Saturday, November 30, 2013


The ol' lavahead is now 59 years old, one more year closer to death. Holy mackerel! Can I at least get a taste of freedom during my last few years? Sheesh!

Last night, I mulled over the feasibility of an evening outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. After all, Black Friday was still going on. I decided to take the risk. Bad decision. However, I was privy to witness absurdity at its best. Crowds of idiots were milling about with stupid expressions on their faces much like total inebriation with cheap booze. Shopping really does produce a euphoric stupor. And, that's really all there is to the so-called "American" life-style.

Even the fruit-based computer store was mobbed with shoppers. People were purchasing two or more computers, tablet computers, "smartphones," and music players. Thousands of dollars were being handed over to the "specialists" for products that would "enrich people's lives." I used one of the fruit-based tablet computers to search for meaningful "apps." Nada.

Just as with my Nexus 7 tablet computer, there are no relevant "apps." Most "apps" are either useless or foolish time-wasting games. I only use a Web browser, a file manager, and a video player. No torrent client; way too taxing on the hardware. Aside from minor legitimates uses, the tablet computer is just a "mobile pr0n terminal" (MPT).

Typical MPT Hotties

Unexciting day. No visit to the public library. Lots of fools out shopping. Expect the stock market to surge next week after the results of Black Friday weekend are announced. Tiresome at best. Fortunately, I have my personal MPT to keep me occupied. Sheesh!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Ol' Lavahead Day 2013

Ol' Lavahead Day. Black Friday. So similar, yet so diametrically opposed. No excursion to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night, even though one retail store already commenced Black Friday sales at 8pm. Why not call it Black Thursday or Black Four-Day Weekend?

Well, another Ol' Lavahead Day has come and gone. No one noticed. No one cared. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Heatwave and vog continues unabated. Lots of zombies out shopping. When the overlords of Wall Street command the masses to spend all their money on useless junk, the latter do so freely and willingly. Otherwise, nothing to report.

Typical Overwhelming Hottie

The power of the overlords of Wall Street almost overpowered the oversized cranium. I was overcome by tablet computer shame over the past week or so. Then, I was overexposed to the myriad Black Friday advertising. Oversaturated by propaganda, I almost gave in to temptation to overspend on the overpriced fruit-based tablet computer. Overwhelmed by all the nonsense, I became frozen in indecision. Oh well.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

No-Holiday Holiday 2013

Last night, my evening outing in Kahala was intentionally limited. Dinner at the sandwich shop. Loitered at the fruit-based computer store. No bookstore visit, though. The den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) was way too crowded for comfort. Too many idiots. Too many fat slobs. Too many sycophants of empire. Too many insouciant peons salivating in Pavlovian anticipation of Black Friday.

No time for holidays, especially one that's both trivial and blasphemous. This morning, my Nissan® Frontier and I engaged in a field trip to the den of consumerism in Kahala. Purchase coffee at the coffee shop. Bus trip to town. Gym. Return to mall. Eat an early dinner at the sandwich shop. Loiter around. Stop off at Foodland Farms in Aina Haina on the way back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). Call it a day once back at the dump.

Typical No-Holiday Hottie

I finally came to my senses concerning the tablet computer. The Nexus 7 is just fine for me. No need to waste excessive money on the fruit-based tablet computer. Sure, Android® is unpolished and has a lot of lag. Who cares? I'm certainly not in any hurry.

Did you invest all of your money in the stock market? The Dow should hit 17,000 before Saturnalia and pass 18,000 just after the new Fed chief is installed in mid-January. Word has it that corporate stock buybacks are fueling the latest "bubble" (with ample support from the Fed). No sign of the fundamentals. Go ahead, get rich quick while you can!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Black Wednesday

Last night, I ran into Alan (originally from Convalescent City in Cali) as I walked to the sandwich shop in Kahala. He was waiting at the bus stop. I had not seen him for a while. Apparently, he visited Convalescent City last year. He said that he ran into Romero (lord of the Great Romero Empire). He also mentioned that he has been in contact with Jill, a mutual friend from way back, through social networking.

