tales of crime, inebriation, and general dereliction. The problems appear to be increasing by the day. Lots of new homeless from the Malamud and Micronesia.
I have had to reformulate my opinion of my homeless buddy. I now believe that he is doing what must be done to survive, given his situation. If he chose another route, he could have ended up just like the various homeless derelicts that we are both privy to observe daily. If he is gaming the "system," then the "system" is at fault. I would probably be doing the same thing if I was in his shoes.
Well, the new Nexus 7 tablet computer was introduced this morning. Looks pretty nice. More RAM, 1080p HD display, and so on. Yeah, I am tempted to replace the old Nexus 7 soon. However, I can wait until the end of the year. In the meantime, I am waiting for the rollout of the Android® 4.3 update.
The Next Step homeless shelter, as an option, is rapidly being ruled out. My homeless buddy has been providing me with more anecdotal tales of crime, inebriation, and general dereliction. The problems appear to be increasing by the day. Lots of new homeless from the Malamud and Micronesia.
I have had to reformulate my opinion of my homeless buddy. I now believe that he is doing what must be done to survive, given his situation. If he chose another route, he could have ended up just like the various homeless derelicts that we are both privy to observe daily. If he is gaming the "system," then the "system" is at fault. I would probably be doing the same thing if I was in his shoes.
Well, the new Nexus 7 tablet computer was introduced this morning. Looks pretty nice. More RAM, 1080p HD display, and so on. Yeah, I am tempted to replace the old Nexus 7 soon. However, I can wait until the end of the year. In the meantime, I am waiting for the rollout of the Android® 4.3 update.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Twenty Years?
I am an old codger, an "old fart," whether I like it or not. Nothing will change that fact. I'll only grow older, more decrepit, and more senile. However, I'll still be an old codger and an "old fart."
How much time do I have left? By my estimate, about 20 years. Out of seven blood uncles and pops from both sides of the family, only two uncles are still alive. None of the deceased made 85 years of age, all succumbing to some form of cancer or terminal illness. Most of my aunts are still alive, though, but that's not much of a consolation.
Twenty years is not a very long time, especially when spending most of that time "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic." The ship is going down, to hell with the deck chairs! Easier said than done, eh? The moneychangers and powers-that-be have all of the rank-and-file peons locked in many forms of enslavement. Why must it be this way? Power, greed, corruption, and failed "immortality narratives," that's why.
Well, with so little time left, I have decided to gradually purge the puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). It's down to only seven HD video clips. And, when I have access to a regular computer, I will be clearing out the small HGVL archive on my flash drive. I'm an "old fart" now. Young hotties are way out of my reach. Heck, all babes are out of my reach. Sheesh!
Speaking of "pr0n," I am still baffled by Alan's need to view "pr0n" on the sly in the dining area of Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The rest of us know what he's up to. Why else would he glued to his notebook computer between eight and fifteen hours per day?
Alan has to go through the hassle of hiding what he's looking at every time someone enters the common area. I suspect that his conscience is bothered by some kind of Victorian guilt. If he viewed "pr0n" in his squalid room, Alan would be more tempted to incessantly "choke da chicken" (i.e., "pull da pud," "slap da salami"). He must be tormented by extreme guilt and shame. Fortunately, he is unlikely to "choke da chicken" in the dining area, even though he may experience tension in his groin.
Well, with the "chef" gone, Alan may be compelled to stay up through the wee hours of morning and view "pr0n," all the while making assorted old man noises. Heck, he might even be "pullin' da pud." Not to worry. I'll "pull the plug" on him via MAC address filtering. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
How much time do I have left? By my estimate, about 20 years. Out of seven blood uncles and pops from both sides of the family, only two uncles are still alive. None of the deceased made 85 years of age, all succumbing to some form of cancer or terminal illness. Most of my aunts are still alive, though, but that's not much of a consolation.
Twenty years is not a very long time, especially when spending most of that time "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic." The ship is going down, to hell with the deck chairs! Easier said than done, eh? The moneychangers and powers-that-be have all of the rank-and-file peons locked in many forms of enslavement. Why must it be this way? Power, greed, corruption, and failed "immortality narratives," that's why.
Well, with so little time left, I have decided to gradually purge the puny hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). It's down to only seven HD video clips. And, when I have access to a regular computer, I will be clearing out the small HGVL archive on my flash drive. I'm an "old fart" now. Young hotties are way out of my reach. Heck, all babes are out of my reach. Sheesh!
Speaking of "pr0n," I am still baffled by Alan's need to view "pr0n" on the sly in the dining area of Slob Manor (read: rental housing). The rest of us know what he's up to. Why else would he glued to his notebook computer between eight and fifteen hours per day?
Alan has to go through the hassle of hiding what he's looking at every time someone enters the common area. I suspect that his conscience is bothered by some kind of Victorian guilt. If he viewed "pr0n" in his squalid room, Alan would be more tempted to incessantly "choke da chicken" (i.e., "pull da pud," "slap da salami"). He must be tormented by extreme guilt and shame. Fortunately, he is unlikely to "choke da chicken" in the dining area, even though he may experience tension in his groin.
Well, with the "chef" gone, Alan may be compelled to stay up through the wee hours of morning and view "pr0n," all the while making assorted old man noises. Heck, he might even be "pullin' da pud." Not to worry. I'll "pull the plug" on him via MAC address filtering. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Choke da Chicken!
Am I simply another sheep looking for the shepherd? Rather than take the more adventurous route, I decided to opt for Skype®, the safe bet insofar as video communication "apps" go. So, I now have a free account under my legacy pseudonym. Give me a call sometime, eh? Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit. My nephew is now in possession of the wireless speaker. Nothing else to report.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" has gone on vacation to the mainland. Alan, still wearing his Polyester outfit, is continuing his marathon "pr0n" viewing in the dining area. I observed him immediately fiddling around with his wireless mouse at the exact moment that I entered the common area. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a boring Web page with pictures of sickly plants. Alan has gotten more proficient at hiding his "pr0n" activity, but he's still not fast enough. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! As for the ol' lavahead, same ol' shit. The divestiture staging area (i.e., the squalid desk in my squalid room), though, is beginning to look quite spartan. Progress!

Typical Young Hottie
Young hotties everywhere. What's an old codger to do? Nothing, actually. As Alan has discovered, there are only myriad hurdy-gurdy videos to placate the geriatric libido. Until the Vienna Sausage finally fossilizes, the only option is to "choke da chicken." It's a sad state of affairs, but all guys eventually become hideous old codgers. I am living testimony of that sad fact. Choke da chicken!
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" has gone on vacation to the mainland. Alan, still wearing his Polyester outfit, is continuing his marathon "pr0n" viewing in the dining area. I observed him immediately fiddling around with his wireless mouse at the exact moment that I entered the common area. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a boring Web page with pictures of sickly plants. Alan has gotten more proficient at hiding his "pr0n" activity, but he's still not fast enough. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! As for the ol' lavahead, same ol' shit. The divestiture staging area (i.e., the squalid desk in my squalid room), though, is beginning to look quite spartan. Progress!

Young hotties everywhere. What's an old codger to do? Nothing, actually. As Alan has discovered, there are only myriad hurdy-gurdy videos to placate the geriatric libido. Until the Vienna Sausage finally fossilizes, the only option is to "choke da chicken." It's a sad state of affairs, but all guys eventually become hideous old codgers. I am living testimony of that sad fact. Choke da chicken!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Rearranging What?
Now that I am down to nothing insofar as material possessions are concerned, I am left with the Nexus 7 tablet computer as my only source of entertainment and utility. Yet, what can I do with it aside from serially installing and uninstalling crummy "apps"?
With that said, I am currently considering the Tango video chat "app" for no apparent reason other than I need to investigate an alternative to a nauseating cell phone account. Obviously there's Skype® but I am wary after its recent acquisition by nobody's favorite software corporation.
Oddly enough, I am relying upon the tablet computers at the computer store and bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala during my evening outings. Yeah, I can even compose the "blog" without deploying my own tablet computer. Good practice for when I become completely destitute.
Speaking of destitute, I chatted with my homeless buddy this morning. He's not happy with his extremely expensive tablet computer. So, he's selling it and purchasing a different one next week. He also filled me in about the latest homeless news. Nice chat, actually. My homeless buddy and I are wasting time rearranging tablet computers on the Titanic. Sheesh!
With that said, I am currently considering the Tango video chat "app" for no apparent reason other than I need to investigate an alternative to a nauseating cell phone account. Obviously there's Skype® but I am wary after its recent acquisition by nobody's favorite software corporation.
Oddly enough, I am relying upon the tablet computers at the computer store and bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala during my evening outings. Yeah, I can even compose the "blog" without deploying my own tablet computer. Good practice for when I become completely destitute.
