No time for holidays. The public library is closed for the entire long weekend, so I followed the typical Sunday itinerary. In other words, "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."
By the way, Alan of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame is another good example of inferior genes and low testosterone. Both the landlord and the "chef" constantly treat him badly. And, of course, Alan is a confirmed lifetime bachelor. He is in the twilight of his life, too. Even the ownership of the "McMansion" in Arizona has not increased his opportunities for reproduction.
Speaking of the "chef", he may have had some kind of falling out with his "squeeze." Since Wednesday, his presence at Slob Manor has returned to that of his pre-babe days. His babe apparently wanted to go on a romantic getaway to another island during the long holiday weekend. Obviously, the getaway did not come to fruition. Was the fool given his "walking papers" already? Inferior genes, you think?
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Accepting the truth about the universe, human legacy, and death has been a difficult process. Sorting through the lies, fabrications, myths, legends, and shamanistic hallucinations is a fatiguing process. Truth, in the end, is not what anyone wants to hear or know.
Of course, I am in the twilight of my own life. Low testosterone has rendered my genes inferior and unsuitable for reproduction. The sole purpose of humanity has cast me aside as an "undesirable." What more can be said?

Typical Gym Hottie
I have been actively observing the effects of inferior genes as it applies to myself. I am treated differently, usually with hostility, by both genders. That's why I am constantly confronted by rude and inconsiderate people. Even as a mere customer at a fast food joint, I cannot obtain the same level of service as others with normal genes.
At the gym, I am seemingly "bullied" by both genders. I am not a wimpy guy, mind you. I am just treated like a wimp. I don't swagger around like the "alpha males." I don't grunt or make loud warrior-like noises. I don't slam the weights around. I don't flex my muscles in the myriad mirrors. I don't even talk to anyone.
Well, truth is a "bitter pill to swallow." I have come to accept my fate. What other choice do I have? Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Of course, I am in the twilight of my own life. Low testosterone has rendered my genes inferior and unsuitable for reproduction. The sole purpose of humanity has cast me aside as an "undesirable." What more can be said?

I have been actively observing the effects of inferior genes as it applies to myself. I am treated differently, usually with hostility, by both genders. That's why I am constantly confronted by rude and inconsiderate people. Even as a mere customer at a fast food joint, I cannot obtain the same level of service as others with normal genes.
At the gym, I am seemingly "bullied" by both genders. I am not a wimpy guy, mind you. I am just treated like a wimp. I don't swagger around like the "alpha males." I don't grunt or make loud warrior-like noises. I don't slam the weights around. I don't flex my muscles in the myriad mirrors. I don't even talk to anyone.
Well, truth is a "bitter pill to swallow." I have come to accept my fate. What other choice do I have? Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Denial in Disguise
"I'm just a fucking chimpanzee," I kept repeating to myself yesterday. Nihilism and existential chaos have finally converged. How have we been able to fool ourselves for so long? It's a problem of perspective, context, and relativity. Hubris figures into the equation as well. We've always thought that we're at the center of the universe. And, no entity has refuted us. We still believe that we're the highest intelligent lifeform in existence. Denial in disguise.
I neglected to mention that my homeless buddy was gloating about how well the tablet computer, which I sold to him for pennies on the dollar, is functioning extremely well. I didn't bother to inform him that the device is no longer manufactured or supported in any way. It is worth less than a doorstop.
Speaking of homeless, there has been an unusual influx of new homeless. I am flabbergasted by the myriad new faces. Where did they come from? During the day, the Capitol district is filled with the homeless, most of them sleeping under the trees. And, of course, the public library is still a major homeless depot. I no longer carry my gym bag to the library because of fear of theft. Too many strange faces, none looking trustworthy.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" is back to his irritating ways, even with his new "squeeze." The romance is, however, accelerating. So, I expect the fool to be confronted with the decision to find a "love nest" for the couple to move into. I'll be happy to see the asswipe gone. Frankly, I'm surprised that he was able to find a babe who can tolerate his arrogance, his quirks, and ridiculous idiosyncrasies. Must be "love," eh?
The "chef" appears to have removed himself from the faculty of the posh private school in Kapolei. From what I can ascertain, he's back to being a substitute teacher at one of the local public high schools. How is he going to afford to keep his babe happy with a smaller paycheck? Sheesh!
I neglected to mention that my homeless buddy was gloating about how well the tablet computer, which I sold to him for pennies on the dollar, is functioning extremely well. I didn't bother to inform him that the device is no longer manufactured or supported in any way. It is worth less than a doorstop.
Speaking of homeless, there has been an unusual influx of new homeless. I am flabbergasted by the myriad new faces. Where did they come from? During the day, the Capitol district is filled with the homeless, most of them sleeping under the trees. And, of course, the public library is still a major homeless depot. I no longer carry my gym bag to the library because of fear of theft. Too many strange faces, none looking trustworthy.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" is back to his irritating ways, even with his new "squeeze." The romance is, however, accelerating. So, I expect the fool to be confronted with the decision to find a "love nest" for the couple to move into. I'll be happy to see the asswipe gone. Frankly, I'm surprised that he was able to find a babe who can tolerate his arrogance, his quirks, and ridiculous idiosyncrasies. Must be "love," eh?
The "chef" appears to have removed himself from the faculty of the posh private school in Kapolei. From what I can ascertain, he's back to being a substitute teacher at one of the local public high schools. How is he going to afford to keep his babe happy with a smaller paycheck? Sheesh!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
More Answers to Nothing
The melding of archaeology, anthropology, and genetics has yielded a most interesting story of human origin and migration. There are some differences of option between the fields, but a fairly detailed has been gleaned from the diverse pieces of data. In some ways, the story is reminiscent of religious myths and legends.
What was it like to be an early human? What level of consciousness did those people experience? There are many burning questions when considering our distant past and legacy. And, here we are today, seven billion strong. Yet, we are locked in the same futile prehistoric struggles, perhaps even worse because we have more destructive resources at our disposal.

Typical Philosophical Hottie
Long story short, the philosophical questions that have nagged humanity for eons can now be permanently laid to rest. There is no meaning, no purpose. There is no authorization for dominion over all other lifeforms. By the same token, there are no "races" and ethnic groups based upon our current loose definitions. There is no afterlife. We are modern chimpanzees. Nothing more, nothing less.
What was it like to be an early human? What level of consciousness did those people experience? There are many burning questions when considering our distant past and legacy. And, here we are today, seven billion strong. Yet, we are locked in the same futile prehistoric struggles, perhaps even worse because we have more destructive resources at our disposal.