I have spent very little time at the bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Heck, I may cease loitering in the bookstore entirely. Nearly empty already, the place is way too dismal. I'm better off loitering at the fruit-based computer store. I can play with the fruit-based tablet computer and fume in envy. "Tablet computer shame" at its worst.

Typical Pavlovian Hottie

I paid an impromptu visit to the "crack house" in Chinatown this morning. I did not make any arrangements with the resident manager, so I was not able to enter the building. Outside, I observed that the structure was fully concrete. So, no noise problems from neighbors. Clearly, though, there has been little maintenance performed over the years. There were large windows for each room. I could see that most of the tenants has boxes and luggage stacked up from floor to ceiling, displacing at least half of the available living space. Across the street is the church mission that serves three meals per day to several hundred destitute and homeless folk. The neighborhood looked entirely Third World. The pathetic scene was so dismal, so noir. I am most likely going to nix the plan to move to the "crack house." Back to Square Zero.

Black Friday ... Black Friday ... blah, blah, blah. That's all I have been seeing and hearing. The insouciant peons of empire are salivating in Pavlovian fashion while waiting for Black Friday. Sickening.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Crack House"

Yesterday at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the "chef" and I chatted briefly. After completing a graduate degree in education at the Diploma Mill, he's $50,000 in student loan debt and working as a part-time substitute teacher (read: dead-end job) at a local high school. So, he is definitely pursuing the massage therapy certification at a local community college. He's also planning to either take yoga classes or join a gym. What is the method to his madness? As far as I can tell, babes. He wants to find another babe, a new "squeeze." What other explanation is there?

Typical Yoga Hottie

Upon following up yet again on the status of my application to reside at the "crack house" in Chinatown, I was told that I have been accepted. The room that is reserved for me is on the 4th floor (i.e., topmost) of the walk-up building. The structure itself is apparently very run-down. Lots of noise, and residents cause major problems at least once per week. Parking is available in the next building at a reduced rate. I will be making my final decision tomorrow. A deposit will be required to hold the room. If all goes well, I will submit to the landlord my written intent to vacate Slob Manor on Sunday. Aside from that, I restored my extreme monk haircut a day early because of the upcoming holiday.

By the way, the stock Apple® iPad cannot be used as a "mobile pr0n terminal" (MPT). The stock WebKit browser cannot download files from file-sharing sites. And, there are no torrent clients available for the device. The iPad is a clean machine. Sheesh!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Versatility (Reprise)

Well, I have certainly belabored the point about the Nexus 7 tablet computer. To what end, though? Am I seriously thinking about switching to the costlier fruit-based tablet computer? Nicer "apps," but I will never use any of them. Believe me, I should know. And, what about the obsolescence ceiling for the Nexus 7 coming next Summer? The Nexus 7 is now running the latest upgrade operating system. Most devices on the same platform may never even see the upgrade before being decommissioned.

I should actually be embracing Android®, much as I did with Linux. Both are "rough around the edges," but there is a distinct nerd quality about either. The other day, I cited versatility as a key factor. Yes, even though most of the "apps" are hideous, there are quite a few that would never be allowed into the fruit-based tablet computer's "ecosystem." Not acceptable.

Of course, there's the issue concerning Google®. I have learned to deal with it. I have combed the entire settings panels and toggled off all surveillance options. I doubt that I was totally effective. However, I have also invoked other countermeasures as well. Really, who cares about an obscure old codger anyway?