Speaking of destitute, I chatted with my homeless buddy this morning. He's not happy with his extremely expensive tablet computer. So, he's selling it and purchasing a different one next week. He also filled me in about the latest homeless news. Nice chat, actually. My homeless buddy and I are wasting time rearranging tablet computers on the Titanic. Sheesh!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Milestone After Milestone
I returned the heavy-duty, hooded windbreaker jacket for a full refund this morning. I prefer the other windbreaker because it's lighter and should still be able to provide adequate protection from rain. Incidentally, have you noticed that only old codgers wear windbreaker jackets? Yeah, my tastes have aligned all too well with my fellow senior citizens. Sheesh!
So, divestiture of my useless possessions is right on schedule. Once the wireless speaker is transferred to my nephew, I will have nothing left except a minimal amount of clothing, bare necessities, consumables, and the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I need nothing more. Even less would be better. Thus, another milestone along the exodus roadmap has been met.
Well, I am rapidly depleting the remaining topics scheduled for the "blog." Actually, I am already "winging it." I have also accomplished what I set out to do, namely the exodus. There are only a handful of noteworthy events remaining in my life, since I am obviously not returning to the "mainstream" anytime soon. Are the latter events even worth any coverage? I don't know.
So, divestiture of my useless possessions is right on schedule. Once the wireless speaker is transferred to my nephew, I will have nothing left except a minimal amount of clothing, bare necessities, consumables, and the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I need nothing more. Even less would be better. Thus, another milestone along the exodus roadmap has been met.
Well, I am rapidly depleting the remaining topics scheduled for the "blog." Actually, I am already "winging it." I have also accomplished what I set out to do, namely the exodus. There are only a handful of noteworthy events remaining in my life, since I am obviously not returning to the "mainstream" anytime soon. Are the latter events even worth any coverage? I don't know.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Fast Food ... Fail!
During my tenure at various fast food joints, I have observed that quite a few people are ordering greasy "value menu" items, usually very baseline hamburgers and chicken sandwiches. Do they really enjoy eating those questionable food selections? I seriously doubt it.
I have to admit that I am limited to the greasy "value menu" items myself. The food is extremely bland with a consistency of cardboard. Condiments are very basic. The entire sandwich is always compressed to a height of less than one inch. In other words, squished. Why? I have never received a "value" menu sandwich that wasn't squished. No one complains, though. Everyone simply consumes the sandwich in a comatose fashion.
I certainly don't complain. I know what I am getting, which is basically substandard food for the economically disenfranchised. I am consuming it just to keep from experiencing hunger pains. Oh, there is some nutrition, but the other toxic ingredients outweigh the advantages. The Subway® sandwich shop in Kahala (not in the mall), on the other hand, makes a great sandwich. It even looks better than the advertisements.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Change of divestiture plans. I will be giving the HMDX® Jam® wireless speaker to my nephew next week. Nothing else to report.
When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4pm, I espied Alan sitting at the dining room table. The entire table was taken up by his notebook computer and the new printer that he had acquired just days earlier. The "chef" was in the process of "reading the riot act" to him. I said nothing and stowed my bag of fruits in the fridge.
As I was departing for my evening outing at 6pm, I noticed that Alan was sitting on the floor next to the couch. His notebook computer was in his lap. The new printer was lying on the floor next to him. Very surreal. Totally absurd.
I have to admit that I am limited to the greasy "value menu" items myself. The food is extremely bland with a consistency of cardboard. Condiments are very basic. The entire sandwich is always compressed to a height of less than one inch. In other words, squished. Why? I have never received a "value" menu sandwich that wasn't squished. No one complains, though. Everyone simply consumes the sandwich in a comatose fashion.
I certainly don't complain. I know what I am getting, which is basically substandard food for the economically disenfranchised. I am consuming it just to keep from experiencing hunger pains. Oh, there is some nutrition, but the other toxic ingredients outweigh the advantages. The Subway® sandwich shop in Kahala (not in the mall), on the other hand, makes a great sandwich. It even looks better than the advertisements.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Change of divestiture plans. I will be giving the HMDX® Jam® wireless speaker to my nephew next week. Nothing else to report.
When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 4pm, I espied Alan sitting at the dining room table. The entire table was taken up by his notebook computer and the new printer that he had acquired just days earlier. The "chef" was in the process of "reading the riot act" to him. I said nothing and stowed my bag of fruits in the fridge.
As I was departing for my evening outing at 6pm, I noticed that Alan was sitting on the floor next to the couch. His notebook computer was in his lap. The new printer was lying on the floor next to him. Very surreal. Totally absurd.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Keep Calm & Mummify!
At the public library, I perused the book, "Cypherpunks: Freedom and Future of the Internet," by Julian Assange, Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Müller-Maguhn and Jérémie Zimmermann. The text is in dialogue form. What's interesting, though, is that the activities of the surveillance state of empire was known long before Edward Snowden came forth. The all-pervasiveness of the spying just boggles the mind. And, to what end? Your end!
From my own analysis, the goal of the surveillance state is to "manage" the rank-and-file peons. In other words, the failed "civilization" paradigm is going to be forced upon the unwitting masses of the world. You've had your chance to conform voluntarily. Now, there won't be any choice.
Speaking of surveillance, we all remember when the threat of embedded RFID devices was looming. Not to worry, there is something a thousand times better and non-invasive, too. The beloved "smartphone"! The way people clutch the damned thing with a death grip, it may as well be embedded. And, what a perfect device to track and monitor everything about is unwitting owner. Phone calls, e-mail, text messages, Web browsing habits, location ... all in one package. And, if a "back door" program was nefariously installed, the camera and microphone could be activated. Imagine if you we're deemed an "enemy combatant," then the emperor could locate you (and your "smartphone") and drop a bomb on your ass with an unmanned drone. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I have also discovered that social and "entitlement" programs do not exist for the sake of pure charity for the needy. For example, the homeless are only given enough money or food subsidies to barely survive. The actual goal is to create and justify new jobs and increase related services as part of the bogus "multiplier effect." All social programs are simply economic stimulus using the economically disenfranchised as a means to an end. They really should be called "pogroms."
Well, I have decided to divest the wireless speaker. The reason? I don't want to deal with charging the device's battery. Yeah, that and the matter of a little experiment which I was performing on myself to discover how quickly the novelty would wear off and my inability to treat even a cheap device as disposable. Fortunately, I will only be out $30 or so. Rather than give the device to anyone whom I know, I will donate it to charity this coming weekend.
On a side note, in the locker room at the gym this afternoon, one of the guys pointed to $10 bill on the floor and asked if it was mine. No, I replied. He didn't want it, so I will have a free haircut next week. Then, during my greasy "value menu" dinner at the fast food joint in Kahala, I noticed that someone had left a whole bunch of my favorite chocolate candy on the window sill. So, I indulged. I felt much better, thank you.
From my own analysis, the goal of the surveillance state is to "manage" the rank-and-file peons. In other words, the failed "civilization" paradigm is going to be forced upon the unwitting masses of the world. You've had your chance to conform voluntarily. Now, there won't be any choice.
Speaking of surveillance, we all remember when the threat of embedded RFID devices was looming. Not to worry, there is something a thousand times better and non-invasive, too. The beloved "smartphone"! The way people clutch the damned thing with a death grip, it may as well be embedded. And, what a perfect device to track and monitor everything about is unwitting owner. Phone calls, e-mail, text messages, Web browsing habits, location ... all in one package. And, if a "back door" program was nefariously installed, the camera and microphone could be activated. Imagine if you we're deemed an "enemy combatant," then the emperor could locate you (and your "smartphone") and drop a bomb on your ass with an unmanned drone. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I have also discovered that social and "entitlement" programs do not exist for the sake of pure charity for the needy. For example, the homeless are only given enough money or food subsidies to barely survive. The actual goal is to create and justify new jobs and increase related services as part of the bogus "multiplier effect." All social programs are simply economic stimulus using the economically disenfranchised as a means to an end. They really should be called "pogroms."
Well, I have decided to divest the wireless speaker. The reason? I don't want to deal with charging the device's battery. Yeah, that and the matter of a little experiment which I was performing on myself to discover how quickly the novelty would wear off and my inability to treat even a cheap device as disposable. Fortunately, I will only be out $30 or so. Rather than give the device to anyone whom I know, I will donate it to charity this coming weekend.