Long story short, the philosophical questions that have nagged humanity for eons can now be permanently laid to rest. There is no meaning, no purpose. There is no authorization for dominion over all other lifeforms. By the same token, there are no "races" and ethnic groups based upon our current loose definitions. There is no afterlife. We are modern chimpanzees. Nothing more, nothing less.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Fundamental Failure
What is there to report? Absolutely nothing! Same ol' shit. Coffee at the fast food joint in town, hanging out with the homeless at the public library, working out at the gym, usual Hawai'i Kai visits, evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala (i.e., dinner, then loitering at the bookstore). That's why the "blog" should have ended. But, I digress. I would not be in this predicament if I had more money, more mullah, to work with. That's not my doing, though.
So, who is to blame? How about your ol' buddy, Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed and his global cohort of corrupt central bankers? Don't take my word for it. Just look at what's happening. Stock markets around the world, the only filthy medium for investment return these days, only react to announcements by "Handjob," the ringleader himself. Nothing else moves the markets. Just either more "quantitative easing" (QE), or not. More money "printing," or not. That's it. No fundamentals allowed.
My prediction of an August "correction" for both the stock market and the price of gold fizzled out. Only slight declines occurred. We'll have to wait until the October cycle rolls around. By then, a full-fledged incursion by empire into Syria will have taken place. More distractions. More innocent blood shed, just to provide for those distractions. Wouldn't it be cheaper and more effective to just give everyone a free "smartphone" with unlimited free "apps"? Conquering a brain-dead population would then take very little effort.
On a side note, I glanced through David Stockman's book, "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America." The book may be the most definitive guide to the nonsense that has transpired over the last six years. I'll be adding it to the reading list.
So, who is to blame? How about your ol' buddy, Ben "Handjob" Bernanke of the Fed and his global cohort of corrupt central bankers? Don't take my word for it. Just look at what's happening. Stock markets around the world, the only filthy medium for investment return these days, only react to announcements by "Handjob," the ringleader himself. Nothing else moves the markets. Just either more "quantitative easing" (QE), or not. More money "printing," or not. That's it. No fundamentals allowed.
My prediction of an August "correction" for both the stock market and the price of gold fizzled out. Only slight declines occurred. We'll have to wait until the October cycle rolls around. By then, a full-fledged incursion by empire into Syria will have taken place. More distractions. More innocent blood shed, just to provide for those distractions. Wouldn't it be cheaper and more effective to just give everyone a free "smartphone" with unlimited free "apps"? Conquering a brain-dead population would then take very little effort.
On a side note, I glanced through David Stockman's book, "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America." The book may be the most definitive guide to the nonsense that has transpired over the last six years. I'll be adding it to the reading list.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Taking Up the Slack
Yesterday, I neglected to mention that our favorite hottie gym trainer was at the gym after a seemingly long hiatus. Baby was looking mighty fine, considering that she is in her early forties. And, relative to the ol' lavahead, baby is technically a young hottie. The ol' lavahead is just a fossilized curmudgeon. Sheesh!

Whitney Westgate
No, baby has not come around. No babes are ever coming around. I'll be a celibate monk until the end. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Fortunately, there are myriad hurdy-gurdy hotties like Whitney Westgate to take up the slack, so to speak. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

No, baby has not come around. No babes are ever coming around. I'll be a celibate monk until the end. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Fortunately, there are myriad hurdy-gurdy hotties like Whitney Westgate to take up the slack, so to speak. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Smelly Ol' Chimp
The Church of Evolution certainly has an intriguing tale about the origin of humans. And, it's most likely very accurate. We humans branched off from the apes probably around 1.5 million years ago. And, at one time, there were at least three separate species of humans living on the planet. Only one species, the chimpo sapiens, survived. What are we to make of that?

Typical Knuckle-Dragging Primate
Well, it certainly is difficult to look in the mirror and say, "I am actually a modern chimp." Chimpanzee, that is. Little wonder why people hold on to ridiculous religious beliefs that promote human "exceptionalism." We are not animals, we tell ourselves. In fact, such-and-such deity gave us dominion over animals, we add as further justification.
The failed "civilization" paradigm was an extreme knee-jerk reaction to the repulsion of our animal nature. Any external trace of "animalism" was eradicated or sublimated. The "inner animal" was forcibly repressed. The truth was mummified using the fraudulent institution of religion.
How could we possibly be an offshoot species of monkeys? One trip to the zoo will reveal that its primate inmates are nothing like us, right? They are smelly. They defecate and urinate all over their cages. They make odd noises. Hey, wait a minute! They are just like us. They have hands just like ours. Actually, some of our own kind have been observed doing the knuckle-drag when inebriated, if that isn't proof enough.

Typical Primate Hottie
I am no paleoanthropologist, but I have a feeling that the early proto-humans knew that they descended from the monkey clan. Even with limited linguistic skills, they passed down the genealogy to their offspring through a crude oral tradition. Somewhere up the line, one or more proto-human descendants were appalled and sickened by that fact. Hence, the story was erased from tradition and replaced by shamanistic hallucinations (which are still around in one form or another today).

Well, it certainly is difficult to look in the mirror and say, "I am actually a modern chimp." Chimpanzee, that is. Little wonder why people hold on to ridiculous religious beliefs that promote human "exceptionalism." We are not animals, we tell ourselves. In fact, such-and-such deity gave us dominion over animals, we add as further justification.
The failed "civilization" paradigm was an extreme knee-jerk reaction to the repulsion of our animal nature. Any external trace of "animalism" was eradicated or sublimated. The "inner animal" was forcibly repressed. The truth was mummified using the fraudulent institution of religion.
How could we possibly be an offshoot species of monkeys? One trip to the zoo will reveal that its primate inmates are nothing like us, right? They are smelly. They defecate and urinate all over their cages. They make odd noises. Hey, wait a minute! They are just like us. They have hands just like ours. Actually, some of our own kind have been observed doing the knuckle-drag when inebriated, if that isn't proof enough.

I am no paleoanthropologist, but I have a feeling that the early proto-humans knew that they descended from the monkey clan. Even with limited linguistic skills, they passed down the genealogy to their offspring through a crude oral tradition. Somewhere up the line, one or more proto-human descendants were appalled and sickened by that fact. Hence, the story was erased from tradition and replaced by shamanistic hallucinations (which are still around in one form or another today).
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Big Zero
My time in "mainstream" society is rapidly drawing to a close. I just don't fit in, not that I ever did. I'm a pariah, an old pariah. What I need to do is find a low-income senior citizen rental unit. Then, I should purchase a big-ass widescreen LCD tube. My life as a recluse would commence immediately afterward. As a hermit, all personal hygiene would come to a halt. Just me and the tube. Game over!
In the meantime, I have commenced my informal research into the area of genetics. Fascinating stuff. I am, of course, primarily concerned with the story of human origin. There will be commentary as the research progresses.
Incidentally, I have synchronized many of the system "apps" (i.e., calendar, contacts, notes, etc.) on the Nexus 7 tablet computer with the "cloud." I have done so to expedite any illegal surveillance performed by empire. I have absolutely zero personal information in any of "apps," so there will be zero data and metadata extracted. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
In the meantime, I have commenced my informal research into the area of genetics. Fascinating stuff. I am, of course, primarily concerned with the story of human origin. There will be commentary as the research progresses.
Incidentally, I have synchronized many of the system "apps" (i.e., calendar, contacts, notes, etc.) on the Nexus 7 tablet computer with the "cloud." I have done so to expedite any illegal surveillance performed by empire. I have absolutely zero personal information in any of "apps," so there will be zero data and metadata extracted. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Old Codgers, Young Hotties
Old codgers everywhere, most of them unkempt and disheveled. Why? What got me thinking was Alan of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame. My observations yield that Alan is not in the minority. Nor is he one of the worse perpetrators. Seems that old guys, all bachelors, just "throw in the towel" at some point. Then, they dress like slobs, wearing the same tattered, albeit odoriferous, clothing every day. Personal hygiene and grooming is abandoned. Nose hair juts out of the nasal passages, along with two-day beard stubble, unkempt hair, body odor, bushy eyebrows, halitosis, pear-shape physique, and long fingernails. A distinctly distraught or angst-ridden look is all too common, but catatonia is also popular.
Once an old codger realizes that he can no longer attract any babes, then he let's himself go. He puts himself "out to pasture." Add low testosterone to the mix and ... game over! More proof that our only real purpose is to survive and replicate. When we can't replicate (because of inferior genes), then we prematurely prepare to die.