Typical Hawai'i Kai Hottie

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Everything remains in stasis as we await outcomes that are simply out of my control. There is, of course, a lot of stress. I just keep ruminating on the fact that I am an old codger. My significance keeps decreasing by the day.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tablet Computer Shame

The new Android® 4.4 "KitKat" update has kept me occupied and somewhat amused. I resorted to the "services framework trick" out of desperation in order to obtain the upgrade immediately. I could have easily converted the tablet computer into a doorstop. My irrational behavior was prompted by the upcoming (i.e., Summer 2014) obsolescence of the device.

I have not observed any performance improvements with "KitKat." That's probably why Android® is going to deprecate the Dalvik Virtual Machine in favor of the new Android® Run Time (ART). "Apps" will then run natively. Of course, something needs to done about the crappy "apps" first.

Last night, I spent more time playing with the tablet computers at the proprietary fruit-based computer store in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. It's almost embarrasing being an Android® tablet computer user, what with the plethora of simple and hideous "apps" for "smartphones." Simple pleasures for simple minds, I suppose.

Typical "Change Agent" Hottie

Another unexciting Sunday itinerary. When I returned to Slob Manor (read: rental housing) at 3pm, I was privy to another drunken soirée above my squalid room courtesy Tom, the drunkard. Nothing ever changes.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Framework Trickery

I've consumed junk food for the past two days instead of healthier meals. No doubt, I have also ingested antibiotics, hormones, arsenic, ractopamine, preservatives, and more! I should know better. Why am I attempting to hasten the visit from the "grim reaper"?

Last night, while I was loitering in the proprietary fruit-based computer store in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I realized that Android® is actually hideous insofar as aesthetics is concerned. The system "apps" are even worse. Third-party "apps" are not even worth mentioning. Why? Well, the answer is fairly obvious. The entire Android® "ecosystem" is designed only for "smartphones." No matter what official explanation has been offered, there is no actual tablet interface. Android®-based tablets are simply larger "smartphone" screens.

Typical Framework Hottie

Another uneventful day. Without a visit to the public library, the itinerary was limited. Upon return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I employed the dubious "services framework trick" on the Nexus 7 tablet computer in order to rush the operating system update. Mission accomplished on the first attempt. The update? Unexciting.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Status quo. nothing to report. I have been in an odd frame of mind lately. I'm beginning to care less and less about my situation. I am also completely disgusted with money matters.

No operating system (OS) update for the tablet computer yet, although the rollout is allegedly in progress. The OS update is likely to be the last for the device. I am not likely to purchase a new model of the same line in the future knowing that the device only has a built-in two-year obsolescence. I'll probably return to the more expensive option bearing the name of a popular fruit. I no longer require the versatility of the robot-named device. I also don't need a lot of storage. Only when the device is used as a "mobile pr0n terminal" (MPT) is there a real need for versatility and massive storage.

Typical Versatile Hottie

On a side note, the "crack house" in Chinatown will be a significant downgrade in life-style, that is, if I even end up residing there. Even Slob Manor (read: rental housing) will seem more upscale. Nonetheless, I have vowed to move if my application is accepted. The management has indicated that the rental unit will be reserved for me when I submit the security deposit. Thus, I will be able to give my 30-day notice to vacate Slob Manor without forfeiting my current security deposit.

Oddly, the situation at Slob Manor has improved drastically ever since I made my intent to move known. Tom, the drunkard, has been extremely quiet. Heck, he even found himself a wage slave job. However, I have no desire to remain at the dump. I have tolerated way too much nonsense already. Molech, have mercy!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


The bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala is looking more barren with each passing day. Lots of empty shelves. Truly a sad story. And, with the public library in town completely infested with derelicts and the homeless, there really is no option left to peruse or read books. Yeah, we're moving toward an era when no one even needs to step outside the mausoleum. Just remain sequestered in the dungy tomb with the idiotic "smartphone" and computer.

With that said, I have engaged my ample idle time in rumination of all things real. Clarity. Truth, as it were. Oh, nothing that I haven't already chronicled in the "blog." And, unlikely as it may seem, I haven't been devoting any time to ogling gorgeous young hotties. Rather, I have been critically observing myriad senior citizens everywhere. Oh, what a folly is life! I have spent way too much time and effort directed toward the prevention of chronic illness. Yet, I have neglected the fact that old age is a chronic illness.