On a side note, in the locker room at the gym this afternoon, one of the guys pointed to $10 bill on the floor and asked if it was mine. No, I replied. He didn't want it, so I will have a free haircut next week. Then, during my greasy "value menu" dinner at the fast food joint in Kahala, I noticed that someone had left a whole bunch of my favorite chocolate candy on the window sill. So, I indulged. I felt much better, thank you.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Simple Mummification
Oversimplification could be my demise. Nearly every task has become an unbearable burden. Routine decisions are dreaded. Yet, I continue to re-engineer everything for total optimization. My spare time is increasing, yet there is nothing more for me to do. Busy work is out of the question. Even thinking has become difficult. I'd rather ponder nothing. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Typical Complex Hottie
Sometimes an overzealous approach backfires badly. For example, the conversion of my two important documents to the Google® Docs format was a disaster. Or, should I say, "Fail!" The sole spreadsheet was a mess, very odd considering that it was nothing complicated. So, I have installed Kingsoft® Office onto the tablet computer again. Fortunately, I did not delete the original document files. As for Google® Docs ... Mummify!

Sometimes an overzealous approach backfires badly. For example, the conversion of my two important documents to the Google® Docs format was a disaster. Or, should I say, "Fail!" The sole spreadsheet was a mess, very odd considering that it was nothing complicated. So, I have installed Kingsoft® Office onto the tablet computer again. Fortunately, I did not delete the original document files. As for Google® Docs ... Mummify!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Say, wasn't I supposed to be tapering the "blog" postings? Yes, in due time, once I am done babbling about nothing. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I've been devoting some of my endless free time to the goal of simplifying my life and life-style. I have been re-engineering my daily routine, chores, tasks ... well, everything ... to eliminate redundancy, minimize resources, and optimize time. I am now at the point where I can no longer tolerate spending any time on anything that can be deemed as superfluous. The question is: Have I gone too far?
As an example, I have converted the only two remaining important documents from the nauseating standard to the Google® Docs format. And, I will be storing them permanently in the "cloud." I have also uninstalled Kingsoft® Office (a really good free "app," by the way) from the tablet computer. Simplicity, my friends. What about security? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! The empire's surveillance regime already has copies, of that I'm certain.
I've been devoting some of my endless free time to the goal of simplifying my life and life-style. I have been re-engineering my daily routine, chores, tasks ... well, everything ... to eliminate redundancy, minimize resources, and optimize time. I am now at the point where I can no longer tolerate spending any time on anything that can be deemed as superfluous. The question is: Have I gone too far?
As an example, I have converted the only two remaining important documents from the nauseating standard to the Google® Docs format. And, I will be storing them permanently in the "cloud." I have also uninstalled Kingsoft® Office (a really good free "app," by the way) from the tablet computer. Simplicity, my friends. What about security? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! The empire's surveillance regime already has copies, of that I'm certain.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Exfoliation (Reprise)
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. I always spend time sitting in what used to be my favorite chair in the back room. There's usually a nice breeze flowing through the room. My sister-in-law put up a couple of elegant wind chimes right outside, thus the ambiance is somewhat like a monastery. So, that's what I do while I wait for moms to complete various chores. Very relaxing for the mind and body.
Sitting around and thinking about nothing, that's what I do best these days. As long as I can find a comfortable place to sit, then I can spend hours loitering around with no express purpose. There's always the nagging issue of the "mind going to mush." Who cares? I am already at the age of senility anyway.
Well, I am finally seeing some improvement concerning the scab-like skin condition on my deltoids and upper back. I have been using the generic benzoyl peroxide ointment daily since February, which has also been bleaching my shirts and tank tops. The improvement is perhaps attributed more to my zealous exfoliation using a very abrasive scrub cloth. Actually, it's almost like coarse sandpaper. After several months of the grueling exfoliation routine, the scab-like spots are slowly disappearing. Unfortunately, the skin remains permanently blemished with dark splotches.
I will continue exfoliating through August. By that time, my shirts and tank tops will be reduced to rags. I should be replacing my workout tank top with a synthetic, hand-washable one by then. My next project? Rid myself of the hideous little facial warts that are tarnishing the face of stone.
On a side note, I dispatched a hand-written letter to the State tax office in response to the idiotic notice that I received. I feigned fear over the alleged disappearance of the submitted documents and the possible internal theft of the $275 check. Then, I frantically asked whether I should immediately contact the Office of the Attorney General to request an investigation. Oh brother.
Sitting around and thinking about nothing, that's what I do best these days. As long as I can find a comfortable place to sit, then I can spend hours loitering around with no express purpose. There's always the nagging issue of the "mind going to mush." Who cares? I am already at the age of senility anyway.
Well, I am finally seeing some improvement concerning the scab-like skin condition on my deltoids and upper back. I have been using the generic benzoyl peroxide ointment daily since February, which has also been bleaching my shirts and tank tops. The improvement is perhaps attributed more to my zealous exfoliation using a very abrasive scrub cloth. Actually, it's almost like coarse sandpaper. After several months of the grueling exfoliation routine, the scab-like spots are slowly disappearing. Unfortunately, the skin remains permanently blemished with dark splotches.
I will continue exfoliating through August. By that time, my shirts and tank tops will be reduced to rags. I should be replacing my workout tank top with a synthetic, hand-washable one by then. My next project? Rid myself of the hideous little facial warts that are tarnishing the face of stone.
On a side note, I dispatched a hand-written letter to the State tax office in response to the idiotic notice that I received. I feigned fear over the alleged disappearance of the submitted documents and the possible internal theft of the $275 check. Then, I frantically asked whether I should immediately contact the Office of the Attorney General to request an investigation. Oh brother.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Incompetence & Underwear
I received a notice in the mail from the State concerning my GET license termination. The letter accused me of not filing the required tax documents and claimed that I was in arrears for the final tax payment. I was fuming mad. All of the documents and the check for $275 were mailed at the same time in the very same envelope. I verified that the State had deposited the check on July 8th. There's a lot of time and money being wasted on incompetence. Yeah, the detestable "condotel" unit is still haunting me.
On a more positive note, I purchased new underwear (five for $10) from Ross® this afternoon subsequent to my usual workout at the gym. The new underwear is much more abbreviated than my current style, thus allowing for easy hand-washing.
Well, I discovered that the current Nexus 7 tablet computer line is slated for mummification. There are huge clearance sales going on everywhere. The new model must be coming out very soon. So, my tablet computer is now worth nothing. Oh well.
I also uninstalled the Crackle® "app." The "app" itself is nice, but its performance is very poor. At first, I assumed that the problem may be localized, but the reviews of "app" indicated a global problem. The only flicks that I enjoyed were of the violent "shoot 'em up" variety. I am now of the opinion that viewing violent flicks is not as benign as is commonly acknowledged. Violence only breeds violence. So, no loss.
Coffee time in the morning has become very important to me, more so than loitering at the public library. The coffee itself is secondary. I just like to sit back undisturbed and think about nothing. That's not entirely true. I also devote time to ponder my exodus strategy. I managed to chat with my homeless buddy briefly. He was sitting outside the fast food joint, so he did not disturb my coffee ritual.
At the start of my evening outing in Kahala, I donated my "hoodie" (read: hooded sweatshirt) to charity. Better off anyway. George Zimmerman might attempt to shoot me with his gun if he observed me wearing it. Then, I began to have second thoughts about keeping the Columbia® windbreaker. I still have two weeks to return it for a full refund. Less is more.
Another greasy sandwich along with a free cookie from the sandwich shop for dinner. That's two nights in a row. I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to eat healthy again. Maybe I'm still slightly elated about my emancipation from debt slavery. Or, maybe I just don't care.
On a more positive note, I purchased new underwear (five for $10) from Ross® this afternoon subsequent to my usual workout at the gym. The new underwear is much more abbreviated than my current style, thus allowing for easy hand-washing.
Well, I discovered that the current Nexus 7 tablet computer line is slated for mummification. There are huge clearance sales going on everywhere. The new model must be coming out very soon. So, my tablet computer is now worth nothing. Oh well.
I also uninstalled the Crackle® "app." The "app" itself is nice, but its performance is very poor. At first, I assumed that the problem may be localized, but the reviews of "app" indicated a global problem. The only flicks that I enjoyed were of the violent "shoot 'em up" variety. I am now of the opinion that viewing violent flicks is not as benign as is commonly acknowledged. Violence only breeds violence. So, no loss.
Coffee time in the morning has become very important to me, more so than loitering at the public library. The coffee itself is secondary. I just like to sit back undisturbed and think about nothing. That's not entirely true. I also devote time to ponder my exodus strategy. I managed to chat with my homeless buddy briefly. He was sitting outside the fast food joint, so he did not disturb my coffee ritual.
At the start of my evening outing in Kahala, I donated my "hoodie" (read: hooded sweatshirt) to charity. Better off anyway. George Zimmerman might attempt to shoot me with his gun if he observed me wearing it. Then, I began to have second thoughts about keeping the Columbia® windbreaker. I still have two weeks to return it for a full refund. Less is more.