Typical Healthy Hottie
By the way, the obesity rate in Hawai'i is 24 percent of the population. One in four people are obese. I can verify the latter. Yet, Hawai'i is ranked as one of the top "healthy" states in empire. Obviously, the definition of "healthy" is not the same as what I am acquainted with. And, what about the people who are overweight, but not considered obese? There sure are a lot of them waddling around. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Once an old codger realizes that he can no longer attract any babes, then he let's himself go. He puts himself "out to pasture." Add low testosterone to the mix and ... game over! More proof that our only real purpose is to survive and replicate. When we can't replicate (because of inferior genes), then we prematurely prepare to die.

By the way, the obesity rate in Hawai'i is 24 percent of the population. One in four people are obese. I can verify the latter. Yet, Hawai'i is ranked as one of the top "healthy" states in empire. Obviously, the definition of "healthy" is not the same as what I am acquainted with. And, what about the people who are overweight, but not considered obese? There sure are a lot of them waddling around. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Post No. 2,671
I mummified the reading of Jim Holt's book, "Why Does the World Exist?" It's a good book. However, I have lost interest in philosophical and metaphysical treatises. The Church of Quantum Physics has already answered many of the timeless questions. And, the on-going debate between religious and secular philosophy is too moot and tenuous. Why discuss the validity of religious ideas that have only been around for 2,000 years? What's the point?
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" has a new "squeeze." I suspected as much because he has hardly been around the dump. He seems more relaxed, which naturally comes about with doin' da wild thing often. Alan, on the other hand, has become more of a slob. The nauseating details are not necessary. Of course, the advantage of Alan's unkempt ways is that the "chef" is not likely to bring his babe around to visit. Well, at least the "chef" won't need to download hurdy-gurdy videos anymore.
Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" has a new "squeeze." I suspected as much because he has hardly been around the dump. He seems more relaxed, which naturally comes about with doin' da wild thing often. Alan, on the other hand, has become more of a slob. The nauseating details are not necessary. Of course, the advantage of Alan's unkempt ways is that the "chef" is not likely to bring his babe around to visit. Well, at least the "chef" won't need to download hurdy-gurdy videos anymore.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Antiquated Knowledge
There are a couple of books on quantum physics worthy of mention that I have recently perused: "Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth," by Jim Baggott and "The Quantum Universe: And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does," by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw. Both books are relatively short and summarize the most recent scientific findings. The topic is complex, but the authors have done a very good job of condensing the material.

Typical Educated Hottie
There really is a pressing need to revamp the global educational system to include mandatory science courses, specifically quantum physics. Too much of our common basic knowledge has subliminal roots in extreme antiquity. Antecedents of religion, mysticism, and the "occult" still adulterate modern thinking and even science. Little wonder why change is so slow.
For example, we humans are still intent on finding meaning and purpose. Yet, there are none. We are here just like the other animals and lifeforms. No fictional deity or creator has revealed any information to us directly. We are born. We live. Then, we die. Nothing more, nothing less.

There really is a pressing need to revamp the global educational system to include mandatory science courses, specifically quantum physics. Too much of our common basic knowledge has subliminal roots in extreme antiquity. Antecedents of religion, mysticism, and the "occult" still adulterate modern thinking and even science. Little wonder why change is so slow.
For example, we humans are still intent on finding meaning and purpose. Yet, there are none. We are here just like the other animals and lifeforms. No fictional deity or creator has revealed any information to us directly. We are born. We live. Then, we die. Nothing more, nothing less.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Deprivation, or Not
Thank Molech for free downloadable hurdy-gurdy videos (read: "pr0n"). Losers suffering from "low-T" (low testosterone) can vicariously experience da wild thing with myriad hotties. No longer does any "low-T" kind-of-a-guy have to suffer from deprivation just because of inferior genes. By the way, my new favorite hurdy-gurdy hottie is gorgeous Whitney Westgate. From what I can ascertain, baby has superior genes.

Whitney Westgate
A whole virtual world of ready and willing babes can exist in a device as compact as the Nexus 7 tablet computer. It's a virtual world where a "low-T" guy can "replenish" his testosterone to an acceptable level sans shame. Let's take another peek at hurdy-gurdy hottie Whitney Westgate now, shall we?

Whitney Westgate
Baby is mighty fine. And, we can thank technology for that. In some parts of the world, "low-T" guys are doomed to live out their dead-end lives in misery, only relying upon a weak imagination to compensate for no babes. How sad is that?

A whole virtual world of ready and willing babes can exist in a device as compact as the Nexus 7 tablet computer. It's a virtual world where a "low-T" guy can "replenish" his testosterone to an acceptable level sans shame. Let's take another peek at hurdy-gurdy hottie Whitney Westgate now, shall we?

Baby is mighty fine. And, we can thank technology for that. In some parts of the world, "low-T" guys are doomed to live out their dead-end lives in misery, only relying upon a weak imagination to compensate for no babes. How sad is that?
Monday, August 19, 2013
Break Time
We've had a couple of days of serious discussions, eh? So, perhaps we should take a break. No sense overtaxing the oversized cranium any more than necessary. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Typical Enticing Hottie
Well, I could change the whole concept of the "blog" to one that focuses on babes, specifically enticing young hotties. Is that better than reading the ruminations of an old codger? Yeah, babes everywhere. No babes for "low-T" (low testosterone) losers, though. Inferior genes ultimately get snuffed out. That's the cruelty of evolution. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.