There is no way to "grow old gracefully." The body just becomes more fragile, more decrepit, more feeble regardless of diseases. The "Golden Years" do not exist, only a constant battle to remain ambulatory and sentient. The only issue is mortality. The only outcome is death.

Typical Sentient Hottie

Aside from the usual nonsensical agenda, I checked on the status of my application to rent a unit in the "crack house" in Chinatown. Once again, I was deferred until next week. Sheesh!

Teddi Rae

By the way, I read a review of a certain unnamed tablet computer on the Dedoimedo site. The review itself was secondary to the reviewer's assertion that a tablet computer is essentially a "mobile pr0n terminal" (MPT). With that said, how about new hurdy-gurdy hottie Teddi Rae? Baby is mighty fine.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rollout Rollover

The daily routine has degenerated to endless idle time. The boycott of the public library continues. I merely sit around for hours on end at various locations, albeit devoid of the homeless and derelicts. The upside? Not many stupid encounters with losers.

Well, the rollout of Android® 4.4 "KitKat" has been a total failure. Actually, the rollout was not even a rollout. Several bugs were found, so the rollout has been postponed indefinitely.

Typical Showcase Hottie

Obviously, there is very little left to discuss in the "blog" anymore. The readership is dwindling, even with the wonderful hottie picture showcase. Oh well.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Torrent Torment

Another uneventful day. No public library visitation. Heatwave. Vog. I attempted to attain clarity in my moments of idleness. No dice.

Typical Torrential Hottie

Foolishly, I have been wasting time searching for new hurdy-gurdy video clips to download (via torrent client "app"). The quality (term used loosely) of "pr0n" has really gone downhill, by the way. There's even a new genre known as "glamcore," seemingly targeted at couples. Sadly, there's very little left for the old "raincoat" crowd, which makes up the majority of "pr0n" viewers. Well, the Vienna Sausage is "on its last leg" anyway. Time to uninstall the torrent client "app" and move on into the world of geriatric decrepitude. And, I'm not talking about geriatric "pr0n." Yuck!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Junk Food or Radiation?

Yesterday, I had officially reinstated Junk Food Sunday with little fanfare. The food issue is now of minor concern. I don't want to end up like the paranoid "chef" of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame. He is back to eating his organic meals every two hours or so. Frankly, we're being exposed to highly toxic crap from numerous other sources. It's a no-win scenario. Spending extravagant amounts of money on organic food does nothing to solve the problem.

Case in point. Lots of debris from Fukushima (and other areas hit by the tsunami over two years ago) is washing up in the islands. If the currents are moving debris in this direction, then surely the contaminated (i.e., irradiated) water that has been steadily overflowing from the crippled nuclear power plant to the ocean is swirling around offshore (albeit somewhat diluted). I can't even fathom the idea of taking a dip in the ocean, no less consume any locally caught fish.

Typical Heatwave Hotties

Another heatwave is upon us. Lots of vog, too. Usual Hawai' Kai visit. Nothing to report. Life continues on is a fashion that vaguely resembles the classic flick, "Groundhog Day." Only difference is that there is no purpose, no lesson to be learned, from repetitive event. Yeah, same ol' shit.

Into the Ether

Last night, dinner was courtesy the organic supermarket in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I spent $9 (at a whopping $10 per pound) for basically a self-serve salad. The meal was good, but not that good. I will be limiting my visits to Wednesday nights when the price is reduced to $7 per pound. I happened to observe that most of the allegedly affluent snobs were putting only "dainty" portions into their take-out boxes. Mine was fairly full.