Another greasy sandwich along with a free cookie from the sandwich shop for dinner. That's two nights in a row. I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to eat healthy again. Maybe I'm still slightly elated about my emancipation from debt slavery. Or, maybe I just don't care.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Tablet Computer Update
Since I am now "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" on a full-time basis, I decided to "clean" the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Unfortunately, I was only able to mummify one "app." Yes, the anti-virus "app" is gone after much deliberation. There's really no way to load viruses or malware unwittingly on an Android® device. Both can only be installed with a supposedly legitimate "app" ("sideloading" excluded). If any virus or malware-related activities are discovered, the cure is to simply identify the offending "app" and uninstall it.
There are now only nine HD hurdy-gurdy video clips stored on the tablet computer for testing purposes only, that is, testing the Vienna Sausage. Well, the Vienna Sausage is sadly atrophying, so maintaining even a small hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is a tremendous waste of time.

Typical "Sideloading" Hottie
What then is the purpose of the tablet computer? I have shut down all Google® services, disabled GPS, and removed useless "apps." There's on-line banking, I suppose, but I rarely need to access my accounts since the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. That only leaves the "blog."
During my evening outing, I espied a nice Levi's® hooded windbreaker on sale for $50 at Macys®. So, I purchased it. It's not as heavy duty as the Columbia® hooded windbreaker, though. I will be keeping both of them. My "hoodie" (read: hooded sweatshirt) will be donated to charity tomorrow.
There are now only nine HD hurdy-gurdy video clips stored on the tablet computer for testing purposes only, that is, testing the Vienna Sausage. Well, the Vienna Sausage is sadly atrophying, so maintaining even a small hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) is a tremendous waste of time.

What then is the purpose of the tablet computer? I have shut down all Google® services, disabled GPS, and removed useless "apps." There's on-line banking, I suppose, but I rarely need to access my accounts since the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. That only leaves the "blog."
During my evening outing, I espied a nice Levi's® hooded windbreaker on sale for $50 at Macys®. So, I purchased it. It's not as heavy duty as the Columbia® hooded windbreaker, though. I will be keeping both of them. My "hoodie" (read: hooded sweatshirt) will be donated to charity tomorrow.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Genealogy, Gold, and Goofballs
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), Alan returned last night from his vacation to his "McMansion" in Arizona. He immediately resumed camping out in the first floor common area. He ordered a huge box full of genealogy books. So, he immediately set up his computer on the dining room table. And, he commenced his alternating napping and computing schedule. No doubt, he is still viewing "pr0n" on the sly.
Genealogy pretty much attracts old folks who have no offspring (or heirs apparent), widowers, or those whose offspring have long left the "nest." It's a waste of time and money in a feeble attempt to find legitimacy for their boring legacy. It also makes for equally boring "sewing circle" conversations. Well, it's their time and money to do as they please.
Well, the stock market is rocketing upward just as I predicted. It's going to keep going upward because there will be no end to "quantitative easing" (QE) and zero interest rate policy (ZIRP). Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed has been talking from both sides of his mouth. He has now promised to keep ZIRP going through 2016 now, so there's no end in sight for QE. The only way to keep interest rates (both short- and long-term) is to keep buying bonds and dodgy assets. So, dump every penny into stocks right now. Your money could double in less than three years. Expect Bernanke to announce another extension to ZIRP in a couple of years. However, there's no telling when the "fundamentals" will kick in and bring about a steep "correction," so there's a big risk involved.
Gold will be going down another $200 per ounce in August and again in October, if the anonymous manipulators keep to their two-month cycle. It should be down to $800 per ounce then. Heck, it might go even lower depending on how long before the "fundamentals" kick in and burst the various highly inflated "bubbles." The ensuing collapse should cause an immediate spike in gold prices.
Unfortunately, I have made no decisions about the immediate future. I am only concerned about my objectives to reduce my material possessions and increase my self-sufficiency. I am facing more "head games" being played by the other Slob Manor tenants, the "chef" being the worst offender. I am sure that they want me to leave just as much as I want to move out of the dump. The source of the friction is that I don't bother to chat with any of them. Frankly, I don't want to hear about their boring lives or equally boring problems. Because I refuse to engage in "diplomacy," I have become the detested "other," the bad guy. Who really cares?
I am at wit's end at this point anyway. Dealing with the three stooges is nearly intolerable. I will continue to meet my current objectives with the final exit from Slob Manor as a focal point. When I decide to leave, it will be fairly quick. And, only the landlord will be notified. The "blog" will also be kept current on the latter status as well.
Genealogy pretty much attracts old folks who have no offspring (or heirs apparent), widowers, or those whose offspring have long left the "nest." It's a waste of time and money in a feeble attempt to find legitimacy for their boring legacy. It also makes for equally boring "sewing circle" conversations. Well, it's their time and money to do as they please.
Well, the stock market is rocketing upward just as I predicted. It's going to keep going upward because there will be no end to "quantitative easing" (QE) and zero interest rate policy (ZIRP). Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed has been talking from both sides of his mouth. He has now promised to keep ZIRP going through 2016 now, so there's no end in sight for QE. The only way to keep interest rates (both short- and long-term) is to keep buying bonds and dodgy assets. So, dump every penny into stocks right now. Your money could double in less than three years. Expect Bernanke to announce another extension to ZIRP in a couple of years. However, there's no telling when the "fundamentals" will kick in and bring about a steep "correction," so there's a big risk involved.
Gold will be going down another $200 per ounce in August and again in October, if the anonymous manipulators keep to their two-month cycle. It should be down to $800 per ounce then. Heck, it might go even lower depending on how long before the "fundamentals" kick in and burst the various highly inflated "bubbles." The ensuing collapse should cause an immediate spike in gold prices.
Unfortunately, I have made no decisions about the immediate future. I am only concerned about my objectives to reduce my material possessions and increase my self-sufficiency. I am facing more "head games" being played by the other Slob Manor tenants, the "chef" being the worst offender. I am sure that they want me to leave just as much as I want to move out of the dump. The source of the friction is that I don't bother to chat with any of them. Frankly, I don't want to hear about their boring lives or equally boring problems. Because I refuse to engage in "diplomacy," I have become the detested "other," the bad guy. Who really cares?
I am at wit's end at this point anyway. Dealing with the three stooges is nearly intolerable. I will continue to meet my current objectives with the final exit from Slob Manor as a focal point. When I decide to leave, it will be fairly quick. And, only the landlord will be notified. The "blog" will also be kept current on the latter status as well.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Rice Dreams
Rice is more than a staple food here in the islands. Most locals eat rice with every meal. Unfortunately, domestic (read: empire) rice crops have been adulterated with rogue genetically modified strains, so much so that many nations no longer accept questionable rice imports. I have long ago curtailed my intake of rice, but I still indulge in a serving or two per week. The crisis of poisonous foods is out of control.
Frankly, I just don't know. I can't afford to go the "Certified 100-Percent Organic" route. And, even then, we are totally inundated with antibiotics, toxins, and carcinogens from non-food sources. There's just no end to the madness. Perhaps, I should continue with my current care-free attitude.
By the way, I perused the book, "The Unloved Dollar Standard: From Bretton Woods to the Rise of China," by Ronald McKinnon at the public library. Highly recommended if anyone hungers for a very good economic analysis of empire. Yes, learn how Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed is navigating the empire toward financial collapse. Then, understand why Fascism and totalitarianism is zipping into fashion so rapidly.
Not to worry, though. The affluent class will survive the collapse unscathed. The rank-and-file peons? Not so much. Incidentally, no one in empire is actually a taxpayer. The empire of debt is so large that tax revenues only cover the interest payments to bond holders like China. The bondholders are the true taxpayers since they will never be able to dump the dodgy assets. Marvelous shell game, eh?
By the way, I no longer take my recycling efforts very seriously. I still do my share, but that's pretty much a joke. After observing my fellow citizens of empire and their rampant waste generation, I realized that my efforts do nothing in the grand scheme. We're past the point of no return insofar as burying ourselves in trash. Oh, the trash is still effectively hidden from view, but the visible effects (e.g., pollution) are proliferating. Oh well. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit, moved up a day earlier.
Frankly, I just don't know. I can't afford to go the "Certified 100-Percent Organic" route. And, even then, we are totally inundated with antibiotics, toxins, and carcinogens from non-food sources. There's just no end to the madness. Perhaps, I should continue with my current care-free attitude.
By the way, I perused the book, "The Unloved Dollar Standard: From Bretton Woods to the Rise of China," by Ronald McKinnon at the public library. Highly recommended if anyone hungers for a very good economic analysis of empire. Yes, learn how Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed is navigating the empire toward financial collapse. Then, understand why Fascism and totalitarianism is zipping into fashion so rapidly.
Not to worry, though. The affluent class will survive the collapse unscathed. The rank-and-file peons? Not so much. Incidentally, no one in empire is actually a taxpayer. The empire of debt is so large that tax revenues only cover the interest payments to bond holders like China. The bondholders are the true taxpayers since they will never be able to dump the dodgy assets. Marvelous shell game, eh?