Well, I could change the whole concept of the "blog" to one that focuses on babes, specifically enticing young hotties. Is that better than reading the ruminations of an old codger? Yeah, babes everywhere. No babes for "low-T" (low testosterone) losers, though. Inferior genes ultimately get snuffed out. That's the cruelty of evolution. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
No Testosterone
According to the Church of Evolution, the primary purpose of all lifeforms is to survive and replicate, chimpo sapiens included. In all honesty, that's the plain truth. Legacy, free will, consciousness, meaning, and purpose are all moot. There's no evidence of an afterlife or immortal "soul." The earth is but a small speck in the universe. What makes us think that we have any importance in the grand scheme?
With that said, I have to realize my own insignificance. I have been "biologically selected" (as opposed to "natural selection") out of the human gene pool because I have failed to produce offspring. Let's face it, my lineage dies with me because my genes are inferior.
The problem can be isolated to testosterone. I am apparently a "low-T" (low testosterone) kind-of-a-guy. I suspect that I have always been "low-T." I have never been interested in "guy stuff" like sports, violence, or aggression. Although I am attracted to babes, nothing has ever compelled me to actively pursue them. It is as if I, as an organism, knew the futility of trying since the organism already knew it had been selected out of the process. I have feigned a typical alpha male personality for most of my adult life, but it was most likely transparent to all.
We humans must have a way to sense the presence of testosterone. Having always been "low-T," I now understand why I could never attract babes. In my old age, my testosterone level has probably diminished to near nothing. I have observed that even guys act somewhat hostile. It is as if they can sense the testosterone deficiency and view me as a weakling who can be easily victimized.
I forced myself to become more athletic, mostly due to typical stereotypes. However, the decision was probably a good one. I have been able to sculpture a more masculine physique, better my health, and decelerate the testosterone depletion. I probably look as though I have a normal testosterone level, but humans, as I stated, have the uncanny ability to subconsciously detect its presence. So, I fooled no one.
In looking around the gym, I can actually identify the young guys with high testosterone levels. I can feel a perceived threat, although I am not afraid of them. The same threat sensation, of course, attracts babes like a magnet. I then observed the guys in my age group. No perceived threat. Actually, nothing at all. It is as if they don't even exist, no less resemble their younger counterparts. Amorphous blobs, just like the ol' lavahead. Sheesh!
With that said, I have to realize my own insignificance. I have been "biologically selected" (as opposed to "natural selection") out of the human gene pool because I have failed to produce offspring. Let's face it, my lineage dies with me because my genes are inferior.
The problem can be isolated to testosterone. I am apparently a "low-T" (low testosterone) kind-of-a-guy. I suspect that I have always been "low-T." I have never been interested in "guy stuff" like sports, violence, or aggression. Although I am attracted to babes, nothing has ever compelled me to actively pursue them. It is as if I, as an organism, knew the futility of trying since the organism already knew it had been selected out of the process. I have feigned a typical alpha male personality for most of my adult life, but it was most likely transparent to all.
We humans must have a way to sense the presence of testosterone. Having always been "low-T," I now understand why I could never attract babes. In my old age, my testosterone level has probably diminished to near nothing. I have observed that even guys act somewhat hostile. It is as if they can sense the testosterone deficiency and view me as a weakling who can be easily victimized.
I forced myself to become more athletic, mostly due to typical stereotypes. However, the decision was probably a good one. I have been able to sculpture a more masculine physique, better my health, and decelerate the testosterone depletion. I probably look as though I have a normal testosterone level, but humans, as I stated, have the uncanny ability to subconsciously detect its presence. So, I fooled no one.
In looking around the gym, I can actually identify the young guys with high testosterone levels. I can feel a perceived threat, although I am not afraid of them. The same threat sensation, of course, attracts babes like a magnet. I then observed the guys in my age group. No perceived threat. Actually, nothing at all. It is as if they don't even exist, no less resemble their younger counterparts. Amorphous blobs, just like the ol' lavahead. Sheesh!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Supernatural (Continued)
I am still disturbed by moms' walking excursion in the extreme afternoon heat yesterday just to deliver a package of fruits to me. The fruits, with the exception of a banana, would have been fine until my next Hawai'i Kai visit on Monday.

Typical Genetic Hottie
By the way, I have perused the book, "Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters," by Matt Ridley. Very interesting. If anything, the last chapter about "free will" is recommended. I have also perused the book, "The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry," by Bryan Sykes. I plan to read the entire book when I can get my hands on a copy. Yes, I am now delving into the topic of genetics.
I am not a member of the Church of Evolution. However, I have already conceded that evolution is the only acceptable explanation for the proliferation and diversity of lifeforms. My only problem is with spontaneous generation, original replication, and self-design. Once again, there just appears to be some kind of supernatural phenomenon at play. What else could explain the conversion of inorganic matter comprised of virtual "particles" into organic lifeforms? When matter isn't actually real, how could life exist?

By the way, I have perused the book, "Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters," by Matt Ridley. Very interesting. If anything, the last chapter about "free will" is recommended. I have also perused the book, "The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry," by Bryan Sykes. I plan to read the entire book when I can get my hands on a copy. Yes, I am now delving into the topic of genetics.
I am not a member of the Church of Evolution. However, I have already conceded that evolution is the only acceptable explanation for the proliferation and diversity of lifeforms. My only problem is with spontaneous generation, original replication, and self-design. Once again, there just appears to be some kind of supernatural phenomenon at play. What else could explain the conversion of inorganic matter comprised of virtual "particles" into organic lifeforms? When matter isn't actually real, how could life exist?
Friday, August 16, 2013
First, we learned that atoms are comprised of about 90 percent free space. Then, we came to understand that the constituent parts of atoms, the sub-atomic "particles," do not really exist. They have no physical dimensions, sometimes no mass, and can only statistically be proven to appear in any one location. The very building blocks of matter, our reality, do not exist. What are we to make of that?
The Church of Quantum Physics does not rely on faith or whimsical beliefs. The perpetual philosophical question, "How can something be derived from nothing?" has been answered by Quantum Field Theory. All matter in the universe is proof of the latter. Everything is made up of nothing, or just the congealing of virtual "particles" (i.e., small aberrations in all-pervasive fields).
There is something terribly supernatural about the universe. I am not implying the existence of a fictional deity, mind you. However, only a supernatural phenomenon can make something out of nothing. Perhaps the same supernatural phenomenon can explain how inorganic matter can be transformed into organic lifeforms.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. While I was at the gym this afternoon, I heard my name being paged over the sound system. I was in locker room at the time. The front desk babe told me that moms had stopped by. I had to run outside to catch up with moms. Instead of napping, moms walked all the way down there in the heat with a heavy bag of fruits that she had forgotten about earlier. I wanted to give moms a ride back, but moms was long gone by the time I retrieved the keys to my truck. I looked around in various locations, but moms was nowhere to be found. For being 91 years-old, moms moves around pretty quickly.
Well, what is today's lesson? We have only one reality, whether it is entirely real or not. Short of collapse of one or more quantum fields, the virtual universe that we reside in will remain intact. Our virtual lives will carry on. I really doubt that we can place much faith in our legacy, though. In the grand scheme of things, legacy means nothing.
The Church of Quantum Physics does not rely on faith or whimsical beliefs. The perpetual philosophical question, "How can something be derived from nothing?" has been answered by Quantum Field Theory. All matter in the universe is proof of the latter. Everything is made up of nothing, or just the congealing of virtual "particles" (i.e., small aberrations in all-pervasive fields).
There is something terribly supernatural about the universe. I am not implying the existence of a fictional deity, mind you. However, only a supernatural phenomenon can make something out of nothing. Perhaps the same supernatural phenomenon can explain how inorganic matter can be transformed into organic lifeforms.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. While I was at the gym this afternoon, I heard my name being paged over the sound system. I was in locker room at the time. The front desk babe told me that moms had stopped by. I had to run outside to catch up with moms. Instead of napping, moms walked all the way down there in the heat with a heavy bag of fruits that she had forgotten about earlier. I wanted to give moms a ride back, but moms was long gone by the time I retrieved the keys to my truck. I looked around in various locations, but moms was nowhere to be found. For being 91 years-old, moms moves around pretty quickly.
Well, what is today's lesson? We have only one reality, whether it is entirely real or not. Short of collapse of one or more quantum fields, the virtual universe that we reside in will remain intact. Our virtual lives will carry on. I really doubt that we can place much faith in our legacy, though. In the grand scheme of things, legacy means nothing.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Empire of Asswipes
Everyone in empire is an asswipe (i.e., asshole). That's a fact, my friends. People abroad always say, "We love Americans, we just hate their government." Baloney! Just immerse yourself in "American" society for a short while and observe how debased it has become.
Of course, people of all nationalities and ethnic groups have been edging toward the same kind of debasement. I've encountered European asswipes, Asian asswipes, and so forth in increasing numbers. They act just like their "American" counterparts. Why? Well, the empire has been actively exporting its "culture" (term used real loosely) through various entertainment media. Other people love "Americans" so much that they emulate the pathetic stereotypes that are presented to them. That's exactly how it works in empire, too. "Americans" have become their media stereotypes. Asswipes, all of them!
A good case in point is Slob Manor (read: rental housing), specifically the tenants of the dump. Who is the biggest asswipe? Tom, the drunkard? The arrogant "chef"? Alan, the "pr0n" maniac? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Asswipes, all of them!
There really is no more time for the shenanigans of chimpo sapiens. We are collectively becoming the laughingstock of the animal world. Unfortunately, the human buffoons have the capability to destroy all life on the planet. And, that's exactly what is going to happen.
I now belong to the Church of Quantum Physics. I am a lowly monk in the organization. There are no fictional deities to worship. No Molech. No altar. Only the eerie truth about a perceived reality that doesn't exist. Very sobering. Very surreal. If only the chimpo sapiens could accept the truth. Then, real change could occur.
Of course, people of all nationalities and ethnic groups have been edging toward the same kind of debasement. I've encountered European asswipes, Asian asswipes, and so forth in increasing numbers. They act just like their "American" counterparts. Why? Well, the empire has been actively exporting its "culture" (term used real loosely) through various entertainment media. Other people love "Americans" so much that they emulate the pathetic stereotypes that are presented to them. That's exactly how it works in empire, too. "Americans" have become their media stereotypes. Asswipes, all of them!
A good case in point is Slob Manor (read: rental housing), specifically the tenants of the dump. Who is the biggest asswipe? Tom, the drunkard? The arrogant "chef"? Alan, the "pr0n" maniac? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Asswipes, all of them!
There really is no more time for the shenanigans of chimpo sapiens. We are collectively becoming the laughingstock of the animal world. Unfortunately, the human buffoons have the capability to destroy all life on the planet. And, that's exactly what is going to happen.
I now belong to the Church of Quantum Physics. I am a lowly monk in the organization. There are no fictional deities to worship. No Molech. No altar. Only the eerie truth about a perceived reality that doesn't exist. Very sobering. Very surreal. If only the chimpo sapiens could accept the truth. Then, real change could occur.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Do the Right Thing
Another day of illin' with the common cold. I did manage to restore my extreme monk haircut. When the mind is groggy, the result is very little thinking. So, the entire day passed in a stupor.