The poisonous food issue is contentious at best. I can afford the same wholesome food as the allegedly affluent snobs. However, I don't want to spend that much money per day. So, I will be returning to my previously modified diet. I will be limiting the junk food, but not eliminating the latter. And, the whey protein powder is here to stay. Wheee!

Typical Wholesome Hottie

Usual Sunday itinerary. My homeless buddy was already at the fast food joint in town when I arrived. There are days that I really don't want to chat with the homeless buddy. This was one of those days. Nothing else to report.

Incidentally, I decided to mummify my Skype® account. The "app" for the Nexus 7 tablet computer apparently has advertisements running all the time. Any "app" with advertisements is now immediately mummified. As I stated yesterday, I have grown extremely weary of consumerism. The Skype® account cannot be terminated, by the way. The account has to be stripped of all personal data and locked with a random password before discarding into the ether.

I have also downloaded and installed the new Google® Experience Launchpad (GEL) onto the tablet computer. No sign of the Android® 4.4 "KitKat" update, though. Very annoying.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fool's Agenda

I am now curbing my enthusiasm about anything and everything. Again, loitering at the public library was not on the agenda. Heck, I haven't made an appearance there in over a week. Instead, I spent nearly the entire morning at the food joint in town. One cup of coffee goes a long way, eh?

After ruminating about the ubiquity of poisonous food, I have become even more confused. If I commit to eating healthier, then I must make a total commitment. It makes no sense to eat healthy food every few days while still consuming junk (read: toxic) food as well. Time and money would be wasted, and the health benefits of the healthy food would be negated.

Typical Tolerant Hottie

I have also grown extremely weary of consumerism and the "ownership society." No matter the locale, I am inundated with advertisements. Sickening! To add insult to injury, I am also privy to witness myriad fools staring endlessly at the small rectangular object in their hands known as the "smartphone." Absurd!

And, really, that's my point. The level of absurdity is no longer tolerable. Yet, the insouciant peons of empire keep plodding away, doing the same ol' shit, yet expecting different results. I just don't know anymore.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Quantitative Stupidity

Last night during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, I browsed through Whole Foods® once again. Sad to say, I will have to start patronizing the allegedly healthy food store. I will also procure my evening meals there. And, protein powder, too. I have become way too wary of the food available at regular supermarkets and at the various fast food joints (including the sandwich shop).

Typical Soothing Hottie

Usual Hawa'i Kai visit. Nothing to report, except that I have been in a bad way for well over a week. Lots of nonsense swirling around inside the oversized cranium ... ObamaScare farce, the eternal "quantitative easing" (QE) and zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) of the Fed, ubiquitous poisonous food, infinite exposure to asswipes, mortality, and so forth. Too many thoughts, too few words to express them. Just know that I am extremely "pissed off."

Have you noticed that the stock market is surging, just as I have predicted? Yeah, with the new solid commitment for QE and ZIRP to remain in place for eternity, expect the stock market indexes to double in a year, quadruple in two years. Did you put every cent in the stock market as I had advised? Just watch for signs that the "fundamentals" might kick in. Have you noticed that nearly all the economic doomsayers have disappeared? What does that tell you?

Serena Torres

Well, I am not going to follow my own advice. I am too old with too much to lose at this point in time. So, I will just distract myself by being on the lookout for new hurdy-gurdy hotties. How about Serena Torres, eh? Baby sure looks mighty fine. Hubba hubba!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Daily Conundrum

Another unexciting day. No word yet about my application for housing in the "crack house" in Chinatown. Another week of waiting, I suppose. I avoided the public library again. So, the daily routine has become even more limited. That's fine with me.

Typical Exciting Hottie

So, there's nothing to report. I haven't even ruminated upon any interesting topics. My daily conundrum now is where I will purchase dinner without being poisoned. Sheesh!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lunch & Dinner

My homeless buddy stopped by the fast food joint in town during morning coffee time. We chatted for a bit. Then, I was off to Ala Moana Center. I met up with Shirley for lunch. She seems to be enjoying her new job. Lunch, albeit expensive, was quite good and most likely unhealthy. Otherwise, same ol' shit.