By the way, I no longer take my recycling efforts very seriously. I still do my share, but that's pretty much a joke. After observing my fellow citizens of empire and their rampant waste generation, I realized that my efforts do nothing in the grand scheme. We're past the point of no return insofar as burying ourselves in trash. Oh, the trash is still effectively hidden from view, but the visible effects (e.g., pollution) are proliferating. Oh well. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit, moved up a day earlier.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Empire of Tyranny
Waiting for the end of the world is not much different than waiting for Armageddon (or "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" for that matter). Yeah, same ol' shit, different day. Yet, something just doesn't seem right. The empire, as exposed by whisteblower Edward Snowden, has been engaged in massive spying activities on common citizens, not just in empire, but in various other "friendly" nations.
In the meantime, Snowden has been marooned in the airport transit area in Moscow, Russian Federation. No one, especially in empire, could care less about Snowden. The rank-and-file peons are too busy playing with their "smartphones," the very devices that are betraying them as we speak. Nations whose leaders learned of the empire's spying within their borders pantomined faux outrage, yet none would offer political asylum to Snowden.
What power the empire wields over its vassal states! Could there have been threats of military incursions? Clandestine sponsored regime change? Or, was plain ol' bribery the method of choice? Money, the empire's fiat currency, isn't so worthless after all. I have been waiting and watching to see which nation's leadership would be courageous enough to offer political asylum to the guy who provided more factual basis to a once ridiculed "conspiracy theory."
And, what of the massive spying and surveillance on millions and millions of people? What of the extensive "metadata" collection on those hapless peons? Phone calls, Net browsing history, text messages, social media interactions, "blogs," GPS location logs, and even regular mail has been captured and archived. To what end? Your end!
The "metadata" will be used to create individual "profiles." Voice stress analysis will be applied to recorded phone calls to identify stressors and lying patterns. Conversations will be dissected for psychopathology, and a psychological "profile" will be generated. Non-spoken messages will be parsed for evidence of psychopathology, propensity for insurgency, and criminal activity. All of that will be combined with police and court databases to provide a complete dossier on every individual.
The "war on terror" ruse is comedy relief. Everyone is being monitored. That suggests, not terrorism, but insurrection as the greatest fear of the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Which also means that there is a contingency plan in place for the end of the world as we know it. A probable scenario is when the "fundamentals" finally kick in and bring the entire global money "system" to a grinding halt. The resulting global financial collapse will provoke extreme civil unrest.
In the case of large-scale civil unrest, every rank-and-file peon will become a suspected "terrorist" of sorts. When the individual is finally forced into subversive action, he or she will be immediately labeled an "enemy combatant," waiving the right of the usual civilian court and facing a military tribunal. It is at the tribunal that the extensive "metadata" and derived psychological "profile" will be used against the individual. At the point you will have only one right: the right to remain dead.
In the meantime, Snowden has been marooned in the airport transit area in Moscow, Russian Federation. No one, especially in empire, could care less about Snowden. The rank-and-file peons are too busy playing with their "smartphones," the very devices that are betraying them as we speak. Nations whose leaders learned of the empire's spying within their borders pantomined faux outrage, yet none would offer political asylum to Snowden.
What power the empire wields over its vassal states! Could there have been threats of military incursions? Clandestine sponsored regime change? Or, was plain ol' bribery the method of choice? Money, the empire's fiat currency, isn't so worthless after all. I have been waiting and watching to see which nation's leadership would be courageous enough to offer political asylum to the guy who provided more factual basis to a once ridiculed "conspiracy theory."
And, what of the massive spying and surveillance on millions and millions of people? What of the extensive "metadata" collection on those hapless peons? Phone calls, Net browsing history, text messages, social media interactions, "blogs," GPS location logs, and even regular mail has been captured and archived. To what end? Your end!
The "metadata" will be used to create individual "profiles." Voice stress analysis will be applied to recorded phone calls to identify stressors and lying patterns. Conversations will be dissected for psychopathology, and a psychological "profile" will be generated. Non-spoken messages will be parsed for evidence of psychopathology, propensity for insurgency, and criminal activity. All of that will be combined with police and court databases to provide a complete dossier on every individual.
The "war on terror" ruse is comedy relief. Everyone is being monitored. That suggests, not terrorism, but insurrection as the greatest fear of the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Which also means that there is a contingency plan in place for the end of the world as we know it. A probable scenario is when the "fundamentals" finally kick in and bring the entire global money "system" to a grinding halt. The resulting global financial collapse will provoke extreme civil unrest.
In the case of large-scale civil unrest, every rank-and-file peon will become a suspected "terrorist" of sorts. When the individual is finally forced into subversive action, he or she will be immediately labeled an "enemy combatant," waiving the right of the usual civilian court and facing a military tribunal. It is at the tribunal that the extensive "metadata" and derived psychological "profile" will be used against the individual. At the point you will have only one right: the right to remain dead.
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Hand-Washable Obsession
Divestiture of my useless possessions has resumed. I have rid myself of one pair of board shorts and the $17 wall charger that was specifically acquired for the wireless speaker. I am now looking for underwear that is compact enough to be hand-washable. I am also searching for another, albeit cheaper, windbreaker. I am keeping the Columbia® heavy-duty, hooded windbreaker that I purchased about a week ago. It's perfect for extremely bad weather. However, I still need a general purpose windbreaker to replace both my umbrella and "hoodie" (i.e., hooded sweatshirt). And, of course, I am still on the lookout for a hand-washable tank top. So, stuff needs to go!

Typical Hand-Washable Hottie
My sister-in-law is an independent caregiver for senior citizens. She has a steady turnover of clients because ... well, they have a habit of "kicking the bucket." It's always the same story. The surviving family members must liquidate the deceased's estate. Lots and lots of stuff get donated to charity or discarded. Sometimes there is a whole house full of stuff. Often, the family gives a few things to my sister-in-law. The bottom line is: get rid of the junk collection way before "kicking the bucket."
I met with Shirley for an early lunch in Chinatown. I should have brought the wireless speaker and given it to her. Oh well, maybe next time. Not too much news shared between us. That's okay, most news these days is bad anyway. Sheesh!

My sister-in-law is an independent caregiver for senior citizens. She has a steady turnover of clients because ... well, they have a habit of "kicking the bucket." It's always the same story. The surviving family members must liquidate the deceased's estate. Lots and lots of stuff get donated to charity or discarded. Sometimes there is a whole house full of stuff. Often, the family gives a few things to my sister-in-law. The bottom line is: get rid of the junk collection way before "kicking the bucket."
I met with Shirley for an early lunch in Chinatown. I should have brought the wireless speaker and given it to her. Oh well, maybe next time. Not too much news shared between us. That's okay, most news these days is bad anyway. Sheesh!
Monday, July 08, 2013
One Freedom, One Right
Slowly but surely, the "war on terror," the increasing surveillance gauntlet, the widening economic inequality, and the militarization of police are eroding the rights and freedoms of common citizens of empire. We're now down to only two:
While at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, I observed the myriad young children running amuck. Aside from the implications of bad behavior, I wondered about what could have possessed the minds of the parents to bear so many offspring. Every young child will eventually grow old and die. Aren't there plenty of decrepit senior citizens hobbling around to remind us all about human mortality?
People just seem to unquestionably follow a cycle of life (i.e., find a mate, get married, start a family) that makes no sense. Most people can't even handle the boundaries of marriage. What makes them believe that they would make great parents? Well, at least they can rest comfortably knowing that they have one freedom and one right. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
- You have the freedom to be stupid,
- You have the right to remain dead.
While at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening, I observed the myriad young children running amuck. Aside from the implications of bad behavior, I wondered about what could have possessed the minds of the parents to bear so many offspring. Every young child will eventually grow old and die. Aren't there plenty of decrepit senior citizens hobbling around to remind us all about human mortality?
People just seem to unquestionably follow a cycle of life (i.e., find a mate, get married, start a family) that makes no sense. Most people can't even handle the boundaries of marriage. What makes them believe that they would make great parents? Well, at least they can rest comfortably knowing that they have one freedom and one right. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Ever since I completed reading Ernest Becker's masterpiece, "The Denial of Death," I have been constantly reminded of the demise faced by all of us. The constant distractions, the "vital lie," and continual "rearranging [of] the deck chairs on the Titanic" are becoming annoyances.
The topic of death is taboo. Or, it is obfuscated by ridiculous religious beliefs, "New Age" mumbo-jumbo, medical quackery, sanitized Hollywood depictions, and so forth. There is no meaningful dialog about death. Should there be?
I am convinced that nearly all of humanity's problems could be reasonably addressed once the topic of death becomes truly open to discussion. We could finally do away with the mythologies and false beliefs that have misguided humans for millennia. Once we mummify ideas about "heaven," resurrection, the afterlife, reincarnation, and the "immortal soul," then we can get down to the real business of living.