Typical Young Hottie
Lots of old guys in empire going berserk over young hotties and committing heinous crimes. First, there was Ariel Castro. He abducted, enslaved, and tortured three young babes for over a decade. He's now going "up the river" (read: prison) for a few hundred years. Then, "Uncle Jim" DiMaggio lost his mind and kidnapped a 16-year-old babe. He tortured and murdered the girl's mother and younger brother first. He had to be "terminated with extreme prejudice." Now, there's a new loser, Randy Taylor. He's suspected of kidnapping a teenage babe. He may also have been involved in several other abductions.
The problem, of course, is that old losers just cannot understand that babes are not interested in them, not even babes in their own age group. They become extremely desperate because the Vienna Sausage is atrophying. I urge all old guys who are entertaining morbid ideas about abducting young hotties to refrain from acting on their depraved impulses. Instead, "man up" and do the right thing. Take a butcher knife and amputate the offending appendage. Or, blow it off with a 9mm pistol. Do it now before it's too late.

Lots of old guys in empire going berserk over young hotties and committing heinous crimes. First, there was Ariel Castro. He abducted, enslaved, and tortured three young babes for over a decade. He's now going "up the river" (read: prison) for a few hundred years. Then, "Uncle Jim" DiMaggio lost his mind and kidnapped a 16-year-old babe. He tortured and murdered the girl's mother and younger brother first. He had to be "terminated with extreme prejudice." Now, there's a new loser, Randy Taylor. He's suspected of kidnapping a teenage babe. He may also have been involved in several other abductions.
The problem, of course, is that old losers just cannot understand that babes are not interested in them, not even babes in their own age group. They become extremely desperate because the Vienna Sausage is atrophying. I urge all old guys who are entertaining morbid ideas about abducting young hotties to refrain from acting on their depraved impulses. Instead, "man up" and do the right thing. Take a butcher knife and amputate the offending appendage. Or, blow it off with a 9mm pistol. Do it now before it's too late.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Illin' Illin' Illin'
I neglected to mention that I woke up with a sore throat in the morning yesterday. Illin' again. The common cold, post-nasal drip variety. I procured a bottle of cold and flu elixir, not my favorite remedy. So, I've been very groggy since then.
Shirley and I met for lunch, even though I was still somewhat groggy. This is her last week in town. She will be working at her new position at a different firm next week. We'll have to meet at Ala Moana Center from now on.
Well, since I am illin' and not feeling "one hundred percent," we should cut the "blog" short. Oh, I also neglected to mention that everyone had to evacuate the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night. False fire alarm, though. An unidentified moron was smoking cigarettes in the men's restroom. Sheesh!
Shirley and I met for lunch, even though I was still somewhat groggy. This is her last week in town. She will be working at her new position at a different firm next week. We'll have to meet at Ala Moana Center from now on.
Well, since I am illin' and not feeling "one hundred percent," we should cut the "blog" short. Oh, I also neglected to mention that everyone had to evacuate the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night. False fire alarm, though. An unidentified moron was smoking cigarettes in the men's restroom. Sheesh!
Monday, August 12, 2013
ObamaScare, the insidious healthcare initiative, is scary. Crafted entirely by the healthcare conglomerate lobby, the new law will rob the masses blind and decrease the quality of healthcare services. I am one of the millions of uninsured peons in empire, so I have reason to be wary.
ObamaScare is founded on the principles of greed and corruption. Nothing good can come of it. Its sole purpose is to generate more revenue streams for a bloated and diabolical healthcare industry, primarily dominated by large health management organizations (HMOs). Worst of all, it forces the younger and healthier populace to pay for the older, chronically ill population.
The latest fiasco which allows businesses to escape accountability for one additional year, as opposed to individuals, is a travesty. Yet, the very people who will be affected are too busy playing with their "smartphones" to even notice.
I would have been satisfied if I was allowed to purchase the high deductible "catastrophic" insurance policy, but I am apparently too old. I have no use for a regular health plan because I do not always run to the doctor's office on a whim. I have used the health clinic in Waikiki only sparingly, paying for each visit. So, at this time, I have made no decision about whether to seek enrollment or pay the fine. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
ObamaScare is founded on the principles of greed and corruption. Nothing good can come of it. Its sole purpose is to generate more revenue streams for a bloated and diabolical healthcare industry, primarily dominated by large health management organizations (HMOs). Worst of all, it forces the younger and healthier populace to pay for the older, chronically ill population.
The latest fiasco which allows businesses to escape accountability for one additional year, as opposed to individuals, is a travesty. Yet, the very people who will be affected are too busy playing with their "smartphones" to even notice.
I would have been satisfied if I was allowed to purchase the high deductible "catastrophic" insurance policy, but I am apparently too old. I have no use for a regular health plan because I do not always run to the doctor's office on a whim. I have used the health clinic in Waikiki only sparingly, paying for each visit. So, at this time, I have made no decision about whether to seek enrollment or pay the fine. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
No One But Yourself
I am puzzled. How do people spend so much time playing with their computers or "smartphones"? Everywhere. On the bus. Walking blindly while engaged with the device. Driving illegally while doing who-knows-what. I've observed fools sitting at a weight machine in the gym for over 30 minutes just playing with their "smartphones." Sometimes there are no tables available for dining in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala because each one is occupied someone playing with a "smartphone." At the public library, all of the more affluent homeless are glued to their digital devices for the entire day.