Typical Delicious Hottie

Dinner (term used loosely) for last night and tonight was courtesy the fact food joint in Kahala. I have vowed to only order one greasy "value menu" item with a side salad. I am purposely limiting my consumption of hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, and ... ractopamine. Any protein deficiency is being made up by the dubious whey protein powder.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bag of Bagels

I decided to cancel my evening outing last night. There was not much to accomplish. I already had procured a bag of bagels for dinner. And, my neck was still in pain. Why not just remain in my squalid room and peruse the hurdy-gurdy video clips available for download on the Net?

Typical Bagel-Loving Hottie

Another day, modified itinerary. No visit to the public library. I was not in the mood to loiter there with myriad homeless people. I don't know. The old routine just does not seem appealing anymore. Well, at least my neck has recuperated. No pain.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pain in the Neck

Last night, I stopped off at L & L Drive-In in Kahala for a steaming hot bowl of saimin. Perfect for a rainy night. Again, I only engaged in short evening outing, departing at 8pm.

Typical Soothing Hottie

No time for holidays. Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report, though. I have suffering from a pinched nerve in my neck for over a week. So, I literally have a pain in the neck. Perhaps the stress from living in a dump like Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is taking a toll on me. Molech, have mercy!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Foolhardy Fools

At Slob Manor (read: rental housing), a curious state of affairs has developed. The "chef" has been trying to persuade me to continue to reside at the dump. He fears the day that Tom, the drunkard, is relocated downstairs by the landlord's decree. However, the "chef" has been "working both sides of the fence." He has also been schmoozing the drunkard Tom, most likely hoping to open the avenue for future negotiations. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that there's no way to negotiate with a drunkard.

As I had suspected, the "chef" is now a part-time substitute teacher. He cannot secure a permanent position with the public school system (for obvious reasons). He is also no longer with his "squeeze." He plans to take classes at one of the community colleges to become a certified massage therapist. I suppose that he doesn't know anything about the glut of massage therapists.

The "chef" stated that he wrote a scathing letter about a certain drunkard to the landlord. He claimed that he left the letter with the rest of the landlord's mail. Later, I overheard him chatting with the drunkard. When I subsequently checked the landlord's stack of mail, the alleged letter was non-existent. Obviously, the "chef" is not to be trusted. In his desperate attempt to secure his own selfish interests, he has exposed himself to be complete fool.

Last night, I did not spend much time at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Essentially, I was sickened by my decision to eat dinner at the fast food joint. The mall was full of idiotic baboons anyway. I was probably at the bookstore for 15 minutes maximum. Thus, I returned to Slob Manor at 8pm.

Typical Treacherous Hottie

An unexciting Sunday at best. The weather made an abrupt change. Lots of wind and rain. I was in a bad way because of the aforementioned treachery at Slob Manor. Little wonder why I am a social isolate and misanthrope. Sheesh!

Saturday, November 09, 2013

More Filler

No time for holidays. The public library is closed for the entire weekend (and Monday). So, I followed what was basically the Sunday itinerary. Heavy rain showers caught me by surprise, but I remained dry nonetheless. And, I purchased a thin version of a "hoodie" for $12 at the nauseating discount clothes store in town.

Typical Young Hottie

The "blog" continues with filler material enhanced by pictures of young hotties. Very few readers of the "blog" remain. No surprise. Don't worry, we'll be winding it down very soon.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Double-Knit Dummy

While at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night, I sat on one of the wooden benches for the longest time again. Clarity was sought and attained. I have decided that I will enlist the aid of my homeless buddy to expedite my acceptance into the Next Step homeless shelter if the rental unit at the "crack house" in Chinatown doesn't pan out. There is no reason to put off the inevitable.