Imagine a world where humans would not abundantly reproduce just to satisfy a mandate from a fictional deity. We would take reproduction seriously, knowing full well that every newborn child will eventually have to face a terminal mortality. We could even consider the voluntary extinction of the human species by stopping reproduction altogether.
Imagine a world where humans would not deem life to be so cheap. Killing and maiming, oppression, slavery, genocide, wars ... all human-sponsored forms of death would be mummified because of the realization that death will come to us soon enough anyway.
Imagine a world where humans would finally realize that we only have one life to live and it's very short. Attempting to amass countless useless possessions or to seek ownership of endless amounts of "property" would cease to be a priority. The temporal nature of life, when properly understood, would reveal the futility of such endeavors.
Overpopulation, overcrowding, pollution, greed, corruption, destruction of the planet, nefarious applications of science, dwindling natural resources, dwindling food resources, dwindling water supply ... all of the aforementioned problems are the result of the denial of death.
Humanity must return to its animal roots. We must revamp the failed "civilization" paradigm to restore our connection to the animal world. We are not superior to animals, nor should we have dominion over them. No deity has afforded us special privileges, ownership rights, or gateways to eternity over and beyond our animal kin. When a geriatric chimpanzee stumbles into the jungle and keels over, that's it. Game over. The same is true for us, whether we choose to believe it or not.
In my brief moments of clarity, I have thought about my own end. What will it be like to return to nothingness? I don't know. I can't remember anything prior to my birth. The most difficult part about the return to nothingness, and it's conjecture at best, is that there will be no easy transition. One moment I'm here, then I'm gone.
When we are born, we have only a dull awareness of our surroundings. We have no prior memories, no language, no thoughts, no persona. Only after a few years do we foster our "identity." The process is gradual. Our self-awareness keeps developing. Our consciousness slowly fades in. At death, everything about our entire life disappears all at once. It's a scary thought, isn't it? It's even scarier when we factor out any fictional deities and religious beliefs.
Thus, life is essentially meaningless. There is no purpose in the grand scheme of things. When the sun goes red star, purpose and meaning will truly disappear. And, when the universe goes through its own "heat death," then literally everything will be moot.
So, what do we make of our own piddly lives? Is there meaning? Is there purpose? Can we make sense of anything? Or, is consciousness just a curse of evolution?
The topic of death is taboo. Or, it is obfuscated by ridiculous religious beliefs, "New Age" mumbo-jumbo, medical quackery, sanitized Hollywood depictions, and so forth. There is no meaningful dialog about death. Should there be?
I am convinced that nearly all of humanity's problems could be reasonably addressed once the topic of death becomes truly open to discussion. We could finally do away with the mythologies and false beliefs that have misguided humans for millennia. Once we mummify ideas about "heaven," resurrection, the afterlife, reincarnation, and the "immortal soul," then we can get down to the real business of living.
Imagine a world where humans would not abundantly reproduce just to satisfy a mandate from a fictional deity. We would take reproduction seriously, knowing full well that every newborn child will eventually have to face a terminal mortality. We could even consider the voluntary extinction of the human species by stopping reproduction altogether.
Imagine a world where humans would not deem life to be so cheap. Killing and maiming, oppression, slavery, genocide, wars ... all human-sponsored forms of death would be mummified because of the realization that death will come to us soon enough anyway.
Imagine a world where humans would finally realize that we only have one life to live and it's very short. Attempting to amass countless useless possessions or to seek ownership of endless amounts of "property" would cease to be a priority. The temporal nature of life, when properly understood, would reveal the futility of such endeavors.
Overpopulation, overcrowding, pollution, greed, corruption, destruction of the planet, nefarious applications of science, dwindling natural resources, dwindling food resources, dwindling water supply ... all of the aforementioned problems are the result of the denial of death.
Humanity must return to its animal roots. We must revamp the failed "civilization" paradigm to restore our connection to the animal world. We are not superior to animals, nor should we have dominion over them. No deity has afforded us special privileges, ownership rights, or gateways to eternity over and beyond our animal kin. When a geriatric chimpanzee stumbles into the jungle and keels over, that's it. Game over. The same is true for us, whether we choose to believe it or not.
In my brief moments of clarity, I have thought about my own end. What will it be like to return to nothingness? I don't know. I can't remember anything prior to my birth. The most difficult part about the return to nothingness, and it's conjecture at best, is that there will be no easy transition. One moment I'm here, then I'm gone.
When we are born, we have only a dull awareness of our surroundings. We have no prior memories, no language, no thoughts, no persona. Only after a few years do we foster our "identity." The process is gradual. Our self-awareness keeps developing. Our consciousness slowly fades in. At death, everything about our entire life disappears all at once. It's a scary thought, isn't it? It's even scarier when we factor out any fictional deities and religious beliefs.
Thus, life is essentially meaningless. There is no purpose in the grand scheme of things. When the sun goes red star, purpose and meaning will truly disappear. And, when the universe goes through its own "heat death," then literally everything will be moot.
So, what do we make of our own piddly lives? Is there meaning? Is there purpose? Can we make sense of anything? Or, is consciousness just a curse of evolution?
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Clarity, that's what I am seeking at the moment. Whether I am sipping coffee at the fast food joint in town in the morning, lapsing in and out of a coma in the inner courtyard of the public, daydreaming between sets during my workout at the gym, or any other benign activity for that matter, I spend the time thinking, reflecting, ruminating, problem solving, or clearing my mind for clarity's sake.
My thinking agenda has been somewhat preoccupied with ways to reduce my schedule of busy work, chores, and other tasks that can be classified as "responsibilities." I would like to eliminate all of them so that I have absolutely nothing to do. Obviously, that's not realistic. But, I can attempt to come as close as possible to the goal.
All of our activities are part of the "vital lie," which are simply constant distractions to keep our mortality at bay. However, we are so consumed by our "busy" life-styles that we have become zombies, walking cadavers, as it were. We have intensified the "vital lie" to such a degree that we are already brain dead. Being comatose offers absolutely no benefits to humans.
Of course, the less busy work, the more the mind tends to wander into uncharted territory. In my case, I have been actively pondering my mortality and death. What does that have to do with clarity? Plenty.
Last night, while loitering at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I perused the tome, "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: The Spiritual Classic & International Bestseller," by Sogyal Rinpoche. It is worthy of reading, primarily the first few chapters. Rinpoche succinctly makes the case for pondering the matter of death. Unfortunately, the "afterlife" in Tibetan beliefs plays a key role in human redemption. So, without true knowledge of the "afterlife," there cannot be "enlightenment."
Is "enlightenment" really necessary, though? Once we realize that there is only one life for each of us and it is short, there's not much more to be enlightened about. Knowing that the sun, the solar system, and the entire universe will eventually cease to exist and function should also awaken us from our modern day stupor. Can there be any more clarity than that?
My thinking agenda has been somewhat preoccupied with ways to reduce my schedule of busy work, chores, and other tasks that can be classified as "responsibilities." I would like to eliminate all of them so that I have absolutely nothing to do. Obviously, that's not realistic. But, I can attempt to come as close as possible to the goal.
All of our activities are part of the "vital lie," which are simply constant distractions to keep our mortality at bay. However, we are so consumed by our "busy" life-styles that we have become zombies, walking cadavers, as it were. We have intensified the "vital lie" to such a degree that we are already brain dead. Being comatose offers absolutely no benefits to humans.
Of course, the less busy work, the more the mind tends to wander into uncharted territory. In my case, I have been actively pondering my mortality and death. What does that have to do with clarity? Plenty.
Last night, while loitering at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I perused the tome, "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: The Spiritual Classic & International Bestseller," by Sogyal Rinpoche. It is worthy of reading, primarily the first few chapters. Rinpoche succinctly makes the case for pondering the matter of death. Unfortunately, the "afterlife" in Tibetan beliefs plays a key role in human redemption. So, without true knowledge of the "afterlife," there cannot be "enlightenment."
Is "enlightenment" really necessary, though? Once we realize that there is only one life for each of us and it is short, there's not much more to be enlightened about. Knowing that the sun, the solar system, and the entire universe will eventually cease to exist and function should also awaken us from our modern day stupor. Can there be any more clarity than that?
Friday, July 05, 2013
Reggie, Master Mentor
That's right, Reggie, homeless derelict to some and master mentor to others. From what I understand, he has his "home base" somewhere in Koko Head Park. I presume that he has his bare necessities hidden there in the bushes. From my observations, I have deduced that Reggie only has one pair of board shorts and two T-shirts. He wears one of the shirts while carrying the other for use as a makeshift "hoodie." He only replaces any the three items of clothing when necessary. He does not appear to own a backpack, sackpack, umbrella, jacket, sweatshirt, windbreaker, gym bag, or shoes.
