Last night, I mulled over the feasibility of an evening outing to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. After all, Black Friday was still going on. I decided to take the risk. Bad decision. However, I was privy to witness absurdity at its best. Crowds of idiots were milling about with stupid expressions on their faces much like total inebriation with cheap booze. Shopping really does produce a euphoric stupor. And, that's really all there is to the so-called "American" life-style.
Even the fruit-based computer store was mobbed with shoppers. People were purchasing two or more computers, tablet computers, "smartphones," and music players. Thousands of dollars were being handed over to the "specialists" for products that would "enrich people's lives." I used one of the fruit-based tablet computers to search for meaningful "apps." Nada.
Just as with my Nexus 7 tablet computer, there are no relevant "apps." Most "apps" are either useless or foolish time-wasting games. I only use a Web browser, a file manager, and a video player. No torrent client; way too taxing on the hardware. Aside from minor legitimates uses, the tablet computer is just a "mobile pr0n terminal" (MPT).

Unexciting day. No visit to the public library. Lots of fools out shopping. Expect the stock market to surge next week after the results of Black Friday weekend are announced. Tiresome at best. Fortunately, I have my personal MPT to keep me occupied. Sheesh!