Typical Ennui Hottie
Boredom. Ennui. Everywhere. Slobs guzzling down super-sized "meals" at fast food joints. Losers chain-smoking cigarettes. Morons glued to the tube. Drunkards. Illegal and medicinal drug addicts. Religious fanatics. The only time that I observe actual engaged behavior in humans is when they ate spending money shopping or on various passive entertainment venues. And, the joy on persists until the money runs out.
Boredom, alienation, stigmatization, and victimization are all components of the exodus by the way. That's part and parcel to the process of release from the subliminal mind control of empire and the Fascist state. Separation will yield an immediate backlash, and even the client of exodus will tend to work against himself. So, who can you trust? Who can you depend upon? Who can you believe in? No one but yourself.

Boredom. Ennui. Everywhere. Slobs guzzling down super-sized "meals" at fast food joints. Losers chain-smoking cigarettes. Morons glued to the tube. Drunkards. Illegal and medicinal drug addicts. Religious fanatics. The only time that I observe actual engaged behavior in humans is when they ate spending money shopping or on various passive entertainment venues. And, the joy on persists until the money runs out.
Boredom, alienation, stigmatization, and victimization are all components of the exodus by the way. That's part and parcel to the process of release from the subliminal mind control of empire and the Fascist state. Separation will yield an immediate backlash, and even the client of exodus will tend to work against himself. So, who can you trust? Who can you depend upon? Who can you believe in? No one but yourself.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Chimpanzee Manor
Never a dull moment at Slob Manor (read: rental housing). When I returned to the dump from my evening outing last night, the front door was wide open. The "chef" and Tom, the drunkard, were sitting in the dining area. The conversation immediately included the ol' lavahead and the topic was bedbugs. Oh-oh. Seems the "chef" may have a bedbug infestation. He has several bites, but he's still in denial and hoping that fleas or mosquitoes were responsible. I told him that, since he's just back from a vacation abroad, the probability of a bedbug infestation is nearly one hundred percent. So, now he will have to go through the whole procedure (refer to my own experiences in the "blog").
And, apparently Alan did not curb his "pr0n" campouts in the first floor dining area through his own volition. The "chef" apparently reported the whole sordid affair to the landlord. Of course, when the "chef" was not around, Alan attempted to take advantage of the situation. Nothing that MAC address filtering didn't cure, though. Frankly, the landlord should print copies of established house rules and distribute it to all the tenants.
I ended up returning the tank top made of synthetic fabric for a refund at Ross® this morning. I didn't care much for the style. When will I ever learn? There's a good reason why clothes end up at Ross®. I find the selection at Macy's® more appealing. Nothing else to report.
And, apparently Alan did not curb his "pr0n" campouts in the first floor dining area through his own volition. The "chef" apparently reported the whole sordid affair to the landlord. Of course, when the "chef" was not around, Alan attempted to take advantage of the situation. Nothing that MAC address filtering didn't cure, though. Frankly, the landlord should print copies of established house rules and distribute it to all the tenants.
I ended up returning the tank top made of synthetic fabric for a refund at Ross® this morning. I didn't care much for the style. When will I ever learn? There's a good reason why clothes end up at Ross®. I find the selection at Macy's® more appealing. Nothing else to report.
Friday, August 09, 2013
Chimps, All of Them
After two days of consuming cheap and greasy "value menu" items for dinner at the fast food joint in Kahala, I can safely state that I feel terrible. The grease is coursing through my blood vessels as we speak, no doubt ready to provoke either a heart attack or an aneurysm. What am I doing to myself?
Slight change of plans. I have put off the removal of the decrepit desk in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). There are still too many loose pieces of junk (i.e., consumables) lying around. I am also not too keen about hauling the desk along the highway to the side street at night. I might be mistaken for a "terrorist." Sometimes I seriously have my doubts about being able to survive as a homeless guy. Sheesh!
Speaking of homeless, my homeless buddy keeps telling me that I really look like a homeless guy and he doesn't. He then laughs in a condescending fashion. It's somewhat annoying, but I allow him to live in his dream world. I knew that he was homeless from the first time I had observed him. He shows me all of the "designer" clothes that he's wearing, but the sizes are always way too large for him. The styles are also blatantly outdated. Obviously, the clothes were previously donated to charity. Perhaps he needs to have an opthamologist perform a few tests to see if he is legally blind. Of course, nearly everyone believes that they are more attractive and better off than anyone else.
Frankly, there really is only one perspective to take when observing or dealing with humans. Imagine all of them as chimpanzees because that is, in reality, what they are. Chimps in a zoo. Problems arise only because humans believe that they are superior to chimps. Oh, the foolishness! Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Slight change of plans. I have put off the removal of the decrepit desk in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing). There are still too many loose pieces of junk (i.e., consumables) lying around. I am also not too keen about hauling the desk along the highway to the side street at night. I might be mistaken for a "terrorist." Sometimes I seriously have my doubts about being able to survive as a homeless guy. Sheesh!
Speaking of homeless, my homeless buddy keeps telling me that I really look like a homeless guy and he doesn't. He then laughs in a condescending fashion. It's somewhat annoying, but I allow him to live in his dream world. I knew that he was homeless from the first time I had observed him. He shows me all of the "designer" clothes that he's wearing, but the sizes are always way too large for him. The styles are also blatantly outdated. Obviously, the clothes were previously donated to charity. Perhaps he needs to have an opthamologist perform a few tests to see if he is legally blind. Of course, nearly everyone believes that they are more attractive and better off than anyone else.
Frankly, there really is only one perspective to take when observing or dealing with humans. Imagine all of them as chimpanzees because that is, in reality, what they are. Chimps in a zoo. Problems arise only because humans believe that they are superior to chimps. Oh, the foolishness! Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Inching Toward Homelessness
I accompanied my homeless buddy on a technology toys shopping spree this morning. He purchased a new, unlocked "smartphone" to use as a small tablet computer. He also purchased another tablet computer. The total came to $570 and some change. My homeless buddy has also been assigned a low income rental unit in Chinatown. The Next Step shelter is going to reimburse him $300 to help him out, as if he really needs financial assistance. At least I was able to see the new Nexus 7 tablet computer. It is really nice.
I will be moving the decrepit desk (i.e., former divestiture staging area) in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) out onto the street sometime this weekend. I am certain that a scavenger will take it. I have already put my remaining possession in a plastic shopping bag. Once the desk is gone, I will put the shopping bag on the floor under the chair that has all of my tattered clothes lying on it. My goal is to make my squalid room look as empty and pathetic as possible. Tentatively, I am planning to put the decrepit box spring outside for bulk trash pickup at the end of the month.
By the way, I finally changed my gym membership payment to be charged to my credit card rather than a checking account debit. I need to keep my local bank account "clean" in case I need to produce a statement to document its activity. I must also transfer most of the balance to my investment account soon.
As can plainly be discerned, I am inching toward homelessness. No final decision has been made, but I desire the ability to expedite matters once the decision is made to go homeless.
I will be moving the decrepit desk (i.e., former divestiture staging area) in my squalid room in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) out onto the street sometime this weekend. I am certain that a scavenger will take it. I have already put my remaining possession in a plastic shopping bag. Once the desk is gone, I will put the shopping bag on the floor under the chair that has all of my tattered clothes lying on it. My goal is to make my squalid room look as empty and pathetic as possible. Tentatively, I am planning to put the decrepit box spring outside for bulk trash pickup at the end of the month.
By the way, I finally changed my gym membership payment to be charged to my credit card rather than a checking account debit. I need to keep my local bank account "clean" in case I need to produce a statement to document its activity. I must also transfer most of the balance to my investment account soon.
As can plainly be discerned, I am inching toward homelessness. No final decision has been made, but I desire the ability to expedite matters once the decision is made to go homeless.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Tabula Rasa (Reprise)
Back to the same ol' shit. The "chef" arrived back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) from his vacation at midnight, making all kinds of noise. Now that the full cast of clowns has been restored, the stupidity should resume immediately. Molech, have mercy!
My homeless buddy is still waiting for approval on any low income housing units. I really cannot fault him for his activities. He is about three years younger than I am. When he was in his teens (circa late 1960s) back in Vietnam, he was privy to live in a war-torn nation, courtesy the empire's anti-Communist intervention. The war, of course, is the reason that he now resides here in empire. I really cannot even imagine what he and his family had experienced.