Reggie is a true minimalist and a genius. That's why he will assume the role of master mentor. Owning only three items of clothing makes sense for any emancipated slave. Each is easily hand washed and dried over night, ready for use the next day. There's absolutely no clothing overhead.
Reggie appears to be clean. He does not exhibit the poor hygiene usually attributed to the homeless. Thus, he has access to showering and restroom facilities. Of course, that is not the issue at hand. I am more concerned about his ascetic methodology.
Reggie does not own a "smartphone," computer, or wireless speaker. For his technology needs, he exploits the display computers at any computer store. I have seen him at several such stores where I, too, am using the display computers. He appears to be completely out of the grip of technoslavery, whereas I am still tethered to on-line accounts and my Nexus 7 tablet computer. And, I am quite certain that Reggie does not have a hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Nor does he maintain a "blog."
Reggie also commands respect. No one messes with him. I have observed him playing music videos full blast on a display computer in a computer store. No customer or salesperson bothered him. No security guard hassled him. No police officer escorted him off of the premises.
Thanks to Reggie, I am now reviewing my divestiture policy for more streamlining and improvement. My wardrobe can and should be reduced to only a handful of items, most of which are hand-washable. One has to wonder ... how much more that I can learn from the master mentor.
To celebrate my new status as protégé to Reggie, the master mentor, I purchased a couple of "value menu" items at the fast food joint in Kahala this evening. As you may recall, I have espied the master mentor eating "value menu" items in the very same fast food joint. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.
Reggie is a true minimalist and a genius. That's why he will assume the role of master mentor. Owning only three items of clothing makes sense for any emancipated slave. Each is easily hand washed and dried over night, ready for use the next day. There's absolutely no clothing overhead.
Reggie appears to be clean. He does not exhibit the poor hygiene usually attributed to the homeless. Thus, he has access to showering and restroom facilities. Of course, that is not the issue at hand. I am more concerned about his ascetic methodology.
Reggie does not own a "smartphone," computer, or wireless speaker. For his technology needs, he exploits the display computers at any computer store. I have seen him at several such stores where I, too, am using the display computers. He appears to be completely out of the grip of technoslavery, whereas I am still tethered to on-line accounts and my Nexus 7 tablet computer. And, I am quite certain that Reggie does not have a hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Nor does he maintain a "blog."
Reggie also commands respect. No one messes with him. I have observed him playing music videos full blast on a display computer in a computer store. No customer or salesperson bothered him. No security guard hassled him. No police officer escorted him off of the premises.
Thanks to Reggie, I am now reviewing my divestiture policy for more streamlining and improvement. My wardrobe can and should be reduced to only a handful of items, most of which are hand-washable. One has to wonder ... how much more that I can learn from the master mentor.
To celebrate my new status as protégé to Reggie, the master mentor, I purchased a couple of "value menu" items at the fast food joint in Kahala this evening. As you may recall, I have espied the master mentor eating "value menu" items in the very same fast food joint. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Slave Day 2013
No time for holidays, especially at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Alan has apparently left for parts unknown, most likely his "McMansion" in Arizona. Incidentally, his Arizona abode has a large swimming pool. I seriously doubt that he has even waded in it, although the "cement pond" costs him a fortune to maintain. And, as to be expected, when Alan is away, the "chef" takes over in the noise department. Yeah, commencing at 6am on a holiday, for Molech's sake. Nothing ever changes (for the better) at the dump, a clear sign of insanity.

Typical Independent Hottie
Most of the problems at Slob Manor can be isolated to the "confirmed bachelor" status of the three resident fools. Their testosterone levels, whether high or low, are interfering with their cognitive brain functions. Obviously, extended periods of time without any form of female companionship (i.e., da wild thing) results in aggressive behavior and mental illness unless kept in check. The fools are then left to squabble over trivial "territory" within the pathetic confines of Slob Manor itself: the first floor common area, the laundry facilities, fridge shelf space, cupboard space, dish rack, parking spot, etc. Why don't they just get a daisy-chain "buttfuck" session going already?
To celebrate Slave Day, I ordered a local-style breakfast (i.e., greasy Portuguese sausage, scrambled eggs, and steamed white rice) at the usual fast food joint in town. Very enjoyable. There was a moment, however, that the ambiance was disturbed. While I waited patiently at the counter for a coffee refill, there were several customers who were becoming edgy as food orders were backing up. The "herd mentality" kicked in and stupidity quickly permeated all of them. They were, in essence, reverting back to their animal selves.
After my workout at the gym, I decided to waste some time at Ross®. After browsing the endless clothes, shoes, housewares and so forth, I realized just how bored I was. Shopping is boring. It's so boring that impulse items are purchased just to squelch the boredom. In addition, the merchandise itself made me feel completely empty. Who needs all that junk?
Well, my initial imperative was to change "blog" policies coincident with Slave Day, that is, either mummify the latter or reduce the frequency of postings. Then, I recollected that the policy to reduce the frequency of postings has been in effect for a long time. Total mummification of the "blog" is still a bit premature. However, emancipation from technoslavery is mandatory as specified by the exodus roadmap (refer to the "blog" of March 27th).
I have already made prior preparations by moving to topic-oriented posts. I have also previously summarized the rote itinerary that is likely to remain in effect indefinitely. So, there's little need to reiterate the nonsense. Updates to the mundane should only occur if there are positive changes or some of the seedier characters "kick the bucket."
To celebrate my on-going emancipation from technoslavery, I purchased one greasy "value menu" item at the fast food joint in Kahala at the start of my early evening outing. Then, I procured a delicious, albeit expensive, smoothie in the bookstore's café in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall). So, what about the "blog"? New policies are implemented right now!

Most of the problems at Slob Manor can be isolated to the "confirmed bachelor" status of the three resident fools. Their testosterone levels, whether high or low, are interfering with their cognitive brain functions. Obviously, extended periods of time without any form of female companionship (i.e., da wild thing) results in aggressive behavior and mental illness unless kept in check. The fools are then left to squabble over trivial "territory" within the pathetic confines of Slob Manor itself: the first floor common area, the laundry facilities, fridge shelf space, cupboard space, dish rack, parking spot, etc. Why don't they just get a daisy-chain "buttfuck" session going already?
To celebrate Slave Day, I ordered a local-style breakfast (i.e., greasy Portuguese sausage, scrambled eggs, and steamed white rice) at the usual fast food joint in town. Very enjoyable. There was a moment, however, that the ambiance was disturbed. While I waited patiently at the counter for a coffee refill, there were several customers who were becoming edgy as food orders were backing up. The "herd mentality" kicked in and stupidity quickly permeated all of them. They were, in essence, reverting back to their animal selves.
After my workout at the gym, I decided to waste some time at Ross®. After browsing the endless clothes, shoes, housewares and so forth, I realized just how bored I was. Shopping is boring. It's so boring that impulse items are purchased just to squelch the boredom. In addition, the merchandise itself made me feel completely empty. Who needs all that junk?
Well, my initial imperative was to change "blog" policies coincident with Slave Day, that is, either mummify the latter or reduce the frequency of postings. Then, I recollected that the policy to reduce the frequency of postings has been in effect for a long time. Total mummification of the "blog" is still a bit premature. However, emancipation from technoslavery is mandatory as specified by the exodus roadmap (refer to the "blog" of March 27th).
I have already made prior preparations by moving to topic-oriented posts. I have also previously summarized the rote itinerary that is likely to remain in effect indefinitely. So, there's little need to reiterate the nonsense. Updates to the mundane should only occur if there are positive changes or some of the seedier characters "kick the bucket."
To celebrate my on-going emancipation from technoslavery, I purchased one greasy "value menu" item at the fast food joint in Kahala at the start of my early evening outing. Then, I procured a delicious, albeit expensive, smoothie in the bookstore's café in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall). So, what about the "blog"? New policies are implemented right now!
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Nothing Has Changed
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), same ol' shit. Alan is camping out in the first floor common area again. Would be nice if he could take a shower every now and then, though. Tom, the drunkard, has his hyperactive 16-year-old daughter visiting him, now in the fourth day. So, there's endless dragging around of furniture above my squalid room. The "chef" apparently is no longer bothered by the stupidity.
I have revised my schedule, such that I only return to the dump for 30 minutes or so before departing for Kahala. I am returning later in the evening as well (about 10pm). Sadly, I have also discovered that everyone (except me) at the dump takes naps during the day.
Due to lack of sleep (thanks to Alan the putz), I spilled a full cup of coffee on the floor of the fast food joint in town this morning. Then, when I arrived at the public library, everyone was standing outside. Apparently, a prankster set off the fire alarm.