Let's face it, I am too far gone with respect to the so-called "mainstream." I'm past the point of return (just like the empire's economy). And, I am too old to reverse my course. I would only return as an even bigger loser. It's much like expecting the hottie gym trainer to come around. Not going to happen. So, there's no need to save face. Nobody is going to care whether I am truly homeless or not. However, I will finally be taking a step in the right direction.

Typical Double-Knit Hottie

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. Upon return to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I was queried by the "chef" about my decision to vacate the dump. News travels fast, eh? He also mentioned that the landlord plans to move Tom, the drunkard, into my squalid room once I am gone. And, the drunken fool is allegedly involved in novice drug dealing (i.e., double-knit dope dealing). No surprise. The "crack house" in Chinatown doesn't seem so bad after all. Sheesh!

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Post No. 2,748

A fairly busy day. I spent over an hour compiling documents to submit with the rental application for the "crack house" in Chinatown. Yes, the application will now be reviewed. I am claiming the amount of money in my checking account at the local bank to be my entire estate (naturally omitting my investment and retirement accounts). I've learned well from my homeless buddy. In any case, I will follow up next week.

Typical Competitive Hottie

I was not able to spend any time at the public library because the entire place was overtaken by the homeless. The restroom on the first floor has been closed off again, most likely due to vandalism.

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the washing machine inside the dump has been out of service for over a week. The landlord does not appear to be making any effort to have it repaired. So, we must now use the washer located outside. Competition for laundry time is now really stiff. Could we expect anything less?

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Everything is Normal

It just can't be that bad? Right? I mean, take a look around you. Everything seems normal. No one is panicking. Sure, there are a lot of obese people waddling around. And, every now and then, a maniac goes on a shooting rampage with a gun. Let's face it, though. Life is perfectly normal. Or, is it?

Frankly, we just don't seem to be exposed to the truth about anything (e.g., poisonous food, Fukushima meltdown, ObamaScare). Out of sight, out of mind. Ignorance is bliss. Wrong is right. Freedom is slavery. What a mess the "advanced" chimpanzee species has created!

Typical Haircut Hottie

The highlight of the day? Restoration of my extreme monk haircut. That's it, aside from coffee at the fast food joint in town this morning.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Ractopamine Ruse

Very little clarity has been attained in last few days. Thus, I spent over an hour last night sitting on one of the wooden benches in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Yeah, I just sit there. Lots of people walk by, but they ate oblivious to my presence. I observe the passerbys, especially the senior citizens. I ruminate on various topics. Then, I clear my mind.

There isn't a lot for me to think about. I am an old codger. My time is limited. However, I waste a tremendous amount of time pondering the fate of the Nexus 7 tablet computer, one of only two significant possessionsto my name. The task is fruitless. I certainly cannot optimize the device any further. Yet, I decided to mummify another hurdy-gurdy video clip. So, I am left with only one HD video clip starring my all-time favorite hurdy-gurdy starlet, Natasha Vega. Yeah!

Typical High Protein Hottie

This morning, I retrieved a rental application for the Hale Pu'ahi (read: "crack house") apartments in Chinatown. I will be submitting the completed application within two days. My homeless buddy mentioned that there are currently four vacant units. Hopefully, I will be able to qualify and move in soon.

Well, I have made the transition to the protein powder supplement. The issue of poisonous food remains contentious. Antibiotics, hormones, arsenic, and now ... ractopamine. Another toxic substance, this one being a "beta-agonist," used to increase beef, pork, and turkey yields. And, it's exclusive to empire.

Monday, November 04, 2013


The whole planet appears to be in various forms of turmoil ... financially, politically, and environmentally. Yet, in empire, the rank-and-file peons are in an uproar over ... get this ... gay marriage. Oh, I just don't know anymore. The world's most pressing concern right now, I would say, is the out-of-control nuclear power plant meltdown in Fukushima. Gay marriage or radiation contamination?