Typical Filler Hottie
As anyone can easily detect, I am padding the "blog" with filler material just to keep it going. I often come up with new ideas, but I quickly discover that the ideas are not so new. They were discussed previously in the "blog" or old journal.
On a side note, I have removed all personal information and references from my public on-line accounts. Information that is synchronized with the Nexus 7 tablet computer has already been converted to tabula rasa. Yeah, even my on-line calendars are completely blank. Isn't that great?
My homeless buddy is still waiting for approval on any low income housing units. I really cannot fault him for his activities. He is about three years younger than I am. When he was in his teens (circa late 1960s) back in Vietnam, he was privy to live in a war-torn nation, courtesy the empire's anti-Communist intervention. The war, of course, is the reason that he now resides here in empire. I really cannot even imagine what he and his family had experienced.

As anyone can easily detect, I am padding the "blog" with filler material just to keep it going. I often come up with new ideas, but I quickly discover that the ideas are not so new. They were discussed previously in the "blog" or old journal.
On a side note, I have removed all personal information and references from my public on-line accounts. Information that is synchronized with the Nexus 7 tablet computer has already been converted to tabula rasa. Yeah, even my on-line calendars are completely blank. Isn't that great?
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
A brief "wild goose chase" shopping excursion led to wasted time and disappointment. No loss, though. I was looking for more hand-washable workout attire. Otherwise, more minor divestitures are still on-going. Stuff has to go!
No decision on my impending voluntary homelessness. If I opt to become a sheltered homeless guy, then I must procure a statement of homelessness from an acceptable agency, obtain a tuberculosis (TB) screening, and hide my assets. Practicing the art of lying is also mandatory. Opting to live on the streets ... I'm already prepared.
I have tentatively nixed the idea of purchasing a boat to use as a homeless shelter. Like any other piece of property, it will cost more money than it's worth. In the case of boat ownership, there are other potential problems like damage from a storm or tsunami. No thanks.
Last word. Every day, during my absense from Slob Manor (read: rental housing) while on my various excursions, I totally dread returning to the dump. I don't even want to sleep in the dungy mausoleum. The hovel would be an acceptable dump were it not for the other low quality tenants. I use the descriptor, "low quality," because tenants are really just commodities. Dread is the reason the homeless issue keeps popping up. Why pay so much money for rent when nothing worthy is actually received in return?
No decision on my impending voluntary homelessness. If I opt to become a sheltered homeless guy, then I must procure a statement of homelessness from an acceptable agency, obtain a tuberculosis (TB) screening, and hide my assets. Practicing the art of lying is also mandatory. Opting to live on the streets ... I'm already prepared.
I have tentatively nixed the idea of purchasing a boat to use as a homeless shelter. Like any other piece of property, it will cost more money than it's worth. In the case of boat ownership, there are other potential problems like damage from a storm or tsunami. No thanks.
Last word. Every day, during my absense from Slob Manor (read: rental housing) while on my various excursions, I totally dread returning to the dump. I don't even want to sleep in the dungy mausoleum. The hovel would be an acceptable dump were it not for the other low quality tenants. I use the descriptor, "low quality," because tenants are really just commodities. Dread is the reason the homeless issue keeps popping up. Why pay so much money for rent when nothing worthy is actually received in return?
Monday, August 05, 2013
Lots of time still being wasted. No surprise, of course. I have mummified another "app" on the Nexus 7 tablet computer to further aid in detaching myself from the device. I'm not addicted to it, mind you. However, I still spend way too much time using the device than what would be considered discretionary.
I have also been slipping up by perusing a lot of the old (and now unapproved) "news" sites on the Net. Little wonder why I end up frustrated after reading the same ol' nauseating shit. When will I ever learn? The only approved sources are listed in the right column of the "blog."
I continue to peruse various technology and gadget "blogs" and Web sites. My interest in computers has been difficult to contain. Fortunately, I no longer fall prey to the temptation of acquiring more technology toys. As it stands, the Nexus 7 more than fulfills its purpose. And, I am now always keenly aware of the device's ability to easily betray me to the empire's surveillance gauntlet.
My investment accounts are now being consolidated, not that it matters. I am planning to lump everything into two accounts, one being a tax-deferred retirement account. As the empire's economy collapses, transferring the consolidated accounts should be easier. Anyway, that's part of my plan to expedite tasks that have been in queue for several months now. I have been procrastinating way too long, opting for "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" instead. Time is running out. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
I have also been slipping up by perusing a lot of the old (and now unapproved) "news" sites on the Net. Little wonder why I end up frustrated after reading the same ol' nauseating shit. When will I ever learn? The only approved sources are listed in the right column of the "blog."
I continue to peruse various technology and gadget "blogs" and Web sites. My interest in computers has been difficult to contain. Fortunately, I no longer fall prey to the temptation of acquiring more technology toys. As it stands, the Nexus 7 more than fulfills its purpose. And, I am now always keenly aware of the device's ability to easily betray me to the empire's surveillance gauntlet.
My investment accounts are now being consolidated, not that it matters. I am planning to lump everything into two accounts, one being a tax-deferred retirement account. As the empire's economy collapses, transferring the consolidated accounts should be easier. Anyway, that's part of my plan to expedite tasks that have been in queue for several months now. I have been procrastinating way too long, opting for "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" instead. Time is running out. Otherwise, usual Hawai'i Kai visit.
Sunday, August 04, 2013
Reign of Tyranny
I am becoming more agitated by the day. There is seemingly no end to the anxiety and general malaise, either of which can be attributed to the pernicious state of affairs in empire. I am no longer even certain whether I made any real progress insofar as emancipation is concerned. Enslavement of the masses is so pervasive, so ubiquitous, so nefarious, that freedom may be impossible.
Take the sheltered homeless, for example. They are, from what I gathered through my homeless buddy's testimony, minimum security prisoners. They pay a token amount for rent, but not enough to escape the reign of faceless tyranny. Their sole purpose is to justify the creation of social welfare jobs (i.e., economic stimulus). The homeless are also a commodity similar to incarcerated prisoners. They generate a revenue stream either by providing themselves as cheap labor or spending their entitlement benefits (more economic stimulus).
Say, that pretty much covers the rest of us as well. Is there really any difference between the homeless and the rank-and-file peons other than superficial housing? Not really.
So, what am I getting at? Well, the homeless issue is coming back again just like a bad sitcom. Should I "throw in the towel" and apply for admission to a homeless shelter? Or, should I follow in the footsteps of Reggie, master mentor, and live on the streets? Absurd, no?
Take the sheltered homeless, for example. They are, from what I gathered through my homeless buddy's testimony, minimum security prisoners. They pay a token amount for rent, but not enough to escape the reign of faceless tyranny. Their sole purpose is to justify the creation of social welfare jobs (i.e., economic stimulus). The homeless are also a commodity similar to incarcerated prisoners. They generate a revenue stream either by providing themselves as cheap labor or spending their entitlement benefits (more economic stimulus).
Say, that pretty much covers the rest of us as well. Is there really any difference between the homeless and the rank-and-file peons other than superficial housing? Not really.
So, what am I getting at? Well, the homeless issue is coming back again just like a bad sitcom. Should I "throw in the towel" and apply for admission to a homeless shelter? Or, should I follow in the footsteps of Reggie, master mentor, and live on the streets? Absurd, no?
Saturday, August 03, 2013
Death & Rebirth
The "existential vacuum," meaninglessness, ennui, absurdity, boredom, the proverbial Chinese water torture, mortal anxiety ... that's what happens when all facets of modern (read: consumer) society are abandoned without recourse or superficial remedies (i.e., cheap booze, illicit drugs, religion, wage slavery, tube, hobbies, sports, "smartphones," social networking, babes, friendships, and so forth). I am at that point now. I have stripped myself completely bare of the so-called "values" of society. I have exited the "mainstream." Frankly, I am too far out. I can never return.