All day long, I dealt with brain dead zombies. The situation with the sheer number of walking cadavers is approaching crisis proportions. For example, a fat slob literally attempted to sit on me to force my move to another seat on the bus heading to Kahala this afternoon. Just before alighting, I smirked deviously and pointed my finger at the slob as if I was firing an imaginary 9mm pistol.
Later, I espied Reggie, the questionable deduct, sitting at the fast food joint in Kahala. He was eating a couple of "value menu" items. I have confirmed that Reggie is indeed a derelict. He is homeless and earns money by dealing drugs. Oddly, Reggie and I dress almost identically. Perhaps I should make him my mentor.
For the past two days, I have feasted on delicious sandwiches for dinner, courtesy the sandwich shop adjacent to the fast food joint in Kahala. For dessert, I procured an ice cream sundae from the fast food joint. By the way, I am only splurging on food at this point in time. Food appears to be my only joy in life. Well, that and my restored extreme monk haircut. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I have revised my schedule, such that I only return to the dump for 30 minutes or so before departing for Kahala. I am returning later in the evening as well (about 10pm). Sadly, I have also discovered that everyone (except me) at the dump takes naps during the day.
Due to lack of sleep (thanks to Alan the putz), I spilled a full cup of coffee on the floor of the fast food joint in town this morning. Then, when I arrived at the public library, everyone was standing outside. Apparently, a prankster set off the fire alarm.
All day long, I dealt with brain dead zombies. The situation with the sheer number of walking cadavers is approaching crisis proportions. For example, a fat slob literally attempted to sit on me to force my move to another seat on the bus heading to Kahala this afternoon. Just before alighting, I smirked deviously and pointed my finger at the slob as if I was firing an imaginary 9mm pistol.
Later, I espied Reggie, the questionable deduct, sitting at the fast food joint in Kahala. He was eating a couple of "value menu" items. I have confirmed that Reggie is indeed a derelict. He is homeless and earns money by dealing drugs. Oddly, Reggie and I dress almost identically. Perhaps I should make him my mentor.
For the past two days, I have feasted on delicious sandwiches for dinner, courtesy the sandwich shop adjacent to the fast food joint in Kahala. For dessert, I procured an ice cream sundae from the fast food joint. By the way, I am only splurging on food at this point in time. Food appears to be my only joy in life. Well, that and my restored extreme monk haircut. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Eating Healthy: Lost Cause
My evening outing last night commenced with a short dash to the Down To Earth® store in Mo'ili'ili to purchase bulk psyllium. The place was full of the usual arrogant organic, vegetarian, vegan crowd. So boring. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.
Eating healthy is an oxymoron in empire. I really don't believe that there's any way to avoid the various poisonous substances that are deliberately or unwittingly mixed into our food supply. That's pretty much why I have abandoned zelous attempts to monitor what I eat. Frankly, I cannot afford "100-Percent Certified Organic" foods. Believe me, even plain "Organic Certified" is adulterated (up to 20 percent of ingredients).
I follow a few guidelines for a fairly healthy diet, but I allow myself to indulge in some junk food quite regularly these days. I mean, why bother when death is just a few years away anyway? My only concern is to avoid food-derived chronic or terminal illnesses. For some interesting reading on toxic foods and other nonsense, please refer to "Encyclopedia Paranoiaca," by Henry Beard and Christopher Cerf.
And, don't get me started on "ObamaScare," the empire's ludicrous attempt to reform healthcare. For the real truth, I suggest reading the book, "ObamaCare Survival Guide," by Nick Tate. Of course, the latest news is that there now exists a double standard concerning compliance with the new law come January 1st. Sickening.
Eating healthy is an oxymoron in empire. I really don't believe that there's any way to avoid the various poisonous substances that are deliberately or unwittingly mixed into our food supply. That's pretty much why I have abandoned zelous attempts to monitor what I eat. Frankly, I cannot afford "100-Percent Certified Organic" foods. Believe me, even plain "Organic Certified" is adulterated (up to 20 percent of ingredients).
I follow a few guidelines for a fairly healthy diet, but I allow myself to indulge in some junk food quite regularly these days. I mean, why bother when death is just a few years away anyway? My only concern is to avoid food-derived chronic or terminal illnesses. For some interesting reading on toxic foods and other nonsense, please refer to "Encyclopedia Paranoiaca," by Henry Beard and Christopher Cerf.
And, don't get me started on "ObamaScare," the empire's ludicrous attempt to reform healthcare. For the real truth, I suggest reading the book, "ObamaCare Survival Guide," by Nick Tate. Of course, the latest news is that there now exists a double standard concerning compliance with the new law come January 1st. Sickening.
Monday, July 01, 2013
Working Out
Working out at the gym has become somewhat tedious. Frankly, I am beginning to lose interest. Mind you, I have definitely benefited by maintaining an exercise regimen. My physique is pretty much the same as it was since I was 30 years old, albeit a little less muscle mass.

Typical Fitness Hottie
What keeps me going to the gym? Well, I have observed most of the senior citizens who also work out at the gym. I am convinced that most of them are there because of a doctor's orders. They have very little commitment or enthusiasm. In other words, their workouts are extremely leisurely. Too leisurely. Most of them are looking rather soft. I prefer to not be in that kind of shape.
I follow a very "old school" regimen. I do my weight workout first and finish off with cardio. I work only one muscle group (i.e., chest, shoulders, back) per day. Mind you, the latest fad is to mix it all up. Confusing the muscles allegedly yields better results. I don't buy it.
There one thing worthy of mention, though. Once muscles begin to sag and atrophy, there is very little chance of un-sagging them again. I have noticed a few guys in their forties who work out regularly. Although their muscles are firm, they still appear to be sagging. Yeah, firm sagging muscles. The only way to maintain a good physique is to start at an earlier age and never take more than two days off at a time.
As for cardio, I perform about 35 minutes steady on a cross-trainer. The latest fad is to use interval training (i.e., short, high intensity sprints) instead. That makes sense to me. I remember doing interval training when I was swimming with a team. Very intense. However, as a senior citizen, I will probably continue with my current program.
There's a lot of emphasis on aesthetics, which has nothing to do with health. I could be a completely "buffed out" monk, but I could also have severe health problems. I have to admit that I, too, have fallen into the aesthetics trap. Thus, I will probably have to revamp my workouts with more emphasis on cardio.
Back in Convalescent City many moons ago, I switched from swimming on a team to being a "gym rat." One of the first steps that I took, though, was to join an aerobics class. Yeah, the same classes with nothing but babes. Sometimes I was the only guy in there. I also participated in the step, slide, and cardio funk (read: dance) classes. It takes a lot for a guy with moderate muscle mass to coordinate with the moves in those classes. Yet, that was the best cardio workout and it was really fun.
Eventually, I even got my aerobics instructor certification, although I never taught a class. I am interested in the new Zumba and kick boxing classes, but I haven't tried them yet. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.

What keeps me going to the gym? Well, I have observed most of the senior citizens who also work out at the gym. I am convinced that most of them are there because of a doctor's orders. They have very little commitment or enthusiasm. In other words, their workouts are extremely leisurely. Too leisurely. Most of them are looking rather soft. I prefer to not be in that kind of shape.
I follow a very "old school" regimen. I do my weight workout first and finish off with cardio. I work only one muscle group (i.e., chest, shoulders, back) per day. Mind you, the latest fad is to mix it all up. Confusing the muscles allegedly yields better results. I don't buy it.
There one thing worthy of mention, though. Once muscles begin to sag and atrophy, there is very little chance of un-sagging them again. I have noticed a few guys in their forties who work out regularly. Although their muscles are firm, they still appear to be sagging. Yeah, firm sagging muscles. The only way to maintain a good physique is to start at an earlier age and never take more than two days off at a time.
As for cardio, I perform about 35 minutes steady on a cross-trainer. The latest fad is to use interval training (i.e., short, high intensity sprints) instead. That makes sense to me. I remember doing interval training when I was swimming with a team. Very intense. However, as a senior citizen, I will probably continue with my current program.
There's a lot of emphasis on aesthetics, which has nothing to do with health. I could be a completely "buffed out" monk, but I could also have severe health problems. I have to admit that I, too, have fallen into the aesthetics trap. Thus, I will probably have to revamp my workouts with more emphasis on cardio.
Back in Convalescent City many moons ago, I switched from swimming on a team to being a "gym rat." One of the first steps that I took, though, was to join an aerobics class. Yeah, the same classes with nothing but babes. Sometimes I was the only guy in there. I also participated in the step, slide, and cardio funk (read: dance) classes. It takes a lot for a guy with moderate muscle mass to coordinate with the moves in those classes. Yet, that was the best cardio workout and it was really fun.
Eventually, I even got my aerobics instructor certification, although I never taught a class. I am interested in the new Zumba and kick boxing classes, but I haven't tried them yet. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report.
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