Typical "Radioactive" Hottie

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Absolutely nothing to report. That's really the best part about my Monday and Friday excursions. I am insulated from the usual rampant stupidity. Tomorrow, back to the same ol' shit.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Redrum (Revisited)

Originally, I had planned to purchase one out of a couple of potential cooking appliances this weekend. Then, I realized that I could never bring myself back to cooking food again. Thus, the plan changed to the goal of modifying my diet again, limiting meat, poultry, pork, and fish. I am most concerned about the "value menu" items at various fast food joints. So, in order to cut back the intake of the latter, I will supplement my diet with whey protein. Of course, I am only switching between different toxic chemicals. What else can I do?

Back at Slob Manor (read: rental housing), the drunkard Tom has taken retaliatory measures in response to the harsh note that I wrote to him. The drunken asswipe and his alcoholic buddy are now singing off-key, strumming the cheap guitar, dropping stuff on the floor, and dragging around the furniture right above my squalid room every night commencing "coincidentally" after I return from my evening outing at 10pm. Frankly, I would kill (read: "redrum") the mofo if I could get away with it.

So, I decided to donate the 40-dog bottle of King Cobra® to the drunkard Tom. I put the soaking wet bottle on his mail. I also splashed a handful of water on his mail for added "effect." He needs cheap booze more than I do anyway, given his obsessive death wish.

Typical Divested Hottie

Highlight of the day? Another perusal of the hottie gym trainer. Off-duty, baby changed into a form-fitting black top to match her black tights. To say that baby is well endowed would be an understatement. All I could think about was what it would be like to do da wild thing with baby. The resulting testosterone overload carried me through the workout.

My homeless buddy attempted to contact his friend who resides in the "crack house" in Chinatown to find out if there are any current vacancies. Nonetheless, I will be submitting a rental application next week.

Divestitures resumed this afternoon once I returned to Slob Manor. Sadly, the big-ass bottle of King Cobra® was retired to the recycling bin. The drunkard Tom had not accepted the humble gift. I have also decided that I will no longer wash and wax the Nissan® Frontier truck. All vehicle detailing utensils have been discarded. Unused clothing has been relegated to the sole small luggage. I am ready to move out of the dump at a moment's notice.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Protein & Testosterone

The Nexus 7 tablet computer is still awaiting the latest operating system upgrade, not that it really needs it. Heck, I have most of the onboard storage still available. Only three third-party "apps" are installed. And, only two hurdy-gurdy video clips are archived on the device. In retrospect, I don't even know why I ever needed a computer. Sheesh!

Typical Form-Fitting Hottie

As usual this morning, I dropped off my gym bag at the gym before walking to the public library. I happened to espy the hottie gym trainer standing by the front counter chatting with the staff. Baby was wearing the same outfit (i.e., black tights and form-fitting green top) as last Sunday. Baby was right behind me when I exited. I was able to observe baby as she walked off in a different direction. What a hottie!

I was not able to concentrate on much for the rest of the day, at least on anything other than the hottie gym trainer. Later in the afternoon, I was able to complete my workout in an expedited fashion because of an extended testosterone surge.

I also purchased another large mixing bottle and a big-ass container of protein powder for $40 at the gym. Once again, I am going to attempt to minimize my intake of meat, poultry, pork, and fish. Yeah, same ol' shit.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Samhain, Go Home!

What have we learned from the Day of Samhain celebration? Death is ... a costume party. Quite absurd indeed. Of course, nearly all of human legacy is steeped in absurdity.

Typical Friday Hottie

The bookstore in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala is becoming a desolate and depressing locale. With each passing day, more and more merchandize is reclassified for clearance. The employees seem to be completely demoralized, so customer service is marginal. Needless to say, I won't be purchasing anything, even from the café.

Typical Bonus Friday Hottie

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Nothing to report. There's not much else to do except post pictures of babes in the "blog" until the archive is depleted. Then, what? Who knows? Who cares?