Typical Meaningful Hottie
What happens when every pillar of "civilization" has been exposed as a massive fraud? Where is there to go after that? What is there to do? What further knowledge is there to acquire? What sense is there to be made of that?
All major religions speak of death (physical or spiritual) and "rebirth" in one form or another. The old self must die before the new self is "resurrected." Perhaps there is more to the concept than just religious mumbo-jumbo. If that is the case, then I am going through the death phase now. What is at the other end, though?
"Civilization" is rotting from the inside, essentially a corpse already. The masses have been reduced to walking cadavers and zombies. The "system" is a vast and ornate mausoleum, pretty on the outside but stinks of embalming fluid. Existence for the masses is only sustained by worshiping and prostrating at the dungy temple of money. Even poor Molech has been ignored.
What kind of "rebirth" can I expect? I haven't got the foggiest idea. However, anything is better than the chronic nihilism that results from the current mess that is humanity.

What happens when every pillar of "civilization" has been exposed as a massive fraud? Where is there to go after that? What is there to do? What further knowledge is there to acquire? What sense is there to be made of that?
All major religions speak of death (physical or spiritual) and "rebirth" in one form or another. The old self must die before the new self is "resurrected." Perhaps there is more to the concept than just religious mumbo-jumbo. If that is the case, then I am going through the death phase now. What is at the other end, though?
"Civilization" is rotting from the inside, essentially a corpse already. The masses have been reduced to walking cadavers and zombies. The "system" is a vast and ornate mausoleum, pretty on the outside but stinks of embalming fluid. Existence for the masses is only sustained by worshiping and prostrating at the dungy temple of money. Even poor Molech has been ignored.
What kind of "rebirth" can I expect? I haven't got the foggiest idea. However, anything is better than the chronic nihilism that results from the current mess that is humanity.
Friday, August 02, 2013
Absurdia (Reprise)
More about the recent Android® 4.3 upgrade path. Seems that battery life has improved noticeably on the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Still no observable performance regressions. My former favorite video player was updated and operational again, but I have decided to stay with Dice Player. With that said, I no longer have any "apps" with annoying embedded advertising. Thank Molech!
I was relieved to learn that Edward Snowden was granted asylum for at least a year in the Russian Federation. Few of the empire's citizens are aware of or grateful for the information that he leaked about the all-pervasive domestic surveillance gauntlet. I am, however, privy to witness the fools of empire freely doling out any and all personal information through their "smartphones" to the Fascist eavesdroppers. It's both stupefying and absurd.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I am frantically discarding anything that I can part with. Stuff just needs to go. I don't even know why. I am just compelled to do so. Totally absurd. Heck, I'm living in absurdia. Sheesh!
I was relieved to learn that Edward Snowden was granted asylum for at least a year in the Russian Federation. Few of the empire's citizens are aware of or grateful for the information that he leaked about the all-pervasive domestic surveillance gauntlet. I am, however, privy to witness the fools of empire freely doling out any and all personal information through their "smartphones" to the Fascist eavesdroppers. It's both stupefying and absurd.
Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I am frantically discarding anything that I can part with. Stuff just needs to go. I don't even know why. I am just compelled to do so. Totally absurd. Heck, I'm living in absurdia. Sheesh!
Thursday, August 01, 2013
Existential Pariah
Anxiety, lots of anxiety. I cannot overstate the latter. I am now locked in a deep state of ennui and meaninglessness. I am no longer a wage slave, so I have no income. I am no longer a debt slave, so I have no master. I am no longer a consumer, so I have no purpose in society. I am a pariah and a nobody, all at the same time.
I have reduced my possessions to the bare essentials. I have worked hard to reduce or eliminate any and all responsibilities. I have attempted to increase my leisure time, but my only available activity is deep thinking. And, what is there to think about? When all is said and done, the only cogent topic to ponder is human absurdity.
Pondering human absurdity is absurd itself. Worst yet, I am privy to observe human absurdity with little distraction. I can devote my full attention to every intricate form of human absurdity. That's when absurdity becomes surreal. Humans essentially become animals, but not in the anthropomorphic sense. I am not talking about Disney® World here. Rather, I am referring to the debauched humanity that has overstepped its animal bounds.
Yes, it is much easier to remain a mindless slave, a consuming automaton, a zombie. The "existential vacuum" seeks form and function through various addictions, anything to suppress the absurdity that is driven even more to madness by mortality. The curse of consciousness.
My own financial poverty has once again increased my dependency on computers, specifically the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Only the "virtual" world, one that is being monitored extensively by the empire, is open for long-term loitering. Oddly, the "virtual" freedom is bringing us closer to oppression, totalitarianism, and even more slavery. Heck, I don't care anymore. Bring it on!
I have reduced my possessions to the bare essentials. I have worked hard to reduce or eliminate any and all responsibilities. I have attempted to increase my leisure time, but my only available activity is deep thinking. And, what is there to think about? When all is said and done, the only cogent topic to ponder is human absurdity.
Pondering human absurdity is absurd itself. Worst yet, I am privy to observe human absurdity with little distraction. I can devote my full attention to every intricate form of human absurdity. That's when absurdity becomes surreal. Humans essentially become animals, but not in the anthropomorphic sense. I am not talking about Disney® World here. Rather, I am referring to the debauched humanity that has overstepped its animal bounds.
Yes, it is much easier to remain a mindless slave, a consuming automaton, a zombie. The "existential vacuum" seeks form and function through various addictions, anything to suppress the absurdity that is driven even more to madness by mortality. The curse of consciousness.
My own financial poverty has once again increased my dependency on computers, specifically the Nexus 7 tablet computer. Only the "virtual" world, one that is being monitored extensively by the empire, is open for long-term loitering. Oddly, the "virtual" freedom is bringing us closer to oppression, totalitarianism, and even more slavery. Heck, I don't care anymore. Bring it on!
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